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Durham Review (1897), 3 Jun 1909, p. 4

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t cantata St. Near the Bridge W”. ”to... . 'wooo-oo-owmuu F] f '. . Ire you a victim! "no you lost hope? Am you Intettdimttogpari, Has I fliiiEll yum- M m been dim! “no you, any wanna! our NEW METHOD i o'vmr'xr‘vr " tlt vurc you. What it bastion. for others “will do for you. Cog-unab- _ f "oo. “in l rum-r Mm In“ mated mm. write tor an honest opinion PM. of Chico. k a.» nu; Thckiolden Noatitor,"t mnwwnDue-mot Men. ' HAS YOUR BLOOD BEEN DISEASES? M) NAME 2, [WED WITHOUT WRITTEN CONSENT. PRIVATE. No - .. rm _ ' . r . nu lily”. Everything coal-dentin}. Question tut and can of Trauma“ A RLE bCA HOME TREATMENT. Call and look over our pleased to show goods. Cl as usual. mm mm ' As Ut' llevnte all our interests to our Shoeltmde, we trel tlmee have molest and most up-to-date Stock of Boots and Shoes in out town at the lowest prices. Your size must surely be here as we have all widths and sizeq. The age for speoltdization is at hand. , that focuses all his conslruetive..Horce on thing should know more about it than anv :i’AREGOGELE Mlltlli0 Cor. Michigan Ave., and Griswold St., Detroit. Mich. i -. NO NAMES USED WITHOUT WRITTEN CONSENT. Confined to His Home for Weeks. Jf great 'Disptay of Cg";ashionaue '0latinery %%*w$$$ mos. manna, 'iiriiMFsieilriFilt Now here is the Point t nlly You will find a larger assortment of styles here than at any other place in town-at prices that will suit you too. We invite you to visit our Show rooms and inspect our large stock whether you buy or not. B'!4 In the most walnut sud most salons dim Th: m'l HM and uulesa entirely eradicated trom tho system wilt tttexro. 'f Mammy. " only suppresses the symptom We Specialize Whatever your taste may be in the Millinery line, we can suit you. We have a wide choice of styles in swell Dress Hats, trimmed in very latest fashion. Also dozens of smart Ready-to-wears in all leading st yles. We are showing a very large stock of stylish trimmed Millinery-some very new styles that we have just received this past week. "Wavy work. more "rstirdntt Btsd-tt but: In hunt!) brought on n llnuble variancelo. When I work“ hard the no as would lemme son-m and In» often hid up for n week It slime. My tpupils It'ieit.',' told monuoperntlon nu my only trx/pe I dreaded it. tried several specialists, but noon found out they wanted was my money. lmmmenced tolook upon alt doctors an little better than raglan. 1 mu day my bo- asted me why I was oft work In much and 1 told him Ic,"i11itit; Me advised me to consult. Drs. Krnnedy & Kcnnody. m a hnd taken treatment from them himself and knew “my were square and skillful. I wrote them and got Tm: NEW Mama» TREATMENT. My prugr". WI. nomewhnt slow and during the iirtgt, mnmll‘s treatment. I was WWII... disconrnged. However. III-on- "nut-d treatment for three months longer nml was rewarded with n (mmpletn cure. [could only Malia week in n machine shup be- fore "at: an. new I Am Ming and never loan 1 day. 1 wish all sufferers knew of your ulna lo treatment. _ HENRY C. LOCUST. Ji.F'. AGED '1EN.-umprudent not: or later You fret the symptoms mung over a uuowtthemyon tmedtobeorahouM list“! Price: gives tor 2m ot Mercury (1% r stock. We are]always ‘ustom work and repairing Shoes that Shine T] m Your Entire Family lwir unymimity nwr the ordin- kid. That'" thehind WP depend ft capture the Made of 'or/ock stsFetaifse4s4siN4s g.silrgil+ilrqts'ir mud. The man ,‘fonce on any one than anyone else. Show prove their. "writ nd long so-rvit'v. I' "l MM "tr panda whether bou '. S. McILRAITH excesses In. Meg l was; mnrhblc mecca of thin Prrerirtion detrtot- the we“. of (man; the ttettul an!" of then {tiling org-us. And It it noticed any to prove. A uimplg in or ten du- an will unn- - -"-"Gr"' .- nu- Ul- o"oop um first pointed to this vial truth, Dr. Shoop'u Restorative VII not nude to dose the Stomscb not to tomponrily stimulus the Hun of Kidney». The old-(uhioned method is all wrong. Dr. sheep's Fstoratis. goes directly to chm tailing inside new". The n- yank-bk um of chi. -liotie", In sickness. it n rennin hidden nerve you wrong. then the organ that. this nun-e cannula will also surely fail. It any be the Stounch nerve, or It may have given urength and support to the Hanna: Kidneys; It us. Dr. Show that. no “A-.- .- " , .. . _ - The student " Esplin church is visiting with friends m Palmerston. The Rev. Mr Nine, of Palmerston, a retired minister. preached a fine let- mon to the people " this chutch last Sunday. " h __ ...- _......_, waters in lung vistas ot'endless light. the happy throng embarked on the Voyage home, thoroughly rejuvena- ted with the day's outing. _ Mr William Dezell is I short viyit from the Pet Factory Company. Mr Joseph LIcArdle tsl his visit. of a. week m lh l’elerborough Counties. '1 had a happy reunion at th Ins sistem, Mrs Roddys. ville in Carven Township there he met Ins brother , Millaud. his sister. Mrs Cclutrg, besides a nice b: nephews and nieces from c, Pe!trborcugu. .. Her", naellVlW In the placid waters beneath, the various channels connecting the,series ol lakes possess a compelling charm. on account of the gorgeous arched ever- greens overhead and the lance like shells of sunshine which pierce through the dense loliage at inter- vals and gleam along the sedgy slopes that he along the margin horn and there. In the freshness ofthe curly morning, in the glory of the nooniideeun. in the gloaming when the shadows lie deep over the wimp- ling waters, the scene is one of in.: describable splendor. 'Mid scenes like these. our merry pienlckers spent a pleasant time boating, fishing and various amusements, thoroughly en- Joying their rustic feast and as the setting sun shone o'er the glassy wainru in l -_r-. -' A .. .. Mr McArdle also attended for two days the Orange Grand Lodge of Danish America,' holding the annual session in the city of l’eterborough and represented the district of Proton. He reports meeting many old friends. Good weather has now set in and things here are beginning to look better. - I --ee- u-a-ku ull (I luw bright moments in actual vision, All Mung the shores the tall, tower. ing lrcvs, interlaced with foliage and shrubbery are clearly mirrored in Bell's hike is yearly growing in favor as an ideal summer resort and each season sees a new inthtx of pleasure Seekers to the shores of this picturesque body of water, where nature has been so lavish that the heart swells with rupture and en- thusiusul as the eye imbibes the em- bellished beauty of the scene. Dor- ncchers always enjoy themselves immensely at this romatic spot on Victoria Day and this year was no exetTtion to the rule. Some 30 took advantage of the ideal (lay and journeyvd o'er hill and glen, lei-Ch- iugthc plncid. Innpid waters about I) a, m. Tm witchery ot the scenery around this pleasure haunt makes it a sylvan paradise for the artist or pleasure scaker, tor every newturn reveals a wealth ot beauty. which is indelibly impressed upon the 7 . __ _,-.. .7- memory. to afford " long years 1n retrospect. the pleasure it 1;.ch tor a n.....L..:..LA --.-- _ . - guests of our puiar townpecple, Mr and Mrs ll. 1mm. Miss Helen Cranston, accompanied by Mrs John Morrison, leave on Tuesday for atwo month's vaca'ion in North Dakota, where a large number of their relatives reside. We rp at they may have a real pleasure trip, with nothing to mar their en- joyment. The business ham ot Mr R. hi, ihsrgavel's sanill is again in evi~ deuce, he having commenced the session a operations in: week. The yard is tilled minimums: capacity with a choice selection ottimbers, the largest in the history of his mill- ing experience, Mrs Alex Maclntosh returned to Owen Sound on Thursday, alters pleasant three month's visit with her many friends and relatives in the bare and vicinity. Mr Walter McDonald at ye Editor‘s town, renewed acquaintances in the mine on the Sunday preceding last. Mr and Mrs Mannie of Chesiev, spent a few days in the village, the guests of our popular townpecple, Mr and Mrs ll. Hunt. Miss Alice Buchanan returned to her home north cf the burg, after an :bscnce at six months in the Queen hty. Miss Helen cumeid of the County Town is spending a pleasant vacation at her home in Glenelg. The ideal weucherofthe past week bu lnueformed the burr-en scenes and dreary wauee int: regular fell-y mazes ; the tiny buds hue rec ded to the itititteefee ot the 'dl'l'grlt'l and now all the tree: on all the hills have opened their thousand leaves, making our hearts thrill with pa- triotic pride " we view the countless myriads of national emblems waving in their toreat homer. Miss Mamie McKnight came up from the Queen City on 8atardtwrs excursion and tuleompanied the merry crowd ot picnicers to Bell’s Lake on Victoria Day. Mrs Thee. Jones leaves this week for her home in Spoksne. Wash., alter spending the past month with her parents Mr and Mrs Duncan Campbell of Bentinck. Mrs N, A. McDonald, accompanied by Master Fraser spent a few pleasant holidays with her parents, Mr and Mrs Frazer, of Mt. Forest. mgn Counties. The family ppy reunion at the home of IS, Mrs lioddys. of Fraser- Urven Township andwlnle met his brother Wm H. of his sister. Mrs Willis of besides a nice houseful of Hopeville. Dornoch Hm", T"." clezprlyr mirrored In is home on a Peterborough ls home from Durham and ‘urven and ESE-‘3 I " John Anon joinod the orange' A Lodge 1192 on mud.) evening. nun-l Inland Pt Conn of Duhm.mud . Bold the we: ”Mr-53.“. In In.” In Anthony Lawrence ad her hum Ir Mk Wright called on the tomer'u dumb“: MN Philip hume- ou and”. i 0n Sntunday afternonn last, Vera "lopkins gave a birthday party,. At two o'clock about thirty chums gather. I; at her home where they enjoyed Lthemselves by winging, playing ball ‘euillcther games. Vern u-ceived uuuy ‘gilts which she prizes velyrmuch as the wilt always have them in memory of her you": chums and her thirteenth (birthday. At four o'cloek, Vere brought her [meets to the house where l guessing contest invented them. It ( was a pr til ed with beans. Two prizes tere given. mu Irene Ritchie' was winner of tirsst, e bend_painted pin ‘unhion end Christine Ich not booby 1 Sense Clem stocking. Then tea was eon-ed, Vere presented ehet With numbered tickets in it. Etch (nut wok e ticket tor these they got _ momenta number“ like theit tickehj lies in" Whitman. e clever liatlei girl gen eome titte selection on y month one». Other .irie [eve 'ee on the arm. The heppv crowd we; ed for their home- ebont ' p. m. wieh. in: Vere any ham, rot-tee at - birthday. Miss Sadie Whitman: visited Miss Maud McGlllvny of the north line on any!” let. Several of our young! men are syn-1- ing new buggies mow. Mean-u Wm Lawleuce and Wm McFadden are on the list too, having purchaurl new ones tram Mr Wm McFadden, Durham. We no sorry to report that Mrs Jan 11qu has not been well lately. We hope IIIO will soon he better. - Musics Knox. Ramon and Binnie wars guests of Mir, Agnes chirr on Sunday. Alias Millie Whitman; spent, “dorm [My with her schoolumto Muss Tina Knox of Smuton Park. THE DURHAM REVIEW Quite a lot of fat stock left this pan. on Tuesday morning last when A. warns. J. Kerr, M. Byers, II. Fulton, J. Byers and E. Geddea delivered their cattle at Neustadt. Seeding-in over for another year and potato planting is the order of the day. - Fishing yams are plenuTulnowa. days. Some of our anglers are out almost. daily. A serious accident occurred on Fn. day morning " the mill when Albert Seim, the eldest son of Mr Conrad b'chu, in some manner came in con- tract. with clue Haw losing part of llls hand and three lingers. ma Henderson spent part oflast week with ber daughter, ms It. notice on tha 2nd concession. Miss Janet Kerr entertained a few Lieuds one evening recently. M Jan. Anderson of Georgetown and Mr L. Member of 1Gllrertou, were holiday yisitors at m Alex Anderson's. mui Growther and two clnldren ol Welland spent. a. few ‘days lately with m i', Byers whcse rendition is slight- ly improved. Miss My Cuisley visited over the week.end with Miss Jean notice and spent. Victoria Day with her brother at Blythe's Comets. me John Young received news from Vurnev of the death of her brother m-law, nr Alex Davidson on my 21 at the advanced age of 90 years. Tue Henderson and A. Fulton families attended_ the funeral of was Janet ucllonnld in {South Bentiuck on may 24. Mrs O. M. Sunder and little son and Miss Lydm Fritz visited over the 24th with their sister, urn M, Tune of Gait. Dame Hume! reports that we are to lose one of our {all oneam the near inture. Miss Ethel Greenwood, ton-her in Normanby spent the 2m. at the par- ental home. Mr. John McArlbur of the Glen, yiaited with his water Mrs, Jon. Firm on the 24th. Mr. George Staples was in Toron- to last week on business. Mr, ,Tolchard -ot Toronto 'spent I couple of days with his wife and fam- ily in this neighborhood. Mr. Hudley lost a valuable horse last week. Mrs. John Hannah and dlughter of hit Forest visited for a week at Mr. Wm hieFarlane'g, Sorry to hear of Mr. Thos Banks. being somewhat under the Weather with rheumatism. Min Jennie Suplos returned to the city Int Fridty after spending I couple ot week: under the pnrentnl root. Mr J. A. Bitch. of Charley. visited friends on the Avenue I couple of dare In: week. Mr Dan Firth of Toronto WIS home on a Visit lust Week. A winsomn little girl " Miss Fiore. bel Nichol of Durham who spent last week with friends on the Avenue. Mr. John Staple: niud his mum moth barn last Wednesday and the framers will noon hm it in shape for the summer's crop. Min Valeria Edge returned home the: spending a week with friend. in WA“: em IT, Mrs. Roberts of Toronto was the guest of Mrs. D. Greenwacd for s few dug! lufly. Mm, June! Staples and two dingh- ters, Misses Annie and Ada of Mark. dd. waited It the old home one day regeptly. - Mias'SIrab Jack of Zion was {be guest other sister Mrs. 11. Williams on the 2tth. ONTARIO ARCHIVES rename Popular Place Edge Hill. Hampden Each guest! they Rot .' their ticket. clever limo! F'" MMMMM a. Prices nerd no revision here. Alway- right. 1 To he perfrclly I undid. our sympathy ‘gmas With "under dug." who pethap.C, put up " Stiff fight against strong op. pmiliun from his rich neighhnrqz who petitapts had tsirknesy, sormw and var- ious ullivr vicio,itudes against which in contend I Mid, when ttt last convin. cad of the hupelvsqnens of the struggle, he throws up his hands and surrenden Then the birds of prey. already ht, fioik to the carcass of his dead busi- ness. urtmpdnwn an it. and curry it " aCoue-ituaPt"t' of its actual vnlue. They tly lurk to their native nest. and fiood the cmnnmuily with printed mat term ncluimiug their mpnciuusnen and the fact that Hwy rejoice to tatten Hid grow rich on a follow-man's mi!- fortune. IO Man's iphumaniiy to man makes countless, thmludmh mourn." Here's In the 'under-dog’! Mar we new: have his experience. , Rolled Oats Try our _ Rolled Wheat Specialties l Pure Lard Japan Tea. " Me lb revenue the Sideshow Its mate will be entirely new lo you --unless it is already your {Home Cough Remedy. Nu opium, chloroform, " any other utuplfyiug ingredients are used. The icurhr leaves of uhurmlou. lung-healing mountniuuus shrub. give to Dr. b'lsoop'rs Cough Remedy its wou- dertul curative properties. It is truly a must. cerium mil trustworthy pre- rcripnou. Sold by MacFarlane & Co. No Bankrupt Stock T at the Sideshow -.._- - ...__._ It you would have “are yet certain Caugh Remedv in the home, try Dr. tiltoop'r,--at hunt once. It is thorough- ly unlike any other Cough pr-ration, mm Irene Britton spent the week end with friends at. lluuon Hill. mean sreLellan and Wright of Dar. ham passed through our burg Friday. Mr. Geo. IIendry, wnfe and family, malted Aberdeen friends Sunday last. Mt and Mrs Wm Lunney, Crawford, yosited the mDougall family recently. kisses Annie superman, [helical unliinnon and Sarah mcDougull Onw- ford, were guests of MISS Lizziq H0- Dougall Sunday. ma. Nixon and son, m. Will Nixon of Lucknow were the guests of Mr Ind Mrs 11 Brunt last week end. Congratulations to Miss Annie xe- Donald of Crawford who Is this Wed. nesday to be married to m Lamont of Chesley. We were pleased to have our pastor Mr. Stan: wan among us hurt week. m A Traynor has purchased 3 new Separator from m Ted V ickers. Our former pastor. Rev. mcLennln of \Valkermn was huddenly taken ill while over at Durham last week Ind wan attended by Dr Hutton. We no glad to hear that he " commit“ better. Mr and Mrs Wm Bailey and “fully visited Mr and Mrs It Button Sands}. Miss Ethel Heugban yUited Dar. hun friends hurt week. Thin: le/c'a Budget, .ur Tom O'Neil mul sister ms Hugh mLenn of Winnipeg called on Mend- here one day last week on their way to visit. friends at Aberdeen. Messrs Dan Campbell and Jim Smith. Aberdeen spent Sunday hat with Mr Will Drown. Mrs. C. McArthur Mr iG Mrs 'hii"idiriiliGii dough- ter, Misc Eva spent Sunday the low. with Mr and Mr: Mnl‘colm MoCdlum. Mr Ntl' sud Mist, McCormick. both of ulkerton. attended union here Sand-v. - MU. It. Long and dlugbters. Flo and Edith are spending I couple of weeks holidays here. Mr Ralph Drum. wnfe Ind fnmtly of Hanover Visited friends here recently. "iiiirifiiiii/mIker of Durham visi- ited her friend, Min Ethel Heuglnn reteylr, . . ac, mil-i'ueronon. tucker. spent the 24th " her home at Aberdeen. Mun, Cnclmrine McDonaall ot Our.. ham High School spent the 24th It be: home here. Miss Mary Pammer n a present uniting her sister Mrs. John Unroh. Mr and Mrs Wm; Brown spent the 24th with their daughter Mu Joe tttir. _ - -.' Mr. Alex McGilhyray. Glut-worth. Sundnyod " " home here. Mrerolm cluk 3nd dlughter. Mill Kntie of Durban were the gout: of Mr and Mrs Ed Boyce Int week. WATCHMAKBR - and; Mulock Special Orders PI adding Presenis . WEBSTER Watches, Clocks, Jewenry, C ut Glass Silverware, China, EbonGoods 'romrtly Attended to, All Watches. Clock. & Jewelery repaired Grne Jay " left in. Do not forget that we sell BICYCLES and Bicycle Accessories. We still havea stock of Farm and Garden Seeds. Rape, Corn and Maugels in abundance. Have you seen our POTATO PLANTERS Every farmer should have one Return limit October 31M. Liurra, stopovers. Wide choir-e of mules Go by the direct Canadian line-mer ynm- own country-the Wvct, the Rocky Mountains. Visitthe Seattle Expmitiun and outer special ttttpac. tiqns. Talk It over with I Hutu-lane, Amt, Durham It will soon be fir time. Examine your Screen Doors and Window Screens. We have a good supply at the right price- - . “IV DURHAM Good going Mny 20 to Sept. 30 Buy one of our Gasoline stoves and you will never regret it. If you have a lawn examine our Lawn Mowers when you can satisfy your taste. If you have waterworks secure smuc of our Rubber Bose and one of our new Hose Reels. $77.20 Call at the Store where you can get everything you require in the Hardware Line and we can s at- isfy your wants Very Low Rate for Summer Trip to Pacific Coast Dr. Shoop's Restorative This clan-1y ext-him ttp " n medicine. Dr. Ihoop‘l Rrstomtive has in t P past done so much (or weak and ailing Heal-m. Dr. slump hm sought "to can of All this minim. minimum. gutrotgtt. ln'bnn dim. Dr. tmoop's 'trr.tatexmtlve--thig new)” prmeription-is llom- 'iitwtod to than trl, had Ttttli, nerve cum-n: It hum“: " it en gml.trtrnt:ynrhart help. " you would luvs mum: ' s strong as. m. 'tmntathert, [hem ',ncrr ' J- - nscstabligh m rt.'tg'Et,tr',' or Han-t Wuhan}. menu N" M. or om 1ht,Sg,q"f,?att mom. Pm ttivelr. not one wk hurt in n hun M II, In It to". "an"! (ll-cued. It ts almost than n laden any ittle nerve that nullv In Bil at (unit. This obscure ueree-ette (halite. or “an New. -aimplr needs, And must have. more power, morn sbhlllty, more mmmnmf. more Bovertt1ng mfth. W thout that the (out mart continua to In Llnd the stomach and kidneys Illa In" thee, lune qonuxtllin.s nary“. .. . - Heart Strength No One With a c... Eiiis, m. Make your Liver perform, its functions properly and your troubles will disappear. Sluggish Liver Have a special action on the Liver in toning it nod quicken- "tit its action. GUN’S DRUG STORE It you get It u 6W5, It's good W. Black Hardware l Gun's Liver Pills Sold by Msci‘arlanc and Co At Amt. Durham Return from Liberal 't, the Seattle qW8CuiF3riCiiG't"s. '--See Men's Cardigan Jud Floor Oilclotb .. . . ., Tuble (nu-mu. " in New Prints and Gil See out Kae and m New Full“ Choice Conlectlonury mera, Golco- & Vinegar..- tre. 1 and Pure ml. our. has sat Lice Curtains...25c, 50c. CC, Honeycomb wool Slum ls, an Black “Iron Underakirlm tel All-wool Blanket?) $3. Bed comforters fr' m I Large 11xt snz-a Plum: ken. white or mev BIG f .Corsets C. L. GRANT slight. medium," and Ut/tir are. There are the Cu that please. in white, blue with white ts linemlor White stripe, In head suiting plain while. I Lawn, Persian Lawn. lis Lawn, Mull, Muslin, all suit tor dresses or Shirt Wants. we have also the best sch-i of White Shirt Waists in L As the warm “('HHH‘I 1x t ing, you will nee! ling‘ .: l', ing. We have a Dress Linens DRUGGISTS AND MATTHEWS & LATIMER MacFARLANE & co. We give the money I you are not perfectly .5. with what the remedy .1. you. will quickly restore you feet health. It's a strengl? twining tonic and um der that will quickly rcl ix cure nervous debility, ', depression. nervous dy N etc. Thee'lrno need of your dmggits. nround, too Sl u accomplish anything but not really ill. Whctlu, condition ii due to own mental strain, loss of sh, min. You Can Buy Energy ' '5...“ C Groceries Human). 45in wide. f.. Hata and Gingham-s t I lie and 500 Utah Call and we I". hudittaugncke" I Produce as Cash '. B. mm LADIES I Groceries Our Tonic Elixir Be Sell: Cheap JUNE 3, 1909 Price 50c. Flaunt-Ila We have the hi filled Corsets f BOOKS‘ELI .Bacn .3. t and l In 1.35 to if (I), Wan tt Calder 's Block. Durham In " N t still your ork. Utit 61 q or . 80ml: Atuioo dwmrnlv. In - of the Inn-r “duly Dunnun on?" in Alive-nu. Mm.) (Kahlil “I "rpart"""" ot lat haw tho: c, W.“ cell for 8mm», _---, _ 131 tif _ Iain an f It!) acre-- a G. It. li,, turn. mu. " -trlo h d.“ of tC, m [m [rum mi) Price 'Cor. a] own:- Will rem h (an. in Ulvm nudism and it: farm i " by m-vvr- my '3. Cttt a” w thr lulnnu " be gin-u I. a”, “on-1hr mu ak' 'on th" f, ”Id. mun-d. for tum hm- I tgood build I!” t0'rt't Park, {an drum-d. “- Only till)“ wt ite, I]! clear. , watered, I add cheat LN urn god “uni chum I $tttt urn A It qWtMer m “rum II and umr I prtcr redurm quick ole. 230 (rum lumd. Ila-l llh’ A dw land in Uighur: Mt.. n "l; Salim. The t qbdrittgt (“It Thug pr)” Small MLC meneement oleums. Rug Window C: are the new lish looms 1 at low mic: " orto IN Fresh Groceri marl mm. t uylus on! batter w tier. W market at but tailt JUNE 3, l " id! mum Men's ll' Pasture to Profits ”1: Nu ‘armn I'm Iluum'tu Fishing " for Sal Dre AI ll‘l fl une Trice "mt" m " taut "

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