West Grey Digital Newspapers

Durham Review (1897), 10 Jun 1909, p. 1

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" al Sale UKNETT Prices paid JUNE 3, 1909 ”loves, CALL ill, ICES that 2.50 1-00 1.89 Ll le, m 19 if: .355 fi' Butter and Eggs wanted,-highest prices paid E ,,i'f,i' New Sumit1erfipptlii In: H These-are something to enthuse crvirr-sueh lovely 0:: shades I such good qualities '. such dressy tiuishes ! E shades are browns, tan,linen, blue-3 gt'etrn---oorreet ti weight for dresses and coat suits-Lie to 500 a yd. Fil New Gingham: and Chamtrrars-Plairl, stripes x and checks in different colors, tine weaves 121&15e . More Prints.. used this year a New Prints than ever-we have new stripes y,', y4uitahle for shirtwaists besides light and dark suit- 3 a'de for any other purpose-thams and best Cant- M diam tnaliess--.1tre and lay; yd fixmmxzcxmdfiwxmwgfi $314 MXaml5ilglXlgkil8lXl mmmgmmsg 'JA C C C . 'lil New Linen and Linen Suitings 'if Ttte REVIEW, DURHAM, ONT VOL. XXXlI, NO. 23 359:3 will and THE REVIEW from now to Jan. 1, mo (shot! 9 months) for 50 can". Take ad- vauuae of this "milk-3M. out! or see that your friend or neigh- bor does so. NOW is the time. To may “than Jn Duluth. w.- For yours we have had a reputation for fine laces & cmluvideries at reasonable, prices This season more than sustains it. We never had such a. variety of beautiful {alum & etubroideritss---we can't desribe them but we know you’ll like them. New White Waists in the new styles New Tan hone for children and “mien-plain and lace front, 13:- to arc. per pair NEW SUMMER WEIGHT HOSE New tace Ankle hose, black tun. gro-y. fine liste thread, 50(- pr. Nineteen hundred Dollars worfl, of Fine Solid Gold Rings, Tie Pins, Cuff Links and Crosses bought by us at 59 cents on the Dollar. They are on display in our Jewelery window and will be sold AT LESS THAN REGULAR WHOLESALE PRICE FOR TEN DAYS ONLY Come and see the most wonderful Bargains in fine High-class Jewellery ever placed in a window in Canada. _ “a; 9a», For Ladies, Men, Girls, Boys and Babies. Hundreds to choose from-come early while. the choice is great. Every ring and piece of Jewelery in this great Sale fully guaranteed. . ll. B. KEELER 8L SUN to Jan. 1 I910 New Laces and Embroideries Thug are fresh new waists, trimmed with handsome embroideries, tucks and lace, long pointed sleeves, prettily trimmed, new Gibson Collars to match, $1.50 to $1.75 James Ireland onderful Jewellery Opportunity a Rings @® A SPECIALin black HOSE 2 PAIRS FOR 25c Good thread. best Mark“ shaped ankle 2 or for 2.5c They're here In hiq vali- ety---laee. emtsroidered and check-Otto" and cashmere T 25c to 50: a pr. MENS FANCY HOSE maximum. The REVIEW to New Subscribers, for the Balance of the Year, only 50 cents. BARK WANTE'b-2UO Cards of Hem- lock hark wanted tor which highest price will be paid. T. SMITH For wedding sents gm m Weh- stel's he has every ing np-Lo date in Jewellery, Silverwm- and Cut Glass. A party of ten young people from town trkmieked at Pike Like last Thursdnv. A company of Mt. Forest and Clifford young fo ks! fraterttized wnh them, Mr Stanley McNally preached very ar'ceptat0y on Sunday on. the Ehmww-r appuimmem for Mr Dynes. who, with Rev. MrJatuiesou, w-m attending con- ference. Do not fail to see our lame stock of Summer Millinerv. Miss DICK Go to Ive er’s for your engage- ment and Weddl Rings. All sizes and everathirur up- -date. Dr. D an. F4teattord, will he at Dr. Gulf-s re. Thursday. June l7th, for consultat n, in eye, ear, nose and throat trouble Prospective June Brides or their friends should order their wedding nuns at once fro": the REVIEW Oftiee, Call and get samples, Vattety in type and cards and price right. REVIVAL s'KRvtcks.--An increased interest I: being taken in the revival services being conducted in the Baptist Church. The you". men sing the guspcl effectively lit, well as preach it. Pu aria Green anirYertilizer bug killer at e Central Drug Store, Dur- ham. The Standau Bank pays interest on Savings Bank epusils from date of deposit to da of wit.hdvawai. Every dollar oi tti deposit earn: tttttwest fur every (in Lt remains on deposit. Mr It, J. Agnvw eldest ~01] ot Wars det: Agnew (if Muafnrd, died at. the new of 37 " am an attack of pneumnn In. The family and the town Were plunged mu) gloom over the death of this estiruable citizen, (in your west-wmms h'lled at the Central Drug Stun c, o F. tir:uvttt--The, Canadian Order of Farah-rs will attend Divine tivrvice in u body in the Presbyterian church m Sunday, June 20. Full ut- H-ndnnce of "tesutr.rs requestvd. The Band will he in ttttendsnce. BOUGHT Pnormrn'. --Mr Ron. Mat. thews, of Matthews & Laliuier, this week purchased the Mills residence and ptopertv in Upper Town. Mrs Mills and family intend leaving for St. Catharines the end of the month. Mrs C. McAthur wishes to announce and does so In her. ad. on page 4 that she hats no Intention ot giving up her irussinese, as Ita" been erroneou-aly rumored. Instead she is stocking up with new goods and welcoming new customers. I COMPLETED MEDICAL Ttsuoi,-- Ne congratulate Mr Brad Jatuieson, ion of Dr. Jamieson, M. P. P, on being tsucce,osntl un his fiurd exams in Medl- ince at Toronto L'niversuy, as om- nounced in Tuesdays' dailies, He has yet. mtppletuentttl exams. in lwusuh- Jean. Medicine and Pathology before completing his fourth year Gamma”; PLocc.H-Aftvr close ap- plication and experimenting C. Smith and Suns have completed the gasoline plough we referred to smne weeks Ngo, und last week on the farm of T. G. Lauder made a successful trial. It has any amount of pom-r and given a. tield reasonably free of stones and a man trained In its use will do an enur- mous day's work, NEW Tun-2 TABLE --Refereuce to the C, P. R. timetable elsewhere will show changes in force beginning Oth of June Em hound trains leave. Durhum7.28 a In and 3.52 pm. West hound leave 12. 12 and 8 a")? p m. A gain of 15 min- utes has been made between Walkers ton and the Junction, The change gives Durham 0 minutes longer in the morning and arrives earlier at noon and night. _ Full line of h Central Drug Slur Wednesday morning an ofNial G.T. R. train of four elegant coaches drew into Durham station. A dozen or more otmius got out. looked around the station. s,nitfed mr fresh morning air, gave A hurried glance over Mr. Townet'se records which seemed to be satisfactory. asked a few question, and in ten minutes or 50 left for Palmer- ston and Guelph. The inspecting party comprised C. M. Hays, Vice Pres. and General Man. wzer; W. G. Brownlee. General Man. ager of Transportation l H. u. Kelley, Chief Engineer: J. W. Loud, Freight TrudBc Manager ', u. E. Davis, Passer.- ger TrnfBe Manager: w. D. Robb, Sup. of Motive Power; J. Coleman, Sup. of Car Dep't.; N. B. Blaixlm-k. Enflneer Maintenance of Way l w. E. (Men. Sup. of Middle Division and other staff "ofmunis. They were court- esy itself to our reporter but what they didn't say would till I big book. The 'Money You" Save Saves You from woetr-Gmtt--debtr-hetiUtiry A Mable MAW irresoe0nearrmind.rlfegidenee,a.ndtuptrwee.touu THE STANDARD BANK Distinguished Visitors. WWI iveaoeteaneatrttttmt.0eB-emtttGencee_natne8weOo' Medmoppomniythatmwbeuaone’om imessaunrDepoaus,whethertheira-tsbekr-ta tu-courteous-ice. _ -- ;‘_ -.-- - -iiiiiTiGiiijiGt we. with . Depodt a One Ddkr " more. in ow Suv'np De-ent. " DURHAM BRANCH DURHAM, THURSDAY, JUNE IO, 1909. hing tackle tithe 1m 3.11:. '"asadre MG. M " m... OF CANADA ONTARIO ARCHIVES TORONTO The Stunda Bank pays interest on Savings BA deposits from date of deposit to d e of withdrawn]. Every dollar of e deposit earns interest for every ' it remains on deposit. N Spetia' t in all optical defects of sight will' in Durham Friday, June 25th. lepre “ting the Toronto Optical '1ichnie, 20 College 8L, Toronto, This is I. tvlia' e tirm doing first class work througho the province. Weetuore 1mm; demonstrated to the world lhnt local option in not a detriment to the general business of a town. Collingwood and Stayuer will take a vote on the measure at the next municipal eleetiomg.--Btar. Mr Baht. Ewan while hauling logs got, his leg ingured, perhaps broken. by his chain hr aking and a log falling on him. Rev. DI. Pringle of Yukon fume, will preach in the Presbyterian Church In Durham on Sunday next. Not certain yer whether morning or eve- ning. All should hear this denouncer of rormption in the Yukon townsynd Curupt'. Field n and all Linda aTarnip seed at the Mud Drug Store. Dur- ham. At Mount For Business Cullrgoa, students complet borough courses in Bookkeeping Sh thmul and Type: writing in a. short t wmn account of me injividualinstru con given. Any young lady or gent TY? desiring a good pmilion. cannot " better than attend this College. FOUND....) Chain of Keys. This office. Buy your liek and gnden and: from Matthews l Lntituer. Mr John Thompson. Normanhy. while driving up Durham hill last week was kicked by a horse so severe- ly as to cause him to lie up at the Central for a while. This was the tirst time ever a doctor was called to him professionally. Met in regular meeting on Monday and did cmhiderahle business. It seems incuednhle but th" recehing of the roll had to be extended again till July 3. LATE FOR BALB.--A quantity at the Hardwale More. - - Constable Carson got the appoint- ment of dog collector. $100.00 was yoked lo pay for the new atmory site. Five tenders for street watering Were put in. The tender of John Schulz at 8130 Was accepted. Uoun. Unchmne moved that the tender of John Krntsee at $120 he accepted, but and not find u. secunder. Mayor luidluw linked for an ex- planation from the Bd. of works re the taking by cttizunaof centettt blot-ks hunt the burned Separator Workss Reeve Saunders is chairman of Work, com. and admitted having giving ('ill- Bend tiherty to take the liloclta, Coum Morton thought they were only lo get broken blocks, while Conn. Cot-brunet the other member of Works com. had not. been consulted and knew nothing about it. The reeve J'ttstitied himself on three. counts: hurt year‘s mayor had given some away to an outsider, the council haul paid to have some of it removed and it wad an eyesore anyway. The mayor condemned the action of the wow in no uncertain tones. The property was not w, deeded to the town, part ofthe we [could have been again utilized, and if the biocki were. so deit Mile for curbing purposes. they were worth something and from this tall citizens would benefft, The matter 1Wl|s lett an it was in the meantime, hut we think the Inayot’s position is i itupregnuhle. t) Eividge, bat of assessors” salary 15.00 w B vollett, salary for May. .. . .30.00 Prge .134 telephone .13. ' 49 Jun Whittaker wrrk on street. . . 2.00 Jno Schultz, lday with team....3A5 T Morton Jr, work on streets. '.. . 3.45 Durham Fur tlo., ai8 ft hemlock. 4.90 Henry Simpson. 8 hrs wmk ...... 1.20 Jos Brown for Armory lot. . . .. 100.00 W III Firth, repair wall.... .... R McMeeken, wprk on suzeelgs The building our pied by P. G. A. Webster as a. jewell Iy store and J. P. Telford as tslate 0 cet with sh:w case-s. wall cases. cl ck and Mfe at a bargain. A! I have purchased the mill at Aberdeen from J. W. U wford, I am in 3 pt silion to do all hi tt of custom tuting.. . ... . a; n m... ...,... The highest pnce will be id for all kinds of hugs during next inter. A Roof lot of Shingles for a cheap to anyone who will buy them ere. Durham. May 31, 1900 The following accounts were [mused t Aberdeen Sisk Miil. Town Council. ------._------ For Sale. A. Goad”. WAVE)! n, Susk A. S. ticsrxn. got the appoint- N. Mctsrsute. 3 4.00 The regular winter meetings will again he held in Durham and Hano- ver. Supplementary meetings at Holstein, Dromore, Ayton and Elm- wood. Pres. U. Edge and Secy Geo. Binnie were re-elected. John Philp, Egre- mont, wusmnde Vice Pres ; Auditors -C', L. Grant and 1Vat Young. The municipality representatives are; Nonnunhy -Jas, Peter, J. w. Blyth Metttinck--Wtn Scarf. Thos. Morton Glenelg--Thos. McGirr, Wm. Aljoe Egremont-ti. Lothmn. W H Rogers Htsnover--G, Mstchell, Val Kirchner Durham-C. Homage. Wm. Irwin Plot. Reynolds who was here last year was again the speaker, some mis- take having been made in placing Mr Le Drew in two places some day. His topic was "co-operation" among hus Iners. Canada was away behiud Den- mark and other farming countries of Europe in this respect. The cause of the slow progress was jealousy and mistrust of each other, The Annual Meeting was held on Tuesday. The attendance woe slim indeed and we can't imagine the in. telligent farmers of South Grey are, properly seized of the importance of these meetings. What should be done to properly and effectively arouse their interest we are not prepared to any offhand. but it seems too bad to have wide awake professors met with a show of indifference. Beer. Binnie read the report of the Executive. There had been during the year 15 sessions, 31 addresses, and an aggregate attendance of 1550. much less than the average of past years. The auditors' report showed receipts of 8392. the annual exculsicn henna the largest income producer by far. The expenditure was over Ore, He outlined the aime to have in view: to save price of middlemen; to have products properly graded by a competent mun thus commanding higher prices and increasing the good mum-0t the country or district;to have produce to one place and sold by one person. All this implied confi- deuce in one another and mutual trust, the securing of which was the great- est difficulty encountered. The key- note of his speech was that farmers must be loyal to one another, must lit-mt their own appointee on the unm- agement and banish suspicion. He quoted successful Guelph ox- periences. an instance of success in Ohio, and of failure in Benton harbor. becuuse middlemen made extra otNrs to break up. of but puumso. the co-op- nation among farmersin fruit raising packing. &c. Co-operation was pos- sible in grain growing, stock raising. dairying and in other ways, but. all de. pended on mutual coufiaence. In Denmark practically every bus merwns in cooperative Associations for eggs, beef, grain, butter. cheese, hogs. For 40 years they have. been trained to loyalty. He pointed out that. these groupings were not joint stock companies with watered stock. A been association at. Blenheim netted enough to purchase tk building. In Norfolk 10 years ago an orchard was a nuisance; not so now when all fruit istukeu tonne place, graded liyone min». instead of each farmer peddling around. In some cases 81000 had been made oft ii or 6 acres. Farmers should take' lasson“ from manufactures" who seldom or never failed in loyalty to theap own interests. In the discussion which followed a " predation of the Address was {leery expressed. A hearty vote of thanks was tender. ed the lecturer and the meeting closed Same day a meeting of the Wom- en's Institute was held of which we have no report so far. Result of Test Examinations for entrance to Normal and for Junior Mutriruhttion, In older to [was can- didates Lure required mohhun 40 per cent. on each sruiriect and 60 per cenl. on the total. A,',',']':,",,'.,,',','. Matriculation 40 per cent. on each subject. The names at those who pasued are ar- ranged ulnhahelicnlly. Entrance to Normal t Edith Allan, John Banks. Winnie Binnie. Fanny Ector, Mnggne Birth, Agnes McGirr. {last Renton, Fred Smith. Bessie em Jr. Matriculation: John Banks, Winnie Binnie. Chm-In: mefoud. Sign: Eetor, Rea Ramon, Fred um ' Form L-ww Backus, Wilfrid Hunt, John Mcrlraitb, Annie Clark, James Comm Br 4ch.-Devena f.f,ya',igeg,y Flo. rence Bryon, Bessie tuun ere, Karl Lennhan. Helen Ireland. Jr 'th-Frank McIIrnith. Maud Brena. Lance McGirr, Milton Mills. Earl Mt-Douuld. Br Std-Jennie Kelsey, Edna Patter, son. Olive Wright. Mnrgueribe Hutton, Annie Russell. Jr'3rd--LilGn Methlie, Victor Cat, ton, John Hat-bottle. Louisa McAnulty zen Crawford and Mary McKecbnie SI 2nd--Aliee Mecrie, Norman Lena- han, Maggie Hartford. Wilfrid Camp- bell, Nettie Flak". Jr 2nd A-John Duncan. John Mc- Gowan, Lorne Jackson. Marion Mur- shall, Irene McPhee, Jr 2nd BeAlex McQueen. Vern. Allan, Arthur Bunngp, Robin Parqu- hurson. Tillip Levine, Fred Osman. Pt 2nd--Rantreil Gan, Edie McKenzie Gibson Watt, Lottie Wilson. Mug-rec Kelsey, Emel Whitman. Br "t--Cinrenee New”. Lorne Smith. Vulelia Moran. Arthur Mc- Gowan), Violet Snell. Ralph Cumin. Intermediate-Sarah Donelly, Junie McCrie, Ruby Carson, Remy Snell. Ernest Wright. Jr tst-Alt- Voile“. Haw Kn“. Chane Whittaker. Stanley minus. Darld Donelly. . Jr?-séella 'flat.; Elna! Brown- In oe um r. r trot Ann D“. Em. Kong).e . Jr A-4uelt WM. ‘E'ddio Me. Queoa,Andrcw cull. PUBLIC SCHOOL Drrr'AttrMrrs"r, Hum Svumm Dummy END Farmers' Institute Durham School ----i.i--- MeGmruott-BrttorE A very lea-mg event took place " the " Inge: " on J an? 2, when Eleanor Maud, only dnugluer of Mr Alaxander Skene of Regina, und \Villinm J. Mc- .Grti.ror vi Munoey, Ont... were united In the holy bonds of matrimony. by the Rev, Jun. Bkene of Baltimore, uncle of the bride miawd by the Rev. N, A. McDonnld of Dornoch. The bride hecommgly attired in Silver gray oiik. and carrying a Imu- auet of Lily of the Valley, entered thy! rawing room launlng on the uni of her father, while the wedding march was played by Miothud McGregor, The old family residence was bemu- fully decorated with flowers and ever- greens. , The groom's gift m the bride was a brooch of pearl: and rubles and a gold nPckluce with pearl pendants. - The happy couple left on the After- noon train for an extended trip to Toronto, Humilton and other points. LoeosT--McDosArm A very pretty wedding took flare at the home of MrAlex McDonul . Crnw- ford, Wednesday, June 2nd. when his only daughter, Annie Marguerite, he- mme the wife at Mt, W. F. Lamont. The ceremony was performed upon the front veranda!) by the Rev A Las. lie in the presence of over IN guests assembled upon the lawn. Prmngtly at six o'cloek to the strain- of Lo en- grin’s wedding nerh played by Miss Ruth Richardson. \Valkerton, Ihe bridal party appeared and look their places under an arch of evergreens. Mine-r Aid, Kenton acted up ring bearer. Only immediate relatives of the conuacting parties were present. The bride looked charming drained in white silk trimmed With valencien- neg and wore a bridal veil of silk chif- fon caught with a cluswr ot cruise blossoms and carried a sheaf hoquet of menu) rows, liilivs of the valley and maiden hair tern tied with whine silk ribbon. Miss Esther McLean. cousin of the bride made a lovely little ttower girl dressed in white silk and carried a luaket of pink carnation: and mind- eakhmr fern with I large bow of white in c. After congratulations the guests as- 'sembled m the dining room and took theh places at the tables wiuch wen-v decorated with pink ' nd white tlowers The remainder of the evening was went in music, games. ere. The next IT the happy couple left for a two week a tri up the Lakes to visit Ft. William, lg. Arthur, Dululh and other points of interest before ro- Iuming to their home in Malcolm. whence they will be followea " [he good wishes of their runny friends. MRS. JOHN MrDo.NAtut. ‘ This lady. one of the [m Inc-era of Egremont on the 18th Cottcetaitott near I Dmmore, died at her home on Mon-', day, 7th of June. She has been niling‘ for a. long time and bore her sicki"res l with great patience and Christian resignation. she leaves M rhuf mourners her husband, three daugh- ters and two sons. The daughter" 'i 'Mrs Angus McCunnel. of Frown: Station: Mrs A. McLeod, Barnum,1 Man. l May, at home. The sons are " Ronald. near Gollingwood and Alex-l under who in at home. We have no: other putticulnrs at Ttgl except [but the funeral is to on Wednes- [ duty. 9th inst. MR. Curr, Sn. On Monday lust parking): the oldest man in this neughlwrhoo passed away in the wnon of Mr Cuff. "ttter of Messrs JC, and John Culfof Bentinck, and of a daughter Margaret who us hurried near erton. He died at the residence of his non William and was 01 yum of age. He is being buried today, Wednesday. Rev. Mr Bice, ofBeiatitttr. Beyond these tactts and that he was one of the pioneers of the neighborhood our information does not an. Miss Bray. Monday of this week the remains of Miss Bray was brought to town by train And then to Dotnoch R. C. cemetery for interment. on Tuesday. Her uhtivn are well known in North Bentick. We have no further parti. Lulu-s. Mh--ltutu McGitlivray, John Mc. Keown. tir 3rd~Florence Mch’llllvrnv Jr3rd--Tena McGitlivrV Sadie Mc- Giitieray,G'yrlor! McGillivray, Mary McMillan. Mabel Plenum. Hilde Ed- wards. 2od--Alun McLean. Jam Mc- Gillivray. Viola Pilkey, Sndie Mc- Millan, Emma Arnett. Norman Mc. Donald, Maggie Kennedy, adnré Ken. nedy. Pt 2ttd- Mm. Me cown. Edmund Poole, TolumF Edwards. Flora McFulane. Myrtle ilkey. Oscar Pennork, Arthur Denmark Sr Pt lat --Marr Edwuds. Clark Jackson. Dan McArthur, hound McKI-own. Elsie Benton. Willie Pilku, Angus Mr- Gillivrv. Bella Kennedy. Jr Pt Ist - Annie chem. Ruby Pilbey. Margaret Jackson, Pearl Pemiock, Kenneth Mc- Gillivny. Published Weekly " 01.00 u you. $6,350,000 lad/n',,',,',:',",.,,",';; oneottheerertesthefein.rePE1u, 1fd11"e"u','i't'rrt - ... 'rltel 'tt,i1te'le2ta',f, it out only a mom; LMWWu-um - -.' _ ','t,2rttlL'rllg't. kaved--dranrintr. It.out only " thehattttof saving, and brings you out It the endofthe yen: with I sang sum thatwould otherwise '- nlinnpd an“. Sr opens . Savings Account. Why iSiiiigieiPaie2tr't,th, “out - p nu. ravens! ”my, ' - - - iUiciiiEs'ros. unmet Dunc-u AI... " not!" mm? “D c." D. FAnqcuAIt-ox. Teacher TRADERS BANK DURHAM“? B9310“ June Weddings. s. NO. I. Gunszw The Roll Call. THE BANK of Canada cmnmuo 1835 The Yellow THE REVIEW. DURHAM FOR THE PEOPLE tetk the “on which our-ub- tglrlt", has been Nl'. Our In tattlut w thin vat nov- meted up to date. " you" id not correct. kindly notify at u once. We dunk alt who In." renewed the put few week. but there as yet nun! other: we It“!!! to has: from “pace. In Allan McFarlnne left on Tues. dlv to join her huabund at Raven Lake. Milt Edith Lloyd, of Fergus “mini tai, visiud her parents heae lust week Mil-ea Ruby Mm- 'and Lyln Kelsey moat over Sunday with h-ienda at Vickou. “can Rich. Barber, Vumey. and Jno. Collier. Edge Hill. are wrung " jurymen In Owen Sound thin we. k. Mr R. T, Edwards. of TI-nvenmn. left for Brandon! but Friday as lay lelegnw to the Methodist Conference. Urn Jno. McQueen is “lending some time in Boolhvllle this week with her itttter-itt.uw Mrs Jae. Muslin", who is Ill. It Baal. cement clwmi-n, left here Tuesday mowing tor Maven Luke plug“, where he will take n similur Pootuon. Mr L Elvldge, w" are son y to report bu not. been out, with his any for two att? the grip bnvmg gt ipped him Mm Betta Binnie. tencheria visiting her uncle. Mr Jnn. Sun-ll this week. Bluest-rpm" attending the Normal at Lon on after holidays. Mrs Lynn tir., of Allan lurk, visited her daughter Mrs lid, Bun-Hell. Jr. Int week and Mn Lynn Jr., Mam united with her a few days. Ills Pinker und clnldn-n visilod Palmerston friends, ovPI' the week and. Aim to meet u "ttRet' ham B. C. who but lately arrived from there. Mrs (I. Humour» spent over tite week end with he: lvmlher. D. P. Culmidne at. Holstein and Mr,, w. S. Hurshurgh. Letter Breen, forttserly of Durham and not long leun'ued from tiarkatrhex, an. Mina ankina left last Thursday for. Detroit, where alu- will further her vocul studies under the tuition of HIPOId Juvis. Audio Vulnnwi. as In plied n nutm- of Italy. I] tailoring pasitlon with J ll proving an uvqui-ilinn M utlnrlonet purer. AUelio anomsi. as Iniu name ittt- plied a mmn- of Italy. has HM'urrd a Lulnriux pouitlon with J A (Ellis. and in proving In m-quisitiun In the hand nu as demand. purer. He is a year out, from his ontive lund. how very little English hut is tetuattttg foul. Among the many who Mien usith-Bsurku. Wedding Wec, from Durham wore Dr. J. F, “in: L. Lauder. M, G. Huel Mire Hughes. MI Ruining» n Summer Millinery Mr Rum“ M, Wilson, who has spent slightly over A vvnr in town as Traders limk teller, received word hut Tumult? of his promotion to Orillm and te t Friday "turning. Dul- iml his mndence it. town .. Russ .. as well u "eitttt olnligimz in n busines- canacity. was dowrwdly popular, and will now ite minim-d l-y umny " the young tint: who will wish lmn " woven in tits new lit-Id. Tlnurudny evening a mum-er ul young mm friends hurriedly met and pn-nvnted him with u haudturyte fountain pen M A. Ittuuike, Mr Pveru .. relatives Mrs Max-elm" BAND PROGRAM. JUNE l0 The Iilsl Rom. " directionot Bundmu wilt remh r the full Thursday ewniou m. on Gnrurax l tit U I “All?" -Tmumm-h 2 Uvncu'rum; -Hirth 0 ...... ....Lafferty' , lumen-El cud._.,._l.Jrwe.i! 4 wattmrm--Nidwitmmer. . MnriRold s 'uoctr--Ro.vu Mann-L. . ' _ ,waer 6 VAustt--.Merr Wtdow. . . . . Leiter 7 Martens-ie %vu"lllQi..rtic (‘lair tt VALmt-Utt't it mu- to have some one to love you. . . . . Mo W All the latest Myluu in Leg Ne‘polilnu. Lingerie and Hat.. Any amt-uni of little Hoa " rrlllulkuhly low In: ligil',g'."' Lace Slruw. chit on. Three (lumen had»: no“ in all utylve. Flowr abundance. re - ttff, .ueasnsed a tstock of illva y at .1 [MW June we will tell our “Judi most "Insoluble prices ever' ol in Durham. C. SAMMIE t SON, Pun-m up mun-3n Do not fail to tiet Grand Display Miss Dick God Save the King "rt deservedly popular, and mimic-d by many of the ' who will whit tum abit ' new [in-Id. Thumdny nun-er ot young men 534,000,000 Tum Ami. Mr G. Hughes and l Rumma- and Vina =91 .m and the bride}: hull and funily. " III -u-r G. win“ we I" hi h in Leghorn . chip and n baby hon- Flower- in UM under the , . w nah! magnum ll ti 15 p. mr of I large e. All M the _ brad d “W the

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