West Grey Digital Newspapers

Durham Review (1897), 22 Apr 1909, p. 5

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n ¢ UAATTHEWS & â€" LATIMER Health Protection W mers tec. and Potatoscab MacFARLANE | . & CO. Grain Sm shâ€" (Giroceries /. H. BEAN oots & Shoes 1 Family and Pure Manitoba o urs 25 and 40¢c bottles. PE VJ Salt L. GRANT APRIL 22, 10Ces d, Seed & 114 ontectionary & Vinegats ire i wellâ€"proven tact. recommended for by the government ear thuu..“ of ent depreciation of ‘ its use. 0c a bottle, s Cheap id ald stances, the u nb!wined h. de of Formalin is rmalin +3 the best purpose. h hok W l'd; .'fli'. 15. “ kirts. 81. 1.10€a d and '"‘l‘l'lh dollars saved to state by the use This is not a mant that digâ€" eely used at ime. _ This is rouy the larking which no ordâ€" will d“yg,. t to use it kills Ov, 74 wis, & v ... 1.25 prir hamse now in Dress Goods t the be secure 1 ind 4.75 pr 1.35 to 3.00 ea to $5.00 a pr ntagion and + square yd . . .. 20€ " 1.00, 1.25 ea lett» 75¢, 1,00 en er to the ave them ve the best Bring in { we can‘t Oxfords Block, we after kind of do it we Oxfords highest | of new Lenahan The undersigned offers for service at Lot 9 and 10, (gnn W G R., Bentinck & thoroughbred ham bull, # pedigree, and a T hbred Tamâ€" worth hog, For ter € IM!‘W ‘pply to o \% gomg wes Pife, bullain Sellin Big Te Lots C and 7 #, 100 acres, , The Rep Mattresses, Sid CC Last Chance saved for One Week Longer by Special Request of Hundreds of People. The Promoter and the Firm besieged with excited and anxious Customers. demanding a Week Longerâ€"â€"â€"the reqauest granted Stock for Service APRIL 22," 1909 For To Rent 2 good houses. Apply to ko# a House for Sale. clntosh. ATIMER, At this time there existed (the Judas iscario, pul t hlV |o RCCT be blamed * Bt 3ck. Bus;noGang; a set of dea-{ § "°”"‘éfi"v3Ԥ."§:}” 4.C. Morrison. peradoes, who caused terror in many g districts. Our member it was found, | +‘ 3‘:&‘&;?& ?"I;‘:':::ouclém::' had been a frequenter of the neighâ€" !. broken down merchant trom Kent! borhood and had met death it was|and McDougall was the wellâ€"known learned by a man named John : " Wiljie "nfileDnngall who *‘ went Browne, a handy man or manâ€"of allâ€" | to the North West. " work for Hon. John Hillyard Cumer-’ [Oar a on, and also ed. frequen:fr. h,l;m)wms | think ‘::::' "°r:' .l;?fi“l;yu buat we was suspected, arrested, tried, conâ€" o. victed and hanged on the evidence |opposed to Mr Watson‘s ““d‘m]‘ of Jane Ward and Ellen McGillock in 4 _ Continued in future issues spite of the strenuous legal efforts of | 4. whe% ;Ko Hon. John, to save him. â€" South ; Grey candidates aod members, time| _ Read the parn formula on the box oi and again have been killed politica}â€"| Pink . Pain Tablets. â€" Then ask your ly : onee onlv did one die in the| Dostor if there is a Leiter oue. F:.. Bull tor service Thoroughbred Bull for service at Lo 30, Con 7, Bentinck, for terms and parti culars apply to river. EXAMIMaAtON1e0 w vno â€"wumnâ€" clusion that it had been in the bay tor eighteen months, â€" Stains were found on the railing of the bridge over the Don, these were shaved and scraped off and taken to Prof. Croft, Toronto, to be analyzed. _ He deâ€" clared it to be human blood. ‘Always Prompt, Never EP o EOOE Y" RIECCD UHEORH you can borrow elsewhere, Deb‘s Collected. No charge if nothâ€" ing collected _ All kinds of financial business carefully and quietly attenâ€" ded to, The Hanover Conveyancer, offers : 100 acres near Allan Parkâ€" splendid buildings, ratting fine ftarm, cheap, 40 acres extra good land near Allan Park,. very cheap,. 130 acres Bentinck â€" 44 miles from Hanover, close to school and Post Office with daily mail. Brick house, frame bank barn, great saup, and Many other Good Bargains in Farm and Town property, If you want to Buy or Sell go to Miller No charge if no business done,. Railway and Steamship Tickets to all points, Money to Lend at lower rates than Money tobe Made Baby bonnets and fancy straw and children‘s bats, ladiea‘ bonnets and all kinds of mourning goods, Veilings and Ribbous in all colors. Black Silk Blouses and Taffeta Silk Petticoats in all colors. I ie Ja ia ous Et ie t RROCT+ ers, We anticipate a ru<ch on Easter Saturday of even greater proportion. To lessen the difficultres of the * last minute problem" we ask all those who can arrange to choose their Easter hats toâ€"morrow to do so, unless that pleasâ€" ant duty has already been performed We offer as an inducement a grand selection of Tuscans, trimmed with all colors, navy and copenhagen blues, browns and a fine assortment of blacks by «ttending to this advertisement LL preâ€"Easter records tor selling A of Millinery have been broken so far. People seem to Lave realized as neyer before what a priceâ€" less advantage good taste adds to the material quality of a hat. Our Salon of Millinery has been thronged for over a week past. On Saturday our only probletn was how to serve our customâ€" ers, "We n‘nticipute a ruch on Easter uy cedb s 220 Li o n 9e We Never Dreamed _ Glenelg Council Of SUCh Ml"lnery toTa‘(;;o?x':zz:::ln:] etAlAll:lt)ie i?;l;[f: EnthUSiasm ent, the Reeve in the chair. _ M 25 Hats at Special Prices trimmed for the Easter trade Whity Miss Dick H. H. MILLER, Wiruiam Baruey, Mulock THERE‘s Supplement to Durham Review Negligent." rates than of MacNab was a Toronto lawyer, ~ Fis *‘ Judas Iscariot " was one McKellar, We hay a broken down merchant trom Kent, Bamnboo anc and McDougall was the wallâ€"‘lfnown All kinds of * Willie 'FfileDnng'all who went Sinkers, Hc to the North West. of May will [Our notes does not say but we and get â€"yor think these were all umpsm‘ away down, opposed to Mr Watson‘s cand ] Amekamdit J. Purky is l "e+A#F .0. AEOFEEOREâ€" TndNAE, Pineanle, Strawberries, ac, essic Pu no good ; a k His head is like a block of wood. A full line of Harry Webb‘s Confec To vote for Gowan no one lho}lldJ sc il»mery both in bulk and boxes. en vote for J. C. Morrison, Jesse Purdy will not do, 7 Ice Cream Departmeat And Gowan is opposed to you Pas Nicholâ€"MeNallyâ€"That ward propriations for 1909 ve paid $2( for each ward,â€"Carried. Payments we e made as follows Dr. Huiton, services and L6)ODROM08:+ s 1cvs88f se 640 xt curines. .: A Thomas MeFadden Board of Health sery OBeserincarsivirihes! = >A E. W. Hant Board of Health bervice ... ...1002.. 0.; 9080 01(04 R. J. Torry Board of Health EEUICBEE Ee +« rerere ns cart ons rouags 4 Geo. E. Peart Board of Health McNallyâ€"Nicholâ€"That the Commisâ€" sioners pay $8.0C per day for man and team on grader and $1.50 for men. â€"Carried. ® Nicholâ€"MeNallyâ€"That this Council appoint Mr James Atkingon to operate the grader for the year 1900 at a sâ€"lary of $2.25 per day and that he be instructed to procure all necessary reâ€" puirs for grader.â€"Carried. MeMillanâ€"Nicholâ€"That _ Commisâ€" sioner for Ward 1, be granted $100.00 to be spent on Lambton Street providâ€" ing that the town of Durham spend $50.00 on same und that the »ame be used in putting on crushed etone.â€" Carried. BOFVICO erinearikska ies cÂ¥arirrrieee Standard Printing Co, Prinv‘y John A. McDonald on salary &S AS§SO§SOr.;.......2200022..0000 0C Alex McLachlin â€" Board . of Health services................ J, 8 Black Board of Health Nicholâ€"N eNallyâ€"That the Clerk put notlee in local papers warning rateâ€" payers and owners of live stock that they will be held responsible for «ll damage ~done to private property by cattle or other nnima‘s forbidden to run at large under By law 172.â€"Carried. MceMillanâ€"Weirâ€"That Bert Edwards be appointed pathmaster instead â€" of William Boyle and that Joseph Young be appointed fence viewer instead of Charles Boyle who is removing.â€"Car. tor 22 days Frank Scott $18 00 and that the special report of tho Board of Health as to other paymeuts be adopt» ed.â€"Carried. 40 Weir â€" McMillanâ€"That quarantine messengers be paid as follows : Mrs D. Bweeney closod for 89 daye P. Hunt $11 05. M. Norris ciosed for 28 days Aiph Murray $15.75, B. Hartford closed F SFEYIOGO +1+1 ssr«x« :14 The Council met Apri 190th pursuant to adjournment. â€" All the members presâ€" ent, the Reeve in the chair. Minutes of last meeting read and confirmed. Communications read as follows : "Alld vote‘t )t J."C ; Morrizon Durham, April 22, 1909 5C 384 _ ward Apâ€" be paid g200.00 25 58 t s t ‘? wercrted .>" old l rect Nee Pec o miraey .w n 48 85 Bamboo and Green heart farcy poles.| A full line of Garden and Fiower All kinds of Lines, Fishing Baskets, |Seeds. Turnip, Mangold, Carrot, Beet Sinkers, Hooks, Swivels. _ The 1st and all kinds of field seeds. _ These of May will soon be hereâ€"call early | have been bought from reliable deaâ€" and get your choice and at prices|lers and the prices will be lower than away down, you can buy elsewhere. In conclusion we would intimate to the public that we are here to esâ€" tablish a permanent business by selling at close prices, giving good pure goods, attentiveness to your wants and square dealing throughout. We mean exactly what we advertise and want you to call and see our stock and get our prices before buying elsewhere. Remember the placeâ€"Darling‘s old stand, Calders Block, Durham W. CALDER * _ H. CARVETEH ~= The Central Drug Store Sinkers, Hook-lr,' _Swivels. _ The 1st of May will soon be hereâ€"call early and get your choice and at prices The warm weather will soon be here and we propose to throw open our parlors to the public and supply all kinds of cool and refreshing drinks, Ice Cream Sodas, etc. We have a splendid line of split Bamboo and Green heart farcy poles. All kinds of Lines, Fishing Baskets, ~ Fishing Tackle sHow Roomsâ€"Next to Swallow‘s Barpâ€" her Shop. RESIDENCE â€" First house south â€" of L-swn‘uue'«s.Blacksunilh Shop, Picture Framing, Shortest Notice UNDERTAKER and Funeral Director SONn S bakery goods and you will always be satis~ fied. We have a fresh supply of Buns, Doughâ€" nuts, Cookies, Cakes, and Pastry of all kinds always on hand Cart Delivers Daily We buy our bread at Stinson‘s and think it is the very best too. That is what you hear the people.say. t The Council adjourned to Geo. J. Walker repair of Road Thos. Lauder searches _ re Trecsurer‘s sureties........... The Treasurer for postage....., The Clerk for postage............ W. Turner & Co, disiniectunts overseeing.... Geo. J. Walker Thos. " Laudar jam lov 50 tmn‘2-“-'"'5 John A. MeMillan work and i wl tefrccasal fls A i ii d Isaac Traynor Survey deviaâ€" tion lot 5 con 9............... Treasurer of Markdale rent of Hall 1907 and 1908............ McLachlin Bros. removing f' 8. B'I_sck on saiary for M. Norris Full line of Catholic Robes and _ black _ and white Caps for nged people, Embalming a Specialty. sure & get Stinâ€" CS A. BELL STINSON Model Bakery tÂ¥ % urned to May 8th, J. 8, Buack, Clerk., TORONTO ssssssssees> 12 OO ile rent of Besserrsserss . * T8 removing work and ir of Road _ _3 00 rches _ re Aiuervircvoie . C200 stage...... _ 2 50 Indoor Circus Sale Wonderful Success as clerk 25 00 good supply of Red Mammoth Alsike Lucerene and Alfalfa Clovers and Timothy Seeds. _ All of these Seeds bought from Seedmen of the highest reputation and stamped with the Government stamp, _A good supply of rotnto and Dutch, Sets in Onions, Afull line of Garden and Flower lowest prices, 4 19 We are fully stocked and have a Barrister, Solicitor in Supreme Court Notary Public Commissioner. Money tvo uoan, nfloe, over Gordon‘s Jewelry Stove D. McPHAIL_.» __ _ Conveyancer"" &0 Money zo l.nm.!t lowest rates, Mice, Hclnt{re Block over the Stan O dard Bank, Durham, Ontario, Terms modcrate. Arrangements for sale to aates, &c., must be made at the Review eabor y es ob S rtipnt h.m D. MePHAIL, Ceylon P. 0 or to _ C. RAMAGE, Durhamw MHouse to Rent A good comfortable house 1 Licensed Auctioneer tor Co. UGrey #@r Ceylon has a telephone cfice. J. P. TELFORD Â¥% ; rent 86

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