West Grey Digital Newspapers

Durham Review (1897), 22 Apr 1909, p. 4

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§! &/ £©014400040404040Â¥0400006G4€ 1444044460 ~~Q@Q00C 0090909019000 0006 60 #6 3 Garafraxa St. Das. KENNEUDY & KENNEDY ces LE A4 Nervous, Discased VMen Weo RQuarantoo to Curo all Curable Cases of Stricture, Varisocela, Hervous Deblii‘t’y, Blood Poisons, Vital Weaknesscs,; Kidgney, Staddor and Urinary Discases, and ail Dissases Peculiar to ‘on and Women, Call and inspect our ‘stock. _ We are always prepared to show goods. Good repairing a specialty for men women & children tnat is on market at the present time. _ Fitness, latest style & best quality are things that attract the eye, contents the mind, considers the purse. and make the foot feel comâ€" fortable. As] our 15idays sale is now cver and we have our stock in first class shape we are prepared to bring to the front at lowest prices the best line of A NERVOUS WRECK $1 50 to $5.00, up in We have never had such a selection of smart clothes for a boy, They are made from nice neat patterns of tweed and plain worsteds, and are made un in the Norfolk and Buster Brown styles from We have a fine selection of Boys in both short and long pants made from plain blue serge and fancy tweeds and worsted tailored in both single and double breasted styles, priced all the way trom $3 up to $12.00. You will find here one of the most complete and best assorted stocks of fine Tailored Clothing to be seen in Durham. _ They are made from the very latest patterns of fine English worsted and weeds tailored in the very latest fashion. * The linings and interliaings are of tke very best quality which makes your suit keeps its shape until its worn out. In men‘s suits we have a wide range of prices from.$8 to $15. Nobby Spring Suits Cor, Michigan Ave., and Griswold St., Detroit, Mich. Tremendous Display $ F MORLOCK LOOK ! THOS. McGRATH, Yole Agents for Progress Brand Clothing Handâ€"made shoes always on hand. Heavy Boots and Shoes symptoms DRS. K. & K. ESTABLISHED 20 YEARS BOY‘S SUITS Children‘s Suits t your Consultation FREE. Question Blank for Home Treatment sent FREE. Reasonable L skil Treatment Fees for lise () from baby up. Do notbe deceived in buying shoes from fakers when our reliable stock is always ready for you. Prices moderate. 11 er buying J. S$, MeILRAITH All the Family Fitted LOOK ! it will also look big in value. es are sure to fit, sure to wear id sure to hold their shape and the customer for some time If it Looks Big Near the Bridge iponati s 2278 ie Miss Berry, of Toronto, visited at the parental home at the Methodist f:n'wnagu in this town for a while at laster. Miss Bertha McIotyre who attendâ€" ed the Business College, is at home etpresent on the South Line, Glenelg, and is through with her stadies. The many friends in this place, of Mr Chas. MeArtbur, Merchant, Darâ€" ham, will regret to hear of his deâ€" mise, as it will be remembered that once he was a prominent member in church and school matters in this loâ€" cality . Being a personal friend of Mr McArthur we feel it our duty to say something about his life and character, as we knew him from childhood. Mr McArthur was one of those young men whose career from his youth was of the highest type in morality, being baptized at the agze of sixteen years by the late Revâ€"Robt Mclotyre. It could be well said of him that here was a man that kept true to his death. Mr McArthur was a leaqaing figure in the Baptist charch in this town for a long time taking the lead in the servfce of praise and when necessary could take charge ot conducting the whole service as well. Mr MceArthur was one of those true hearted friends who always while able to recognize any person. would greet them with kindness The heavy rains during Satarday and part o(v Sunday forencon will settle the weather we hope and that seeding will be in progress in a few days. In some instances ploughing is done on high and dry land but the majority of farmers has done very little by way ot cultivating the ground yet. This is the 19th of April and by all appearance seeding will be late, but may be earlier than people exâ€" pect, The Rey Walter Nichol, of St. Mary‘s paid a short visit at Kaster to see his tather and mother and family and returned again the same week. Messrs Hector and Dovald McKinâ€" non, sons of our postmaster, spent the Easter holidays at homse in this town and returned again to resume their Cullege studies, the beginning of the Week. John L. MceKinnon, who is attendâ€" ing Normal at Stratiord, spent the bolidays at home, Soath Glenelg, and retarns again this week. We read with much interest the Historical sketch given by our aged triend, Mr McPhee, of Nenagh. His pbhoto is as much like him as can be and one would almost think he was on duty as census enumerator which we hope he may be spared to take up in a year or two again. Mr McArthur leayes 3 brothers. Hagh, who is not in a yery robust state of health and Duncan, hoth of the North Line Glenelg, and Neil, of Victoria, B. C. f By another Correspondent ‘ A large audience grected the Rev. H. Berry, at Ebenezer, (Glenmont) Those who. attended the funeral from this c{:)rt were Donald Graham, Duag. McCormick, Neil McKinnon, postmaster, and John McDonald. Other friends would attend but did n?t hear when the faneral was to take place. To his life partner, who was a lady that was wellâ€"known in this place and one who bore the highest recomâ€" mendation Snee Maria Whitmore). we extend condolence from all her old triends in this part. And although she is bereft of a dear and loving companion, yet she has the consoling thoughts to reflect upon that her loss is His eternal gain, and that she, like the good woman of old, did what she could to alleviate his suffering during his long illness. Qaite a number of people are yet complaining frora different causes of ailments and some are getiing botter, while others are only lingering on till relieved from the trials and troubles of life. So taking all as a w hole there are but few who are tree from the ailments that buman trail beings are heir to. Arch McKinnon (Hagh‘s) and Alex McEachern (Rogers) left for the West a few days ago and we hope to hear of these two good boys to have success in the West. Mrs Adam Weir visited her brothâ€" er Neil M~Klunon, postmaster here, and her sister, Mrs McLachlan, and brothers for a few days this week,. Our town‘s business men are all making preparation for summer reâ€" quirements, and everything necesâ€" sary will be found without going elseâ€" where, but everyone is left to the freedom ot their own will to go where they please. Our saw mili is ruaning hard from mora till night and will take it all its time to cut the large pile otf logs all summer. The McLhachlan boys‘ sale last week weut well and we are sorry that some of them intend to leave this part of the country soon. ‘The aged mother is getting feeble and will feel keenly the loss of parting with her dutifal sons for a time, but this is only a changeable world and the only remedy is to try and do the best that san be done. In this little town there are at presâ€" ent two or three cases of paralytic strokes. Mrs Reily is an invalii for the last year and a half and seems to be getiing no better, and although she is speechless during that time, she is in possession of all her taculâ€" ties and it is to be hoped that she will yet regain her former health and strength. Mrs Alex McDonald was seized with a stroke a tew nights ago and is in a critical cond.tion. Her case may prove tatal, but we hope tor better results. Mrs Josgph Ausâ€" sum is another lady who is suffering more or less tor some time, but is alâ€" ways able to be up. So we hope to hear otf these good women getting better soon. All those families who were laid up with measles and whooping cough are alright again and no danger of anyone catching the contagious disâ€" case now, as it :s a thing of the past, and our good health officers in this part deserves a vote of thanks for nut quarantining a good many who were alfeeted with these common ailments. Priceville THE DURHAM REVIEW Priceville Circuit last Sunday, the 18th inst., when he gave an address on the Laythen‘s National Congress, wkich was much appreciated. At the close of the public services the Mr MaleolIm MceCannel has gone to Hamilton for treatment. His friends and neighborg were all sorry to see him leaying but hope to see him home soon again as well as eyer. Mrs Jake Smith paid some friendly calls around the corner on Thursday afternoon. S. S. was duly reorganized with the following odceu elected ; _ Alfred Tucker, Supt., Thos, Tucker, Assistâ€" ant Supt. Adult Bible Class, Thos. Tucker, teacher, John Legate Assistâ€" ant. Four other teachers were apâ€" pointed vis., Clara Hooper, Mrs A. Tucker, Mrs W. L. Dixon and Thos. Harrison, Jr. â€" Crawford Harrison, Secretary and Librarian, May Dixon Treasurer. The S. S. is to be opened May 9th in the afternoon. The Rey. Mr Matheson of Priceâ€" ville, visited around here last week. We are always pleased to have Mr Matheson give us a call. We noticed an item in the Dromore cor. to the Leader to the effect that "Jno. Caldwell was yisiving at Sackâ€" ett‘s." _ Bay we would like to know who Cor, is. _ We would advise him to spend his leisure houts in study. Mrs Jno. MceDonald is very ill and small hopes are entertained for her recovery. _ Her daughter Teme, Mrs McLeod, fram ths West is home also Ronald from Collingwood. We noticed one of our young ladies whose eyes looked red last week. Oh perbap« it was only the wind though. Mr Jas, Colwell of Galt, spent a few days at Easter witin friends around the corner and we must say that those who were privileged to meet with him on Monday evening at Mr Geo. Sackett‘s were highly entertainâ€" ed. Bugar making time is here and some of the farmers around are making maple syrup. _ Perhaps we might help them a little while some evening after dark. Miss Mae Earnest who has been ill for the past two weeks with Grippe and Quinsy, we are pleased to say is able to be out again. Next Monday at 8 p. m. a meeting will be held atâ€"the sameckurch to organize an Epworth League. A full attendance is urgently requested. Coughs that are tight. or distressing tickling coughs, get quick and certain help from Dr Shoop‘s Cough Remedy. On this accoun Druggists everywhere are favoring Dr Shoop‘s Cough Remâ€" edy. The tender leayes of a harmless {ungâ€"hbealing mountainous shrab giye to Dr Shoop‘s Cough Remedy its curative properties, Those leaves have the powâ€" er to calm the most distressing Cough, and to soothe, and heal the mo:t sensiâ€" tive bronchial membrane, Test it once imclraulf,nnd see! Sold by MacFariane 9. Mr and Mrs Lane have returned Irom their trip down to their old home neighborhocd. _ We are glad to hear that they enjoyed their visit, The regular Quarterly meeting for the Priceville Circuit will D. V. be held in the Ebenezer church, May and at 2 p. m., conducted by the pastor. The official Board will meet at Priceville. Saturday, May ist, at 2. 30 p. m. The following spent Easter at Priceville :; Edd and Weston Berry at the parsonage, Miss Mary Richâ€" ards of Drayton, at the parsonage, Louise Watson, of the O. S. C, I., aud Mr and Mrs Ed. Watson, of Durham, at Mrs Wm, Watson,s, Donald and Hector McKinnon at the post office Rev. H. Berry‘s daughter Mabelle attended the Centre Grey Temperance Alliance â€" annual â€" Convention last Thursday, the 15th inst., at Markâ€" dale and réports a very interesting and enthusiastic convention, out of which will likely come great good to the cause of Temperance. The Union prayer meeting, conâ€" ducted by Rey‘ds. Matheson and Berry is to be in the Methodist church here on Thursday of this week at 8 p. m., the former to give the address. Mr Herb. Watson has sold his home in the village to Mr McLean, of the townline, Artemesia and Proâ€" ton, and the family will move to Alâ€" berta shortly, where Mr Watson has bought a homestead. Their many friends while sorry to lose them, wish them all success in their new home. Sackett‘s Corners. W. J. McFadden, Agent, Durham &/|_ JOHN SNELL * Ec oniinid c se "an / qi ate ONTARIO ARCHIVES TORONTO w The manse was the scene of a emaill reunion this week when Mrs, (Revy.) Little was visited by three of her sisters, a brother, three nieces and a nephew, _ The guests were Mrs Jobn Philps of Vancouver and ber little daughter Fiorence, Mrs Robt. Amos of Guelpbh, Mrs OChris, Little of Pus linch, fira Arthur Philps «nd Mastr Lindsay of Vancouver, Miss Little of Toronto, and Robt, McFarlane of Pase linoch, â€"Holstein Leader, Though the roada and weather were both bad last Tuesday night, the social held in the church was quite a success. Mr Matheson of Priceville, was present and gave a very in« structive talk on Nova Bcotia, told a great deal about the country, the people avnd their customs. Mr Matheâ€" son had with him a couple of ribs und some teeth of a whale, the sword of a sword fish, some sea weeds and some sea shells. _ Alma Renwick gave a pleasing Easter solo. A recitation was given by Eva Renton, the choir gave some splendid selections. . Mr Robt. Renwick Sr., gave a good readâ€" ing. _ After the program tea was served and a aocinr hour was spent. Proceeds of evening amounted to aâ€" bout $12.00. _ We hear the Ladies are thinking of having another on the 24th of May. Almost iastant relief is waiting for you. It is merely a matter of how »oon you take a little Dirpepsin. Prove to yoursel{ after your next meal, that your stomach is as good as any ; that there is nothing _ really wrong, _ Stop this fermentation and begin eating what you want without tear of discom{fort or misery. Dr, Gasx Arriy®Es.â€"w, B, Cash V, 8. who took oyer Andrew Seim‘s rructice bhas arrived and is ready for masiness, in fact is alreacy broken in, He has taken up his residence and has his office at Jack Manary‘s and is prepared to treat all ailments common to the lower animals, Dr. Cash seems a jovial, sociable gentleman and we predict that he wili not only make a success of his profession but will also win many friends in this community. If your appetite is fickle, and nothf ing tempts you, or you belch gas or if you feel bloated after eating, or your food lies like a luamp of lead on your stomach,. you can make up your mind that at the bottom of ot all this there is but one causeâ€"â€"‘ermentation of undiâ€" gested food. Take your sour stomachâ€"or maybe you call it indigestion, Dyspepsia, Gasâ€" tritis or Caturrh of Stomach ; it doesn‘t matterâ€"take your stomach trouble right with you to your Pharmacist and ask him to open a 50â€"cent case of Pape‘s Diapepsin and let you eat one 22â€"grain Triangule and see if within five minutes there is left any trace of your stomach misery. The correct name for your trouble is Food Fermeatationâ€"food souring; the Digestive orgaus hbecome weak, there is l=ck of gastric juice; your food is ouly haif digested, and you become afâ€" fected with loss of appetite. pressure and fullness after eating, vomiting, vausea, heartburn, griping in bowe!s, tenderness in the pit of stomach, brd taste _ in mouth, constpation, pain in limbs, sleeplessners, belehing of gas, bilionsnes=, sick headache, nerâ€". vousness, dizzivess and many other | similar symptons. } +Pleased to see Andrew Hay able to be out again after a seyere attack of Grippe. Eva Renton and Alma Renwick mitkod Boothville friends one day last week. The tcachers of Amos 8. 8. held a meeting at the manse, Friday eve» ning. â€" Sunday School for the summer moniths will ba opened next Sunday. morning, April 25th. Would like all the children to be present as classes will be formed. A gloom was cast over Dromore, Tuesday morning when the news of the death of Mrs George Drimmie was told. â€" Though Mrs Drimmie had lived but short time in our midst she ba1l gained the love of all and she will be greatly missed. Mrs Drimmie seemed to be doing alright till Wedâ€" nesday when she became very ill, A trained nurse was called in, the Dr. called twice a day and sometimes cftenor and everything was done that human bands could do, _ She passed to her eternal home Tuesday mornâ€" ing. _ Bbe leaves to mourn her loss a lhttle infant baby girl, a kind and loving hustand and her mother, fathâ€" er, gister and brother, We extend gincere sympathy to them all. Distress from Dromore. Upset Stomach. : i%'* ® Eun ‘EH “g § t 1 & 4on Cockshutt Plow Co. Ltd., Brantford Paris Plows, Spreaders, etc Bissell Rollers and Disc Harrows edalu Waggons and Sliecighs Machines, : . :8 *.: . National Cream Separators Robes, Blankets, Rugs, Whips etc Daisy Churns, Washers, Wingers Beatty‘s Hay Goods. Promptness and fair dealing will continue to be my motto Yours for Business, Baynes Buggies. _ Armstrong and Tudhope Cuttess Bell & Thomas Organs and Pianos Rudd Harness, Toronto Raymond & New Williams Sewing mk o 2 e l 60 Rag and Metal Dealer 1 would be much obliged to the people of Durham and surrounding couutry to save their iron, rags, rubâ€" ber, copper, brass, horse hair, sheep skins. unwashed woo!l, til} I call, 1 will pay the best prices going, Peter Hamilton Farm Implements Bruise Iour finger, and doesn‘t it get red, and swell, and pain you? Of course it does. It‘s ecnâ€" fion. blood pressure. You‘ll find it where pe:p lwnl{l. It‘s slmply Common Sense. We sell at 25 cents, and checrfully recommend Next to R. Burnelt‘s Store Coal Oil, Cream Separ Machine Oil, Harness Oil Oil, Axle Grease, &c. elso usually. A&m so says Dr. Shoop, and to prove it he has a little pink tablet. That tabletâ€"called Dr. Shoop‘s Headache Tabletâ€" I efloat‘ harmi lus.“in{’l u&'é'l"ufi‘f’";'l T Geads. ts 8 c ng, y tful. Gentiy, tl:lauh safely, it mfy equa the blood cir uâ€" on. It {on have a headache, it‘s blood pressure. If it‘s painful periods with women, same cause, If you are sleepless, restless, nervous, it‘s bloag congestionâ€"blood pressure. ‘That surely is a certainty, for Dr. Shoop‘s Headache Tablets stop it in 20 minutes, and the tablets simply distribute the unnatural blood pressure. _ _ C i Pain in the headâ€"pain anywhere, has its causa Pain is congestion, pain is blood 5mnureâ€"nc&hin| else usually. At least, so says Dr. Shoop, and to pa®" 10,000 dozens of Eggs wanted in exchange for Ready mixed Paints. See our assortment of Door Mats and Foot scrapers. The majority of people using Ready mixed Paints have found out by exâ€" perience that there is no paint manuâ€" factured to surpass the quality of Sherwin Williams, We stock S. W. P. for inside and outside work,. _ Sherwin Williams Family Paint for odd jobs, Floor Paint, Buggy Paint, Wagon Paint, Roof and Bridyge Paint, Floorlac, and in fact we have a paint for every purpose. We also carry Varnishes, Raw and Boiled Oil, Alabastine, Whiting, Glue, Gilliet‘s Lye, Bath Brick, Paint Brushes, Brooms, Mops, Mop Wringâ€" ers, Wall Brushes, Bannister Brushes Step Ladders, Wash Tubs, Wash Boards and everything for house cleaning. FROST & WOOD IMPLEMENTS Mcelntyre Blockâ€"Lambton St, Barciay and Bell‘s ofd stamd Smut on Grain 40 °|, Strength GUN‘S DRUG STORE Formaldehyde M. GLASER, Durham â€"Melotte Cream Separatore, â€"Singer Sewing Machines, â€"Organs and Pianos, â€"Btoves and Ranges, â€"Harness, &c. â€"Buggies, OILS OF ALL Kings Hardware! W. Black Dr. Shoop‘s He adache T ablets PAIN Sold by MacFarlane and Co M. GLASER â€" McLellan. FULL AT Separator Oil, is Oil, Buggy W. H. BEAN New Prints and Ginghams : See our 25¢ and 50c Dross Floor Oitcloth Table Qileloth Lace Curtams, ..25¢ 50¢, 75 Honeycomb wool Shawis, 50 Blatk sateen Underskirts 81 He Sells Cheap Allâ€"wool Blankets, $3, 4 and 4 Bed comforters from 1.35 to 3 LIT 1 ® 4 s1ze Flanneliet© ets. white or grey . ... 1.2. Men‘s Cardigan J BIG 4 Freshs Groceries New Fruits Choice Contectionary PureSpices & Vincegars No. 1 Family and Purt Fime Salt Farmers Produce Wa"!â€" Fiour, Feed, Seed & Groceri¢s C. L GRANT Produce taken at i price in exchange for g We have ever shown we are after business and if the right kind of goods at right prices will do it we will get the trade. Ladies Dongola Shoeos & Oxfords Ladies Patent Colt " #+ by the best makers aour children and sc« t them too. Grain Smut can be destroyed and hundreds of thousands of dollars saveq to farmers of the state by the use of Formalin This is not a theory but a wellâ€"proven fuet, Formalin is recommended for this purpose by the government and each year thousands of farmers prevent depreciation of their crops by its use., In Men‘s split best patent Colt in all kinds. N selection of Ladies‘ Shoes & Oxfords and Potatoscab In some instances, tho best results are not obtsined because an inferior grade of Formulin is used. Oar Formalin is the best grade for this purpose. To make sure of the best po sults you should secure yop; supply here Hundreds of dollars wo Boots & Shoes Protecets from eontagion and infection of all kinds. Is is very imporiant that disâ€" infectants be freely used at houseâ€"cleaning time. _ This is necessary to destroy the lurking germs of disease which no ordâ€" inary cleaning will destruy, KRESS is the best to use it kil}s the germs. MacFARLANE & CO. Health Protection MATTHEWS & LATIMER 25 and 50¢ a bottle. 25 and 40¢c bottles. APRIL 22, 1909 k amily and 11 Manitoba o urs Call and see from $1.50 to $5.00 a pr For We 1 we Us Calder‘s Block, Durham B 10 pF 00 ea \ Cont Lenaha H&I‘dW Portlan Lenaha‘ Mltock torx =« hound«dpw ofle 3t 0 and 10, Con :. \\ a thoroughhred . Selling oul Big Shipm The Great ;n'dTr."und a Tas w orth hog, â€" For term apply %0 _ Lots 0 and 7, €+* elg, mm.:;,.‘; 1 ot h or buildbmige. well going f’m, d t o Terrii of Hundre and anxi The place Last C mos COUChCS«; Churns Nideboards. epairs attres Arvio® & APRIL 22 ashind urnitu Hexmy A For 3# U| heul whel JA 11 frac B

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