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Durham Review (1897), 6 May 1909, p. 4

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In‘their vm1pvr ary kind. Tha on to capinre | Shoes that Shine Shoe Dressings Galore. Trunks, Suitcases, Telescopes, Etc Exas taken in~exchang@e for at the down town Skoe Store ‘irstâ€"class Shoes prove i actual and long servic xaminpe our goods w urchase or not. _ _ Das. KENNEDY & KENNEDY Drs. Kennedy & Kergan N: HENNEDY & KENNEDY A Sreat Display of Sashionable Hfittinery k ’-‘-‘Lâ€" That‘s the kind we dep o capture the t1 vie of Your Entire Family SPECIAL ROTICE Das KENNE & KLNNEOC ‘EADER 4p4#A *4 e dp K t s *Â¥ oyr NCW METHOD TAEATMENT ischivas Ave. and Griswold St. We are showing a very large stock of stylish trimmed Millineryâ€"some very new styles that we have just received this past week. Whateyer your taste may be in the Millinery line, we can suit you. We have a wide choice of styles in swell Dress Hats, trimmed in very latest fashion. Also dozens of smart Readyâ€"toâ€"wears in all leading st yles. You will find a larger assortment of styles here than at any other place in townâ€"at prices that will suit you We invite you to wisit our Show rooms and inspect our large stock whether you buy or not. . $. McILRAITH a List for Homs Treatment Sent on Requost. I c NERVOUS DEBILITY Phaucaadae af vauna and miuldle ared men are annual)y BLOOD POISONS usands of young and middle aged men are annually swept i premature grave through KARLY INDISCRETIONS, CESSES AND BLOOD DisEASES, if {0\1 have lflx of the owing #yimptoms consult us before it is too lute, re you vous and weak, despondent and gloomy, specks before the s. with dark circles under them, weak back, kidneys ifrite« palpitation of the heart, hashful, dreams and losses, sediâ€" t in urine, pimples on the face, eyes sunken. hollow cheeks eworn expression, poor memory. lifeless, distrustful, lack rgy and strength, tired mornings. restless nights, changeâ€" « moods, weak mankeod, premature decay, boue pains, hair valent and most serious 18e d od of the victim, and unless reneration. Reware of Me: HOD cures them. . Wortock suCccEssoRrs To re throat et ho has treated you, wri BOOKS FREEâ€""The C I the mor We will eure you or no pay. t dpopip#A t# ppsp pipisi44 es be alone e Blood Poisons 'bON s are the most seases, |__ They sap the very life less entirely eradicated from the Mercury. . 1t only suppresses the te for an honest opinion Free Solden Monitor" (illustrated) can cure you, and makea the blood purified so that @all e strong as steel, so that nerâ€" mes bright, the face full and and vitel systems are invigâ€" i. Dout let quacks and fakirs en are annually swept ji | | Take the word Glenelg and it | t spells the same backward and forâ€"|c 1 ward. Mr McPhee, of Normanby, |s | says the word Glenelg originated | from the Gaelic word Gleann seiig or |\ Hunting Glen. _ Well we cannot | vouch for that; but we can vouch | that there are lots of glens and valâ€" leys in it anyway. When a young lad of about 17 summers old, as was ‘ customary in olden times and to &A ‘ certain extent yet, we went down to ; the olden part of the country and by | the way landed in the good old townâ€" ship where we first saw the light of ‘day, Vaughan, and cominf to an old Highlander‘s house, seeking a job, \ he asked us, *‘ And whar did you '1 come trae ?" He was told "from the County of Grev, " and *‘ what pairt my laddie from the Coonty of Grey t â€"told him Glenelg, turning in his better language, Agus an ne sin (Gleneilg nan clach, or, is that stony Gleselg?" Itis crue that a great part ol Glenelg is somewhat stony, but those whose lots were cast to make a living amongst the hills ana stones, are very unlike the old seotchâ€" men referred to, whose heart and soul might be as hard as the nether milistone. â€" Not so with those in Glenâ€" elg, tor by their liberality and hosâ€" pitality, they show that they are the people who haye a tecling of kindness and sympathy about them. RAMBLES/ THROUGH | Glenelg is a queer shaped townâ€" ship. To the northeast it runs as it were into Holland for two miles and one halt above Markdaie, and on the east runs in Artemesia for one mile south of House of Retuge. Taking the township as a whole, the quality of land in general, canâ€" not be classified as first class, but here and there can be. found farms that can compete favorably with any part of Ontario, but the latter are greatly in minority. In valuation those that are assessed the highest are in general the lowest, as for instance take the Lauder farms «and the Hunter‘s near Durham, the Lauder farm is put down for $3200.00, including bnildings, and compare it with the late Assessor, Mr Bell‘s place on the Durham Road which is only yalued at $500.00 and the formâ€" er would sell far faster at six thouâ€" sand than the latter at six hunadred . We hbhave said it before and now we repeat is again, the assessment is done in the wrong time of the year, commencing on the 15th Feb. and finâ€" ishing on or before the 1st of May. Is is out of reason to think of setting a valuator out when often he has hard work to find & foot path in some inâ€" stances oyer snow banks to the depth of (weil we never measured it) but we are safe in saying 5 or 6 or more teet in some places, although it didn‘s happen «o he so this year. The Assessor‘s dusics are the most responsible in connection with the atâ€" lairs of a municipality and he is looked upon in general as a man who should please everyone, whether he weuld please himself or not, but we are pleased to state that he did not come in contac, wih many who acâ€" cused us of being partial to the one more than the other, but sometimes those that bave the least reason to grumble generally do the most. In many instances we found a, number of the aged and middle aged whose names were recorded on last year‘s roll, have passed to their reâ€" ward and we hope that their names | are written on a Higher Roll. And. in acting in our official duties, it re-} minded those bereft of the breadâ€" winners who were hale and healthy‘ twelve months ago, and it brought tears to the ones who are left, when they reflected on all the changes death made sinece our last visit. There are but very few left of the old pioneers who braved the woods of: (Glenelg in the early 50‘s and those that are yet living are getting feeble old and helpless and in accordance to the natural course of events they cannot see many years to haye their names placed on the Assessment Roll. Amongst the oldest we find Angus McDonald on the 6th Con. and John Morrison, of Pomuna, These two veterans‘ combined ages are 180 years. â€" Mr MeDonald is getting quite feeble, while Mr Morrison, is yet smart and active and can tell of old times in Gaelic or English as well as ever. (On the Assessment Roll there will} be found enough names to ensure the | township to have a Deputy Reeve for l 1910. On last year‘s roll there were about 25 married women put on the‘ roll, whose names were struck off, as a man and wite arecounted one and eonld not vote twice for the same eause. It is too bad that poor marâ€" ried women have no authority in this respect as in many cases they have more jadgment than their hasbands, but as many of them are blessed \ with good daughters they got them on the list and a large number of wiâ€" dowsare on who are so unfortunate as to have the privilege to have their names on account of the removal made by death of their husbands. The Nationalities in Glenelg are chiefly English, Irish and Scotch, with a sprinkling of other nationaliâ€" ties Io religion we find Roman Cathbolics, Charch of England, Methâ€" odists, Baptists and Presbyterians, and a tftew of other denominations. Suuange to say, in the whole township there is only one ‘Latter Day Baint, ‘ and he is a sinner as well as the rest ot us, one Lutheran and a few who didn‘t know what chureh they beâ€" lng to and would like to "put themâ€" selves down &s belonging to the «"Round church." In Glenelg there are no less than eight cemeteries or burying rluovs. and we find that thkey are all well patronized year after year, so that the cities of the dead are receiving annually of those that have been taken from us. There are 7 churchâ€" es in Glenelg, two R. C‘s, two Methâ€" odists, two Baptists and one Presbyâ€" teriam, although we believe the latâ€" ter is in the majority in the township. This ra:ar charches, schools and cemeuteries are assessed whether tax By The Assesso®r THROUGH GLENELG TH£ DURHAM REVIEW } \ will be levied on them or not know. As the Review has a good clronla-‘ tion in Glenelg, we thought it pr:‘%:r to give some kind of a historical sketch which may be at least of inâ€" terest to some, and we promise to continue it in a somewhbat different style in future issues, The Assessor. â€" A number from around here at-l tended the funeral of the late George Anderson, of the fourth eoncession. Sorry to hear of the illness of Richâ€" ard Banks, but hope soon to hear of his speedy recovery. SBugar making is a‘thing of the past now and everybody anxiously waiting isome fine dry days to come, 8@ they can get to the seeding. S Nee Om °C i Mr Wm. Weir lost valuable mare and colt last week. Mrs (Dr.) Malcolm. of West Superâ€" ior, (nee Allic Banks) came home last week to see her father, who is very ill. We understand Mr engaged with Arthuar the summer months. Mr H;;-ATI;;). Durham, visited on the avenue last Sunday. Pleased to hear is able to be arc recent illness. Miss Lizzie MceDonald cared °" some of her friends in this burg, beâ€" fore leaving for the Weew with her brother Alex, who was home attendâ€" ing the funeral of his mother. Miss Peail Wilson, of Darham, spent a week with her sister, Mrs Thos. Ritchie. A number from around here are talking of going up to Scotchtown some eyening to have a Lrip around the Belt line. Edge Hill Sabbath School reâ€"openâ€" ed for the summer months last Sunâ€" day with a good attendance. Well Mr. Editor as our burg has pot been heurd from for some time we will try and send a few items. Weather has been very cold and backward and little seeqaing done yet. ’-Slr. Dan McCormick has sold his interest in the bush tarm to Mr. J. H. Richardson, P _ Mr. R. Aldcorn visited friends in New England Sunday evening. Mr J H Richardson has George Mcâ€" Cormick engaged and is improving the appearance of his farm by buildâ€" ing up new fences aad putting up MrW" Campbell left last week for Toronto to take up bis trade as carâ€" penter. new gates A few of the young folks cf our turg spent a yery pleasant evening at J, Haw‘s last week and were treated to taify. As the weather is‘cold and wet W Kinsman is spesking of moving south to look for warmer weather, _ Try New Englard Billy ? started seeding, but if fine weather continues they will not be very long at is, as Welbeck boasts of some very good men, Mr and Mrs Dan MeDonald, of the Conm{ Town, have recently moyed into Mr Alexander‘s house. Mr Mcâ€" Donald is engaged for the sammer months with Mr Alexander. Owing to the bad weather last week not many of the farmers have Misswiaaum Truax returned on Wedpesday jass trom Collingwood, where she was engaged 3g head milâ€" liner with a Firm of that plage. Miss Susie Pust, of ye editor‘s town, spent a J)lcasant holidav with her tather and other friends here. Mr Malcolm Campbell is at present engaged building a kitchen to Mr Thog. Shewell‘s hbouse. _ Malcolm Messrs Truax & Caulay have pat an addition 20 ft.x24 ft. to their mill, for the purpose of holding some new machinery. ‘They haye a frstâ€"class mill and are qualified to run it to perfection, is a bhustler 2nd will soon bave his work completed, _ Mr _ John Puast has recently Bur- chased a driving horse from Mr Dan Campbell, of Aberdeen. f Ml. Fred Bray intends buailding a house on bis farm this sammer. Looks like business Fred. | . Miss Elizabeth Campbell, daughter | of the late George Campbell, who has \been living in Toronto the last few | years, has got married to a Mr Mcâ€" |\Kinnon and they are taking up their ‘residence on the 14th con, near here. Last Easter Sunday Mr and Mrs Jolhn (G. Peer kad some of their good neighbors call on them and congratuâ€" lated them on the anniversary of their 50 years of married#life, Mr George A. Hunter and Mz J. G. Seer took a business trip to Mount orest last week. UUr and Mrs George Fettes has gone to Owen Sound for to stey until fall. _ Mr Feties will work at his carpentering trade. On the sick list here is Mrs P. Meâ€" Arthur who is getting better but John Armstrong and Andrew Watson has both been laid up with La Grippe and postmaster Seott has been ailing all winter. For the last few days the worst snow storm of the season has been raging bere. Still Swinton Park Edge Hill. w4# 4 4 W elbeck Hopeville, ar Mrs D. Greenwood around again after her McDonald â€" called on k at the Central Drug re timothy and clover , who is very ill. Bert Ritchie has Greenwood for TORONTO not, we do Miss Emnma Russell returned _ to her home at Shaw on Tuesday, after a month‘s hboliday with her sister, Mra Auderson. s m m m mt Miss Anderson i4 * """\ Tip after spending the winter months with 8 peRCOE P59 "T¢ _/ woe, of Grand her niece, Valley. V @LICJ e Mr H. Byers was laid up last with an attack of lumbago. 1s n l enk Wavid mht MNCTCCO OO L Some of the farmers about here beâ€" gan sowing last week, but the snowâ€" storm of April 29 to May 8 put & stoP to it. 6O 18. Mr Irvin Henderson of Guelph, at« tended the wedding of his trother here last week. ho No lapane CIC 1MHD MRCIC Mr John Blasing and his sister Lizâ€" . zie atttended the wedding of a friend at Deemerton on Tuesday last. Mr Samons, formerly cf Hutton Hill, moved his family to the Barâ€" bour farm west of here, last week. Mr Samons, we understand, is going to work in the mill. Mr John Diebel and his son Arâ€" thur have been seriously indieposed during the last week. 7 Sb io ne d andh CESEE PWR OCV COTTO T Cl m The German people of the west and south of our community have opened their Sunday Bchool at Gilmour‘s Corner, where they Lold it each year. Mr A. Wiameyer is superintendent. CUATEVECR& PPREMNCE COCW 000 1 Mr A. Wiameyer is superintendent. Mrs Geo. Sachs is recovering from an attack of eczema from which she has been suffering for several weeks. The wedding of Mr Wm. Il(ander-1 son and Miss Sarah Park, eldest daughter of Mr and Mre Arch. Park, South Bentinck, took place at the home of the bride‘s parents ON Wedâ€" nesday, April 28. Rev. A. Budge, of "Ilunoyer. performed the ceremony in the presence of a large gathering of relatives and friends. We extend congratulations to the happy ‘couple. The many friends of Miss Janet Little will be interesced to hear of her lmarriage on Wednesiay, April 28. Mo No COs e en P Mrs Fulton, Sr., and Misses Mary and Sarah Fualton visited with Mrs Wim. Sharp last Wednesday. Mr George Nichol has the weather for the pai La Grippe. Master Wilfred Anderson had & birthday party Saturday, at which a number of his young friends bad & very enjoyable time. On Friday eyening a lurge comâ€" pany of the young people of the neighâ€" borhood meét at the home of Mra Henderson to welcome the bride of a few days to ber rnew home and to spend a pleasant evening. Northâ€"East Normanby Mr Melntosh deliyered a fina serâ€" mon in Knox church, Normanby, last Sunday, taking for his text Joghus, 1 ch., 8th verse, Mr and Mrs William Carson visit: ed Mr and Mrs 8. Caldwell last Sunâ€" day. Little Cecil Webber," who has been very ill for the past fortnight and un> der Dr Gun‘s care, is improving slow» i\lisa Zetra _ Marshall, of town, visited over ths week end with the Backas family. ly. _Mrs Robt. Morice and family atâ€" tended the Rendersonâ€"Park wedâ€" wedding last Wednesday, Mies"KoeniE, of Ayton, attended church and Endeavor services last Sundey, Miss Clara Poliock, Varney, i8 spending a few days with her auut, Mrs Webber: Mrs A. Corbett and two children called on her sister, Mrs R. Morice, one day recepntly, _ _ Mr and Mrs D. MceCrie called on their daughter, Mrs Geo. Marshall, A tickling or dry cough can be quickâ€" ly Joosened with Dr, Shoop‘s Cough Remedy. _ No opium, no chloroform, nothing unsafe or harsh. _ Sold by MacFar ane & Co. Miss Nellie Lawrence, formerly of here and Mr C. W. Arnett, west Toâ€" ronto, were married by Rev. Reverly Smith, April 24th at 7 p, m. in ree tory of St, John‘s English church. 289 Arnette St., west Toronto. They are residing at 64 Union St., south west Toronto. We join with this burg in bearty congratulations to Mr and Mra 2. W. Aunett. Mrs Anthony Lawrence and Mrs James Brown are expecting a summer visit faom theitr father, Mr Wm, Wright, of Philadelphia, U. 8. A. My Wesley Lyons, of Darham, ac. sompanted Iy Misses Pgarl Hopkins and Lottie Britvton spent Friday svenâ€" ing with their friends May god Geqrge Hopkins, Mr Mortow, of Montreal, called on Mr and Mrs Jas, Hopkins last week. Mr Andrew Beli made Mr Henry Sealey a call one day last woek. Miss may Brown visited on wonday at ber aunt‘s, urs Anthony Lawrence. master George Arnett visited the Bouth Line one day last week. The tender leayes of a barmless lung. healingk mountainens shrub, give to Dr. Shoop‘s Cough Remedy its marvelogs curative properties. . Tight tickling or @istreseing coughs, quickly ii‘eld to the hnlinf. soothieg action of this splendid prescriptionâ€"Dr. Shoop‘s Oongb‘m%gm. edy. And it is so safe and g tor clhildren, as well, Containing po nim, Chloroform, or other barmtal ‘In mothers should in safety always 3 mand Dr, Bhoo‘g;ll.‘ It other remedies are offered, tell No! _ Be your own judge! Sold by MacFarlane & Co; Hampden Poplar Place Mrs Munroé, + ++ 3+ 3° 101 has been under the past week with at home aga" week had a Barney‘s Liniment Shoulders, Indigestion Stomach trouble is but a symptom of, and no# in itsolf a true disease. We think of Dyspepsia, Heartburn, and Indigestion as real discases, yet they are symptoms onl{”ol m certain lp.Jflo Korve sicknessâ€"nothing else. It was this fact that first correctly led Dr. shoog In the creation of that now very popular Stomac Remedyâ€"Dr. Shoop‘s Restorative. Going direct to the stomach nerves, alone brought that success and fayor to Dr. Shoo(r and his Restorative. Withâ€" out that original an highly vital principle, no such lasting rccomplishments were ever to be had. For stomach distress, bloating, biliousness, bad breath and sallow eomB!exion. try Dr. Shoop‘s Restorativeâ€"Tablets or iquidâ€"and see for {lour- self what it can and will do. We sell and choorâ€" tully recommend # Dr. Shoop‘s Restorative [ uS 22 V m jane l03 00 oo e such a preparation. Is not greasy but clean and easy to use Come in and get a sample botâ€" tle free, GUN‘s DRUG STORE When you cannot get what you want elsewhere do not forget The Hardware Store is still doing business in the same old stand, in the same old way, but with a new and enlarged stock. Have you seen the display of Fishâ€" ing Tackle in our north window. It is worthy of inspection. We can give you bargains in this line never before heard of. Remember we are still selling the celebrated Sherwinâ€"Williams Ready Mixed Paints. _ The majority of our customers prononnce it the best paint they ever used. ~ HMardware! At present we have the greatest stock of all kinds of Brushes that we ever carried. Every kind you desire. Whitewash Brushes from s5cts up, and Paint Brushes at the same figure, If you have any desire to purchase a Bicycle we will try and satisfy you. Bicycle sgundries in stock also., The milking season is fast apâ€" proaching and we are able to supply you w_itg Milking Pails, Strainer Pails, Milk Pang, Creaim Cans, Strainers, Churns, Butter Mixers, Butter Bowls and Ladels. Agents for National Portland Cement, W,. Black Mower, Cultivator and Palper, All new and upâ€"toâ€"date but former two shightly weather beaten, â€"$00 will take the three or will sell separately. Just now you will want just ‘ C o ue 2 Te nat Cockshutt Plow Co. Ltd., Brantford Paris Plows, Spreaders, etc Bissell %ollm and glsalc :hrrows ns Waggons and Sleighs m:.' Armasitrong, Tudhope and ~_ ‘Baynes Buggies. * Armstrong and Tudhope Cuttess Rell & Thomas Organs and Pianos Rudd Harness, Toronto Raymond & New Williams Sewing Put up only ' Machines. ______ National Cream Separators Robes, Blankets, Rugs, Whips etc Daisy Churns, Washers, Wingers Beatty‘s Hay Goods Promptness and fair dealing will continue to be my motto Yours for Business, Peter Hamilton Farm Implements Apply to T. Morax, Blacksmith FROST & WOOD IMPLEMENTS MclIntyre Blockâ€"Lambton St, Barctay and BaAl‘s old stand Machine Oil, Hermens achine Qi rness Oil, Axle Grease, &c. Sold by MacFarlane and Co Galls, Etc. â€"Buggies, *â€"Melotte Cream Separatore, â€"Singer Sewing Machines, â€"Organs and Pianos, â€"Stoves and Ranges, â€"Harness, &c. GILS OF ALL Kinos forâ€" For Sale MclLelJan. Saddle Is not , and no# You Can Buy Energy There‘s no need of your just dragging around, too weak to accomplish anything, but stil not really ill. Whether your condition is due to overwork mental strain, loss of sleep o' malaria, % will quickly restore you to per. fect health, It‘s a strengthening sustaining tonic and nerve buil. der that will quickly relieve and cure nervous debility, mental depression, nervous dysp(‘psig’ etc. We give the money back if you are not perfectly satisfied with what the remedy does for you. DRUGGIST3S AND Calder‘s Block, Durha® Allâ€"wool Blankets, & Bed comforters from Lu-{! U x4 size Fla ets, white or g! MacFARLANE & CO. Lace Curtains, . .2 Honeycomb wool Black sateen Und Floor Gilcloth Table Oilcloth Hundreds In Men‘s s best patent in all kinds. selection of Ladies‘ Shoes & Oxfords Men‘s Cardigan J New Prints and Ging See outr 25¢ and 50¢ We have ever s business and if goods at right ; will get the trac Boots & Shoess Ladies Dongola Sho Ladies Patent Coit * by the best mal fiour children and t thent too. Produce tahken price in exchang C. LGRANT Flour, Feed, Seed & Grocei® Fresh Groceries New Fruits Choice Conftectionar) PureSpices & Vincg4"* No. 1 Family and PuC ‘Manitoba ours Fime Salt Farmers Produce W#Â¥" Our Tonic FElixir MAY 6, 1903 MATTHEWS & LATIMER Price 50c. He Selis Cheap tec. Call and from $1.50 to $5.00 a pr BOOKSELLERS . BEAN *OI Shawis, 0 pskirts. 81 D 1,00, Oxford 1sS U them best ] 4.70 pr , 3.00 ea after mie $ > Bianâ€" 25 pair 1,00 ea . o. §1 Cw 12 ca 1,70@A ow 0 (Gioods 200 $ t we Dress Goods, â€" Prints, Muslin , Window Curt 250 acres on the Gâ€" 200 clear, 50 acres hard watered, first class buil sold cheap to wind up « 150 acres in Bentinck sorl good, everything shape. â€" Price $5000, 100 acres in Bentinal 100 acres Road bear price reduc quick sale, 1w0 acres in the Third « F. G. R. Glenelg. This is a farm with good buildings in dgesirable docation, _ The 1 «ists of 85 awcres of rich cultis free from stones and 15 acve Price $4500, good puilding«. $3600 100 acres in Proton Park, fair buildings, drained, well watered â€" «uniy $3000, 250 acres in Bentinck. from Darham, fine build land, with a quantity . Must be sold at once, Pric 118 acres in Egremont, Lots 6 arnd 7, Con, 2, el{.«l.(l) awcres, good fras ot buildings, well w going west, A bargair \'wlmthllv farm in com of lots 2 N. Il. R, 100 acres, forthwith, Tide ; culars apply to J. A dwolling land in the To Mighton prop St., a short d Htation. Ap; On eosy terms, dwelling in Pricey Oomumersial Hotel, Mars. 8 Splendid Residence Prop Smle in Upper Town : the “". Mclean cottage, _ All cons Brick vencered, comfortable Offers from intending puarci ceiyed at Reoview Office. Take notice that no Horses, F Bulls or theep nor any breachy C whali be allowed to run at large is Municipality of Gleneig, under By No. 172 of said township, Persons offending against said Byâ€" law are liable to fines as defined thereim as well as damage to private property, By Order A good comfortable house water inside ; rent 86 per m Good nineâ€"r0 heated. _ Good and large stabl Apply to |___ Two Question reply is, that believing i a cglerk can sell far more than at a high price, so th we sell right. Kuowinz t] want to convince the peop to do so, All of the newest styl« patterns, at lo We have just bought a m fashionable and substantial. 1 Fresh Groceries al Notice to Owners of Live Stock Town Residence fo Sale. Arruunr H. Jaoss MAY 6, 1909 Farms For Sale. For Sale or Rent We haye an excel Liunds For HMouse to Rent Apply to James W Tnos. Co _on the G araf« wcres hand woo. st class building M D d w .D For Sule For Sal« Fo i. & 4 rnoch, & from $30( house and 1 wn of Durhan rted. south of N ed b BLACK, Tp. Clork Mind Box Will 4 te e house with h ) per month War, Larpraw Arpy R. d (vd 1 ELR Durl Sale in fir Tj M D 14 PM Darban ld M P () H () Te We ind he aw it t] n C H M In 18

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