West Grey Digital Newspapers

Durham Review (1897), 13 May 1909, p. 1

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Y: Y'll4 :-::-::-::-: yyxy:xxxxtxteaeyexXXl=5etR' y,'otytygy,o,yAxxMf0l8X xxstlgigr1ilXli%llrilirQr,lil,,l THE REVIEW, DURHAM. ONT VOL. XXXlI, N0. 19 CARPET DEPARTMENT-sew Carpets, square: & Boor coverings Cambria Corset Embroidery, 6 specials, English Prints Canadian Prints. good new patterns White mm Linen Ll", fine cven sheer we White Victoria Lawn. Beautiful fine weave, exceptional value at Are you Attending This Great Sale , Big Auction Sale every Saturday Afternoon and Evening men Dress sump. plain ine Dress Fabrics .... Scotch Chmbray, plain colored, noted fabrics to wash and wear, tas" dycr, fine cvcn weave, colors sky, pink, Fawn & oxblood.. . . ...12§c White Indian Bead gaitintt specially adapted for Ladies and Children's 'ls..-... -on _----._. ..............ese now toJan. l. 1910 (alarm! 9 mont'rh) tor 50 can". Take ud- vnnuupe of this reanul‘shlo o‘er or In that your friend or neigh- bor does I0. Now lo the “no. American Novelty Dress luau Scotch Zepher Guam To any addrese In Uganda. - will wad THE RIVIIW from R. B. KEELER & SUN Wash Fabrics and Colored Novelties Weaves and Designs We have succeeded Eeeler's Sale rnt umcs to Jan. I 1910 James Ireland , tendency towards wash fabric. for a stylish summer commie atcd a bug demand for Novelties. y desig dk of the the town and surrounding country for miles and miles. MC“ Thousands of wise buyers ate carrying away the greatest bargains of their lives. Come to keeler's and he convinced that this is trul) a 'closing-out Sale " every- thing in our large store is being slaughtered Come and My Good: at your on PHee NEW' RUCHINUS AND FRILLINGS value is the secret capit s. Thcse wc import. All goods guaranteed to be special value. Valenciennes, Oriental and cuipure Fine New Laces Lace Curtains washers, fast coiora,light, medium and dark, we have ever offered at arc amongst the front rank for serviceable in procuring many charming effect: in and assorted stripes. good strong wear affix {Ya v. Ek' i8 “v SRI hge.! em; on: 'iii) BS of- our success in this department. in the Latest Colorings in stylish new IVE M, 30, M, 40, 50 and 60 pattcrhs and color- .......l2|, 158(206 the prices 1510 30c 10c a yd The REVIEW to New Subscribers, for the E1 Wham. Review. How "" frequently does it. happen that the pounceqiun at hand of a weap- on Is the immediate came of the crime of homicide. Men often carry revolvers for personal protection who have no notion of using the weapon otrensivelr, hat who nevertheless in emergency do use it with results fatal both to themselves and victims. lt may be allowed that a well-meaning man is safer without a weapon than with it. The fact of A man being an. armed is often of euperior protection, for it alleys the precipitation of a possible antagonut and compel: mod. eration of action on his own account. Tho curving of weapons under ordin. cry circumstances " therefore the sheemt folly, and to stop the practice of It is in the general intereet a flint duty of the peace Authorities of the country. Public opinion mil approve the Government'e amendment of the criminal code making the carrying cf conceded weapon I crime punishable by imprisonment.-Ex. SATURDAYA "Dav" DAY.-Satur- day want sorry day to many of our lownsuwn. The new Liquor Act went Into force. The most important ettect, as ”and: Owen Sound, In to Mop the mule of cases and by» by the Inewrrv. The "beer-garden," lhenforv, " a thing of the past; wherent resi- dents m in near vicinity rejoice, What its former habitat-a will do remains to he seen. They may en- deavor to import, but that course is (taught with risk, for inspector- now have the power to seize liquors in transit; and it " up to the con- signee to convince the authorities that it is not bought for re-sale,-O, s. Bun, A 'iyAP,-'rhe North Grey License Cotntlsionets had only two licenses Io itwtte in their territory this year. such is the extent of Local Option rp. striclinn. Recent legitrlation prevents the huying at hugs from breweries and otherwise hampers attempts to evade the law. Tculpemnce sentiment is making steady pmgresw. UNDERWENT Or'is'Rs'rros.-.At Stun. ford Hospital last Week. under Dr Deaccn's champ. Miss Lizzie Byers was operated upon for the renmvml of the lumih and growth from throat and nose. She returned Monday and is now ttble to he around though still quite Weak from its effects, Lotgt-Last Friday, sum: he "lung C. P. R. track, the end-piece ot a clarim-l. Fm oblige by returning It lo the Jas, Boon: or leaving it at 1 vn.w otthre. The Standard kink pays interest on Savings Bank units from date of deposit to date" I "irhdrawal. Every dollar of the posit earna interest for every day '9mnins on deposit. Prospective June BridePor their friends should order thrir wedding cards at once from the REVIEW Ofriee, Cull and get samples, Variety in type and cards ttkd price right. Buy your field and garden and: from Mallhews & Latimcr. lee LY u Parlor open every day at the Cli-ug Store. It you need xCurtnins this Split”: call and are nt's line. All kiwi fGhiust new at the (mulrnl Dru}, 'store. A. H, Jackson has a [winter of houses and vacant lots in Durham tot sale. Evorylmdy admire ur shirt waists Mud umny are l.uying 'tit, overcoat. Selah. IN. B.--The above efhtsion IS by the Review staff poet, written last week. Since then the poor man has hen-n look- mg for words to rhyme with " chill."] And ye editor can go many-imam THE SMNDARD BANK Spring! By Jinx I T The real thing! . Taken its titntt . In full swing Birds rink On the wing. Flowers up: lng Creep and cling. Naming stings Everything Seem.- lo bring Happenings ersoywzg "ter,f..% kr,siiia2 OWNESQ (iii'llliiiiiai8ltiktli! WWI ”all New! 1qte9hlly also“ . . think. " 'dlitetttt'i'i,'1i'a)eda! h it. _ "reataildarlidsatid 'ea. will: lumen Cémpomded." will Gui, 'ki-Ge-re-Girl; A Fetw Dollars A Month 'trlit'fe/llte tg,ti'gttttidrg'thtgg,t"itthi Ba . “mold-gm nSaviapAeehutm. the hlt2tt 74 DURHAM, 1rmnusmurniirirrriirdr. OF CANADA uppmted tn the lwll “r Finder will the omu'r, at the thr, SPRINT; tG"rtrt' a: i The Militia Department have this iyeur issued new regulations regarding the Military training camps. A num- ‘her of regiments among which are the Blst of Grey and 35th of Himcoe, will tram at home this summer in their respective regimental headquarters instead of at Niagara. The idea is to save transportation: expenses or at least reduce them to ugreut. extent. The 31st. are slated to train at Owen Bound from Juue28 to July 10. The county town papers are somewhat elated at the prospect of havingu training camp in their midst with full rettiruentiur-turth, 350 men. How- ever we would be surprised to see much over half the number gather there. Niagnl’a is almwn a great drawing-curd to the young blood. and as the Toronto Sun- points out, the home camp wilt be a severe detriment to recruiting: "few young fellows will be bothered leaving the tarm or the shop to put on a red tunic, and get under canvu beside some small stream that rum within earshot of their ererrdar lives. The Star further says t " A dozen helps and aids to militarv training that are in evidence at. the his: camps at. Niagara must be missing from the small onenhorse regimental camp at the county town. The inspiration of the greater camp, the new scenee, the rivalry of other regiments, the ex- ample of the regulars, the opportuni- tinol working with other bunches of the eel-vice. the presence and MI- nismnce of maxillary eorpa--these are . few of the advantages ot brigade or divisions] camps which the regiment. a1 utny-nt-home camp: must struggle along without company tttet the men by raising the rate by 1 cent an hour on two of the grades of work, the demand of the mm was for a raise of at least 5 cts an hour on all three grades. The threat that heighten would be sent to Gods-rich, Midland or Uollinaword to Gods-rich, Midland or Uollingwocd to unload was nu douin a factor in bringing about peace. ----e.------.- Mr. John Burgess is adorned this week with a bandaged head, the re- sult. of a kick from a fractious horse. lie was leading it when another horse eame near at which it showed resent- ment suddenly by kicking outrk'um-k- l Mr Burgess down. A second kick 'while down struck him on the head making a cut requiring some stitching and stunning him. However he got up, " safety from a more serious I! not fatal accident being attributable to the horse‘s unshnd feet, He will mun be all right again. STRIKE Avtut'rrur--what looked like a serum strike amongst. the dock hands a: Owen Sound was averted a few days ago by both U. P. H. Com. pany and the me» taking advantage of the Lemieux act, and submitting their diiretences to athitrtuion, The company met the men by reisinsr The hast-hall :m-eling called for last Thursday owning did not materialize, but a town league- five club schedule will probably be drawn up the end of this week. With lacrosse out of the quetttion, lawhall hide fair to boom in town this sumutet, The Sm rd .Bank pays interest on Sayings nhe.deposits from date of deprsit to ate of Withdrawal. Every dollar " the deposit our": interest for (war "y it remains on (In-posit. BROKE um: ARM. Little Malwl Gvashy, the 10 yea, old daughter of Mr Wu, Brushy, nunh of town, is very all at Dre-smut with pneumonia auda hrukvn arm, calmed by falling; against the ('(Hlll'l of the house in play. R.S.Sh1w. Piano Tuner and Re pairer, will be in Durham in May. Onions may be hit at Gain Drug Store. - Bee the new Spring styles we arr showmu in Men's and Boys’ Progress Brand Clothing. B. F. Morlock. Men's . and soft felt In". Boys' and thru,' hats M Grant’s. GASOLINE Banana ma BArar.-d net the thing tot rain water. Only $1.00. At REVIEW OFFICE. . Fruit 2t,rt,r,r, Confectionery at "I. Central rug Store. Get yolw‘elld and Garden seeds at the Cent‘ral ug Store. Will Camp at Owen Sound '“a. M - - ' - ' “I " " ' -ai, b ud Jean " uh. dvp L to ate Ilar " the 'r PVet H.' " mdoposits from due ate of Withdrawal, the deposit earns NIP, it remains on ONTARIO ARCHIVES TORONTO Balance of the Year, only 50 cents The funeral on Friday drew a large concourse ot "mpathrrintt mom-acre, Rev, Mr. Wee conducted impmlvo mica And the remains went-ken to the little Button Hill cemetery wttembesttstheraleepe. Baud-Im- number the chi“ nounm at. th- tam, tur. In. Pour Menuhin tn Thu nuddvn helenvement will [all can heavy hlcwon bet widowed moth. ar, from whom she has seldom or never been talented, and who hue been her chief companion. since the father's death some live year-e ego. Saturday previous she use in Durham and went home not feeling well. A doctor was secured hut ekill and can did not erreet the hand of death in! " the budding end hopeful use of IT yeere. Same. the young epic-ll took its trttrht, "Thou hast all seasons for thine own. o.' Death." This assertion of the poet mu strik- ingly Illustrated last week'when utter a few dare' illness from an sum-k of pneumonia Min Selina Reheat. Bop. kins, youngest daughter of Mm Geo. Hopkins of the 2nd Com, Beutinck. Inn taken “my. MI Cameron was a member of the Baptist Church nod biskind and oblig- ing di-posilion, coupled with Main- tegrity made him valued " tb neigh- bor and friend. Mr Cameron came of a sturdy High- land stock, and left his native land with his tamily when but eight, years ot NP. He took his shale of the pion- eer work in Gleneltt and diapmaing of his form there moved to town a num- bet of you” ago. Three brothers sur- vive him l Neil at Bunessan, John in N. Dakota, and Archie in Roman Sisters of deceased are Mrs John Me. Arthur, (llenelg. (lately widowed) and Mrs Donald Bell, Port Elmo. To Mr and Mr. Cameron were born four children, Will and Alister, who both went west recently, Annie in London, Ont.,and Agnes at home. To these Mid all the mournrrs will be extended sympathy. For swam] years Mr Cameron has spent his summer: In Dakota. where he had a farm and was fairly uucceas- ful. Only husk year by decided to cross over into his own Canada, and In southern Alberta he had picked his homestead, not far from Lethbridge. The funeral will take place on Sat. d iy at ft p. m. to Durham Cemetery, Mn Axum CAMERON. We announced the illness of this gentleman last week, and our issue was not 1ongoff the press till the and word came to his daughter here that he WAS dead. Mrs Cameron had gone west the week prnvious and got to Lethlu idge, --where .dr Game: m was in a. hospital, --on lst of May. From Saturday till Thursday she was able to furnish kindly ministration: hut death was in the cup and that day, he passednway, his wife and their two tsonslreintrneuu. The trouble was as we indicated an acute attack of pneu- monia He W48 interred in the west and thus only the fragrance of the memory on: loving husband and fath- er will remain to his loved ones here. Mrs Cameron will remain in the West for some lime, disposing of his affairs. Mr Mackay was Lwnce married. One son, George and two daughters, Mrs Gilmour and Mrs Brown. Lorraine, Ohio, remain of the first union. Wil. liam, Hugh, and Maggie are dead. By the second wife there are three daughters. Bessie. (Mrs Chapman) Mamie, and Mary. Mrs -'""", (nee Matilda Tvlfnrd) u "tep-daughter, is exporlcd fron the PHcihe coast, but has not arrived in time to see lnm ttlive. He was " mun of n xigorous cor.- stitution, seldom was ill all his life. and an enthusiastic Scot. He was a member rd the Suns of Scolland Society and of the Orange Socimy also. and his forethoughtoin Ihiuline will comfult his heirs. Deceased is the last member of a. large funily of brothers who emi. grated from f%therGndshire, Scot- land. in the titties of last century. Hugh with another brother started business in a sum]! way in Toronto and about 46 years ago came to Dur. ham and went into the hotel business, being remembered by many as for lottgproprneusr of the Argyle Hotel which stood where McGrth'ul-l-u-k- "tuith shop now stands. Giving up that business he took out an Auction- eer’s license and for many yunre had a. great. tun nt that work. For the last two or three summers he had a hash- runging posiliun under the govern- ment in New Ontario. This, Wednesdny morning, new of Mar, there passed “my peacefully at. his home here, Mr Hugh MacKly. " the ripe age of 72 years. For weeks back he has been tronhned to his bed. and gradually got. weaker from a dropuical complaint. The end WM foreseen for some time, ret his re. mow-l makes a gap in the lessening number of old Darhtunites, which calls for passing notice. MISS S. R. Hanna's HUGH MACKAY. Obituary Years ago, The World begun the hat- ue for this privilege, when the appli- tttion of an independent telephone company for . location in the C. P. R. station at [mu-t Bull Imam, through the ettovts of thin newspnper. 5 cans:- celebre. The “mule then begun hu now been crowned with complete vie. wry. In case of more than two companies seeking mob privilepteu, a. special 1p- pllcuion to the commission " requir- " provides that the charge for the privilege shall be” a your. that the railway company shall have free use of the instrument. that the telephone company may remove the line on 30 days' notice. The general principle is hid down that if It telephone coumanyU instru- ments are in gem-ml use in the dis- INCL surrounding the tuition. and it it would be of sulmtatttiid convenience to the public having humans: with the ruilwuy. while not. unduly oppressive to the latter, the tsppiieatiot"s should be granted subject lo an agreement the gene: xt farm of which is erurihed The application came from the Peo, ple's Telephune Co. of b'uerlrroolco, and Caledon. Ont., Telephone Co., for or- dere compelllug the milwaya to permit them to place their telephone: in the stations already bel'Yl'd by the Bell Co The question [his long been ngitnlrd. the railways most of them served by the Bell 00.. opposing the Independent lines Ming unlined. The judgment is a win fur the Independents. The railway commisaion has handed oat a very important judgment detin- ing a genetul tule under which inde. pendent or other telephune companies may be allowed to Install than lines in railway stations without regard to the fact that such are already seryed by the lines of another company. She was buried on b'tit inst. in Latona cemetery, Rev. Mr Ockley, Methodxst minister of E'mwnud own. ducting the serves. ---1Jom, She was born in County Auuin, Ireland and came to this country It- bout forty seven yuan; ago with hm- family of whom their now runuin only two sisters, Juno, Mrs Boyd, of Bentinck, and Margaret, also a Mrs Boyd, of Munitoulln Island. Two sons and three daughters remain to men-M. the memory of a kind, affectionate and sympathetic mother '. John in the west, Mrs John McDonald, Arrer. deen, and Misses Nancy and Ellen at home with James. The hemmed family have the sympathy of 'he com- munity in their and loss. on Lot 23, Can. o, for 45 years. All who knew her held her in high esteem as a good Christian and an upright Indy. She survived her husband by 19 years. I Manitoba ' Winnie. Mrs Christie, also I in the West ;Uella. Mu Mighlon. and Lily Pearl who is a. teacher: brothers are Alexander, Darling and Robert G. To the mourners near and far, we extend sincere sympathy. V Mu. Jam: Sun-m It is our and duty to report the death of An old And respected neighbor, in, the person of Mrs John Smith. nearl Crawford. Bentinck township. what passed away on Tuesday, 4th May, Aged 72 years. For some time she had not been strong, but three week before her death she became much:' worse, and the end came. She lived l $9,350,000 $34,000.0( Start aw Account for each child-the mm mm. Ad0itttietolteve-r. Whenthechiitt II otdentmgh thenwillbe sfundto par for . college edueatior,orhrastartlnitte. $1 own-m V THE BANK you THE PEOPLE . Publinlml Weekly " 01.00. you. TRADERS BANK D "B99116? 59.319" Q Open to all Phones. of Canada INCORPORATED 1885 Tttii REVIEW, DURHAM ONT l Will ran for term of yeurs. 100 new I farm in uid pig, one half an between IDurham mu Priceville. Hu- (“Hill 'ell fumed and is water- ed by riei'er-f. ling spring creek. Hay was cut. 'tr this Luau In: year And the balm: pal-lured. Privilege (iG'i be given " cut tho year'l hay crop, sturelhe a he in Int-nu. to he [at out on the f during period tor which rented. For further pa iculun apply to Jon A. (haunt. x 100. Durham, or to DONALD Aunt. Pricevimr The Yellow Label The tlrst timing of . Com t of Me. vinon for the Town-sh at Glenelg for the year 1900. will held at the Townchip Hall on . And notice in herehy Further [Inn than the Council will meet. for xenon! buckles- " 2 o'tluck in the alter-noon of the nine day. . . Dated thit Itth any of lily, 1909. SATURDAY. 29m DAYUF In. 1909 cruwss--Attmmtoso.-on Wednes- day. M :y 12 h, at. the mania. Due. ham, by new Wm. Farquhnuon. Robert E. Comm of Gait to Georgina; daughter at the. lam Elijuh Arm- shun“. Brntinck. UoLtttumur,.--iu Owen Sound. on In. of May, to Mr and Mrs Wm, Coler- idge, a daughter. Mr Angus McCormick In“. Tuesday for Chicago. and from Ihore will go on our Canadian West, Mrs Leslie, upper presenl with Mi Alwrdeon. in "tten Mrs. John Kulmer of Vancouver, in again uniting her old neighbors In wtwrt, which owing to the deathol Mrs Kilmer, Sr, in Walkermn w shortened the last time she was here. She intends returning next. week to her 1vestetat home via Chicago. visit- ing friends hy the way, She speak. highly of the push and elwr‘v of Vancovercitlzem, amt! of the advance in teat astute. Mrs Adam Brown, of Pm in visiting her sister. and I: Mr Jno. Byers. M s Jessie Munroe, of Haunts], spent a. few (In over the week end. “Hill? to visit, to present. Mr A. L, Mr-(Ymulv, of the nominion Expless Omee, Toronto, is spending hire holiduys with his parents, Mr and M rt Thus. McComb. Mr W. H. Bean, left Tueuduv for two wet-h treatment ttt Preston Min. eral springs; which we trust. will be of great benefit to him. Min Bum: in making a deep Cu! in prices to clear the lulunce of up: in: and summer miliittest Call and see ttou-next the Post (Miler. Mrs. Levine of Chicago. visited her neice here, Mrs J Levine fora few days and returned Tuesday. Her cousin, Mr Green of Chicago wan also . guest. Mrs Allan McKinnon and Miss Susie min a Cuewell visit last. week to the Min For, of T “out. at MI Jun Tuesday. lattetr, aunt, Mrs McLachlan. West of Priceville, who left for Butruo with her daughter. Mrs Aiken., to mid. there. Mr. Levine. merchant of Wiuton. " spending a week with his cousin in town. Mr Herman Becker, of Domoeh, visited With friends in town on Sun- day, Mrs Grant, Sr.. of Varner, vinittd Mrs Leslie undulher town friends last week. Mr A, c. McDonald left Tuesday tir New Ontario. Tell- the date to which - martian Inf-hee- pelt... Our mil iug list, was thin week cot- recud up to date. If youre in not correct, kindly notify III at once. We thank a.“ who have renewed the put few week- but there ere yet many others we wut, to but from apnea. Mr. I (ileuelg Counbl Revision. C. BAMAGE a SON. Plan” up Put: tn. in attendance. ‘indluy Graham, of Midland. town today. Wertrtesdas, on I his "mum. who isquite ill at ------* _------ ie, upper town, is'quité ill at {astute to Rent. $34,000,000 J. B. Bucg. Tn. Clerk. MARRIED --+ .----- BORN Iunme. of smuora a few days at home Toronto, who wu I o. Kelly‘s. returned of Parry Bound, and father here, " trtott

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