West Grey Digital Newspapers

Durham Review (1897), 27 May 1909, p. 8

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It; 'iii Dress Goods tif, 1.. A-_-_ No cloth made to. efly. EHE PE0PLE'S STORE l, [fi, Gil RE _:--,-).,:;-;',, New Shoes LEE] ,4 ., " at» "I" M' Fir! Get . Tums): lashes: Inning OWEN SOI'ND. Ont . funnel Include everything caudal to . Inc- ”In! CIR". Bananas ot 2ML'tlt2 an new '09qu! 1uinartel. -- #0497415! 's JY (iliirtl'i'/i-'-,i_i'sf_srs:lil-tw, Fall Term Opens August 30 Our graduate- nre assisted to the best. WHIOIII. Write for the reamn. Prepare now to en- ter " beginning ot term. Mait Course- tor than who wish to study M. home. Walkerlon Business College , GKO. spo'rmx. Prim-ipal ll t.e.t-ie.ets'cra-t:eatr:i'6'h" he mum. 00;; Milk. " will double your one and I.“ you. Mean“. manna or ""‘,...“""’&';‘3m".n"'°. tg'ltttr,'h'l,t ""1" , to or w on cu 1tht'f/U bun neglected. W the}. Clothing Bats and Caps We: the Cheapest rmmc. Principal. Owen Sound c The End While the extensive purchase of The Burton Spence stock made by us holds out there are many fascinating bargains on sale. Each week brings its shipment and Something New. no . tine ribbed Cotton Hose for girls and boys, reg- palrs ular price 25c, sizes sy; to 9h' for x5e 'Wa: pair, smaller.%zes per pair...... ....._ .... ..... 2 . Ladies' tine plain cotton hose full fash- IN palrs ioned and seamless feet, reg zo'c pr, on sale lik 200 . Children's Hose, splendid value at dogble the Pairs money. Sizes 6yi, 7, 7}; tor 9c per pan, S: smaller sizes, per pair.... .... '... .... .... .... ..q.. Absolutely the Highest Prices for Butter and Eggs Black Voille tr,,' Sample Pairs Shoes going like HotrCakgs Large Tin Salmon...'.....) Can Baking Powder.........5c Exttacta.... .... .... ... . Sc Yeast Catt... ...... .......4e Beat Baking Molasses, can. 9c Beat 40c Black Ten.........26e socBlack Ten..2te 30c Japan Tea..28e Me Japan Ten..l9c Special sale Muslins Sat. at 8c yd nk White Cotton, Saturday at 9k yd Grocery Specials for Saturday About Panama, i, Gingham Prints, Muslin H. H. MOCKLER ”3. ' .71....» Ct .l u- "'Mt 3-. It m- w, L, ,1" " " 1 - l Wrf "'5 T- '4. "I _. l br _ t Prnt L.p"cd.. ". 'ICT/r, ,, 4...": " ."4tv.!: V';, [ irl w, _ _ ‘.. _ I, _ l a " u,!\ a.“ n," shin, P. " Here is the place, to " Regent Brand buy you. Spring Suit, whether you want ready-mades or made to order. These Clothes are cut and sewed perfectly, the style " permanent, due to the honest methods of making and the excellence of materials used. . reg. price 6'c yard, on sale Ck Yoille Saturday atom” ...... .... 47c yd Also Brown Tome and brown, navy green and black pan- ama at this price. This is a beautiful fine cotton. fine finish but no filling, 113:3 tal for almost any Purpose; good taAe value, 350 yd: “95c Imptrit.r1 5,1399% for meh Highest Prices for Butter and Eggs. 150 pairs left ROBT. BURNETT Mute Three Special Hosiery Bargains Good line of Chocolate, DRESS GOODS Muslims, Lawn: and Organdics ansisted to No cloth made to equal thentt tor wearing and dust-shedding qualities. ' New check gingham». tine even weave and soft finish. Nice stock of There 'i, one for you at Wholesale price is 3| And not e la hereby further aim a; that the (I ncil will meet. for gem-r A. t business " o'clock in the alien-nut g of the same ay. jj l Dated this 11 day of May, 1900. ti s. BLACK. Tp. Clerk. A large assortment of Spring Hat: and Caps mile, on hand. " _ of the Bargains The ml sitting of the Coutt of ltr. viuon r the Townshng ot (llenelg for the " r 1009, will e held at the Towns!) "all on SATURD Y, 29TN DAY or MAY. 1900 at 10 o't-l k in the forenoon. My South Atri an Veteran Haunt) Lard Cer tihcate, sued by the Depart wont. of the tnt ior, (good for 3'." acres of any Donui on Land open fo "my in Aiherta, askatchewan, n Manitoba.) Ceititit; eguaranteett b: the Department; of stenor,0ttror,t Mmt. have tho can pttunedi!ttely write. W,ll sell for 88N.IO Phone, Main Goat, Thoroughbred Bull tor scrvic ut L 30, Con 7, Bentinck, for terms an ar (ilqnelg Court of Revision us applyiq Not Yet A fitte stock ot. Patents, Tans and Dongola Blue. tan & Oxblood for Women Bull tor bervid E. 't'Ei.Fottrt 131 Shutvr tit et, Tot ont WILLIAM BAILEY, Mu Eh. Sale. ot, Patents Always the Best hone. wire 'ri5i', 1'llkiiilt a: ht, iili SH if?! n qt It PUBLIC " Ma ttrt", {inn that the Hunt a net! o the Cor- pontion the Town of Durban te a t east” is tl','.",,,)',',', on o s ' " 'ttWo',', of 8 66.1%“ in“. ovo- ning eons! er a. by-law for closing. smooth: ll , selling end in,',',',',,",',' port on: streets in the Town 0 l Durham. ore pmienlarly ttttg-. cribed as hows: namely; An irreg lsr sthped portion of Lambton d Rock Streets in the‘ Town of rham. County of Grey, which me be described " follows t COMMEN ING at the intersection ot the soothe 1y limit of Lambton Street with the e sterly limitof Rock Street; thence ea terly along said southerly limit adi tance of two hundred and tirty-two 252) feet; thence No. 79" 4tf .5 W. on a line tilty (50) feet northeast rly trom and parallel with the cent line of the Walkerton & Lucknow Itailway as the same is tiually l ted and constructed adia- tame oft o hundred and tony-three {243) tee . to the PoPtrlt limit ot the Corporation of-the Town lot Durham. fiel tee to the northerly limit ot mbton treet; thence westerly tV long said northerly limit 3 distance cf meat. (20) feet to its intemeeticn with the asterly limitol'Rock Street. Thence n rtherly along said easterlg' _ limit oi It k St. a distance of fitre ( l feet; the e tl, 79° 48' .5 W. one line) tilty (50) eet northeasterly from and parallel ith the above mentioned centre lin a distance of sixty eight (68) feet the westerly limit ot Rock Street; t ence southerly along said Westerly imit a distance ot seven- teen (17) et ur its intersection with the northe y limit of Lair. bton Street; thence wes erl y along said northerly limit a di tanee of sixty-three(63) lee' ; then e southwesterly on a straight lin at right angles to the above men oned centre line a dir mncc ntstxt -four (G) feet; thence aunt“ 79" .18' 5 E on a. line filty (50) ieetsouthwe erly lrotn and parallel with the abo o mentioned centre line a distance of ‘wenty’three (23) feet to the southerly imit of Lambton Street: thence easterl along said southerlv limit a dista cc of sixty-three (63) he: to its inter ction with the wester- lg limit of Roe Street; thence south. erly along said iwesterly limit a dis- tance ol sixte -and three.tentU (10.3) leet ; then 0 S. 79' 48' .5 El, ona lane tifty (50) feet southwesterly from 1nd parallel wit the above mention- ed centre line A distance ulusixty-l eight (68) feet to Ge easterly limit of Rock Street; thence northerly along said easterly li it a distance of thirty-two and a; tenths (32.6) feet in we point of beg nmng; containing "ty-tive hundredfhs (0.45) of an here, more or less.) . ALSO an irregular shaped portion it Lambton tltreet, which may the described as follows t'r, COMMENCING .--.t a point ogthe northerly limit oi Lambton Street distant one hundred and thirty-one (131)_ feet westerly from its Intersection with the Wester- ly limit of Rock Street; thence west- erly along said northerly limit a distance of one hundred and seventy. three (173) feet ; thence S. 'ro' 48' .5l ll on a line fifty (50) teat southwest- erly iron: and parallel with the above mentioned centre line adistance of who hundred and one (101) feet; 1.ence easterly parallel with the {northerly limit at LumbtonStreet a distance ofseventy (70) feet; thence northeasterly on a straight line at right angles to the above mentioned centre linen distance of thirty (30) feet to the point of biginning; con- taining seven hundredths (0.07) ct an acre, more or less; both at said 'Wrrtipn of streets containing fihy twu hundredths (0.52) of an acre. more or An irregular shaped lrgct of land m Lot, twelve (12) which 1165 north of Lunbton Street and east of Rock h" wet in the Town of Durham. County zii'Grey, which may be described as Miows: COMMENCING at a point on 'le, northerly limitot Lambton Street, (Hume twenty (20) ttet easterly from AND [or establishing as highways in lieu thereof the following lands, n unely I an; inwrseetioi With the easterly; limit ol Rock Street; thenee easterly a- long said northerly _ limit a distant? " lWO hundred and thirtrtwo (232)] lust: thence N. 70' 48’ .5 W. on at lim, one hundred and sixteen (116) lect n srtheasttsrly from and parallel with the centre line of the Walker- ton e: Lucknow Railway a. distance at two hundred and sixty and flyer- tenths (260.5) feet to the easterly limit M Rock Street; thence southerly a- mng said easterly limit a distance of sixty-eight (68) teat; thence B. TO") is. 5 E. on a line My (50) feet: l rthcasterly from and parallel with the above mentioned centre line a distance of twenty and " tenths (20.6) feet to the point of beginning ; er "staining eighteen hundredth: (0.18) If an acre. more or less. ALSO an irregular shafted tract in int eleven (11) which iesporth of Lunbton Street and west ot Rock Street in said Town of Durham, which mav be described as follows: CUMMENCING " n point on the n caterly limit of Rock Street, distant seventeen (17) feet northerly trom its iurerseetioa with the northerly limit of Lambton Street ; thence northerly along said westerly limit I distance of sixty-eight (68) feet; thence N." "io' 48' .5 Wren a line one hundred and sixteen (I 16) feet northerly from and parallel with the above mention. ed centre line a distance of one bun. dred and tour (IN) ieet; thence southwesterly " right angles to the last described line adietanoe of one hundred and twelve (112) feet to the northerly limit ot Lambton Street; thence essterly along said northeri limit a distance ot sixty-eight 'a feet thence northeuterl y on I straight line " right uncles to the above mentioned centre line a distance of thirty-fivo (35) 'ieet: thence 8. 79' 4Y.5 E on a line titty (50) feet northeuterly from and parallel with the above mentioned centre line a dietanee of titty-eight (Ni) feet to the rem of beginning; containing twenty our hundredthe (0.24) of an are. more or lean. l. " NOTICE. ALSO " irresist- theped met in uurtlU end (1 which lie south of Lamhtou Street and west of1to" Street in said Town of Dur- ham, which may he deseribed u follows: tjtiuittttaNa at e point on the southerly limit of Lenihtou Street. 'distent eixty-three (68) feet westerly iron: its itttttrBtrttttttet with the westerly limit of Rock Street; thence westerly along said southerly limit . distance of two hundred end thirteen (213) feet; thence B. 79' 48' .5 E. on . line one hundred and sixteen (116) teetsouthweattsrir from and parallel with the above mention- l ed centre line a distance of two hundred and ninety (290) feet to the westerly limit oi Rook Street; thence northerly along said western limit I distance of sixty-eight (68) feet ; thence N. 79' " .5 W. on a line my (50) feet southwesterly from and parallel with the above mentioned centre line a distance ottsixtr-niner (69) feet to the point ot beginning ; containing tWentv-seven hundredths (0.27) ofan acre, more or less; all of ‘said tracts containing sixty-nine han- dredtlts (0.69) of an acre more or lee. All persons interested, or whose lands 'ru' might be prejudicislly atreeted y such proposed by-lsw. are required to attend " the sold meeting when they will be heard in person or by counsel or solicitor with reference thereto, upon petitioning to be so heard. Dated the 13th May oi May A, D., 1901). . i500 MEN WANTED _ Under the auspices of a. Joint 1 Committee of the Churches in Dur- l, ham, and in line with the Laymen‘a f Missionary Movement. a The 24th puesei " quietly wil. o'ul. the usual early morning volley of clarion and most of the population who could manage tb went trout fish Ing while other, played tennis in the Park. In the evening the Library concert was Well patron'aeil, . Mr and Mrs Roberthn and Master Allan of Toronto spent the holiday with Mr and Mrs David Allan. Miss Chm Putterson of Harriston. was the guest of Miss nary thtle Met Sunday. Rev Mr King attended the funeral of Rev. MT. Altkins in Hamster) on Hominy. The Creamery opened on nonday and the yellow waggons are again a familiar sight. Ur Russel! Gregg has been laid up for the past week with the grip. Dur- ing his absence Miss ssaryphistnitls has been taking his work at. the Pub. lie School. The mines Cameron of Toronto, spent the holidaysjut home. Mrs. Nicholson and ms. Micklebor- ough are yisiging friends in noaboro. Muss Essié Swanston spent the Mth here. MASS MEETING FOR MEN Will be held in Town Hail, Durham 1900, at 8 p.m., when two prominent Toronto laymen/ will be present to address the meeting. ms. Brown spending afew Brown. Mr. and ms. James Murdock of o. Sound are the guests of m. and ma. Durant. FRIDAY EVENING, 28th MAY Mr. and ms. John Brown went to Toronto on uonday m. Walter Barker has returned to Holstein and has taken . position in Freeman's More. Haryey Lem: returned from the West last week for a few week's holt. days. Mr. D. Robertson, of Southampton, has been visiti"g his brother Robert Robertson. Admission free. Expenaep met by voluntary eolrection. Mr. John Sharp left for the West but week on a prospecting trip. _ LAvErait--in, Durham, on Sunday, May as, to Mr and Mrs Chas. R. Lavelle, a son. PATTERSON. -In Durham, to Mr and Mrs Jan. Patterson a nun. MARRIED Jotgsgox--thtAtmar-At the residence of the bride's parentl. McCiinton'tt Corners, Bentinck, Mr. Thou. John. son, Egremont. to was Funny May Gmby. On May Ahh. TEE DUDE“ REVIEW Very Low Rate for Summer Trip to Pacific Coast q). . "N 1mm Good going My 20’ to Sert. so Return limit October Slut. Liberal stopovers. A Wide choice of routes. Go by the incl Canadian: lute-see your own etmettrrr-the West, the Rocky Mountnim. Viaitthe Battle Exposition sud other special attrae. tions. Tnlk mover with $77.20 Wm. B. Vow. _ Clerk of the Town of Durham. Holstein. BORN Durham, on Sunday, Mr and Mrs Chas. R. of Donn, has been days with ma. T. S. [autumn TORONTO In: Oliver upen‘tthé holldoy with Fat-gm relotivel. Mr, R, w. Hubs. of Owen Sound wu home over-toe week end. - Mr W. D. MacKay of Toronto spent over (he hohdoy with town Mandi. Mr. G L Hughes was in Toronto for Victoria. Day. . Mr'J'emee\0emeron of Toronto. vie- lted " old town the Winning of the week on a huelneee trip. ' Mr. J. th Telford. of Oren Bound, spent the holiday: with telelivee and friends in town. Mrs. Frape end Mu Benton left for Raven Lake Tuesday where the Inge cement plant ie. They will cgnduct e bonding house. Min Berta Cuff ot Vic-ken wu the guest of her friend, Miss Ruby Mills. Mr. Norman McIntosh and Miss Dom Davidson took in the Races at C,hesler.vietnt"us Day. Mr Frank Clemu of London Visited town fciends on the 24th. Mus Edith Kilhoum of Walkertbn spent. the holiday at Mr. w. 'setstutm Miss Wright of Priceville is the hot. iduy guest of her sister Mrs Dr Button Mrs Wm Young spent the 24th with Mr and Mrs Mclnnes of Priceville. Miss McGregor of Kenilworth spent over the holiday with reln'ives " the Manse. Mr A. H. Preston, of the Traders Bank, holidayed In Toronto. Miss Lizzie Lnidlaw and a. friend from Toronto are holiduy gun“ at her home here. Mr and Mrs Urquhart, Wellandport, spent Victoria Day holidays with tur parents, Mr and Mrs. Il. Whelan. Mr. Andrew Dale was home In Mt. Forest for the Nth. Miss Ella Robinson spent the 24th at her home in Mt Forest. Mrs, McAlpine and son Norman of Toronto are guests at present of Mn. T, A. Harris. Miss Aggie Howard oquelph, vis. ited friends in town over the 24th. Miss Kathleen Grant spent the hol- iday with Mendel in Walkerton. Miss Edith Grant. Mooretield, wan home over the holjduy. Mr J. A. Glass Was in Georgetown for the holiday. Mum Emma Gadd In ft for Toronto, Wednesday where she will remain for a time. Miss Hazel Marshall wilted at Willis', Allan Park for the 24m. Miss Ada Limiu. nurse in twining, Detroit,' is spending a few days with her parents. Mr and Mrs John P. Wbelan, of Hamilton, are holiday guests of his pm-nts here. f : _ Mr Nelson Mulvin, of London, was the guest of friends in town during the holidays. Mio Jessie I pital stMf, vi, Victoria Day. Mrs and Miss Bugs are spending over Victorih Day with relatives in ngham. H, ll, Miller. M. P,, was in towh on Wednesday free for awhile from his Ottawa duties. Mrs D. Campbell left for Welland on Monday, where she is planning, with her family, to reside. Mr Simon Young' spent over the 24th in Toronto. Mr Alex. Russell spent the 24th with his brother in Fergus. Mr Buzz, of Jackson, Mich., visited his mother and sister, last week end. Mr It, M. Wilson was home to Owen Sound for the holiday. Mrs. Geo. Wilson is spending the Victoria Day holidays with her daugh- ter Ida and other relatives in Guelph. Miss Annabel Saunders left Friday to spend the holidays in Toronto, Mrs Carlie and son Russell visited London relatives for a few days. Mr Jan. Bottle left to visit in Mor kokn Friday over Victoria Day. Mr P. G. L. Webster Vllited friends in London and Toronto but week and this. Mrs Jae. Lauder and daughter Miss Lizzie and Miss Margaret Munro spent. over the holidays mth friends in Toxonlo. Mr Jno, Brown visited in Mount Forest over Victoria Day. Mrs Jno. Kelly visited her son and other Toronto relatives over Victoria Day. Miss Annie MacKay. who bu been home a. couple weeks on the occasion of her grandfather's funeral, returned to Toronto Tuesday. Mr B. Oar'veth ‘speot the Nth hott. dars with Ortitu friends. Mr and Mrs Langley. Mt and In Donaldson, of Toronto, the Indie. daughbem of Mr Than. Stallow of this town, spent from Guards; till Tuesdny st their brother's home are. Mr and Mrs Donnldoon are returning n J an. tor a longer my. Mr. John A, Buck. Chosley,wun guest at the Review once over the week end and visited hi. "have. the Manydenunnd Turnlmlll also. On Monday he had some basins-sin connection with " Ttat here which sent. hem home with at action Mr. B. has now an nuanced position with the Km; ttrat in cued”. Mrs Rich. Boy, of Irletherton and daughter-in-hor, Mrs Boy, Jr., lo. rcuto, visited the firmer'. shter, Nu McDougall. - Mr Arch. Robertson spent over Vic- toria Day in the Queen City, Mr and Mrs Dean, Toronto, Are guests at present of the latter’u utter, Mrs Jonn Wright. . 'sie Munro. of Stratford hog. . vi,ited her home here over ”Alex. Ruséell, The Big Store, Durham qet-i:sps---s--e-a"See----sNet " 2 t WATCHMAKER JEWELER OPTICIAN 3 ovououwauwao j). Trade Event of Unusual Importance (ireat May Sale of Dry Goods, Groceries, Boots& Shoes, Hardware Paints ani, Clothing at prices that should fill the BIO STORE with anxious t.'y1 buyers. The following goods below will be sold at these prices while the stock lasts, hurry and secure the Bargains. _ 1Jhildren's Cotton Hose worth 1085150 for Ladies' fine Ribbed Hose worth 500 tor. . . . . Ladiee' Fancy Wrappers worth $2.00 for.... White Cotton 36 inches wide worth 100 for. . White Table Linen worth $1.00 yd for... . Unbleached Table Linen worth 450 yd for. . Ladies' Laced Boots & Oxfords worth $1.50 Men's Sack Suits, extra value, worth :3“ " Overalls worth 750 for. . . ' . ' . . . . 60thoektsworth8e tor....-...-- 1 case Klenzine Ammonia. worth 100 pkg for 4 lb Raisins, new fruit, worth 10c lb for. . . . 41b Currents, " " y 100 lb for. . . . Butter and Eggs taken in exchange at highest Prices. ALEX. ‘ RUSSELL, Durham Wedding Presents t t i-Si-d. I .Lt.” 'l-ie-ti, t” " T tth E i I I 't iM,ut q. ‘x (b l c. a", I." :Ur‘ vi- t a F " l ~‘IL L c ‘C " i, " P. G. A. WEBSTER li! hfoofs of our Spring m "tiiiiiiit Tailoring Special Orders Promptly Attended to Hardware and Paints at Actual Cost Price and 750 for. . . " line. Each Spring season shows us to the front with an attractive and distinctive stock of suitings. Present stock is no exception, unleu it is that it's bettes, We invite you to come and see it. You (fake is an artistic well fitting one it we arc 'our nylon. Our cutttomem are use as to what'e renaming and as to what wears well in the ti Tailored Clothes Watches, Clocks, Jewellery, Cut Glass Silverware, China, Ebony Goods All Wat, Any View " l Watches, Clocks, & Jewelery repaired same day as left in. 10 & Ilio for N 15 & 200 for tge MAY 27. 1909 . . . 98c tor 7.00 .. ' 59c . . . Se for " . . . Me .. . Me 33e I 19 " 69c Me

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