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Durham Review (1897), 27 May 1909, p. 4

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I “V”. I'IVUM a II, Everybody, mam rs nod other., are invited to be t and take 4Heafrnarn St. ttGe the Bridge part in the discussion. 0 ' I DAN EDGE. G 0.81NNIE, W0... mo mum. Pres, mm. Bee, l . tb..-............... ”IO-O L] 'r/s' 'i'rjll i"_i,fijaili')'i Cor. maiden a Griswold Sis. ths:,sjjeliM5,',th"i8tlltElliMEBY 7 {R 1 now and then some symptom alarms you." Some f u.” . . _ . . Frm , .. rk' t ' " Uj . "lt poison still lurxs m your lystem. Can )"J aim“ r, ve .. “if" , P run the risk of more serious symptoms appear i L', "r? '/ mg as the poison mul.tipli.e.s? Beware of mercury J, 1ierf, " (4'5 " or mineral drugs used Etliscrtminately-they may l - _ f / f ruin the system. Twenty years experiencein the , KEN" . .4 a treatment ot these diseases enables nsto prescribe; i ‘ x TL specific remedies that will positively cure all blood ' " J, ""l diseases ot the worst character, leaving Do bad :1 4 " - meets on the system. Our New Method Treat.. F _ _ . _ mentwill purify and enrich the blood, heal up all Him-rs, clear the shin, remove bone pains, fallen cm I out hair will grow in. and swollen glands will re- h' _ l Cet, _ta turn tolnormal "audition, and the patient will . v' trel and look liken different person. All as” _u- nn-yu. an“, we accept for treatment are guaranteed a crttt- pits cure it instructions are followed. Reader it in doubt .r l toyour condition, you can consult us FREE trip CHARGE. Beware of 'rn, anpetcnt doctors who have no reputation or reliability. Dm. K. & K. have been established over 20 years. , WE CURE Nervous nobility. Varicocele. Stricture, Blood and , Secret Dine-cs. kidney and Bladder Complain”. 0mm Free. g It unable to can write for a Question um in ”on. hoot-noun. e, BLOOD [jTg"fjiLli,filrli, The age for specialization is at hand. that focuses all his constructive 1foro thing should know more about it than As Wt' 1levote all our interests to our Shoeztmde, we [vol that we have the Best and most up-to-date Stock of Boots and Shoes in but town at the lowest prices. Your size must surely be here as we have all widths and sizes. Call and look over our stock. We uezalways pleased to show goods. Custom work and repairing as usual. Mist Ptiee. qtye " En;- ll you ever nuu any CUU‘KICICU Ur h" k blood disease, you are never safe um (l or poison has been removed from t "a" You may have had some disease yea 7 f.','; now and then some symptom alarms y 'Rt 'icji'il,'r, poison still lurxs in your system. Can f . -= ' Pf " to run the risk of more seriousisympto Guaranteed Cured or No Pay. Jf Sreat airplay of CdiashioauUe W/IWI'nery - %*$m*$w i, We are showing a very large stock (e? of stylish trimmed Mi11inery--some , very new styles that we have just (i'. received this past week. 'srilri)yit0* Now here is the Point t THOS. McGRATH, We invite you to visit our Show rooms and inspect our large stock whether you buy or not. You will find a larger assortment of styles here than at any other place in town-at prices that will suit you Whatever your taste may be in the Millinery line, we can suit you. We have a wide choice of styles in swell Dress Hats, trimmed in very latest fashion. Also dozens of smart Ready-to-wears in all leading styles. We Specialize you we? had any contacted or hereditary 1 disease, you are never safe until the virus . poison has been removed from the system. Shoe Dressings Galore. Thanks, Suitcucs, Telescopes, Etc Eggs takcn irrexehanRe for Goods at the downltowo Shoe Btore. Shoes that Shine X.HHJIP (“If I urchnue or not Your Bntire Family 'or/ock iyetsqsqsqsqsifs4fs vieAlvihsbsilesiNytt,r 1pm” “a Shun prove. their "writ " and long servicp. I' HI and .1 unr goods whether bou b" land. The man :foroe on any one than anyone else. '. S. McILRAlTH Emily unr the ordin- .l 's the kind we depend thetrtule of Detroit, Mich. w“ - i5 , hereditary f til the virus f the syrtem. ', tr.3 ago, but , you. Some )yvu am.) d mm appeal"- t , no bad E l dTrcat- g heal up r', as, fallen F, R will re- E” I font will ‘3 '.' A?! case: p c l a Ut m- > L" , l 3 FREE I putation T e Ga and y 2 "t Free. i MM. . f i.. d " j men}? Q E The tender loaves of I harmless lung- l‘euling mountainous shrub, give to Dr, Slump's Cough Remedy its marvelous curative properties. Tight tickling or dv-trestarts; coughs, quickly yield to the healing. soothing action of this splendid prescription-Dr. Shoop's Cough Item. edy. And it is so "to and good fcr children, as well, Containing no opium, Clsloruturm, or other hnrmtul drugs, mothers should in safety always de- mand Dr, Shoop‘u. It other remedies are offered, tell them Not Be your own judge! Sold by MacFarlnne * Co, William Burnett is taking his son 'o Toronto hospital to have his eyes :-nmined by a specialist. Andrew Watson, who has been sick, is better and started his summer work, (running. Reports are that Willinm McMurdo Jr., u getting better. Quite a number from here going to Dundalk to see the sports. ' Mr Joseph McArdle is starting to. day, Monday, to visit his friends in .he countiel of Durham and Peter. borough. Rt, 1.30 p. Ill. he election of OMeers for the ensuing ear will be held, pla- ces at meetmc ppolnted. and general business trans ted. After business .\n addresswill Ire given by . The Rev. Mr and Mrs Gibson have returned home here. They attended Gipsy Smith's meeting part. of the Limo. Lecturer in Ecpnomics. Ontario Ag. College, Guelph, upon " Economics in relation to agri "are." largely along the lines of CM rntion an applied to farming. Mr Drew bu made a special study of his question And will be able togive me yen-y interesting information and this " a new sub- jectot discussion Farmers Institutes it is hoped tint large number will be present to h All able and inter- esting present.“ of it by MrLeDrew Wttgtgegt' Institute The Athtaal Me ltttt of the Wont.. en's Institute will held in the Low- er Hall " sense data t A'd0 p m. All sre invited whethe members of in- stitute or not. _ The farmers are busy putting in their crops while the land and ,.eatlset is suitable, but progress' is slow. _ If your Stomach, Heart or Kidneys are weak, t " least. a few doses only of 51.on Restorative. In flee or ten days only, the result will sur- prise you. A few can“ will coyer the coat. And here is why help comes so quickly. Dr. Shoop doesn't hug the :a'toutaelt, nor stimulate the Heat or Kidneys. Dr, Shoop's Restorative goes .lucccly to the weak an] failing uuers. Each organ has its own controlling uervu. When these nerves fail, the depending organs runs: of necessity falter. This plain. yet viral truth, clearly tells why Dr, 8htop's Restora- sive is 30 universally successful. he nice-e» is leading druggius everywhere to piye it universal preference. A lust will surely tell. Sold by MucFarlune The human of our burg have tirushed India; for some ume put. Everything in flourishing tfthe with beautiful wanker. Mr Robert. Whitman of Mt. Forest spent 3 few holiday: this week with his parents. Mr Thos. Moore of Bob Town, called on friends here Sunday. Mr Wm Turnbull of Wpodbridiyr, is waiting his sister Mrs N. Whitmore. Mr and Mrs Jas. Hopkins spent. Sunday with their aunts and uncles, Mr and Mrs Wm McFadden and Mr and Mrs Jno. lawrence. Mrs Me. Fadden is recovering from her layers illncs! Mr Lawrence is under the doctor's care. We hope we will soon see them around again. A number of four young folks went from these parts to Proton on the 24th, We don't know Whether it was ilslung for iisho or fishing for hearts was their idea. Perhaps a 111th of both. THE ANNUtL MEETING ot the thoye Institut will be held in the Mr and Mn Anthony Lawrence also Mr Wm Wright spent Sunday last with the farmer's daughter Mrs Angun Hooper of Top Cliff. ' Say boys and girls what brought that Durham fellow out this way on Sunday last. Mr George Hopkins bu purclnsed a new buggy boat Mr Jno. Benton, Durham. . Minn Susan Lawrence and Fannie Function called on MI, Hopkinl one day lutweek. Miuulinte and Linn Whitmote no spending . tor bonds,- a their home here. Mnny from here attended the fun. enl of Mrs Jno. Matthew on Satur- day last. It In well Intended being she was an old pioneer Ind akind cheerful old lady. We extand our sympathy to the narrowing trieuds. Mn Mitchell and two children m at preoent waiting her wont. Mr and Mrs c. Firth. Mr Firth [ms been liling for some trme. We hope to hear of the old gentleman regaining his usual henltb. Mr Herbert Whitman went Int week in Queen City. Mr H. Burnett spent Sands, with Whitmores. - te) Grey Farme ' Institute Town tun, Durham Tuesday; June 8, 1909 Popular Place ------ .o-.- MR. Hi H. LEDREW H opeville. .--po THE DURHAM REVIEW To be perfectly candid. our sympathy goes With "under dog," who pexhaps, put up it stiff fhRht against strong op- position from his rich neighbors; who perhaps had sickness, sorrow and var- ious other vicissitudes against which to contend ; and, when at last convin- ced of the hopelessness of the struggle he throws up his hands and surren era Then the birds of prey, already fat, flotk to the carcass of his dead busi- ness, swoop down on it and carry it " at one-qu.1rt°r of its actual value. The fly back to their native nest and t'ilf,'l the community with printed matter proclaiming their rapnei6tymetm and the fact that they rejoice to fatten and Crow rich on it fellow-man's nuis- fortune. " Man's inhumanity to man makes countless thousande mourn." Here’s to the 'underdog". May we never have his experience. f Rolled Oats Try our " Rolled Wheat Specialties ( Pure Lard Japan Tea at Me lb Pan-cum the Side-show Prices need no revision here. Always F right. No Bankrupt Stock at the Sideshow Me Pttricka and Dr. Reid of Walk. erton, spent. Victoria Day " the home of Mr and Mrs F. Shovel] and enjoyed put of the day halting. '1he farm is well fenced and is water. ad by never-railing spring creek. . Hay was cut " this farm last year and the balance pastnred. Privilege will be given to out this year's hay (10p, storethe same in lmrns,10 be fed out on the farm during period tor which rented. _ For furttuw particulars apply tp Jon): A. GRAHAM. Box IN, Durham, Mn Montgomery of Cargill in " present visiting her daughter Mn Um McDonald and also her Ion George of this place. 0n Wedneedey of lest week. while working with 3 disc Herrow, Mr Neil McLeod had the misfortune. of letting his team runewey. one of them mak. ing vicious bounds eheed. therefore drawing the other back on the Due, so as to out its heels and leg: in such 3 terrible manner that It was neces- sary to haye . Yet to dress the wounds. At writing the injured animal is doing as wall as can be expected. Mr C. McKenzie of Dromore, spent a couple of days last week WEI) bis daughter. Mrs George Haw. Miss Mary Aldcom of Mt. Forest Business College. Miss Isa Campbell. teacher near Maxwell and Mr George Herd of Durham came home Satur- day to spend the 24th. We notice quite a number of happy looking youth with blushing maidens by their side, on their way to Dun. dalk this morning to enjoy the sports. Will hint for term of years. 100 acre farm in ulenelrr one half way between Durham and Priceville. Sealing is a thing of the put in our burg and hiking the order of the day. . . Mr Fred Bray who was called to Toronto I few weekl Mo owrng to the sudden rllneu of his sister Miss Mary, returned on Suturday. We rte planed to say that we is improv- mg. -A number from our burg spent the 24th in Chester. V Min Mny Show“ returned home on Wednesday after spending a three month's term learning dresoUkingyn Durham. An exciting football match was played on Saturday evenmg between Swamp College and Swmton Park boys ending up in favor of the latter at a score of one to nothing. Min Colette Nickel! of Emma:- High School ltd. spent Victorin Dav with her grandpa-ent- Mr and him Duncan Campbell. Swmton team and Maxwell plays in Dundalk to-day. Mrs. c. McArthur . We have just' passed into stock the following new and up- to-date goods, which we cordial- ly invite the ladies of Durham and surrounding country to call and examine l oy to DONALD GRAHAM. Priceville We also carry a the assortment of STOVE. RANGES. I'll and ENAIILWABE. PLEUIY'S FLOWS, SHARES. BOOT POL. PBRS and TORI"? DRILLS. New Fancy Goods Stock K. Cochrane 013mm s. Scott's no" - Swinton Park Linen Damasks Towels _ Fancy Linens Lace Curtains Embroideries Laces Flannellettes Dress Goods Hosiery Ladies Whitewear Fancy 1Nretds Pasture to Rent. Welbeck TORONTO A Look on Rheumatism. and I hid treatment of Dr. Shoop‘a Rheumatic P.emedy-hqnid or Tablets-is being sent free to ssufretsre by Dr. Snoop. of Racine. Wu. You thet are well. gel: this book for some discouraged. dis. heartencd sufferer! Do a simple act of humanity! Point oat this way to quick and certain relief! . Surprise some sufferer. by first getting from me the booklet and the test. m will ap- preciate your aim. Sold by MtuoFar. lane & Co iriiiitomperttak.C.,' i‘lonrper cwt........ ‘Qgtmulperuck..... Ktrnna--1hurttr--Timt leave he stunted to introduce a Bylaw appointing I Trea. surer for the Township of Normnnby. and that Bylaw be read I first and second tirms.-CBrned. Dunn“. May 26, 1909. . y.ullW1y.ttyt..-...tt2stoimes 'JrtiprWheat....r... 1 26to fed Out: Mto ~45 Mul-tmince-Tut this Council go into a. Commit-lee of the whou--arrted 1hnluseh-ahiei.-TUt Bylaw appoint. ing a Treasurer for the Township of N or. menby be now read I third time. filled In with the maze of tho Treasurer, num- bored, sealed mth the seal of the Cor. poration and engroseed in the minntu. Fused in open Council thie 15th day of May, A.D., 1909. ", Chop rem...... Live goon per cw: gidypgrlb....... A pniu prescription is prtntod upon each 250 box of Dr. Shoop'o Pink Pain Tablets. Ask your Doctor or Dragging If this formula Is not complete. Poin means congestion. blood pros-are. Hood pains, womlnly pains, min anywhere get instant. relief from I Pink ‘Pnin Tablet. Sold by MncFatlano & Co, A Special Meeting of the Township Council ofthe 1luninipalitr of Normanbi was held on the above date, all the mem. bers present; the Reeve in the chair. The meeting was called to receive and adopt the Mrit Auditbra' Report nod to appoint a Treasurer for the Towmbip of Normunby. Mr C. A, Fleming. char-tend account- nut of Owen Sound, presented bin report to the Council. . Uutueh-bhul--Thitt the last Audi- torg' Report, he received. adopted, and the Clerk be instructed to have 200 co- pncs primed and diisbuted.-'carrted. June: H. Elli: E" Elm unanimon. choice for the position of Tp. Treunn, Mr Wm. Ritchie. Br,, lost his thoroughbred mare Int week with iMantatitm. Miss Winnie Bonk: of Toronto. spent a week At the pajama] home. Mr And Mn Thai. Turnbull of the Rocky visited on the Ivenue one any recently. Mr and Mm Funk Viokerl of Toronto Ire at present vilitiug the Intel-1 [menu Mr and Mn B. Blinks. Full who“ looks splendid along the 2nd this year. The leading in thil neighborhood will soon be I thing of the psi " eyerybody u puny well ara, - ‘M'iu ua Silplu arrive! home from Toronto Int Wetland”? Miss Vulcria Edge amt the Mth With friends in Wslkerton. - A jolly crowd from thin burg spent the 24th at Hnywood'l F1111. . Board of 1193th met Mu 218%. Mambo" all present. The Reeve w“ elected ehnrmln. He stated that the object in calling the meeting to coneider and settle ac- counts in connection wuh small pox cases some of which were objectionable. These he had laid before our Tp. Solicitor and his opinion was of great value to the Board, and-determined largely its action in the settlement or rejection thereof: three claims were en- tn'vly teleeted,- There are still four cases uu0tsruwartruitst" All the cases are clearly traceable to their origin, which shows the terrible contagiou- nature of small pox as well " the apathy and carelessness of the patients and friends concerned. forgetting the Divme truth, that we are our brother's keeper. To this end our Medical Health Of1'user, Dr Sheath. atrongly re- commends vaccination and the Board concurs with him on this point and desires to make an earnest appeal to the fathers and mothers to protect their innocent children against this loathsome disease afforded by a prim. ary vaccination, or by " vaccination as the case may be, and do it at once. We tear an out break of this disease in the near future, hence the necessity of the above appeal. Regarding. the expenses 0' these small pox cases. The Board recommended that the Council take steps to collect the amounts paid in fees to the Medical H, 0. from the parties able to pay under the authority of Section 93 of the Public Health Act It. S. O. 1807, Chapter 248. The Board rosulved that the follow. ing acc'ts be paid: S. Chapman re Gel-{Ion M days services M. outlay 'l..........." 00 J. _Merlrrid1 P, Moms. 22 Jay: W Reev'e waiting on Solicitor...... 3 00 Board of Health 1 day............l5.00 W. Morris, goods destroyed...... 8 00 Dr, ft-,.,,...,.,..,,..,.,........... 148 60 Normanby Council. Serwce 92.90 outlay 81.10... 4 00 A, McCabe re Pinkerton, Bryan and Sewoll services $47 oat. lay 988.70...........................80 70 Clerk‘s services quarsutining 8 -_ Board of Health, Egremont. Durham Markets. trips..... Edge Hill. ’a-’c v. -9! ----.-_-- on-’ B., 11. Form“. cud 269 80 D, ALLAN, Seey. 16to 16 “to 17 60to 60 300to8t0 276to2N 126tottn 625b675 6to 3 Cockshutt Plow Co. Ltd" Brannon! Paris News, Spreaders, etc Bissau Rollers 3nd Disc Hun-aw: Adams Waggon: and Sleigh: Barber,_ Amugong,‘ Tud ope and 7 Machines. National Cream Separators Robes, Blankets, Rugs, Whips etc Daisy Chums, Washers, Wingers Beatty's Hay Goods Promptuess and fair dealing will continue to be my motto Yours for Business, Invoiotmduried and we! can tor was main! Not. remedy that will minimum dimmed limbo ot chronic drip in. nor mm - growth: tnekto Marin. Em in impouibla. mlannownunly annulus-mime! this denial-um dilute. tn Siigerig,','d n Chemist in the City ot Dnrmmdt- iomd the Inc. manila: with which Dr. Shoop'l Rheumtic Remedy I mud. n ”Home. dependable prescription. Without that In: Mimi. I ppmgiplly nugget! Per,' Then look at our South Window and you will see three painters with an assortment of that celebrated Shcrssin Williams Paints, something to suit the experienced painter, something to suit the housekeeper, something to suit the carriage repairer. and something for every purpose of painting. We also keep in stock Lawn Crass, Lawn Mowers, Poultry Netting. Frost wire and Fence. Screen Doors and Window Screcruf, Cement and in fact everything you want. Dayna "tire, ---_- --ir_ Armstrong and Tudhope Cuttess Bell & Thomas Organs and Pianos Rudd Harness, Toronto Raymond At P.sw Williams Sewing a... u... u...w.u.... . "mu.-." _----" _ W In“ mot Rheumunn I but now. " last, nuns. Iona y cums“ enable cum of this 1162140an much dmdod discus. Tho-e and-like granular m (mud hum-dc Blood soon) to dissolve “a ”on, under an mion ot this remedy u M52908 I when added to pure water. And when thu%'f, thew poisonous wastes tthug, (mm the system. And the (mm: ot ttmt me forever. There is how no [.1 mod-no lemme to gutter lung” with. m hob. W0 loll. aid in couMeuco recouruttgttt h. Shoop’s Rheumatic Remedy We have been so busy lately renova- ting our store and receiving stock that we did not allow any time tor writing advertisement. Our store is now we” supplied with the best of everythingthat can be found in any Hardware Store. In" I. look at our North Window and you will sec a display of everything in tbs: Fishing Tackle Linc to make a sportsman happy. , Four cars of coal expected new week Place your orders. W. Black Rheumatism Peter Hamilton Farm Implements Emil I own? forour mindful Book “How to fat. . Faun" ," What surname to inventf'nnd £11292 mg "1-9. may» bet Imam JEN” uuuuun‘ in at alluv- 5|... livjureu; Theonly firm of GGG [urinal-I trthe l mun %oauadaaatuaagpateaat bum “chunky riitiuarratu ' nu'.uisiaiai. mmwcm MARION A MARION. Exrzk'rs 39mm 3311mm is; a} .11:ng tlt., normed 00.1 oo, 0mm separaio; on. Making on, Hume” Oil, Buggy Oil, Axle _ Ac. up: to n. Bumlt’i sul, aiu,, FROST d . WOOD IMPLEMENTS tmtyeTLy SECURED The Kind that 6g! GUN’S DRUG STORE " you get It at G0NS,it's good Root Seeds g 918" n ' "erdi' Sugu Mm?” McIntyre Block -urrtbtort St, But-clay and Bull's dtd and " Leaning " " Mammoth Southern Sweet" " Angel of Midnight " Hardware l Rennie'trland Steele Briggs h. B. *McLellan. JOHN SNELL --Butttries -Helotte Cream Separators --Ctntter Sewing Machines, m- And Pinon. -atoves nod Rwy”, --Hamte", he. OILS OF ALL KINDS Sold by Macrttritute nun Co, Corn - at--- " Turnip " m All-wonl Blankets, $3, 4 and 4.75 pt Bed comforter: from 1.35 to 3.00 m Large 11 x 4 an F1anueilettr, um... ken. white or my. . .135 pair Floor Oilclolh Table ("k-lath New Prints At See out tGe I. Luce Curtains. . .25c, toc, 75c. 1.0!) m Epnfycomb Eco} Shayla, a», 75, $1 HIM Men’s Cardigan Jacki-.3 1.00. 1.25 BIG f Fresh Groceries New Fruits Choice Contoertionary Pure Spices & Vinegars No. 1 Family and Pure “out; DRUGGISTS AND - ' -ee -iiii Liici,a%rri" Ema Salt in white, blue with white stripe linen color white stripe, Indian head suiting plain white. India Lawn, Persian Lawn. Victoria Lawn, Mull, Muslin, all suitable for dresses or Shirt Waists, and we have also the best selection of White Shirt Waists in town. We have the MM Corsets filledCorsets for slight, medium, and stout fig- ures. These are the Corsets that please. Farmers Prod uco Wan tea . As the warm wcathcr is mm- ing, you “ill recd Hglncfclulh» ing. We have . Dress Linens C. L. GRANT You Can Buy Energy were I no need ot your just drqging around, too weak to accomplish anything. but still n9t rally ill. Whether your condition is due to overwork, mental strain, loss of sleep or malaria, will quickly restore you to per- fect health. It's a strengthening sustaining tonic and nerve buil. derthat will quickly relieve and cure nervous debility, mcutal depression, nervous dyspepsia, etc. We give the money back If you are not perfectly satisfied with what the remedy does for you. MacFARLANE l a co. i There's no need of your _ ___ ,._-.-.._....,.r.. "'rv'. k sateen Underlkirts. 31.17.30“ MATTHEWS a LATIMER Our Tonic Elixir Produce as Cash LADIES ! MAY " 1909 Feed, Seed & Groceries '. H. BEAN Ila and Ginchnma now in Ge and We Dreas Goods Call and Ice us. Me. Sells Cheap Price 50c. .. ...35c us mare d "uii1"Jid',',,'"y.?Ae, f,') For BOOKSELLIikS Calder 's Block. Durham Rt ttgh-Eid Madam! Properly foe 5. Upper Town; the well-known . cm 0039. All conveniences, - "not ' comforuhh- and may. . “out”!!! intending purchuwr- nu any»: Review 011139. _ ' Large Sale A tine two sun-0y Inivk dwnlling 'touse, huge hrick tstotieti, (m Inin litre“. Duulmm. Will he wld ttl u Wain. and would "rrept other perty us part paw. Apply to ARTIII‘R H. JACKsrm. Darin"... m ”be that no Harm, Hugs, a-“ nor my Mucky (mule iFdttAeqo-rtt to run " llrgo- in the Why all Gleuelg. under Bylaw i of “id umnshlp. -- P-mt, olending again“ “id Br. - an lhble to One. In defined than": u " u dun-gs to private prop?“ y. pd commando house with hard A. We s rent 00 per month. Wu. Murmur. In“ Owd 7, Con. 2, N. D. It , Glen. tlt,.'trircig.otd, [Hum ltoure, nnd Minding". well watered, Owner - to“. A human. ARTHUR H. JAG-Knox. Dulhum. [W left-I in the Third Concestio I. (I. a. I',t,'gh; This At a tin-l l In: (an. 'lul good mildiuau in the tuort We location. The farm mn- obu of w, mm of rich ('ulllVIhlt- land “from “ones and 15 h(‘leb of bush, Moe CW. _ -- - -- “I user" an the Gnrnfruxn Road ”dent. 50 no!" hurdwnod Mull. \wl . and. lint clot-6 1rutldiotrrs. It ill In & clump to wind up ertaie. In” in Bentinth, build, and 3001. everything in fir - Price .311). "Dam in Benlim-L on (nu-mu Ion! nm' Dornm-h. "and building: - reduced from "too to 6tm" L. quick “Iv. no acre. in Beutinck, Fave mil boto Durham. Las. buildings. go Ind. with A qunnm of “mix [not be sold a once. {like Still". “5 new in Earn-mum. Rood bu ttood'oui1dttttt mm. “It mm in Proton, neur Swim Park, fair buildings. ttood land. w dammed. well watered and well fence Only CWO. ... .. . ...... Valuable Grm in the Tp. or Gletselg tttlt? of Iota let Mid " Con. 3, N. . B... too arms. Possesainn gin-n forthwith. Tide perfect, For puru- culuu apply to J. P. human“. Durham. A orriiiny house and H; urn-s oi had in the Town of Dnrhnm. (IMP the thhteto property). mull) of Lamhlnn It. a than dis-Lam: west of G, T. It, “Ion. Apply to 1.“!ch “Dumps. You-my. Tums Cook, Mnrkdule. keep everything on the mm xarriving means New Goods our customers the newest s The publicnn‘henlny "untied that Idling in ell-actlv nmhihilpd on Lot " Can. 2, E.G R. dummiw Glan- Mullen). All ”values”: will he prom" cubed To lose busy house-cl seen our Rugs and Carpcts tains? If not, come to ma They are all on the seconq - to Owner: of Live Mock Butter and Eggs take: Our stock of Dress Goods new and complete. The new when with trimmings to till right prices. Several one dres Town Residence to Sale. We have the celebrated “Broad and “Fashion" brands-new, neat mhionable st popular prices. A stock of Odd Puma. “I M, 19090 Eur halo or lixchange. Br Utdet Farms For Sale. For Sale or lu-nt House to Rent lands For Sale Fishing Notice For Sale. J. 3. BLACK, Tp. Clerk Dress Goods Fresh Groceries urrmng Solicitor. but-bun. Ottt a. Rnuuu Clothing w. F. Dt a. tnCottge ICE G. it. J. ihdl, We new ttent of TI" tad an the " --TheAe England. 1 Minimum the .111“ [mot tum high lite I Sunday in women on dressed III o-Att or: on her way qmttetttt a II an a it u bonny." lt it to be: the Upper the Uriited break the “can the l a ttue em (the --The “not {not within two but alter liet mun tum-Ml bu reach 1Mtttttem t on”. W paid W THURS TOPIC W I Ole tdai $1 tin quh kn te ll

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