West Grey Digital Newspapers

Durham Review (1897), 6 May 1909, p. 5

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f" or, um tum Mia. n: if tied toe alter ot It we D the them t beat per. ling bun. L L% " .100 on I» Bun- .35 M" HRS now i- , uoods WC " it " thes" 352$ rota: MW 1,5 a l” 1.77; a an't s t Dress Goods, New - Prints, Muslins & _ Window Curtains “My iorthw “WU . nnd I 'aio acres on the (MI-Mun- Road, ill) char. 50 norm hardwood hush. well watered. that. this» buildings. Will be mid clump to wind up ttrtate. 150 new: in Bcnlinck. buildings and mil ttood. everything in on! clan shape. Price 850(1). too urn-s in Bullinck on Gnmlnxs mud "our Durnuch. Rood buildings. price ream-rd {mm ’3!!!) to 8230 In! quiet nale. :7) arm in Bentinek. Five mile- {mm Durham. lin- buildinml. not-d in. I“) an“ in the Third Contention P, (i. R, (Hem-lg. This s: a ttmt Hm Urn, wsth good buildings in the moat dealmhln- Int-anon. The farm con- sists of 8.3 new» of rich cultlvubh- land free from Hanoi and 15 acres of bush. Price mam. " Must Us . have vltun been asked '. Ist--) we sell at such low T RI 0 Questions prices ? and 2nd-- Why we sell at such prices ? Our 1") 'D, that " 'lieving in the maxim "goods well bought are half sold," we bay well; and I \‘lo-rl\ 1'ltll a -ll fur mun: goods al a. Lots " on d T, Con. 2. N. D. R . men. Ag, ")0ncrrswtod "an" homo. and ol her huihflnui. well watered. owner gmug wow. A mum-in. An-mru u. Juan-us. Durham, Splendid Random-c Property foe Sale in Upper Town ' the well-known “til-n conn- e. All convenient". Brick 'v"e,,f,l'f/dl' cannon-Ink And may. Otters from lntanding pun-hm" re- ceired at Review We. than .u it high pricv, so that we save money when we buy right and we make money when “v N-li light. Knowing that a great deal of money has been going to the city stores, we Wall: to convince the people that we can sell at cheaper prices than they do, and in order 5m! Mme Apply to to W Take notice that no Hana, Hull, Bulls or 'herp nor any breretsr Cattle shall he allowed to run at large in the Municipality M Glenn” and" By-law No. 172 of said town-hip. Persons ofrrndintt unit»! said Br. but an linhle to an. a dethsed there", an Well as damage to private PeoPertr. By Order All of the newest styles and the neateet patterns, at low prices We have just bought a manufacturer‘s stock of Boots and Shoes. They N are neat, fashionable and substantial. Come and see them '. the prices will surprise you. Fresh Groceries always on hand tt " I“) ark A good comfortable house with [and ater inside . rem. " per month. WI. Lunuw. " " Notice to Owners of Live Stock I] nirte-ror u. “and “my stable m-rw I" Proton, no" Quinton lair buildings. “and Jami. well ml. well wanted and well teoerd. an». Town Residence to Sale. with . SD MAY .6. 1909 pply We hare an excellent stock of mum at Gee. Price '0000. 77 Tom in Earmmmt. good [and “thin". till). Fi- For Sale. I. unis For Sale or ' mu House to Rent \pply to hugs w Tuna. (My II Hotel. App"; in mm. N. R. ”than thtt Robson Bt w . I) mn in tho Tp. of (Ho-nah has Band Lr3, Coo. a, arrow. Possession given 1': Ir pvrfvrl. For parli- For Hale. For Sale J. B. BLACK, Tn. Clerk. h up F, Nolieitor, Durham, Ont ate or Rent [mu-u- and ltl "Ch-n of VII of Durham. UMP the rty l, will) of Lunhhm lam"- west ottl, Y. R. "not. ha!" h-ntinrk. Five miles tina. buildings, ttord quantity _ot _tyiryher. a " Rumour, Ina-m w. F. DUNN. MILLS "oat 7 "hous.. Furnace- 'd-o, uni-building- Wilt he sold chesp. a hruk "me and Ila. opposite the HIV 1 Human hurlmm G. d: J, MCKBOHNIE IN. Yuma Mul'kdw le, Gr. "Iii; J. McKBGHNIB "ver hm ho "' "I We Say what we Mean We Mean what we Sax t, i I Boots and Shoes Back to the Legislature: the "ir,.s,t/ electiou under Oliver Mowat was in 1875 and Lauder determined to stay with ma lovely riding of East Grey, which had developed strong Conserv- ative tendencies. However, as We have said, death stepped in and he! did not represent it long. For the! representation of the new South Grey there were three aspirants : Jas. Hill Hunter. of Durham; Jas. Hopkins, a farmer from Bentinck. and john] Naismith. Mt. Forest Hunter was’ the Reform Candidate, Hopkins the Conservative. Nninmxth represented! the desire to have Mt. Forest made'; a County town, and South Egremont' and South Normanby for the time dropped partiaanship and voted solid, for Naismith [But no local question C .uld sway Malcolm McPhee and he stood by Hunter In the fight.) Hunt- i " thought the Mt. Forest scheme was " likely to give Hopkins the oyster: and Naismith and himself would get) a shell apiece, " ', The election gave Hunter a sub- stantial majority ', many would have liked a crlebmtion but the idea met with strong opposition. led by Mr Jno. McKelvey and others who de- nounced it as unseemly since many Conservatives voted for Hunter. It is worth noting that the ballot was first used at this election, introduced by the guts. In September 1373. Mackenzie brought on a Dominion election, the great issue being shall Canada adopt a protection policy, called by the Con. suvatives a " National Policy, " for McKenzie almost " once dissolved parliament and called for a new elec. tion on 29th Jannnry. 1874, and now tor the first time and under Liberal anspzces, the elections were held in one day. Mr Jackson decided not to face ms opponent and his party pick- ed up Stephen Prebble, an obscure man, but very willing, who went down to defeat by Dr Landerhin by nearly 400. Mckenzie', victory was of the nature at a landslide and he met parliament With a great mejority Then began the long series of Scatt- dal cues (encouraged no doubt by the succe~s attending the lluntmgdon chargvs) the Neebing Hotel, Fort Frames locks, the Steel rails, Godar- ich harbor, étc., a system of cam. paigmng, which both parties have beenunlv too ready to adopt, some times With small excuse ; but above all the din rose theclamor of the agi- tation for the so-called "National, Polity. a high-tariff measure, which) McK, nzie on prmciple opposed. I _ - - By Mr Inleolm IePheo. launch. TV. Contthsuedfiomttrat teeek. short "the N. P. " _ The country The second Dominion election in leaned to the new cry though Mac- 1672 found Geo. Jackson still in othee 1.renzie.am1 many others uttered g,1"li I and a candidate for re-election. The lug Votces. _'l'hen tt fat,',"',",}',',',,','; r Reformers had 'MM. found ulel m“; $3533 t2tlhr1c,'t"h'elte'c (in the Person of Dr Lan erkin, o . . . ‘Hanover, who defeated the redonbt. men and Catholics. for “a; thIe not: ttble George W"- after being "W31. ham: 32,223; 3'22: year, representative of part of the}?! th o said " am sent in. lice. conncy. the new parliament was'v SI Tdll in: 'l',','.',',' " SopoMac- famous for the charges made by Lu. l 'll,",'), . l t r and from Ivarions can " i ems both Huntmgdon, which became ',"e,'l"tr, ff,',', ti l dslidel known as the Pacific Scandal. Sit CS and e elec ton was a an _ John threw up the sponge without a’back to Mr John A. McDonald. In 1 vote. and Alex McKenzie, successor I South Grey Dr Landerkin 1','r"tftrr,','. _ to Geo. Brown, as LIbetal" lgader in , t','.efetd',,t',raothg', tlfgg “12;? Dominion issues. was ca e on to . CO. ac. n, W . . . - form 1.g.ovtrypent.. At this time ity for his last political ulctgy. . The als.o... Rich. ctezittht.r?assed over ballot was /l.ri" .used I', 1'll'hfe, 3W”: “=3“er a“ aud has :3::":%:;:: ass-magma, at u l "2 K Clt,' Suit altnolnc:l:llices01ved l this election, and with two exceptions nn;liuunohf and ”all“! In- " elle -1-.. has been ever Since. POLITICAL HISTORY OF SOUTH GREY Butter and Eggs taken as Cash Broadway and _' Fashion Brands Our Stock They speak for themselves, ! In i882, another Dominion election l was held, resulting again in the re- (turn of the Conservatives. The Re- llorm party stuck to Dr Landerkm. !and the contest was again between I him and Mr Geo. Jackson, the former Ewinning, and Mr Jackson now disap- upears from the political life of South (Grey. A _ _ _ - _ _ " The Old Time Election in Orey" In reading The Star of the evening. amid the comlurbs of nu may clmir and the consolation: of my IInvaun. "ore slumber": clnin had bound me," I spotted, observed and read Jour article on "Local Historc," I was amused and interested with tho pn- lilical poetry of Mr. Petal Watson cl Durham. who t1gurcd and Bonrished in than memmahla, bygone dnys. I had Hum-(hing to do, iudrrvetly, wtth the Jessa Partly of the poem. although I Unauusl interosa is being taken in many quarters in the "collections of Mr Malawi“) McPhee. now running in the Review. The Toronto Stu. com. mended the effort to harp in min! the iwgmning of things and repubinlwni Inn. of the letters. This hub cuugH we eye of u Toronto man, who "tt- tributes another incident : tn the Local House between '75 and '79, Mowat was opposed by the cry of td the salary grab " which was expected to deleat the " little ts- "ant," Mowat. The cry was unfair, "trr both parties were unanimous in ‘taking it, with a pledge that the ques- tion was not to be used in the elec- tion. In South Grey the Conserva. tives looked round for a man to beat Hunter. Prebble was on hand again, but his hour had not come and never came for the choice fell on John Fa- hey, a Roman Catholic, cf Stratford, an ex-editor of the Globe, who had at a great picnic in Wentworth declared " May my right hand lose its power if lever vote for a tory, " Prebble came home wounded and he and his two sons voted at Aisleldt for]. H. Hunter who was elected by the great majority of 633, Mowat carrying the country also by a fair majority, The nightuf the election there was a mo- ment or two of hope. Durham gayc Fahey a majority, so did Hutton Hill, so did Allart's ward in ligremont, No. I, Glenelg and two others. A botriire was talked of, but .the Ghn ward returns came in and Hunter's majority there eclipsed the whole six. There was no bonlire. is composed of the 1‘ CLOTHING Continued in future iaaucn THE " From seventy thousand to one hun. dr:d than and ot the cream ct the Un. mil States forming population will trek northerly into our Dominion this year. Each one wnll bring gnod Am- erican eagles that will uggieuvte an immense sum. These men will nume- dietoly brcomc producers ot wealth and active njvertismg agents of the land of the maple loll. The name may be said of tite many thousand of arm grants that. wid come to us from other lands. The homes and homesteuds ol these new Couodmus wid require in large quantities the products of our Canadian factoriea now raoove ing from a temporary dopunsion And re- ceiving orders in plenty. " Foreign capital is coming to us m large sums. The world has knowledge of us and (with m us an never before, and the stream ol outside capital is bound to ir,w to us tester and deeper. We have an immen‘e amount of capl- :n.l in the country now. Bank deposits Ire very large. Loan Compauiek, In. "uudte Companies and Trust Cora. ganieq an urging their field Bgents to ml investments. Cslilottttr: are being made " very low rates sad the gen- exal interest rate IS lowering. " My regret is that while Jame sums (!Cenediun money are invested et low rates of interest, foreign money. and more especially American capital. is being invested in the buying of Cane dial: timber limits. mining claims. wa. tor privileges end land: Meny Cane. diene who ere finat1tsiallr ehle to avail themselves of the splendid opportuni- ties elleround them, will awaken altar e wni'e and eondél' why they slept during the growing tuna and let for. eignere teke .be good things um this great, broad, rich. u0’-vly diacovereJ country is offering. Meanwhile some Canadiene ere investing monove in Bouth America. Cube end the United Suites the: Would bring as good return. and be more permenently eeenre If in- veeled in Ceneda. and would " the nine time, mewrielly assist in the developing of our own Dominica." " The past winter has been favorable for work in the woods and our lumber- men have immense can, to be 391d in a rialug mullet. " You have asked my opinion as to the mule and tioueid prospects of Canada for the ensuing year. Count me eawhatieally nu optimist. The building of Cunadian rnlimudn is being continued M high preesure--loug lines and short. hues. In these enterprises much eapittsl--mtmt of it troroigtr--is, being invested. unit the per more value of millions of acres ot Canadian lands, in all the pronnces, is being largely added to, The Montreal Sun- with its uzuul cu- terprise has collated the npiniuns of a number of prominent men on the Cart morcml outiloot tor Canada. To hand off the list they approached the Chairman at the Banking and Gunmen-e cnmnm- tee as one likely to he in touch wnh the strings u trade and below Ibhis opium). This chairman. us is well known, Is our honored M. l'., IL H, Miller, and the heading " this mums pruciulms Where he stands. A Look on Rheumatism. and a trial treatment of Dr. Shoop‘a Rheumatic 1tetuedy--hquid' or Tablets-u, hem: sent. tree to tsufftaers by Dr. snoop. oi Racine. Wis. You Hut are well, get this bod! for some discouraged, du. hearteucd sutferer'. Do a simple act of humanity! Point. out this way to quick and cumin whet! Surprila some sulferer. by that getting from me the booklet and the test. [16 will ap- preciate your aid, Sold by MacFar. lune & Co. Mr. John Messb, whom the poet im. mortalizea. was a county attorney of the County ot York. By tho way, Mr JieNatr, who wax in the mix-up. told me {but lion. J. C. Moniuon took very sick during the campmgn. I did not wonder. He said: "I did not wish to see bun Jie, even ir I was trying to couvmce the (Mentors that he wan not fit to livu pollticallv. so I opened my black bag null brought out and applied :0 mnny mustard plasters [but he was eovd,tluougls nut emote-l." Ho ad- mitte4 that. there was a hot time. S'ihTOtl. A pnin prescription is printed upon etch Me box of Dr. Shoop‘s Pink Pain Tablets. Ask your Doctor or Drnuhts If this formal. Is not complete. Pita manna conggmon. blood procure. Head pains, womguly paths, pain anywhere no: imam: relief from l Pink Pain Tablet. son by “MP-than. a Cir, e-To the terrors of smokeless pow- der is now added the noiseless rifle, an invention of Hiram Maxim. The “oilencer " can be attached in 5 mad: 1nd can be carried in the "at dpockot. New will the unions -an the tttvttiar--havo new tet- gpeitt “his i only how of him as one oi the three who were “mu to belated. A .nephew of his, then a student od mod:- ctne ot the Ralph School, with whom I thud been " college In prerioru yem. l who snxioue for hie uncle's pretement ‘in the political line and united me if I would write an Idtlreu " the "di. cation of the electors of South Grey end the election of " beloved lime. Addreues were customary in t so days. This I did, accordingly. The leddtou was Gritty enough to: the tree 1nd independent electors. How far it wen u {actor in his uncle‘s suceeul lilo now know. bata't h-d more of the inniverstty flavor about it then the eloresud Josie would get credit for. Whilst I in: eluboreting in lurid lino: upon the enormity of the _Hon. J. C. Morrison's oerxormsnce of the le- gerdemsin feat of sitting on nothing (he had 3 seat in the Tory 1Ubiuet, bat! no constituency), and of his semper‘ narutus principles, the Hon. Wm. Matt. Dongull (whom I did cot know pre- viously) came into my one-roamed odiee, by invitation of I county court summons, with the compliments of Vietona. as the terrors of the law did not alarm him, He thought he might instil some politich [unity in my youthful mind. I was so charmed ly his Interest in my welfare that I thought I might venture to ink him to collaborate with me in tho mutter of this kind in the interests of our But. len-ing country. no readily consented. but I and “You are on the other side of the fence. sir." Ha said "Thut does not matter; I will give you it hit to my sule.’ I wish I had a copy of tllla mmnornble document, which Would go down to, but not with. succeeding generations. Tot onto, April 28. " Count lie an Optimist. " -----_ ONTARIO ARCHIVES TORONTO The warm weather will soon s/ We are fully stocked and “"9 a here and we propose to throw open qood supply of Red Mammoth Alsike our parlors to the public and supply Lucerene and. Alfalfa c/tie,,", mad all kinds of cool and refreshing Timothy Seeds. All oft ese .ste s drinks Ice Cream Sodas etc boutrht.from beedmen of the highest ' ' ' ireputation and stamped with the Fishing Tackle Government stamp. A good supply We have a s lendid line of s 'lit of tatonnd Dutch Sets in ()pions. Bamboo and J,,',',,',') heart fancy poles. UG litte.ot Garden and Flower All kindsof Lines, Fishing Baskets, Seeds. Turnip, Marigold, Carrot, Beet Siukera, Hooks, Swivels. The not and ill kinds of field seedy. These of May Will-soon be here-eall early avefbeen bought from reliable dea- and get your choice and at prices ers and the,prrces will be lower than away down. you can buy 'elsewhere. In conclusion we would intimate to the public that we ate here to es- tablisha permanent business by selli ng at close prim, giving good pure goods, attentiveness to your wants and square dealing throughout. W mean eiactly what we advertise and want you to call and see our stock and get our price; before buying elsewhere. Remember the plaee-Darlittg's old stand. Calder: Block, Durham m. The Central Drug Store -0n Saturday last throughout Ott- tario some hundreds of hotel bars were put out of business as a result of growing temperance sentiment. In Toronto no fewer than 41 licenses were cut off. The local option, agi. union is not lessening and next, J ann- nry will see another widening ot the "dry "area. The warm weather will soonbe here and we propose to throw open our parlors to the public and supply all kinds of cool and refreshing drinks, lee Cream Sodas, etc. -Tlie birth ofa girl baby of. the Hague. heir tome crown. of Holland, has sent the whole Dutch people into eeataeies. The death of Queen Wil-" helmina without issue, would have endangered their national existence in we 'il'tl"e, of a oovemus Ger- many. on the babe represent. the concentrated power and praise. of the whole Dutch race. May the be mother Vicoorla. This Finn known under the above name is comprised of W. Calder of the Town of Durham and H. Carveth, now a resident of the Town of Dur- ham and are the parties who recently bought in the stock of J. A. Darling, at alow rate on the dollar. We have added hundreds of dollars of new stock in the different departments and are prepared to supply your wants in the line of Drugs, Patent Medicines, Druggists Sundries, School Supplies, and all kinds writing material, Clover, Timothy and Garden Seeds, Soaps, Perfumes, Groceries, Tobaccos, Cigars, Confectionery, etc. Grocery Department We have added a full line of the purest Teas, Coffees, Sugars, Spices, Raisins, Currants, etc, We will sur- prise you with low prices in this dept. This isalso a new department We Win have constantly on hand fruits in season such as Oranges, Ba- nanas, Pineapple, Strawberries, &c. A full line of Harry Webb's Confec- ionery both in bulk and boxes. Fruit and Confectionery If your Stomlcu. Heart or Kiduevs are weak, try at least. a few doses only of Sheep's Restorative, . In Ive! or ten due only, the result will sub prise you, l law tsenta mll cover the coat. And here " Wh) help came: so uiclrly, Dr Shoop dean's hug the Itd'l'e,i,, nor “immune the Bott or Kidney. Dr, Shoop's Restorative goal dueeuly to the weak and buliutt new“. Eton can: in: in own controlling nerve. When the-e nerves (all. on. depending org-m man of necessity blur. Thin phin. yet vital truth, clearly all: why Dr. Shoop’e BrMora. tire in no nniverully Inemdql. In some! in Min. drunk“ everywhere to [in it universal preference. A he: grill and, tell. ttold In In!“ Lenahan 6y McIniosh. Portland Cement, Etc. Hardware (fy Furniture Lenahan (h, MéIntosh. Ice Cream Department The Central Drug Store In Furniture we have the latest and most up-to-date lines, consisting of Sideboards, Tables, Parlor Suites Couches, Bed Room Suites, Springs, Mattresses, etc. The place to get your Wilkinson Plow Repairs, Bicycle Repairs and Supplies, Washing Machines ty Wringers, Chums. W. CALDER Durham, Ontario DURHAM. ONT Stock for Service The undersigned offers for service at but. 9 and IO, Con 2. W G R., Bentinck. n. motougbhred Durham bull, PM pedigree, And a. Thoroughbred un- worth hog, For terms and oartieulartt apply to -. . l sum and Iguanas”. The school buxom ht In In late, Ability. In mental and aie1l?,f,,'/h'iiti' llama. ac. tor [all Jam Inning u we “mum work. In. lollovlng mama: an! we " chute ' mos. ALLAN, Mada). [new when». mural , sauce. cud. luau-haw Boo -ireettutg and Wr1tietg. tgttea DONALDA XcKIRBACHII. B. A., (in. an: of Queer: mutual”. subju- mn. French. Links. AMttimetie, '"'h Atty P"i,, can... ol the Piet at m. ”can: "h-Bare, _ lipo- Iwon. Goon-phi. m and An. 'rhoroygl1brr4 Bull for service at Lq 30, Con 7, Bentinck, for terms and part: culars apply_t_q - .. . . Drugs Chemicals and Patent Medicines This department is entirely utr' der the charge of ll Carveth, licensed graduate of the College of Pharmacy, who has had a large practical and varied experience in Toronto, Orillia, Sudbury, and other Towns. Nothing only pure drugs kept in stock. Pe- scriptions filled on short notice at lowest prices. [mending undo-u amid - It the has!» 'irriiiritu%emi9etthu. Menu boob Mu q.eele tyftupeey2 'ttthe mum-mam mil-lulu "ttttp/gre/tltr."""?"'.",,""""." “new“. ”:81than 4.91% To Rent 2 good houses. Apply to Durham School Seed Department Bull for aervice HENRY Auxxgunlm WILLIAM Bum. Mulock. ll. CLIVE”! ‘TIMEIL U nivenlty. graduate of Moral College of Dental Surgeons of Ontario. Rooms Ovel J h J UNTER'S New Store ottiee-AJald er's Block, over Post Ottice Insurance Agent. Money to Low Issuer of Manage Licenses. A gen end tittBucGl husineu ta-acted. HONOR fled"i,1'd5 Tali-cont: (gamma) and In: 'At we n urnon Dam In 'it m hunches. ARTHUR H. JACKSON Barrister, Solicitor. Nona Public. Conveyancer Le. one, to Loan at. ,luwest rates. dice. Mclurvre Blackuver the Sum o dard Bank, Durh nu. Gnu.“ W._ f. PICKERING D. D s., L D S Runway and Steamship Tickets to all pniulu. mto Lead at lower rates than you mu. borrow elwwhrro. momma. No charge if noth- ing collected All kinds of flmsnrGi hunint-su carefully and quietly atten- ded to, hunter. solicitor m Supreme Court. Notary Puulic Commissioner. OM00 our d. nouns: I D. MoPHAIL- «o too acres near Allan Park- splendid hulldmge. having tiae tarm, cheap. Maeres rxlm good land near Allan Park. vet y cheap. 180 acre: Bentinek __ 4; mile} (mm ‘Alwnyc Prompt. Never Negligent." Picture Framing, Shortest Notice Snow RooMts--Nest to Swallow) Bur- I80 acres Bentinek - 41 miles from Hmmver. (1mm to school and Punt (Mice with daily mail. Brick hon-e. frame hunk burn. great. snap. and [my other Good Bugalns in Palm and Town properly. If you want ("My orSett go to Miller No charge if no Imminent done. her Shop. [Immune - First house south Laxvrettcte's Blacksmith Shop. J. G. HUTTON. M. D., Ox. UNDERTAKER and Funeral Director Money to be Made Tern- Inodcnw. Arrangement; tor “In " names. Ae., mart be nwlcu the hunt oo. itas,Durhatn, Lt correwoudenoc “on“ than. or to Ceylon P. o., will be promptly “tended to, Tenn: on nppllutlon to o, IcPKAlL. (levlon P. " or to C. RAIAGI. Durham - Union lt" ulclcphoue omce, The Hanover Conveyance, elm l onto: IOU“ HI I. I 2--d p I. Be sure oy get Stin- ARTHUR GUN. M. D., by 'tttending to this advertisement labored]... “and“ a 6...). - Wâ€" 03hr“ no. god “an cor. Quote and at... mama.“ mm tool at "ttr J. F. GRANT D. D.tr, LO. B. HONOR GRADUATE of 31‘0an Licensed Auctioneer tor Co. Grey Epoch) amnion m to m " - Women Ind (Imam. Mum-y to man. JBee. over (iondon'l Jewelry Store N only Public, Go"uuisaioner, G. H. STINSON Model Bckay DURHAI, oNNtLowet To wn ME DI CAL DE ctsT TEAL son s bakery goods and you will always be satis- fied. We have afresh supply of Buns, Dough. nuts, Cookies, Cakes, and Pastry of all kind. always on hand . Tolophouo Con nootlon No. " We buy our bread at Stiusoa's and think it is the very best too. That is what you hear the people say. Cut Delivers My Full line of Catholic Robes and black nnd whuc Caps for aged people. Embalming a. Smithy J. P. TELFORD es can” uncut. axe H. H. MILLER, W. F. DUNN A, BELL PIYIICI u a Don”. T H Futr £14. Hutu-'- ”no 8 to " A.I. ' to ' kl ot

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