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Durham Review (1897), 6 May 1909, p. 8

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.,i, ' ('va ’ 'ii.ii-i1i"i"i""ii-iikiopLE's -fj.i'If.ll,tl,,,i,e,.,,. tl) "i,ii:i'i, Dress Goods 'i" Hats and Caps ibli in Those who lock 1 moms]: losi- ncss Training “way: have the Hardest Work and the Poorest by WALKII‘I‘OH BUSINESS COLLEGE int :' qtprd Ill 'di) "LIXIIIIL'! _" _ r 'r" unlh Ur. Nun-p1 ‘M, 4 (:unp Rumba Um) _ t- t isill,tirvlyIrri. . _ Ve sh, n Vulnllum. In: '(lx« Clothing (1i)rrt!tP,r),-)llt, (y ifghrji.r,ie, 7 fit 'i'j'W'" ad In tho. ttil 'tttt alum New Shoes Often the Cheapest -- Enter Any lily j=iti=i"rii""iri GEO. It“ It). Emma. Principal. A .ale ad 'ieiLser.2r. mu! Instntcuoll- 1mm law " Joe WM While the extensive purchase Spence stock made by us holds oat fakcinating bargains on sale. Eac] - - ,ALQ..- u-- shipment . fine ribbed Cotton Hose for girls I00 Pairs nlar price 25c, sizes 8:4 to 9% pair, smaller sizes per pair . . . . . . . . . . . .. . I Ladies' fine plain cotton hose IN pairs ioncd and seamless feet, reg zo'c 1 . Children's Hose. splendid val 200 Pan's money. Sizes 6)4, 7, 7% tor s smaller sizes, per pair-T-.. .... .... ... Mel Panamas , Ginghams Sample Pairs Shoes goinglike tiotCakes --. . ___ I“ ..n.. no \vhnhasale mice Prints, Muslims, About 150 pairs left Black Voille rsriigt,cyeatr..rs."f.'..t.".'.'.'i.r":'. 47c yo Also Brown Voille and brown, navy green and black pan- ama at this price. Special sale Muslins Sat. at 8c yd 12k White Cotton, Saturday at 9lc yd " u Regent Brand ", Suit, whether you want teeny-mum- v. -- V- These Clothes are cut and sewed petlectly, the style is permanent, due to the honest methods of making and the excellence of _materials used. iikrrom Principal ow EN 30830. Ont Grocery Specials for Saturday LargeTinSalmon........10c can: Extracts..........--. . 8e Yeast Best Rating Molasses, can. 9e not 4 3oc Black Tea. .2te 30c Jam Tea. .t Absolutely the Imperial Shoes 5 .. tt -- _. Hm“. ”law tn for min, Highest Prices for Batter and Eggs. Write, I letter to aatigtit School ot Mild In We“ ROBT. BURNETT This is a beautiful fine cotton, ful tor than“ any purpose, go til. H. MOCKLER public O' mu. Tt been an and "sGnething New. Sign: ot Chocolate, tan how to ttot it IMP Three Special Hosiery Bargains t Bu , pin ' DRESS GOODS own Bound min , n0 Ggtb. s'll,'.bl'lirlllr, " " Here is the place. to Brand buy your Spring want ready-made' or made to order. 11! and sewed perlcctly, the style is - _ . _q.e--.. null tho No cloth made to email wearing and dust-sheddin: , New check gingham. , weaveand sortfinish. b' to mining! Highest Prices for Butter and Eggs Tl A large assortment and Cape now on h r“ r.-. _ _ - - - fine plain cotton hose, full fash- I" seamless feet, reg 20c pr, on sale en’s Hose. splendid value at dou , Sizes 6)4, 7, 7510: 9c per pai: Lawns and orgtutdies is There's one 10c of the Bargains nccnpim n front bench I churches and who sings w c-mplnaia. “Revue the was known to give a W" cents an Monday for n and diunissed her with A milvud ot her tea. This faith to n-move mount enough charity to stop a I How SHE Dm Ir A " Ln A fine stock or. Kaitlin, Tans and Dongola Blue. an a Oxblood for Women Can Baking Powder.........5c Yeast Cake.... ...... .......4c Best we Black Tea.........25c Tea..23c 25anpu Tu..l9c ;c yard, on sale Not Yet to equal these for shedding qualities. fine finish but no filling, use- d "Sc value, 150 yds tttttAc Lase of The Burton out, there are many Each week brings its aent of Spring Hats on hand. G you at Wholesale price for girls and boys, reg- ’ I I? 9.'j..i.o.r..1r 12lc q I - Iryr, 391.511.“. 10c stock of. Patsy“. b, fine even Nice stock of I It". _. Wee'"" bench in one of our sings with peculiar me the Perishing. , we a poor wonmn ro for " big Washing with a tiinedictioy _ This woman had mounmins but not stop a bread wagon. at double the per pair, S: Alway s the Beat A woman w 47c yd [ft 'gr, 4;. EL e, gm”: Li.u' Mrs Angus Cameron and son Alister " last week tor Milk meer, Alberta, to muse her husband. who is in poor health, pneumonia the cause. Mr Jam R, Gun was in ammo": Tuesday. and returned with his sister. Miss Marin“. whom we are pleased to “up. has made rapid recovery Iince her operation. Mrs The: Aikem, Bufralo, whois visiting her mother and brothers in Priceville. visited last week and at her uncle's. Mr Allan McKinnon and other town friends. Mr Brad Jamieson and Ins cousm. Rune]! Bradshaw ot Toronto, have been visiting at the tormer's home here. Brad returned to Toronto Wednesday to w: ite on his ttnal exams. ,_-,___‘, _--------" Bums-At Dakota, on of pneumonia, Mr Jul erly of Toronto, but couple orptut of Dab o A very pleasing event occured on Wednesday slast at the home of Mr and Mrs Archie Park, Vickers. when tin-iv eldest (Llughlt'r Miss Sarah unit- ml hand and Man. with the man of her choice, Mr Wm, u, Henderson ot Hmnpdeu. Promptly at 4o'clock to the titrains of the wuhiing march "ived " Miss Jeume Dewy, the bgitt..c' A BenthK weaning 4rh--John McKeown, Ruth alcUllll- l - Eg; 3rd ..-Teuts McGillivmy, Sudic . A very pleasing event occured on Mc illivruy,Alec McFarlune. Charlie Wednmdnydust at the home of Mr McFurlune, Vernon Pennock, Mabel ind MN Archie Park, Vickers. when Benton. Silas Edwurdu. 2ud--Viola l illt'll‘ ('ltlt'sl tlaughter' Miss strait untt- Pllkey. Allsn McLean, Emma Atnett, I i-d hind and hear! with the tuna of Niel McFarlani', Sadie McMillen, Nor- l iii-r choice, Mr Win. u. Henderson ot man McDonald Pt 2nd-Mhtt Mc- I Hi\lllpdt’ll. Proruptly at, -.1 o'clock to Keown. Oscar Pennuck, Flora McFar- the Ml’illlli of the. wedding nmrcb Inno,Tnniniy Edwards, MvrtlePilkey, played by Miss Jennie Drihy. the bum Aittiur Pennock, Edmund Poole. tir i-iitt-ri-di-ummrtedlvy hummer. Itcv. Pt Ist-Willie Ihlkey, Leonard Mc- A,L Budge of Hanover, petrormc.d Keown, Clark Jackson. Da" Mc- the ceremony. Tho young couple Arthur, Angiu McUilliyrny, Mary new unattended. The bride looked Edwods, Elsie Benton. JrPt Ist- lmnny dressed in grey wool tatteta Margaret Jackson, Pearl Pennoetr, tvuuriuul with cream silk. ttertrayel- tttiliy Pilke . ling gown was of blue viole. C. D. Iixmwasvsos, Teacher. l The many beautiful and costly gills LATosA SCHOOL. haw-ind, instilled to tho esteem In I M . , . Id lb T iihii'li the young couple Weie htll'. th. "ttttton build)” Dona 'U', _r. . . ., _ Maggie Manley. Alex 'rurnhali. Br lne giooiii-i gilt to the buds was a J h Led' h A -h' “I. gold Watch "udchain. Only the im. 4ttr-- 0 n [King um. I "t ", bait- iut-diuti- relatives and neighbors were 30", his“. Ici uqtht, isa sel #3“; u l, present. Among the former was the “flu”? ye.) Z; “waif? y"li "ll; grand urule and aunt of the bride, Mr is y 1Jatgsve ' ottvimb L Pf. ey. Bf t and Mrs Jnhn Nichol of Priceville. --Arthur ‘3'"‘P9‘m' NOW" tsek, 1ftsw a ,l . .. t . . , _ _ Bernard cottield. Br t3rd--1urold . par-"in eveutnh', spent in . P . trit-ndlv that and uuiusvinent the Ledinghnm. Aut Stewart, Pf,'" 'ct , . . . . Mountain, Mildred Smith. Jr 'drd-- guuts minute-d leaving their best . , . ll , . M t wishes fur the future happiness Mid .Archie Tern?,", 'Uarrtt onley. Br _., .4 . . hick-Mary Come) Nellie Snub. prublellly of the voting wuple Just . , l I T tt entering upon the seairt'utatriroony. Mary ict) ement,_ 1"lh .ra ord, _ On the Friday evening following.“ Janet Benton. 1tPn1-,-P.,'l1'if y.yy I their new hotw', a i'eu-ptioii was lry. Wi.lrreil Black. Pc.2e--l,v,,ipt I given to young people of the neigh- gfouutain,Ntie c5iyitit,i,t,'idW2it,',' bot hood, when the evening was spent lord. Sr utr-lite?? Le mum“? Huh; l in dance and games until the that Smith, Morrist.8uittt,, Martin cotBeld, traturq of dagrtt dispersed " happy Jr Br-hy., Shrider. Florence iJ?ttiti.d . gathering. Annie Morrison. Jr.A-MIi..t Me _----. Gillivray. Bessie Morrison, Sadie Me a.. --= Dwain LVilertrc Small Led rwros--At Dakota, on 28th April, of pneumonia, Mr Jae Benton. tonn- erly of Toronto, but for thelnst couple of years of Dakota, and 58 years. Mr. Benton was born one mile west of Dcrnorh in Bentinck, and has (“any friends in this part. He was: cumin to the McD maids, D. ltd, (ilenelr. and at Top with, and others in am locality. [From another con-e: have an account which its way and we make to of it ..l u. .. ., It is needless to state that " these good folk" of Ecminck know how to conduct a wedding. For everrbpdvy heart was light and gay l the friends werenll there and a highly resrect- nhle assembly they farmed. the 0 deal of Wham were Mr and Mrs John Nich- ol of Prieeville, tho gum! uncle of the bride and Mr. and rs. Geo. Turn- bull of Durham, the uncle of the grown. About a hundred others of close xindrvd and neighbour, com- prised the party. .L --- l.“I.\I111-a The ceremony over. there [Olluwcu lhumingling " good cheer and hleu- sing and the examining oflhe pres- ents, which to the hide is away ahead at anything Christmas 2w lnuughl. bur they are to beautify whanhasheeu her dream-the bridal home. ' First of those was the gift ot the be. trothed--a fiue gold watch and chain. Then were almost everything to make u home beautiful, which the ladies de- ctared to be "lovely," The time went ”mu-Ely. The tuade's table led in par- luklné of the good hospitality of Mr. and . rs Park, And (here wus fusi- mg indeed. After the company drank m the health ot the happy bride, there fullmved both instruufeiAal and vocnl musk. and u. long to be remembered evening was spent. f [ Business men frequently accept by mail, and otherwise, postage Itmupw In settlement of balance. o accounta. and perhapc are in the habit of send- ing away stamps for the same put" pose. V ‘ A _..--'.. b., It may be new: to most people to hear that each n. pl “use il forbidden by the postal law, with severe punish- ment for any postmaster periuitunss m. The Government's otrieial instruct- ium to In',',',",',',':',', page 53. rule IN, (leak wit the manner m the lollowmu paragraphs t A Bentinck Wedding (a) The Postmaster is aware that me many in basal on the volume of busi- ness done at his once; and that the volume of busineu is, to come extent, shown kg the nmount. of his sump sales. 0 will therefore understand that she lumps and post cards sold by him should. so far as pounble. he used ilcsorrripoueyt pong! It bis urn-u - Lu...-,m__.._- r, ottiee. The Paulina-tel- is. theretore, forbidden to make . humans at telling sump. or post card. for an " other union; or for the purpose ot making remittances. V b DIED n We“ in tStratford urned with his sister. "" we are pleased to rapid recovery since 0.-.. we make room for part A Warning. new: to mqst poop}: to Correspondent we which is upique in " the last "mu" -....-e"-'- - . - I, aged 58 Intermediate-Rent Snell, Jessie . t s Inn-n one] McUrIe, Sarah Donnelly, Willie cute, m SWW'LTEE Bentlnck. Alumna Nichol. I this part. Jr li-Ura" Vullett. Irene Whit- Prevent ll‘cD maldu, taker, Stanley Williams. Hurry Kress. Top Clrire, A--Edms Browning, Stella McUrue, Th: ninth an . Joe Cupper, Margaret. Manning. veutiott of the 0: there followed Alister is “are that h'y httai; Last G Janet alpha“. Jillleh Anal DIN!“- Jr 3rd--Victor Canton. Zen Crnw-‘ turd. Mary McKeclxnie. Annie Mch. Mary Hullford. Sr 2nd-Alice McUne. Mary Mell- mith, Fred Saunders Gordon Gan, Wtlbert Kwisley. Jr Md A--Martqn Manchu“. John Manwnn. John Duncan, Willie J F1 ”Jr Md A-Maron McGowan. John IA Wail, Lorne Jacksop. J . 2nd B-Robin Farquhanon, Helen Lenahan, Melvin Grew. Fred Untton. Hat per McGirr. Br Pt ttui-Jennie Davin. Tillie Leone, Nellie Leyine. Russell Gun, Vera Allan. Sr PL gnd--Ethel Whitmore, Jem- una Lawrence. Harold Battuge, Marie mum. Mildred Vollett. Durham School Report. tir iia.irioiit Snell, Louis Ector, Lorne Smith and Evin Schulll cq" James Rutherford. Gladys Douglas. TEE DURHAM REVIEW Mouuuuu, nun-unsu- PmW..._B_'" - Archie Tm-nbnll, Currie Mortley, tip 2nii--Mury Coil), Nellie 3mm. Mary McClement, Irene Trattord, Janet Benton. Jr hub-Bubble Mort. lay. Wilfred Black. PC ttmd-Wilde Mountain, Annie Mounmin, Roy Traf- ford, Sr Ist-itat" Ledinghyuy, Ruby Smith. Morris Smith. Martin CotBeld. Jr B--Joe Shrider. Florence C,otBeld, Annie Morrison. Jr A-Annie Mc- Gillivrny. Bessie Morrison, Sadie Mc- 1cle.ment, Bessie Wilson, Sillah Leda inglnun. Mabel Trattord. Arena ge attendance 35. KATE MCDONALD, Teachiir. s, s. so 3, BENTINCK. Sr tth-it Alexander. E Counts. A Wise, M. Wise. " 'ue-l Derby, J Hopkins. L Torry, A Lawrence, J horny, N McBonald. Sr '4rd--hl Ad- - -- I" I, A Dunn" Wl‘nrhult B Henry. " *Mb9_'"""""" .-_ ,, lam. ll Park, A Bailey. FCorbett, B l Livingstone. E McLean, E Park, M l Mather. gs/tyd-M Hopkins, A Ttun- bull, it Lawrence, c, Turnbull, M Mc- Rmmld. B Park, W Mather, C “any. Jr 2nd--N Muldick, E Roz-3y, M Ad- lam, M Adlum, E Milligan. Hopkins, It Miller. Sr Pt 2nd-- I Turnbull and tt Adlnm eq., G Johnston. E McLean. Jr PL 2nd---F Remy. u Hopkins, M Churleton. c, u Terra, H Grutrtsott, R Mightun. Sr Let-- “any. V Reay, M Bailey, Jr lst a-T Corbett, J Milligan, A McBonald. B Mather. Jr Ist B-u Bray, " Johnston, ll Hop- kins, J Park. Average attendance " I ANNIE C. MACKENZIE. Teacher. 8. s. No. 0. BENTINCK. J r 4th-tsrttie Phillips, Irene Britten. Peat-l Hopkins. tip 'ad-Maggie Clark ( wane Button. Humble Hendry. Jr 3ru--Harry (Lox, Gut-don Reid, Eva Redford, Willie Hupkins. Sr 2ud-- Alvm Reid, Jeume Britton, Nina, Noble, Ned McDougall. Jr 2nd-lsi. Tmuulev. Ohm Hench y. 'Jnnnie Nuhn Gilbert Noble. Jr Pt 2nd--Edp" Boyce, JuLnuie McDuu all. Sr Ist- Merle Reid. " 'd't'l'alll,'io Britton, Joe Burns, Sarah McUaIIum. M. E. Mouton. Teacher. Sr tth-Pearl Wilson Mabel Smith. Rubi. 'sltL12tl.'""ls' Marjorie MC onuld. Sr 'drrd-MNto Clam Hogans. m JI.. 8,qit s. a. No. 10, BKNTISCK. I Sr tth-Pearl Wilson. Jr 4th--: Mabel Smith. Rum. Putherbuu’gh. 'siadttl.t""ls' Marjorie Clark, Philip MC onuld. Sr 'itrrd-HNtuir, McDonald Clam Hone-s. Jr Iiirda..-11oward Mc- Dougall. John cure, Roy Lamb, John Smith Br 2nd--Perrr Uuwnll. Jeanie Clark, Bertha lioness, John Uriersou, Celia lioness. Jr 2dd--Uhurru? thier- son. Carlyle McDonald, Willie Me- Donald, Sterling Lamb, Belle Me. Quarrie. Br PL bui--George Wilson, John unwell. Jr Pt bd-Mary Lamb, Archie Wilson. tir Ist-Welt" McQuarrie. Jr 1st--1tor Caswell. -- .. _----. m‘-n|\nu'n Laud). Arculc "may... V_V - McQuarlie. Jr 1st--1toy Caswell. ht, MORTON. Teacher. u. s. s. No. 2. BENT. & GLEN. Jr 4tt-tLsrold McKechnie, Willie l Edge. Jr tkd-Buster' McArlbur. Br grui-Arusetta McKechuie. Ear) Vessie. Tom Grauby. Jr Pt. Sud-- Esther. McLean, Mabel thrarby, Br tt-.wittntt' Mitchell, Campbell Mit. chell, Reba Vet-is. Jr Gt-Ted/ir Middleton, Merron McArthur, lay bliwheu. L. B. Wanna. Tumor. . a. s. No.10, mum a: nonunion. l 1euy-Atgtt Hutton-d. Ada Mf-') Lean- Jr " -Ghu HeKinnon. tiri aru--rnowte Hooper, any Mahmud” Gladys Tucker. Br 'nd-Mine up; Sachem, limb Men-chem. Hear l "fucker. Pt. ma-NNI g'go'dl'l'll, Ev. tlooped,) Malcolm McKinnon. Srl - _ "--- EM. Manila-ml EV. "oope nun"... -- li-utr:" 'tiii":' 399 John Shag}. A Li! pe, Ev. unoper unnum. _V_V 1i-U'ttwt 1:325". 399 McBachern, John Show. ' Jr late-Jennie I. McDougdl. Avenue “mum ll Luz": Dunne. Teacher, Fergus has a record for widows tad spinner-I. but there is one homo there in which B6 present. more is residing All in good health, three widowu, three grandmotheu. two an“ gand- ihotherts, one “mum er, And one rut grandfather, up}; my town in 1'l'IUg but this? ' No. 1, o LEXELU. Bulb Jug-nub TORONTO widows rind From the third Annual Reportol the Guano Benny and Municipel Board we cull lone future to show how some municipalities ere muting out owning and running their own lEIeetric Light end Power Photo. Out ot " miirtiaiptlitiem owning than ‘48 reported yel "ortttoge, 34 gowns? ' --A--A nu-Ar .xmn . " "WI.“ - In I'lv-v' -- - - . n HUSH“ of Income over Expendi- ture; reported I deiitsit. The total ot the dethtita wu 828441. hi an average of $3160.13. Bow ever leaving oat Kenora which alone had 812425.64 and Windsor which had $8877.21 (evidently something not normal). the Average defieit is 81019.85 The total otsurplutes was $82853- .20 an Iver-age of $2436.86. however as Port 4rthAr with over 330000 sur- -N_, -----* inn anon. I! LVII Alb.-.- .. “W _ ve plus, bid ovidemly something spec- ml. the average surplus of the re- mainder ia $1900.00. The prepon-. derance ot chances then is in Mar of "nanieipal ownership. _ . A 7____ A Ft1 mun.-.r... - ___ . m. Forest had the modest sum of $22.50 on the right side, Dundalk $132.10. Owen Sound $3155.23, Kin- cardino $539.02. Colliugwovd $2124-‘ MO, Barrio $5468.50. Hespeler $387.22 ‘Wingham $880.80. thi the wrong side were Pnlmcrston $2655.46. Whit- by $531.51,St. Mary's $553.77 and so on. Out of 86 municipalities owning Waterworks iii tepoited and ot “teas " BIN: "VI nu, v- ""'r"'"'-" 27 reponed 'splits: amongst these being Hanover 3149;.45. Mt. Forest $367.73 of towns nearby. Owen Bound, Sanford. Shelbnrne. Walk- enon came oat on right side. The cost per 1000 gallons ranges all the may from 18.? on: in Essex to 1.25 on TUr ninth annual meeting and coo. vention of the Canadian Association for we Pruventiou of Consumption Ind other furum ortubertsuloittsis to be held in Hamilton on Wednesday an . Thurs- day May IO "ul 20 next. - . - . l -- _..:ll Ln ...., -. -- "n The morning of the first day will be devoted to the reading of reports end the appointment of committees. lu the Afternoon Dr White, of (Nahum saun- torium will deliver an address on the Duty of btuntnipalttieis in Reference to Tuberculo.ie. In the evening of the same dny his Worship the mayor will do- liver an addreei of welcome. titer which Dr Adami, of Montreal. will speak on a. subject. which ought. to command at- tention, How Une Can do Most Good in Arresting Turereulosis at the Smallest Outlay. ---- _ . A '_-- ‘n- "anal-l dis. uuo"'y. The topic set. down longeuenldis» cussinu during the fort-moon of Thurb- day Is The Duty of the People Toward the Mwemom lur the Exuxuclion ot Consumption. Hon. Adam Beck, M, Downey, M, P. P., Dr Fugun of Yistoris B. c., Dr Gen. D, Porter. mud A number \ofocheu both physicians and laymen. Kare expected to take part. In the discus- sion at this subject, I b Municipality Profits. awn OI hula Buoy"... On Thursday afternoon at 4 o'clock the meeting will adjourn to the Mount- sin tsanatoriuut to amend a reunion given by the ladies of Hamilton. Nut the least interesting part of the pro- gram is the visit. to the tuuvstoriutn, when it will be seen how much can be done for the treatment and cure of con- sumption at I moderate cost. The sue. cessofthe Mountain sanilorinm should iluruiuh no object lesson well worthy of the study at municipalities trontetuplst. ing action (or the reduction of tubercul- osis within their own neighborhood. ---- - ,7 - -"e ---- The public are hereby noUhed that fishing is strictly prohibited on Lot 28, Gun. 2, E, Cl, It, (opposite Glen- ruaden). All 1respasset's will be prose- cuted. .. n Alexander, the Great When he had conquered world, sighed tor other wm quer. ... n "to gain the whole world" and fence. around it, and time have 1 inhabitants thereof for tennn we do most earnestly desire sul ronuge from the people of mi munity as shall enable us to pay dollar we owe, in order thst w some day take. our honorah clmrgefrmn business life, and Slut“! time retain our limited tt ofdignitv and self respect. _ . . 7, c--.. "to gain the whole world" and ut a fence around it, and thus have all the l inhabitant. thereof for tenant. but! we do most earnestly desire such pat- ronage from the people of this com- munity as shall enable us to pay everv dollar we owe, in order thst we may some day take our honorahle dis- charge from business life, and at. the same lime retain our limited aiuuunt ordignily and self respect. We consider that we have obtain- ed nu honorable discharge from our post as nurse; and it is entirely in the hands orthe people of this cum- mumty to ludge whether we me wor- thy of eonsideraiion: andjf, after vefleeting, their decision is In the "ttirmative, we shall esteem their much desired [mundane as [nautical Prevent Consumption. llIIILH u‘»~..-_ I h evidence of the" conclusions. We modestly ask for our share of the business in this town and sur. umnding country. It is no more out desire, than it is in our power to cor- ner the whole volume of business l thus 'se1ftshly forgetting that. there are other decent industrious people in the town wh , deserve their daily bread. and who desire the luxury of hum; butter on it. . . ---- _..,... .an Kindly favor us with your cam mm produce this summer, but ask your credit at the big circus where they have the money. Mrs. c. Mchrth11t We are only the Side Show Leads in Book-keeping, Shorthand, Typewriting, Commercial Law, Com- mercial Correspondence, Plain Business Writing, BuSiness College Ornamental Writing, - . and in placing all it. gradual. Eula student is taught upma- Ir at. his own desk. Trial lessons fer one week trte. Visitors welcome. Open Sept. 2. W. T. CLANCY Principal. Day and Night Ciao». We Have no Desire MT. FOREST Fishing iNotice. -onquered the whulp other worlds to con, MCCORMICK. o"i--aners-sweane'-s"""""" 43?? i g “Kidding Presents i; , -- - c WATCHMAKER JEWELER CPTICIAN j) t .uw ouucywow <19 Special for Saturday 5 lbs Japan Tea (but quality) for 4 lbs Best Raisins, worth 100 for 4 lbs Best Currants, worth 10e f, 7 bars Comfort Soap for . . . . . . . . 4 lbs Soap Chips for. . .. .. . . . . .. Specipl Orders RUSSELL, H. A. BURNETT ti . WEBSTER 3 '0 - tho W H - coar"rtoeo clock h this "alga. no.“ turdware. “Mode-ware. Cutlery. Garden Beodas. Iron. Steel. Carpenteru' Tools. Paints. Varnish.- Ind Brushes " you need . It1", Ir, - rtJifNTiiiitrp, moons. on ANY INTERIOR wont Watches, Clocks, a J ewellery, Cut Glass l Silverware, ii China, Ebony Goods , C A M P B E L L's VARNISH STAIN All Watches. Clocks, (Y Jewelery repaired same day as left in. 20 you" on tho In“. It always the: ”ll-ladle. It duel quid and in! - . durable (Isl-I " WWI! CARD "ID Ill Stains at actual Cost 11!: Inc. STORE 'romptl y Attended to, The Men's Man We ull “I neon-ad MAY 6, 1909 Munro-Hula Lawn Mowers and or 00111- 1.00 . Me . Me . Me . Me ik'xxgx'cyIFitx,y',',y,yA'yho: bt §Wash Fab ti Colored , THE REVIEW, DURHAM. ONT ij?""""""""'"""" MI 50c to Jatt.1 I9I0 VOL. XXXII, N0. 19 To In! address in on“... we' will send THE REVIE‘V tion low to Jam. l, IMO (Alums! l qu‘) for 50 van“. Take nd. vtnuae of ttue remnrkthle oth" or In! thet your friend or neigh- hrdou so. NOW is the time. Guild” Prints Ombrlc Corset Embrol “one“ Novelty Mesa lusl Whine Victoria Lawn CARPET DEPARTMENT mu Chmbny. ' dyes. finc oven , White Indian Head Sum Luau Dress Suiting: Whine India Linen Lawn Inglis!) Prln Quality Scotch newer Glncham: Lovely dun; thet quality and he“. ' to Mc a 1 The tendency tow has ctcated a big dem; ts the talk of the the too Are you Attendin This Great Sale Big Auction f, every Satur Afternoon and Eve R. ll. KEELE Waves and Designs in t cont The creates We have a ine Dre“ I it Keeler" James Thousands of v any the greates Come to Keeler this is truly a " thing in oar largl Come and buy Goo NEW RUCIIINQS AMI for miles Fine New mu n Lace Cur (ea) EQ") W ll an m “I

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