West Grey Digital Newspapers

Durham Review (1897), 22 Apr 1909, p. 6

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Health Protection W mers Produce tec. MacFARLANE & cQO. and Potatoscab Grain Smut | 25 and 40¢ bottles. © Conteetionary "pices & Vinegar®s Camily and Pure Manitoba ours L. GRANT alt APEIL 22, TTHEWS . ATIMER 111 A4, roceries 1. BEAN ed & & Shoes inslances, the u t obts ined because cade of Formalin is ‘ormalin is the best s purpose. 108 is not a i wellâ€"proven fuct. recommended for by the government re otf the best reâ€" h r thousands of t depreciation of ts use. 1d Cheap & Oxfords a bottle. hams now in Dress Goods k, 70¢, 1,00 en vis, 50c, 73. 81 1 and 4.75 pr 1.35 to 3.00 ea neliett» Blanâ€" y ... . 1.20 prir ite ant that digâ€" cly used at ne. _ This is v the lurking vhich no ordâ€" vill destruy, to use it kills ind hundreds lars saved to te by the use secure yvour > $5.00 a pr 1.00, 1 & Oxfords 81 1.15ea iglon and quare gd ... 25¢ yd Block, ring in ve can‘t wre after kind of do it we to the c them the best highest : of new Z0 M The Voice of the People Lenahan Lots 6 and ;, (#. 2 N. D. R .l{, 100 acres, g frame bhouse othec buildings, Well watered, woOr! n no apply to & Selli1 Big Te Th Rey Mattresses, etc. Sic CC Ch Last Chance saved for One Week Longer by Special Request of Hundreds of People. The Promoter and the Firm besieged with excited and .anxious Customers. demanding a Week Longerâ€"â€"â€"the reqauest granted Stock for Seryvice APRIL 22," HeExrRy A éXANDER, For Durham, roch, â€" |the Cement Company. f:c_h___ [ with kitchen lfix';). y.t.o: 'hiah. lathed and plastered condition, Tenders will | 3.. G.lenl:’- up l:dA;}il the 15th. Ho se mov an rson pu ' dwner Mail tenders l’o $s i¢ To Rent 2 good bhouses. Apply to i odieagemel bese Sola ie t bnrri i1 tenders to _ % ® The Nation«l Portland Cement Co. Vurham, Ont, House for Sale. clntosh. i en Tat, V3 0 0 c oi o. 2 [ Won, fus m ATIMER, N. D. R., 100 acres, â€" 'is;;-e::io; forthwith. Title perfect, PFor culars apply to J. P. 1ELFORD, Durhain. L inds For Sale Valuable farm in the Tp. of composed of lots 22 and 23. The county was now open anl the Government seized the oppcriunity to place in the field for the byo At this time there existed the *‘ Brock Bush Gang " a set of desâ€"| peradoes, who caused terror in many | districts. Ouar member it was found, had been a frequenter of the neighâ€"| borhood and had met death it was learned by a man named John: Browne, a handy man or manâ€"of allâ€"| work for Hon. John Hillyard Camerâ€" l on, and also a frequenter. _ Browne| was suspected, arrested, tried, conâ€"| victed and hanged on the evidence ‘ of Jane Ward and Ellen McGiliock in , spite of the strenuous legal efforts of | the Hon. John, to save him. â€" South Grey candidates and members, time and again have been killed politica!â€" ly : onee onlv did one die in the flesh by violence. Splendid Residence Sale in Upper Town : 1 McLean cottage. Al Brick vvm-.o-r»d‘.‘ comfo Offers from intending ceived at Keview Office river. _ Examination 1ea w vas cunâ€" clusion that it had been in the bay tor eighteen months,. Stains were found on the railing of the bridge over the Don, these were shaved and scraped off and taken to Prof. Croft, Toronto, to be analyzed. _ He deâ€" clared it to be human blood. & C A fine two storey brick dwe house, large brick stables, on M Street, Durcham, Will be sold hargain, snd wauly _ . _G_ NO pr')pp at y Good nineâ€"rao heated. _ Good and large stable, Apply to Un essy terms, a brick store and dweiling in Priceville, opposite the Commercial Hotel,. â€" Annle ns Eooo S dn o s COuT 1 St., a short distance west Station, Apply to A dwelling house and lazld_ in the Town of Darh ag ; 23 _ 36 Nouse and 14} acres of land in the Town of Durham, (late the Mighton property), south of Lambton St., a short distance west of G, T. R, Stutienm 0 rsucss .. Mower, Cultivator and Palper. All new and upâ€"toâ€"date but formep Lwo slightly weather beaten. â€" $60 will tahe the three or will sell separately, Apply to T. Morax, Blacksmith, On Eor ; 100 acres in Proton, near Park, fair buildings, good | drained, well watered and w Only $3600, 2 C CVVC P 140 acres in the Third Concession 7 F. G. R. Glenelg. This is a first class â€"70000 Settle farm with good baildings in the most _ come trom the desirable location, The farm conâ€" sists of 85 acres of rich cultivable land Canada dmn‘ 1 g»-i'- from stones and 15 acres of bush, â€"Trains snow rice $4500. farmers seedin 250 ncres on the Girafraxa Road, 200 clear, 50 neres hardwood bush, well _ WY is the Nong watered, first class buildiags. Will be â€"A new temp sold cheap to wind up estate, way prohibits a 150 acres in Bentinck, buildings and more than 5 cts a sorl good, everything in firs=t class visit. . That wou shape. Price $5000. unless a limit is p 100 acres in Bentinck on Garafraxa Road near Dornoch, good buildings, â€"Toronto has price reduced from $3000 to $2300 for â€" streets forhidding quick sale, walk. _ Now Mor 250 acres in Bentinck. Five miles prohibition for its ; from Durham, fine buildings, good _ should not every t land, with a quantit of timber, _ hibition amongst i Must be sold at once, fzrice $6000, lations ? 118 acres in Egremont, good land good ouildings, $3600. The Suffrageite . Town Residence t; ARTHUR H, Jacksox dbatiihin oi t i1 i i and . would accept â€" other as part pay. Apply to sale or Exchange For Sale or Rent neâ€"roomed house, Good garden, oj Rhesidence Property â€" far ‘r Town : the wellâ€"known t::ufl All conveniences, ed, comfortable and cosy, intending purchasers re. riew Office., C. Ramaor, Agent W. D. Miuros, JAMES Warsox, Varney, ThHos Coor, Markdnie, _ ‘nuaings, good land, well well watered and well fenced. hn Forv Sale. Hotel, Appli e C * !s Mrs. 8. R. Butrers 1781 Robson St Vancouver, B 0 For Saie. Farins For Sale. For Sale. a the Tp. of Glenelg 22 ane 23, Con, 8, «_ Possession given perfect, For partiâ€" W. F. DUNN, Solicitor, Durham Box 73, Dur ham 9@ house. . Furnace ‘den, ontâ€"buildings Will be sold chesp, , on Main S, Durham, Sale. Agent !_Iil_lg alt a Swinton , Ont [Our notes does not say b think these were all campai opposed to Mr Watson‘s candid 4 Continued in future issues check head pains, ;Vc;:ia_n:xl; -;m;.w ;:i'x; unywhere. ‘T‘ry one aud see! 20 for 25¢. 8.11 by MacFarlane & Co, Read the paru formula on the box oi Pink Pain Tablets. Then ask your Doctor if there is a Leiter one. Pain MacNab was a Toronto lawyer, ** Judas Iscariot " was one McKellar, a broken down merchant trom Kent, and McDougall was the wellâ€"known * Willie ‘"‘ McDougall who *‘ went to the North West. " means congesiion, blood pressure someâ€" where. Dr Shoop‘s Pink Pain Tablets McDougall ran awa w_f;h ;ix;;;'. Pasys Mo:ub’u.thlck hucr should ne‘er be blamed Judas Iscariot he‘s much to blame. Bo vote for J. C. Morrison Jessie Purdy is no good hm dyniade His head is like a biock of wood. To vote for Gowan no one should Then vote for iuae Gl;urdy ‘wlll not do, n wan is opposed to you Aud so resist t(l?; rebel crew Hon. Clifford Sifton, of Ottawa and his tw sons, students at Toronto Umvenily, were in Hanover Mond;y. Mr Sifton is & decided horse fancier, and be came here to inspect Mr H. H/! Miller‘s Arab colt with a view to pur. chase. _ After seeing the animal, a change of ownership was quickly conâ€" summated at a fancy figure. The colt will be shipped next week, and Hon, Mr Sifton purposes exhibiting it at the Montreal Horse Show next month, He will also exbhibit at Montreal a couple of horses which he teceutlg purchased in Enfi:nnd. This Ara colt in question is the otfly pure bred Arab horse in Canada.â€" anover Post, MacNab was Ins® . Lo c uo wer Suk® The soldiers, who standing at at. tention _ went down _ with the ‘‘Birkenbead," the cheering sailors who were enguited with the "Vieâ€" toria."‘ the troopers of the Shangâ€" ani Patrol who joined bands and sang. ‘"God Save tbwueen."u the Matabele impi wi them out of existenceâ€"these are the examples which inspire the race to bear themselves like men in the bhour of ril. _ Whatever his deftects may g:. the much criticised Englishman knows how to die like a man, and that covets a multitade of sin . ols and all wish to keep on the good sida of him, ‘The story of the six seore English miners who sang * Lead Kindly Light. " as they awaited death enâ€" tombed in the bowels of the earth, will cause a lump to rise in the throat of many a British -ubéect. It is a common story, too, in Bri;â€" ish history, on land and sea alila mro o. a% A C110 PC CCUUC 0 on for the Sultani and his . occupy a strategic ition world, and all wish topoieep good sida of him, nbins. _ _ [ CJ _ WwOnlen opposed to voting as fayor it, Woâ€" men are waging war on women over the matter. In England the miliâ€" tant section are embracing prison walls. They think it noble to die in such a cause. Meanwhile the husâ€" bands go hung‘y and the children with unwashed ‘ faces are crying in the st: eets. â€"A feartal massacre of Christians bas taken place in Asia Minor, about 5000 being reported killed. _ To make it more gruesome it is thoughs that the Sultan is at the bottom otf it confirming the title he has earned ‘*‘The Great Assassin, The Christâ€" tan powers of Europe stand and look on for the Sultan and his country OCCDDYV m tBeokmests 00 al. F & ", 4 27â€" 3 PPve agitation has takâ€" en a deep hold in the United States, It is gripping at Canada likewise. There are about as mary women onnnsad tm wasizl. 00 .0 P ~â€"irains snowâ€"bound in Culorado ; farmers -eeding in Alberta : whith way is the North pole any way ? â€"A new temperance law of Norâ€" way prohibits a man from spending more than 5 cts at a bar on any one visit. _ That would be easilv evaded unless a limit is put on the visits. â€"Toronto has notices all over its streets forbidding spitting on side walk. _ Now Montreal has the suaume prohibition for its street cars. _ Why should not every town have this proâ€" hibition amongst its manicipal reguâ€" lations ? $ n ~â€"70000 Settlers are expected to come from the United £|.°es into Canada during 1909 \.‘& TOPICS OF THE week, A Bougquet from the Premier Aud yote for J. C. Morrison Then vote for J. C. Morrison, And vote for J, C. Morrison. * <ine o story, too, in Bri; land and sea alike, who standing at atâ€" down _ with the the cheering sailors not say but we l1 campaigners n‘s candidate.) in the w= The Central Drug Store malhial m amrem We are fully stocked and have a l hereT::dw;Lm rzealhe:o vg:,l,os:? b: ’ good supply of Red Mammoth Alsike our parlors to tph pos%l_ d p‘; Lucerene and Alfalfa Clovers and bergt w M 0oh And.. retreaman ’ Timothy Seeds. _ All of these Sceds all kinds of cool and refreshing Â¥ o lc ki drinks, Ice Cream Sodas, etc bought from Seedmen of the highest « ied reputation and stamped with the F lshing Tackle Government stamp, _A good supply We have a splendid line of split | of })Otato. and Dutch, Sets in Onions, Bamboo and Green heart farcy poles.| A full line of Garden and Fiower All kinds of Lines, Fishing Baskets, |Seeds. Turnip, Mangold, Carrot, Beet Sinkers, Hooks, Swivels. The 1st and all kinds of field sccds: These of May will soon be hereâ€"call early | have been bought from reliable deaâ€" and get your choice and at prices|lers and the prices will be lower than away down. you can buy elsewhere., In conclusion we would intimate to the public that we are here to esâ€" tablish a permanent business by selling at close prices, giving good pure goods, attentiveness to your wants and square dealing throughout _ We mean exactly what we advertise and want you to call and see our stock and get our prices before buying elsewhere. Remember the placeâ€"Darling‘s old stand, Calders Block, Durham nanas, Pineapple, Strawberries, &¢, A full line of Harry Webb‘s Confecâ€" icnuery both in bulk and boxes. The warm weather will soon be here and we propose to throw open our parlors to the public and supply all kinds of cool and refreshing drinks, Ice Cream Sodas, etc. lce Cream Departmeat terian. THx Puoscray CHARGE.â€"Dr Pugsâ€" ley, Minister of Public Works in the Laurier Cabinet for the past two years, has been accused by a Royal Comâ€" mission of something like malversa. tion in the administration of the afâ€" fairs of New Brunswick while be held office in that Province betore coming to Ottawa . .He was at first Attorneyâ€" General ander the Premiership of DI:- Tweedie, and he succeeded the latter when he was appointed Lieutenantâ€" Governor. Both are under the conâ€" demnation of the Royal Commission. The usu«al course for an accused Minâ€" ister to take in such a case is to resign pending an inquiry. Dr Puxsley ought certainly to do so There is no charge of maladministration in his own Department of Dominion affairs, but the Premier of Canada cannot afâ€" ford to retain in his Cabinet a colâ€" league who has been besmirched in any previous public position and has never expiated his offence. Of course, it is quite possible that Dr Pugsley mu.y%e able to disprove the accusaâ€" tions »gainst him, in which case his resignation would naturally not he 6 teJ, and he would retain the portsolio of Public Wotks.â€"Preahy- terian. W. T. CLANCY Princi Day and Night Classes. uid c ': l.llvllls’ Ornamental Writing, and in placing all its graduates, Each student is taught separateâ€" ly at his own desk. Trial lessons for one week free. Visitors welcome, Open Sept. 2 Leads in Bookâ€"keeping, Shorthand, Typewriting, Commercial Law, Comâ€" mercial Correspondence, Pl{x_;\in Busine'ss Writing Business Collége A BigG BUNDLE of old papers to lay under carpets for 5 cents at the Re view Office. bulu anasuplr T CPSMNOPELEC _ IfSeI, Russia warships in the Black Sea and British in Aegean are watching events Meanwhile 5000 Christians have been massacred at Adana. The Turkish revolution threatens to end the rule of "= Abdil the damned," The army of the Constitutionalists is hhreut,enimr Constantinople _ irself. Huslu apamafirl e 1. e UUD ET TD \l.l‘ position who paid more attention to the business ortho House, and who guarded more carefally the interests of the people than the man who at present holds that position." This tribute to Mr. MacKay was heartily cheered. feel MT. FOREST Yeatyâ€"one lyear:' experience nown no leadcr of the Opâ€" who orid more attention to ess of the House, and who more carefally the interests ople than the man who at halds Jhcg, position." This appointed Lieutenantâ€" th are under the conâ€" 1e _ Royal Commission. e f(_)_r an accused Minâ€" TORONTO Indoor Circus Sale Wonderful Success BOLHJLIWHNY > annmeree lowest prices, Seed Department ies d o "Cok s feras" <R Be ie se t j’( hy Es e Hila 9i. raibi d P l sr sds ltÂ¥ Adimimn t +3 xi . v i b T Em Neemd d / Cl mc alec e IeShin Pn hedc BP No o +99 % @9 . + / 40000 m ol e ce Aos C mel he [ kn s 3 e ie Roace s eb m t i mon uies ons ie Barrister, Solicitor in Supreme Court Notary Public Commissioner. D. McPHAIL_.» A good comfortable house with hard water inside ; rent $6 per imonth, $ Terms moderate. Arrangements for sales to aates, &c., mast be made at the Review &'- fice, Durham., +4* Correspondence there, or to Ceylon P.O., will be attended to, Terms on application to or to Licensed Auctioneer for Co Money to uoan, Mice, over Gordon‘s Jewelry Stove ~Conveyancer " &¢. > Money zo Loan at lowest rates. Mice, lclm{m Block over the Stan _ dard Bank, Durh a+m, Ontario, #@r Ceylon has a telephone office J. P. TELFORD D. MePHAIL HMouse to Rent JAIL, Ceylon i. 0 C. RAMAGE, Durhamw Wa. Larpraw, . Grey

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