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Durham Review (1897), 3 Jun 1909, p. 8

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titt't mm ir-iruieiksuriii- (w I. Mr- why not you? “rod Tri, " ttsruogtsarut You WantSomc- I’lYou? Then“ mMadcof HY LITTLE CHEER“. UE No. 22, I909 AGENT. WANTED, It THAN SPANKING. ()NN PM. WARE HELP WANTED, ----H n pathy Buzznw PLAIN AND not. or - " mm; re It can't rec adults min. dil- condition drink] “it a other, lung "my so vital victim I send homo Sold you: Don’t nake- help. Ind " a! ad Lei an the on bu ind an, u Itt - Iirh " if Fr.“ of an 0mm of CLO.“ kt Mount. - ' ‘.:..‘,-Iumi, May M.--A strike at can my I " ii canning trouble here. The M l yup-dam] refute oriyrtt ony' “My! th " tt Illa gel In ..v Geographical - COMM High Honor: on Explorer. May M.--The Julian Geo. C ' "l Sm’iFty ha conferred on not“. I II. Shackleton, the Antarctic ex- ‘ T Hu- greatrnt distinction in it! gut, lr' x the soviety's gold nodal. hr -' ' ' by the late King Humbert. 'r mmlal in given in Am.idemuttat of l , Important tu4rrttirte man- of % I ~h-mn‘4 late "podium! in IN ttoe" l'. '7 region. draw I th AI propm didale Political Platfor- Voted F"--- Against liq-u Baku. Encyclcpylia "lid. That " ket on 11;: Order. ilge w , result of a tmlltiol allot "might any “engagi- in t m business after joining 3. order ’ r,, expelled. The resolution - l'H"Hl by the Grand Lodge oe '1.i-1'olnmhia. and, minty to W'Hmn. was earrud 'try Mro. ', majority. was“ or RiiVEttGERg. " : DAL rod irtAttttEuTtm. WILL PETITION "lor, muting" Inn of " outbreak wave. Tho nppmnehiug '"tnttx of 'tt to attend the celebration ol thr ot' Independence, on June s, il- '* the serious-av of the sittraUms. Republican “if" " the Muni- t'onm-il dens-NI , "edit a! w .H to clean the e"sty. . ' Grand Master advised the d Lndgv to reject the motion. Tt l he Imymssible to frame I plat- “:mh would meet all the di. ..-.l political conditions prevailing r' Ihfl'vronf Provinces. They would. wright, by adapting a platform, Lung an lever in the bald: of Ntt rolJ’l‘lttu. PLATFORM. .-r u ‘Iwuuiun that waxed warm hm ths. Hruml Master's gavel go- leuvmly. the proposal that " Y platform should be drawn " mm-um to political candidate- "owed "ruler to-ttight. - ' my “mud Master Melt-Col. J. "I? moved that a coal-nine. con- ' .1: the Grand Nearer, him-ell; “ll-m Hun-ken, Toronto; J. White- Hum! organizer of British Col- W, G. Wetslmrk. Grand Muster, 'a. and J. H. Delanere, Supra-e f Auditor, should be lppoilu'd to up tlu. platform for communion I nv\t meeting of the Grand u and this was: ma iorit y vote ol at the darkgatn. the Minimum l [nu-ml pram-tin Dr al m. vtorairiard the amt " land lawn a! )Ianitolln, Subt- trl and Alberta, with regard to the Hun of the pun-owls ot the “I” will lands. The eommittee may 'attitude taken by the mud Mu- Jr, I'. S. srrroule, M. P., in his " nilh regard to the legislation, 1nd o-mlt'ql the avtion of the Giulio IHIN'III in ind-ting on the with. ‘l ol' tlte Imam, and McCarty hill- I Lu! wuiun ot the 1etrislautre. (o-tlay', -ion of the Grand Lock. , dumb-1| that a monster petition I he orouuerted against the propop: n-mlmvnt ot tttr: vorontgtim, oath. pn-miuu “ill not be rortrtrsed to at ot llw orange order, but up] n will he Aertt Monk-ant. through .unlr) and the various 0am ml! I..~ rmp"stml to ans-in. in ob 'd [luv ‘ignnlln't's at as many Pro. Im .I- lut<~ib|on t'llllt“. ' :Wment brought " the Duty I lil', and song strong tenth! -rlmr0' tkqmlt'h: "A move worthy innit." was the manner in which orrempondence Committee of the Hrunge Lodge of British North ll» with regard to the: of ”1.an In Hot in t y:l1,,,r'll'",'e,', will” " that tho Bonn Cniholicl bones, about sprouting -~ and endetworirtg to bind ml. Finally thermotion wan by an overwhelming nu- nu Hughes, M. P., opposed the "tretsuotrcly. Political en- lmnlcl be dealt with. he coll- .u their rrvord. Personally, be m having any platform than mu aNo "xrrreso'd that a news- tlo. standing of the London old have lent hull to such I mtarion, and a special eommit. Mminml to draw up a resolu- HIP-I. lo lw forwarded to the tr pointed out that in the " Hugh”: and Dr. Spronle ",tablinhrd records, but it ble to bind down new men Im‘iplo. 'Ils<i0u wandered ”H.313 'uut, and a delegate attacked v. Government for Illoving Human 1'atholien to hold ob ' dtqrartmetrt. In the te,'.': ml to nearly every cup oyeo mu Catholic. 'tttite there V ire mm to each seven Ptotnn oftermur" seoiott a romlmiol I ytroieMirtg against an article ':Ingi- order appearing in the inn-C "dition ot the Encyclo- Junica. The various delegates "d into the discussion of the mi warm in their expression 'val The ortiele was strmrritr [ulh'~4|ll1- mNrrpre-ntation of II mu aim elaimed "Int its _ um-r almost, in identical t " hulii-rum deeritrtion which tutrttmon among the Roman unnumity for a century, and author had apparently [one in (”antlmlii: mun-e fur his in, nuanu transacted by " to-day whioh in of por- to mwnho-n of the order to rwllun- the blue Old tr tho ritual. At a CO].- " meeting held in VII- t mu "eeided that ttrene Ire dropped. Since that am. however, there has gitution for their restor- mu aveomplisttrd to-day rte oi neatly three-quar- The girl in thawnse, then the beau. tilul Miss Crawford, sung in the Cen. tral Presbyterian Church during the closing days of the civil war. Car- negie was a devout attendant, at the ohurch and a warm ndmirr of the belle of the choir. Although l.e was a poor young man. the. earnestness and capable qualities of the iron man apparently won the young woman's admiration. and they were much to- gether. lt was considered u. settled that that they were shortly to he mar- ried. Then home from tho war came young Neeley. He wore the uniform of a lieutenant-colonel and he was dashing and gallant. When he began to appear at the Central Church and pay open attention to the pretty choir singer the stock of Carnegie noted an immediate decline. The iron man would not retire without a contest. and the two suitors were neck and neck in the race for a time. until they agreed to put the matter to a final test at the hand; , girl herself She listened to both and chose Negley. _ _ - -- Carnegie, bitterly disappointed. never attended the Central Church, nor any other church. for many vears. It is also recalled that he remained single until late in life. The girl as Mrs. Negley is Mill alive. Pittuourg despatch: 'hiueeeruut rival at Andrew Carnegie in the court of love, Ald. Edward Cox Negley, who soured the ironmaster's life tor sets eral years by carrying away his sweet- heart, died suddenly at his home to- day. h Wye-in: Tailer Struck While Shilling at Bart: Door. KILLED BY LIGHTNING Found Guilty of Stealing at Strathroy -Housebreahirtg Charge. Strathroy despatch: Roy Singer. the nickel theatre artist, who pleaded guilty to robbing Mr. Robert Mehr tyde, proprietor o {the Queen's Hotel, oi $24.30 and 81.30 from a Chinese but month, was sentenced by Police Magistrate Noble to-day to six months on the former charge and three months on the latter, the sentences to run con. currently. Singer was nl-m charged with robhbing Stepler‘s drug store. but got dear of that, as the Crown had not nut. tieient evidence to convict. singer is also charged with home- breaking here but month. On t'nia azim- cient evidence was produced 1.) 4-.ut~'l- l'n' Poliee Magistrate to send Singer for trial. He will Appear helore Judge Mac- beth in London on Saturday. Wyt"uing, May " During a tlmn. ds rdnrnl um afternoon Mom. 4 o’clock the barn of Walloon Williams near thin vilingv, was struck by lightning. Mr. Williams' brother-in-law, Mr. Charles El. stone, was instantly killed while stand- ing in the stable door. The deceased conducted a tailoring business here, and bad been a resident M Wyoming for many year-1. lie wna married, but had no family. When n 1 they an a “I. to rnd a.“ PM " Got the iauithrirrtyirrse. ’ St. John's, on, Deapateb--Mr. Pfu Roy, lute president of the defunct. Bunque do St. Jean, found guilty yester- dny of linking false returns regarding the bank’s attain, after addressing the court for M hour and I hall in his own defence, "I nuanced to rm, year: in the penitentiary. ”maxi-um tom. Mal Dead Who Stole Iron King's Sweetheart in Old Days. Black sxtttek d, hin post in the :ngim- mom. and was badly burned. and had to be dragged out by the new. Ahuvket brigade saved the “humor. Ham Larsen, a sleek hand, ran baek for money and Nothing and perished in the tlame. Swami Mate C. W. Watts was nun-mm by amok». Fireman Sam. a ananew, was badly burned. and Engi- nwr George Black h in a eritieal (-muli~ tion. Passenger, and Crew Have ploy-aim! and limit“, training in 'it public. sehol, throughout. the Domini upon the principles set fall' in the rule, of the Btmthemta t t for the encouragement of physical and military training in public schools" The "says no eotttined to school tut-hers or Normal students; mun. not. 93mm! 5,000 words, and may be in Freneh or English. 'they mmt he seut to the execut've council on or before August, I. an ueequeu to one! trix prizes of $150, “50. "00, $75, tao and 025 respectively, for the six bent any; on the following subject: "The best method of introduc~ ing and developing a general system of physical and military training in ti; public sclioh throughout, the [hi-min: muun, May 8t.--a militia order In been issued announcing that the execu- tive council of the Strnthcom that. for physical and military turning school: has deeided to offer nix prizes of $150, "50, 'too, ‘75, tao Ind .25 fauna-Hunk- CARNEGIE’S RIVAL. wraith-pm“. 1"eaaersandiGewtiG. FOR FIVE YEARS. FIRE 0N SI'EAMER. 'ion PRIZE FOR ESSAY: ROY SINGER SENTENCED. J, ngizzxva,‘ "a'iii 1iT'iciltit, s ----_" ,on' eorspiet - 'rutrried node on. but it “to: none on which one. Lively Fight, s In eontined to school Normal students; must not l words, and may be in .-..v-c ingnih. On t'Iii all!“ produced 1.) mm:- H: to send Singer I'm by the She left Portland morning. new of Crown Prosecutor llihlmrcl then asked for the pronmtneement of sontl-nce, but Mr. Cirunl naked for a reserved also. It WM (ll-vidwl to hear the nrgllmont in this lo-morrnw morning, but it is almost a fort-gone conclusion that the ohjoeliona of Mr. Clirard will he re- jocted, and sontwwo will be pronounced to-morrow. Only two ttav., nan Mr. Roy tried to shoot himself in the tread, hut only sue. "tttOrd in wounding himself in the foot. As tb result at tho wrecking, of the hank the (lopouimr-x. most of whom are farmers and working people, will he heavy lasers. At to-day trial Mr. Girard, counsel for Mr. Roy. made a plea fur the ac- t-uswl, and in the taco ut' the damaging c-vidvnoo it mu a remarkably ahlo plea. He was: followed by Mr. Banners, for the 1'rown, who dwelt particularly upon the false t'etttrnq made to the Government. At to-day trial Mr. Hiram for Mr. Roy. made a plea f mtswtl, and in the face ot' the ovidenee it mu a rernarkalsly At tho conclusion Judge Monet sum- med up the i-vidmu-o and addressed the jury, who then rmirml. and in twenty minute rn-turnwl with a wrdiot oi guilty. German Company to Have 30 Cities on lu Route. the mod, sensational trunk in the his. tory of thiu provinve. During the three weeks the trial haw been in progress sonw remarkable evidence was submitted in reference to Mr. Roy’s action. It mu shown that he had made false returns to the Hovvrnnwnt involving some $500,- 000. This consisted of worthless notes, past 1luv. bill: and bills payable, which Mr. Roy, his brother and their friends had discounted. pocketing the cash. In their raporh to the Government all this worthless paper wan sot. down as ass/0h. In the li<t of current loans was in. olmlwl an ilt'lll of $5,000 repre.wnted by u note of the bank itself, which was made to row-r money stolen from it. Waoingttut, May M. -That It will mun ln' chi-"per for the gerut "In“ of the Herman people to ride in airrihiits than in automoltilvs wen“ natured from report; to the Mule Department from the United Staten Consul at Brunswick, which says that the German Aerial Navigation Company has established permanent airship lines in Germany and that they appear to be assured of success. The report gives the following details: "lt is the purpose of the com- panyUt the start to connect fully thirty omen. It has already received patents tor Its turnhnlls for motor balloons and it will erect its first halls in Berlin, Munich and Strassbcrg, in Alsace. The extensive plans of the company have aroused the liveliest interest on all sides and their execution seems to be financi- ally assured." Five lines are planned connecting the largest cities in Germany, including Hamburg, Bremen, Cologne, Frankfurt and Leipzig. The consul also sends a map showing the several routes. Fund at Session of General Assembly at Denver, Col. New York Stunt. Malta it Equivalent u Larceny. Alhany, N. Y.. "May " - Governor Hughes to-dey signed the strained "joy- riding" automobile bill of Senator Hill. " provides Hut "any chaulfeur or other person who. without the consent. of the owner, shall take or cause to be taken from I garage, stable or other building or place an untomohile or motor vehicle and operate or drive or "use the nine 4., be wanted or driven for his own pm m, use or P"P'"' mm the lame mi - - _ n ,tAn c, -...ur., Moulrrnl clmpuu-h: llnn. P. H. Roy, (Ix-Sponkvr of the Quebec lmgialnture um! vx-Preulent of the Bank of St. John's, was found guilty to-day of wil. fully mllking false returns to the Gow tuattttettt, Donn-r. Col., May 3l.--At to-day'g c,ssiort of the General Assembly of the "reoyterian Church, Rev. Ellis Worth “it'll. of Wtrtsonville, CAL, introduced a resolution declaring that ministers should not use tobacco. A layman arose amlwlaml Mr. Rich should include lay n. This was done, and the resolution was “hurled amid cheering. THE WRECKING OF THE BANK OF ST. JOHN'S, QUEBEC. Making False Returns-Ur-" tne Funds to Bolster tht H Own Enterprises-include.. Worthless Notes and Other Paper in the Re turns to the Government as As. sets. fit, use or purpou, scum we um..- u... is guilty of larceny. and shall brink!» IN: mardinaly.” No estimate " the value of the estate was given with the filing of the will lur- ther than a statement that the real PV tate N worth more than $10,000 and the personal "Mate tr.xeeeds $00,000. Various trusts ranéing in amounts from “0,000 to $200,000 each, and alto- gether aggregating #550,000, are created fur the benefit of Mr. Rogers’ collateral relatives The ineome from thew truats " tO he paid to the various hem-ficinr- ins slttriug their lives, and upon their death); the principal of the trust fund, xx"rll revert tip the rosiduary estate of the tentator. New York. May Gi.---The will of the late Henry H. Rogers I!“ filed for pro- late hue to-day. The tesutor leaves all his property to his widow, children and relatives, with the exception of $100,000 willed to the town of Fairba- ven, Muss. tor the use of the primary and grammar stimuli; at that communi- ty. The will gives to the widow the use of the New York city residence, and sets asides a truth (and of from '2,i500,000 to $3,000,000 to brovide an annuity for her of Milka)". At her death this trust fund is to he returned to the residuary astute. Mr. Rogers leaves his residence at Fairhaven, Mass., and his real estate there to his son, Iienry. H. Rogers, jun. Ilia thm inlay. $NO,00' Wi'lel In. taasthaotttishereetrt. l'hm verdict is the ROGER’S WILL. "JOY Timid" A cams. NO-TOBAOOO RESOLU'I ION. AIRSHIP LINE. ROY GUILTY. Native City. I'Mlllt of mm of truth in the his. cow! in WI Victoria, ll. i., May 31.-Twiee a murderer and suspected of being one of the three hold-up men who entered a saloon of Charles Thomas, of Midway, H. c., killing the proprietor and robbing the ezuh till. Charles Phillips, alias Chas. Benton, baa been arrested near Quesnel, B. I'., by the provincial police for the Washington State authorities, and will be sent to Vivtoria pending instructions. Phillips murdered James Wells, a con- Mable, in Seattle in 1897, when the policeman was removing him from a patrol wagon. Phillips slipped a re- volvcr from his clothing, shot and dis. appeared. He was not heard of again until the Initlmnuuer of the i'JHOWHIg year, when the authorities of Republic, “‘nle, got on his truck. They hunted him down, but the half-breed eluded cap- ture. killing Deputy Sheriff Itawlsiburt at Luio on June 27, 1808. The outlaw escaped nnd his trail was hut until u few months ago. Supt-rin- tenth-int Hum-y, of the British Columbia provitwial polio', heard that a one-armed half'hrwtl answering the description of Phillips was in ('nrilmn. Steps were taken to capture him, and after a chase through northern British Columbia, Con- stable Anderson, of Quesnel, took him on the west side of the Fraser. He will be! brought here, and if wanted for the Washington murders, will be handed over, following extradition pro- Alumna G. lla, Placed Orders For $500,000 Worth of Machinery. Pittusurg, Pa., May '31.-Attother more toward eenteriug the iron and steel industry of the United States on the borders of the Great Lakes was made today, when a contract was (la-ed by the Algoma Steel Company for 35(me worth of heavy steel Inuiclliner'y to he delivered at Sault Ste. Marie, Canada, in quickly as pm- Mule. It is the intention of the Phila. delphinm and the Londoners hack uf this plant to have two immense steel mills in Canada turning out bars and other steel products by Nov. l next. Fifty Vessels Unable. to Move Owing to Strike. Paris, May 31.-mse strike of the sailors, stokers and stewards of the merchant marine is extending. The men demand a weekly day of mt and equalization ot pay on paasenger and freight boats. The tie up in complete at Marseilles, where fifty Veanela are unable to move, and it is partial " Havre, Dunkirk. St. Nuaine. Toulon Ind Bordeaux. Pauengen at all these ports are delayed. . Torpedo boats are being employed for the con- veynnce of the maila to Algeria and Corsica. The companion concerned have asked the Government to lend them crew- from worship: to ensure the movement ot “emails. Outlaw, Wanted For Murders, Wu Caught in British Columbia. Sold on Winnipeg Exchmca " It.“ Per Bush“. Winnipeg. May 27.--.A onrloml of when was laid on the Winnipeg ex- change this morning. which has been in store in Port illiun since 1904. u a mum of litigation "icing out o! the bill of lsding. It netted the ("not shout 51 cant- per bushel. " though} hold " 8.1.16. A: n latter of imlhu faet “he hm: in out thousand; of dolls:- on the doll “to: paris'. his hiya. . Parliament was opened yesterday by tho Earl of Dudley, who announced the iutroduetion of legislation pro- viding for tho progrouirc taxation of unimproved land, with the olrject oi Irteaking up large elstes and offering to immigrants the indm-ements needs. wry to attract them in large numbers. Proposal“ are. to he sulnnitted also unwinding the ormwtitution to enable Parliament to pron-M. the intereitis of the 1oncuutu't', while insuring a Fair may to s-wry worker. to extend thy jurisdiction of the Legislature with rt" gard to {rum and omulriruttionu and to provide for the nationalization of mono- Mr. Henkin and others nvuw that, their votes were given with the ob. ject of preventing Mr. G. F. Pearce, Minister of lh-fem-e, from going an a ch-h-guu- to the Imperial Defence (‘on- fen-nee, which the, fu,,ionists believe will proltalsly develop into a eonfidential diamuuion and settlement of the strate- gy of Imperial defence. Melbourne, Australia, May 31.-'i'he l-‘nlwr Government was defeated in the Home of Itepresetttatives toulay on a motion to adjourn. The vote was 39 to M. The Free Trade, Proteetiott. lat and anti-Socialist parties oi the Ctmtmonwealth joined ioree, toder Mr. Alfred Deakin, llu- fortuer Prc-mivr, to Ming about the Government': downfall. Free Traders, Proleclionim, and Anti-socialists Against It. htatralia's Labor Government Was Defeated. His next stop was another floor be- low. where he tumbled into a woman‘s skirt hung out on the line and inflated by the wind. The skirt was too " ior Patsy, and he slipped through, but his fall was broken and no ill results fol. New York, May 8t.--Patriek Benrson, aged four, is the luckiest little Irishman in New York, in spite of the hot. that he is the youngest of thirteen children. He fell five storeys yesterday, and es- caped with a slight trash in the had. tie was playing on the tire ”cape of bis mother's flat, live flights up, n, 1995 Second avenue, when he fell off. He hit the railing of the fire est-ope two storeys down and bounced from there to a clothes line, tt storey lower, still: _ lowml MMFNOMIIIM ONTARIO ARCHIVES TORONTO DEAKIN’S SUCCESS. LUCKY LITTLE PAT. Tl E-U P A r MARSEI LL55. STEEL PLANT. . CAR OF I”! WHEAT Into Won-’0 Skirt. GOT HIM. Toronto tleiapittcls; F. ll. Atkin. who was 76 year; of age. died of paralysis Monday at hilt home, F." St. Chimne- nue. The funeral was held from the home tr, Prospect/Park Cemetery yes- terday afternoon. Just before the coffin “a carried out, It the close of a. oer. vice conducted by Rev. (Dr.) Hardwood, Mrs. Atkin, aged, hut apparently in good health Jrent over and touched the lips of her dead-husband. Her eyes were dry and she seemed to be bearing the stein wonderfully well. Then the cortege departed an}! the bereaved woman went upstairs. But a few moments Int” she was stricken. Dr. McNumnn was calledaod shortly after Dr. Harrison. Before he arrived, and before those who had attended the body of the husband to its last resting place returned to the house, the wife The Synod will make appliation to join the General Council representin- the Church in North Amerira, which meet: at Minneapolis in September. Rev. M. J. Bieber was rhosen delegate to the General Count-ii, and tthut to the Syn- od, ol New York and New England, which meet-I the first week in June. Rev. J. A. Miller v“ appointed trater. anl delegate to the Camdnin Syond (Ger- man) meeting at Preston next woke. Children Returning Fro. Father ' Funeral Find “other Bead. Qua and Toronto dospatch: It has been decided to proceed with the building of the Luth- eran (English) Theological Seminary in Toronto, to be affiliated with the Uni- unity of Toronto. unity of Toronto. Two new eonterenev, were orglnimd at the conclusion of the Synod'n annual conventjon yesterday mm ning and offi- can; elected as follows , Eastern Conterenee--Presidettt, Rev L. M. MeGreery, Morrisburg; Secret-ry- Treasurer, Rev. G. A. Feehner, William; burg. - " - . . and rolmrtt-H of all the city papers "ianaged to won-Mu thI-nlnrlnu wlwr:s they muld got unlutim rt'port's of the, prmwdingn. and (Tented I Ions:- tiny toulay hy pnltliuhing thr inoriur hunting details. Manly proph- who n'c-n- not sllulwrtul have lseen shown to have profited by the crooked work, wltieh,aamiing to the engineer, be. gan with the letting of the contracts when. it in aheged, Contractor Davey had been permitted to altet' hii tender for hN share of the work from “42,000 to “47.00". after inside information had ln-t-n sun-urn]. lt is alleged that he and the arehiteet packed the estimates to the extent of several thousand dol- lars. The rity lure taken over the work, and will not. allow Davey to own tab. zumy any of hN tools. _ Project For a College Will be Seriously Carried Out. ti'euern Conterenee-Prmtident, Rev. J . A. Miller, Us"; Secretary-Tr-er, Rev. H. J. Krmuhorv, Brantford. Eight Men Smnukd Into the Mia Grace Baker Wins Follmhip " Bryn Mun- College. Philadelphia, May 31.---Sarah Alraee Taylor Barker, of Wound. Ontario. bachelor of tie-cc of Chicago Univer- sity, ch- of 1M. bu been lulled “long lourteeu others, I graduate Kel- lov-lup Ichaludi toe a an study " Bryn leer. (20er in Epic. This Ottawa, May 3l.-'l‘he Trade and Com- meree Department has been notified that the United States inysoetors in New York State have captured at Burke, a few miles south of the border, r. eovered carriage driven by a French- Canadian, and containing eight Chinese. The party were c'ouveyed to Malone, where they were incarcerated and the Canadian nuthoritles notified. The driv. Pt' admitted that the Chinese were being smuggled into the States from Athel- stun, Que. They Were offered back to the Canadian attthoritits, but they re- iused to accept them, with the result that the Chinese will have to remain in Malone jail, unless deported to China at Unvle Sam's expense. MAY KEEP CHINESE. Calgary despntch: A bad scandal i-s being unearth-d in eonneetion with the "tu'ettott of the $2100.01” City "all how. The Coutu.il tttet in ,ieetet wq.iion hut evening to diwuu the mituation, and rolmrlt-H of all lhvcilypapsrs cutiei with it ttatrteee bikini. with .u ttta rights “a privilege. of the ca- logo tree. Suspicious Work in Regard to City Hall Contracts. CALGARY SCANDAL New York, May "-Appnrenttr na- dallaged alter resting all night with her how on the roeia near the Staten Island shore, the North German Lloyd steamer Primes: Alice waa floated at high water to-day. Tests of her forward compartments showed them to be tight, and Captain Moeller, of the line, declar- ed that the steamer was sound and would resume her voyage today. 'ren tugs and steamers aided in drawing the big tenet off the rocks after the water ballast had been shifted from the how lo the stern compartments, bringing her how up five feet. While lying " an. eltor oft stapleton. Staten Island. re- storing the cargo and ballast, the Prin. P,eq.q Alice was swung by the tide agaimst the hull of the steamer Marten, but neither vessel was damaged by the Might blow. Shortly after " a. m. the Prinzess Alice paused out of the harbor for Plymouth. All her paucngers re- mained on board. Woman-u Again and WWW. LUTHERAN SYNOD. WELLAND GIRL’S SUCCESS. WIFE STRICKEN. GROUNDED. [nebula-taunt United States. “The Senate, after raretul eonttideta. lion. finds the charges against the teach- ing of Professor Matthewn not proved. 'lhe Senate is assured that Professor Matthews is regarded by his students an a strong and inspiring teaeher; that he " a man of humble and devout spirit, sound on all the fundamentals of the Baptist tc'ah, and that he is highly re- speeted M a Christian and it gentleman by all thoue who know him best. In matters of biblical criticism he is eon- sservative. "The chair of Old Testament exegesia it. in the opinion of the Senate, one of the most diffieult in the whole univer- sity to fill. beeause of the eritieal prob- lems that are newuarily raised in deal. ing with the religion and literature of the Semitic peoples. There are different ways of fat-big these problems. One method is to ignore them altogether; ttttt other is to veeogttir.e them, but to seek to dull with eat-h individually us it arises in the mind of the student; and a third is to state the problems frankly, face them. and then seek to find acme solution that will stand the severest strain that may be put upon it. Pro. fessor Matthews adopts the. but of these methods. believing that it " better for the students to film the problems in the privney of the elaaa room under the sympathetic guidance of their teat-her than to meet and solve them alone and unaided, as they are hound to do in after years in the mom oi their ministry. And in this Protector Matthew: hm the hearty endorsation of the Senate. . Ottawa despatch: (talc-r. in muuu-il were planed " thin ottoman-'- meet- in; of the Cabinet appointing {our new Ontario judges. Mr. J. Her- bert Danton, of Toronto, I" appoint- ed to the new junior Judge-hip of York County. Mr. J. McKay, KC., of Small Ste Moria. Ill appointed to the County Court. Bunch vacancy u Coho-n, cau- ed by the deaths of the late Judge Gnu. Mr. G. M. Bonn, K. C., of Peterboro', VII nppoinkd to the new Didrict Call-t Judge-hip tor Thunder Bay and 30in Rim, nod Mr C. III- nl! Fitch, ot mouthing In Appoint-I tonal ip nt Port “mam Toronto g ip In! two new Gouda Judge-Ii were eee.tad by u not of tho Ontario m“... lat anion. The get.: a In. up "any I. the . (but of Mrt' leach eon-l by tho I. " r. J“ Aatgiin b tho =lt'l (but In Ion not fee Lttethee m. Toronto. despateht The charge laid by Rev. Dr. Elmore Harri-1 against Pro. fonor I. G. Matthews, of the cUir of Hebrew and Old Truatttent Hersh; of Mehiaster Uuivernit.v, of ten-hing hereti- ral views of the old Testament, was found not prown by the Senate of Mo- Master University Inst night, after I session lasting ova-r on 'ttours. In In oft'ieial state-mom usual to the prom by the Senate it was deelarvd that Pro- fessor Mathews, though accepting many of the "mults of modern critical scholarship, holds firmly to the impin- tion and supernatural character of the Old and New Teqtamentq. It in further awhsred that matador University Dr. Harris hand his charges upon shorthand notes taken by a student in Proiensor Matthews' Pttse, he general allegation being that the professor 1m unorthodox in many of his views re- gnrding the interpretations of the Old Testament by highcr critics. In View of the publicity given to the chug" it was decided at a meeting of the Senate on May ll to appoint 1 committee to investigate thcnmlnd to definitely settle the attitude of McM-uter University towards modem scholarship. After eureful oou,rideration the committee pre- pared a report exorierating Professor Matthews from the charges made against him. and cxprcsning confidence in his Inching. The report name before a speeittl meeting of the Senate yesterday, and after mniidornble discussinn the recom- mendations of the committee were adopted,nml this statement was inuwd: "McMaster l'nin-raity Mandi tor iron Mm, for progress, for investigation. It must welcome truth iroul whatever quarter, and never be guilty of binding the spirit of free inquiry. As a Chria- tian school of learning under Baptist auspices it stands for the fullest and treest investigation, not only in the scientific realm, but also in the realm of hibiieal scholarship. Holding inet their historic position on the personal freedom and responsibility of the individual, re- fusing to bind or be bound by any human creed, rejecting the authority of tradition and taking their stand on the word of God alone as the supreme and all-sufficient rule of faith and practice. the Baptists have ever been ready to accord to all students of the sacred seriptures the largest possible measure of freedom consistent with loyalty to the fundamentals of the Christian faith." ILLWDe-tuhr Yuk Students Have a Strong and Inspir- . ing Teacher-Prof- Matthews Holds Firmly " Inspiration and Supernatural Character b, Scrip- tum. 'Ulu/n,, freedom, for Prog"'" and for ittvestisrui?m" _ _‘ _ PROFESSOR MATTHEWS AOQUIT- TED OF HERESY CHARGE. .Ottewn. In 'tcr-The dates lot - training of meal mir. in the me. and lie-mo. dietrlets m IN. The following corps are to trek It Ni. agar- on June Is.. Royal Candie- Dm. goom. It squadron. and [Jr-gooe- A, B and D squadron, 9th Mini-nag: com, Second Brig-dc u, R. A., ttoml En- gineers, right half and Fortress ' play. Second Field Corps, C. E. city ecc- tion, Corps of Guides Attachment; Raye! Cenedinn Regiment, No. 1 com- puny, end the lith Regiment, 29tht negl- ment, 34th Regiment, 30th Regiment, 37th Regiment, 39th Regiment, Mth Regiment. 77th Regiment. 47th Regi- ment, Signalling Corps, Ko. 2 section: Army Service Corps No. 2. No. " and No. 12 mmpnnies: Permanent Army .Medienl form. No. 2 detachment, No. itt, No. II. No. lit and No. l.8; Field Ambit lanee Corps, ordinance "ompanies, No. 2 detachment; Army Pay Corps, half at No. l demi-hmnnf DATE OF ruiiiiiiii" Pa M can In... a NOT A HERETIC. FOUR JUDGES. DH-enu-d had Inn-n singularly unfor- tunate in many "alum-h during lip [ta-1 iew Yeats. Me WIN a mener of ttte fire department for s.", yea", and alum: sun-u years ago, while fighting a firm tte lnsl the sigh! of an eye in an ex. pin-ion which occurred at the Mr Carthy machine shop ttt (Mario “rm-l. Mr. Turner had hum-red alumni con- tinuously aim-e that time with pail" in the head. and the shun-k notiomly " the Mail. and the shun-k notiohnly " feeted his new“ and heart. 0. Mon. day last he WM again the victim of an ttniortttnate aeeidet" by which the -iglllv of him other eye WIN ulmm-l destroyed. a firecraeker in the hawk of one of the hoy- eqloding n0" his face. Thin tteeident irreyed an his mind to such Ill mac-M that he was mul- pletely unnerved during' Tuesday uhl Wednesday. $40,000 Blaze at tuid AGU. Crockery WM.‘ London, Ont, Despite-ht 2.35 an. morning fire broke ottt in the oroekery warrhnuw of W. J. Reid l Co., Clarence. mireet. whirl. Gefore it had Iran fitolty quenched did damngv which will tool up to tum». The Ill-id building in situ, ttted in a wry autumn-d dial-id. where tbere nn- nanny watvltote<es and tuc. torieru' Inmediltelv to the north is the 'ialvation Army t'liadet, And then ths Savoy Hotel, which in turn inmvdi-n-Iy Idjoins the lamina-- Mock-u an Damian street. The Hernia stun that when Potlu- gal signed the Brussels interutional convention, by which the distillation of Ill'nhol from the - can "II greatly reutrieted in the Portuguese colonies in Africa, Porutgtteae Inn-I'- vhunh tttattuHetured wine of a very high nleuholie unwind. which wa. known as "wine for the blacks." om. tia! Autism-a show tint nearly eleven thousand out“ of this wine, rmuir, ing 8.51»,an annually, are sold to the natives of Mozambique, and accord- ing to the GoverttorAlettrral of Hunt colony 1.3m lieenseq for the sale ot' the wine were granted in Lorenzo Mar quez Int year to merehantq interested in this Home. The 890qu "prunes the npinion that the enquiry by the Transvaal Govern. ment "my gin- rise to a campaign Inimi- lar to that made against Portuguese “slave mm." in England lately. Inquest of Sanford In Oped ‘JYedcday. Perk, May 3i.-- The prelim of the General Federation of Ubor he: (one to [him aim-e the coll-pee of the ml strike. M. Neil, the unwary, he: no signed, and the more powerful union have withdrawn with the intentio- at towing a new confederation that III“ be without the revolutionary cur-etu- Mice of the on one. The "It! neo- eietion of [Mutt-ten he- npudiew " mtttteetiott with the woee-tt'q m- iutiou. A 80mm Bailey and NW In “More a o'eloek the entire roof was a mass of Ilium, and the leighlmrinl building-x were in gr“! danger of rateris. ine fire. tty no "'oloel; the fu"tteth hid hoe-n nulxluml. although the firemen n- ma'med It the mm- until 6 o'clork. "iii/ia/rare animal!“ to mm“ which does not nearly cover the in“ 14 at prowl estimated. atureutheh-eh6-l Educational”. Endang- Mm. \"anhingum. " C., May Si.-datoe Bailey, of Tenn, and W. B. ”In“. "prose-tum: of the Now York I“... in the Sen-u pun gallery. a“ blows iast u the Senate "i-rated a. day an I malt ot I cum they - in when to " ankle - y the New York "upper qr'Nt%rhtqt the sincerity of the m4. " dNtqr0e on the M09333; _ _ Son! m ae hon rich. new " quiro rid". M1 mighty to. to" m “not up. thou. Port-gum lemmas." ha. “My at W. Edgar Wullnce. About In you! old, a mm of Mr. Inn-hard Wullm. J. P., aw the woman climbing over the (and have. but I“ too in “way It (In time lo do anylloing to Mu.) ber. TN body was “unified by a his!" and lumber in-law ot' Miss Ilanuhuw'l. “WINE FOR BLACKS. " Ton-to.‘0It.. nap-tel -dNiantett Bun-hmmgd a yum, a tune in the unplny of Mr. Struck.- .lohu-lou. hur- ristor, III hallo“. “not, hearted but" tod-th om the ' M w. whkh up“: the second Rouble Invite. " us this atoning. The won:- ut- tered from hut (“Inn for gone “up. and ill-beam: is the reason giveu by her xvi-liven for her not. The bridge k the high": in the city. Ind the drop from it. middle in us feet. Before ”king the lap, whieh laid her tt crumpled and hruken man on the swaul heluw. the womnn [named over Wynn.- u-wnl times with deliberate at an usual-bu. I... hr . a“. Mo LONDON’S BIG FIRE. A DEATH LEAP. s-o-n-ir-re-ca,. FIGHT IN U. I. ISN‘TL N0 USE FOR IT. FOUND DEAD. fy,

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