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Durham Review (1897), 3 Jun 1909, p. 9

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7% Dress Goods 5'2 Clothing " - ti'rt . 'tcrl,irj,cf'/ifrj',.'ri, fiwmam“ rm'cn'rs'"irie " H, _ ' f. ' We: ".11.? - " Qtr lite , - 19 1’3. 12-‘1-‘1 9-3 52‘ T"'"""""""'"'"': (' Fall Term Opens (is, _ August 30 'il on a Thorough Business Training cp()-e'rh'73'tf, ,7 (Clk" 71/0/51) "li/hw Hundreds of Young People are to supply the demand. 7 1rats and Caps Walkerton Business College 5‘; THE PE0PLE'S STORE Often the Cheapest New Shoes The End of the Bargains is Not Yet While the extensive purchase of The Burton Spence stock made by us holds out there are many fascinating bargains on sale. Each week brings its shipment and Something New. FLEMING. Principal, Owen Sound GEO. SPOTI'UN. Prim Spa! g ietieq.qq:e-.e.eaaqumNr:tF:F' JHta,4yoet9r"" 33mm loo . " tine ribbed Cotton Hose for girls and boys, reg- pmrs ular price 25c. Sims 1“"; to 9:4 for 15c I21c put, smaller sizes per pair...... ..... .... ..... 2 . Laulles' tine tlain cotton hose, full fash- I20 Pairs ioned and 1',a1',,',ale'lfi'e'e'to, reg 20c pr, on sale Ith: NO . Children's Hose, splendid value at dogble the pairs money. Sizes 6'.” 7, 7}; tor 9c per put, so gunner sues, pet pair.... .... .... .... .... .... ..... Large Tin Salmon.... ....10c Can Baking Ponedee.........6e Extracts.... .... .... ... .Sc Yeast Cake.... ...... .......4c Best Batting Molasses. can. 9c Bent 40c Black Tu...... ...EK 3oc Black Tea. .2tc 30c Japan Ten..23e 25c J39“ Tel..l9c Absolutely the Highest Prices for Butter and Eggs Sample Pairs Shoes goinglike HotCakes Grocery Specials for Saturday Black Voille i Special sale Muslims. Sat. at 8c yd 12ic White Cotton, Saturday at 9k yd About t OWEN .44 ginning- of tfrm H. H. MOCKLER Panamas ( Gingham Prints, This is a beautiful tine cotton, fine finish but no Ming, use- ful for almost any purpose; good "He value, Mo yds at 95c . reg. rice 65c ard, on sale A Voille Saturday at fe. ...... .... 47c yd Also Brown Voille and brown, navy gteen and black pan- ama at this price. " " Here is the lace to Regent Brand buy your pSpring Suit, whether you want ready-mades or made to order. 1lscse Clothes are cut and sewed perfectly, the style is permanent, due to the honest methods of making and the cxcellence of materials used. :mpcrial §h°¢s for ma. G Highest Prices forButter and Eggs. So ROBT. BURNETT a the " Three Special Hosiery Bargains airs left we assisted to s. Wrote for are now to P'lf " mm ml i Gm. Mail who wish to DRESS GOODS A fine stock of Patents, rial Shoes Tans and Dongbla Blue. ood line of Chocolate, tan & Oxblood for Women tho Muslim, Lawns and Organdies wl r. Btu' Mime“ wt Mt bl needed There's one for you at Wholesale price No cloth made to equal these for wearing and dust-shedding qualities. . New check gingham; fine even , weave and soft finish. Nice stock of true A large assortment of Spring Hats and Caps now on hand. s? Mm W. Stephenson. we us glad to Ir, hear. has recovered from a Ind ease 3&3“! Hood pouoning. a: We were glad to meet with Mr 9.iAn,uutr McDonald. South Glenda. who giremmm‘l ten days Ago from Alaska. s"'iiHe. has had many Meade and ex- irperieneme, but thinks none are better gitlmn the home ones. Ml Miss Maggie Hamilton of the lake, [ma secured a position in Mr Geo. Stirs. snn'a Ice cream parlor, ind being a urndunte o} the N. B. College. o. Sound. will no doubt be Attending to his books. periencel, but thinks none are better than tho home ones. The lwefnug is in tail Working order again. Mr W. Thompson Iguin the butcher. Mm Maud Hamilton was visiting her trierd, Mn hiattttry.in HoUtein, her trierd, Mrs 5iattttry.in Holstein. lnrt week, We are sorry to bear Mr Tlug, Duly Sn, hm been roorly lately. Mrs Urn. y, um; (nee M. J, Wslls) Arrived [mum with her chiidwn on a. vinit to her parents Mr and Mrs E, Walla. Arthur We": is also home hem Buffalo. Paine of women, " n "opped in wil. Dr. Shoop'l See full formula on Mud". rlnue & Co. North Egremont. head puma. or any '20 min: as sure, Pink Pain Tablets. 25e Always the Best Box J" I .,g r .5, er 'rVP.isisxtV an. "tr' W319» r w. Svld by 1&5 [il/i: lliti as: Tfi '"'.j,frl in: Tue Scotch Lecture held in Amos. .1116 new Dromore branch of the .r11"e'l'.,. on the awning ot May IIS [title Association hold thtsirfirtstpratttitte \us quite a uuccenu. Loads helm: good " Mr W Hume’s Satuldu , The and weuihur im’orubie. the church was! an e was 3'20 dc ik the "039's with mu filled, Rev. 'frrusmhtllwtstsuttir-l; fume so 'dgt . man. He opened the meeting all-i P I "' Humming the National Anthem which' y,'. Coleridge 86 W'. Hunter 80 was sung by all present. Mr lienmcki W. lame " Dr Buetuh 12-" then led in prayer. Rev. Mr ifriiiii? R. TWIN 82 cus. 1tarul 12 mm, Dnndalk was then called on to G, Fr'dlny 80 give his lecture on. His trip to Scot-i Quite " interest u being shown Mud. Before lravmg Canada the} with a proUbiltty, of more joining. The bt Map'e Leaf Forever " wee sung. tttest practieas will be held Friday a Mr Buchanan gave a molt instructiVe i 6 p. ta. and delightful lemme. bringing the ______., --- -.r-.r.e.- Mr Ramsge alto gave a couple ot Scotch mugs and on» ll'ibll A00“ as Mr Buchanan: took his audience. tlltongh the north of Ital-ad. The choir - a couple of selection. The lecture was closed by linging Daxology and payer. 'e place. Ind wanes In Scollnnd. vcry vividly Feforeus, Dunn; the lecture have“! Scolcu songs were mpg. Mum Emma McLean. Prieerille, was present Ind delighted .u with be! "we: maladi- uus voice. Miss McLean Ins was in Anno- before and it wan I "on to hear her again. Procudu of 0'0!)an unonntod to 931.10. Min Agnes Runnels. Nina: mm. is spending a vacation with her puma heré. Mr Colin Momma “tended Paco- gillo church Sunday evening. Rev. Mr King, Holouin. punched I gplendid nexmon in Arno: Sunday morn- mg. Eyotybody tonul' lawn though neod- mg. ginning potato" is the order of the y. Alias Maui. Mann. Yooyil. up.“ the 24th In her home hen. A numbo'r of the young men took in the spam in Dana-It on an 24th. The] report I good Mm. Ilia Sumo Enrich arrival homo Black Serge, 36 inches wide, worth 50c. 1 removal sale price.... .r.... .... .... . I Black and white shepherd 'e check. 36 ins. I wide, worth 506 removal sale price.... I Novelty black stripe Muslin. 27 in: wide I worth 20e removal sale price..... ... Navy serge. all wool 50 ins wide, worth90c I removal sale price.... ...... .. .. ..... l White spot Vesting. 27 ins wide, worth 15e 1 removal sale price ..... .. 'r" .. .... Novelty check Suitings 51 ins wide, worth l 90c removal sale price”... .. 'r..... Linen striped Muslims, 27 in wide, worth 20e ' removal gale price.. .. .. .... .... .... . White spot Cashmerettes 30 ins wide, worth ' 180. removal sale price .. .... .. .... .. Light and dark Prints, 33 ins wide, worth 1 Inc remand sale price.... .... .. .... Light Muslins (Fancv) 30 ins wide, worth 153 removal taleprico...,. .. .... .... .... .. Wrapperettes 27 ins wide worth 10c, removal sale price.... .... s... '... ...... .. ..... White Budspreads worth L50, removal sale price-. ...... .... .. .. .. .. .... ...... White Comma 30'. ins wide, worth 100, remo- vulole price.. .......' .. .... .. " ..... Cheek Ginghams 36 ins wide, worth 12“ to l 159, removal sale price... .... .. ...... THE LAST CALL Big Removal Sale ANNOTmCEhEN'r-To the People of Durham and surrounding country, we wish to state that on Saturday, June 5th, we commence our Big Removal Sale Our Stock has been broken, but many necessary'lines have been replaced, such as Gloves. Hosiery, Prints, Muslins, Shirtings, &c. PRICES have been cut to sum low PRICES, that, in the interest of yourself and family, it will pay you to attend this sale as often as possible. until we leave Durham. Below are a few of our prices; Come and see the lower Prices. Summer Parasol: at Cost-Beauties ALEX. RUSSELL, Tllllii MI STORE 25000 lbs. of Wool Wanted ; Highest Prices paid, Cash or Trade, Bring your Butter and Eggs to this Sale ; Highest Prices Paid. Dromore. Dress Goods 25000 lbs.- WOOL WANTED ; Highest Prices paid, Cash or Trade. Bring your Butter and Eggs to this Sale l Highest Prices paid r'i_4rrcR9?3,', Mr Rom Reuwick Jr., has been laid up this week with an “Luck of grip. I The new Dromore branch of the I ttith, Association hold their first practioe HE Mr W. Hume's, Satuldny. 'r/e 'x in getting an. suns only In a fit I In for cultivation this week. which will be sown with toms kind of unit: or roots timt will suit for late purposes. 'i5TtTaRR5 AReR TORONTO trom Toronto last. week to lumber who ha! been ill. The weather but taken : decided change and now the good wnrm sum war has put in Ippeannce making everything look benutilul to behold. Craps no Winning to look well. all“ and meadow tuhh, seldom ever hrl I better appelnnce at this time ot you. Not the 81st any. Low had. ware We no sorry to hear of Me Johnf Kichol'a Sn. Illness u be in tsonihsed to bed now foe mm mm but we hope to} but of him gaming better "Cut soon, I - Visitors from anonm, Alex hleDon. 3 my" ""Y.: . . iuddtromoueiptt Cbu.Conkeynnd|iuor Thet hlisseis Selma and .15“. {crummy of this pine, Iron: V-neouvor Tnmx spent . Irleortutt "WW! ' B. th " Oliver " bin (aunt's It: week " the home of Mr. And Mn F. ttil Oliver“. Analgesin. tre tlate Shave". tttine ies om" " “e um biggie Manley of norm am" In ll h 'eespttttil couch [in . . . . ' Glen-lg and an Paid" In Nahum spent Sunday with ber trietd, I. to - D m, Con Johnna. . Douuld McDonald, Incl-or. Jon I fine mu. Ind font last Ink which man: nearly a. couple of hundred dollars to him. The 24th was keg! quiet hero Noth. ing doing some slung and most It their and work, THE DURHAM REVIEW 'i','..".".'.'".?.' 150 ,worthBOc Mc 1t.r.u.rt.'.1 Kc m??? 15c .i(.1.e.wort:l'1 14C 111;; gag.) 10c f"? 11lc Priceville '.' Ne lik lie itt we Inc-r 10 good Solid Tweed Soils worth 7.50, sale pr. . .5.85 15 fine Tweed Suits striped effects. worth 811.048 25 Tweed Suits well-mude‘warth 10.00, sale pr 7.00 ésummer Suits 2-piece. well-made, worth $11. .7.35 10 Rairutoata, worth 7.50, sale price. . .. .... . . .3.98 10 Rziincoats worth 14.00. sale price. . .. .. .. .. .9.98 50 prs Overalls, worth 75e to 1.00, sale priee.50e up 25 prs Men's Pants, worth up to 4.00, sale pr. 1.48 up 50 Boys' Suits well-made worth $3 to 4.00 for. ..l.98 Odd and Panes Vests for men and boys.. .. .250 up Men's Balbriggan Underwear....at wholesale cost soo pkgs Washing Ammonia, 10c for.. .. ... ... 4bottlca best. Extract, toe size for.,.......... 4lbabegt 10eRaiiuufor....,................ 2bottlea10eshoes Poliishfot.................. 100 cans lik Ocean Wave Baking Powder, can. 7 barsComfortSoapfor...........4.......... 3lbs.best50cBlackTeafor................. Spices ofall kinds tyt.. .. .. ........Big Reduc1 All the newest colorings and designs, mRolls to be cleared oat an .. .. ...... . ..HALF PRICE Mr Wm Ives In: Tres purchued . handsome driven. Loo I like bul- inet Billy. -, -- A - Mr. and Mrs. J Btemvrt spent Sun- day " the home of the lumen”: broth. er, Mr McIntyre of Domoch. . Mr. and Mrs, T. J. Shun“ Vinita! the tatter'e home in Owen Sound toe a " dnyl lat week. Mrs. J one. umrnod on Monday to her home in ldnho after an unwed mm with he: menu. Hr. 3nd Mm, Dnruntt Ganglion. -- - Mr. Fred Buy out Baud: . Crawford friends. " , "a! Tht, Asa-mm at Anemeum and Glou- " met one any Ins' week ior the purpo-o of tqualiziug Union S. S. So. 12, Anemrm'n sud Gleuelu. Adorned: lids is $68 in the hundred and Glenda 82 in ths hundred or 68-100 and 82-100. Mr Mnlcolm McInnes moved to the Gravel Road again last week after spending; a coup'e of you" n resident of llm town. - There is a Inge quality of wood " the sawmill cut up from club: lo we “me! “(9:34le bath?!) out winter. The Ru. Mr Kipp cull hold payer mentions um week in McCunig'u School Home on Wedueany bud Thom!” eveningu. :Angun “would ht ho spent the [at two yen; in Alaska In the add " fitting mills came home lo the south line about a couple of web- Mo and Intenda to may now " nouns (in. It lust. . Dactor MeArumr bu his Dentistry ready and now prepared to attend to all in need of his service. _ Ci1MIEEi] Groceries Wall Papers Clothing Welbeck At .......,...i.CO Big Reductions 250 "E. 15e k,--- _ P Te We have all the proper regard (at the latest way of conduct- ii: the “Cf! Furnishing bus- im and a visit to out - - 250 pr: Ladies' Oxford: and Slippcrs, wm-zh . upto L50..........,,...s.,..... . _ 50 pairs Ladies' fine 8th Cali Bals worth 2.25. sale price.. .. .. .. .. .. ...... ... 50 min Patent Ladies' Oxfords worth up to3.50. sale priee-.... .. ._.. .. 25 pair white Canvas Ladies' Shoes worth upw1.50, sale price... .. .. .... ..... 25 pair Ladies' Grain Belts, worth 1.5.3, "tieer..--..--...---. 50p“! Children's Dots, Shoes and tennis thou. including fine & heavy qualities 50 pr Men's Box Calf, worth 500. sale pr 50 pr Men? Dunno]: and Box Cult. worth 2.50 and 2.75, sale price.. .... ..rt.. 25 pair Boys' Grain Shoes. uorth1.50. sale 25 pr. lion's wine Alligator Slippers, worth 90ts,isalepriee...... .......... .. .. ... 50 Pick Handles Worth 35e for.... .. .. _ _ . F :3. 10 steel Spades worth 85c for. m.. . _ . _ .'.'c Poultry netting. Door Knots. Locks, Glass. Hinges. Bolts. Chisels, Suva, Wringcrs. Kettles, Knives & Mel will be cleared at actual Curt to umqu'M-tun- All 00- lon in will moving: you Boots & Shoes Paints and Varnishes H. A. BURNETT Eton Hardware THE LAST CALL The Men's Man JUNE 3, 1000 at wla rule © Tlic lal 2.50 1.00 139 49c 3.98 2.19 1.19 65c s?f Ttte REVIEW VOL. XX DOW Ton“; will a about orBe vmuuz bard Nh to )R

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