West Grey Digital Newspapers

Durham Review (1897), 13 May 1909, p. 5

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Ill if Dress Goods, New _ Prints, Muslins & , Window Curtains dwelling in , (‘ummer 'itsl . have often been asked : lat-How we sell at such low Two Questions pm es ? and 2ud--Why we sell at such prices ? Our . in, th a ltnlim'lng in the maxim "goods well bought are half sold," we buy well; and T ~' (an sill fur more goods at , Low Price Il In H. m :L: n high price, so that we save money when we buy right and we make money when '.',t' 4-H right. Knowing that a great deal of money has been going to the city stores, we w tll to convince the people that we can sell at cheaper prices than they do, and in order All of the newest styles and the neatth patterns, " low prices. Spit-"Ilia [lo-undone. Property In. H" .1 m Upper Town: thr well-Inown M 1,--..n (mums. All com-minus. 1:. it k veneered, comlurtnhk and may. OIL-rs from intending porehane" pe- t'r IV d at Movivw oak-o. We have just bought a manafactrertyr's stock of Boats and Shoes. They are neat, fashionable and substantial. Come and see them ' the prices will surprise you, Fresh Groccdcs always on hand Price .4500. 2.3” new: In clam. tio Take notice that no Rona, 'Nsgtr, 15-.qu up may nor any branch, 0.0.09 um” he Allowed to run a. - In the' Munirlpulily of Ultn'lf. Did" Bra- No, 17214.3“ (club .. Prlwyn'l otrertetirttt again» all " 1m "re liable fh ftrtriniogethsed then-n $N well in d my.” to prima- Peoprrtr. " 1m I!” 251) new! on the Gdrulrnln Road " ulnar. GO an” hardwood blah. Ta atered. tirw class handing". Will be M cheap to wind up "We. I50 new»! in Ht-nlinck. huildinp but! 11 gmnl. evrrythinte in In! elm mpr. Price 85111). Minerva in Benlinck on Gan-lulu In" m-ur Dnrnuch. [mud buildings. we redtterd trom 3111!!) to $2300 tor "PK MIP. surabln Junction. The hm eon- .vs at 85 arm-s of rich cullivnble had m from 3(0st and 15 not” of ball). ly " Notice to cum of u" Stock. 0 new: in the Third Conn-3km i. R. tile-MT This " a lint. do» " with ttood mildin . in the moat mums Junction. {he hm eon- an 6 and 7, thm. 2. N. D. R "6trn. "but". unod Immo- how. I” r buildings wall watered. Owner g “at. A hmmnin. Amara H. JAcuox. Datum. he sold at Once. Price all). acres in Ihtrrmortt, good laud building“ “1). awn-s in Proton, near Swinlon ' fair tmildintrr.ttood land. well ed, well wound and wellbnced. SEMI, f own Residence to Sale. wrm- in Bottinrk. Five wilt. Durham, fins. huildinqn. good with _ a qumntilz _ul limbo-r. h ith. Th "My u, )SO MAY 13. 1909 We have an excellent stock of In lor Sale or “out MI In Farms For Sale. " comfortable homo with hand will: ; nnt .0 per month. By Order I. unis For Sale Fishing Notice Apply to Junta W Tum-I. Uo irnre herelty "otrtied that unruly prohibltnt on Lot. . k.C, R, (opposite Glen. All I "rN'a'4er" will be pro". House to Rent terms. a back an": I Pe'teevme. opposites I Hotrt. Apply 00 Min. N. R. Bv'nzna For San For ti., lo J. 9, BLACK, Tp. Clerk. hume- and "5 arm: of m of Durhmn, {late the ny). mouth nt Lamina!) ~L..Into- west of U. Ir. R. '5olicitor, Durham " HAIAG I, I [on w. F. DUNN. I731 Huhmm HO Vartt.ottvor, I A. Md‘nnwcx. WI. LAIDLA'. "t ELtroRrr, Durham. G. d; J, MCKBOHNIE m. Vurnoy M Irkdale. (h ik J, McKBGHNIB we and its the We Say what wg Urchin] We Mean what we Sax I Bt Ont Boots and Shoes This ty,h"g',,ednr', lasted till 5th June 1890, w en hundreds otComyervative clocks Announced that " Ilia hour but come." meaning Sir Oliver Mowat, now. by his opponents generally nabbed "The little tyrant." The Reform Convention brought out Hunt- er, who alter a thorough canvas. carried the riding, beating the only man who ever beat him He did little more than take his test how- ever, when death overtook him, having in a screnuous contest. over. taxed hid strength, In 1886 the Reform Convention brought. out Mr Wm Irvine, his op- nent “sing tho only possible one, r,'),',; Bly th attain. Irvine run well except in Blyth's home township, which astain proved that tt Norman- by can do it,' and Blyth was now the strongest man in his party. In 1887 a new unme appeared In the Dominion contest. Dr. Jamiewn ot Durh om. being brought ons against tho, rmhnhmble Dr. Landerkln. Dr. Jamicmu's is mu first name in Dorniirio" ismes, Mr Wm Irvine‘s in Provi viciui ones, mentioned in these records, when owners are yer. Hive t "The Knights are dust Their good sworda rust. Their s .1113 are with the bird we trust" From 1883 to 1886 this parliament hum. mly three sessions the reason being thtt readjustment: had been made. called of cnnrse a "gerryman- der t8 by opponents ol the adminis- truuon. and the Conservative rty at Ottaw. len. its aid ',ri2,'r1ll's,l'l' to defeat Mr Oliver at the election in February. I883. [lumever a great Liberal Con. veml'n. vi Proviueial dimensions, held in Toronto in Jannarv. (Mr Mc- Phen being a delegdr). roused the Comm-v “Id Mowat did not ' go." He was suatalned hv a fair maJni'ity, but Ihtuwr was defeated. Blsth ttet- ting a g d majority, At a Conservative Convention in 1882, 1 new name and a new man was brought lerward, Mr Jno. myth. of Normanby, and he was patin the field against Hunter. Now was the time tithe "Boundary Awardftalk. Whose series of articles on the Political Hinton of South Grey is con. eluded this.weik. In. MALCOLII menu. News]: Continued from last week. latter and Eggs taken as Cash POLITICAL HISTORY OF SOUTH GREY " Ir Mill lance. laugh. Our Stock of Broadway and Fashion Brands They speak for themselves. l Sir John (ted in the Jane following his victory of 1891, his place being taken in succession by Sir John Ah- bot, Sir John Tnnmpson, tht' Me- Kerzie Bowen and Sir Chas. Tnp'por. The latter brought on an electlon in 1896; the Conservatives this time brought oat Dr. Jamieson to oppose again Dr. Landerkin. but victorv ingain crowned the veteran. The {Dominion now went into the control liltlie Liberal party and up to the The organization called the "Pat. rons ot Industry," t r short " The Patrons" had developed throughout the country a surprising strength. its principles appealing to men of both political parties, and " numerous meetings ot lodges in many school sections, members oi both parties met and buried the hatchet. Through- oat 0 tario a large number of Patron candidates were put in the field and South Grey was well to the tram At an enthusiastic Convention the Patrons of South Grey brought out Mr David Mcuiehol. whose 'ftilisrtion, in the past had been with the Reform party, The Reiorm Convention brought oat again Mr MeKechnie; the Conservatives brought out no one. The battle came on and when the smoke cleared away Mr McNichol was the victor by over 5(1) majority. bat throughout the province. Sir Oliver Mowat still held sway. though the new movement had about 20 represernativcs. is composed of the On Hunter's death, a by-electlon was needed and the Conservative party, dashed perhaps by the double defeat Ind the revelations, brought out no etuttiitiate,and the honors at the Relorm Convention went to a new man. Mr Gilbert McKechnio. who thus had the honor of receivnng the only parliamentary election by ac- elamatiun ever given in South Grey. Mr McKechnie represented the riding till 1894 when an entirely new tuta anion developed. Agein Sir John candied the Perilo- ment to tour net-ion. for the third time. bringing on on election in March 1891, the great erv being reciprocity with the United States. The time the Generative party in South Grey, chi-aged their man again. leaving Dr. Jnmirlou tor John Blyth, but he ttlay went down to detect by Dr. Lunderkin. though by e smell majority Not satiatted with the " suit. the Conservative. brought on recounts, protests. trials. ae., in vig- ocoue fashion and tor about it your Dr. Landerkin was harassed to a degree. An incident oi these emu: was the "tttruse of the ballot boxes by some over-zealous. ill-advised portizme which almost succeeded in throwing the doctor out, but the trick was clumnil done and detected be- fore the Judge. who tsontirmed Dr. Lenderkin in the seat by a majority of 3, though the true majority was over 50. Enough ballot- had been tampered with to give Blyth a ma- jority of six, bat the judge allowed nine that the deputies had rejected. so Landerkin was elected as it by an accident. Mr Blyth, about tour years afterward, died suddenly. The election ulna on nod Dr. Landerkln wu'sgaln vicarious. bun with no are“ majority. The coun- try wens, decidedly Convnnlvo, " John's lame " " the Grand Old Man," helm a powerful rallying cry. CLOTHING THE DURHAM 33m Isa-crawl of the, be hold on Sun- I a 16ttr, the mind day olJnno. 1900. u M “o'clock.- mudlboduka . Memrnsie--DtuMratv--TUt the upon ot the Boon ad Mr Canon " commit- m to cumin. arming: on the W. t L. bunch ot the C, P, B., a “banned. be united and domed. and tho commis- too be pud 03ml: for their new. -..turrud. thtmttv-Dttmttut--That the “count of ttre 1tettt World, amounting to M, be paid. cried. MeE-si.-Weighb-rltut, the "t tilting at $1939 yt my». 'P the MoKenzie-thrraotv.-Thtst thin Coun- cil new! the tender of III Ed. Best to lanai-h {notion engine Ind 'e,ttg"ll man to open“ tho took one e: n 04.50 per dar-Curried. camtet--Duttttatt--TUt the trauma! to authorized to “up! the communion- ou’ orders toe payment. to tho extent of ward 'tttp-tion.--", From one pound lute of the 0. A. C Number 21 barley sent along with two othur varieties to Experimental Union applicants in each of the past three years. several them-and blhllell ot thi barley were grown in Ontario in 1908. One fanuur in Huron County harvested nine hundred hind-eh of the o, A, (f, Number 21 barley In 1908. which was the third crop produeed from one pound of seed sown in the spun! of 1906. Farmers who he] Inuit the barley puri- iiuil a lime local dettr,url tor need tIts- ispnug lrom then nuuiiburing Lear-rs, and in were inteiiees realized as high as 81.60 per bill-hen The demand tin and next year Will likely be more general, as the bailey will be better known. It in quite probable that in u very short time this barley Will be grown mine extensively than any other In On‘ario. Improvement of Farm Crops by means of Cross Fertiliz itiou Besides the work in sdecllun for the improvement of barley and other fern: crops. the College has made trreutt. fivo distinct croe-ee between leading "rieues of barley, oats, spring wheat, wmler wheat. and field peas, within the past maven you". About tony thou. eeud hybrid plants. besides one hundred end seventeen plots of bybridh, were grown in the Experimental Department in 1908. Some interesting end lin- rortem results are expected from these hybrids during the coming msmgun,--Fut all information apply to . .. Artumesia Cuuncil met on Saturday hua With all the members presentable Rhona in the chair. Minutes of previous meeting Were read and ttnnfirmed, The follow"); communications were read; From the Bean and Mr Cursor], report on railway awnings on W. L, Railway ; D. Mtdill, Ed. Best, Marshall Bun! and D. M. Field. tendon for running atone crusher; D. McLeod. F. M. Field and B. G. Wtsrhug, tenders for operating rand and" I the Sawyer M- Co. ind Cnnndian Roads Co., letton to rock crusher; David Weber, account tor n- pniru to lumen Ind wlsifmstrtses broken on bad mud. t Wrwtb--D-s-Tut Donald Mov Leod'n otter of operating tho grader n 02.50 be ataNspted.-arriesd. On the 8th of June 1908, Dr. Jamieson met another new opponent in Mr Neil MeCannel, and tor the 4th time registered a. victory with asale mujority but much smaller than his previoutones. On 26th October ot the same year, Mr H. H. Miller won from his towusman Mr ll J, lull, suffering also a reduction in his ma- jority. Who will be next the future only can tell. In the spring of 1908 it,978 selected grains of the Mun'lrcheurl barley were Hunted by hand at equal distance apart In the Experimental Department It the Guelph College, \\"hen the plants were tips, they were cut-chilly examined. and thirty-three of the most promising Ones were selected, harvested an thrashed separately. la 1904. thirty~three super. are lots of barley were grown from the plants selected in the your pronoun From thnt time forwnul. only the best atrulne wow grow" in the tests as lollnws: fourteen in 1905, eight in 1900, even in 1907. and three in 1908. In one instance. over forty hushele of barley were grown in 1905 as the pru. duct of one need planted in the spring ol1903. Of all the selected strains, the one which is known as ' o. A, C Number 21 Fr hm made the best record. In such of the last'two room it has actually given better result» than the Maiidsoheuri variety in yield of grain, in freedom from rust, out! in both length and strength of straw in the experiments It the College, null also in the cooperative teem throughout Ontario. The grain is quite easily distinguished from that of the brands. clwuri barley. In May 1902 Mr Geo. Binnie crou- ed oeords with Dr. Jameson. bat failed to dislodge him. In 1904 a Dominion eleetion iouud South Grey tor the ma. time since Giniederaliun. with both candidates new men. The Conservaiix es sub muted Mr C. Me.. Kinnou. of Durhum tor Mr Richard- son. the Liberals picked on Mr H. H. Miller ot Hanover, the latter winning by 316 majority. N On 25th January 1905 the Provin- cial lorcea again lined up Mr John Nekeehnie ot Durham (“wing Dr. Jameson but was defeated, along with his party, which, since Mowat's retirement had been led in turn by A S. Hardy and G. W. Roan The premiership now went to J. P. Whit- ney who still retains it, _ The etory from this time maybe MmttnariBed, A Provincial election on April lat 1898 tor the bat time since Confederation brought out three candidate: A new name being Mr J. D. Morgan of Dnndalk. the choice of the Liberal party, Dr. Jamie-on hr tne Conservative. Mr MoNichol for the Patron. Thin time DrJamie- son‘s hour had come. as he had about 500 majoritv our Morgan and much rump over MoNiebol. In November 19w . Dominion content found Dr. Landerkin opp road by Mr M. K. Richardson. ot k'letstserton, and this time the Doctor. victor in six eon- tests. w in down in defeat. Shortly utter he mu appointed to the Senna which position he held for I few years before his death. prawn bu to continued under the premiership ot Sir Willrhj Lauri”: o. A. c' Number 3I Barley. Anemesia Counc I. 'tN,t2',t8?rutiirJivi ONTARIO ARCHIVES ' TORONTO C. A. Zavrrg Ea: Hardware (b. Fisrniture iiar. 153$."hod . fttrtttwaa III emblemof phvdcallltnal. This museum-pond» our oom- --h quarrel between the French government Ind in pat dice em- plovoa has summed dungoreus pro- ' u the Labor bodie- u'o lid- with the man and “most . rev- oldthm is feared. If your Stomach, Hurt or Kidnevs we wash. try " lent. a few dous only of Shoop'l Restorative. In five or ten dun only, the result will sur- pun you. A low can" In" cover the coal. And here u Nb) help come: so quickly. Dr Shoop dooon't 1mg tttn Stomach. not slimullto the Heat or Kidneys. Dr, Sheep‘s Restorative goes directly to the Wonk Ind fealirte nerven. Euh 0mm Inn in own controlling not". When tlt." nerves an. tho gigpondmgmqrxm} . 1mm. of . usually him. This pluin. yet vial Matti, cleuly toll. why Dr. Bhoop’s Baton.- tire in ., nnivorully mom-1M. In success in loading druggim overywlnro to give it nuiveml preference. A (an will unruly tell, Bold by Kaelarlano & Co. ..-Tho new Bantu of Turkey“ been Invented wit]! ttie and of th. :2; The Central Drug Store the required notice tittyrsot.--Wrried. Council adjourned, The warm weather will soon be We are fully stocked and have a here and we propose to throw open trood supply of Red Mammoth Almke our parlors to the public and supply Lucerene and Alfalfa Cloves and all kinds of cool and refreshing Timothy Seede. All of these ftedt drinks, Ice Cream Sodas etc. boughtfrom tieedmen of the highest ' reputation and stamped with the Fishing Tackle Government stamp, A good supply We have a a lendid line of s lit of tato and Dutch Sets in Onions. Bamboo and Stern heart fancy p'l'lll'. Art?“ Pte.ot Garden and Flower All kinds of Lines, Fishing Baskets, Seeds. Turnip, Marigold, Carrot, Beet Sinkers. Hooks, Swivels. The net and all kinds of field seedy. These of May will soon be here-call early (have been bought from reliable den. and get your choice and at prices lers and the.prices will be lower than away down. you can buy 'elsewhere. In conclusion we would intimate to the public that we are here to es- tablisha permanent business by selli " at close prices, giving good pure goods, attentiveness to your wants and square dealing throughout. W mean exactly what we advertise and want you to call and see our stock and get our prices before buying elsewhere. Remember the place-Darling" old stand, Caldera Block, Durham are more of our numerous lines of Spring' and Summc goods. Gasoline alway's on ttahd. The warm weather will soonbe here and we propose to throw open our parlors to the public and supply all kinds of cool and refreshing drinks, Ice Cream Sodas, etc. We have anything you may require. Our Mock .u complete and up-to-date and as it is no trouble to show goods, we ask you to have a look arpund at any time. This is also a new department We will have constantly on hand tsuits in season such as Oranges, Ba.. nanas. Pineapple, Strawberries', &c, In this line we have all sizes to meet your re- quirements. . This Finn known under the above name is comprised of W. Calder of the Town of Durham and H. Carveth, now a resident of the Town of Dur- ham and are the parties who recently bought in the stock of J. A. Darling, at alow rate on the dollar. We have added hundreds of dollars of new stock in the different departments and are prepared to supply \vontwants in the line of Drugs, Patent Medicines, Druggists Sundries, School Supplics, and all kinds writing material, Clover, Timothy and Garden Seeds, Soaps, Perfumes, Groceries, Tobaccos, Cigars, Confectionery. etc. Grocery Department We have added a full line of the purest Teas, Coffees, Sugars, Spices, Raisins, Currants, etc, We will sur- prise you with low prices in this dept. Fruit and confectionery A full line of'Ha’ny webtAleaiic ionery both in bulk and boxes. Lenahan ify McIntosh. "Black Dmmond" Lawn Mower is a daisy.- See it. We aiso have Rubber Hose of different sizes, Lawn Sprinklers & Sprays and all kinds of Lawn tutiUUrden supplies. Gasoline 7 and Coal Oil Stéves We can help you make and keep it so. We have a good assortment of L M of different sizes kipds - -- and - awn _ _ overs, qualities, gut Poultry Netting The Central Drug Store Ice Cream Department We are Agents for NATIONAL PORTLAND CEMENT' A supply always kept on hand IS YOUR LAWN WELL - KEPT ? Highest Prices paid for Eggs on- u C T,ktTilsCr?alFj"% IN FURNITURE We are Ag eats for the well and favorably known Frost Wire, Frost Fence and Gates. Call and see this fence or ask your neighbors about it. Frost coiled Spring Wire is in a class by itself. Once used, always used. Durham, Ontario FENCING -"iiiicirriiiiiai'rirmUiiF.' ___ REM a, mm. mm. AW man-ac. you“! In“. any. a 2t,Pit',Le .. ml ml. 'ih%CGrGi.' - J,'ttltm1't1B',',ttfd1 1'iiiiti/t'ieittf ti'it1t'4.tgt,8't'2'ffi Duh- “Inlay “a - --..- ”mus-cum The undersigned others for service It Lot 9 and 10, Lou l, W a R., Beutinck, a thoroughbred Durham bull, 'Food pedigree, and a Thoroughbred un- worth hog, For term. md mrtlcuhn apply to - _ - and Equipment The ~hool II In I mg... MW... tr,'tiqillE1llii'i,itiltt lamp. to. tor (all Junior [gum Ian-lo- aiih"dGiFV, In. tolled-3 col-mt M m u: chum I TW1tk.ALFMb .Pttnic.tgttJ9etq. 9eMeer, "you aaiiii' _ iiriaid'crRiiq.-" ""1 mas noun» Immense. B. any!!! Drugs Chemicals and Patent Medicines This department is entirely un- der the charge of H Carveth, licensed graduate of the College oi Pharmacy, who has had a large practical: nd varied experience in Toronto, Orillia, Sudbury, and other Towns. Nothing only pure drugs kept in stock. Pe- scriptions filled on short notice at lowest prices. To Rent 2 good houses. Apply to Durham School OLLLLAH. Phttrst L 1‘0].- ”my 1'lhtlitth4r'4lf,'htklt, human-w If you wish any, leave orders here. We handle all sites but one grade only and that the best. Coal for Spring Delivery ONT Seed Department Stock for Service Hun Amxnmn. Dot-nook. Screens Screen Doon& Window Screens at: beginning to move and we have a good sup- ply of all sizes and qualities. J. M. Lin-1mm. 'S,'jh's'af-'j, J. G. HUTTON. I. D., G. I I. um “no. me. as.“ and I“. 0 Aff,Mfa'l'l'pl"WATa' lun a! nu. ulna: noun '-" n. I Hp .. 701......“ can“. No. " HONOR GRADUATE of "rel-onto Univmoty. granule of Boyd College of Dental ant mm of Ontario. Rooms Over J a J ifl'h'h'fhli',? New more yuu'cou. burrow elsewhere. mum No chtsrtre if noth- ing collected All kinds of butrurial Whine“ carefully and quietly slun- dedrto. nmtsum. own. no 4.“. Hana“. In” In " A... 50035:! an n.- 100 mm mar Allan Park-- splendid buildings. mulling ttae Urm, cheap. (Owl-es extra good land nmu' Allan Park. very cheap. 180 are: Benunck - th miles {mm Hanuvm', (June to sebum] und Pall, Ottice with daily mail. Brick house. frame bank hut-n. great an up, and In: other Good Bargains in Farm and Town properly. " you want. nun-york]! no to Miller No charae if ml "unmet", done. ot6e--caider't, Block. over Post Dace Picture Framing, ShortestNotice Suow RooMs--Next to Swalldw'u Bar. quty and Stu-uni], Ticket- m None) ter.Und at lower rate. that: w.__c. momma o. o s., L n s HONOR cum: ATE Tomato maven” and Inc My“ can.“ hequ mean my in at In hunches. Insurance Agent. Money to Lmn, 1murerof Marriage Licemea. A gen and tirttute'usl business tmuttuseted. her Shop. RESIDENCE - First house Lawrence’s Blacksmith 8h 'Atwhr. Prompt, Never Neglixen t ' ' ARTdUR H. JACKSON Barrister. Solicitor. Nona Public. Conveyancer " any to bun at, Jowest rues. tttee, Mclxxtyr? Black over the Sum ( ) Hard Bank. Durh an, Ontario. Ban-mar. Scheme:- in Supreme Court Notary Public Commissioner. Money no man. t “lice, over Goldan'o Jewelry Store Money to be Made D. McPHAIL- A UNDERTAKER and Funeral Director B. H. MILLER, The Hanover Conveyunccr, elm: Term modem. Memento tor also " manta. am. man! be undo at the Review 0(- nce, Durhm. bar (:omuluondencc m1! mm. or to Ceylon P. o., will he poo-aptly mended to, Terms onopphcnuon to Be syre & get Stin- ARTHUR GUN. I. D., by attending lo thin advertluemem _ull poise " G. ‘H. STINSON Model Baby IMMIW rum an - Ontario MED: CAL _ J. F. GRANT D. 0.8.. L. D. B. span-1mm "I: to Din-loud a. Woman and Mlltt Licensed Auctioneer tor Co. (in- son 6 bakery goods and you will always be satis- fied. We have a fresh supply of Buns, Dough- nuts, Cookies, Cakes, and Pastry of all kinda tiny: on hand Cut Delivers may DENT‘ Notary Public. Cwnmiuioner. BUREAU. ONT. _(Lowu Town We buy our bread at Stinson's and think it is the very best too. That is what you hear the people say. D. IcPHAIL. Ceylon P. o to C. BAIAGE, Durban - l‘rylon hu .wle'mmn- on“. Full line of Umtlmlic Rube: and black and while Cups for "an! people. Embalmlng a Spocmty. J. P. TELFORD es CQHVEYANCER. &e. W. F. DUNN A. BELL THERE‘S th of

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