West Grey Digital Newspapers

Durham Review (1897), 20 May 1909, p. 5

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ml " negat- d Pun an I satisfied 'rdoes [or " you: just ' weak to , but am ther m wcnotk. , but " L00. t.Siben ash 0 Wall m to pet. allied" ervo bail. :lieve and AN E AN foam: gy t ens if Heep“ SP1 NT is com. " cloth mt fig- when I. Cr:RS can 'I Bloch. Dunn. at 1.75 pr '1) 3.0tt " w- Bhu- tao pair mental we? " now In Good! stripe ndlall India etoeia Ill) on TOc vain. and hon n"). 75. I] " ea ru Ill) an» in Proton. "our Swinmn Park, fair hulldipgs.mmd Und, well drained. well valued and wallhmced. Only $1M”. - Price .4511). Byt urn- on the a "than Road, alo clear. 50 ant-res hardwood hush. we" watered. “rut. than tnntdiote. Will be sold cheap to wind up can". l [macros in Benlinek. buildings and sun] good, everything in ttrst Ch” shape. Price W. loo acres in Heminck on (hull-ax:- Rum! near Dornm-h. good build-up. price reduced from "loo to "oo for quit-I sale. 250 acres in Bvlnunck. Five mil" 2.30 acres in Bvlnunck. Five mil" (rum Durham, "0- buildings. good land. with tb ("until at timber. Must be mid M. once. {rice '0000. “8 acres in Egremont. good laud good buildings. 'Moo. ['10 - in the Third Conn-oi!!! F. u. K. Ulrnolg. This n a lint. ' lam. mth good buildings in the moot stestrnhb, location. The farm con- qmto of 85 more: of rich cullwuhle land free Irom stone. and 15 not" of hupb. Splendid Residence Property foe S de in Upper Town l the well-known McLean can a. All conveniences. 15: wk veneenx. commune and cook: Otters from intsnding purcbm ccived at Review Dulce. Lots 0 an} 7, Con. ' N. D. R, Blon- elg. 101t luv-1,3001! 1mm!- houuv. “(I other huildmgs. weil watered. Owner “mug well. A human). ARTIH'R ll. JAcxsox, Barham, On (may t dwelling in Column” in] I tl The public an timing in retttet] Tnk. notice that no Morse., Motto, Bull. or sharp nor my bunny Cutie dull be allowed to run " lug. in use Municipality 0170mm}. and" By-Iul No. 172 of said Lowluhlp. Persona» ottemtintt an!!!“ said By- law are linhle to an” a; ttethsed therotn in. well an d-uuago to what. property. A good r."..".".',',',";'; home with hard water insi e l rem. " per month. keep everything on the move. ‘NEW GOODS continuously arriving means New Goods continually sellin and it insures to our customers the newest styles and best 'Cel,", at lowest prices To those busy house-cleaning, we would say 66 Have ou seen our Rugs and Carpets, our Wall Paper and Window aur- tains ? If not, come to examine them, whether you buy or not. They are all on the second flat. Large Sales & Small Profits Valuable farm in the Tp. of Clonal nnpmwd of lots 22 Ind " Con. t I). lt . "linen-s. Possession givtn uthwith. Tith, perfect. For parli- slats apply to J. P. human. Durham. Butter and Eggs taken " Cash Notice to Owners of u" Stock. (lwvllilu home and ith new: of I in lhe Town of Durham. (into the htun pr qwrly). eomh of Uoohton A sh u'l 1tist,.nce went of ll, T. R. Our stock of Drags Goods is large, new and complete. The newest in the markets with trimmings to suit and at right prices. Several one dress lengths. We have the celebrated "Broadway' and "Fashion" brands-new, neat my! fashionable at popular prices. A large stock of Odd Pants. ' Town Residence lo Sale. MAY ,20. 1009 for Sale or Rent Farms For Sale. By Order l, mth For Sale Home to Rent Fishing Notice. Apply to _ " was “(nu-ms. Varner Tuorr 1'trok, Maarkdnlr. ie nra hereby notthed that "ttueti, prohihitert on Lot ' FLU. R, (opposite Glen- Ill Irupussera will tre prom" Dress Goods tv-nm. " hmk stole and Ptieeville. opposite the Hum. Applym Man. N. R. Bv'r'rms I?!" "him-n SI Vunrum'er. B c, For Stole For Sula. Fresh Groceries arriving daily, the bath J. B. BLACK. " Clerk. w. F. DUNN. Solicitor, Durham, Ont U. RAM/ms. A gent. Clothing war. LAIDLAW. A. Manama: G. & J: MGKBCHNIE (jr-ji", trytigtgGtilIfiil gran. commission to " preach the 003- pel to new croulnro. " In order that thin conumuion [my molly be success- fatty performed, ills neceli-ary Hint it' be done in one generation. in]. in twenty tive yew-rs. That. such a. thingia pm- mhle with the ngpncim and fo cos at tlusdiwoiralof the Church. ttnd that. it should My serinnsly attempted. has hum the lots. I of but a very few, bat wmlden. ly the 70111th Ind urgency of " has up- penled with compelling power to nrapid- ly incrrauing number of men in all Jommnnious. Any one luniliar with the phenomena ulthepveaenl awakening can scarcely doubt that “is the direct result of the Holy Upiril moving in the hearts and minds of men. and it in sutinupiring thing to examine the outstanding eir. cumstances which make the time on. portunn and g)" Authority to the call which has me with stqttit wonderful clenrnesa to many men busy in the very heart. of our strennona canary lilo. Furs: among them may be mentioned '. Tin Usrra:haursrzo Orrouusmza. --At no prev'uun mm In the World’s history won“ it have ' poasnblo to 4.0. almost unhindered. with the massage to every pal" of the world, but the time Ive now arrived when tlrtsr can he done. Ewntn which tire now history luvs tun- wired With Martha: rapidity in the Int many the years, and more particular- ly in the hull five years. and unitnd with, as well us made possible bv, the non- dertul acCHmplisbments of inv'entivo ski” and commercim aurerpri 0 have. an Inseph‘Cook "ly"', male " thy whale worldoue ueigutrrrltood, tt Among the really remarknbl» simu- tttats ext-sum: m Ihe prevent time three uhonhi he ~pecmlly tueutioued I Tl is "nut-bl. mph." douMlm seemed to than who rad it quite an tut. lllwlv of foWrriesut u - 'trwtl"rr, um " the pvtenl "me "an“ an trunn- Tiring which uppour to point to its liter. a fulfil-cent. Ever wipe" the modern enterprise of Forum-n Mission: In united. the work of rpm-(hug the Gospel in heathen lands has hon tamed on by a n vary mull portion of the Ubrimisn commnoi". ort an we as: lies to the credit of the Wa- men and chrldrsrt,ratlser lhtn to those beat this to curry it torwaed--ttu, men of our churches. For “It! moon part. men h no not taken the enterprises seni- ously, A peset nwnkening. how-war, lm-cmnu and with " l diruut:atiun to mun tt man'n luminous of that which ulwun should have been the Church's and c )mernm no earning out of he l The marvdlmdy hue-cumin] and peaceful levo'unon just ttttttOmpi/ted in Turkey. bv winch that empire has been s:tsldrrsly fhusg wide open to Christian mtiae.ue.. " Thu unites: movement of the twen- tieth 'teine", will not. treps commends] one, nor '" . milory on. but tho In- (icon of tho Wesst rill made tho EM with great Armies ot Chatiau minion- aries, hacked by tho wealth ot Christen. dom. We must ttrouse our-elves to meet them. " In view of tho coming mm mating in Durham Town Hall, on Friday, 29th Mar, organized by. . Committee com- posed of Mayor Ludlnw 3nd mm rop- uunmin man hom ouch of tho (our church:- in towm the following ”can. from " uldreu by the than ”one nun will be ot much intimt. On (man-324.1898 more append In . Canadian pap" iu-uod in Toronto the following item, copied and inmhlod ham . Buddbm In saline, published in Tokio. lean: A WI to Business Men. ' Groceries The almost incredible change in By 3mm! J. loom. in}: thd Highest Prices pm Crockery and Glassware The stock is complete. Five min.. utes inspection will be better than an hout's description. You’ll say éo too when you see them. Fresh stock just arrived direct from the manufacturer. New tstylish goods at low prices. . - qirod laying mean: good Selling Boots & Shoes the market at popular prices. IF." PMT,,', evekeuing in Chine l the t a meet uni no orpwtnnity whlehphu ever when?! tho Chrietnn Church to thet which “not! in Tokio. when thou-nude of Chinese etudeoI-I. icked men. from every prounee in the Shines. Empire, eve mumbled. tilting It the feet at their conqueror, thet thos ,may learn the uer‘et ot her power. L, View u the tremendoul mfhtetteo, which these young men will exereiee in th. new Chum when they no but there to fill the reeponeihle positions for which I 'they ll. now being prepared, what en opportunity of alt-tunic importance is 1 hue presented to the (Autumn Church I If,wuile they on imbibing st second .heul the rudiments ot our Western ,civilization. they are taught the prin- lclples of the Christian religion, end brought into person-l and me! touch f with the Young Man of Nuarelh. whet (a mighty force for the spread of Christi- anity they will be. Another ouutnnding circumlhnee is THE UNPitt'.CEDE.NTBD 0"an w or YOUNG urn ran SERVICE. Thin in one of 'he most important ut all the [cross at the disposnluf the Church ot Chris; M the present tune. Thousands of those who represem the best. Me of the younger generation are in training in our colleges; wuh a definite, lilo purfose to go forth to augment. the ham of upwards of lhirteen thousand mlsajpnmies now on- gaged on the foreign tuld. 4. Turning to our own land. it is sme- ly true that there he: not been itrement- ed to II]. men of this senor-non such an opportunity " the present. don}. for tgutuMtsU servme " home. Ind unchar- gent need " a urge offering of life and money to meet the responsibility of the hour, I no the greet Western Province- and Tenitonel, " well " into New Ou. tario, settlers have been pouring " mp- idly that the means naileble are truly inndequeta lo furnish these new com. muniues with those Christian t'uihusueets. which Ire no essential, .it We are to maintain the anudard of morality which our nation treasures. Tue grnvity - ol the e",u:u,mu become: more apparent as we think ot tho many 'rm-English. speaking people who help to swell the this of In is emigration, This offering of young life frrmthe students of our colleges. the best which our ganeratiou has to give, is uue of mu mast compelling of challeuuaa. and is so regarded by many Christian busiuers men lo-dmy. It may well have been the outpouring of this life which led the Buddhist. editor, quoted above. to see the vision. Yet another unwinding eireamgttittets in Tt1tt Awesome FINANCIAL ABILITY or Cumsruu was. The! this ability exists needs no argument. Tho accumulation of Wealth during the lust. twentrtive years has been so vast that only a small portion of the income from the increase would be eulllcieut to provide all the moiiey necessary to cqmp and maintain an Meqmte lured to give an opportun- tty to the last man. woman and child in the world Io know that a Saviour has been provided. One missionary With muiva Militants for every "rentrtive tlmusau] heathen would. it is believed. result. m ranching evervone with the Uowel message in twetnyd1re years. Thou shoal! not, of course. for one moment, be excluded from the fullest fellomdiip In this world campaign an; nun who acknowledged Jesus Uhrist on: as Lord. Every Christian man, what. ever his fimuaeial obihty, should haw his full share of "rspouulnlity. In this reap-cl the mite of the day [allover is 3; im ortant an the greatest. gift oithe millionaire bat the giving should be, proportionate to the ability. Baum. loathing in the removnl of the abandon which have undo n. [tactical- I, impotwibU, until recently lo reach me ”Manta ot that mighty :mpireu If your Stomach, Heart or Kidney- are weak, try at least. a few doses only of Sheep's Restorative, In five or ten days only, the result. will sur- prise you. l few cents wrll coyer the cum. And here is Mr) help tsouAo so quickly, Dr Shoal) doesn't. 1mg Illa Stomach. nor stimulate the Heat. " Kuluey». Dr, Sheep's Rhetorauve goe- directly to the weak and falling nervu-. Each organ has its own controlling nerve. WI en them nerves fail, the dependxug organs must. of necessity falter. This plain. yet vital truth, clearly tells why Dr, Shoop'e Restora- tive in so universally successful. In emcee. is leading druggista everywhere to give it universal preference. A test will surely tell. Sold by MacFarlnue & Go. Lolly. I would politie- an our Mamiing drowns. in mania or f2'gt't" gem!“ “In women: m. 0 via: gen-touc- bum men lam-d the an. world- wide yieion Ind mental training u had fallen to the lot et the proton: genera- tion; !rtamtttrrsthferttal unmade. inter- ntionel mmnhip lines, world-waif trading computes. have girdled the aloha and brought on: the enterprise. com-go and Ire-emcee of the bounce. men of this generation as he: - new done in any othor period of the world's history. this has resulted in the development of organizing end ad. uunitstmtwe ability of the highut order. Shell these reeourcu be placed " the dispoul of the King in the day of supreme opportunity. or shall we re~ serve them tor the counting home and the purist place. to be used in pursuit of material things only. while the great- est enterprise that the human mind and Will and been can engage in receives but the drop of our tune and ability t Too long he: it been true, it we hue thought of var obltgrtmn, in Ulla way at all. that we have vff-rell merely the trihrt.te of " ed mind. and tired bodies, Shall we not uuw “We at our best on the King? If tins were done, what a trans formation would result! Many ale prepared to do this. Already Chriet‘nn men in Great Britain. the United State: and Canada. have become arouseJ to their responsibility in View of the pres- ent cell. and the inevitable result hue followed, in e richer gum deeper spirilu. al life. The larger viston has come, the wider sympathy. the closer fellow. ship! The attitude which proponuds the question of Cam, "Am I my broth- er'miuseppr ? " is exchanged for a deeper some of [he Iufuute Love : " For God so loved the warmth“ He “we His Only Begoueu Son that who. waver believe“: In him should not. per- ish but haw everlasting Ne." n. ti. Miller, Consistent and Independent. The eyil of dangerous Railway cron- iugs has been before parliament many times in the effort to procure snfe-qnard~ ing legislation. No name has been more prominent In this connection than that of A. E. Lancaster and the House of Commons hm. several times given un. animous consent to the "Lnncnahire Crossings Bill" but the Sonya has hloeked the way. This yearn the Senate attached an amendment to it which .wns accepted by Hon. Mr Graham, and the Linerul party in general. With the object of getting it throuuh this session. However South Grey's nhle member, Me ll, ll. Mikes. voted With the-op- po.itlou. bell-Jung than the will of the Commons. frequently expressed, should pot be trodden upon. In doing this he showed his Independence and his cmuseency. Several papers note his mnnlt stint, the following bring horn the Neutron Gazette, (Cmeervatn’e) "Ou the motion for third mulling Mr E. A. Lancaster made Ins last appeal against the assassination of his level crussmgs bill by the Senate. He mov- ed that. tbu Benque amendment. which Mr Gmlmlu incorporutud in lhe prev um bill be struck nut and his own prupoml, which Ind been endowed by the house on four different occnious substituted. Mr Borden stated lint as he had four times what] for Mr Luncauter’s remedy for the level chasing evil, and the House lm'l tour times passed it ununimuusly. he would support. the amendment ot the mem‘n'r for Liu, cum. The Speaker than endeavored to win that the Lanbaater amendment was out of order as his bill was still on the order pawns. Me Borden points! out that in that case Mr Graham'u bill was equally oat at orJur, and the Speaker did nut [new the point fur- ther. Sir Wilhid L‘urier said he had also voted for and supported the Lau, cuter mil. but as the Solute had by u amendment iuoortorattrd in Mr Grglmyl's bill, gone a step further In the tight dirctrtion, he would vote against Mr Lsmeatster's amendment" The amordmeut was Iejecled on s party tlivMon by 100 to 70. H. H. Mil. ler, ot South Grey, vote] wich‘tho Op- positidn, Mr Milleris one‘ of the most oatspokou upponcnh of the Senate, and last. session iuMHucsd a. resolu- lion cal‘mg tor reform at that. bode, mud his vote was reurded as a pro- test summit the Senna meddling with the legislation which In! faar time- racoivod the auction of the Commons. the farm is well fenced and is water- ed by never-failing spring creek. Hay was cut off thin farm hot year and the balance pal-lured. Privilege will be given to cut Elm yen-'3 hay crop, store the name in harm, to be fed out on the farm during period tor which sented. For further particulars apply to - Joan A. Guzman. Box 10th Durham, Will rent for term of fears. 100 acre farm in ulenelg. one " “my betwven Durham and Priceville. Thoroughbred Bull for service at Lo.t 30, Con 7, Bentinck, for terms and party culars apply to WILLIAM BAILEY. Mulock. The following must he sold It omen New wagon, new iron truck whee‘ wagon. a number of large 933 Tat. (would make first elm cinema or 4 thouaand fence posgs. lath, shingle; lumber. A quanglty of wood mu Wubcck .P._0., will be sold at ttttr agar. load. _ d -. . Human. A l ling 'tflh, Kn ttUtrator tbar- or to AVID mm or A. a. '"dlfl'li1"id',t2ty ' or to DONALD GnAnAu. Priceviue. Bull tor 50117199 Pasture to Rent. For Salé. H ONTARIO ARCHIVES TORONTO In this line we have all sizes to meet your re- quirements. are more of our numerous lines of Spring and Summer goods. Gasoline always on hand. We can help you make and keep it so. We have a good assortment of L r M of different sizes kinds and awn owers qualities. Our "Black Dramond" Lawn Mower is a daisy. See it. We also have Rubber Hose of different sizes, Lawn Sprinklers & Sprays and all kinds of Lawn and Garden supplies. Gasoline and Coal Oil Stoves Poultry ' We have anything you may require. Our stock ~is complete and up-to-date and as it is no- trouble to show goods, we ask you to have a. look around at any time. Hardware & Furhiture Lenahan 8' McIntosh. This Finn known under the above name is comprised of W. Calder of the Town of Durham and H. Carveth, now a resident of the Town of Dur- ham and are the parties who recently bought in the stock oi J. A. Darling, at alow rate on the dollar. We have added' hundreds of dollars of new stock in the different departments and are prepared to supply your wants in the line of Drugs, Patent Medicines, Druggists Sundries, School Supplies, and all kinds writing material, Clover, Timothy and Garden Seeds, Soaps, Perfumes, Groceries, Tobaccos, Cigars, Confectionery, etc. The warm weather will soonbe here and we propos to throw open our parlors to the puglic and supply all kinds of cool and refreshing drinks. Ice Cream Sodas, etc. We have added a full line of the purest Teas, Coffees, Sugars, Spices, Raisins, Currants, etc, We will sur- prise you with low prices in this dept. The warm wealhrer will soon be We are fully stocked and have a here and we propos to throw open 1 good supply (at Rel? 1't'11el', ytte, our parlors to the public and supply Lucerelre an ' A ana rogue“ and all kinds of cool and refreshing Tintot y Seeds. A o t ese .Seeds drinks Ice Cream Sodas etc boughtfrom beedmen of the highest ' ' . reputation and stamped with the Fishing Tackle . Government stamp. A good supply We have a splendid line of split of potato'and Dutch Sets ttt 2eions. Bamboo and Green heart fancy poles. A.full line.of Garden and Flower All kinds of Lines, Fishing Baskets, Seeds Turnip. Mangold, Carrot, Beet Sinkers. Hooks, Swivels. The lst and all kinds of field seeds: These of May will soon be here-call early (have men bought from reliable dea. and get, your choice and at prices lets: the.prices will be lower than away down. you can buy elsewhere. In conclusion we would intimate to the public that "ltd, here to es tablisha permanent business by selli " at close prices, tri ring good pttr- goods, attentiveness to your wants and huare dealing throughout. We mean exactly what we advertise and want you to call and see our stock and get our prices bélore buying elsewhere. Remember the p1ace-Darling's old stand, Caldera Block, Durham Fruit and Confectionery This is also a new department We wilt have constantly on hand fruits in season such as Oranges, Ba- nanas. Pineapple, Strawberries, &e, A full line of Harry Webb's Confec- iouery both in bulk and boxes. m. The, Central Drug Store A fine two storey brick dwelling house, large brick stables, on' Allin Street, Durham. Will be sold at n bargain. and would accept other property " part. par Apply to The Central Drug Store Ice Cream Department Leads in Book-keeping, Shorthand, Typewriting, Commercial Law, Com- mercial Correspondence, Plain Business Writing, Business College and in placing all it. gmdunm. Each Iludent is taught "punte- ly at his own deck. Trill [enou- fer one week ft we. Ps / Visitorlgeleome. Open Sept. 2. _ - W. T. CLANCY Paeirt1, Day In! Night Chan. Bor sale or Exchange. We are Agents for NATIONAL PORTLAND CEMENT A supply always 'kept on hand Grocery Department etting Ornamental Writing, MT. FOREST ARTHUR R, JACKSON. Durham. IS YOUR LAWN .WELL - KEPT ? W. CALDER Highest Prices paid for Eggs IN FURNITURE We are Agents for the well and favorably known Frost Wire, Frost Fence and Gates. Call and see this fence or ask your neighbors about it. ‘Frost coiled Spring Wire is in a class by itself. Once used, always need. Durham, Ontario FENCING m Drugs Chemicals and Patent Medicines The department is entirely un- der the charge of H Carveth,' liceused graduate of the College oi Pharmacy, {he has bad a large practical and varied experience in Toronto, Orillia, Sudbury, and other Towns. Nothing only pure drugs kept in stock. Pe- scriptions filled on short notice at lowest prices. The wtnd,tPthte, offers for service al Lot. 9 and IO, Con 2, W a R., Bentinck. I thoroughbred Durham bull. Ali',". pedigree, and . Thoroughbred un- worth hog, For terms and particulun apply to -- _ Sun and Equipment. Tttetsehootirttut-tti III In tttltd.', 'ied,"J'/itl 'it,'iirstl,Eviiiitliit, Much. The lemming competent M ." II cum I menu-A1. Wig-kw flue. 9992‘s; ESE-wag" - “dawning. - - K188 DONAL!» IcmlACHIB. B. A., and at. of Queen's tmi-ttr. sumo“ Mn. mob. AM Arithmetic. [In AMY IDOL mum at an may ot mm. Subject: um, Gunpo- qtthttt, my. Emory “a An. m-tttest-tter" one! " than.“ .iiriirtipit-1e.erhPe. Men be» 'tttgl ttlt - ttgt 'll'fdlt'd ttff. h " a ' I. o 'at'..tt pt I... In um g . P301 If you wish any. leave orders here. We handle all sizes but one grade only and that the best. To Rent 2 good houses. Apply to Coal for Spring Delivery Durham School 08. ALLAN, "111131521153 cm. Monte. glue?“ ' gameg._ “In. mun Guam: Seed Department Stock for Santa Hum: AszAgmun. Screens Screen Booms: Window Scteens are beginning to move and we have a good sup- ply of MI sizes and qualities. J. M. Lunum. J. G. EUTTON. . D., " '"'""""V um “AI-Iron ontaetq ' a l u - BqMrnet “a“ m 0 at... on block's-t ho- bo! cl If OFFICE not!” , .-tt.. I Hp Ill. Temple-060a one“. In. " Unweuaty. graduate of Boys! College of Dental Smasons of Ontario. Room. Ovel J a J UNTER‘S New Store “lull”. OM00 our J.Nd. HIM'I It." Damn]. non-3:1 no u.- w._g. PICKERING o. o s., L o s ottlee-AJuder't, Block. over Post 0mm HONOR GRADUATE Toronto vulva“. and many“ College beam salmon Datum tn All tta much“. ARTHUR H. JACKSON Insurance Agent. Money to Low. Issuer of Marriage Licenses. A gen eral titututial huninesu transacted. Bus-risen. Solicitor. Romy Public, Conveywcer ac. Money to Loan ar ,lowost rates. dice. Mclnlrre Block over the sun 0 dud Ban "s, Una-h nu, Ontario. Barrister, Solicitor in Supreme Court Notary Public Commissioner. Money co man. fitrice. over Gordon's Jewelry Store D. McPHAIL- (o Snow Roomr-Neart to Swnllow'u Bar. her Shop. Rasmussen - Virst house Mouth of Lvvrenee's Blacksmith Slum. Picture Framing, Shortest Notice 100 stores near Allam Park--- splendid huildmnn. rattling tine tum. cheap. 401cm: extra good [and near Alina Park, vet y cheap. 180 acres Bentinck - " miles from Hanover. rlose to school and Post Ottiee with duilymnil. Brick home. frame lmnk burn. - snap, And [my other Good Bargains in Farm and Town property. " you must to” or“ go to Miller No charge if no Imam»... done. UNDERTAKER and Funeral Director lull“, and Stands". Tickets to all points. mt. W at lower rates than you can borrow elsewhere. momma. No charge if nulli- ing collected, All binds of financial 23in?“ carefully and quietly nuan- lo. Money to be Made ‘Alwnyl Prompt, Never Negligent." Tenn: moderate. Anuauneuu for who u mum. Ac., mast be m on the Review or titxs,Durlsatn. Lt Correspondence mus-cud there, or to Ceylon P.0.. will bc promptly stunned to, Term on uppllutlon to B. lePHAlL. Ceylon P. 0 " to C. KAIAGI. Durham The Hanover Convcynccr, ole“ t ARTHUR GUN. . D., MED: CAI... J. F.6RANT D. 0.8-. LO. B. madman unto Din-Duo! - Vic-on 'Sttagtt HONOR GRADUATE of 'Toromo by unending to this advertisement Be sure & get Stin- Licensed Auctioneer tor Co. Grey DE NTAL Notary Public, Go"uuitmioner, DURHAI. 0NT._(LoweI Town G. H. STINSON Model Baku-y son s bakery goods and you will always be satis- fied. We have a fresh supply of Buns, Dough- nuts, Cookies, Cakes, and Pastry of all kind. always on hand Cut mum Dell! - Ceylon bu I telephone omen. We buy our bread at Stinson's and think it is the very best too. Thu is what you huuhe people say. Fatt line of Catholic Robes and black and white Caps for aged people. Embalmln! a Specialty J. P. TELFORD CiotieEYAtitmt, aw. es H. B. MILLER, W. F. DUNN A. BELL l H F. RE'H

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