West Grey Digital Newspapers

Durham Review (1897), 27 May 1909, p. 5

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A tim- twu stony hvirk dwallinl 'mmw. large Mick maths. on ”All Saw-w, Ir", hum. Will he told at a bargain. and would urn-pl oth" pr runny as pun par. Apply to A ttTHU" H. JACKSON. Durham. Hm puhlic are hereby rammed that Mung m "ttuetty pmhihltm on but L'm. ('un. 2, Fl. il. R, (omit. Glen- i' 'ileo). All trespass": will he PM ll Valuable- hrm in the Tp, of Glenn! -t,rttirar4ed of lots 22 and 3. Con. N In. " . [no arms. Poo-cumin [inn " nhwith. Title perlect. For parti- ' mm upply to J. P. 13mm). Durham. wwndid Ito-Idem hop." toe , . 1rl l‘pper 2',.'"%", 'l.".T%,t'l, 'l, [man cottn a. 00070...“ .., _ A "menu: eomfortatKagrd to”. ”3 u. Irmn int-Min. patch-on n- . _ ul at Review on“. keep everything on the move. NEW GOODS continuously arriving means New Goods continually selling and it insures to our customers the newest styles and best quality at lowest prices To those busy house-cleaning, we would Say 66 Have you seen our Rugs and Carpets, our Wall Paper and Window Cur- tuins ? If not, come to examine Gem, whether 'you buy or not. They are all on the second flat. N - Large Sales & Small Profits M Butter and Eggs taken " cttsh luv 118 _' _ " B.5 urn-s of rich cultivublc 'at w'r' from unmet and 35 can of w . l"r" my”. 1.34! non-s 0n the (hula:- w. It t lear. In an" hardwood hull. won m-n-d. tin-u. clan. building". Will be i l rhunp to wind up Quilt. nan "crest in Benlinck. handing: and A W"' L "verythirttt in Best" clan up Price saw). Mr .u-n-n in Bentintk on Guru-Inn _ " and 7. con. 2, N. DMt. Obl- wr, In!) new. Rood Ira-mu bow. and um huiIdmgs. well in!” Owner 11.; wvsl. A mung“). Minn. Apply to June WM'sox. Van-0y. 'ntot4 (300K. Hartdule. Nonce to Owner-of In.“ ly Take (fix...,..'iny of fl,t,rgt "a; if; ' 117-.- nt said town-h . Br an ..arrin offending agt'rttaat 0-H . \ in» got/,tt'h'i'l'f,tt'2'lLu'fM,t, " "ll M dun-go to "iv". my. By Order Our stock of Drone 60063 is large, new and complete. The newest in the markets with trimmings to suit and at right prices. Several one dress lengths. ll arrow in the Third Com-ion '. l: (ileuolg. This a n It» the. In win good building. in the no“ ",sIrle lncallon. The In con- Eur mate or Exchange. tlwelltu,t house and Ith acres of I in the Tow" of Durham. (late the hlun pr varly). month of [Amman " mm tliwtancn west of u, T. R. We have the celebrated “Broadway and "Fashion" brands-naw, nest and fashionable at popular prices. A large stock of Odd Pants. {not} c "Mona-N. homo with In"! I ”with: l rent 8t' pn- month. Town Residence Io Sale. -:'1't'.~ in Beulinrk. Five .1“. llurlmm, fine, buildings. good wirh a mum“; ot timber. Iw mid at once. rice “I”. m I'm-u in Egramont. good - nuilllmg'. m. "Crt", in Proton, nan Swinton hir buildings. good land. well m. well watered and Initiated. t".aor, new Dnrnoch. good mum»... lmlm'ul from m to m for KAI". MAY 27. 1000t A wrmru H. JACK-ox. Durban. " “HUGO that no no"... Ftp. 'r .hevp not my We” thwtW" "' unmet) l? tun " logy-Juji- Farms For Sale. l, or Sale or Rent I. was For Sale Home to Beat Fishing Notice. Dress Goods For Sula. J. B. an“. " Oink, Fresh Grocetios striving daily, the best in W. F. DUNN. Solicitor, Durham. Ont Clothing U. Runes. Am; Wu. Lunuw. A. McCuuuncx. G. & J.' MOKECHNIE (E-it J, yIdKEl0frlil1fl The Council Incl. 513,831), pursuant to adjournment. All the newborn pren- out. The Bean In the choir. Minute- ot In! muting nod and tronfirated. Communications rad " follows: From [one ’l‘nynol C. E, Sznndurd Printing Co.. A, Turner a Co. And Wm Lucas. Receive for puyments made: From Angus HoCormiok urging the Council to build . subway tor him, From Metal Culvert Co. with sample. From Lucu. Roiuyk McArdle. legal advice. --The Archdueon ot Northampton t'tj'gl','et,,tTggt nude mug :or out a an I WI " the worship 5.60:1. Re tella u . hotel knowing)“ largo puny in 31337!th mgoqncrpding on) the an: My in Iain. the iiaiiiraeirii women and the walled ladies! dream! as non. _ -An armed United States gunboet. on - In! names: 1e.wrenftrlyer eon-ed e in emanation the other dar “it VII reported ehe wee more haul! "med than the treaty allows. It in to he need u n training ehlp on the litter Lela audit ll not likely the nlted Stem would ettempt to break the nimble agreement be. tween the two nations which it each a Bm, example to the world. --'rhe Allnn Liner Mongolian. Incl {an in an enormou- lce pack within two mile. ot b. John birbur, but nicer neural days of anxiety. re- liet manure: trmn the shore we: mum] in rennin! her, nod she bu reached Hnmnx "tely. lee dangers this you no above thear engo. -m ht of the wiveeof the (ex-Sultan ol'l‘nrkev banana d to England and are iiving in a Cuu' house. the unincriiiel lining no ground to interfere. Not so in Paris. Six veiled women ot the name kind were refused domicile and sent back to Turkey. England 'till the harbor or refuge. --ri" hundred miles of a Georgia railroad is oompleloly tied up. be. - the engineerl reiune to work with nrgro firemen. Citizens of many towns are receivinnr no mail, but are nu complaining. as they are up in arms " seeing white men superseded by neuron. out. Tfri Reeve in the chair. mime. In passing along our curiosity was ol last muting nod and tronfirmed, aroused by coming to an old lorsak- Communication: road " follow: From en hewed log house which by appear- luu 'l‘nynor C. E, Sundnrd Printing nnca was erected over iirvy years ago 00.. A. Tumor * Co. and Wm Lucas. and in viewing the skiiiul arcofthc Receip'a tor pnymontq made: From ax men otlong ago in baildingthe loll". MeCormiok mum: We Council corners of the old dwelling which to bttild . 'yttyrar. toe him. From was counted as first class then. lot-l Culvert Co. with sample. From The“ corners are yet as straight as Lueto, Bainy * McArdle. be" advice. the Plumb line could make them and Weir-MeMillan--Tut John Me. the oga bewed as smooth asil‘thoy “on In mid 03.95 for 2: cords m came from a planing factory. and wood dollvorod " the Hall. and P, although as the case may bethat MeArthur 00 can" (or shovel for hall. them skilful man ",ot long ago have -Cnriod. all passed away yet the. workmnn- MeMititut-Niebol-'Nnt John Mc. ship of their hands is as visible an NIH; be paid 01.50 for removing roadithe duy it was performed. And it ttrader.--Carrted. any ultimate men of old are yet. living Weir--Niohor-'rmsth1r McCurmick'a whose corner of the builtlings he aqua-w for the landing of v. subway claims unis. it will only bring back b "on '.ntortamed.---Csrrud. gm him the dms wt Inisiuulh and new Nieiurl--W,N.Mr --Th a, [La new. i that. he, is u hank: oijpphli.old iUtUt nod members ot tho Council be pnidjwlll be PM? menus (:1 "1%!“ngan Weir-MeMillan--TUt John Me. Vleu " mid 03.95 for ttl cords M wood delivered " the Hall. Incl P, MeArthur .0 can" for shovel for hall. -Cnliod. W.ir--Mohhllac--.That the Clerk [m paid $10 on sralarr.--0isrrtad. AMBLES 02.00 ouch lot inspect-n2 Conueily‘s IMI and pr-Ipond ’avntion nun] Gim- rondon bridge -Carrv.ul. Wm D. Dawn was appointed path- lier instead of John Staples. The Cnnucil adjourned to May 29th than vo meet n . Court of Reviuinn. J. S. Bum: Clerk. Taiyuan}, MAY TOPICS OF THE WEEK. Glenelg Council Groceries GiiAhe Highest Prices paid Crockery and Glassware The stock is complete. Five min. utes inspection will be better than an hour’s description. You’ll say so too when you see them. _ - Fresh stock just arrived direct from the manufacturer. New stylish goods at low prices. ttirod laying means good Selling Boots & Shoes the market at popular prices. By the m. . ! pN"altotil; N yf, we and Pit.; V .' cease ttee0tur Bream also served the town-hi.“ as n. Deputy. Councillor an Assessor Ion number oi years. 'if',} Devil In elected councillor for ward 1 in the year 1887 being then more boyish looking than he is mw. How- ever he proved himself to he a man I in noting in his t,ttieial capacities. l Thus-ween River cm the Md eon nt MoGillivruuund in the i'pring the floods are quite high. along the 3rd no the MeGrllivrtrys, who " ' though now getting last down the de- , clino. mine to the north line when' boys ', and others who are not no long settlers Further we come tome well I known residence of Geo Binnie where I we nlwava make it as a triveller'ts i home. Very low, iiany. in thetown- I ship or county have filled as mmy l otNvs. as Mr Binnie, serving as cuuu. oillor, Reeye, Warden, Tp and Coun- ( ty Auditor for several years besides ‘ other olflce: outside municipal mat- tern. On the corner of Mr. Binnie.'s farm is n nent little Bantist chapel where the Rev Newton of Durham preach- es every Sundav. In olden times the locality around the Centre was called the "Benton Settlement" bat now We find that the Beaton's are not so numerous as they were forty years ago. Among the oldest settlers there weye the McDonalds, Camerong, Grahams. McLellans, MeMillans, Mo Imyrca, MeArthars, Campbells, and all these good old people have pas- sed away and their children are now termed old men and women. Now we enter into "Seoashtown," " it is well termed, lor tlwre is no other nationality for two miles bat Highland Scotch. We beard a good old Uighlond Scotch lady, whose husband was a lowlander, in a teas- ing manner telling hu- good man that the lowlands were the refuse that ' ume down from the highlands, bat we tlnd in general the substance coming lrom our highland hills only enriches the low and flat hu.dsttus more. ii/Gr a deep sigh and cxcluim. "the: I Was young, Imw Ianiold and ht-lp less." The Saugeen Iliver winds its way in a zig zag manner along this part of the 2nd Con. and CrDSSVS over to the 4th at, lenelg Jsntru. In climb- ing up the hills an aduwn the vallaw ofssroteh Town we mum: to the Blaek's and up further is Councillor J. A Ttmorn GLENELG. THE [um then On the corner oi the old nutter lam. now Keyland'l. there It I mall grave yard and u woven passing alum: we took 1 "roll in over the fence for the pnrpaenof reading the inscriptions on the tombstone. and we and Mel the f1rst cave nude time In Catherine ate-Bury or Mu. Butters, ttrtutdtnothtrto Mr A. B. Me- Lellan, ot'Dnrham dated 1852.- She came from her native isle, Uist, Scot- land a short time belure. only to tind a cannery in the wilderness of Glen- Ag as there was no clenr-nce whet- ever on the whole place. Now we come to Bachelor's Cor- ners but the name is net altogether sp- plicable now as some of the good bachelors have secured good house- keepers, [wives We mean] slthouch one of them had to arms the line into Proton and secure one at the best housekeeper: that could besecnred. while another one crossed the road, thus saving the trump ususlly indulged in in cases ot this kind: but there are yet some more and still the place retains its name as of old. A ong this line are Murchisons. Mo. Quurtics, MeDuuttalls, Black sud llohcrty and of those that were original owners were the Gillies'. " Dialdrp, MeArthar's, 1toPheraon'is, and up farther the well known Me. L.sehlm tunily. MeLean's, Sinclair, Councillor Cvrson of Artemesra an Clark's. S!) we tiuiah tome town line. McMillan one of the taken at the Township Council tor he in the olden member of the Council of Gland; being elected in 1878 and tw Milan: and continuous career in omen he has proved himselt to be I worthy onset. Swine eight or ten years a 0 Mr Alli-ted Fitzpatrick, thou 'lJ'U'l','l,t at Queen's Uuiversitv,_fourtd it necessary in vmit the luniher towns and camps in northern California. This visit. opened bis PFtH to a new tield for educational and religious effort. He mw that: thousands of intelligent men were forced by tltviroecspation to live many months at it time far removed from the rellning inftuenem, of civiliz. atiuu, The total ubsence of any elevating influence had made these ('ulltlls noun-us of vice and degradation. The revelations made such a deep im- pit-ssion on the student's mind that he ri-snlveu to devote his lite to the work or nupruving the moral condition of Canadian frontier laborers. After a. few experiments in Ontario lumber camps trad pmyed the feasibil- ity of camp education. the work was organized under the name of the Reading U mm Association. In time the Provincial Governments were per- slhldtti to new-1t in the wmiond now travelling lihmries are tit-enlisted u- niting the camps by the Departments ot' Eltiuc:ttriouof Ontario and Manitoba. Lumlmr companies have hum reading camps for the beueflt of their men. Moreover, its it result of the emu-ts put, forth tor the benefit of the shanty- ”It'll. the In " “(Warning the ttruetst', “mum-men a of the camps an: mote iigidly enforced than formerly and not y ('uiiip.iuy is cumin-Med to built! a l|t1~ptluli Ill t'millt’t'motl with its c unp. Hit- tumpiitwl'y att'enaanee of " dortot " least once a month to each t: mg h I‘ also been institutt d, Hv. " year the Aunvmtmn sends il, inn-nurture it) the lututrsrtug, "lining. timing mitt t' ulwuy construc- Iiiill t'.tinps' Ill Ontario. Manitoba. tiaskatchcwauatui Alberta. The in, mltuyiorn' tie University students or gr-ldll-tlt“. 1livy swing axe. pick and twowiot. durum the any and teach ilit-ir clasme, at night. This summer "bout, tweirty-tive "tt5ttttetors will be setil, out lo the different camps throughout the Dominion. (Anyone caring to learn more con- cerning the work_dune by the Read- Canadian Newspaper Directory . for I909 We, hawjlm. reenved from the pub. when. A." McKim. Luuued, of Montreal and 'l'umnw, a copy of “1019.10 odiuon ol tlr.7C'tuvuitau Newspaper Direosorv. iuu U' unp Association may receive an tllunttated report of the work done last year by zupplvmg to Mr A. Fuz- ”Huck, B A., Supt. of (lamp Eda. union. 1123 Traders Bank Big., Tororr to, Out.) This irtha sixth editton of this valu able work, which fills A very real need in Cumin. and deserves I wince on the desk of every basins-15 man, whether he is an trlvertrser or not. The Canadian Newspaper Dirac my lists and describes 1426 periodicals in Canada and Newioaudliusd. or the!» [35 are daily. 1016 weekly or semi week. ly, 262 mummy or semi monthly and 14 are published less lrequeclly. This Is a cunnulemble increase aver Ibo In. edition. In addition to this. the Directory supplies a comprehensive Gunner giv- mg the population, the chief In ustrieu. the railway, telegupb and banking ht. cilities and other iuterotiug tenure: of every ueweptsper"eitr, tom: and village in Canada. _ This work contains over 480 pagan. It Is splendidly bound undi. 00min]; 3 credit. alike to the publishers and to Can-dim ncwapapen generally. A. McKim, Limited, are particularly wnll qiuliiitsd to edit and publish this, the shudard book of rderence on Can. Imam: publications. The) are the pioneers In the Advortiaiott Agency field in the Dominion, the Melina Agency having been founded in Montreel in January, 1889, twenty you" ago, by Mr Anson McKim.wuo is still u the head of the buaiueu. During allthis lime they have been the acknowledged leaders In this lie" in Canada, and the Agency business h3- been developed from In" smallho- ginning - then [alarming only tho functions of the middle-tnoi-ton very large producing enterprise which mm into millions. is, price ot the 1900 Directory is " on. t The Bret aiuing of the Courted tte. vision for the mumcipsllty of the Town of Durham; tor the year 1000, will be held in the Town Hall. Dur-' ham. on F ridny. In, 3th, I”. "s o‘clock p. m. . Dated the nu: (by of Ely. 1“ " B, Vow. out. It goes without saying then that the McKim Annoy is m clout touch with me publishers ot the Dominion than any Olhar iirm, Bud us Ihenforo tblo to get the moat. reliable. mlormuion. Durham Court of RcVision. Canada's Frotttiersrttett. Confinued newt week. a TORONTO We can help you make and keep it so. We have a good assortment of L N M of different sizes kinds and awn owers qualities. Our "Black Duunond" Lawn Mower is a daisy. See it. We also have Rubber Hose of different sizes, Lawn Sprinklers & Sprays and all kinds of Lawn and Garden supplies. ' In this line we have all sues to meet your re- quirements. Poultry Netting are more of our numerous lines of Spring and Summer goods. Gasoline always on hand. Gasoline and Coal Oil Stoves We have anything you may require. Our Mock .is complete and up-to-date and as it is ho trouble to show goods, we ask you to have a. look around at any time. HardWare (iy Furniture A tncklmg on dry cough can be nick- ly hiosoued with Dr, Sheep’s a“; Remedy. No opium, no chloroform. hashing unsafe or hush. Sold byl MuFul-ne a co. Lenahan 8, McIntosh. This Finn known under the above name is comprised of W. Calder of the Town of Durham and H. Carveth, now a resident of the Town of Dur- ham and are the parties who recently bought in the stock of J. A. Darling, at alow rate on the dollar. We have added hundreds of dollars of new stock in the different departments and are prepared to fr pply your wants in the line of Drugs, Patent Medicines, Druggiats Sundries. School Supplies, and all kinds writing material, Clover, Timothy and Garden Sccds, Soaps, Perfumes, Groceries, Tobaccos, Cigars, Confectionery. etc. We hive a splendid lipeof split of potatoend Dutch ems In unions. Bamboo and'Creen heart fancy poles. A full line _of Garden and Flower All kinds of Lines, Fishing Baskets, Seeds Turnip. Mangold, Carrot, Beet Sinkers, Hooks, Swivels. The lst and all kinds of field seeds: These of May will soon be here-call early have been bought from reliable dea. and get your choice and at prices lers and the,prices will be lower than away down. you can buy elsewhere. J? conclusion we would intimate to the public that Ive. are here to es tablisha permanent business by sdli ng at close prices, glvmg good pur- goods, attentiveness to your wants and square dealing throughout. We mean exactly what we advertise and want you to call and see our stock and get our prices before buying elsewhere. - I Remember the p1aee--Darlitig's old stand, Caldera Block, Durham W. CALDER I. an!“ in l D St a... The Centra rug ore We have added a full line of the purest Teas, Coffees, Sugars, Spices, Raisins, Currants. etc, We will sur- prise you with low prices in this dept. The warm weather" will soonbe here and we propose to throw open our parlors to the public and supply all kinds of cool and refreshing drinks, lee Cream Sodas, etc. Fishing Tackle Fruit and Confectionery This isalso 3 new department We will have constantly on hand fruits in season such as Oranges. Ba- nanas. Pineapple, Strawberries, &e, A full line of Harry Webb's Confec- ionery both in bulk and boxes. The Central Drug Store Leads in Book-keeping, Shorthand, Typewriting, Commercial Law, Co - mercial Correspondence, Plain Business Writing, Ornamental Writing, and in F all it. an“. End: 'g,'lteh', Mughmdpnrue- ly at his own desk. Trial Igneous in one week fr we. “plum welcome. Open Bert. E Jir. T. CLANCY Principal. Day nndNigbt Chem. Ice Cream Department Business College Grocery Department MT. FOREST e are IS YOURLAWN WELL -,KEPT ? Highest Prices paid for Eggs Agents for NATIONAL PORTLAND CEMENT [HE IN FURNITURE We are Agents tor the well and favorably known Frost Wire, Frost Fence and Gates. Call and 'see thirfence or ask your neighbors about It. Frost coiled Spring Wire is in a class by itself. Once used, always used. supply always kept on hand Durham, Ontario FENCING I The under-ignod one“ for tservice at hot 9 and 10. Con 2, W a R., Bentinck. l n thmoughhred Durham hull. food i pedigree, ind n Thoroughbred um- I '01:") box. tr or term: Lid particular; Drugs Chemicals and Patent Medicines Ttus department is entirely un- der the charge of H Carveth, licensed graduate of the College of Pharmacy, who has had a large practical and varied experience in Toronto. Orillia, Sudbury, and other Towns. Nothing only pure drugs kept in stock. Pe- scriptions filled on short notice at lowest prices. We are fully stocked and have a good supply of Red Mammoth Alstke Lucerene and Alfalfa Clovers and Timothy Seeds. All of these Seeds bought from Seedmen of the highest reputation and stamped with the Government stamp. A good supply of potato and Dutch Sets in Onions. A full line of Garden and Flower Seeds. Turnip, Marigold, Carrot, Beet and all kinds of field seeds. These have been bought from reliable dea. lers and the.pricee will be lower than you can buy elsewhere. Apply to The Ichool ll mm It! 1mm: slimy. In chem“! 'ltlMl'aNf,,1ft,'i m am. he. toe full Junta Loom “ulna-lo- Mon GW. Tho following col-pm! no! no In chute ' ram ALLAN, WEI. menu cattle-u. autism t Bel-cc, cud. mum 6mm Boo -eeeNstpni, Wining. was DONALDA lemBAClllB, B. A., and am of Qua-In Duncan]. Subjec- nun. hunch. mm. Almanac. mum EDGE. W at tin-nanny“ new. Dubious: Luau-n. Col-po- Ildon. amt-y. tmotte, and An. Intending mud-u m an! n no but“: ni'Cidiirt_1Leep. “an Inab- - . - _------.- -- "sh-MI- “In .1..-..... e-r-" -v..- - -- -- blind nun. numb-m.” "if-related"""?.".",,':',"""',',"'. Aer ”5.....1'94M I: mm """""a"'iiirirFete""- amam G. lit To Rent 2 good houses. Applx P If you wish any, leave orders here. We handle all sizes but one grade only and that the best. . Coal for Spring l Delivery Durham School o" Seed Department Stock for Service sun a“ (gunman. any“ ArarxAFDrrrt, Screens Screen Doors& Window Screens are beginning to move and we have n good sup- ply of all sizes and qualities. J. M. Luann. " BUTTON.I. D., C. I unscrew... hymn-u ud 8m. In. an M Our. Quac- M can o all. oh block won. to. low at hm. OHIO! I00" '-" n. I H p I. Tomato-o Con Ionian No. " hyacinth-nu. OM00 one 4.“. Hal-W's “I. Sunni. sound an n.- W. C, PICKERING D. D s, L D S HONOR u RAD UATE of Toronto Univeunty. graduate of Royal College of Dental Surgeons of Ontario. Rooms Over J t J HUNTERS New Mgr. Ilia; tirEifiiiiiiie" iuiiui1 bun-no" i mm In all ita menu. ottuse-catder's Block. over Post Odin HONOR GRADUATE Toronto Culvert” 0nd M mum] val]...- hymn] Bur-eon ARTHUR H. JACKSON Insurance Agent. Money to Low. Issuer of Mun-Inge Licenses. A gen end ttuancU1 husim-u tausmsacted. Barrister. Solicitor in Supreme Court Romy Public Commissioner. Money to Lodtt. “like over Gordon's Jewelry Score Barrister, Solicitor. Notary Public. Convey-moor. to. Money Lo Loan nulowest rates. _ dice. Helmyrc Block over the titan O dud Bank, Durhuu. Ontario. D. MoPHAIL-’ ‘ Picjure Framing, Shortest Notice Snow Roous -cht to Swallow's Bar. her Shop. RESIDENCE - First house south of Luwrenee's Blncksmith Shop. I00 acres near Allan Park-- splendid hulldmgn. reading line tarm, cheap. 40aereg extra good [and near Allan Jung. vely cheap. 1 "r" Bontlnck - tl miles from Huuover. clone to hcluml and Post Okla- with daily mail. Brick house. {Fume bank lmrn. great snap, up! The Hanover Conveyanccr, ole": kiln, nad Stuns”, News to all pmulu. Money to but at lower NIH-9. than you can borrow eluwhem. UNDERTAKER and . Funeral Director [any other Good 1"oirtt in Fun: and Town property. If you want “mayoral! got" Miller No charge if no hummus done. Money to be Made 'Alwny- Prompt, Never NetdiRetrt." Terms mode-w, Ar menu for “In M to on”. ac., man be that at the Kevin-V ot. Me, Durham. bar uorrvapoMettce “ammo were. or to Ceylon P.0., will be [mum], “tended to, Terms on appllmuon to B. IoPBAIL. Cryfou P. " or to C. IAIAGE, Durham ARTHUR CON, . D., MEEICAL - nggnl may; J. F. GRANT D. D.tr, L.D. B. by attending to lhii advertisement '.f,,'N',fge,?.t No charge if ttoth. ing collated. ll kinda of tlmsnein1 lnensineu carefully tsnd quietly uten- d to. Be syre 8/ get Stin- son 5 bakery goods and you will always be satis- fied. We have a fresh supply of Buns, Dough- nuts, Cookies, Cakes, and Pastry of all kinds always on hand Cart Delivers Dally Licemed Auctioneer for Co, Grey DENT Notary Public, Commissioner. DURKAI. ONT. "(bowler Town G. H. STINSON mm 3.2., - Ceylon hu . telephone once. We buy our bread ut Stiuson's and think it is the very best too. That is what you hear the people say. Fall line of (Laholic Robes and black and white (gaps for aged people. Embulmlng a. Spereuritr. J. P. TELFORD _ciuti "YAtTER,__&ts. ml “damn: u Won- nd C dun. es B. B. MILLER, W. F. DUNN A. BELL 'I HERE‘S , T'T UK'

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