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Durham Review (1897), 6 May 1909, p. 7

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b "any Said Reform outlined--- l Stock Exchange Hit. 'tr'rti Ikrd George's British Budge! It creates Tun. lune T., "itber and “and: 9t 1 High". i,', MAKING UP THE DEFICIT. "0t)d'OO, two shilling:- mun "titiottnl all” " LIQCOR Lit ENSEs INCREASED. The liquor “mm-cs no “menu“, and "on this mm it u ant-nu tbat no Edition] revenue will ”In " Bt. m Another pom! i, to to! - xx it " Con-om- t anat M. DEA I‘ll \l 1500.!!!" on In A " Mt In mull} " '4)tr.trt I tir: FINA L tirri't RM P" ll rate, mm'tie tt in i'n' "amp duties ,, frmn Gm shillings. ' " tm-nly milling; flan-inn and analog ding the methods ot any usually adopt- et I" mpin' the hero ii a “Milt? il- te for athe "at'. ritiea. cunt mt issues. will. at. the tr-ter'Ugt o a than no raked from nixpem I. twr hillingq will be OH in of an lg"; Mttt mud sun. while tt are “in! toe out] INt MHZ TAX In um "UT" MU tl "" arl at 'im-ipa l driw it ,mm 'r':' , GOUIN MAY RETIRE. lat up " h Corona”: Jury Verdict " Death of Mary Smith. E Eighty Queen’s Students Preparing For the Minislry. Intimalcs That Course W hen Ungava is Amend. land values end linen! toy-Inn. " is estimated that these will yield thin yrur (mum, and immune annually. " i, into-min] that the tax on land when uhall be twenty per cent. on In: ture increases. Ten and was: rend- unehatsaed. The increase in the duties “with an! "ll-L- tradu." whit-11' the ti. quor whim-q is popularly called, Irv. in tlre budget prewnted to the "ounc- of l’umnmns to-day by Mr. David Lloyd- Homrgl'. made to bear the borden of the “5562.0!” M78,8t0Mhy) deficit of the ii-rul your invurrul by the old-age pen' tion< and the nlu- with Germany for an npirTu, with} cute-n mine cl Br, pence per gallon, is expected to produce additional revenues at “M It i, proposal aho to increase tho duty on "ratoeiacturrq from Him ”billings to Ilnn-o- yhilliIv-q and rigUpratee I pmtd, MM to Bulk: an equivalent Mambo- to vlw Ilulirs on cigars, vignettes gull-I- Him-turn! toustwe. Together' theme mun-rs are n-xprctl-ul to yield I total I"-\c-nu4- of “$00,000 a year. Inzl-rzxleu ttN THF. nouns. land-m. Mov Il. -- Avsamtttheted Kingstml dvN l bun-h twnight Links of queen' Unknown Steamer Went Down-ttr- Escaped on In. Ifrll’uil Ih'~p1llhl2 A I’m-I- Prvs, atrial from Sault Ste. Marie. Mich. report" tht. Ankh: of an unknown ates-nor. about 400 feet In... in Whigo. {in Bay 10-day. Captain Boyce. " the an." George W. Pun. - ed that the new of the "htkissg “a." wen nun walking out th- ioo to mtother was! Which had be. on.“ in the he. - HIK(|I.\\'1F WAS MURDERED. NEW MlNISTERS. SANK IN WHITEFISH BAY nhn' of Lords. wltielt represent Fanmeo, may tbrow out the lmdg" C. but thi, is imprnbuhh. "PPtttirri0h' COMNKNT. that commvnh of the mvmtwr n purxim imlicutI-d .owtoui,0mtet: Illu I m I w ttt I ml already are hing at th .onls. wo, LU)" F.hHAUsTrilr Hell: At. M. Andrw twelve theological gr , “en- I'm-med, vim McLaren's Depot; It N. tl.: T. J. Jewitt. thr [In Th.” Mary H. nth ot St. Mieharl's from tuberculosis 'e1oniously, wilfully ought inflieted by 'obalt on or about he Vc-nlinl returned / lu-v. night after mfiwa t ion wintry twenty min. tf the inquest, ll by Coroner manned with raw tt'ltq the Aren't-Mutt m Moll the 3 unlmr it h an m the ing IIN' that prey"! d mum- Imam tls an 3h Queen Wilhelmina Gave Biith to a Princess Dutch Gone Wild With Delight. STORK VISITS HOLLAND’S PALACE MONTREAL HOTELKEEPERS PAID GRAFT AT CHRISTMAS SEASON. Cheques to Aldermen--Mr. Kavanagh's Method of Avoiding Prosecution-- Ald. Proulx Got Mortey-Ald, La. pointe Tells How He Came to In- tercede in Some Cases. ALI), LAt'o'.NTrys .Udunnm l.. A. In tltrough Mr. N. K. L plain to the ("ml with Mr. Mdjoogan. I who yesterday after" commission that ttte stttula.r 1inuor-wllmy him in the Reeordvr', withdrawn through of Alderman L. A. i Cannon at ones gr; Alderman C. upon sworn. know Mr Met new" tlw fact he tttct ttte ml to me" that oortsicted, and sold liquor on 1mm i-wd "to 'w Inn-t Inn} on llu- dig-rt and I'xleim-d . to me that I}: hm] ll'v'n vulmunnt'd.‘ conxictrul, and paid, a thw fur losing) sold liquor my Sunday. He was than “ "trruiit'd'to rcieivo anothar summons 1 fur tke sumo offence, which tr: mil was rather hard on him, He asked me what he was to do. Cami- UM! yt GIFTS TO POLICE. tl: 'tave on took an 1 Mr ti m ")!.\"| QUEEN WILHELMINA AND HUSBAND IIIYH J " illipr in Holland i, " long-awaited birth Injury with dmnun- ion. The Queen mud my of 1lfck.hmlerg- mu. Un two re- hopes of the people hruno has been dis. at makes the rejoic- he mow heartfelt. al. in "rite of tlt-, Pointe appeueti, stltmuw, to tth" 'l his relation Adamant keeper, um informed th" vroseeutiou far ST l rr'.MF'..N't' int-n u tlt Mitj"rtt.v (New “INC W I' ll the Wilh in th (in ll, ‘Ils of Mum Hing . the torlt um lln bu III lh ll Jul tl will“ "tak, n "noun tlie urn Missionaries and Mission in Adana and Hadjin All Right. Fab-m. Ont.. {Imam-h; The Irurn uf John "orlrcr, mar here. “an attack br lightning this morning ut two io’cluck and burned to the ground, to- igether with 45 head of cattle, 6 hams Band some sheep. The fire. was so ,mpid nothing was anv '. Loss about 'Iivc thousand dollars. heated for omail amount. F Russian Relief Force at leriz and Succor People. um! Adana. in Aria Minor. “as n-cciwd from ling W. W. Peet, trt'anttrep of the American Board of Comnti.ttsioners tor foreign missions in Constantinople, at the American board's headquarters in this city tu-day. t ___. A ' -- S__8,A that unit-r luul lrvett Walt um! Adana. in Aria Minor from New. W. W. Peet, tr 'o'" en, .v w... The eublegrum lifted a great Weight of anxiety from the shoulders of the board ulfieiuis, inusmueh is the simi- tion in Adana nnd llmljin had been con- sidereul mov. perilous " the past two According to the despatch all the 1 -iunaries and the missions are safe yal th-v all " llama) m1 thing the N (,h'uugv. I, n- tlw Prim. At llu- pain will}; all th omit-1f tsith FOOD Fort tiTAllONCl. Tabriz, I’vrgia, May 3.--The advance mean] of the Russian expedition under Gen. sttarsky that left Julia. on the ilontivr, a few days ago to relieve this hvlv-agur-rcd city, entered the gates this morning. lt brought supplies for the starving people. Its progress was con- tcsted, but not seriously. ", nu ld them." tN"rliL'i'r:Dr'.l, IN OTHER prin to P, nth-r dm provlamatir Ion. May to of God. ‘l's‘m The mm- Mover llu- Duh]: m chin w- the In numiU 1hr [IVE STOCK BURNED. m sulnniltn ARE SAFE. vitizcu,., with grout joy w" lie "mu that her Majeuy, by rt' (And. has ln‘t'll dclivvrvd of The vnlirw- pnpulatiml of slrorrt, the {ruling- of 1lru'p huh h people. and is thank- l:h-~,~in-.: be,towed upon the b and upon tho country. May cvvrrt strength-n [he bonds Nvtltcrland, and tho 1fotrw Long live the Queen, lung inn-w of Uranium" ahuw everything is quiet "h. thr, tutirtttte" ha". which ii ilh proph- (‘ugo-r to sign the tr:vatttlatioma. Th0 Belgian "hr Nviherlands “ho is the " diplmnalic you». mu the n lhc- liM. llv wan fulhmcd urossion by tlu, olhl'r diplu- y,vutalivts. vlu-r (Human said fix a wrcial doc Hun "vietenee in th, "Hair. “hh-h is {spill at! the rvqm-st of l Judge ('nnunu "Lu ' t thi, Int-clings of t mo :1an the Police C uniltI-l lo ilw (Hurt 'Y 3.7 A cat/c aunmulwing ad been restored in llmljiu AH' _ titabl formulitiv- wlit-n "In. by nun Work ly tt-lvgraphml of the happy thy condition satisfactory. trttrttpirs in le the round, the principal ble Wois to "rr. the follow- ONTARIO ARCHIVES TORONTO , ttlioUtttR' Chi, nu-n Vsl "Inuit tttit l'hiludc-lphia,. May 3. - I'caec b.. twu-n the mine workers and operators in the anthracite coal regions of Penn- syhuniu is assured tar another period of three years. ttse-agreement continu- ing in force until March 31st, 1.12. The award of the Anthracite Coat Strike C'omutission was signed in the board room of the Reading Company here to- Jay by the committee of seven on be. lmli of the mine OWIM'I" and a similar eunnnittee representing the workers. With the expectiou of five added stipu- latiunu: ~tlggested by the miners, the agreement is ideutieal with the one sigllt'tl in New York three years ago. The Mine Workor,' Union is not om. cially reungnizvd. the members of the min! rs' t‘mmnittn-e nimpiy signing the agreement "on with” of the reprem-ntn. tios of the anthracite min" workers." The conference was a lvarntonious affair and 011ch with everybody happy. Following tlre conference, ES. Mc- Ctillottglt, fictional T"uw.Presidont of the union. “he reprewuted President anis. Said the mncvuiom made by {hr :qwrutora Wt're not 1H great in wtouiary talu" us they m-rc in moral vithet. Tho ung-uu-ut shows. he will. that the anthraeite operators and [Him \wrkon have a better understanding of TOWER OF CHATHAM COLLEG- IATE STRUCK BY LIGHTNING. out' a tto A The: _ Petrolea Town Hall Also Struck and Clock Stopped-Railways Tied Up in Various Seclions and Trains Delayed. .r 1ePmetieaWthes-astbe0tte $igtmdThteereanhg.. Guelph dcnpatch: The sr.ttow.etorttt of today, from the agricultural Aand. point, i, the rlimax to one uf the mm! huekuurd spring wagon» in many yours'. Unu- in the hu-nty your; csrrerit'uce of Prof. Xaritm Iwad of the "NI" rinn-ntul department of the Outario Agricultural tulle-av, has there been well rvlurdud growth in apriug, and the conditions of to-day are unique in that period of Univ. Needing at this lime of the month of April should be well under nay, and now it has hardly been ,,tart. ml, while the prospects are for a still {unlit-r dvlar. . "The other «awn “ill: this wan sotttL' ll-e weding did not llu- that of May. l to be little. if any. prof-or, but ho did tab at pussimialio vi the winning did not, t-onnm'ncc until tlu, that of May. Hus year prmnises M llt' halo. it any. better," said the l-ruh-uur. but ho did not by any means tab at pie,sirnietit' view of the crop outlpok throughout the Provide, "The wcuthcr of the next few wet-ks," he Implnim-d. “has more to do with the oGP.'tions than the cold "eatlwr of tin- Int-t. ttn tlu. oeea,ion of the wnditions than the cold “rather of tin- past. On tilt' amnion of tin- ulhi-r lam- wax-on. when wading com- nuncu-d tlu' first of May, it “an tear. wl that there would be no crops at all. but the weather Immune fine and warm ond the crop: were quito up to the average. I confidontiulty hope for tl.r- sumo condition of affairs this sum- lug little real harm. tue mun-r “In-n1 and vlon-r crops ttro, of rournv, baekward an a result of the wvatlwr, but they are in good shape, and this alarm ashould not Mntage them to any 'serious extent. " the woullu-r is to ho cold. the snow is mun a. promotion lo the winter crops." Prot. Kavitr, then expressed Hm hope of tho agrieulturii, through- out the l'rmiucc that the weather may change to sunwthing more sna- -mmth and ln-lp on the belated house“ and tho retarded crops. [HUT TREES 1N DANGER. Niagara Falls despalch: For lhiw tinny of )i-ar a wry wwrc sutotvAorut "o-urn") luwlny. 1ltrve illt'lu-s of snow falling, and the ~tvrm was fierce, with u stiff vast gale from early morning, and th" li-mpvraluru about freezing. Tho mow ocusml falling; about 6 o'clork, but thc wind otutiuucd. Several thuudor. claps this aftvrnuon added a strange fratnrv io the alarm. The recall! mild wcatlrvr had brought on the budding of [hr fruit tree, and if the trrwzing, wra- llwl' ruuthnu-a nun-ll harm will lu- done. Seeding operations will be deluyr‘d. smanms AX!) CU1'TEit8' out Woodstock 1ieispawbt As heavy u wuw-Jorm us Woodstock saw all last winter eommeneed hut night and is still raging this morning. Nearly a foot of snow Ina-4 fallen, thin-n Westward by the high wind. and "lviglts and cutters are to be MN?n on 1hr streets The "M {nhuhitunts my they now-r knu' anything like it before at this late Ivriod of the spring. CITY HALL WAS lN-JL'IIEI). Pvtrulva dcapalch: This morning "orly u bad wow and lightning stun" struck the town, damaging the City Tfall and putting the town clock out of luminous. The fire brigade soon extin- qnishcd the flames. The building is in- sured. "V the snowstorm (0-day doing any arm?” hu- Wit" ankml. "Well. not particularly. It h, "f Mtl""'. dvlayiug the growth. but is do. ' little real harm. The winter luot and Mon-r crops arc, of Tillsonburg dcnputcln: There was a very heavy snowfall here during the night, oud this afternoon the ground in and about the town is covered with snow to a depth of ten or twelve inches, and sleighs and cutters are in use. The morning trains on the G. T. R. and M. l'. il. Were delnyed by the snow. Toronto despatch: T. C. Rubinettc, K. C.. mm! to Ottawa lust night to are Hun. Mr. Avlumrurlh, Minister of Jm- tice. with reference to the one of Walter Blythe, who has lwon "nteneed to bo hanged for the murder of his wife at Agiueottrt. . . While In- is (hero ln- till MM) prvsrnt a petition for the release of Joseph Phil. lips, ot York County Lon hm, who in "tttd tereart a his ete'e: E iaiGiiritil rein-c on parole." -"riiGiiit1a'Vr hi/reieme has been very widely signed.” said Mr. Rubineltr. "and. 1.1.soiits.the Minister of Justice win THE BIG STORM. Fiwss DELAYED BY ”on.“ THE MINERS. FEW“ STU“)! NOT It.utMr'tT A! J08. PHILLIPS. which compared an: ago, when AWFUL FIRE IN NEW YORK. Btaek and In I'm Fired loam SI... Was It! PM. Police (1|th In to $an Wane- nl We]. What-skull.“ g. New York, May 3.--Eight person: five of them children, Wore burned to death and fourteen others were injured, monte of them fatally, in III incendiary fire in a five-storey lent-malt House at 37 Spring street, occupied by twcuty Italian familie, varly to-day. The biam followed a dvmnml by mem- ber, of a w-callrd Black Hand Society ior the payment of “.000 blackmail. " xpruad through the building with Mart. ting rapidity, as the luallway,s were "oak. cd with hormone oil by the black. trailers. ln a panic whth followed the alarm the (manta fought their way down the fire L'scitpe" or jumped from the Min. dows. while babies were thrown from windmu into lhc arm, or policemen on the sidewalk. The dead arc.. Alum IV honis. ogol .'v .\'l‘lll'3: Frank “chunk. agml 2: Autoiuett" lk-lmnia, ung 5: Dominick Pur.elli. sign-1| 2:2: (mm-Minn I'm-inn". agvd 21P. Slvplu'uu lk-livu. algl'd e: an unigrntiticd nun and an un. identified boy. of glue injured, sh. oi whom three are children, are not exported to re. con-r. 1ruildiu, run-Int; The alarm was spread by the firing ot n volley of revolver v.hob, from the windows of the burning building. po. Iieemen who. reNrouding. hunt in the main door, found the hullway saturated with kerosene and blazing fiercely. Two half emptied cans of kerosene were on the itlirs'. The frightened temuttis fled to the roof. or thrunged the fire er mp1". in the rear. which Were Hugged with ob..tachs Men and women were fighting for u may down the eat-apes. when thu- police went up and aided them. and entering the rooms brought out several uneunheiuus persona. In the wrunlble new-ml tenant: Were injured by falling from the escape“. and the police had to club the men to Hire the women and children. The less wn~ Black "and Soviety." On Monday but "rm-h tom-Hod nu- other letter written in a similar strain Ho turned both low-1's owr lo the police. "We demaud $1,000 or (Ivallll. "ring it in Mott s,irret. l'vh'millu h (ll-ml. but tho Hluck Maud lives. tsitpttult Black "and society." On Monday lad "rm-h rovvide au- about $0,000. Harrisburg Young Men Paid Deal, For Their Fun. lh'untfuld du‘patch: Eight Ilani4. burg young men wru- mulcted $90 in fines by 3tagiUraie Livingston its a re- eult of the scrim of disiurbauccs rc ported in that village. The tit-fondant! were charged nith assaulting an old man named Joseph Knight. The penal- ties which were imposed were: William Kay $2.1. Edwa‘rd Dargic #25, T. Tan. Sickle $5, C. Poten M0. w. Brook #5, Joseph Reeks $5. Magistrate Livingston inflicted heavier fines on those who had been callod to “islet the old man in re- pclling hi9 nsxiiilunts, and I' ho on their arrival turned out to be worse than the original offenders, The old man was dragged by the hook from door to gate- way. it gone was put around his neck. his norm taken out and ins property damaged. The deft-nee alleged that he was an objectionable character in the village. but the Magistrate did not up- hold this contention. The attacks wore made on thn-o on-usium, and n numbor of younger defendants “on: allowed to BOUND GIRL PHONES all Wriule: to [nun-cut and Send: in a Burglar Alum. -trrr York. May .",.--lmprirotwd in a chair, with tightly bound ropes scu- ing her wrists and ankle, Mrs. L. Mann, wife of Dr. Clmrlva M. Mum. who lives in the otuutord Aptuetrstuttq at 535 “'04. 11111: Arm-l, Watched I robber strip her “nouns of I-vcrytllin. potoblc in the broad daylight of ya- tcrday afternoon. The moment he by! dirsapptrtttxrd Rho wriggicd Iter way, chair and all, despite her bomb, to a uw where there was tt (eh-phone, 3nd knocking the receiver from its hook with her elbow. called for hell _ "or action was the more heroic inns- much as she is only 21 years old. but when the police arrived, as they did in force. as boon ns her hysterical woul- wcro tutdctrtood, nlu- fell intn on hpaam after anotlwr. It was only the, return of her lllleballd that pix-vented her being taken to a hospital in an ambulance which had been dread) summoned. Meantime only i cursory investigation Wls necessary to than: that the daring burglar had left virtu- ally nothing of value): the plum. CHAUFFEUR KILLED. Taxicab Was Stuck In Trail at Philadelphia. Philadelphia, May 3.--Wtu. Adams 11 chauffeur for the licrgdul] Thumb Co.. was inuantly killed and two occupants urthe which were wriuudy injured at 3 o'clock thi, morning by being struck by a train on ttie Heading railway. Tlr., let-idem occurred at the Ninth awnux- crossing oi the railroad. The names' ol the two men minted an- Andrew Dun- nnlly aged at. and Willard Kerr, aged 40 years. Both are suffering from erttttr lions and laceration». The gate- tender lit the owning In towering the gum {Ind (hr “xi-uh endvawrcd to ”van ahead of the trate, - _ i .lili‘ul) "ruvk, llw proprietor of a gru- Cv "tore ou tlw main floor of ttw “ding. tvccited (on April In a ll'llrr Tho Chinese " The joy of being an univernl as the longin; .-nonun Tina-Uni!» HEAVY FINES. JiGiGris vegetables in {figural should be " loves“. to be bmutttfttt. WOMAN ASAUIII'ED. David Kai-,0! “in! “at“ Guelph *qntettt 11- city can tttitted I 0. M "ekg " Waterloo ave-Io. one ' the min and}. upon a you" at... - tieietuest-euuitt-tAi. " follow“ " tiadeot d aaitrtiiee nature the prcriou night in author rat-t of the city. and other "tty,t,t are been made. Yesterday po. tice arm-ted David Kati... a young man. on a charge of indecent malt. tor the Waterloo "one “fair. and upon thin he was tsoetvicted. Ha had stepped up to the young lady, and when told his (xi-pan! wan not. do sin-d. followed her until the nai- dence of sheriff Allan wan luau. Here she attempted to run to tho house. but he overtook her and - tcmptod to hold her, until a light in the honor entrance wand “In II”. In winnnding the priaoncr for a weak Magistrate Saunders said that the limit of tho law appeared not - enough for much a use. and he told Renting he downed to be public!) Robbers T me Tmin Hult and Mk (an. “and Humor .lum-lion, Hoo. SUy it.-- Two highwrymcn late last night held up and toirbcd n Nbrthem Paritie '1va get train three miles out of thin plus. The robbers out the engine and one nil car from the train. shot (win: a! the mum-1.. olden»; tum from the rulinc. pm n tvvoiscr to Fiugim-cr Wink-5'- Dun-ml and compelled him to BI'Id the on- ginc tarttel -. _ _ _ - _. The oily-r bandit took the place ot Urs fireman and as IVY pwsmed ”Inuit "nun-r be was ihrowing coal into the fire box in an erpetu'nmd "ere.. Officials in Spokane and RAM!“ promptly were itdormed and while the mail car “as being iublxd later a I point between Trent old Yardley. pom were forming on Ather wide of the hon- dits to overhaul them. The engine nad mail car nm by the signaln in Trent. lea miles ttttut of Spokane, and land not up- pearo-d in Yardley up to the time cl initiug "ellrvillv, Ont., d-tch.. Late lat-t evening the body of Jerry Clarke, who with his wife, Went through the county bridge over Black Creek, on Mouday last, with tt tum of horses. was found about half a mile below the bridge. The remains wcu- badly mutilnted. The body of Mrs. Clprke has not .ree been recon:- ed, and fears are entertained that it in carried out into the Main river and into the Bay of Quintc. Coroner BOI- pcr. of Madoc, bu ordered In Inquest. ta be held on Wednesday. London. May 3.--Andrew negie left to-day tor Naples. The Scotch steel king and world. wide distributor of libraries and phil- anthropist is not well. le Not a Well Matr----ik k Going Scull For I Ii. Red. The Laird cf .ckibo “ill spend the summer touring ate Mediterranetut in I. palatial yacht which he has just purchawed. A visit to the Holy Land is con- tetnpUted in. {In Ittio.rt go avoid {all I A visit to the Holy Land is con- templated in an effort to avoid all “(airs pertaining to business or giv- ing_uwny his 1prd.eyrstetl Iay.ings. -rira1t id get Ii big rest," ttus-mag- nate is quoted as saying. Wet or damp shoes should be given spa-M cure. for it plaoed an! a. (in: the chum-cs are the leather will he nun. ed, for a elk-mien chum-c takesupueet when the leather is subjected to heart, which dries and pnrchcs it so um. It will crack like matchegrd. . A . - If but one pair of shoes in to do for all occasions, it in unwise to pun-hue " extreme style. There an: nlwnys may models on the market which are intro- duced to give variety and to sell to womvn who no always on the lookout. for something unusual. mm on urintt a lu-rl’u-t fit. shoes that are ill-fitting will wear out much quicker than those which fit properly. . - . Wlwn slums, however, have finally served thcir period of usefulness, either give them away or "plant" them, for nothing in so distressing u to we am- tities of old shorts lying “out.” . . Not every one knows that old leather is one of the best fertilizers for trees or vines. and as an ol4 fashioned gar- dclwr who Nl‘iu‘d their value said: "With a single tree at hand it iguinfnl to kccp old shoes out of the 'rroind." Nam-e should be “planted" fully two feet down and nature dons tho test. A grape vine. for inetartoe will take on new life and “with! belng fertilimd by old uhota. . Another use for old shoes in In a. feeder for a fire, for under a layer of coal old shoes will keep the hottest kind of u ironing fith Milan Campanile. In this age of centcnuicn this year. warding to a French newspapcnmarh marks the s'ts hundredth anniversary at the svtting up of the first steeple clock. It is t-laimed that the honor belong- to Milan, and it was in that city, In th year mo. that the venerable an dbl of the campanilc of Saint Ell-taco - vlace to the clock. Dante on not. than on" ocvcaslon refers to it. and the horologue in aid to have inspired other poets with than“ for "rait1eatiem. ANDREW CARNEGIE Boom Hunting in Qua-mind. A reward of It 3d. a pound w“ u- ncut]; offered by the Uncenwland up? Plotters, writes a lid-lune correspond~ t-nl, for host's-u of the dmsirtnrtive m C'aute grub. Hundred. ot m and toys have new (use. up beetle in“ u . profession. One all am a a out throughout the "beetle" canon. ”I bors nuke from " a treee.--re- 9.. undo- Daily Mail. '" _ HELD UP TRAIN. BODY FOUND. Cltrk My W. Chats About Shoes. (at

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