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Durham Review (1897), 3 Jun 1909, p. 1

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E 50c to Jan. I l9l0 Ttik REVIEW, DURHAM, ONT iiriiiiiiiiiiraiiiiiuax mammgmxg - - l. a M iri _"--" i'fi New Linen and Linen Suitings g VOL. XXXII, N0. 22 (I Pi; bil Butter and Eggs wanted,-hUhest prices R a 'X 11233 xxxxxxxiaitragataissiiegsl=rlM4 To unv dam. in Canada. we" will sand THE REVIEW from now to Jan. I, 1910 (almost ' months) for tio com; Tale ad- vanume of thin remarkable otter or no that your friend or neigh- bor does Ito. NOW in the time. New Summer Goods New White Waists in the new styles For years we have had a. reputation for fine laces & sunbriideries at reasonable “prices This season more than sustains it. We never had such a variety of beautiful laws as otubroideries---wo can’t desribc them but We know you’ll like them. NEW SUMMER WEIGHT HOSE New Tan hone for children and Ladies- plain and lace front, Krc to 25e per pair New lace tun. “rt-y. 50c pr. Nineteen hundred Dollars worth Fine Solid Gold Rings, Tie F Cuff Links and Crosses bought by us at 59 cents on the Dollar. They are on display in our Jewelery window and will be sold FOR TEN DAYS ONLY AT LESS THAN REGULAR WHOLESALE PRICE Come and see the most wonderful Bargains in fine High-class Jewellery ever placed in a window in Canada. I For Ladies, Men, Girls, Boys and Babies. Hundreds to choose from-come early while the choice is great. Every ring and piece of Jewelery in this "i/eat" Sale fully guaranteed. Those are fresh new waists, trimmed with handsome embroideries, tucks and lace, long pointed sleeves, prettily trimmed, new Gibson Collars to match, $1.50 to $1.75 ll, B. 1iil1fll & SUN New Laces and Embroideries James Ireland onderful Jewellery Opportunity Ankle hose, black tine lisle thread, Rings MI.! M?? we; ia, 's .5%! 9a D: Good thread, fast, Muck shaped ankle 2 or for 2Gc. They're here In big wui. ety-rltwe, emhroidered and trhiwkr-eottott and cashmere --26e, to Coe. a pr. A SPECIALin Mack HOSE 2 PAIRS FOR25c MENS FANCY HOSE Td t Quintin] 1e eins, paid 'rhl/iusvmw to New Subscribers, for the Balance of the Year, only 50 cents. The College ale Quartet. will am: at Men's Manna n t Sunday alternoon 1n the Baptist Chute at 4 o'clock. All men welcome. Do t'sot fail to are our huge slack of Summer Millinery. Miss DICK BARK WANTtsD--V rds of Hem- lock hark wanted tor which highest price will be paid. T. SMITH Henworth, to encourage tree plant- ing gives a bonus 0115 us. a tree, pro. vided the tree leafs the second season. Ipyr.--esouth Arnican the dollar gold piece with piece of watch chain attached. Large reward by bringing “me to - _ .. Furnished room to let. Apply to box N, Durham, R0. Prospective June Brides or their friends should order their wedding cards at once “on: the REVIEW 0tttee, Gaul and get samples. Variety in type and cards and price right. H. A. Burnett's ne Tailored Bum. unel Suits are dallyg _ ingfayor in the eyes of critical dress . An ex- perienced cutter in char Leave your order in now for Um 'ulmuer sun. at a district, meeting of the Metho- tist, church in Owen Sound. Mr. Jam Montgomery of Artemesiu, who for- merly modelled here www- examined and curuiully ruomuwhded for the ministry. The Standard ank pays interest on Sayings Bank posits from date of deposit to date' of wuhdvawal. Every dollar of the ieposit earn: interest for every day reumins on deposit. Rev. Dr. Duval, Winnipeg, Moder. ator of the General Assemhly. which is meeting this week in Hauulwn will um be able lo attend as his wife died on Monday. This is a new situation and will call forth the sympathy of the Assembly. Ducn IN MitaDgtAY,--0n Monday mowing. Messts Frank and Jan. Lena. han received " sad telegratu announc- ing that their father had died in Mild. inay that mowing. They left on the noun train Monday and me renmining until "ft t' the funeral, which will probably he to-day, Wednesday. LECTURE m PitIcEvILi.E--On Thurs- day, 10th June Mr. J J Tilley, Inspect- or of Model Schools will lecture In Priceville hall on “So-nu changes“) our School System." Mr. Tllley is a clear. and capable speakel and thor- oughly conversant with school law and school problems. Admission free AN ocTooE.NAruAx.--Lvst week's Gall. Reporter records the death of Mrs John Johns-(m. who at one tune was a resident of Hentinck, and whose huslmnd was killed mmrlhwky Sau- gven “mm 40 yours ago. The old Inlv fur many years u..ed to Visit Mr Jun. lt. Clark an old umghlmr who had rendered her nun-h kindness, She leuVes one mm. her only child who is a respected titozen of Gulf. AUTOMOBILE Accmxxr. - Monday last two of the Harrison Bros., North Egremnnt. were thrown funn their buggy and the buggy smashed. owing to the fright of their horse at an ap- proaching automobile. An o, sound outfit for some days has been parad- ing our streets, sometimes at uniimely hours, as on Saturday evening when many horses were tied at the curb. A useful purpose may be served-training our horses to the " Dvvil-wauoron." Fun BETTER O. SUI’ND CONNECTION. --At a recent meeting of Owen bound council and Board of Trade, the matter of spruring better connection with i the DurGm--wnlkertort branch of the C. P, R. was under discussion. It was decided that. the Railway Com. mime should correspond with the C. P. R. with a view of having a morn- ing ttuin from SAIIRQ‘PD Junction to Owen Sound. A train leaving the Junction for the north on the arrival of our morning train there would have any amount of time toteach Ownn Bound, return again and make con- nection at the Junction with our noon train going west. This future would greatly convenience passengers for the north, as it would entirely elininnte the 3 to 4 hour wait at the Junction, for morning trains at least. MARATHON RAcaNu,--Some of out-l beet dinlnm-e runnerd met in a contest I for supremw‘y on the Exhibition track I l-tst Sunrduy evening in a. 5 mile race. I The contestants have been 'in the| running' art spring and consequentlv lurnished a good exhibition. Doward Henry of Egremont won by a few feet after»- hard struggle with Ted Vic-ken. , Roy Vickers gaining 3rd place, and' Mr Irish. teacher . at Allan's. 4th. I Rev. Mr Dyhes, of Vurney, did not} rare. or he might have surprised the group. 20 minutes was the time for the 5 miles, but right here we may mention the half mile lap is atriflts short, bringing the distance under l the ii mile limit. At the 5 mile race l in Markdale Victoaia Day. Judge Wldditteldu eon proved himself a worid.treater, winning in 24 minutes and some few seconds. The time appears very short. but most probably it was the track. ' 'mlisiANl)AR0 BANK Build Up A Reserve Now P. G. A. \VEBSTER, vaeller. mum OF CANADA mu] OneDoll-rmdupwnrdl -urttomlseitlora-tii Begum. . " ”W BRANCH ’“hwom .. _ mMA‘l‘W. Now.whieyowwliumaiogood.whynotcoommdi intoaCaAReservethatwil1, oa,iiel0e-eteneefoeiAlaee? _ Yoyeaneasilrdoitlsr tea-N! tleitintr a we!!!” DURHAM, THURSDAY. JUNE 3, 1909. ONTARIO . ARCHIVES TORONTO Dott't tail to hNN. Wright sing at the [en's meeting Baptist Church next Sunday afternoon at A o’clock. FOCND.-A Chain of Keys. This cake. The Standard Bank pays interest on Savings Bank deppaita from date of deposit to date of withdrawal. Every dollar of the deposit earn: interest for every day it remains on deposit. Buy your field md garden seeds from Matthews * LaOner, A Nttw OcrthT.--Metmra Lenahan and McIntosh have v',piev".u%,'ghttvf, a fine driver and buggy. hey have also secured and renovated a delivery Waggon and will henceforth be in a better position to handle their largn furniture trade and deliver direct lo customers' homes. A very happy and pretty wedding was eomiumGted at the home of the hlide‘e parents. Mr and Mrs T. G'rasby McClinion's Corners. south of town, last Wednesday, May 26, when their eldest daughter, Funny May. became the wite of Mr Thos. Johnston of Eg- remont. Almost loo guests were pre- sent to witness the happy event, the ceremony being performed at 6 p. m. by Rev. Mr Jmnieson on the verandah under a bridal arch. Miss anie Johnson, sister of the groom. Msisted as bridesmaid, while Mr Herb Vollett “My qupported the groom throughout. the ordeal. ln-ide looked charming, attired in crepe-de-chene. wearing a satin sash, and carrying a. bouquet of carnations. The ceremony over, a. bountiful supper was served, to which full justice was done at all tables. and to close the event, the large autsettitoly spent a pleasant evening In games and music. The lumpy couple have taken up resi- dence on his hum. gud Cum. Egre- mnm. amid umny good wishes from friends in which the REVIEW also heartily joins. Artta,raat Eccms. Very suddenly, on Tuesday 25th May, as we hrictiy announced last week, the call came to Mr Wm. Eccles of Egretuunt, one of the oldest men in the district. having reached the use of 87 years 8 mos. For some years he had made his home with his daughter, Mrs Pete! Reid, Jr., on the 16th Gon- cession, 0n the day of his death his sun James had been, at Homtein and calling at his sister's nil the way home he proposed to his father to come on home With him to spend a few days. The invitation was accepted and all went well, none dreaming death was at the doo.t. Before retiring James looked into hit, tather'e hedruutu. and 'dtuisng him lying too near the edge of the hell, suggetittNt to him at mute comfortable position. In trying to get this he suddenly gave a ugh and expired wtthuut a Struggle, the lunch- Inery of life worn out. "'(Vu‘iiiénr away by her father. to the newmpuniment of the wedding march plqyed As. M_iss Mamig Mounrtiru. the Deceased was born in Lough Nengh, near Derry, Ireland. and emigrated to Canada. about 1849. Four years after coming to the countr’vI he married. in Esquesing. Miss Mart a Mullen, ann- tive of Tyrone. Five years ago they celebrated their golden wedding anni- versary. Mrs Eccles died four yrs. ago. To them were born six sons and two daughters ., one daughter, Mary, (Mrs Adam Brown) died many years ago. Martha. (Mi-n Peter Reid), James, Wil. limo, Joseph, David, Major Samuel are All at or near home. Mr Eccles was umongst the pioneers of the New Survey in Egremont. and was highly respected as a man of un- bending integrity and tine socmhle, neighborly qualities. He was active In church work. took an interest. in the Sunday School and was for years an elder in Amos Church and had the pleasure of seemg just three weeks he- tore ho died, the mantle of the elders ship tall on ttht son James. His place in the sanctuary was seldom vacant if m health. His funeral on Thursday last was a tribute to his memory. Years ago he had asked Rev, Mr Campbell. now of Mom-elleld. at that time his pastor, to _ preach his funeral sermon, Tttr/se. a text that had been used " lie (Mr Ecclea’) father's funeral, Rem“: 13. Mr Campbell Was able to iu1ti1 b'i1tg.'."'i"t,'. and was (resent usistmg l ev. Mr Kendall. accused's punter. in the hurialeelviceu. The six suns acted as pull-bearers; and to them and to the sister and other relatives will be ex- tended sympathy in the sepnmlmn, l while there is room for rejoicing that te entered into his rest without a l struggle and in a hale old one. Truly i"he rents from his labor! and his 1 works do follow hing.” As I have pure sad the mill " Almdeen from J. Crawford, lam in a IN sition to do all inds of custom .aling'. I ... I I " -..v....,.. The highest pnce will paid for all kindl of Loss during ue winter. A good lot of Shingles for to chesp to onyone who will buy them ere. N. MC "nun. Durham, MarAh, 1009 Johnston-Grasby Nuptials Aberdeek Saw Mill. The Roll Call. Itgittt). Commencingl Baptist. Church, Wed. nesday em. June and. Beginning wi Wednesduyevening the Woodstock College itj"gr1l1t Band under th leadership o o. U. Chapman will c mmence their cam- Wt') in the Bapt t Church, Durham. he Band is an or nnizstion of College students who have lone effective work in v'llt"'ll places ring the College year. r W N w ’ght an impressive gospel singer will e with the Band and willsing at eve y service. The Charge Male Quarte te. whose work is stature of the me lug will also be with the band and tsi at the services. The Ingersol aper- in speaking of the work of the grind sit I "The Wood. stock College Evange istic Hand con- ducted the services ll the Baptist Tabernacle yesterday, At both morn. ing and evening servic ' able and in- structive addresses we e given and the Band Quartette gave several must acceptable renditions hich were much appreciated by the huge audiences present. It is eldom that such an organization ore es such a. favorable impression as tit this band in Ingersoll yesterday. " doubt they will be welcomed in lo I circles at anytime in the future." Everybody, re ardleicq of reed or religion, is cu'ii'ili'ly' and earn stly in. vited to “(tend these nervic s. A song service will he held eve eye- niturtroiuutencmg at7i5. Don tor. get the date. Cummencing. w nes- duy evening, June 2nd. Every eve- ning except, Sulmduy. Friday last the local sequel to the big Missionary Congress in Toronto took place and a meeting tor men only, undenominutionnl, to consider the great. question of Christian Missions, came " very successfully. seeilig it had not the adventitious aid of a ban- quet, so genevaily being resorted to in the (ampuixn. The speakers adver- tised were Loth duly on hand, Meson A E Armstrong and J D tsalconbridge of Toronto, the former teecretary of the Presbyterian Foreign Mission Board, the latter, a legal gentleman of the Anglican communion. Both men are in love with their subject and give their time freely to advance their Masters cause. The afternoon meeting for women was. us Mr. Armstrong renmiked. a unique way to begin ll man'e move- ment but the joint committee recog- nized that the devoted women work- ere of Durham were entitled to a tshare of the good things going and to ll]? stimulus, that discussion gives lathe work they have for long been almost exclusively engaged in. So a goodly number turned out and heard two in- spiring addresses. . . , Mr. Armstrong dealt with the orignn. growth and work of the Wont. en's Societies. the Students‘ Volunteer Movement, the Young People's move- ment and last the Laymen's Miasinn- my movement from whwh much was expected. Mr. Fnlmnhlidge touched on the needs of the world and the pos- sihilities of giving it the gospel in this generation. - _ - . a A number of ladies from the town choiln gave appropriate musical selec. tions, accompanied by Mrs Newton on the piano. The pianu was one of the famous Mason and Riuch Instruments kindly procured through their agent here, Mr John Snell. The evening meeting of course was the chief event. and slowly. hut grad- ually. the seats filled up with earnest men, till the hall had a full appearance (hung!) a good many more could have been accommodated. The chair was occupied afternoon and evening by Mr. C. Rmunge, Chair- man of the joint Committee of the Churches that organized the meeting". On behalf of the committee. he improp- riutely welcomed the. speakers and hoped the inspiration) derived from their presence would lead on to great er things. A male their at the open- ing of the evening meeting tttled the audience lo join in the Miisiinmry hymn. " From Gleenlund's Icy Moun- tains." and sew-ml times during the evening contributed thorns", elc., Mr. R. MacFarlane newmpanying at thttpuulo, _ - _ A .. Mr.. Falconhridge hoped that, all would be swept into the current as he and others had been. There was only two wayu of looking at the great com- mand, either obey it or reject it, These western lands owe their standing orig~ inally to missionary effort of “leftist. Paul was the first Layman and ems Christ now as ever w-ta either " Lord of all or not Lord at ull." The scheme to evangelize the world m this gener- nuon was not too big if we have faith and he used some telling illustration- to illustrate his point. Mr. Armstron lefernng to the streamer with tge motto bF His Do. minion shall be from sea to sea and f: om the river to the ends of the earth," gave an interesting account of how l this text furnished Stimuli; with itl l title. At Confederation the "fathers" had to ttnd a name for the new aggre- gation of provmces: to "Kiuttddicr' ind " Commonwealth " there Were ob- tet',", :the mutter Wu left over and ir Leonaer Tilley that ni ht opening his Bible saw the text mills - Cana. on in the future extending from sea to l no: and from the river St Lawrencew the pole, and next day .. Dominion " mu adapted " Pluinenlly suitable. It behooved ulthen toee that Canada. woe kept on His Dominion and he dwelt on the problem of the mindle- tion of the numerous immigrants we were receiving. to hold Cumin for fleet,", Riithteousmets.. It mu a Brrst n any tones that our Home Mir. oion work In vigorous. Revival Meetings Going Abroad he said th» proxies! l of China was a menace to the world l unless C'hristianiBed. Dreadnouuhll can nevrr keep the peace of the world --Chrut can. The Pacific wu'now . connecting link between Asian and Americn. our opportunities Were from. And on would be out responslbl idea. Open doon in other puts of the world invited unto enter. and there was need of men. and money, nod more men to give money for the ttreat effort 9! tending the 30% to the world in thie mention. succe- of the home church, will be mused, the more“. you into Imus. - Mr. Wm: i. I ttstent speaker, - cum-hi- can...“ who” The Laymen's Meeting TN At the close A resolution was intro- duced by Mr Alton which secured the endorsntion of the meeting tothe work of the Lumen and another motion by Dr. Furquluuon continued the joint committee in existence f t future " to: t. At both meetings the clergy of the town wen- present and gave brief welcoming and errhortatovy words. Votes of thanks to the speakers) and the choirs, the duxology and the bene- diction closed A tine meeting. 45M?" charm: heading the O B. _.- ' -' "‘""~' """""' ver iser t s l e “or of the with- Mrs Borne u . drawn by .the Crown 3f the serioue week to Victi't 2,rrd2gtr,"flr,lhlt.' charge satin-t Mr. Arthur Del-gavel Caldwell, at Dauphin Mun , . ot Domoch. to which we referred lut . ' ' week. " common with a bout of Ar John Oliver 1.d., P, B, on attd his Dornoch friends we congratulate the sister Nre'l‘uriier visited at his cousin's TIll') I'll)!" heartilyI on the Vindication I" Alex. Nevin, one day last week. o isc uracter. tseeins incredible , ' 2t,2',ti'U, not: “is! gr11 limit dt tld f,'NUitlde3'it'i'i/: 'tttl, pici as [Ii eich as one , . . ' . . . and even my“! her motive '. to injure Chosen Friends in Toronto this weeks. the young man in the eyes of another Mr Roht, Bcott left for Umtowel on young lady. The story of the dance Wednesday where he will he Itayimz and drive home was made out of for tive or six weeks, taking in the whole cloth, as Dan-gavel says he was "at" part of the ttttte. 13 miles away at the time, and never Mr and Mrs John D-‘Vsdale how at any time wasin hereon) en alone. taken up residence, in iiiiiiiiiod It: It . appear. that at the it'.'d of the having accepted in good offer fro rl,',', child she accused a Uhatsworth man tirm he formerlv worked w tlt m Tttt as her betrayer. and now her yolun- ' . I . tary falling back on that “WV coni- Dr. lurk. Hamilton. and is friend ttet exoneratee young Duguvel. yotored to Durham on l uesday. He he Advertiser any: t f if"?! Tie my lit: mother .and sistpi l “The. arrest of Arthur Dar a e t . , a In "mung itttepvietwtt _ Dornoch. last week on ts:',,':,,'),',',':':,?,','?,,,',',', with beugeen trout. turned out to be a. wrongful accusation Mime Jessie' "unter visited hot hroth, gm? the you" man was honorably ac- or Will in Hamilton during the ' (“glued when the case came up yester- (oria holidays. Dr. and Mrs Pu1sets all! t1T2'/titet,tt G"",', Menmee " ly, joinied lllPtll‘ifil: Toronto (m Moth wee g rematt . a uni visite "e large attendance at the c3558 :3an y t f" uds there. them many trieuds of the Giiiiia' Y.t's Thou. Methinh left Tuesday lul' who is a yOung main of good ch“ utter DiMe.v, lam-lg: where she will Pay an and evidently a. general favorite. His attended visit to her parents. Mr and arrest was made by Detective ltehurn 1'2 A. Little SY., Mud hey ”mm." on the strength of the story told Ly am and Arch. of the same plarv. Miss Bleich but when the detective Mr Keith Newton left on Moudav t sought to obtain evidence I“ to “WIjoin ageologii-al Survev party “ll-I1 (l alleged crime he was entirely unuhle 1 for Texada Island Hi Stu-h. l‘olui I n to obtain such .md eventually the girl between "ii//'/.'diiUr Id. and the 1'l'i',"/ acknowledged herself mitttatien in her land. He will he alrslutt the summer tl'lt,',"e,'l tl'tot Darrel-1m] win the in... months. a " er. t, tir t in'l _ was refused forglhirgnvel and hesspenll Mr "sa, Mrk. Robert-on. of the two days in ty, but when the k'tbtbt' _ MM‘Lean Triyilut'rtels “up in town was found to ie weak he was released over the wee-kw", trr.iirv.ityt the tisdt, on 62000 hail. When the case came it”: and the folk of his old llilllll'. lb. up yesterda A. G. McKay K C a _ in a Welcome guest ll" ls-ttaus, tin ltr,'.".'),",." the defence and ’l B airing, rriuentt,' sake. . h, or t e rosecution akin withl Mia o . "s _ t . Crown 'ar/d,','.,,,','; Armstrong. g The ( o.hg,gg"terto'pi:'aypiel1vt'tid' '/, 'l case did not proceed further however. l Winnipeg and Lyletony “emitting ll' than for the Crown to ask that the in. Dakota points 'l‘hev'will " 'll' “I. formation be withdrawn and the de- for two months anion I tri Ci,', I",.,",','), feiidiint was found to he wrongfully relatives there " t I h Ht) accused and there was not a particle . of evidence against him. I'o this Mr. Rev. Mr Jatnitso" haul the honor McKay suggested acquittal and the after n close contest, of living appoint- Itiagiltrate winked the illforiiiatioii ed delegate from this district to the Withdrawn and added thereto the Methodht Stutioning 1'ortuetittee, words Honorably Discharged; briefly meeting in Braiitl'ord. and left Mon. expressing his regret that curl. a Bets day to attend. Mr Jamieson'" term tout charge, had been wrongfully laid here expires the end of June. whence against an innocent Demon. 13artrt". he will proliahly be stationed in Pal. et 8 friends crowded around him to menu)" shake his hand and express their grai- ' -_-_- _ -- stile??? “this being "h'l'.l',itt'g, vio- I f" 7' A V __ --_wr-'"' --r-- IO. e n t e matter. tea M eictt,i who was also in court, presents a very{ BAND PROGRA M, JUNE 3rd I an“ on . U“... [Lnul inninr Hi. It',') lonelv given himself to this work. th ho never nre tuied with enthme hum over the central idea of the "Movement," “The gospel to the whole world in this generation " one of the momma on the Wllll. Other mouoea were "Thy Kingdom Come," "Go ye into all the wotld" "One " our Master tun Ch! in. all _wr un- augm- i"iirrviiriicii, .1301me generation WE can reach." em. _ youthful appe"antre THE ANNUAL MEETINH above Institute ll hr held To“ Mat Durha- at LN p. In. The ele ion of OMcers to: the ensuing your w: he held. plu- ces ot meeting uppmnl and general business transacted. tel business an address will be gwen I MR. H. H. LED] cw l Lecturer in Economies. lario Ag. College. Guelph, upon br EL nannies In tendon to agrivulturv." In ely along the lines of trii-operTtion u plied to farming. Mr [threw has made tt special study of Ihisqueslion ud will be nble to give uome very int sting information and as thte is a n sull- tit? ofdiscussiLon at [farmers In: In“: JWLUI ul‘iuuvlvuu 'v‘ - v.- ...--V _"-' itis hoped that a [use numhe will be present to he" an able and I Irr- eating presentation of it by Mr Le ew . Wo-cn‘s Institute The Annunl Meeting of the W0 . en'tr Institute will he held in the Low er Hall at Put"f d?te M. 2.3! p m. I IAN Gd jnvired wl stilute or not. é;;}§{ndv, members Ind others. we invited to he present And take part in the discussion. DAN EDGE. GEO. BINNIE, Edge Hill, Pres. Runes-m. Bee. Published Weekly a 01.00 0 you. s th Grey Farmoegs’ Institute Tuesday, J ulte 8, and surplus -.-- SG.350,000 $34,000,000 Commercial and savings accounts solicited and best terms offered. l Honorably Acquitted v V Pe_et"d -- - A. a. PRESTON. tun-tor WA”. arm - an THE BANK FOR THE PEOPLE ovB..tJit.tLdl' lihtyScn TRhllEjllts . BANK ----- Fi------- 'aiiiiiirGGsurk in! In- at Canada INCORPORATED 1885 of the in the The Yellow Label 1115 REVIEW, DURHAM ONT lens the (have which on sub- oclanlion In: been pan. Our In . "an.“ thid unkem- meted up to due. " you“ to not correct. kindly notify In " once. We tttSuk sll who lave renewed the put few weeks but than as yet Pet other: we wut, to but from a,” If I. A. Hurd- Ipo-nt n few Guys at home during the week. Iiu Anni.- hvine In. visiting her friend. in Toronto but week. In D Jumluun left on Monday to spend a few weeks on Toronto Island. In C. Ilclnnoo of [kinks trpent the 24m n. Mr Dunun Me omudu Priceville. Rev. A, A. Dice “tended the Rural Deanery of Grev meeting in Shel- burne lust Monday. In. Fnrquhu-con attended the W. F. M. B. Pmbyterinl meeting in Uiitrord I“! Thursday. Mr Brad Jamie-on In! accepted a position on the Medial stat! of Dr, Groves' liorpital, Fergus. In Buchnnun, of Clifton Sprin I. N. Y., in visiting an. tterhuheru, gr Jno. Veuie. Rocky Sumo. Mr John Oliver M. P.. B. 0.. And his sister In Turner visited in his cousin's In Alex. Nevin, on. day last week. Mr Rom. Scott left for Lialowel on Wednesday where he will he staying for the or six weeks, hiking in the rues part of the time. Mr and Mrs John Drvsdnle have taken up mudence In llnmilmn Le having accepted I good offer from the tirm he formerly worked wuh. Dr. Park, Hamilton, and a mend motored to Durhnm on Tue-May. He is a guest. with his mother And rdster and [In bud interesting inwrviewa with Baum brunt. Mitre Jessie Hunter viuted het lrroth. er WIII in Hamilton during the Ihr. (orm holidays. Dr. and Mrs PwLets ing joinedlhpm in Toronto on Mon. dly and visited friends there, Rev. Mr Jatuivtsott had tite honor the" n clow- (mule-r1, of being appoint - ed deli-glue from (his diutrlcl hillw Methodist thcioning Committee. meeting in Brnuttord, and left Mon- daymutend. Mr Junie-mf- term here expires the end of J une. whence he will protuurty be stationed in Pal. mmlon. Mo John Morrison and Miss Helen Crimean left I1sesday morning for Winnipeg and Lylelnn. Mattitotsts and nukom points. They will he ailment for two months among lrirnds und Bummer Millinery We have at patch.“ a largo clock of {lilhnmy at a price. All June we will urll uur Roads M. the out reasonable prices ever heard t in Durham. The 31-! Rent. Baud, uudt-r (In direction ul linndnlunu-r GU. “'ruth tslll render the following [mumm- Thursday evettiug, June 3 an " p. m. on Gunfruxn HI. I MAtetm--West, Poinl cadets . Beyer 2 ovemrmtrr--.sy Flower. Lulu p". 3 "ttck-Our SpeciaL . . ' . .Jo'wrll 4 rurvsaurr-Vc4urttttv. .. LMferty 5 Ihr-tat-Twilight. Hum-.Ihplv} tr iiikLrka--Twirwhr"Houv.l a HAMH. - Auumic City Illutr, . F _ H 7 lawn VALUE. - slum-1y 8 MArtctr-rhe Thunder Bolt C. SAILOR t SON. PIIII'III an Pqmta-t" All the ltleat styles in Leghorn. Neapolitan. Lingerie and have Hm. Any ammunl of little Girls at“ at mnurLuhly low puiceu in about. Luce Straw. chip tad on. Three down bushy hon- not; in all styles. Flowen in Abundance. Do not fail to see our Grand Display 0 God Save the King 7am Jam nder Uo I. erkhl t"'otrt'a"' ttt 6.15 p. Bt Cuir Bryn Tilur of

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