West Grey Digital Newspapers

Durham Review (1897), 13 May 1909, p. 4

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t Quaint: St. Near the Bridge T W0... W0 rn D ”.0 -oot.ot-r-.....0'? Shoes that Shine Shot Dressings Galore. Trans, Suitcases. "te-es, Etc Emu lulu-n in hxvlmnuo- fur Unmls Pint-class Nhoe " acmal nml lo 'xumme nlll' I mrchun or not " their tutperio; " but]. Th nL’s " to e lpture th ESTABLISHED 20 YEARS {Una GUARANTEED. No Treatment T" ( I'. D. No nuns. on boxes or -e.'o- Eve! ,thine confidential Quake- Lu and mo! cl Home Tunas-ll FR: F. ' ED The age for specialization is at hand. The man than focuses all his constructive force on any one t'aing, should know more about it than anyone else. Call and look over our Mock. We "its1sftpya pleased to show goods. Custom work and repairing as usual. Eitttt.et rumpus tot bar have aiCwidths and sizes. As we devote all our interests to our Shoitrsule, we 1.1-1 that we have the Best and most tip-{Mate Stock of Boots and Shoes in our town at the 1owestqrlees. 12ar size must surely be here as we th gf great 'Display of CdiashionaUe m7/I'nery Cor. Michigan Ave., and Griswold St., Detroit, Mich. .5 We invite you to visit our Show {4 rooms and inspect our large stock it whether you buy or not. @w$***a ' We are showing a very large stock , of stylish trimmed Mi1linery-some ct' very new styles that we have just It received this past week. &$**$** wn.t Th0 THOS. McGRATH, Now here is the Point: You will find a larger assortment of styles here than at any other place in town-at prices that will suit you fashion. Also ‘dozens of smart Ready-to-wears in all lea ding styles. Whatever your taste may be in the Millinery line, we can suit you. We have a wide choice of styles in swell Dress Hats, trimmed in very latest N" Mt We Specialize “a. 3goetiior ity tht 1i0mteatod i Pay When Cured. 'or/ook MEN. you boom dirheagteaed when you feel the symptom- of lit-noun nobility and dccnne stealing upon you. You but!” tho nerve or nmblllon you and to In". You feel you no not the no you ought to be. You feel like giving up In despair. You get nervous and weak, have mu. Imbltlon. pain In the hack our kidneys, dain- " night, hulluw eyes. tired alumnus. prefer to he alone. distrusttui, "Mable nppetite, loo-cum of hair, poor cir- culatiott--roq luv. Nervous Doblllu. Our New Method Tuna-II In your refuge. It will cinnamon all we“ org-nu. vitallzu the nervous system, purify gupitsqse4ai1MMfs g.piFsgrsbsiFiFsti't,r d um! ”not. you to i man 'pet Are you intending to t “we you any weakness: _ has done tor hundreds of Ito Inner who has treated antes Rumble. B00K8 a of Mel. 'Seeding slowly in progress. Bun. dny'n min undo the ground in bad shnpe for sowing. ‘ for the In: four ot ti" Sandi}? we hue either mow or min. This is the 10th May and very little sowing done in general by the most of farmers. - 1lHohn McArthur. Jr., poased lug fun] culmination " Dentist. Ind has received his diploma and is at pron em enjoying himself " the old home here and will be u soon as pouible (elf.'""' to practise on hi: own be. hal . The Rev Mr Matbuoa loss his horse Iately by buying lockjlw. Mr Thou. Nichol, Councrllor, had A cow that gave birth a few days ago to a calf with two heads and one body. Veterinary Ottowel. of Flesherton. says he has been practising foe 27 years and that this 15 the first case Le met of the kind. The heads were taken to Toronto. Mr Jack McMillln Ind the mis. fortune of spruining his ankle while coming home " 3 Into hour on Sun- ' day night. My II!!!" it an ' Johnny ' Mr Joseph Gamay, who kept bar. ber shop in this place for over two years, sold oat to a Mr -"", from Dundalk, While we are sorry to lose Mr Gamay as a citizen, we no pleased to haye one in lus plane that is cap- able of attending to his numerous customers to satisfaction. Mr thun. cy left for the North West where we understand he no going to farm. The sick people are getting better again. Last. Friday, the 7th inst, was Ln- bor Day and a number ofteacbers and scholars availed themselves of the op- porzuniry ufplmmng trees and other. wise beautifying the school grounds, Mr John McDougall, of Toronto, " spending I while With friends in this part at present. We are sorry to hear of the death of Angus Cameron in Alberta, th week ago. Mr Cameron was one of the pi- oneers of Glenelg and only left for the West a few weeks ago to be bar. ied as e stranger in a strange country although Mr Cameron has been back- siards and forwards from the West. for a number of years. The Rev Mr nathcscn attended Presbvtery meeting at Orangonlle last week. We are pleased to notice that some of our town young boys have taken a high stand in the advancement of their future prosperity in making their mark amongst. the progressive people of the county by being possessed with talents that qualify them to ahigh and honorable situation when may rr, ach the years of manhood. We are rewarded With fine wellher at last and farmers are busy seeding. [L's better late than never. Mr Ronald McDonald visited friend- In our burg recently. Messrs Dan Melina Ind W. J. Arrowsmilh called on friends Mound ll(“.‘e before leavmg for Owen Sound tim: WI Mu Anni; McMillm oi your town, waited her parents And other frienia m our burg Saturday und Sunday. A number of our ladles left for To. route lately to spend some time with the citlzans of that large and flour. ishing city This kind of weathnr makes the fu'mcrs Lund of discouraged, bat tlure IS no use w a-ryiug. We have never seen the promises fail yet for He who has promised seed time and harvest will never fail in Hm promzs- Full wheat looks good and came through the changeable weather all wmter and sprung alright. the only failure is that too little of it is sown. The meadows‘md pasture fields are showing indications of Jaulumer by haying a gromlgy looktngfrtrey'am". l 1min ptcsetiption is [muted upcn not: 250 box at Dr. Shoop's Pink l’uin Tab‘eta. Ask your Doctor or Druggists r." this lonmnla Is not complete. Pain ”nuns congestion, blood presume. Head gain; womanly pains. pain anywhere 3e» instant. relief from n Punk Pain 'iis'olet. fall by MacFarlane * Co, We are glad to report that Mr J. J, Black who has been sick for the past month u recovering. We are sorry to hear that Mr T. A, trrommitl: ofPomonn ie critic-Hy ill but. hope to hear of his speedy re ccvely. Mr Luncbian Dunbar is engaged with Mr J. J. Block fit lbe spring work. Mr Alex Murchison told I fitte horse to Mr J. Levmo recently. We see by our Edge Hill cor. that some of their folk us'talkinz of coming up to take a trip around the belt line. We would like if they would let us know when they would come so we would be uble to show them the starting point. What about. fooobtll or if our captain intends to hold I meeting Ind get to work ' We will be looking for them to .do something an: summer. Mr Angus Morrison ot Durham, took n flying visit to Scotohtown friend: on South, evening. Mr mi Mrs Malcolm McMillanof Gamble. spent Sand-y It the farmer‘s brother Mr Archie Mailman. We are sorry to hear of the delth J so many of our old neighbors Means John and Charles McArthur and Angus Cnmeron all of whom were ruined on our lune. We sym- pathize with their mnny friends. m they intend to may for some Priceville Scotchtown THE DURHAM REVIEW and» M M m Seeding " progresting very slowly in this neighborhood. owing to the cold wet westher but we trust the prediction of your Priceville correl- pondent, that we will haye cold weather until the 24th, will not be veritied, Miss Jeanne MacDonnld sud Mrs Andie Rustic no ”ending 3 " days in Cnealey yisiting their friend, Mrs J. Savage. We ik sorry to learn that plus beam: of Mrs Smith is not improving so much as we would like. John McKechnie is engaged during seeding with Mr William. Cook: _ The Presbyterian S. B. opened for the season after having been closed for the winter months. A tall staff of teachers and offieers were on hand a! well " . good attendance of scholars. Mrs Wm Boyd has returned home from Shallow Lake. where 9119 .had been spending a few weeks vnsmng her daughters. - Mr George Fischer is moving his house this week, preparing to make room tor the fine large house that he is having erected this summer. He expects to commence operations very shortly. Miss Lizzie Nulm left for the west this week. where she intends to apend the summer with her sister Mrs Jae Forester. The W, H. M. S. had an interest- ing meeting last week when the dele- gate who had been appointed to at- ten the Toronto meeting. gays her report. Several of the people in this vicin ityare suffering trout grippe. but. with the advent of spring weather, which We trust will nut be long de- layqd. will no doubt, soon be around aggln. A _ _ . .. "We are pleased to learn that Mrs Donald McRae is able to be around again, after her severe illness. There passed away last week one of the old pioneers of' the neighbor- hood in the person oi Mrs Smith, ol the 9th con. Deceased who had been an invalid for years was a member of the Methodist church and was uni- versally respected The funeral, which took place on Friday was largely attended. She leaves be. hind her two sons, John in [the west and James on the homestead, and three daughters, Mrs John McDon- ald of Aberdeen and Ellen and Nancy at home. We extend to the friends our sincere svmpathy in this, their hour oi bereavement. Miss Mary McQueen. of Durham, called on friends around the corner Saturday afternoon. Mr Geo. Witter delivereda fine load of pigs to Holstein last week Bay somebody must be making mo_ney_.__ ww. _ . . ' Mr Wm, Burnett. of Markdsle, has Wm. Sackect hired tor the neu- son. Mr Sandy McFayden and Miss Margaret McDougall spent, an even- ing last week with Menus on the six. teenth. Mr Wm. Sackett madea business trip to Hampden and on his way home called at Durham and pur- chased a fine young drives It makes us think we are in town when we bearthe toortat ofa whistle airlllr Jack Hill has opened his saw mill. The weather being very disap pointing, still we are pleased to my quite a number attended Sunday Jsclool hat Sabbath. A tickling 0i dry cough can be quie k. Iy loosened with Dr, Slioop‘u Cough Remedy. No opium, no chloroform, nothing unsale or harsh. Sold by Mac-Far we & Co. Sugar making time is past and the weatherman must still be drmn on us, as we are having such cold bae,lr. watd weather. The big snow storm that came the last days of April lasted here a long time for on Monday May 8rd, sleigh: and cunere were coming to our village and on Tuesday 4th o load of boy was drawn through our village on a sleigh in the forenoon but after that. tt soon disoppelred and formers have been plowing but we do not hear of any sowmg being done around here as we write on the 10th. Mr A. ll. Burnett he been in Dar. ham Ind Dundnlk for the In: week. We hear a report that he is going to any there till Uter the 24th, merin Day, for the sport: and gum". if no ha ml] enter for the m an“ foot nee. The ladies' Brunch of the Farm- er's Institute held svery lucceuful meeting last. week in the house of Mrs Hockndge. There were 21 ladies present. The tender leaves of: humlou lung. healing mountainous shrub, give to Dr. Shoop's Cough Remedy it: mmolono cunt!" properties. Tight tickling or distressing coughs. quickly yield to the healing. soothing ocuon of this tsplendid pretasriirtitT-rD.r. Shoop'l Cough Been. edy. And it in so “to and good fcr clnldren, " well, Containing no o aim, chloroform. or other hnrmtnl 'lh'll,' mothers should in "toty olwuyl do. mend Dr, Show} It otheroremodm' no 060M. toll a Bot Bo you: on judge! Sold by “Wall“ I oo, William Dezell who bu been "ll. ing “w mills and repairs through the Eastern Counties and New Ontario has been here I few days. He talks of going into New Ontario and per- haps on busmess ot his own. Some few horses are oat to true! but it is through the mud. Sackett's Corners. This Weekht Budget Crawford Iiopeville. - TORONTO The Spring of " will be long re- membered " one of the must inclem- ent and disagreeable in the 'art ence of the oldest settler. W ntor held on with all the 'g,g,')h'l, Ind temciousnue. ot its burly qtnre last week, however, he '18 depoqod and Spring wu ruling with gor- geous splendor and We sinerely hope that the Crown will Morn the bmw of this Fairy Queen for some time and make the dreary, barren wastes bloo- som u the rose. Arbor Day wss fittimtly observed st the various rursl schools and by our townspeople in general, The man that slanteth s tree doeths goodly dee not for himself slone or for the joy of his own sight and health of mind and spirit, but for gen- erations to come. e are therefore each ready to bless the name sud memory of those, who yesrsago. planted the tiny saplings which to- day adorn our parks, towns and pleasure resorts and are a link be- tween the past and present. The disciples of honest Isaac Wal. ton can be seen daily on the banks of the stream angling for the Jett) beauties. We havenothea ot any prodigious specimens of the fituty tribe having been landed, an vet. bat expect some fish yarns in the nearluture. Mrs McGrackcn left the latter part of the week for her home In Cleveland Ohio, after spending a plenum; tort- night at the home of her brother, Mr Sparling. ofGlenelg. Inspector fiteellt South Grey, paid his offieia visit to the schools, in this part. under his jurisdiction. on Monday last, and was favorably im- pressed with the work being done for the advancement ot young Canada. Mr Jae. Sullivan let: on Monduy to join his brother Edward at Cobalt, where they will conduct a tonsorial artists' exporium this summer. We wish them success in thee new venture The remains of Mr Thomas Camp-l bell Were moved from their tempor- erv meeting place in Northern Sask- atchewan, and the interment took place in the family plot in Latona cemetery on Thursday afternoon. It will be remembered that Mr Camp- bell was drowned in the Battle river, in Julv last, while endeavoring to turd that stream in company with his brother-in-law, Ed, Reynolds. Tom- my, as be was familiarly known, was a genial, popular, whole sealed ,youth and possessed in no mean de- Jrree those qualities and characterist- ‘ics which $t make the man, tt and ( his premature dem.se is an extremely regrettable occurrence. Once more we extend our condolence to the sor- towing ones who mourn the loss ot a true son and manly brother. Miss Lizzie Blnsmg has been u- sisbing Mrs D. Kyla orthe 18th Con. with her Iewing lbll Int week. Mr Herman Becker, general mer- chant, spent Sunday very pleasantly in ye editor's town. Mr Inin Henderson returned to Guelph on Monday utter I few dlys' visit. with his reluiyes here. Mrs J. Cooper in improving gin htaltlt with the advent of Spring. 2’ Mr I'. Each. Sundayed with his daughter. Mrs Gian-er at Hanover. Miss Sadie Whhmors spent Sun- day with her cousin Mm Annie Whitman. Mr John Arnett called on his mother, Mrs Chas. Arnett of the north line on Sunday Int. Mr G. Nichol is but slightly im. proved since last writing and hm nieces Misses Bebecca Ind Beanie Nichol have also been Inning a touch of p, Grippe. Mann Andrew Hondenon no] Alex Sharp have been on the nick lint the lot week but both no im. 're"t ' " _ We regret to report that Mrs The! Bell, who has been ill for some time, is not improving. ------.qi.o----- A Look on Rheumatism. and a trial treatment of Dr. Shoop's Rheumatic i'anuedy--hquid or Tablets-us being sent. free to sufferers by Dr. Snoop. of Racine. Wm. You that. are well, get this book for some diseoumeed, dig. hearteucd sufferer'. Do 2 simple act of humanity! Point out this Why to quick and certain rehutl Surprise mum sufferer, by first getting from me the booklet and the test. He will up- preciate yvur nil. So'd by MacFar. lune & Cu. Mr 'l'hos. Whitman is engaged with Mr Dougal McNab of the North Line. Miss Maud Burnett called on her sister Mrs. Cowan, of Durham, an Thursday last. Mrs Wm McFadden has been liek for some time. We hope to beat of her speedy recovery. Mrs Arthur Alice and son pt ihur over, visited the former part of this week with Mr and Mrs Wm Aljoe. Mrs Anthony Lawrence Visited her daughter Mrs Mn Porter of Proton, for a few days last week. Mr Wm Wright of Plulyie1phys, arrived here on Saturday afternoon. We welcome him to spend the sum- mer months amqngst us. Mr Art. Damavel has purchased a tine young drivcr from Mr Chas. Morney. Mr and Mrs Angus Hooper of Top Cliff called on the latter'a parent- on Sunday of last Week. .. We 'regret that tht condition of hir Then. Byers in not Improving. Mr Lundell Maulnll in [wiping Mr Ju. Byers with his Spring work. Arbor Day um duly obeer"il at the when! lust Friday. l Mr " Umbwh In along the line laat week buying up pomuel foe shipping. Mr D. Bobxnson bu! the misfortune to lot. n bone but week. Poplar Place Dornoch Hampden u-» Stop That Cold To check and! r0111: ortlriptte with "human" mans sure de eat for Pm-unmnm. To stop . mm with Pram-mics is sahe than to letit run and be obyatedto, cure it Iftu-r'mrds. To 1:0 are. Pro. ventics will mire Mm a: doubly seated cold. but tin early-1t the manu- s%re--tl,ts hrrnk. or Ite, on those early mrldg. That's .sarelr better. have why the‘ In: 0:11.11 PrevetitiN. Pruveutlcsum ittle (‘andy Cold Curms. No Quin- ine, no physlc. nothing siekcuiutt. N100 for the eh'/Hri--ottd thm‘rwzh‘q: mit- too. If you [Ur-l philly, ifrou man-xv. if 1 all m is: all our. thilt " l'l'L‘Vt‘Hlk'S. Pron-x-(nrd n ' n.4, 43% 111111 yin r usuall1cknt-ss. And in?" ftry,r,m i, yw-r chill if tturreis tvverishut'ti li'kulnl "Try. Ir.creiu gum). Mgolh»: Prevmttirs' manna, tu'tir(twy. 1mm In he ml for tho 0001111. Msoiu 'qu- bus, r. ot " venues. hunt on tour druaglsts giving you When you cannot get what you want elsewhere do not forget The Hardware Storeis still doing business in the same old stand, in the same old way, but with a new and enlarged stock. Cockshutt uh Co. Ltd., Brantford hm Hows, Spreaders. etc Blue“ Rollers end Disc Barrows Adams Waggon: I“ Sleigh: Barber, Armstrong, Tudlmpe and Dayna Buggies. Machines. - - ___ National Cream Separators Robes, Blankets, Rugs, Whips etc Daisy Churua, Washers, Wingers Beatty's Hay Goods Promptneu and fair dealing will continue to be my motto Yours for Business. Have you seen the display of Fish. ing Tackle in our north window. It is worthy of inspection. We can give you bargains in this line never before heard of. ever carried. Every kind you desire. Whitewash Brushes from sets up, and Paint Brushes at the same figure. Mower, Cultivator and Palper. All new And up-lodnlv hut formm- two slightly weather beaten. " will Luke the three or will sell sepnlmely. Armstrong and Tudhope Cutters Bell & Thomas Organs and Pianos Rudd Harness. Toronto Raymond & ytw Williams Sewing Remember we are still selling the celebrated Sherwin-Williams Ready Mixed Paints. The majority of our customers pronounce it the best paint they ever used. At present we have the greatest, stock of all kinds of Brushes that we If you have any desire to purchase a Bicycle we will try and satisfy you. Bicycle sundries in stock also. The milking season is fast ap. proaching and we are able to supply you with Milking Pails, Strainer Pails, Milk Pans, Cream Cans, Strainers, Chums, Butter Mixers, Butter Bowls and Ladels. Agents for National Portland Cement, W. Black Root Seedg ”Magda" " Half Sugar ngngel " GUN’S DRUG STORE Peter Hamilton Farm Implements " Learning " " Mammoth Southern Sweet " r.t Angel of Midnight " If you get " " GVN'S,it's good FROST d WOOD IMPLEMENTS ac in. . Arne.- ' u Oil. Axle Grace, h. BK! Next to R. Burnett's Bung. Sagan McIntyre Blo0k-Lunbton St, Btrelir and Bell's did tttand Apply to. T. Moms. tttackhnith Apty(iii,iii" Rennie’s and Steele Briggs Hardware t -Buttgies, --Meiotte Cream Separators, --trmtrer Sewing Machines, -orttauts and Pianos, --Woees 1nd Eugen. ~Hu'neu. he. JOHN SNELL OILS OF ALL KINDS " Wiuf: EQE‘QJ Sold lay Mural-lane and Co Kind that Grow 3% at C 'tist . 'trate Corn B. McLellan. For Sale - "- I or t1riptte with "Prevent!!!" u’ Pm-unmniu. To stop . cold mtvr than to letit run and be her-mm; To 1;trwurty. If“: -e, Turnip " tt S £5 You Can Buy Energy All-yon! Blankets, 83, I and 1.73 p Bed comforters (mm 1.35 lo 3,oil I' Luge litt4 me Flannel!” I .. Jtlisr. ken. White or grey . . . . II.) p " 'tett'es Culdigun Jen-kins l F100! Oilclolh .. . . .25? a Hump- Tlhle Ctitcloth, " in wide... 2m! New Prints "iirrijiriLJiis, now Bee out Sire and We Dress Um Luce Curta:ns.. .25: 50c. ' Honeycomb wool Shaw ls Black sateen Under-skirt . BIG f There's no need of your just dragging around, too weak to accomplish anything, hut still not really ill. Whether you condition is due to overwork, mental strain, loss of sleep or malaria, will quickly restore you to per. fect health. It's a strengthening sustaining tonic and nerve buil. der that will quickly relieve and cute nervous debility. mental depression. nervous dyspepsia, "etc. n Fresh Groceries New Fruits Choice cottteettouary Pure Spices a Vinegars No. [Family and Pure Flue Salt We give the money back if you are not perfectly satisfied with what the remedy does for you. DRUG‘EISTS AND Plow, Peed, Seed & Groceries in white, blue with white 5 linen color white stripe, Ii head suiting plain white, 1 Lawn, Persian Lawn. NUI lawn. Mull, Muslin, all sui for dresses or Shirt Wants we have also the best Sch of White Shin \Vaists in t Corsets slight, medium, and s area. These are the that please. C. L. GRANT Pullers Produce Wa " ten. As the warm " (HURT i~m1n ing, you will need light“ rioth ing. We have I Dress Linens MacFARLANE & co. MATTHEWS & LATIMER W. lil.. BEAN MAY 13, 1909 Our Tonic Elixir Produce as Cash LADIES! jEdiritaaTa,r Price 50c. Call and see nu Me Sells Cheap For BOOKSELLI We have the bi filled Corsets f st th), 8|.I Corsets Calder 's Block, Dunn! udxan India :loria I,00 on . 7.3. CI an . th N t ipr tt rd in " q M notice that no Horses, ling.- ..III Cabot-p nor uny Madly 1Utitl Aatt he “Iowa! In run on lttrtte m 'h "whip-lily of Gletrettt, undw ttrho No. m of mid tuwmllip. Penonn ottendtng an In. are 1ietitie on ttne. a. d u qreil u d‘nuage In pris _ Splendid Reodence Propet" y Mate in Upper Town t (ho erl-kw Idle-ll column All ronvosio Brick venom-ml. cotunttattsie mu] ' Olen from intending pun-haun- eeleeNt a: Itcvirw ottrce. A good trmtdottattle hou - inside ; rent 06 per Dress Goods, I . Prints, Muslin , Window Curt: Loin 0 and 7 . (Du-rep. 'tid huildim “mug “out. . Ill) acres in the FIG. It. Glenvl . fun. wuh good lr, deuruhlv Vlnmliun. Ii!!! of tr, twt'ets of l mo clear. ao a WIIH'HI. tie sold cheap H Harald». jams“... The “IV. of tr, awn-h of rich ull free from slum-u Mid 25 Au Price $1500. sold clump lo u ind " 150 new I in Itettt im Call ttood, everrthrt shape. P: ice 53m. too Acre. in Road mun- l) price reduced quirk sale. $30 new» in from Durham land. with " Must be sold a “8 - in liar good mummy, in loo M'n‘u in Pm! Park. fair building 'grwoed, well wan-u Only $31!“ vahsshie farm i compared of Lu N. D. R . "I'm-I1» furthwith. Th." cul-n apply to J A dwelling hum:- luul in the Town " Uiglltml pr \pn-n " ' Bt.. It Mtort (Ii-Lune: Stalin“. Apply to Mums W Tum-1 Co - to Owners of Live Stock On any ter ("telling in P (hummer‘inl Il- MI madam ), out "d, Th. pu‘nl tbshitttr in - 230:“ Two Questions reply _is, that lmli I. clerk can sell f than at a high price we sell right. Knov want to convince th to do so, All of the We have just bought a Wontble and substantial Fresh groceries at Town Residence to Sale. MAY 13, 1909 Alt-run By Order Farms For tiale For sate or Hun "(mm- In livid We have an Fishing Notice ‘mdn For tiate All I. 8. BLACK m the Gm or“ lumiw clan lunld " “Dr ti,, le on will. u. harms. Dull ,e newest Slyles pltternu, at low or San od w I ll tl than» with h,, I per monlh Wu. Lunuw It Rum» u tJuris Kl In "h I‘m-d there Me proper! I" tl' “l Du M r, It I) Pl Pt slylc ll rk We s We 1 man Bo ti In "

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