West Grey Digital Newspapers

Durham Review (1897), 3 Jun 1909, p. 6

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,an Buy Energy UNE 3, 1909 Our ENS {LANE Growth. Elixir nary 50c, tNT TONS Wan Pure 1:5er Calder "a Mock, Durha- t we ot still ' YO!" :"eosh, Jeep ete rut jug: per atintr bait. a and ttttal yd 8t RX te to " trj I; Small As June is noted for being' the month of housekeeping com- mcnccment we have secured an exeellent stock of carpets, Lin- uleums. Rugs and Window Curtains suitable for the month. The Window Curtains alone will give freshness to the home as hey are the newest styles ty neatest patterns fresh from the Eng- lish looms bought in large quantities so that they can he sold at low prices. W Fresh Groceries My. A ttu" two Morey brirk dwalling ouw. lark" brick rumbles. on Main Ina-v. Durham. Will be sold at. u .ugain. und would accept other 1' 1|n'l'ly as part pay. Apply to We have an excellent stock of Prints, Muslim. Uinghams and tine dress goods the newest on the market. Call early while the stock is large. =Uur stock of Clothing is composed ot the beat makes fresh lromtho makers hands, the newest styles substantially made. but we hue something better to offer you in the shepe of units made to or- uer. We have the beat quelity ot cloth in the mirketand we will guarantee: good " Enoonrj ll homo tailors. liar Suh- or I "item in the Third Caucasian . It mum-lg. This it I lint. clu- ' " uh wood tutildie in the moot atrl" luralion. The farm con- Uy’ N.", acres at rich cultivuble tand [rum Hunt's and L5 'ter" of bush. .- Mam. - - - .v a mh African Veteran Bounty 1 t ettdituste. issued hygbcw. T Mr the Interior. (good for“) ' “f arty nonunion Land ovo- for ' Jtl Album. thoaastehewars, or my...» (intimate guaranteed by I). wtriruer" of lntenior, Oman. h .w tho cash immedinely. ...|1 {hr $800.00. Phone, who or ", L. E. 'l'ELFOBD, 1:51 Shuter Street, Toronto. 35W]! Men's Clothing JUNE 3, 1909 _ was crat " tttiq farm last your .,. nuance panmred. Privilege v given to cut this yeu’n [my _ltrr't' t he same in burns. to be “a n tho farm during period tor Inn'vd. l'ul'lhwr particulars apply to In" for term of yum. 100 here u tuer"M. one half I" between In um! Priceville. tart" is well fenced and in water- never-failing spring creek. tild th Arn'm'u H, JACKSON, Durham. My Main 11!”. I or Nale or Rent 'res on the Uararrntrt_ Road, l .30 acres hardwood bush, well . tint ulna. buildings. Will be H' In wind up HUMO- t'N in Benlinck. buildings and .L o-wrvlhing in first class Prwe $.30“). Profits Hull tor hervice Pasture to Rent. Dos ghhrcd Bull for service at Lot , P,cntinck, fortcrma and parti- “in mm For Sale. 'rt. Ilnusr to Rent Fishing NMice Apply to J A M EH WATSON. Varm-y Tllns “MK. Markdnte. ld i,. are hereby rotttt1ed thnt <tturt,le prohibited on Lot , RH. R. (opposite Gien. Sll I rmpauwrs will be prose- nu mini-table- house with hard ' ', rem. '0 per month. War. LAIDLAW. Dress Goods WILLIAM BAILEY. Mulock m llvntinok. Five mites nu. tin" buildings. good " qunntil; ot timber. I at mice. rice “I”. ttt F,'gretuotst, good land up. $51"). in I'l'nlun. near Swinlon "uihrusws. good land, well I w"teted and well fenced, For Sale. 4 hum» and ith acres of ‘mm " Durham. (IMP the puny). ~nuth of Lnmhton manna. weal of ll, T. R. To Rent w. Applylu J. M. Lvrmlm Box 100, Durham, um GRAHAM. Pricevillo particulars Apply to Jam A. GRAHAM. Ih-minck on Garalraxa umwh. good buildlnus. from $341)!) to $23!!) for Nolicitor, Durham. Ont w. F. DUNN, JUNE BARGAINS xvhunge. Mrt'otgMictt G. & J, MCKBCHNIE (He J. MoKEGHNIB See House Beginners Display on 2nd Flat Sold at low prices. Highest prices for Butter and Eggs. ttrg. S. Black. who has served " Clerk for 28 years. having been also Collec'or, Assessor And County Auditor. On the opposite side is the Sullivan and Mts'nggarttarnts and can is G. Campbell. who by the may igthe only Latter Day Saint referred to in the township. Down east on the 4th Con. is the remains of s sawmill run by the late Mr Spsrllnu of Durham. Not lone ago there were piles of lumber to be seen some of the best quality. Those we donut call on this time will ex- cuee us I) we puss on to Mr George Arrowsutith’s. Mr Arrowsmith is another of the pest Councillors and served for a number of years as a good and lsithlul member of the Council hoard oi'0lenele. Down one and on -fourth miles west is Glenelg Centre P. o. This is a new P. u, opened about u couple of months ago. The Postmaster is the well known W. H. Arrowsmith who served as collector for about 20 yeirs in Ward No. 2, and a better selection to fill the oitiee of P. M. could not be made. This pl 'ee was originally known as Purdy’s Mills for the late Wm Purdy erected a grist and sawmill on the Saugeen here about the year 1860 but now their is nothing visible bat a few old has sticking out which form. ed part " the old mill dam. . The late Al, it Webster kept store and ran the grim and saw mills in 1813'.) and 1870 and moved back then to p, ice- ville again. Mr Webster was Color of the Webster boys of Vancouver fl. Br the Assessor. Continued from last week. Now we take tome 4th Con. and we and there well-known Paterson, to begin with, well to-do farmers. Down further in Pomona P. o. kept Ry ghohrgrphy: Cler_k ot. the wwnship. C. Ann up on the hill was the residence of the late Finlav Mellw. Nearly forty years ago Mr Melitta served the Township as Reeve tor a number oi years and more also Wyr- den, On the banksol' the Summon River is erected the beauiilul It. C. church with .its capacity of seating about six or seven hundred. A low rods farther west is St Johns ceme- tery, beautilully laid out and the large “Cross" erected in the centre stands there as an emblem and a re. minder oi the Crtteitied Redeemer. And " we viewed those large and beautiful monuments. it reminded us that there lies underneath the remains ot some of the very oldest pioneers oi the township who tramptd through the forests seeking a home- stead when there was nothing to guide them but blaze along the bush Now that their memory and names are almost forgotten by the, people of the world yet the engraving on these Mo, monnmi-n's Will be " re- minder for ages income. West ot this again is the Separate School House We must. an back a little yet, On the top of then hill north is the resi. dence of John MeViear or as he is known as tanner John. His pxten- sive farm of 300 acres tells that the yield therefrom has been the means of making John the reeipient at large possessions and John 's Iiberalitvis in accordance to his abundance to those in want. At the bridge the rock at the river is some twenty-five feet wr- pendicnhr to the waters edge. line a miraculous escape Irom instant death happened in Miss Malian. hat afterwards Mrs Me,Flaehern, was driving up we hill the horse, amne- way refused to go on and instead backed down the embankment lami- AMBLES\> THROUGH GLENELG. Oar stock ot Boots and Shoes is continuously on the move. goods eomintt in and goods going out, with no old stock to offer. The stock is too huge to describe. See display on 2nd flat. Crockery and Glassware Oar stock of Gents' Furnishings In large complete. the newest and beet on the market. Boots & Shoes Genes Furnishings )or- Pam anywlwra stopped in 20 minutes ere tiuro wnh one, of Dr. Sheep‘s Pink ant Pain Tablets. The formula is on the ing Miss Molten buggy sud horse into the river snd strange sassy both cuts out with butlittle injury while the buggy was broken to pieces. At the corner moses the residence of the late Mr K. Boston who wss Councillor for some year-.1 Down st the river was the residence li! the lute Pat Neil who served the Township for s number oi yearst [Councillon We fought s ford tight with Pat for a number 0 vests in ..Ward No. 2 and always came on- victorious although we must conic» that Pat was the best man of the two. Along side ot Mr Nell was MrJae,, I Lauder another of the old Councilmen ot Glenelg. Mr Lauder has gone the way oi all living some twenty years ago. Now we come to the Township Fathers’ House of Refuge. The Townshi Hall erected in the year 1880. 'fer,', live ot the wisest 1 men supposed to be in the Township, sit around the tabletotrtumatrt the business ot the 'nei,tt,llr, month alter month, each mem r bringing back the memories of their school days by having their dinners in a basket or something else and as often some poor individual may be in the hallat the noon hour who may ‘have an appetite also, they shsre l with him also oat of the abundance lot' the good contents of their baskets. Down the rest ot the line are some weil-to-doiarmers and now we take across to Ilayward's Falls on the 6th iCon. Here is the electric plant of lthe Marktlale Electric lights owned by Mr Minnie. near Markdale. As ‘wo are in a hurry we pass on till lwe get to Zion. Here we are re- l mindtd of that good old Presbyterian 'l’sulm, Mount Zion Stands most :lieautiiul the Joy of all that Lend. ; Yes this Zion is the joy and pride oi gall its good worshippers who lay . aside the duties of the week and avail 'themselyes of the opportunity oi lhaving the 7th day oi the week to be ion-sent at Zion to listen to the good E0141 Old Story told by the faithiul _ pustor. Behind Zion is the cemetery- Iand the tine tall monuments erected ; therein tells that here lies some more loi‘thc old settlers oi Glenelq but we _ muss hurry up to Councillor McNully L who although n babe at the business, intakes a good Councillor and as his ibetter half is possessed with more ylztnguages than Mr lieNally, it icheers the heart of a traveller who is jytysle) with to getsword in his Iguud old mother tongue, the Gaelic, .i'roni Mrs MeNallv. Up a little iurther east is the residence oi It. T. ll'ltiWnnls ona oi the l‘ownship Audi- ltors served for tilteen years. runs 300 News oi land all in a stringirom Icon. 4 to con. 7. Up further we come to the residence oi Malcolm Black another oi the past Councilmen and (although d. lenieil at the last eleetion I he cum- nretty close to being elected. Up on the hill is the residence ot Alex Martin one ofthe old restdents ofthe Township. Mr Martin, like mam: hasyeen the host ot his days and is now climbing up to the topmost mark but yet quite smart. Malcolm Campbell is another old pioneer so are the Andersons and a number we cannot mention at, this time. The last up wt Irish Lake was the real- dence oi Thus. Sullivan once a good Ct,twcillrsr ot (ilenelg but {breaking his own country he crossed the town- linc into Artenwsia but didn‘t lose his interest in Crlenelg. 25 eeut hm. Ask your Doctor or Drug- giut about. gin tormnlal Stops woman. Iv puma. heulmche. [aim anywhere. Write Dr. “mop. Racine, WIS. for free trial to prove value. Sulll by Mac- Furlanss & Co. To he coulln nod. Large Sales THE and PUBLIC NOTICE ls hereby given that Hm [nah-Incl nmlnnll n tha (Inn. the 2',,ttf'tl council'o? the the. poration o the Town of Durham will eta mootingto he held on lowing the fifth day of N; mar, at the our of 8 o'clock in e eve- ning consider Met,',', for elotlnr. ' _ stepping up. " " and conveying por one o streets In the Town 0 uni-ham. more particularly des- cribed " renews: namely; An irregular shaped portion of Lambton and Rock Streets in the Town of Durham. County of Grey. which may be described as follows ' COMMENCING at the intersection of the southerly limit oi Lambton Street with the easterly limit of Rock Street , thence easterly along said sontherl y limit a distance of two hundred and fifty-two (252) feet; thence No. 79' 48' .5 W. on a line titty (50) feet northeasterly from and parralleHu'th the centre line of the Walkerton tl Lucknow Railwav as the same is titurlly located and constructed a dis- l tance of two hundred and forty .three (243) ieet to the northerly limit oi Lambton Street; thence westerly a- long said northerly limit adistance of twenty (20) feet to its interseetUn with the, easterly limit of Rock Street. Thence northerly alone said easterly limit ot Rock St. a distance of five (5) feet ; thence N. 79" 48' .5 W. one. line lilty (50) feet northetoterly from and parallel with the above mentioned) centre line a. distance of sixty eight; (68) feet to the westerly limit of Rock Street; thence southerly along said westerly limit a. distance ot seven- teen (17) feet to its intersection with the northerly limit of Lambton Street; thence westerly along said northerly limit a distance of sixty-three (63) feet; thence southwesterly on a straight line at right angles to the above mentioned centre line a dis. canoe of sixty-four (04) feet; thence south 79° 48' .5 E on a line filty (50) teet southwesterly from and parallel with the above mentioned centre line a distance of twenty-three (23) feet to the southerly limitoi Lambton Street ; thence easterly along said southerly limit a distance of sixty-three (IB) lent to its intersection withthe wester- lv limit oi Rock Street; thence south~ erly along said westerly limit a dis- tance oi sixteen and three-tenths (i0.3) feet ; thence S. 79’ 48' .5 E. or, a line titty (50) feet southwesterly from and parallel with the above mention- ed centre line a distance oi sixty- eight (08) feet to the easterly limit of Rock Street; thence northerly along said easterly limit a distance of lthirty-twu and six tenths (32.6) feet to we point of beginning; containing Ltorty-live hundredths (0.45) of an acre, more or less. te ALSO an irregular shaped portion of Lrunbton Street, which Inuv be described as lollo we: COMMENCING ata point on the northerly limit of Lambton Street distant one hundred l and thirty-one (13)) leet westerly from its intersection with the waster- ly limit oi Rock Street; thence west- erly along said northerly limit a distance ot'nne huudrod and seventy- three (t73)teet ', thence S, PJ' 48' .5 E. on a line tilty (50) icet southwest- erly mm and parallel with the above mentioned centre line ndistance of one hundred and one (101) feet; thence easterly parallel with the northerly limit ot Lambton Street a distance of seventy (70) feet; [henCe northeasterly on a straight lne at ‘righa angles tothe above mentioned centre line a distance of thirty (30) feet to the point of biginning; con- taining seven hundredths (0.07) oi an acre, more or less; both ot said portion of streets containing fifty twu Ihundredths (0.52) of an acre. more or ass. An irregular shaped tract of land in Lottweive(12) which lies north of Lunbton Street and east of Rock Street in the To no of Durham. County ofGrey, which may he described as follows ' COMMENCING at a pointer. the northerly limit oi Lambton Street, distant twenty (20) teet easterly front its intersection with the easterly limit of Rock Street; th:nce easterly a- long said northerly limit a distance of two hundred and thirty-two (232) feet; thence N. 79' 48' .5 W. on a line one hundred and sixteen (116) leet northeasterly item and parallel witlrthe centre line of the Walker- ton & Lucknow Railway 3 distance at two hundred and sixty and Me- tenths (20.5) feet to the easterly limit of Rock Street; thence southerly a- long said easterly limit a distance of sixty-eight (68) test; thence B. 79° 48'. 5 E. on a line fifty (50) feet northeasterly from and parallel with the above mentioned centre line a distanae' of twenty and " tenths (20.6) feet to the point of beginning ; containing eighteen hundredths(0.18) of an acre. more or less. ALSO an irregular shaped tract in Lot eleven (11) which lies north of Lambton Street and west ot Rock Street in said Town oi Durham. which may be described as follows: COMMENCING " a point on the westerly limit of Rock Street, distant seventeen(17) ieet northerly trom its intersection with the northerly limit of Lambton Street ; thence northerly along said westerly limit A distance of sixty-eight (68) feet; thence N. 79° 48' .5 W. on a line one hundred and sixteen (116) feet northerly from end parallel with the above mention. ed centre line a distance of one hun- dred and tour (104) teet; thence southwesterly at right angle: to the lest described line adietence of one hundred and twelve (112) ieet to the northerly limit ot Lambton Street; them-e tiaaterl y along said northerslay limit a. distance of sixty-eight( J feet thence nortNsasteriy on emlght line at right entries to the chore mentioned centre line a distance ot thirtr-fl" (35) feet; thence 8. 79' 48' .5 E. on e line titty ('50) feet northeesterly from and pure lei with the above mentioned centre line . distanced Mtresight (Mi) feet to the ttt' oi beginning; tsornntttintt twenty- hnndredthe (0.24) of en here. iikrreoeim.. AND for establishing as highways in lieu thereof the following lands, namely t A A A _ _ The Corporation of the Town of Durham. ONTARIO ARCHIVES TORONTO NOTICE. REVIEW iHardware & Furniture In this line we have all Sizes to meet your re- quirements. We can help you make and keep it so. We have a good assortment of L M of different sizes kinds and awn - oyrer, qualities, Qty "Black Dmmond" Lawn Mower is a daisy." See it. We aiso have Rubber Hose of different sizes, Lawn Sprinklers & Sprays” and all kinds of Lawn and Garden supplies. are more of our numerous lines of Spring and Summer goods. Gasoline always on hand. Poultry Netting Gasoline and Coal Oil Stoves We have anything you may require. Our stock .is complete and up-to-date and as it is no trouble to show goods, we ask you to have a look around at any time. Lenahan ify McIntosh. This Firm known under the above name is comprised of W. Calder of the Town of Durham and II. Carveth, now a resident of the Town of Dur- ham and are the parties who recently bought in the stock of J. A. Darling, at alow rate on the dollar. We have added hundreds of dollars of new stock in the different departments and are prepared to supply your wants in the line of Drugs, Patent Medicines, Druggists Sundries, School Supplies, and all kinds writing material, Clover, Timothy and Garden Seeds, Soaps, Perfumes, Groceries, Tobaccos, Cigars, Confectionery, etc. We have added a full line of the purest Teas, Coffees, Sugars. Spices, Raisins, Currants, etc, We will sur- prise you with low prices in this dept. :3; The Central Drug Store ALSO an irregular shaped tract in 111erth when they will be heard in Lots(il) and (10) which lie south ot person or by counsel or solicitor with Lambtnn Street and west of Rock reference thereto, upon petitioning to Street is hssid Tana of Dur- be so beard. ham, W 0 muv ascribed as Dated th 13tl M (M A. D., follows. COMMENCING " a. pointl e 1190;,y o " on the southerly limit of Lambton' War. B. VOLLET, Street. distant sixty-three (63) feet [ Cietrk of the Town ot Darutn. westerly trom its intersection with _ the westerlyl liuiit of Rock Street; WTâ€"“W thence wester y n ong said southerly limit a distance of two hundred and MT FOREST tléirteen (213) feet; thence?1 S. 79' . 4 , .5 E. on a line one han red and . sixgeen (1:61) t.ttte,tlrgt,"2, irom Business College en perele wt t en " mentinn- . . ed centre line L dist-nee at two Leads In 1iyk-keep.intr, banged tieitnota'gfirt)), tests; the Shorthand, Typewntmg, Weary [mo ree" enee . _ northerly slang snid ',;ii'itiiiG' limit. Comtnercial Law, Com distnnee of sixty-eight (68)- teat; mercial Corresrponieyce, ttr/d 79' S'd2,'rip9,,lil""2f Plain Business Writing, est sent wester- r men en ' . . parallel with the shove mentioned Ornamental Writing, eentre line 3 dis‘lnee ofsilrts'Pitte and in placing at. it. gran-m. (69) feet to the potnt ot beginning ; Etch “Mantis t, night supersta- eontliningtwentv-seven hundredth: Irathio on M, hulls-one (0.27)olnneote. meatless; ellot fteoe-kti9.. aid mete eonteining sixty-nine hen- “um dream (0.09) of no acre more or n "dam," -- -- _.__ __'__ -___- The warm weather will soon be We are fully stocked and have a here and we propose to throw open good supply of Red Mamnwth Alsrke ourparlors to the public and supply Lueerene and Alfalfa Clovers and all kinds of cool and refreshing Timothy Seeds. All of these ftedt drinks, Ice Cream Sodas, etc. bought_from Scedmen of the highest FI hi reputation and stamped with the s ng TICHC ' Government stamp, A good supply We have a splendid line of split of potato and Dutch Sets in Unions. Bamboo and Green heart fancy poles. A full line of Garden and Flower All kinds of Lines, Fishing Baskets, Seeds. Turnip, Mangold, Carrot, Beet Sinkers. Hooks. Swivels. The rat and all kinds of field seeds. These of May will soon be here-call early have been bought from reliable dea- and get your choice and " prices lers and the.prices will be lower than away down. V you can buy elsewhere. in conclusion we would intimate to the public that we are here to es tablisha permanent business by selli " at close prices, giving good pur- goods, attentiveness to your wants and square dealing throughout. we mean exaetly what we advertise and want you to call and see our stock and get our prices before buying elsewhere. Remember the p1aee--Darliag's old stand, Caldera Block, Durham Fruit and Confectionery This is also a new department We wilt have constantly on hand fruits in season such as Oranges. Ba- nanas. Pineapple, Strawberries, &c. A full line of Harry Webb's Confec- ionery both in bulk and boxes, The warm weather will soonbe here and we propose to throw open ourparlors to the public and supply all kinds of cool and refreshing drinks, Ice Cream Sodas, etc. We have a splendid line of split Bamboo and Green heart fancy poles. All kinds of Lines, Fishing Basket Sinkers. Hooks, Swivels. The In of May will soon be here-call early and get your choice and " prices away down. _ All persons interested, or whose lands any or might be prhditsiplly mom! tpr -mb Prove-Q _ttrl11r, The Central Drug Store We are Agents for NATIONAL PORTLAND CEMENT A supply always kept on hand Ice Cream Department Grocery Department "iaiiraciG'ituitd " ttie aid IS YOURLAWN WELL - KEPT ? W. CALDER Highest Prices paid for Eggs IN FURNITURE We are Agents for the well and favorably known Frost Wire, Flost Fence and Gates. Call and see this fence or ask your neighbors about it. Frost coiled Spring Wire is in a class by itself. Ono, used, always used. Durham, Ontario FENCING Drugs Chemicals and Patent Medicines This department is entirely un- der the charge of H Carveth. licensed graduate of the College of Pharmacy, who has had a large practical and varied experience in Toronto, Orillia, Sudbury, and other Towns. Nothing only pure drugs kept in stock. Pe- scriptions filled on short notice at lowest prices. If you wish any, leave orders here. We handle all sizes but one grade only and that the best. Coal for Spring Delivery and in placing I". in graduate... Eech student in tsaatItrt separate- ly st hie own deck. Trial lemon! fee one week free. Vieltore m elm. Open Sep‘. A W. T. away Pun-1' " . Day and Night Queu- Leads in Book-keeping, Shorthand, Typewriting, Commercial Law, Com- mercial Corretrponieyce, Plain Business Writing, Seed Department ll. “IVE“! Screens Screen Doors& Window Screens are beginning to move and we have a good sup- ply of all sires and qualities. MED: CAL J. G. HUTTON.M.D.. G. I lumbar can“. ("new and Ow 0-H“ Ole. no madam. Cur. Qua: “C than an. on. block west (mu too: at Ant. OIIIOI IOU” I-ll B. I H p I. TolophniconloothI I o . " HONOR GRADUATE or ioro,no University. tttaduate of Royal College of Dental Sn eons of Ontario. Booms Oval J t J Tlh'lh'/lhlg New Store W. C, PICKERING B. D S., L D S ARTHUR GUN. . D., Omoo o,,Jrl'.t'lt'lll'rd"i, Sun 30033:! Pd "lt.1" OtBee-AJatder't, Block. over Post OtBce HONOR 't',hl'li,t'd Pl',:,',',','.", Unwed!) and we . - u Inn-goon Dead-try in in In hunches. ARTHUR R. JACKSON Insurance Agent. .Monev to Loan. L- of Murmurs Licenses. A gen eral tiuaneial business unwanted. humor. tgoiittltor, Hours Public. Convoyuwer to. oney to Low at lowest rates. Ott Helm!” Black over the Sum dud Bun , Durh un. Ontario. Bummer. Solicnor in Supreme Court Notary Public Commissioner. Money w Loan. ftttice. over Gondon'u Jewelry Store D. MoPHAtlw Licensed Auctioneer tor tJo. Grey Terms underlie. Amaemeuu tor ”In It mum. to. must be m on the 'teFirw Ol- tlue,Durhum. a" Correbpottdeuee mirth-sud were. or to Ceylon P.o., will be promptly amended to. Teemroaosppittaition to B. .ePEAiL, Ceylon P. o or to C. IAIAGI. Our-hut) Snow Rooo--Nezt to Sw-uow‘u Bar. - ".3517“!!ng J. [GRANT D. D.S., LO. B. Pull line of Catholic “an: and black and wUste (3an for aged people. “humus a. Specialty. Picture Framing. Shortest Notice her Shop. nwDuCl - Fit-it house south bureau's Btu-hum): Shop. UNDERTAKER and Funeral Director 133111”: Notary Public, Chtmruiturioner, DURHA'. 0NT.;(Lowel Town FROST d WOOD IMPLEMENTS (Sol Oil, (Ire-m Sepnnmr Oil. "whine Oil, Harness Oil. - ou, Ante Grease. Ac. Nuzto R. Bowel " more. Dulu- We have just passed into stock the following new and up- to-dnte goods, which we cordial- ly invite the ladies of Durham and surrounding country to call and examine ' New Fancy Goods Shock We also carry a the assortment ot STOVES. RANGES. TIN and ENAIELWARE. FLEURY'S FLOWS. SHARES. ROOT PUL- PERS and TURNIP DRILLSA - Ceylon ha . telephone 0mm J. P. TELFORD JOHN SNELL -Butrtries ...-Metotte Cream Senate“. --aiasgter sewing Mum-w. --o- and Pianos, 1ii3ttiEyAticEit, kc 400?” and Bung“. --5hsrr-, he. OILS OF ALL KIIDS “I M“ fun tt WC.” “(I Ch Mun. K. Cochrane Opposite S. Scott's store Linen Dalnasks Towels Fancy ”noun have Curtains Elnbrolderien Laces Flannellvllos Dre-m Goods Hosiery Ludies’ Whilewoar Fancy Goodn W. F. DUNN A. BELL of N

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