West Grey Digital Newspapers

Durham Review (1897), 20 May 1909, p. 1

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're ES: ‘19 .oq, he he Ire at us 59c " :5: 'tre " Tm: REVIEW, DURHAM, ONT VOL. XXXII, N0. 20 ai"i"";a"a'G2Jii2xiiiiiiiiik xs,'erraratiriotrrxlrr0i'8i 3-: Fresh new Curtain i(i and Curtain Goods E": LACE CURTAINS OF ALL Kite-Bur' ALL PRETTY 3; Cream Curtain Stritgc.Doubte Pii To nnv nddre" in te-ala, u. will and THE BEVIIW hon now to.hut. l. 1910 (“moot Ii month) for 50 cent... Take all- vantaqe of thin ",ewsr.nttk a!" or see th tt your friend or neigh- bor does to. NOW in the time. ii: :-::-:2-:9:143Efildxmi-Cmgxm-DEEEEEEEE Curtain scrim -white-open stripe-wide lace edge Nottingham Lace Certaine-laye and "tall-Moral and convention ‘21 p '1. ms m great variety at Mc to 04 a pair. W CARPET SQUARES New Carpets & Carpet Squares l 'sll CHM-ts -iit green and red effects 40c & soc a yd 50 to Jan. I I910 1t Nineteen hundred Dollars worfh Fine Solid Gold Rings, Tie 1: Cuff Links and Crosses bought by us at 6 on display in our FOR TEN -pAyji,=.f.lld,Je1, AT LESS fine Hi; Canada If Men's New Bats and Caps For Ladies, Men, Girls, Boys and Babies. Hundreds to choose from-come early while the choice is great. Every ring and piece of Jewelery in this great Sale fully guarantee?. l Fluurcd Curtain h1ttstinq--tge and Ate a yard. urtam Madras plain or scallop edge-25c a yard. Curtain Mualins 8c to 65c wrd. ’mhhllu't - lace and insertion trimmed 2Scand 30c R. B. KEELER & SUN in or Union C4rpettr--in green and Tapestry Carpets-new pa ,d shadcs-63C to 't.36 yd. wwcst my 1 Shoes for all Come and see the most wonderful Bargains in High-class Jewellery ever placed in a window in New Boots and Shoes onderful J ewellery Opportunity bcc Spring Shapcsin tblocks in "raw, shat hupcs and styles-and the newest colon Bka Boots and Shoes Tun and Chocolate Boots and Shoes ()x-hlnod Boots and Shoes values THAN REGULAR WHOLESALE, PRICE "W u. 'r"""'" .-- 'is- at special values, in medallion and border puttcrnS- Prices accordingto size. mg Shapes in hard and soft Felts and knock-abouts mks in mums. Shapes to fit everybody-Men or CAPS 7001f, Tourist and Motor ShapeCthc new- ming shapes and nutticst styles. See our lines at sizes of tcct--and our prices you will Md just iff) cents on the Dollar. They are r Jewelery window and will be sold Rings green and red effects 40c & ace a yd. cw patterns -ettccts ot grumbrown width-border each side, 20c a yd' She 5%! Mr.S = 07.30 !.Shl! 2.f& BYN 1e has, iiiitittliii The REVIEW to New Subscribers, Buy your field and garden seeds from Matthews 3 Latimer. lee Cream or open new day at the Central Drug' ore. Bee K3321“. Irocso.- Chain of Keys. Ibis otNe. A. B, Jackson has . number of houses and when!“ lots in Durham for sale. Bee the slh rings', ‘cuff Ii at Keeler's. We announce our B me: millintrv opening nn May 28, wh we wtll dis. play the new summer m ' my. Mi DICK. The C. . wm issue for Victoria Day return etc: at single fare good going 2tu, 22n 23rd and 3ith, all good to return outlay 26rh. R. xirul1trlane, town ng t. iiiaiiiii8ltrltlll Owing to Monday next being Vic- toria Olly. Grey Lodge 1. o, o. R. will hoid their regular meeting next week,m Thursday night. All brethren tttgently requested to attend. Piospective June Brides or their friends should order their wedding cards at once from the. REVIEW omee, Coil and get samples. Variety in type, and cards “."d price right. The Stu ard Bank pays interest on Savings wk deposits from date of deposit to ate of withdrawal. Every dollar 0 the deposit earns interest for ever my it remains on deposit. V Mr, A. H. Jackson in having the ex- A Mr, A. H. Jackson in having the ex- (Avulion made fur the cellar of his new lesidence dn the breezy height abosethe hre hull. There will be no such commanding view in town as Mr Jackson will have from his upper windows, east, west and south. A gang of U. P. R. workmen have l the "frog" laid for the swttch Into [ the McGowan Oatmeal mill that is to IlSt' from the hanks of the Sangern in full view oi the main stree'. The ex- cava.' ions mo " oil advanced, but work on the dam has not yet begun - Invitation Cards have been issued ttsi, we: k to over all) men to attend n Missrt nary Uougress in Durham, Town *ull on 2.Wh May, to inaugurate the p nus and further the ideals of the Larmen's Missionary Movement. All men, young and old, without de. ;nominutionul distinction, should en- deavor to be present Read the ex- tracts from the article by B, J. Moore on page G, " A U ll to Business Men." ,PAnKs AND vcxeoruocsDs--The women of Montreal took charge ot' every feature ollabt Saturday’s-Mon- treal Duly Witness, and brought out an issue greatly to their credit. They are doing it from nwnrthymottye: all profits are! to go Iowan“ extend- ing nnd making more tttbt fut the Parks anu' Playgrounds of the big city. There are 00 pages, an attractive colored cuter with a {rontispiece show- ing a batetooted girl waif looking ‘wistluily through " barred enclosure at some favored children at pl .y. The A nual Euterttintnent of the . Durham unior Leanne will be held‘ Durham Fall Fair on Friday ext actrp. m. in the Meth. ._._. will". chore . Silver collection taken, l Sept. 21 and 22 to he devote lo the Supply DepL, Ori, ----. thoJuniLr s Jets. As this society is These are the dates of Scull) Grey intordenomzn 'ional it merits and Agricultural Boeiety's Fall Show for main the supp t of ever) church in 1 1909. There will be occasion for other town. Qualing om the Rev. Wray , references to it yet. R, Bruitb,--"T Sundny tgctstrol' On the evening of the second duv "tsnds for iustr tion. The Junior‘mem will be a high class Concert in l Letsgue for ettort. he tiri't for theory I the Town Hall. Full particulars later. the secund for pm e. In the B. ti.; - I e----'":'---"" much of the work is necessity done I for the pupils. In e League that bud!!! Junior is set to practi the preeeptr he has learned. Our aims are a. The fir, germinal force of pledsrd menace to vision to evil. Achildis lst.aincer 2nd,enrn_ Town of est,3rd,l;uthful."’ Come ne, come will be t all. on Friday night, May st, and‘hnm. on with rour children in thi way he o'etoek p. s"totorandatrirt again just or to. Dated! night. " Shaw. Piano Tuner and] Re mill be in Durham in Mar, may be left at jinn“: Drug TiErti;IANpARD BANK WESTERN BANK OF CANADA WIS” IS, __ -' Come lo rilu, "s-r.,,03..,.rJ.tliifl9 l, Fruitsand fa 794 I" Pg, - E8RI?At "if: I”. I v _uWr."' ___ fr: ”:5 1.1 {at The combined Banks diet an exceptional service duougbou! Ontario. The Branches of the Banks are to 1"2i1'i7irir'irriiies"iiaFaertheustatrittt the Province. display of solid gold tie pins and crosses 533mm, THURSDAY. MAY 20, 1909. with which has been amalgamated the hummn BRANCI! _ ‘ 3.... 3.11,. W "tagNt. M AT me"""". OF CANADA Come "NAP, for but‘nim Full and fancy confectionery at the 'e'eh"ll' Drug Slow. _ Get ttidle, and "e seeds at the Centr rug Store. Lotrr,--A good black Sable fur. Re- ward at REVIEW Orncx. _ _ GASOLINE BArtrtrtur non IsArar.-uutt the thing tot rain water. Only SLOQ At REVIEW Owner. Bee the new Spring stylea we sue showmg in Menu and Bora' Prugress Brand cutthin!y' B. F. Morlock. Losr.--b'outh hiean the dollar gold piece with pi of watch chain attached. Large re rd by bringing une'o The tandard Bank pays interest) on tray as Bank deposits from date of depos to date of Withdrawal. Every dol of the deposit earn: interest fur ery day it remains on (ls-posit. Noaace.--The Annual meeting of the Women‘s Institutenf Priceville. will be held in Watson's Hall, Friduy. May 2hr. A good programme of mending, Bolus; speeches, tableaux, ete. provided. Also a. good supper. Arl- mission 10 cls. We have 35 iuuv.ed hats that have Inn-n In our shm cases for ulmut three weeks all in ti t, class condition. Prices cut in lnlf. We want to clear on Saturday month! May 22. Come early and get a. good c ice. [ W DICK. MAY HANG UP tNsrnUMtrsais-The A'olkerton Band threatened on Mon. day night to hang up therrmuswnl msmum-nu uulcss they trot an im. mediate guarantee of $10000 from line Town Council. While deplming the situation, the council decided to take no Immediate uction and left the matter over for further cqasideration --Tuueg. PAPERS A.PrseN'rs.--0. Sound has just lstely had two new papers started within its bounds. The "Telegram" a small sheet in issued free, heating the bargain day price of our contem- porary. The other paper, the “Herald " is a more pretentious 7 ml. to a page affair. Ve hope their enter- prise will receive and deserve its re- l ward. MI Harold Mount. an old Der- (ham boy, publishes the Telegram. meun DEADw-Mr.‘ David Me. Mullen, 01.6 of the sturdy pigment who sett'ed in Ante-mesh. township over tirty years ago, died yesterday at the borne of his son. near Flesh"- tnn. The deceased, who was 77 years of age, was burn in the north of Le. bsud, Forly-sewrn van-u "ko he Wqtt married to Miss June Madill, of. Aucmemu. who divd two years ago. Six sons and one daughter sur- vive. As Excuasms cosuso.--Parkdtsle Council, No. M8, 0.0. O. F. will run an Excursion to Owen Sound. Dur. bam., Hanover tugi Walkerton, via Canadian Pacific Runway. on SMur-‘ day, June 20th, 1009. Specinitrain will leave the Union Station M73. m., North Parkdale at TIO a. tttsand West [groom at. 7.20 a. Ill. The tram will We divuled at Baugeen Junction, the walkerton section going via Durham uni Hanover and arriving at Walker- ton about 12 o'clock. Tickets good to go on special train only and to return on any regular train until Monday evening, June 28. Return tare to Walkerton, $1.00; child, 80e. These are the dates of Soulh Grey Agricultural Society’s Fall Show for 1909. There will be occasion for wher references to it yet. . The fhnrt sit g of the Cannot Re- vision for the nlcipallty of the Town of Durham' for the yiar 1900, will be held in the o.wn Hall, Dur. ham. on Friday; May th, 1909,at8 o'etoek p. m. . Dated the 17th day of ' 1909. Wu. B. Van. Clerk. DuthukCourt o't Revision. P. G. A. \VEBNR, Joweller, for the Balance of the' Year, only 50 cents. _-------- . F------ ONTARIO ARCHIVES _ TORONTO 'iiJ,'i?tii%5,Rtiti?fiWiP)rt?e Mas JANET GRAHAM. On Baturday last there paused away at the home of her son-in-luw. Mr Wm. Calder, Mrs Janet Graham in her 69th year. She survived her husband. Mr John A. Graham, almost 30 yams. The cause of death was pneumonia, following in stroke of par- alysis. Deceased was born on Yonge Bt., Toronto, on 10th ot March, 18il, and with her punt-nu moved some years liner to Victoria Co., where the chief years of her youth were spent. In 1850 they moved to Eldersiie, and in 1861 she was married to Mr Jno. A. Gm- ham. who died in 1880, leaving wife andmuther with the care of I large family a charge which she seems to have home must worifhily. In 1883 she moved to Paisley, and since 1897 hasnnde her home with her daugh- _ ter here. Mus Wm. Calder. . 500 MEN WANTED Under the :uspicen of a. Joint Committee of the Churches in Dur- ham, and in line with the Laymen's Misuinmuy Movement. tb MASS MEETING Foil MEN ttho, at 8 p.tu., when two prominent Toronto laymen will be present to address the meeting. wall he held in Town Hall FRIDAY EVENING, Mth MAY To Mr and hire Graham were born eight children, three deceased, Archie and Malcolm. and Mrs Greig, who di.ed four wars ago l of me survworu, only one, Angus, of Vancouver, WM not present at her deathbed. The other sons are Neil D, and John A. of Sioux Fully, B. Dakota. and Findlay in Midland. hire, Neil Graham M- ccmpunien her husband, areauion of All the family had been planned for next month, but Providence ruled otherwise. ' Admission free. Expenses met by voluntary collection. . Thle . sisters of deceased were pres- ent at the funeral Mrs Mann and Mrs \Velsford of Paisley and MW McDonn- all of 0. Bound, a daughter of the 1atteraiso being present. Two sistela not hue were Mrs. Wil1iscroft, Van. convey and Mrs Galbraith, Winnipeg l a brother Mr. Neil McNeill lives at (bunny. Man. To all the . urners and erpeciully to thtf i,1iti:,i?'it,'iv,'iiii', whom and their mother t ere was the warnwst "trection, we extend sym- pathy. Mr. DunG'raGtu, Priceville, wan also present. Rain a cousin of the family and was a. close neighbor l of Mr. Graham in Scotland. The funeral took place on Monday, interment icing made in Durham Cvmetery. Rev. Mr. Newton her pat" tér, eouducted the services, referring l in his remarks to the Christian chars acter of deceased and the. motherly devotion she bore to her children, the yearning to see them before she died having been trraties"d, though but for a. short lune. Rev. Dr. Fnrquhanon offered prayer. The pail haulers were Messrs Wm Lawrence. Alex. i'deLach- lan, J. H. Brown, Alex. Russell. Don. ‘Gmhum and, Colin McDougall, and. i there wvre shine beautiful ttoral ode:- lugs. A letter. received by us water-day from Mrs Harte (nee Maggie Smith) of North Vancouver, brings the sad Mew", of the death of her father, who. just a year ago went west lo join his family. He had good health in the mst, was quite amnrl and enjuving the Purim: ptoviuce, until aboutihe first of April when a recurrence of the trouble than atBteted him over a your ago laid him low and though be in reported to have held his own bravely for four weeks and had every kmf ministration it was too much for him in the end and he passed peacefully army on the Nth of April, and 77. The funeral took place, 13on May and mu largely attended. the floral offer- ings being numerous end beautiful. lie was interred in the Masonic camc- tery. ‘ Mr Smith was born T the north of Scotland and in eurlylife sequiredn good book education. Becoming n uilor, he added [trendy to it by his experiences in Immy parts of the world, and it was a treat to get. him to tell of lite in many hnda as picked up by his oilservant nature. \He gsve up the sea however. taught school tor a while and ultimwtely became one of the early Rulers in North East Nor. mnnhy. where his brother and iro- ther’s son, both Alexandem. will live. Here he married. here hie chlldlen were born. hot. the lure of the weet drew hie (wily out, one by one, Ill] all Were gone but 2Ugtttie. Hie wife died in the we". I ten you-l ago when clue Ind me to visit her When and was deeply mourned. He retired from furl-lug. lived at - toe a' while, “unintuitive-t - e yes: no. eh in the Praline- at Gad to " millet EDWIII he Obituary WILLIAM SMITH. ' Durham laid to ,u tilere. One much-beloved daughter. Mary, In Hungerford, died nine or ten yam ago. widely lamented owing to her Ability sud public spirited uufulneu.’ The - quill tsalted upon lo mourn now consign of William, in Butte. (Maggie) In - (Christie), Annie and Alexander and to them we extend sincere sylnpnthy. The funeral of thelnte Hugh Mao Kay took place on Suturdny In.“ and was largely attended, Rev. Dr. Ful- qunarson was the otBcraunir clergy- man. _ Deceased's brethren of the Dunne order conducted the funeral in accordance with their lites. Three of the pun bearers Menu H. McLean, T. l). Morton and It. Tony Were ebosen from Ben Nevin (Jump. the others from the Grunge Society Messrs Geo. Moore, Itobt, Brigham and -. Deceued left a. will dueclin division of his hum-Inca and & as the legal forms are complied his family will besteftt, Mr. John Kelly returned from his trip West last week. Mist Edith Chadwick at Durham. spent Sunday wish Miss Maud Wilkes. --WatkerrortCirues, Postmaster McKinnon and daugh- ter Laura, miceville, visited his broth- er, Mr, Allan McKinnon Monday. Mrs. McPhMI. west of Pricevnlle, was visiting her aunt, Mrs. McCor- mick In town fora tew day. this week, ".130 with her parents. Mr. and Mrs Alch McCormick. Aberdeen. Her sister 'sccompanied het home Tuesday to Primville. MODEL SCHOOL RETAINED. -" we go to press on tMeial letter from the Education Dept,, informs the School Board that the Model School is to be letained here for 1900 at least, on tl.e same Innis as last Fear, GASOLINE PLocorr--Ever enterpris-': ins. Mr. Charter Baiith Lu about completed a 30 h p gasoline plough. which he' is constructing for a Mr. Young, formerly a South Grey boy, who holds the patent. This is only a 2-furrow one in the meantime. but each blade turns 16 inches. Where men in relays' can he had and good moonlight the thing could he worked day and night. Oar prairie friends' I will now be making crquirir'tt. Trustees of rural schools ur- rennin d. I ed that by applying to the Forestry Department of the o, A. c, Guelph," they may get tree of charge seedling of the Norway Spruce, “bite Pine, Scotch Pine, White Cediu (t vergreens) and White nah. black locust. Muniml a. maple (hoxw00d) catalhu an ltulip tree or whitewood (rleeiduour) for planting in their school grounds A liberal planting of these this spring would beautify many of those ynldo which are now hare of any adornmuit. The i Manitoba maple is said to he a lwuutil ul Ibsde tree and very suitable for this ‘purpose. June is the most tuitalule month for planting evergreens. Published Weekly " “.00. you. Marrutrws-1n Glenelg. on Wednes. day, 19th my. Mrs John Matthews, Aged 82. The first siuin ortheChrtttt of Re- vision for the Tow hip of (ilenelg for the year 1909, M be held at the Township [MI on SATURDAY. 29TE D OF MAY. 1909 at 10 u’rlock in the fur non. And notice Is hereh further given that the Council will Ill t for general husinmn ut2u‘clock in t e Mternoon of the same day. Dated this llth day of Ma um. My Bod African Veteran Bounty Land Certi te, issued by the Deput- ment. of the Interior, (good for 3N gem of any D inion [and open for entry in Alber Bnrutchewatt, (r Munitobn.) Cetti ate guaranteed Ly the Depaitttteatts o lute:ior.0tuwu. Must have the "nmeditstely, Wnll sell for will”. one, wirepr mm. L. E. 'l‘mon _ "M _ W . b31Bhuter Bt t, Tomato- Phone, Main m Glenelg $6,350,000 u v -‘--- -- - A. M. ”TON. MM” Duncan a... A? unit mm m TRADERS BANK You would and it very convenient to have . out: 2r,e, Account with this Bank, in the we: annual you: ,oroou. Theneithercouid dothcnecel- mm when in tmm,deroeitit1tr orwittrdramhtq monthcone Mrtattrre. It would unmmnyc trip on busy do”. $1 open I Savings Account . THE BANK FOR THE PEOPLE DUE ii(LijjLtst.E.c, A. will directing the insurance and u won For Sale. J, ti. BLACK, 'th Clerk. DIED rt of Revision qi----'. of Canada with, INCORPORATED 1886 The Yellow THE REVIEW. DURHAM. JtiO' gym is.” What- ter, u been Our uni In.“ VII this ink ou- necked up to date. " {can i. not correct. kindly not tr III " once. We thunk att who I)". renewed the put few was“ but there are yet tinny other- we w‘ah to blast from “pace. Mr Geo. Smith wan.in Fore-t [at Fridny on business. In J. Levine spent 1m week end with friendlin Wiu'wn. Al T. N. Walpole visited in Bolton the Winning of the week. Burma Teltold made a madness nip to Owen Bound last week end.' It All! In Pred Glusleft Sunr- dar to wait Georgetown relative: foe a few dnyu. " Mu. My Cumphell is visiting friends sad amending the Gipsy Smith meetings in Toronto. . " It Alun MeFarhutes lrft Tum! for Raven Lake Cement plant, where he has secured a position. - Rev. Mr Newton Went to Toronto Wednesday and will amend the Gipsy Smith evangelistic meeting“. Mr Geo. Stinson spnnt trom Tuesday to (Saturday but. week Viv-mug relu- tivrs in Alma, Eton and Guelph. Min Melludn Graqtry, of Unkviue. in home visiting her pueuu. alt and Mr: Wuf. Granny. north of town. Mr and Mrs Clupmuu teturttht to Toronto Wednesday .afu'r “wading her fume-1's funeral, the hue “ugh Mackay. T Mrs D, Coleridge. tit., 'Jmmore. bu been winning her son at Holstein and is at present the guest of her daughter ' Mrs G. anuge. Mr Findl " Graham Feturued to Mid. land Wedtwsatt an two brothers. who were also precast at the funeral. will return to Duke“ this week. Mr. Wm. Black In a judge in the horse contests in In kdnle on Monday next und has also promised to perform the same duties in Flesherum on lit July. . Miss Chi-nine Jackson cunt-ruined I number of her triend- to aeurhre party Tuesday evening in honor of her guest. Min; Widdtheid, of Owen Sound. Mr Keith Newton came home Int week from the B. P. 8.. Toronto. We eontrratuUte him on his lumen in panning secund yourrxnlns in Mining Engineering. - - Mitre yyyftt,t"it nurse. under. went em a etuu4on for appendiciti- in a Ulevelnnd hospital hut Friday. We me plu'nsed to report she in rc- cuperat lug llnely. Rev. A. B. weattusrnil, B. A" who recently mmplelrd his mum in Knox college, Totonto, and Min Hume Campbell, of Hanover, Ire mulling I. few days this week at the home of the llller'i sister, Mrs Jun. 'gekechaie. Mrs. A. McClinlon and little daugh- ter left on Tum-day for her new home in bu. away Sm katchewntt. Ber hue bmd preceded her almost two month: up. and Inn " coeurortattte how“: up of nmmml he took with him. In. (Mauser of tfnover went. by “we ‘tr sin and her companioaullip WM 'trratityitur as alp- gm within one on- tlon of MI". gtcctintott'e, We hole lame one will rise up to take In tte- csinton.'s place la the Fine Arts De. nm-lmeut ot the Fall Show. in hr away 5.1- n band preceded h ago and has " of umwxml be, c purl ment c. BAH“)! & SON. Putt-u a. WWII Summer Millinery SF Opening ttif We invite the Indies of Durham and country to attend our Grand Killin- err Opening on Friday, May 28 We will display all th‘e newest and In- trot styles in summer millim-ry. Our aim is to deserve your patronage. We have been twice in the city of Isle huv’ng up Ronda for the wmmer Iillmer; And we have a large display Our prices are ,1et the lynch g cur, -- __ a..- - mu. . "u"wr" IIIII wr In... - .._.H_ ___ . _ Our prices are within the reach d everyone. We also have About. 35 ttttta that have been in our show cue- two or three weeks. We want m etear everyone on Snlurdnv, Mny 22. They are tut in first claw condutim and the prices have Inn-n cut in In" for um special sale. Miss Dick $34,ooo.ooo

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