West Grey Digital Newspapers

Durham Review (1897), 20 May 1909, p. 9

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TEE$EOPLE’L§IQB£ g Eli] iii. ftl, [tl :33 tld Jit " Alt" CN Inns: - l-‘u - -_---,_ nus Training always have the Hardest Work and the Poorest Pay WALIEITON BUSINESS COLLEGE Khvppml in 'N “.mun ' surirwttlt hr. Mump "t T ('rnup Ii. [In-11y. ()1. {A l-- L “nil .,urcly ppm hr \wnmmg. IHI di hose who luck 1 thorough Fee - - ---- ‘---- a n yummy/a! _ a" ctr-s-o-gr-fi!';',:;,)-.',,,')',,,);-,.).)----" ,nd to: than tell you tttm uglier. l A. FLEMING. Principal JT Dress Goods Writ WW Lenin: Clothing Hats and Caps Enter Any Tine New Shoes Often the Cheapest Ea?! GEO. Storm. Principal The End A are uni pkg-inuymv While the extensive purchase of The Burton Spence stock made by us holds out there are many fascinating bargains on sale. Each week brings its shipment and Something New. . . tine ribbed Cotton Hose tor 100 patrs ular price 25c. sizes S}; tc p m, smalle.r sizcs per pair . . . . .. .. . .. . Ladies' tine plain cotton ho IN Pan's inned and seamlesaieet. reg . Children's Hose, splendid 200 Mlrs. money. Sizes (mg, 7, 7}; Sample Pairs Shoes goinglike HotCakgs Black Voille Special sale Muslin? jii1,_1tflf yd Gc White Cotton, Saturday at 9k yd Absolutely the Highest Prices for Butter and Eggs Larrsrinsumon........1k Can] Extgaeu............-. . 8c Yeas! Beet Baking Molasses, can. 9c Beat, 30: Buck Ten. .21: ( 3oc Japan Tea. . Grocery Specials for Saturday J‘v , _ u.:k _. * “J 'MEA, al-r" “I F " ""' I I b.ql.Mt-iBtit' - " ' '- RU 4.: "BWb w“ Panama, ii.l'.., Ginghams i Prints, Muslins, yut " Regent “Brand 'l MEN SOUND. l Irnp1eri,t,rl '1y?t? for ma. Good line Highest Prices for Butter and Eggs. smaller sizes H. H. MOCKLER This is a beautiful fine cotton, fine finish but no fi11itttt, use- ful for almost any purpose, good "Ne. value, 250 yd: at 95c Also Brown Toille mm at this price. ROBT. BURNETT . letter to School at an _ Three Special Hosiery Bargains how to get a step nits left 1tqttrtt Sound RESS GOODS iii THE? dis. wc. Ll'lirlll'li. " A fine stock of Patents, Shoes Tans and Doniola Blue. of Chocolate, tan & Oxblood for Women " Here is the lace to Brand buy your Tfill; want ready-mades or made to order. ot and sewed perfectly, the style is the honest methods ot making and the h No cloth made to eqnnl these for wearing and dust-shedding qualities. ' New check gingham; tine even ) weave and soft finish. Nice stock of reg. price my: yard, on sale 47c yd Saturday at ...... ...... .... He and brown, navy green and black pan- " Mr A large assortment of Spring Hats and Caps now on hand. is ms 1)? B There's one Lawns and Organdics Thoroughbred Bull for service at Lo.t 30. Con 7, Bentinck. for terms and part:- culars aprly.t? " _ -- " ' , of the Bargains tttyiitittEtiittitB' Sud-l 13'.th TM 2.00 a... a APRIL '. a - I, " Ame, I, u, " MM It, ST " It M it". t, n Sound A-tiaets, [13m Quark-ml! h "Edy-l TO Iaultoba. subtotal”. Alberta "'"'"'"'""'"-NaiGa poi-nu LOW ROUND-TRIP RATES Wigwam! 12mm '32.00; Edwin}:- ud mu t42. and to my points in propouwp. Tisha aa to mum within I' k'. (mm IOIII duh. . TOURIST SLEEPING CARS on a main-I. Cullen-Ha berths, My 2:“:wa ','hru%"a""GsiFGFriiukGumuihruah haul um. Early -tieatiort must be mad. III "" NOIIIIIIIIO' ‘PAUPNLIT “ii-c -dhsll Ham-hm. Andy mePR. Amlm IoR.LTho-wn. Dia. Pun. Au. Toronto. on“ tttttMT u" " CHANGE OF CARS tttM mm LINE Can Baking Powder..... Yeast Cake.... ...... ... Beat 40c Buck 73...“: Not Yet null tor bervlce G you at Wholesale price EXCURSIONS 2531""?5c mm Ten..ch for girls and boys, reg- to 9yi for Ir,c t '... '.?..'.".'.y", 12lc hose, full fash- __ _-. ‘0‘ rsq. n11 RAID 10c g ‘20} pr,'isiTaie MN d value at double the ', tor 9c per pair, 5c Always the Best iit? II fl Route . wme " a by W. B a from GI Home. tll Hangar owners! . ingso ' such " the " . Fairs, a q prdlnise F . land": Hi self a ) M success! a 3;": ring. I tf, carriage ft "weeps: 'f grounds Ill) Anti“; ma 21,1901 a com-ha tit Fair, I , iiiii second ', 3 _ two-ye: that p ' g; carrug till " Yo "tiii; 'l,",,'.",' - .L gh, ' u '5”: round iii 25c Norunr.--The Annual mhtintt of the Women's [uniting of PHeeritte, will be held in ann’l Ball, Fwy. May 21. A good program ot readings. solos, Ipeeches, tableautr, eta. uro- vided. Alto 3 good supper. Ad- mission 10 eta. Route cards are out for thig hand. some sweepstakes stallion purchased by W. Blank and W. Carson hut yen from Geo. Watts. of the Teena-eh House. It has been made evident that, as we remarked a year ago, the owners have been. fortunate in secur- ing so valuable an nmmul. It is stock such as he represent. thet‘lurnishee the tugh-priced edit-rs at the Horse Fairs, and bis progency this year prdmisea to maintain his former high _ standard. He he: alway proven him- [self a succeseful stock horse also a successful prize winner in the Ihow ring. He took first prize in coach and carriage class at Ridgetown. and sweepstakes for the best horse on the ‘ grounds of any breed or description, april"25, 1007. At Chatham, on April 27, 1007, he took tirst and diploma for coach and carriage. At the Western Fair, London, Sept. 1006, he won second in coach and catriugv, and a two-year old tilly sired by him won first prize at the same time in the curruge class. " Young Picador " is a beautiful seal brown, free from white, 16; iliii) high, weighs 1000 ll>s.. with good, all round action, good head and neck, Short hack, lots of bone and good leer. His oldest colts are now, five years old l and all have changed hands at good prices, whiEh should convince anyone wanting to miss: colts that this is the horse to use. His colts ate all good- teinpcred and easily broken to harness. The Commissioners sent out by the Provincial Government in Junaary of l 1907 to inspect all stallions kept for service, reported this horse as swring 85 points, which they saw was the nearest perfection of any stallion they had inspected in their whole rounds. A. H. Jackson is an Issuer of Mar tinge Licenses, Durham, Ont, A Bits BUNDLE of old papers to lay gndur carpetPrr' 5 cenh at the Re view office. th To discontinue an advertisement," guys John Wannamaker, one of the largest advertisers in the world, " is like taking down your sign." " you want to do business you must tell the people. The Canadian t'nderwriters' Asso- ciMion have notitied its members m every town in Ontario that a general reduction of rates amounting from 10 co W,, on the brcsent premiums for tire insurance will be made. \VIIAT Sm: WANTEDL-Oue of Oman Sound‘s most modest and "stirs \VIIAT Sm; WANTED.-- uue u. Owen Sound‘s most modest and "stirs ing young Indies called at a drug Mot f? in tho county town the other day, in- tindlng to purchase a bath sponge. The lady clerk happened to he out, and when the smiling prrprietor ap- proached, the young Indy customer _ got so “ushered she said ', " I want a _ sponge bath, please! " Sir Hiram Maxim has produced a noiseless rifle m ing smokeless powder. The device is simply a sort of pneu- matic muffler which is attached qmte ewily to the muzzle of the rifle, In the next war it is going to puzzle tb soldier to know how and whence he is b 'ing killed. Subnmx ines. aeroplanes, 'atnokeiess powders and noiseless guns. t t say nothing of mines exploded by wivelegs uespatches, will combine to make matters highly interesting for thrs participants. Outs of the most W1 many exchanges w d ask is The Ne .vs, News has recently advmces, so much 51 ofthe paper would in his great Carmel: Old News of a few Young Picador. ()ne of the most, welcome among the many exchanges which name to our Ll ask is The Ne .vs, of Toronto. The News has recently made wonderful advuu-es. so mach so thafohi friends ()fihe paper would hurdly recognize in his great Canadian newspaper the Old News of a few years 330. 'Ttsel News now contains from fourteen to twenty pnges each day, with twin-my- fmr to thirty-two on Saturdoy. A mociulty is made of political and Par. Immenmry new- and question; affect. ing the welfare of the put-lie receive fair editorial treatment by clever writ- t re. We are safe in saying that there is no paper more widely quoted in t' mada and Its cartoons)” repro- duced by many otttie lending jouln tlr. Through an arrangement made with Tun NEWS, we are ableto otter Tm: REVIEW and TI! NEWS in I club for Additional Locals. " L9. 37.};er the Tamareatstr ehe price of $2.25. V What the union's Missionary Movement M (or: -The enlisting cl Mine“ and. pro- fcssionnl men. lumen, artizans, ac,, to co-operate with, strengthen and cxtcnd pttyent missionary effort in the churches; -Education our. Missionary lines, ascertainint the needs of the world, and making provision each in his own sphere, for carrying out "The Great Commission."“Prcach the gospel to every creature." Its motto is "The world for Christ imthis generation." "He shall have dominion from sea to scat and from the river to the qnds of the earth." ' Priceville ..-Union and co-operation in,Miuion- ary effort among all Protestant d c nominations. to law PUBLIC uortc hereby ’lven that tN the Ionic-ire! " ' a o the Cor- W porotion 0 th Tom, of Durham th .wlllntn moo gto he held on th lends: the n ', il,t'gt'dl"ti,W'l: u. “the our of - o'clockln cove- th ning consider bylaw for closing. 4f marina tag, so . us end contain? i no one e " _ in the Town 0 ' Durham. m , pttrtieRtaelr dee- ll eritttdaatttlitt, :nnnleiy; If An irregular I portion of ‘anbton and . kpegtreets in the w Town of Durham County ofGrey. g which may be det ribed as follows: 1 COMMENCING a he intersection of SI the southerly limit Lambton Street (l with the easterly ll itofRoek Street; ll thence ee‘sterly " ' said southerly c litrtitadigtantrtt at - o hundred and ( fifty-two (252) feet; thence No. 79' c " .5 W. on a lln tilty (50) feet ( northeasterly iromn- p1trrallel with s the centre line oft , Walkerton & i Lucknow Railway " the some is finally located and eoibtrtteted o dis- tance of two hundred _ d tony-three I (243) teet to the no erly limit ot l Lambton Street ' then& westerly IV l long said northerly lit it tl distance 1 of twenty (20) feet toi " intersectisn with thereasteriy limlto ock Street. Thence northerly along r id easterly l limit ot Rock St. a diets e of five (5) l feet; thence N. PO' 48' .5 .ona line I fifty (ffl) feet northeaster 'lrom and , parallel with the above mentioned centre line a distance of ixty eight (68) feettothe westerly limit of Rock l Street; thence southerly long said ' Westerly limit a distant: at seven- 1 teen (17) feet to its late Be tion with ' the northerly limit of Lambton Street ; ' thence westerly along said northerly l limit a. distance of sixty-thrce(l33) d tee:; thence southwesterly on a P straight line at right angles to the) e above mentioned centre line a dis." 1 Lance oisixty-fuur (G) leet; thence - south Pf 48' .5 E on a line titty (50) " leet southwesterly irom and parallel I6 with the above mentioned centre line of a distance of twenty-three (23) ieet to M' the southerly limit oi Lambton Street; g thence easterly along said southerly m limit a distance of sixty-three (63) , F teet to 1ir1t,r"j,te,n, with the wester- , lv limit Rock Street; thence soll_l_h- the np erly along said westerly limit a die-l tance oi sixteen and three.tentbs (16.3) feet ; thence S. 70' 48' .5 E. on a line (my (50) feet southwesterly from and parallel with the above mention- ed centre line a distance at sixty- eight (68) feet to 'he easterly limit at Rock Street; thence northerly along said easterly limit a. distance of thirty-two and six tenths (32.6) leer to we point of beginning ; containing lurty~iive hundredths (0.45) ot an l, acre, more or less. THE DURHAM REVIEW ALSO an irregular shaped portion of Lambton Street. which may The described " follows: COMMEMCING at a point on the northerly limit oi Lambton Street distant one hundred and thirty-one (131) feet westerly from its Intersection with the Wester- ly limit of Rock Street; thence west- erly along said northerly limit a distance of one hundred and seventy- three (173) feet ', thence S, PY 48' .5 E. on a line fifty (50) feet southwest lerly from and parallel with the above mentioned centre line, a distance Oil lone, hundred and one (101) feet il, thenee easterly parallel with the northerly limit or Lambton Street a distance ofseventy (70) feet; thence northeasterly on a straight line at right angles tothe above mentioned centre lines distance of thirty (30) feet to the point of biginning; con~ taming seven hundredths (0.07) of an acre, more or less; both ot said portion of streets containing fifty two hundredths (0.52) ot an acre, more.or ass. AND lor establishing as highways in lieu thereot the following lands, namely I _ An irregular shaped tract oi land" in Lot twelve(12) which lies north of Lambton Street and east of Rock Street in the Town of Durham, County of Grey, which may be described " follows: COMMENCING at a point on the northerly limit ot Lambton Street, distant twenty (20) tect easterly from its intersection with the easterly limit of Rock Street; tlrenee easterly a- long said northerly limit l distance of two hundred and thirty-two (232) feet; thence N. 79" 48' .5 W. on a line tone hundred and sixteen (116) leet northeasterly lrom and parallel with the centre line of the Walker‘ l ton & Lucknow "tairway a (“nuance at two hundred and sixty and tlyt> tenths (260.5) feet to the easterly limit at Rock Street; thence soqgherly a- long said easterly limit a dmlance of sixty-eight. (68) lees; thence B. 79° 48', 5 E. on a line -tirty (50) feet northettsterly from and parallel with the above gentlened ten.trt line a distance of twenty and six tenths (20.6) feet to the point of winning ; containing eighteen hundr tbs(0.18) of an acre. more or less. - Cor tion of I of than. 0 none harsh: fg,',tfle ‘ouneu Mon 0 th Town " a mac tt to I tt the tt Guy 0 Mr our of o'elocl {consider _ py-law ALSO an irregular shaped tract in] Lot eleven (tl) which lies north oil Lambton Street and west of Rock Street in said Town of Durham.- whichmay be described as follows: COMMENCING " a. point on the westerly limit of Rock Street. distant seventeen(l7) feet northerly lrom its intersection with the northerly limit of Lambton Street ; thence northerly along said westerly limit n distance of sixty-eight (68) feet; thence N. 79° 48' .5 W. on a line one hundred and sixteen (116) feet northerly from. and penile! with the gbove mention- ed centre line a. dietence of one hun- dred and tour (104) teet; thence southwesterly at right anglesto the last described line adietenee of onel hundred and twelve (112) feet to the northerly limit ot Inmbton [ii':,?,") thence enter! y along said northerly [ limit a dietenee of tiny-eight (68) feet thence northeuterly on a weight line " right uncles to the shove‘ mentioned centre line I distance or, thirtrtive (85) feet ; thence g. W" 48’.5E. on e .line'fiity (58) feet northeeeterly from and parallel with the than mentioned centre line e i,Sititttoe,Tit!,rlll (be) tees to the int 1atiinttihethhAtttettr g. hundredth: 10.24) J on we. mic or ' NOTICE. ution of the Town TORONTO Anson irregulnr shaped tact In Lot-(ll) and (1 ) which lie south ot Lunbwn Street sad we“ of Book Street in aid Town of Dar- “IF, which may be demibed A! m on: COMMENCING " I point Pu the southerly limit of Lambton Street. distant gixty-three (63) f.tt,t 5WL “will" DAL-:1».-- A--' westerly trom its intersection with the westerly limit of?“ Street; thence westerly along id southerly limit e distance of two hundred and thirteen (213) feet; thence B. 79 48' .5 E. on . line one hundred and sixteen (116) feet southwesterly from and parallel with the nbove mention- .. _ ):-.-_-_. n two In“ I""'""", "n... -.._ -v- . V ed centre line A distances of Mro hundred and ninety (290) feet to the westerl{ limit of RockSzreet; thence nonher y along said westerlv limit a distance of sixty-eight (e,), fag ; uranium UI - " lav \__, thence N. 79' " .5 W. on a. line fifty (50) feet southwesterly from and parallel with the above mentioned centre line a distance otitxtr-rtitMr (69) loot to the point ot beginning ; containing twentv-seven hundredth! (O, 27) of In acre. more or less; all of ,said tracts containing sixty-nine hun- ldredths (0.69) of an acre more or less All persons interested, or dhole lands may or might be prejudichny affected by such proposed brat are required to attend " the and meeting when they will be heard.“ person or by counsel or solicitor with reference thereto, upon petitioning to be so heard. ___ ..- wr (wand tir 15 lugs.) Other combinations made known on application. Combinations of My'etor more paper DURHAM. May lo, 1909. 1iunsvheat.......,...iti?pto8l?(al Sprixlg Wheat.... q... I 20 to 1 20 0ats.................. 45to 45 Peas................. 82to 82 Birlev............... Mto 57 Hay......... ........700to 800) Butter................ 16to l6 Jil,-.......-..-. 17to 17 Potatoes per bag...... 00 to 60 Flourper cwt........ 300to340 Oatmeal per sack..... 2 75 to 2 75 Choppercwt......... 125to160 Live Hogs per cwt... 600to650 Biiesperlb..... .... 8to. 5 Sheepskins.. ...... .... 45 to 47 Wml.................. 23to 25 Tallow............... 5to 3 Dated the 13th Nay ot May A. It Very Low Rate for Summer Trip {to Pacific Coast Ilhe following timetable will be in effect until furthernotiee . yen down read up lump m . p.ln. an". C30300 Walkecton 9.55 1.11 0.55L13.25‘|eawe Hanover tu.'veo.3rt2.55 7.0mm Allan Park ie/tite! -i.ii)'.lt.ii':il - Durham swam» 7.33;}.03} Mewlllianm . 8.5231212 7.47:4.175 Pricevjlle 18.38 11.68 8.004ahar've SauchL leavdiLiiliirii; Connecting with trams to and from Toronto. Only one change .between Durham and Toronto. Speed. comfmt and safety. Wm. B. VoLLE'r. Clerk of the Town of Durham. Come to us for tickets and informa- tion, We sue also agents for Allan and nminion line ateamsbips and U,M, R. ocean liners. \ . MacFARLANE & co. Yearly Clubbing Offers, m....‘...v.., ..- --- n _ - _ can also be made at reduced rates $77.20 Good going May 20 to Sept. Return limit October 3tst. Liberal stopovers. Wide choice of routes. Go by the direct Gandiian line-see your own coun.tay-cct.h.e, West, the Rocky Mountaim7. Visitlhe Seattle Expouitinn and other wet-hall attrac- Liom. Talk It over with Durham. Markets. R Macfarlane. Agent, MIMI! l wéuldhe much obliged to the people of Durham and surrounding country to save their mm. rugs. rub- ber. copper. but)". bane hai . 'tr ukine. unwash'od wool. till f sf” willpny the ttestIrFMttty'i," :3; M. GLASEI, Durham In; and New Beater 1m _ 'p biped tuck in sh lie tht,t Jena Dur- Alex. Russell, Tt ' described an - IO at . point --s-----"'"""r tiid/tttIt' actuation with A had Zi,',", Street; - id southerly , 2gg"t 'pf 1 1 ', hundred add nubua hweuerly from pbove mention- - itttt'ettotl'f; agent Ma: i,1tlli'ir,'v, 3;?ng Grgcerles, Bool _l.,1.y/i."li)i,yti,r,ttii' Paints 'YI! Ch triie,),r,ili'irtii",ei'i, should fill the. BI t',/2l'gi'l1l."!, buyers. ren hundredth: tt tirrFiir.all,.t,1 The, iollov Return from DURHAM Cg,W3??, WL' o,et-merste's-s""ec- ' f The.following goods 'be sold at these ,prices stock lasts. liurry and Bargains. A Trade Event of gm1ima,Hmp0rtance (ireat May Sale of Dry Goods, Groceries, Boots & Shoes, Hardware“: Paints and Clothing at prices that should fill the-BIG STORE with anxious t, WATCHMAKER _ JEWELER opmw ouowauwou'w z Children's Cotton Butter and Eggs taken in exchange at highest Prices. ALEX. arr-t.tTr.B. _/ '/karad1tyW, " We have all the proper regard [or the latest way of conduct- ing the Men's Furnishing bus- iness and a visit to our J A Russell, The Big Store, Durham P. G. A. WEBSTER edding Presents I Hardware and Paints tit Actual Cost Price Special Orders Promptly Attended to, will convince you a: $W.k'U,U" a I" . “.“C .. Wa" a " " tr . 4t tN-r-qv-r-Fr-ek-Ft-c-i-r-F-f-ee Ck. " J-a' CM‘V C»-.‘ " 3 "t r " 20‘ x "t t " RUSSELL, Durham Hose worth 10 & Store H worth 10 & 150 for 7c " 15 & 200 for IM i worth 500 tor. . . . . 33c worth $2.00 for. ... I 19 wide worth IN for. . 7c rth $1.00 yd for. .1 . (We I wnrth 450 vd for. . Me Watches, Clocks. Jewellery, Cut Glass Silverware, China, Ebony Goods All Witches, Clocks repaired same day as ods below will ces. while the and secure the MAY 20, 19th, T OPTICIAN kin ewelery 98c 59c Se 7c Mc THE REVIEW, DURHAM. ONT VOL. XXXII, NO 21 tli! Fresh new C1 ti and Curt E LACE CURTAINS OF ALL KIN thl Nottietgtmm Icacts Curtains Lil'nt‘fllh ii'=gggxy,Tg,xxoy','/y'o':hth'l: " an Add“ in than. we " tend THE REVIEW from new to Jan. I. [RIO (“malt E mun) fur 50mm. luke "d. vuluxe of ibis re-tthe ole:- or one th am your friend or neigh- bor does so. NOW is the time. ED}: 5gg5tgytl5Wllytl5llrtl8"24l H Curtain Scrim Cream Curtain Scrim n Spot and Figured Curtain M White Curtain Madras plain Colored Curtain Mulins tlc 1 Frilled Bohtsinct---racc and in Ingram or Union Can Brunch: and Tapestry C a ‘awn. wood tinder-65c t CARPET SQUARES -tt docuwalso carpet palm II patterns in grcat All sites of Shoes for to Quit you The new Spring Shapes sad the new.“ blocks in str: Boy- of any use. CAPS -0( ed and mo‘ becoming sham "c-thet"re cMra valucs. In: New Carina Shirts they colon-They tit too. New Carpets & c bought by us at 59 cents on on display igour Jewelery AT LESS THAN REGULA FOR TEN D to Jan. I 1910 Come and see the mos fine High-class Jewellery e Clouds. For Ladies, Men, Gl Hundreds to choose from, choice is great. Every rind this great Sale fully guaraw The newest shapes and II New Black Boot New Tan and Cl R. ll. KEEL [ineteen hundred 1 ine Solid, Gold I Men's New Ba James orulerful Jewel] 0p New Boots a Ora-blood B whnc ff Links at rr .DU Q) N

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