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Durham Review (1897), 27 May 1909, p. 1

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t 2e Mc "tsure..!' " " ac lest 8e Se " m - yrxzyo,yxxxzxxxtsias=atr=lrirxlK1qt,'l, :3? yy.y,.:yaayyscee,=a!gyagaereiigym=atW'lsa Ttie REVIEW, DURHAM, ONT 50c to Jan. I 1910 VOL. XXXII, NO 21 II "ow tqun. I. IMO (Alum g trtotttht) tos. 3) can". Tale " v..mmpq of thin manna. 0!" or see th " your friend or neigh- bor does :0. NOW i. the u-. curt.“ Scrim --white -opcn stripe-wide lace oige--tsc a yard Cream Curtain scrim -Doublc width-border cach side, 20c a yd LACE L'L'RTAINS OF ALL KINDS~ BUT ALL PRETTY Nottingham Lace Cytains-rlaTe and sm.all-horal and convention ul puttum In great variety at Mc to M a pair. Fresh new Curtain and Curtain Goods , anv address in "trs-U, " in send THE REVIEW tron bought by us at 59 cents on the Dollar. They are on display igour Jewelery window and will be sold New Carpets & Carpet Squares Nineteen hundred Dollars worth Fine Solid Gold Rings, Tie P Cuff Links and Crosses Come and see the most wonderful Bargains in fine High-class Jewellery ever placed in a window in Canada. AT LESS THAN REGULAR WHOLESALE PRICE FOR TEN DAYS 0NI,1f For Ladies, Men, Girls, Boys and Babies. Hundreds to choose from-come early while the choice is great. Every ring and piece of Jewelery in this great Sale fully guaranteed. R. L KEELER & SUN _ and Figured Curtain Muslim-15c and Mc a yard. tc Curtain Madras plain or scallop edge-Nc a yard. 'cd Curtain Muslin: ac to “C a yd. ml l',olhmct -lace and insertion trimmed Mcsutd ah: a yard Men's New Bats and Caps i Show} for all sizes of feet-and our prices you will find just onderful Jewellery 0ppoitunity (ii)4ii) " or Union Carpets-in green and red effects 40c & soc a yd. ad Tapestry Carpets-new patterns --etfects of green, brown I "hudcs-q6c to 01.35 yd. SQUARES--at special when, in medallion and border in k urpct patternarPricea according to size. New Boots and Shoes 'st Spring Shapes in hard and soft Felts and knock-abouts st blocks in straws. Shapes to fit cvcrybody- Men or 4y. CAPS-Golf, Tourist and Motor Shapes-the new- iwcuming shapes and natticst styles. Bee our lines at xtru values. shapes and styles-and the newest colors Y Black Boots and Shoes v Tan and Chocolath Boots and Shoes ' Ox-blood Boots and Shoes Rings Ml! 'P. no le thns, The REVIEW to New Subscribers, for the Balance of the Year, only 50 cents. _ APPRECIATED BY THEIR FRta.omr-- Two of our former Durham boys. now teachers. Means Waiter Elvidge and J, A. Mekinnon ha w been honored with election to the President's chair in North Wellington and West York Tom-hers” Institutps respectively. Con- qrvttulrttiorvr. was thctr. BARK W. mtts--aJO 0 de of Hom- lock bark wa ed tor which highest price will be pm T. SMITH Our County town in making sub- stantial progress. The accession of Brooke and its own growth now putt its population over 12000. Prospective June Brides or their frienls should order their wedding card, at onu- from the REVIEW OMee, 'Tlu- Standard "at pays interest on Savings Bank ded sits from date of deposit to date 0 withdrawal. Every dollar of the posit earns interest for every duyi remains on deposit. li. A. Bi nett's m-w Tailored Sum. "le Sniti e daily gaining favor in the eyes of c Heal drew-ma. An Pl- poienod cut! in charge Leave your under in w for that summer suit. NEEDED so PRee,sciur.-c.Neuord Council in response to an ir,fiuentUt delegation has promtsed to introduce aloml option mensure next January without the formality of "petition. The motion to do this was carried unanimously It it in good business sense to have the store open only " once in A while" --or to have clerks on duty, or a de. livery service in operation onlv $6 once in a while 'u-then, perhaps, it is also well to ndverliie adequately only " once in a while." FocsD.--A Chain of Keys. This office. _ Furnished room to let. Apply to hos " Durham, P O. A. H, Jackson has a number of houses and vacant lots in Durham for sale. \ Cail and get samples. Varlely in type and vards and mice right. Buy your tield and garden seeds from Matthews & Latimer. tlo3Hs'THtNG' NEW. - Advertisement on page four will show mat the Far- mon' Instllute have sums-thing new tot l-VI-rylmdy at the ('nmingAnnusl Meeting on Tuesday. 8th of June. The Wouretia Institute WI" be held same day and everybody is invited to both meetings. D. Edge, Pres., Geo, Binnie. Secy. FANCY Cviuusa.--A number of curl, citizens on back streets [1.th tseen' treating themselves to an Improve- ment. of cement block curbing, using the old cement blocks of the burned down Separator factory near the Station. which certainly gives a. "tony" appearance to the street. Mayor Laidlaw is by no means pleased over thin procedure, the appropriating by ratepayers of material which in town property and without, proper authority. It oppenrs that not only the tumble down part was taken bat puts of the good wall have been pried ‘down, a wall that some day may be , utilized for its own purpose. PRM'URINU NEW CAvts.--Fo1iowing the example of larger High School! and educational institutions a lumbar of the seholum of the High School Dept. of Durham school, indicated their desire to wear the small college mp“ A supply hosnrrived in town, lettered in gold at the front " D. H. S ." to he sold at, 5m: each. and quite a. tew have already Luten.taken, \VILL CosrstttNctt To . mom. - Througout the coming aumluer the Nat. lie-gt. Band. now in a high state of eft1ciency under the alvle leadership of Bmdnmster Wright, intends to rendrr a series of IO weekly concerts at, Macl'arrune's corner-I. Beginning this Thursday evening they will he tvnrtnuod tWet y Thursday until Sept- irh, In the event of unfavorable weather Thursdavs, they will be held, Friday on more suitable evening. Citizens should turn out and heat the unuic and othm wise give their hearty a 'pport. This week's program will be found in another column. Do not fail to call d see our grand display of Bummer M inery. (i-iii/df-ii-ii-is-if',?)?'?' itttttittti, 1fESiANDAR0 BANK WINS is a great convenience in 1tandtietetutimi1rfiartk' “up-din theGnesottwomemheesathrGi1r,amrbeth-tAid-its ordrawaoasoeertlitirotmhaoaialdot- Yo-os-ii-A-ttalso-Dollar. Why-at (Baum? " DURHAM “me“ ”new.” _ "mtrm. - Windwam' Minibus-vb tvesoemraancehmntowrs. to” OF CANADA n A Joint Account DURHAM, THURSDAY. MAY 27, 1909. SPECIAL SERVICES -on Wednesday, 2nd June, special services will he be. gun in the Baptist church. at which a prominent feature will be the Wood. utock Band, nn aggregation ot0thve) male singers. who have acquired a teputatiou "t part singing. Lotm--8outh Ahled the dollar gold piece with piece o Itch chain attached. Large reward bringing sun. P. G. A, Wumnn, hweller. The Standard k may. interest on Sayings Bank de sits from date of deposit to date o Withdrawal. Every dollar of the posit earns interest for every day it emains on dvpoait. Min 1y, Miss Dick's head trl'mmer was in oronto buying up Summer Milliuery r the grand display, Fm. day, May . h The Stone crusher company from Mmkdnle mum to town Int week and made shottwouk of the pile of stones on " McKechnte Paul." meant for Ihe armory. More's the pity we could not get them to do a stunt like that tor our main» t reet, Too Mrcu wa-while digging the Wheel pit for the new oatmeal mill last week a spring was encounter ed which caused delay and heavy pumping for a while. Good progress is now beinu made and the new rail- way switch will enhhle stuff to be laid down right on thupot. Have you n iced my of the Tuilor- ed Suit: H. A. trnett in turning out. They are certain! up-to-date and pre- 'entt dressy appe nee. A. R, Jackson Is an Issuer of Mar riage Lieemres, Durham, Ont. LECTUBI IN Prtrctwuaat-0rt Thurs. day, tom of June, Mr J. J. Tilley. In. spoctor of Model Schools will lecture m Priceville hall on " Some Changes in our School System " Mr Tilley is a clear and capable speaker. and than onghly Convetsnut with School law and School problems. Admission free. Pariiiment was protogued last week t the shutout union of recent yet". I GASOLINE Bum!“ FOB. BALtr.-d not the thing tot rain water. Only $1.11). At Rm'mw OFFICE. Somehow the manhunt. who i. full of enthusiasm about his store ean't keep it out of his advertising. _ Victoria [My is nvr'r and throutthout town ll was one of prevdlintt quiet. neu. except fol the small boys' fire. works Finhmg was the great name. tion for the upon-ll. while about so took In the celebrations at Dundalk and Markdule. With exceptionally tine weather, both \illagu thew im- meme crowds and the local attendance were Well pleased with the sports " both places. There are events occurlng in everv community which, if reported in . local paper, would creete a commotion little dreamed of. What to report and what not to report perplexes the editor. He is often unjustly accused of cowardice and favoritism when all the time he is looking toward the good reputation of the town where his lot in cast. The local editor from necessity almost constantly tindg him. self hetw'een two fires and whichever way it turns he is sure to be unjustly treated. This is one of the pleasures of the newipaper business. Our cor- respondents are often in the ume predicament, end the editor occuion aliy deems it prudent to tone down or cat out items. Auwe so to pro“ welenrn of the death of Wm Eccln Br. of con IO, Ete remont at the use of87 yen-s. 8 mos. Took His Nuns Orir.--it was with an eye to business that the Walkers ton Juvenile Lacrosse Club appointed to the position of Honorsry President of their club, a men who was thought to be good for a handsome donation. The boys subsequently culled on the Honorary President, notified him of the position to which he had been elevated. and had the satisfaction of seeing him eccept with syncs that would charmed s wheel barrow. But it was like extracting sunhesms from cucumbers to get a donation from him, and In disgust the boys turned sway emptr-tuutded end sorel- than boils. Calling e lusty meeting they not only deposed him from the position. but csncslled the one. that he had dis- graced. ~Timu. At to TORONTO "George Russell was an apprentice diaper in Aberdeen about sixty years ago and had a due sense of the dignity of John Gilpin's trade--" A linen drap- er bold." At that time loud patterned vests, or waistcoate, were much worn by young men. tire butcher boys being epecntlly diptmguiuhed tor decided (Dime. One Sunday afternoon, itc- coinpumed lay a. thqu who had weak knees, and both Wearing Violent-hum! vests. beneath which expanded two manly hosomu. Going along King tit. they met two girls, one of whum Inuxhingly remarked, .. There's twa bonnie butchers." Geotge's cheeks burned with shame to be suspected of being a. butcher. and felt it very un- gallant resentment again“ the lusuie with the curls who insulted them. When he reached home he threw the vest on the ttoct, bequesthmg it to " younger brother as he would never men: it or one like it--butcherleon- found the hizzie! The co-operatiug committee of the churches in town have secured for the 'uae Meeting of men in the town hall on Frldo‘ evening of this week two promineu Torbnto business men who are interested in the work and motives of the layman's Missionary Move. ment. They are Mr A. E. Armstrong and Mr J. D, Falcouhxidge, the latter a son of the Hon. Sir Gleuholme Fat. conhridge. The-o gentlemen are leaving their bumneu 0mm to aid in the Mission Movement that in stirring the churches of Christendom, and business and pro- fessional men, farmers. nrtizans and others should not fail to be present at g p. m. sharp. . At 2.30 p. m. the some wankers will Midi-cu a meeting in the Town Hall tor women and young people or men who cannot. possibly go at night. A decomLing committee are paying some attention to the Hall and all arrangements for the comfort of the audience are being made. We gladly reproduce the following from an issue of the Scottish Aneu- can ot190t, supplied us by Mr. J. P. Telford, who in turn got it from Mr. Wm Smellie of Bunessan. The de- lightful incident muses a fragrant plemnt memory of our late towns- man. that all who knew him will up- precinte. Special GG by male members of the town choirs as being prepared. Come cally. . A voluntary collection at the door at both meeungs to hvlp defray ox- pemes. Purely voluntary the com- mittee wish unphnsized. It, is men they want not money. A number of the members of Suulh Grey Rifte Association opened the season at the ranges Vicmrin Day an some very creditable scores were run up. The new mounds built at the msveel distances are a decided im. priutent. Followmg are some of the best names at 300 yds. hinge t Dr. Hutton 43 Geo. Sinclair 36 H. A. Burnett Al R. Torry 32 Dr. Muclaurin 39 Fred Torry 32 J. P. Telford 89 - Firth 28 Alex McCain!) 37 G. J. Wright 26 At '.'2,dt,-; _ Dr. unon 33 J. P. Ieltord 22 A few years afterwards George emi- grated in Canada and settled in Tor- onto working in a dry goods store where the Dominion Bank now stands Kim‘ and Yonge slreetn. He was a regu an attender of Knox chmch and in the pew sat it young women with curly hair, who being nlwuyn there early out at the far end. In course of lime they became acquainted and later married and had u must harmon- ious married life, she Leing a. true helpiueet to him. anmg removed from Toronto to the village of Dur- ham he sent for his mother, ttieua widow, and nmny happy years they spent togethel and many acmck About Aberdeen they had. One nigntuld Mrs. Russell ispeired at Geovgeit he minded about the waistcoat that made him look like a ., bonnie butcher." as the glaikit queiune eid him. They had I. Ttttll , laugh at the allusion to George s use at the impuileuce of the Male. '. ae ?ye ken who thelmpl- dent h’zzie we; " one apel'red. " I've never seen her since that day,“said George, "and dinnu want tae." "Hoots." Iaid his wife, "yive linen teen her and will again. It wimun King St opprate, a kink. on a Sunday ulterueen. The loan wf ye was weak " the knees. Ane o' the lassiee was Mary Milne ye've aften heard o'. and the one that ca’d " the bonnie Butch. ers wu nubody bur my eineel'." After meny years the unsuspected culprit mule-ted the crime and was " last forgiven withn kiss of pmMre."-- Scottieh American. Very Indden we: the out that came to Mia McRonuld, tsister of Mr Ju. IcBonnld. South Berstmck. Satur- day last the was around as neunl. took tee with her brother and (Amily. and Uterward. wnlked ecross to their neighbor I, Mr Wm Grier-eon. un- had not been long in the house when the Inddenly t1arsg up her hands ard tell from the chair on which she was outing and " once expired. She had made her home with her brother tgt,"?, the put winter and hm nor. been n my good henllh, but no fatal termination mu looked for. The fun- seal took place on Monday to Durham mews-i Rev. Dr, quulureoncun- ducted't e eervice: and my friends by their, preeenoe teamed ". their reenect tor the memo-yo! ttr. " r-t cued Ind-y. Sled DWI, one 0! one wuuezru m and: "tatt " the ripe :39 ot 82 In ohtt Matthews survived Tr' husband. by 18 '1'an and until 'tye_Pfe i.Ethertttdc.t:o,,'ruTf. R. Torry Speakers at Friday's Mass Meetings. - “unions Mutants. On Wednetday, Ithh Inch. there but) AP"r. on! 3l_t!§_?&oneerg 2: First Rifle Practice. After Many Years Afternoon Meeting, um McRoxALn. TVEVS Obituary 31 -aaai 15th- ing to town. and walked straight u a soldier. John Matthews came out in 1848 three you. Inter thart his father and brother George came. Fox a while they stayed " Acton and John was a. cooper at Richmond Hill fot a short time. Hi. mortiugoto the deceued took place [ll Toronto and at on immune of vigor, scarcely possible now, they walked from Toronto to Glenelg no other means of getting here being available. To them were born four sons. John and James now in Edmonton, Geo. at Bagel. Mum. and William m Egre- mont, near by. The daughters are Jennie. Mrs Wm. Collier, 'f/,f,""ag' P. o, Man,, and Fungi. Mrs :11 Matthews. Hillman, ich. Two mhen daughters. Mrs Shaver and Mrs Robt. Boll. died many year. ago. Deceased was A consistent mem- ber of the Methodist church, cheery and kind? in disposition. and respect- eg far nn near. She Wu buried kmid many token of respect In Durham cemetery. her pastor Rev. Mr Jamie. son conducting the serving. Ftomatalk with Inspector Jug” Lenahim we learn that a new site on: been selected and will be bought by the town on which to place the new Government building. This site lb just Louie flout of the new rink tac- ing on Elgin Bt., and lying alongside, lengthwuys. on George St. The first chosen sight on the Market ground, on wich the excavation Won; made last year. has been adjudged un- suitable owing to the springy nature of the ground. and conterencos with the architect and with H. H. Miller, M P., has Iesulted in suuaiticiog the free site and the work already done. The upper-trance of the exeavation this spring has certainly. not been in- viting and would hove required con- siderable underdraining. The armory on the market site would have filled agap on the main street nicely, and would have been seen at close quart- ers ten “mes for once on the new site. However on Elgin ttteett it will Come inlnmnge with the School building the new rink and the mulled mill, and will rertaiuly he more (-nnvenlunz for rim-men going lonnd from Ilir present ranges. As the years pass, the observance of thin day seems more extensive than ever. In England it was observed as never before. Everywhere, in Canada the day had a meaning and in many it had a message of loyalty tn the Empire. The Mail and Empire had it very fine article summing up the growth of Empire ‘ince 1837. when Victoria begin: her reign, the elm-inn paragraph of which we quote l of one household. that permanence um heasuured. Let us all then en- courage the practice of thinking Im- perinlly, or in the larger sense, for when ullso think. all will so act, in which event the Brilish Empire can- not tail." " The lesson of Empiu- Day and of Victoria Day then is that tin' luau". of the Emoire--emthettc interest in the wdfare of all its meirmeets, and attachment to the throne-nmst be maintained and strengthened. It is by the penal! of relationship. the {uln- ily sentiment, tht’eehng that we are LOST IN GREESUt‘K BWAMP.--A modern " Babes in the Wcods .. ttttxt y is to hand iiesh from the Gceeuock swamp. The priiiciziils in this (use are the two young t ildren of Const. able Joseph Armstrong of Kinlnus. agedi'espectively c, and 7 years. On Friday morning it seems the Yottt't stern left home to gather tiowers in in the Greenock swamp. and its 3 re- liufmary step unused over to their uncle's when-they entered the tttvisit, swamp which adjoins his farm. Thut was the last that was seen of the two children until late Sat urday afternoon. In the meantime the amnion: parents were alarmed over the absence of their childieii. and the whole neighborhood from Kingml to Riversditle weredivid. ed into search [parties and the Green- ock swamp was patrolled all through Friday night and until lute Suturdu ultet-noon, without coming up with the missing ones. And a singular feature of the affair is the fact that the children icatue out of heir own accord, some four miles hunt the place they cnteied. Once or twice during Friday night they saw lights and heard people yelling. but thinking they were trauma or rowdies of some sort, they crouched themselves in n hollow pine log where “I? lay con- cealed from the hunters an protected from the rain, The neat-ch wan kept up the followmg " without um", and the neighborhood were beginning to despaii of tlttdintt the childien alive, when the Rind new: wu apron! abroad that they had come out neu- Mr Lee" “min the Vicinity of River-dale, or four miles from whemthey had enter- ed the swamp. The children had lost four meal: over the itmenture, and being wet And chilled through were beginning to throw out lignnll of diam when found. Al the Green- ork own-mp in mm] hundred- of we. in Men, or! u hem. wild can and other wild urinals have been teen in Publish" Weekly " 01.00.10“. $6,350,000 $34,000,!” Start . Savings Account for etch ctsiid--the younger new; Addaitttietotteverrrear, Whenthechild holduouththetewjllbenmndm parkracoiiege We: for: start tnigh. $1 opennn account. THE BANK FOR THE PEOPLE . - - Ani. pm'rom mu- amen" In.” =toeqq"ee mm m A“ New Site for Armory. HAWKS BANK DURHAM__§BANCH Victoria Bay. chu-a of Canada “Ag MOORPORA tED 1886 The Yellow lab el TNE REVIEW. DURHAM ONT Gaiuiidi we. thin Week Coe. reeted up todete. " your. in not correct. kindly notify u: u once. We t.ttattk I“ who luv- renewed the put. few weeks but there ere yet many other: we ink to but from “pace. ‘lelh the due to which or sub- ocdptlog bu Molnar . Our It in now lulu-ably well-known that the 50th nnniverury of the ordicmtion and induction of the Uteitev. Wm. Park as titut regular pastor of Durham Flesh lerinn Church will ulu- place 28th guue uexl. Sacrament ct the Lord's Supper will be observed the same day. it from time totime, the Anxiety of the pawn and their " M. the alu- mate escape ot their chitdrer gun better he immined thnndeeetitmE- Wulkerlon Times. The venerable Prof. Meren. of Toronto'" expected to he present, also Prof. Ruben-ton of Toronto. Snugeen thyury wilt be represented by n delegnlion. one of whom In the Rev. Stephen Young. of Clilfurd. now the only minister in the Pt-ealnvtely who was a contemporm y of Mr Park. A very few gel remain who ve. memher the ol en tune, the first mlnltter, the first, church. the first pmentnr. kc. While so many tirsst things hwe disappeared it is quite intetestintt to know that the tirut preeentor in Mill alive and could yet raise a tune If [Peel-usury. This " Mr Cham Watson of Numb Eat-ouunt who came here in 15.3.3 and need his talents m that year betote there Wis I church. Only one of the put ttttttttttem of the Congregation is alive; Rev. Rom. McNair, and n he is in Australian. ir is likely them will be no past mmisteriat voice at the coming function. How. evev, he will have a letter before this time asking his presence or a mes- nae. " is hoped tar uwuy Dartmmit,ms will plan: I. holiday outing about this Jubilee lime. Considerable excitement took place last week over the at'test of a "or. noch young man (In a wry "yrtotts charge. A Williunufmd girl, my 16, gnu-birth to nx-hild on 15:11 Man-h. which du-d Min-Jive dwys. The Girth was duly retristered hm. an Inuinl cor- t,iftettte was issued. Suspicnunn 59m" tohavetwen growled and un lUlhuf May, J H Bull M. D., " Holland Cen- tte.he|d an inquest. The juryfuund that, the child had (lied from a blow cm the head or a tall, The Hummer furwwrded his report to hie superior and it ultimately nun? lit-fore the Attorney Gnu-ml and lutipertor Re. turn of the Criminal Investigation department unis sent up, He doett not think there was foul play. so the young gill in free. However the chin-gt ngalnst the young man in mp0. he was ai%rstest and remaind- ed until the 27m of Mun The girl's story is that "ttor a dance at Domm-h lust June the accused voluuttaet.radto drive her home; that she “menu-d un- propet proposals und that then he used force, Without uttu-mptingto plnce blame it is pvrtinvut to rnnurk that axial of titceert had no business at. dances miles away (mm home and lunch ipemned. Later-. We. are informed that the young umn in question has been com- pletely cleared try the contenion of the unfm minute git I. Summer Nilliimy i Opening W when we will show the grandest dis- play of Summer H us. Our head trimmer we. in Toronto Tuesday buy- ing up novelties and getting new ideas We want our Summer Millinery Opening tobe a success. Our aim is to deserve your patronage and we cordially imnle all the ladies of the town and country to call and see our display. Niss Dick Our Summer Millinety Opening Will be held on Friday, May 3 MARCH-313mI American Millionaire. . . ...N. Brown 4 WAL'rwtts--Ttte Seraph. ' [Allan y 5 TWOSTEP-Uomed ' 1llau..Brooks o MEDLEY iCd'l'lCll'll1', meout In the hull umu‘..A. Von'l‘ilm-r 7 MArui-Thehhdshiptnart, . " 'yer The ills! Raul. Mand, under the direct ionot' Baum-untu- GU. erght mil render the following prognuu Thursd .y woman. May 27 a! 8.15 p. m. on Unrafrux u M. I MAtuat--Nottlt Atlantic __ Squadron. ' . . . . ... Meyer 2 Ovrcivrcuk BAND PROGRAM, MAY 27th C. SAMMIE t SON. Presbyterian Jubilee. Puluu an Pains-nu A Serious Charge God Suva the Kilm $34,000,000 In" of ticouaid 'tp.. ....Walsl,on

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