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Durham Review (1897), 10 Jun 1909, p. 3

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'ention Decide: to M h Meeting in Ton-to. was: in the Salaries of Grand Officers. in Clap-Ian's Cam Wu tlr set in Lake Nipiuiu. 0iTfifiN BRIDES. DING SOUTH. RUCK AN NKER DROWNED. hackle!“ Sails " the Alum: Seas. OSEN FRIENDS "' Young Ladin "on M any CEBERG H 1 to put wfomsd. M Huh "Vt-Ith- a y I pinning ' [mud Hamil! (t Frirt4, [whit-b eat W-I‘ M of Que tlrrertm Mt pm urn-er " the h Men tiou " otd led in the “ID to" , 'l., mm Ot al an- do". "I! t he PI two In the " The III- cl] h his " L““m~s”c Arch Morgan, civil engineer, read the telem- ho held in bi: hind through the ”and ting He could not In" de- sired . better offer in non. myocu, but when In realized that it tgreattt .1: .MMG of a year be nomad. That might ruin his chance of winning Lu- cile Went». He in not certain that a). cured that lunch for him, but he M! that in n short time In would make W to“. Ace!» to thinking It idly, he o.te.Nrl'.', lilo Weston, '/lll her ot " love tad at here it lb. would wait a you until he could return from a knig- luld Ind chin: her u bin bride. Even now than was less than two hours until the hour of departure. a. unght I at and nu noon at the labial-Na Wanton home. He had not tnkrn tin. to notify the young woman of hi: Visit. and he quickly lound that oh Wu not ut home. From Mrs. Wes, of his vUit, 5nd " quickly found that lie WI! mn at home. From Mrs. Wes. ton he 1.1104! Lucile had gone to the than!" with Morton Walturd, the one rival he had reason to tear. Dual-Ila! to ”in even the limited apportnnity guarded he started for the in“ Theatre. When he "rind there ho Ion-d he had but 20 minutes to At that mom-t Min Wuton's aid something to her and she t may for I. second. Almost imm 1y, however, she ugain turned ht toward Mommy surprises Ihnwing ly on tho (we. "t love you," to hand told he your hurt. it". you Lint you 10 t till u the happiest man in the When I return n the end ot the vm be mad, to provide I may hr IN A MOMENT SITE TURNED TO WARD um WITH A GLANCE ol DisPLEAsURE. V (we MIDI ll' m LAUNDRYMAN SPEAKS "In " ailing for {ding 1 when n! he raid turned wholly , on up Inn od ty motionless. then Ber right bin to move nervously " it to up r.uaht hem". and rapidly ope Rout of 0 All words If: sous be done. d'yo get that? "Your danged "H our horse outfit promiud to have it done . nd deliver- ed at. 4 o’clock this uttemoon. and I want it, than " No blast tur- mee Bonn eoaversation u going to tau ttto plate oi that lingerie with no. I tun that linen dam. unb- bed at iinoratrtrrd. and I wnm it rising in". [tiituter. " u in; Girl in meg Opposite Box t more Morton Walton-d spoke, to ’uton. and seemed surprised e manilutod no interest in what With a puzzled expression he any and gave his attention 'o the play. No sooner had he i t'mut the young woman again te mun in the opposite box. you give me your promise'." d the hand, the look of - By Cusfomar Who Was Up t the Regular Excuses. Vance bye, dam. Write iGiLo ere' eleuly ap- womn who wu watching " donq. than ., and: or butt 'l hott into the] to she at. Absolute- er right bud begin " it to 'Tre, {he Hive (a: that? naming and the you (Tris- I the moo: low in: to i he wh he bl'l I on l impala I l the In! eyes. a all _ Tender] and at: laun , th rloin tart- Be tt the he the the it I i l " rt. Hons jam": I'm walk A woman who is sick and suffering, and wont at least tg, a medicine which has the record of Lidia E. Pinkham's iegetable Compound, is to blame for er own wretched condition. There are literally hundreds of thousands of women in Canada and the United States who have been benefited by this famous old remedy, which was produced from roots and herbs over thirty years ago by a woman to relieve woman's suffering. . Read what these women say: Beiieriver. 4tue.-_"withoyt Lydia E. Pinkhnm’s Vegetable Compound I would not he alive. For the months I had painful Irregular periods and Intianunation of the uterus . I suffered like a martyr and thought often of death. I consulted two doe- tors who could do nothlng tor me. I went to a hospital, and the best doctors said I [that submit to on operation. because I had a tumor. I went back home much discournfed. One of my cousins adviwd me to take your Compoundms t had cured her. I did so and soon Conuueneed to feel better, and my appetite came back with the first bottle. Now I feel no pain and an: cured. Your remedy is deservlttgof praise.”-Mrs. Emma Chan]. Vatieytield, Bellcriver, Quebec. Erie, Pa. -_ “I suffered for tive years from female troubles, and at last was almost helpless. I tried three doctors but they did me no good. My sister advised me to try Lydia E. Pink- hum's Vegetable- Compound, and it has mud:- me well and strong. I hour all suffering women will Ijust give Lydia E. Plnkham s Ye,stetahle. (‘mupouml a trial. for t is worth its weight in gold." -.Mrs. J. P. Emilit-h. It. H. I). 7, Erie Pa. Since we guarantee that all testimonials which we pub- lish are genuine, is it not fair to suppose that if Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound had the virtue to help these women it will help any other woman who is suffer- ing from the same trouble. For ao years Lydia E. Pinkhmn's Vegetable fg,t's"e"T/l, has been the standard remedy for “mac ills. No sick woman does justice to herself who will not try this‘ famous medicine. Made exclusively from roots and herbs, and has thousands 0 cures to its credit. - Mrs. Pinkham invites all sick women to write her for advice. She has guided thousands to health free of charge. Address Mrs. Pinkham, Lynn, Mass. sl tha,Wu, attire tt la s , tr 3:: . SHOE POLISH is different from any other-the best- the brightest and blackest. Quickest to shine - longest to stay / is different from any other-the best- the brightest and blackest. Quickest to shine - longest to stay shined. It is real Insist on Spoe Insur- sts"'-"""]?',""')) in I." l ance. d (i.' MI - il hw, is ' Feeds an I 'RI E " asgo preserves iliiiiit4 ij, the leather. 9m q 'tIre, ’13,: pr 2!) " (/A‘\ fa) Q "stA /l N {10‘0" uae (i, by 9115’, ‘Q/ D hill " I l yt all! " l it'll “in p W it other is even half as good. Insist on " 2 Me. Tun. prefi 1m E 71mm m It tt attorney for plus hbuld thun. y the nus. I!" When J. Schultz, the grocer, Ctrtrt came to the land of the tree and the home of the brave, he was an “dent hat" of all governments. The time came, however, when blind Mr. Cu id winged I love-tainted Irrow through tll «Luck: of Scrubollo and Sogood Biscuits into the heart of the grocer. It I“ but It first sight. den and unmietnkv able; but when Mr. Schwinn went woo- ing, Miss Amelie Green gently shook her head. "No," she Inawered. "my hither fought at Gettysburg; my grandfather stormed Chapultepee; his father Wu " hundr- Une, and back of that there were con. tiuental gentlemen at Trenton and Yorkton Ind b'aratoga Heights. And you are nut even an American. Mr. Schwarz!' Herr Schwnrz protested guttenlly. He loved Miss Amelia and he believed the returned his affection. What were coun- tries and governments to love? For hi: part he didn't believe in governments lnyhow - "Don't believe in government!" Min Amelia almost screamed. "Then we are not for each other. I am an Auterieva." "But love undt affection Herr Schwarz. “Love nothing!" snapped “I love my country!” After that, the little u bit and proceeded to in Schwarz in the beauties of ment. Soon he regarded th ferent light. and the crab reviled took on a gleaming] "DONT YOU SAY DOT TWO TIMES ALREDDY!" (TRIED THE GR(K‘ER. Meh. Jones! You are of a criminal!" demurred Herr Schwarz. "You're dead right, Jones." assented Bin Smith, the dry goods clerk. “Truce patriotism down and it ends in selfish- nesn every time." "Dunder undt blitzen!" eried the gro- cer. “Don’t you any dot two times alretty!” "Oh, rats, Schwarz!" drawled Perkins, the wit of the circle. "The government is rotten as one of your Vienna Inu- sages!” And all the circle laughed boisterounly. Herr Schwarz said no more. m only picked up the funny I'quim and threw him into the gutter. Then he toned Smith, the salesman. into the street; threw Jones, the carpenter. into a neigh- bor’s yard, and returned to find the other tense Americans had vanished. But to his surprise Miss Amelia was standing by his big 901198. regarding him with a strange. tender light in her eyea. " saw and heard all,”vslxe sad." diu- are an American. Mr. Behwarz-an Am. erican. Do you understand t" prall up cellar I u the n in these then tar: til the l burglar , diving II VI" be: plunder 1 ottieials wnber In down, " enough. this also banks' Ct In: did I deeamp l doll-n i: "Oh, yah!" cried Herr Schwarz. "Now we get married. aint it? Hurrah, der Stan undt Stripes.' IrtTrah--libertr--. der bald eagle undt lofe!" Then he kissed her to ee naturalization. Tragedy of Dicky. Old Dicky was I singing bird, A musical canary, And all dar long his voice was heard In song extemporsT. Alas! Mu! thu, fatal day (New brace yourself, 1 Mi) Be an; out loud. tritttssphattt tay-- "nd an to bid In egg'. A household pet was Dicky, too A trusty bird. withal: When liberated. off to new, But can. back at your call. Banks Guarded by Soldiers was drawn on we! the “all: " within a f, awed on ad a whole Al": r would be oh unit and trm before he col r the vaults. united in engaging the doors of the v: with hydraulic mort money was depoliw e rteepucley, The ONTARIO' ARCHIVES TORONTO arrived drum gold coin.-' strryttr-Rooens, manner I no done .ng NE aboiit snapped Miss Amelia If kept hr was obliged break dc could u next off, I rliged to work an: down tt eel ul even in . When a? 1 Int morning tf, the unwary I opened. Curie few months '1 Juana] Jothoms, country is going to all " months of protecting e any with, 1 into the vault: forty-five thm ~me "The ‘e lady cooled tt D instruct Herr s of free govern- d things in a dif- emblems he haul ml each e Inter running flooded. [chute his In!" and thouund The " the June 3 bank g the my torn utiously after 1 the t?ult rk in I cement gun to co RN 3.23553 GiaiiFiGTa% Fu'rNAMitCiiiiiNLEss - GORN summon Luughtor Seldom Heard In the Up- road-Numa of Tomum. Among the African ttatire. there can be nothing done without noise, accord- ing to William B. Cluko, of Pitt-burg. Pa., who bu travelled extensively m Africa. "It in limply appalling, the rush, the roar. the chatter and the bustle, like Bedlam let loose," Mr. Clar aid. "The principal object of -raation in said to be money. And the huhbub. bailing and uproar in all upd- of torn from shrill and scruming to gruff and grow- Iing, accompanied by all sorts of gen- ticttlatioo with tongue, head and feet, are beyond description. "It in rather odd, but link“: is " moat never heard in this uproar; And as for whistling, it in a lost art. If there are any quarrel- they He not to be heard in public, although when A company of nntivea gets to any on " nuimnted conversation it appears to the observer u it the next act would be a melee. “In addition to there natural sound: there us others of an "titicial char-c- ter that Ire equally familiar to the tn- Teller. Such in the noise of the drums callod tomtoms, which one beaten on ev- ery occasion, and I kind of pipe about eighteen incheu long, with holes like those of a flute, and breathed through in I way that produces a variety of notes of a wild, discordnnt character. A frightful noise is made by the In": men blowing on I big u"rll."9roen the Wuhingtou Post. A stitch in time saves nine, and every house fly killed early saves a thousand at least later on. Wil. son’s Ply Pads will kill many times more flies than any other article. Catching trout is nut the only thing that Inukea fishing a mountain strum worth while. The early morning ride to the plane where you are to commence your day": sport is in itself pleasant to I degree wholly missed by those who take their rides later in the day. During the early hours of the day the air is fresh and invigorating; every leaf and spur of grass by the roadside sparkle-I with dew, and the forest is pungent with pleasant and health-giving odors that are dispelled as the sun rises above the tree tops and dries the moisture on leaf Ind twig. As you drive quietly nlong you may have the good fortune to we a deer browsing in a roadside during. He stands watching you for a moment or two; then turns quickly Ind, with graceful leaps, disappears among the trees. Au old fox steps out into the road and trots boldly along alien! of you for some distance; but, when he (“woven that you are gaining on him, he turn: for an instant, allows his teeth with a snarl. and thon "links sway into the hush“. Further along a partridge with her Mom! of vhieks has also vert- mmfurlahly not With uulsprmd - 'Do you think it is fair to hold a man responsible for what his ancestors did."' Answer my question." Well,.1 can't any that my ancestors amounted to a great deal. My grand- father wt"-wttr-- in short, be was hanged." You've never held a job anywhere very long, have you t" _ ‘I can't say that I have." "What wan the biggest salary you not earned t" "Nineteen dollars a week." "Ever jump a board bill!" 'T wouldn't exactly call it that. I owe a lady for several monthl’ bond that I had three or four year: ago, but I fully intend to pay her some day." “Have you ever rocked a boat t" "No, sir, never." “All right, you can have her."-- Chi. cago IteeortrHemhf. - (London Free Press.) Ut it be known far and wide that the boy who robe I bird's nest is I foe to his kind. About this time of year the instinct growl Mute with opportu- ity. The birds are nesting, busy to re. emit the species. They ore doing I good work for humanity. Why interfere with itt The small boy's predaceoue habit in stealing the an: Ihould be made a criminal offence, " it is the ut- most folly of toluene-e. NOIBY AFRICAN NATIVES Pleasures of Trout Fishing, :overs that you lbly near. there Never Rocked a Boct BIRDS’ NESTS the grim old gentlermur , questions I would like re you quick-tempered?" to tell the truth, I'm I {3:259:33 are drawin is . great Ind utterir is . great todo. and uttering the a mother part- her young to be rolleets the mem- leads Ind drives security of the Trout and Their Outing Magazine KG. about your . nnceston did b noticed that ome Very when Ilu I 9”““wvswv A------ tSt uart H. than.) Got-I- "and their pimp“ I on the Intel and they“ and “when: the with delicbul. psi-(Ill m. um's I“ Betty on the our... right right by the pa - Jet-thet, “nu-y. brown-eyed Betty. Seed aim-critical man go further! No, u would uh Bot- ty the divine that alteration, and Gor. don mined the picture to his “In. In the at his eye- eueou-terod the 0.“an on“ ot San, I'm. puke Nan Banerott. Ah, 'surs-gerttu, 1min; Sun! A lifetime with hrr--he ind been all wrong about Betty. Gordon prepar- ed L0 pron u kiss upon the by: of Nancy Baneroft--and behold Mia Alixe Mun-y. He wavered, then Dresden Chin Mire hd'her own su-lunive three mitt. utel. After thlt it was Albertina. and to Albertina. the erudite, the .vholarly, Gordon proved true. Albertina occupied the extreme left of the Ira-Mel. An hour later, adorned u becomes the hour of the pleading of love, Gordon Inuntered into the street, hit mind {any and finally mule up. A chic, trim V‘l' ion in blue flippl'd new": th" avenue a black in front of him. Ahxe! “Jammie, fragile, roseireul AUX?! Gordon bounded after the rapidly walking girl. His blood surged at every bobbing of the red cherries upon hrr "WHAT I'ZXQI'IMTELY M-lAI'TlFl‘l CREATIVE IS THAT?" ASKED CUR DON, BREATHLFsi.'iLY. yit , THE ONLY GIRL w" Langham frowned he: con-in. Min Harper. nu." she explnined. "But --you were "ying---" “Excuse me for on ma Inked Gordon. later in the evening tl Harper from Vincennen h declaration of In scan-in hour, who romp-red his I rterttat stars and spoke " tr and tbe mating of IO! (HRH. The touch” born by 1 etch ehild what it had kurmd u “hm, what can you dot" “Plan, mum, I can Ihlrpen pe “That's wry nice. William, wh Too "I an throw a u “Thltl splendid. you dot" " can undwu proud response. "rm sure that ml to your mother, M can you---'." "Yrs, Mary. than rory nice. but you mustn't Interrupt. Rnchrl----" " an undu'ns myself." piped Mary. “So you have raid twice before In}. If you 'sttrrrupt apin, yam wil', have to be punished. Now, Rachel what on you dot" “I'm: undue“ myself," interrupta In". " take care of my haw brother, sanction, mtd----" "That'. lavely, new. Char)", wUt an you dot" . "t an undress nyulf." persisted Mary, coyly. helm Churn had time to aura. So the and." gently led “try to the cloak room to meditate al in -diegrre. Shortly auct- vnrd the doctor and to he it a" the chili"- vm we“. "Yea." the mob" “lured him. “to are all well and hwy this morning. Ok, all bat one little girl. I think there Inn-L be combing the matter with in taught. Will you look " It plan-9 Mary, come hm I moment.‘ he; flattered into the 1mm. mint her to. Wain; her an. she said [in mum. atees '"Sre.-r "G "with: myself liveqhody'o Mag-the. tt cw. Sun to be an Actress. It was the opening day of the, kinder urn-n. The (anchor hogan by “kin; What r lute. berathte reg llnk mane 1med Gordon uisite but il t will not ho notion} during into the an must Mary in ohrpen pettei William, what I bautitut 1".h"Gd"'id,', Your nerve- ure calling for " M t Dresden Chin Ire starred because they dean-Id from m" three min. the blood you pourinhuwnl [In it an I Albertina. and supply. New rieh blood in tke can: P, “I. u-holu'lv, ol nerve Mrrnglh and ltr. Wituanar' betting orcupléd Pink Pill. for Pale Pruplr run new.“ mantel. ‘disurdrrn beau-e they feed the weak, ted " New alumna! new“, with rivll. md bloat of love, Gordon The cut of Mrs. Emma Mall, of [hall t, his mind full-\- I Um, Um... lunmlm proof that Dr. ' chic, um. vim Williattus' Pink I'ilil will mm even “I a the arenuv a I won, rumba)! an“ of new. .m- Alixe! Ntusome,l lion. Mrs. Hull wu lull I widow Old am. forced to work in I mill to main. r the npidly- l min hermit and her No link all“. surged at every She bravely “an! the bulk- of lite, me: upon her llmugh we had ”our had to rouor. ---. to .m-h condition. helm. Kama -- handing the splendid .pirit m " . l Iplnyad the work played havoc, with I l leie.licarte constitution. and mum ye." ago Mn. lull noticed up“ in but" In? I nervnul cullupw. tilse consulted I doctor, Mm KlV" lm "mill-inc all told I her ll": "Would be all ugh! In . low days." But reltrt am not value, and it mu finally a duly occurrence tot - ll lo Hint at her monk. 'llnr-e tauning msirW' patina! Charles had time tau-tor may led Mus, that an moment than" a In I great help ' Rachel, what I want istened "0 from 'oction to t undying te n. tutu n Viacom an. Bobby reat ur u yr! lo any, If.“ Min ng the he " In 1MitUltfB NEWS h DISIRESS SIGMl TurmAkcu0irbethmdhr When your urvou - E - hantal the (new Inke- Ital! M- dent in any I131. You be! do“. (um-d and tmfit for work. down head-clan distract you; your but u weak; You IIRP badly; you: me, is uncertain: you no nrn'oul Irri- table, Ind after any new“: you - And perspiee excessively. " the would. in not checked your «a [not In. ind to worse until you feel that you out dition in hupeku And that humanity In Hun-themed. Iran I NIH-l. , tun, but ttot " she III uIquI In this rotrditio ltr. \"illinm' I Hit-n the po'osil, lo do so. Ant u-uully found from lint lime wells quickly developed into prams-J hy-leris sud chronic irritaHiity, all Mrs. tull my: thst death WWI have been s twlief. Slu- consulted seven! doe- lurs, lull gut no help. sud she felt its: ulm was Mum". bordering on W}. In this condition shs wss sdu'ised u, try ltr. Willintus' Pink Pills. Unsp'.‘ It urn the pouiluilily of help she W to do so. After taking three hoses sir si-Iuslly {mind some "rqteove-t, slid from tlot tune ou this improvement in newly and inch-suing dsily until shot I few mouths she felt the cure Us. mmplrle. She ssys: "Or. “'illls-I'Pllk Pills have done what doctors lsilod to do And wut I myself thought I“ h, 'mlvsihlo. They Gee lived me from the tvrrihie trouble I suffered, slid my old joy in lire has been remand." “'Isu “rs. Hall hog-n (skis; Dr. “'lllisns' Pink Pills shv weighed only one “MM pounds. while ttnder her rescued bum: her weight has more-sued to our hundred and lhirly pounds. Dr. Williams' Pink Pills an be Ind l'ruin any dosh-r in indie!“ or will In will by mull st Mt cents s box or sl- lmxr! fot' $2.50 " The Dr. Willi.to' THE WASH". 0F MILITAIISN. (Pan-Ala Trade Baht} The and wiis come when the proponr holding clun- nnd the working dun. In that it in to their interest to “we land oppose further fin-acid burla- ll this dirmtion. (lose the (um, and "r preparations will can. So - - deli-m hum-n, bunnies! by "may ism," be seen on the outward Valle. challenging to battle, but the an d puma will replace the gm of war. Sol- dim lad sailors will stop bung In. wealth l‘ullhullll'rl, Ind will been. Wealth producers, and than both but and PIPHII will be brqtefited by what In C' ROOF PLAYGROUND. (Kantian! mm.) A pllygruund ha has new on the roof of the Waldorf Hotel, Nev York city, the object being to d" plou- ure healthful exerting and "It for Ili- mai unm- to the paper“ dun-p a! that famous hourlry. O fkhti,,fiii Product), lam. vineyard. nod at tho fruit unn- f; they aha“ not build and mm In- abit; they shall not phat and not“! ow being “and. The. “the brother ood of mm" will not be an idle dru- ' is 10-day. "And they M m 0qu And inhibit than; {by “All Nova- Vary In Duality or flu. because the utmost care is taken by l.- by'. - to select only the choicest mater- ials. and put these up in the same careful manner every time. You are thus assured of uniform goodness, and this is the reason that the use of Libby's gives such general satisfaction to every housewife. It.“ (”lacuna-lo For luncheon. spreads or every day meals. they are just the thing. -._---- Try these my” Eva-rad" m Mexican Tan-h Brockville, Ont Kan-Ir huh“!

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