West Grey Digital Newspapers

Durham Review (1897), 20 May 1909, p. 4

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ll! r1 l "oo-ue-oi.. .... o-oo"; ':t,rr ' “an. g; . 0' anuca [Hal Quins <\\,):“\. [ 'i'ir,'/t"//i'(iit'se:t,.'.i, In ll 'irt m'tir .w-TutiH t't, r the ordin- . :N. Qiti'ier1).h am: kWh Lu r;'., the Raul wetlttperul Fil'; 'Cr'", u:- T t' ( 1m,- tht. “adv " l 2tic, e I it 35,»? Your Entire Family I 2:Ei:.: Gt '. fd Fh “in“ Show [mum their In~rl' q' ar. 0”“WW” ..o. ‘ (ih,tsi,,tg,iilltt)lti))TAli,.t)tyt.tg.mt ( " Cor. Michigan Ave., and Griswold St, Detroit, Irie!!,, 3995.KEEGNEDY&KENNEDY§ Garth-u; St. . , v iitrriar,g 3:5! A 'i) 53.. ‘j vr,,si,';riiij: 1"; a." J IL"", 1,5eE":cear" l 'ir", i,'" , 2%il . M!“ i" a"; Tr'" as 41.! The age for specialization is at hand. The plan that focuses all his constructive Home on any one thing should know more about it than anyone else. M I. o- 0w. on. Building. . As we devote all our interests to our Shoetrade, we trel up: we. have gasped Ind most up-tojdgtc Stock of Boots and Shoes in our toin at the lowest prices. Your size must surely be here as we have all widths and sizes. Call and look over our stock. We arexalways pleased to show goods. Custtnn work and repairing as usual. It“ mm m m In} gf Sreay airplay of fax/zlbnab/e 'rlliithtery "riysgrtb%fr*'4br Now here is the Point: THOS. McGRATH, You will find a larger assortment of styles here than at any other place in town-at prices that will suit you too. We invite you to visit our Show rooms and inspect our large stock whether you buy or not. Whatever your taste may be in the Millinery line, we can salt you. We have a wide choice of styles in swell Dress Hats, trimmed in very latest fashion. Also dozens of smart Ready-to-wears in all leading styles. We are showing a very large stock of stylish trimmed Milrmery-- some very new styles that we have just received this past week. We Specialize ‘1 1 ' L i, Wo 'r'rrirrTutoeto cure NERVOUS MIMI". lair-3 moon muses smcwnz. vmcocsu. . turcl:r .KIDIEY AND RUDD“ DISEASES. con-h. n r. _ Con Fran. I? unable to call. write for I "a.,. am“ 1.... question Blank tor Home Treatment O? .. Shoes that Shine din For owr ao years are. K. a K. have "pared mm the great.“ “no.” “I unease: a! men and women. Shoe Dressings Galore. Trunks, Suitcases. Telescopes, Ete Era-a lulu-u in "xchanee for Goods at llu- dowrt_towrt tiLoe Store. Exec 'or/ock oiMMMNilMis gieieilril"iM.stt,r Heat the Bridge '. S. McILRAITH not vret (Unease that la n , your mum consult ,us who do not have to of Mu! We hardly know wheretobegin this time but however we will am no wu customary with our lute Reeve. Thoe. Mandden Err, u the assessors in genernl made n ts mencement with him. Mr Mera - den u is well known served the Township for 16 years as Reeve and Councillor and made an excellent officer besides being a gentlemen in every other respect. As we have quite sjoumey from Lot 1 to Lot 5t " Priceville we can- not take up much time in such house so we will have to pus on es best we can even in a snow storm. In olden times there used to be a trap set at Rob Roy Corners by having two hotels, one on each side of the road and an old jokey gentlemen made the remarks about two old grey, headed residents, who were fond of drink, He said there were two grey rabbits up the road and they would he the first to get into the trap when set bat we were lucky no trap there now and the good lady Mrs Pennock that occupies the old Rob Roy has converted the bar room into a. parlor. There used to be two blacksmiths " Rob Roy in times past, bat both shops are now deserted and only the build- ings there as a reminder ot olden times. Alot or two west of this Rob Roy is Mr Bell‘s farms the late assessor. who also served the Township faith- fully as assessor " sixteen yeart We had the pleasure. of meeting wit Mr Bell at his f..yeaytr'r,r/",1v1'g0'. piece the late Robert el 's widow. As he was resting himself lying on a luungenear the store and on our in- qt1irsrabo1t his health it he was un- .,...._. -9___-- ...- ..9wF-'i" well he said, "No! No! Jass allttle' bit lazy that'g all." Mr Bell is now i nearing his four score years and no', wonder he is getting a wee bit lazy. 1 We extend to him the many messages ol kind remembrances entrusted to us to deliver to him from many of his old friends in Glenelg. Now we pairs on. calling here and there we reach Bunessau and astuepagp pf it is now their farms are out up badly with railroad and gravel road. At the, corner where the railroad crosses the gravel road ttfere once stood a church which was put up in the latter part of the 50's by the people in general taking no account ot'denom- iimtional differences bu: latterly it became the property of the Free Pres- I'ytel'ian church where the late Rev. Chas. Cameron labored faithlully for about 12 years and " there were no organs bat the ones that was original- iv manufactured by the Greater of he Universe, the good old fashion- .gd style was in use. the leader or precentor standing in front ot the pulpit. The leader lor a number _"' years was the venerable Thou. Lender Esq., South Grey Registrar, ti Durham. This will remind Mr L usher that then he was a young man ut'aliout 30 years although now he has passed the highest mark prom- ised to man. Bat we are making slow prowess and will leave the good old Durham Road as last as possible and take down the South line bat as reference as made to many along toe P. o. originated from the High- land of Scotland. " greephorn would be apt to salute the good post- master in the language ot the old Isle of Mall, Scotland, by asking him in Gaelic "eiamar tha sibb an dale a dhuinne chair, a chiel liter (sad tummy “ding" or 'how are .ro,?e, xms line sometime ago,' we will ,kip till we reach Tup-cliff. Top Cliff 1’.'0. Arch. McCuaig Postmaster. Mr McCuaig is well known throagtet.the _whqle Town- -.. ..-.. ~___n u __ . - day, is there any letters tor me, tt but the good p. m. would naturally Mare him in the lace telling him he came from culd Ireland. now intoa driving shed by the pro- prietor ot the farm Mr D, McInnes. The inhabitants of the Glen over 50 years ago had quite a time to get up the hills to the old D. Road bat now tin-y are doubly blessed by havihg two roads running Side by side, a gravel road and a railroad It the amount that was paid for buying the land through the Glen was applied to cutting Big Hugh's and Big Peter's Hills m the old Durham Road it Would make a good passable road and would allow the good people of the Glen to use their own property, as D lip being a candidate for the Reeve- xmp and defeated by a very small majority at the, last election. Hr tlcUuaig is one of the directors of may & Bruce Insurance Company ml is also an extensive farmer. Ira. .niny lriends throughout the Tofu- ,iiip wished as to remember them to ‘..’:m in condolence for the sad loss he has sustained in The death of his be. I wed wife and other troubles daring winter. Down this line there are JicLeans, lloopers, Sealeys Eek. hardts and other well to do farmers. Now we come to McWilliame and I person looking for the station bonsai here will be at a loeeto flttd my only 3 a small platform hardly big enough for an old time Scotch Reel dance. For about two miles tram beretbe railroad and public road rune ride by l side ands llvely team of home will be apt to get their conceit in running order tor the Eurpoee of keeping tine with the iron one taking no thought that the magma in the conveyance behind them y be thrown into the ditch leaving them, " theme they be, unconscious at whet happened xhlle the unfortmte enlmele they a.“ to piece! by the 1:0de engine we hope noncoftheee pre- diction: w' happen. At no Wilhelm the I eKeebnie ot Durham haven k orient! besides eeverel h some " Glenn-den. ,Dowllt us line ; n the Borhiri'+ _ - , m an was any I”; f Coming to the top of the hill where the gravel mains a deviation from the old Durham Road we were reminded of that guod old Scotch sung gi Ye'l! tak' the high Road and i'll tala' the low Road." s, we pre- lerrcd the low road and entered the Glen at the corner ot'the deyiatioq. There was Ciirhtjytehan “church some 30 5331's ago but I} it eon.yerted. AMBLESW ' THROUQH 0LtitiEL0. By the Assessor. win THE nunnni tiiarmr Mrs Hopkins like a gullible womn didn't find tannin}: Ill tor putting some extra: in the roots on 100099} of a tine new brick bowie. Coming over to the townllne. Egremont (tom Aljoe'e up td n couple of miles lt ls almost an impouibtllty for any§humnn being to trovel and it any young men had his deer on the other end he would hove to become an lively u a deer before he could get to see her. ', Along the town line there is a family Lot Mr Watson’s and no lens then eight of them on the assessment MII. We pass on"now 'till we reach up the Town line Artemesin. On the second lustful-m is Mr John McPhsll one ot the old pioneers of the Town- ship coming to the Genirnxn Road about sixty years ago. Lived for a few years near Tobermorv and then moved to the Durham Road and About 53 years ago moved to where he is now. Mr McPhnil nlthough he has seed his four more is yet netiveaarv few could beat him " an axmen and a logger in his day. The last term on the southeast ot the Township is the late Hector McLean a now Joe thunpbell's. The McLean family like many others are wetter-1 ed here and there over the world. Bo we end our trip on the south side ( Iind will continue north in future; issues. The tender leaves of a harmless lung. healing mountainous shrub, give to Dr. Sheep's Cough Remedy its marvelous curative properties. Tight tickling or diwtreesmg coughs. quicklv yield to the healing. soothing action of this splendid preseriptiou--Dr. Sheep's Cough Reun- edy, And it is so safe and good fcr children. as well, Containing no opaim, Chloroiorm. or other hurmtul drugs mothers should in safety always de. mand Dr, Shoup'u. It other remedies are offered, tell them No! Be your own judge! Sold by Maeb'arlauo & Co, Our stores will be closed all day on Monday next. May 2tth. They now close every Mondny. Wednesday and Friday evening at 7 o'clock. Monday highland it still mining. Not many through seeding around our burg yet. Htn1tsee1eaningiis the order of the dsy. Wonder if all mm like beatmg carpets. Mrs Lester, while papering the walls of a room, last weak, had tlm misfortune to tall " a chair and hurt her side and back. We hope Ibo will soon be alright again. Don't forget the Scotch Concert in Amos Church on Monday night at 8 p. in. Bee Mr Buchanan, of Dau. dalk, will giye a lecture on his mp to Scotland. Other entertainment is being prepsrei. Admission 25c for adult: IN for children. Mr Buchanan Will also preach in Amos Sunday morning May 23rd. Those who wrote on '1'mulera' training course. " 'Ne'Lite and Tunes of our Lord Jesus Christ. " in Amos on Tuesday "1ng were Mrs Kendall, Misses Mandy llcnwick. Minnie Hal. penny, Agnes llenwick and Elk Ben. ton. We wish them success. A book on Rheumatism, and a trial treatment of Dr. Sheep‘s Rheumatic Iumedy--liquid or 'Nbietir--iir'beiup, sent free to sufteter, by Dr. Snoop. of Racine, Wis. You that are well, get this book for acme discouraged. dis- hearteucd sull’urer! Do a simple act of humanity! Point out this way to quick and certain relief! Surprise some 'uttterer. by first getting from me thn booklet and tha test. m will ap- preeiate your ail, Sold by MacFur- lane & Co. ’ A. H. Burnett 18 home again, after a. visit among his friends. Mr Tom and Miss BegI Carson vis- ited their aunt, Mrs as. Mitchell, Faubairn, Sunday afternoon. Wonder whry- the mo young men. were.,aaen going East. late Sunday night, with a lantern. Bauer choose a fine day next time boys. The Rey Mr and Mrs Gibson are away. The church is supplied in his absence by local men. William McMurdo, Jr., is laid up in the liouau for some time and is not improving much. Mrs Dingwall, one of the first resi. Jena here. is very poorly for some time put. Constable William Gillespie, who Hy,“ bstwaen here ‘and Cedarville, has brought some of those Jew pedr lars before the magistrates ind had them lined for not hayingllhe neces. any licenses. We have had I few nice day: and our farmers are very bmrygeeding, but the most of the land uround here is wet yet. To his men began than v-Friends, Uo-mtrymen, Ronmns. lend me your ears. to which a. wag tuided--" 1'll re- turn them to-morlow. " In plain language and without cratorical‘ dis- play we simply Bar- _ Mark Anthony's . Address Munch“! If there are any MEN or BOYS in this town or surrounding count” in need of ' SOFT or STIFF HAT we have tulgoods in Abundance at the Myanmar; 3.9 "ee ”A am following prices ' £133”! 37-32: 'tAt m $M& Tinne' int. VA, ii, Taln, Chocolate. Buck, Navy and Dove co on. _ nu puw “was nu. ”gun. yrIwI, NOTBANKKUPT Te/f, nor SEC- OND-HAND GOOD which are ulc- -lesa at any price. Mme 814mm," medulla. M! 19951.. tegt.y.t..t._ti.s.r.ht prizes Mrs. c. 'McArthur Dromore. Hopeville. TORONTO - Mr William Blmrp bu been uri- tet indiopoaed during the pot wee . V Mrs Thou. Bull whim! friends on this aide one a” In: week. V The um mined the mill neigh- borhood again recently nod preuntod Mr and Mn Chas. Miller w‘th u tine boy. healing in progressing slowly on atitttttttt of the frequent mint, but some have tiiniished. A number of the farmers dispelgd of their {at stock lately And hue light. " hurt: and heavier pocket books in oonuqnenco. Mr Henry Byers bu been on the do]: list that two weeks but in im. proving ignin. . Min; Gee Gilmour attended the meeting of the 1ndih' Institute at Ayton on Thursday hat. Service will be held in the church next Sunday afternoon Instead ot in the school. where it he: been held Iiuce Butler. A tickling on dry cough can be quick- ly loosened with Dr, tNslsoop'ts Cough Remedy. No opium, no chloroform. nothing unsale or harsh. Sold by MacFarIune * Co. Owing to the tvlmogttsoutintiot" wet weather, aeeding"opcrationl are much delayed, scarcely a. foot of ground being new In condition to work. Lowlands are under water, Unless the weather changes farmers will not be able to iinish by the 24th. Mr Hargrue left last weak to see his daughter Maggie, who is we are sorry to hear seriously ill It present. The football team is now re-orgnn- med with Dugald Ferguson " captain and is now teady to weave chnlleng- as from neighboring teams for friend. ly matches. . ' The stranger who called at the store on Wedneedsy evening to en. quire the distance to James Hny's. and talked boastingly of having walked fourteen miles that day, 3180 of his legs being almost down and out, was hurried to his destination in an ambulance by Wm Aldeorn. There " talk of the ladies getting up a baseball team. h pain prescription is printed upon each Me box of Dr. Shoop's Pink Pain Tablets. Ask your Doctor or Druggists If this formula Is not complete. Pain menus eougeshott, blood pressure. Head pains, womanly pains. pain anywhere get instant. relief from a Pink Pain Tablet. Sol] by MucFurlane & Co, Acommittee composed of leading inrmers and dairymeu representing the dairy cattle breeders' associations and the dairymen's associations ot Ontario. haVe completed arrange- ments tor the holding this year. at a dairy farms competition through On- tario. The prizes will consist of 60 gold and silver medals and diplomas as well as a large number ot special prizes, the details of which have not yet been arranged. - The Province will be divided into four districts as follows t from King. ston east, trom Kingston to Yonge St... Toronto; Western Ontario, north and south of a line running from Hamilton to Goderich. There will be a competition this year, for the best farms in each di-trict and 5 gold and 10 silver medals will be offered this year in each digtriet. - The farms will be judged twice; once about July 1 and again some time dunng December, than giving the judges an opportunity to see the farms under winter and summer t30tV ditionl. _- Next year. the farms in eastern Ontario and all tarms in western Oo- tario which win prizes in the compet- ition this year, will be allowed to competed!) special competitions to de,,. cide the best farm in eastern Ontario and the best farm in Western On- tario. Two years from now. itls proposed to bold a final competition, in which the leading farms for both eastern and western Ontario will competcto decide the best iarm in the Province. Exceptionally tine prizes will be tlfered in this 'tittttl competition. _ All branches at farm work will be included in 'he competition. In all 1000 points will be offered. These points have been subdivided as tal, lowa: House and surroundings 150; farm buildings 150; live stock 2(1); crops 200; tarm management 150; farm machinery 75; permanent im- rovements 75. Several prizes w‘il WJ/eel" to the farms that score tte highest points on the house and sur- roundings. on poultry, on orchmds and other similar departments. The committee which has charge of the competition is "Tit",if, ot Messrs II. 1.r'lendittttiott ot mills; G. A, Gillesbie of Peterborough, rep- resenting the Esstern Ont. Dairy- men’s Ass'n; Mr D. A. Dempsey, ut Stratiord, and It. Wellnee. Barges. ville, representing the Western Ont, Dairymen's Ass'n ; Mr W. W. Bal. lantyne. ot Stanford. D. Dnneanof Don, George McKenzie. at Thornhill, R F Riesuctthwtontmtok, Gordon Gooderhsm. of York Mills. Simpson Bonnie and W. G. Elite “Toronto and B. B. Conan, of Pmrhoro, the Secretary. Competitions of this kind were held In Ontario some 25 years ago, and created grout interest. The gold medal farmer in the Province at that time was Mr Simpson Rennie. the well-known li'armims' Institute speaker. who now lives in Toronto. Full pumiculnn than the oompeti tion Tld',', obtained from the Boom- tary. ready s number of lending faring“ ir? Ontario has 'tidittatid air intentiOn to take pal-tin the than- 'tiQ which promiaeu ttt are». I great but": 3nd be productive of much good. .. A Dairy Farm's Competition. Swinton Park tiampden 1ifiiiili Kidneys tterveis. The Edna". "is thallium Ind the Stomach. itnd than wanna-I. not in the o n 1mm but in the have?) that control ma 'il?),' Ind strengthen then. r. Simon's Boston " u . medicine ttp,ii,tN,'g'gght', to repel: than emu-011m; nerves. To om: the Kldnen sloop. It? tis . m otti-ndoituomsr" e . " your back when or I: weak. " the mint 'ttids. or “(ink and am If you have symptoms ot Brick" or other h'iiiiGaiii or dangerous kid. In! an...” try Dr. Shoop'l Restorative a month- 1) Jet. or “gum-gm! we wing It T? tud will I. w In: In. nuwy I -VIBPWrP.."- . - - -r__e--_ “has or Hiffiii, lee what It an and will “(can mum recommend and sou We have been so busy lately renova- ting our store and receiving stock that we did not allow any time for writing advertiscmcnt. Our store is now well supplied with the best of everythingthat can be found in any Hardware Store. Have u look at our North Window and you will see a display of everything in the Fishing Tackle Linc to make Cl sportsman happy. ' Then look nt our South Window and you will see three painters with an assortment of that celebrated Sherwin Williams Paints, something to suit the experienced painter, something to suit the housekeeper. something to suit the carriage repairer, and something for every purpose of painting. We also keep in stock Lawn Grass, Lawn Mowers, Poultry Netting, Frost wire and Fence, Screen Doors and Window screcns,Cement and in fact everything you want. Cockshutt Plow Co. Ltd., Brantford Paris Flows, Spreaders, etc Bissau Rollers and Disc narrows Adams Waggon and Sleigh: Barber,_ Junctions, . Tudhopc and Dr. Shoog’s lihtttitmtfii'ga Four cars of coal cxpccud nut “ch Place your orders. W. Black 'hynu 31:3?!“va -- Armstrong and Tudhope Cuttess Bell & Thomas Organs and Pianos Rudd Harness, Toronto Raymond ' ytw Williams Sewing ' Machines. National Cream Separators Robes, Blankets, Rugs, Whips etc Daisy Chums, Washers, Wingeis Beatty's Hay Goods Promptness and fair dealing will continue to be my motto Yours for Business, Root/ Seeds Peter Hamilton Farm Implements “Magda” " Half Suganangel " " T"urnip " " Leaning " tt Mammoth Southern Sweet" " Angel of Midnight tt GUN’S DRUG STORE Fun?! n sump Toto“: fiiiiriiTtiT Bout “11(1on M. I Pawn? ," Whntpronnhlo to inwm ."nnd 33112921395 ta9eityttryts. ber mow-rm rl‘rlulon Pulan "it1t'dlfi. Fem modreeti “ARI?” a ARI ON, ECT’ERTS -- mug 'yt diryh " st 11mm Bt,, Momma! Rafi; miihriirg iii iiiVGida a}: $1556er The only ttrm ot hum-u Enginnn In the bond Noam-Mina mun» trata-a “gum“. If you get it u GUNS, It’s good tre" mane m Mf, to wank kidney 'enes. The Ng',th, woman-ad 919 OILS OF hu. KINDS Co'sl tlil, 0mm Sepu-ntor Oil, WEI: thd t'gtr Oil, Butrtrr' 'RtmP'tLrtrEttgta FROST d WOOD. IMPLEMENTS Mctnwre Block-Lambton M, B “any and Bell's old mnd " Rennie's and Steele Briggs Hardware, l Mr; Lari --Butrgie, . -Meiotte Cream Separators, --Singer Sewing Machines, -4httae" and Plum. - -Stttves lad Rm”. "--Hamtm_ he. Sold by MncFarlane and Co Kind that GM Corn McLellan. You Can All-wool Bhutan. $3. 4 and HI. pr Bed comforter: from 1.3.3 In 3m t't "T, 11x4 sue 'rhuinellett, Il/w- on. white or grey.. ”1.25.3 V -H [use t)urotms,..'a5e. 50c. 7.L, I Honeycomb wool Slum ls, " . Black sateen Underskirls. til. I Floor 0ilrluth.. ...25( u Tullle ttitcloth, 45 in wide New Prints and cciuivu/s I Bee nut ah: and We Dpess BIG f Men‘s Catdigiutgackr.s 1.00. l "J There's no need oi your just dragging around, too weak to accomplish anything. but still not rally ill. Whether your condition is due to overwork, mental strain, loss of sleep or minis, . _ Buy ‘I Energy will quickly restore you to per. feet health. It's a strengthening sustaining tonic and nerve buil. (let that will quickly relieve and cure nervous debility, mental depression, nervous dyspepsia, etc. DRUGGiSTS AND in white, blue with white snipe linen color white stripe, Indian head suiting plain white, India Lawn, Persian Lawn. Victoria Lawn, Mull, Muslin, all suitzlhtc for dresses or Shirt Waists, and we have diso the best Sciuclmn of White Shirt Waists in town. We give the money back if you are not perfectly satisfied with what the remedy docs for you. Fresh Groceries ' New Fruit- Oholeo Cottteetionary Pure Spices & Vinegars lo.1_!'a'mlly and Pure As the warm 1rathct is yam- ing, you still occl Eighty: doth ing. We have f . Dress Linens UUI 3:13 filled Corsets for Slight. medium, and stout tig- ures. These are the Corrils that please. Corsets 23:3”; C. L. GRANT Flue Salt Funnel-g Produce Wa n MacFARLANE & co. MATTHEWS a LATIMER W. H. BEAN HAY M, 1909 Our Tonic Elixir ', M Seed & Groceries Produce " Cash LADIES E in" Tia, Giiirii, Price 50c. Be., Sells Cheap Cull yd see us For BOOKSIELLISRS We have th Sc n equal cum , Block. Durham (I) 8l $4. M Doll“ [but no Horser. Hoes, ”or aha-p nor any breachy hum m it allowed to run at large in 'lw lwpnlity of Gluing. and” By-luu No. 178 of laid township. ”I.” otteod_irttt against “id By. - an Ihhle to ttttit. as defined then-m a Id] u divulge to privule properly. . , Br Order Splendid Residence l’ru tert . In: Bare In Upper Town : the Jrnfmm New come. Alt cottvenietwe. Brick venee ' coaHurtat,le and (1») Olmfrom Intending purcuamert, n- calved " Iteriew (Mike. Lots 0 an “t loo an. ot er builds “om; wen. A good tt1"dt'it house with he m insi e l rent ., per month. . War, Lunuw P. G. R. Glenda. This " a farm I'll]! good buildmun in dear-bl» Mention. The liln of tG acre- uf rich cult: tree [rum Hours and 15 mm Price "NO. too own-n Pnrk. faip dimmed. we Only mm Valuable farm in computed of lots 2 N. o, It., loo urn-x torthwith. Title I can” apply In A dweilina Imuw land in the Town of Uightnn pr 'perl y L Bt.. I ulna-I dishin- Stalin". Apply In On may turn dwelling in l’ai Dulcimer 'inl Hot nude" ), natal. The puhl tr0titut in hi. Can. 2 keep everything on the 1 arriving means New G, our customers the ncwcs Large Sal - to Owners of Live Moek Farms For Sale. [to tu'tey in tue Thil'd Cot Batter and Eggs ta? Town Residence fo Sale. Our stock 0 new and complc1 mukets with tri right prices. Sc We have the c and “Fashion" hr: tisshiomrble at popr stock of Odd Pantp. MAY Jto, 1909 Ann“ bor Sale or Rent L'uuls For Home to Rent Fishing JAIN! “in Tuna (Emu All For Sale J. B. BLACK. Tp. Clerk ,good Imam- bu an. well watered A Mania. tt ll. JACKSUK. For Snip. Mus. s Dress Good Fresh Groceries mm If h Iv c. Hunt” Clothing ville w Notice Dun-h If " A" l ELFI ml» Durham hm k .. up. h tin le TI M G.&J M " (hd COM tands-new Illa! " It " 0w: "ti " m " M luv

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