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Durham Review (1897), 10 Jun 1909, p. 4

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i3} , l '11 T1“. _' "-1" "rs hr!" an Hur New mam H L 1;:Arnal'un-l has thul Hm (it 5.: :5 D KENNED 3 as. i Cor. Michigan Ave.. and Griswold St., Detroit, Mich. We Guaranmfo euro " mile cum tf Sirloin". Varioocolo, Imous tleg Blood Poisons, VIM Walnuts», Kldnoy. Bla in and '/1N Mums, and all Diseases Pocullar to on and lemon. Nervous, Diseased. Merv. (i We have all the proper regard for the latest way of conduct- ing the Men's Furnishing bus. iness and a visit to out More 'a We have cry in a" t] summer wear We are showing a very large stock of Wash Goods in Ginghams. Muslim, Lawns, Vestings, Duck. Suitings and Prints which we are selling " very low prices. We are showing a very large selections of Ladies and Children's Hose in both Cotton and Cashmere in plain, ribbed and fancy styles in black, white. tan and cardinal which are extra value. See our spacial line of ladies' Hose we're selling at 1.5c a pair. " C V _ "C“! " '.-'ii:-lriti' ,eitieeietti"f,,t"t Jf great Choiee of Jtusiery C " " " " " A. " f9t::.Hri:.j.Nr:Nrd:fer 'tts 'tei-," tft" ttt ttti' tttt iftiitritit Wen) Was/1 Sooda &ytish Jummer Mil/[72073] will convince you DRS. K. & K. ESTABUSHED 20 YEARS Proofs of our Spring "atiiill Tailoring '.oT.5 line. Each Spring season showsus to the front with an attractive and dsstinctivc stock of suitings. Prescnt tstock is no exception, unless it is that it's better. Wt- invite you to come and see it. You tukc m an artistic welllitting one if we are your tailors. Our customer: are wee. as to what'. becoming and as to what wears well In the a a large display of fashionable Millin- the leading shapes'suitable for the H. A. BURNETT Consultation FREE. Question Blank FREE. Runnable tor Tailored Clothes The Men's Man Any View for , E1 It you would bus . Info yet ordain Cough Bemedv in the home, try Dr. Shoop's-at lean once, It it thorough. ly unlike my cum: Cough preparation. Its mm will be enwely new to )on -unle" it is dandy your hwoxiu Cough Remedy. No opium, chloroform, or my other unifying ingredient. no and. The under In": of n harmlm, lonmbulmg mountain-ou- shrub. git. to Dr. Bhoop'l Cough Bamedv in won- derlnl cunt!" properties. It is truly I most mtrtattt in! Mutton!” pu- "rirtioat. Sold by “Pull-o & Cir. We BONGO one of the young men at Boothvillo has taken n gm: {may to Uoperillts church lately. Whom the nttrncuon 'l aw. would like to know who were the two young good-nun who Btarud for Kapovillo Suits evening and Ion thoit way and got to roman intend. Mr Jack Hill whom.- been hid up [a arm» tor the past two week-ls. we are pinned to My able when work again. The young men of tIns "eigltbothoo0 are oranmzmx n buoball club. Success 0055' go " while you're young for when vou are DH you can't. Rheumnium will have you by that time. Miss Em Burnett ot Markdalo w” the guest of Miss Olive Bucket: over Sunday Death has ontvred our ueighborhnod mu] ha~ taken away an old neighbor and a dear and wall-tried trfend in the porch of Mrs Juirn McDonald. She will be tnueluruistred by her husband and funily and by her many friend. and rel-tins. But us she was a faithful lollowet of the Miss Mao Ernest is vinling friends ttt Wnudl-y and Proton Station. Mr Wen Lana Ind his mo brothers, Andrew And Will spent a couple of drum with mend: M Hanover. The Ladies Institute here held a meeting on Saturday 5th at 8 p m, and another at 8 p m and both were largely attended. A Mrs. Rogers oi Scarboro. an employe of Ontario gcvernment was here and gave an ad- 'lrvsa at both meetings. The evening meeting was entertained by McKech- nie, §hand and Campbell, our best - W, --- --- masMans here and everything went well. Dayld Bilton his automobile the road. "Master," their loss will be Lir%r.n We gxleud our nineete sympathy. Mrs Jake sum]. rpant In Illetnoon with M rs Geo Smoke" last week. Wm Dezell is staying here for some time to superintend a veranda]: for Mr. MeArthurs' house. Dayld Dillon has been getting out his automobile or horse acne: on to Tcll some deserving Rheumatic sat trrer, that there is yet one simple way to certain relief. Get Dr Shoop‘n book an Rheuumtism and a free trial test. This book will make it entirely clear how Rheumatic pains are'quicldy killed by Dr. Shoop’l Rheum-lie Iusmedr-- liquid or “blots. Send no money. The test is free. Surprise some (kahun- ened isuiftsrer by first getting for him the book from Dr. Sheep, Racine. Wis. Sold by Mnel’arlane a Cu. Mrs. N. Whitmore is visiting her Sister Mrs. Gcwanlock, of Walkertou. The {union In" mostly all inim- ed putting in their too“ now. Mrs. Geo. Wilson of town In the guest of her daughter Mm Thou Bit- chle for I h! d." but week. Rev. Mr. Farquhareon held prayer meeting a: Mrs Itobt Bells' on Thurs- day evening last. when her youngest daughter Jessie was Gptised. Miss Myrtle McDonald, Durham. wanted at Mr. Henry Burneu'alast week. Mr. end Mn. George Whitman of town visited at Mr J emu Edge" one day recently, The -beet ring has started for the season this week. Mr. Herbert Whitmoreia With Mr. Ben Sharp who Is framing for Mr John McGirr Mr and Mrs Mr. and Mrs Mr. md ms. Joe. Cairns of Ceylon and urn Brndley of Oregon vislted at m D ucFuyden's on the Avenue one day recently. Mi. ttobt. McFadden bus improved the front of his harm by erecting: new wire fence. Misa’ Florence Mearr was the guest of Miss May Hopkins one day last week. Born-- Te Mr Ind Mrs John Firth, I daughter, on Friday. May 2Ut. Mother Ind Child ire both doing well Mr Wm Bell and little son Bobbie of Toronto visited their cousin Mo Jon Firth one day Italy. Mr George Alun ofthe 4th con is enoged with Mr, Thou. Bunk. for I couple of months. Pleased to lean Mr Banks " improving Ind able to be ground again. Born-To Mr and ms Arch Ector, on Sundny my 80, a daughter. Mnand Mtg. Fred Staples visited friends in lnrkdale one Sundly rec_en:ly. Mrs J" MECncken of town culled on some of her old neighbors in the burg In: week. Miss Alice Collier arrived home from Toronto on SIturduy last to spend I month " the parental home l pleased to see her looking so well. Good prospects of lair: a} fruit in thy, part. Mr. and Mrs. Jon. Atkinson left on Monday for I month's visit. to the {Miner's outer Mrs John Davis on the 3Unitoulin Id. We wish them I pleasant trip Ind life return. Sackett's Corners. Wedding Bells are ringing git Popular Place Hopeville. Edge ttil. Angus Hooper visited A. Lawrence Sunday engaged on gaged ONTARIO ARCHIVES TORONTO THE mum REVIEW lunch will be _ on the h:- SOUTH G EY DAN EDGE. Pres. GE INNIESec. Eds; Hill P o nuns PO EAST WELLING ON A. BUTCHISON, C NICHOLSON. m, Mt Poms: Beer., Mt Pout Arrive' g,'ei,ith, 10.40 a m. Return. ing leave uelp ' 5.30 p..m. Tickets good to re rn on any train on the 22nd une. Special vitation extended to school child ' who will receive special attentio ithe Farm, if there ieortaiderabie n beta. ALSFEL T t 8.00 PALM R ks." DURHAM 3. I VARNEY 7. I HOLSTEIN 7. MT. FOREST 7.33) PALMERSTON 7.50 ' ELI '000 7.10 HA'. VER 7.30 NE mm" 7,4; The Excu ion will art by Special Trains {roux the 1 fol wing Grand Trunk Stations, in d ti ets can be had at following rat for und trip. Trains will run a ding thefol- lowing time table: _ "may I nuns, on Monday, al; M, 1909 will be held und r the auspices of the South Grey an East Wellington Ont. Agricultural College, Guelph In sickness, if a certain hidden nerve goes wrong. then the organ that thin nerve controls will also surely Gil, L may be the Stomach nerve. or It may have given strength and support to the Heart or Kidneys. It was Dr. Show that first poinlel to thin vital truth. Dr. Shoop'u Restorative was not and; to dose the Stomach nor to temporarily stimuln'e the Heart of kidneys. The ulxlvfushioued method is all wrong. Dr. Slioor's Restorative goes direcclv to these tailing inside nervv. The re. Innrknblu success of tlm prescription demonstrate» the wisdom ol treating the actual noses of than: tailing organs. And " is indeed easy to prove. A simple five or ten a". teat wi‘l sure- ly tell. Try it once. and see! Sold by MucFarluue & Co. To the Expkrimental Farm & Mr.and Mrs. Alt Rchurd spent Suc. day with Lamirh lncuds. Mum Dan Campbell and Jim Smith, Aberdeen 301ml Sand-y wuh the le- Dougull family. Mr and ttrg John Mulligan, South Line attended services here Sunday, l number trem here purpose m‘eud. mg the welding. Wednerday of this week of Miss Ida Buckuslo Mr, Len!) of Normanby. Mr. Donald MeGitlivrav, Elmwood, vtuited his brother tad other friend: hale last week. Mr. and Mrs. Will Adina) and family Suudnyed with Me ttnd um Wm Browu, Time. an looking up in our town. l new aidmrat.n ia hing laid from Findlay'a store to Mm Wilson's. De “Arthur. 'dentist, Prioovillo. ll opening In odieo bar. in Dr South‘- wniting room. every “and" It 10 s. m. No more need of going to ton to get tooth flzed, . C'ougratulstioue to Mrs. H. Lewen. (nee Mia Lizzio McCsnllumb who wab tunniecl' llue 25th of April in iii-in. Washington. It George Wilson. Binghamton, visit. ed " Wilson's our Snudny. Mr anvd Mrs Robert Cami. Lamhsb. were the goons at Mr, and Mrs. James Hangman recently. Mr Dun McDonald! leans Tuesday of next week fora couple of month's visit with In: Ions John Ind Peter and other friends out Well. We wish him a plot-sang trip. litu- Phonic and Junie Ecol” may: their sister ur- Gillis on Sun- any. Muss Maggie Ashbury, Inmilton, is spending her viseatiott at her home here. La Grippe is m the neighborhood yet nobody wants it " this tuna of rear. Died. on Sundty evening In John 1900111“ in her Tlst you. She leaves to mourn bu Ion n loving husband, "to non: nod three daughters. We extend sincere sympuhy to gorrowmg ones. ‘ Dromore'u Iuth, Associnion second pumice. Wider, June 4th. . Wm Banana 39 Geo .Lothian 80 Jus Coleridge 29 Robt lelot 29 Jno McKenzie 28 G Finally 24 Wm Hunter 22 Alex chenzu 21 Chu. Reid - 17 Sun Patterson 15 Weather dump And cloudy. but calm. steal interest shown. Our mail mm Mr Weudort dnyes a very (“shy outfit. He says thu's all the ngo in his town. In Dixon some Sunday with her daughters. an: Sinclair and In Ilobt. Renwick Jr. In Taylor In. sick with grippo last week ; m lulu-ed Io my she in some better. IIBOIII no bury lmuhng up the foundation of Rum Taylor's burn. Amongst the number of worshippers It Amos Church on Sun-lay. we noneed If Ion-c Hooper of 2ist cm. Ind If Abraham Hooper and two dnughten of South Glonelg nu Romp! and daughter Rota. nze visiting It In: Kemp“ hams here be. tore leaving for the Wmst, Mr and Mrs Alex Traynor attuned the wedding of Mr Lamont, Chesley. to Muss Annie KcDonuld. Crawford, Wedneodny tho 2ad. Mr WUI Heughau Sundayed in ye Editor's town. EXCURSION TIME ANNRKI‘ES‘ ne table: " A R - a e J 7. m 7. ' N 7. t EST 7.33 A, STOX 7.50 \ D 7.10 ' R 7.30 bt yr TAC' ' 7.55 " T 8.00 bb, [ht, 8.47 '. A GRAND Dromore. Mulock a e Adults Child'n , m 01.15 90.00 ' 1.15 so (l 1.15 so ' " Los ss Geo Lamina 30 Rubt Tnylor 29 G' Findlny 24 Alex ncKeuzto 21 Sun Patterson 15 l.20 l.15 I.15 I.” 1.10 V. 'tT2i.'.' " Bird in the hand is We nu.- replenishing mull dawn-t- menl in our all'l'e with now good, a! d feel very Him-h enrautritgrit by assur- ances of nation ARI! cxtended to us, not only by our old and huslv friend. and customers but HIM) by many new customers “ho have come to u: from most "ttexpected quarters. We ale prepared to give our undividisd atten- tion to imminent and endeavor to give entire mtii-fmtion In all who fuvrr In with their much ersteerued patronage. See our New Goods in; Boots and Shoes Prints, Muslin: & Gingham: we: ttad ErnbroiderCea Cottm and Cotton hon Men's soft 1nd at!!! Mate Our (irocelies am always fresh. We have no intention whatever of giving up cur Innis?“ as has been erroneously rumored in some quart- ers. , e'_ASe"sA'Ser- “G439 New up to Date Goods Pam anywhere stopped in 20 minute- sme Mill and of Dr. tilsoop1, Pink Pain Tnbleta. The formula is on the M cent box. Ask your Doctor or Drug. gir-t about :hetonnula! Stops woman- ly puma, heahuche, lama unywbere. Write Dr. Shoop. Racine. Wm. for bee trial to prove value. Sold by Mae. Fulnne & Cu, On Sunday lost the Sabbath school workers drew together again and started school for the summer. By another Corrcaportdeut The teacher, Miss Leeson. has noti- fied the trustees that she is returns " the summer holidays. Miss Leeson has been three years in lismpdcn. has made many friends sud has n creditable record as a teacher. being thorough and conscientious. In " dition to her technical ability. she is In enthusisst in nature study. and will be missed in school and ne‘ghbor- hood. Her many friends hers Wish her health Ind success. The fUI& no getting clothed with the green gnu end the trees with the lanes end bloeeome. um Annie Hohkirk u detained in Durban. She went in to her listen. him McDoneld. and she happened to take very nick end not knowing the cause of her eischneee she stated to nuree her which unfortunately turned out to be smell pox. We hope Annie will get home ellright without eon treating the disease. Mr Geo. Nichol has resumed work a the mill again. Misses Lizzie and Sophie Muller of G!eneden and Miss Shiels of Toronto, visited with Messrs L. and C. Miller and families for a few days. Mr and Mrs S. l'ieiteris 3nd child- ten spent Sunday with Mrs Derby, Miss Leeann visited over the week end with Miss Jennie Cooper. Mr. Nickle of Cbealey gun a tine address, an the Lumen] Missionary movement here lust Sabbath In the thence of Ber. Alex Leslie who in " tending Assembly at Hamilton. Mrs Beggs and Miss Kearney of Durham, visited Mo A, McLean thm. day and attended church hate. Mrs John Wlnteford and ch’ldren visited Toronto frzends last week. Mr Wsll Willis rused his barn on Friday. On the 2nd of Jane on. of Crane. lord'o esteemed young ladies in the person of Miss Annie McDonald. only daughter of Alex McDonold. united heart and [mud to William Lamont, I well to do farmer of Brant Tp, There were about n hundred mvited guest: at the tmuriage and reeewed mnny lovely and costly plesenls. Annie will be missed around the old home and we wish her joy and hoppineu in her new home. Mr. tad Mrs. Hugh McLean culled on the McKinnons one day in: week. They both look fine After coming from the far West. Mus Robend Name: of Desboro. ealled on D. McKechnie'a and other friends. She wns one of the guest: at the marriage. Mr S. Allan of Chesley. wu . Sam day visitor at, Mr Allan Giimouru In: wcck. Mrs, C. McArthur ----- . ------ Crawford worth two in the min.“ Hamliden Trv a sack of the celebrated "Wynn- dotte Cleaner and Cleanser. " 5 lbs for 25c. If not entirely satis, factory return the empty sack and get your money back. We will soon have extremely warm weather, Prepare for it, Buy a can of our "Ply and Insect Destroy. er " so that you will be able to pro- tect your horses and cattle. Do not forget that we are still selling what the majority of people know to be superior quality of Paint. The Sherwin Williams suitable for every purpose. We are carrying a very large stock of Brusher, such as ; Floor Ban- nister, Cream Separator, shaving clothes, wall. boot, stove, scrub and hand brushes. Hammocks to suit every person. If you are in search of a "Wedding present tt examine our stock of Silverware and you are sure to get satisfied. Everything new that is good will be found at the HARDW ARE STORE u... ”a". '..._. -.. "N.-. .......,..._ The “Night 01m". 5. in: mama implies. doe: It work while you sleep. It Missal-em inun- od mucoul wruewa, buns 10ml wattle-nu and discharges. while the Maura-rive. cues nanot- exciuman. (We. renewed vigor Ind ambition build: up "and um. mum”: ubout renewed am. “(on ind sun-r". Tub: Dr. Show] Reqteimttvqt-T- or Liquid-nu men! tonic bun-M Fupositivekxsihelnuuuvdl Good going May 20 to Sept. iil'Gi." "iiriii'iro' airi' iairVrtErGiiitiiki H '7 7 itt. until! "Mem. necking the getnir at All m unsung. qua .u tp.iotu.nluntmta.. .. ___, ..‘ Dr. Shoop's Night Cure Very Low Rate for Summer Trip to Pacific Coast Return limit OclnhPr Ms'. Liberal stopovers. Wide choice of mun-e. Go luv the dtrrct Cannuli m liue-see your own country-the “met, the Rocky Muuumim‘. vuitthetietttue Expmitinn and other special nth-M'- tions. Talk It over with $77.20 Weak Women mo w‘k and may”. thank-clonal. v" ceip. Bat th that at. two KW“ must "etxaunsd. Outlets and: is can!» don-l. but both an ttr-tprec, but “I. Dr. Show" Sign” but: lam). Dr. Moot" Barnum. tho mm. The former-Dr. Simon's Night Cum-in could mu membrane supposlmry tuned}: nrhiu Dr. trhootiq.1tesu2mtive is who”); e./et'ye!tL'.'te No One With a Can Enjoy Life Sluggish Liver Make your Liver perforri its functions properly and your troubles will disappear. Have a special action on the Liver in toning it and quicken- Ing its action. . GUN’S DRUG STORE " you get It " GUNS, It's good Gun's Liver Hardware I W. Black met-tune. Agent, Durham Sold by Murat-lane and Co Pills Return from DURHAM BiaskaulG, baiGiric.' iii'. l Men's CudiganJ-ckms Lot l, Ptoor 010.0") . . . . .th. a up“ Table Uilclmh. " in wide, 7 2 Fm" Produce Wu n Fresh Grocerie- New Fruits Choice Conlecuonary Pure Spices & Vinegars No. 1 run“ Ind mare lhllto‘n our: New Plinth! See our Eh Ai1.woot Blank-ts. " I sud 4.75 Bed comforters from 1.35 to 3.": Lute " x4 snze Puttnvuett., In; cu, white or'rev. . . . 1.25 I' Luce Curt-ms. . 25¢ 50c, 7.3 Hpufycoum wool shun ls In BIG , C. L. GRANT slight. medium, and stout fig- ttrec There are the Corsets that please. in white, blue with white sum linen color white stripe, I ndm head suiting plain Mute. Indu Lawn, Peninn Lawn. Victori, lawn. Mull, Muslin, all suitabh lordreue: or Shirt Waists. am we have also the best selecttot of White Shirt Waisls in town Corsets As the warm weamu 15w :: ing, you "ill need Hymn“. :1 ing. We have . Dress Linens DRUGGISTS AND You Can Buy Energy will quickly More you feet health. It's a stream mining tonic and new der that will quickly rem cure nervous debility, acme-ion. nervous dys etc. MacFARLAN E & CO. Me's no need of you: J dmggug "wad, too “wk accomplish anything. but .s not really m. Whether y condition is due to oVertrr, menu! strain, loss of sin; maria. We Live the money l mare not perfectly s; with what the remedy J vou. MATTHEWS a LATIMER ', Peed, Sect & Groceries Produce " Cash LADIES ! Our Tonic Elixir 25c And "rgiis""bTiaU'ii/r, '. H. BEAN Cull and see Me Sells Cheap Price 50c. and fhpttttftus mm- b " in wide For BOOKSEIJJSRS We have the bias filled Corsets for IO, 1909 us , "turl' Calder Block. but-hum (I! 'tir 3! q d, " Small Call I shape In" Mi tit. meneement oleums. R Window Wal Pt are tir lish In: at loss Inn: down M and Mn WI“ he c'op. sh out nu which t For n “a 1 he t, ed by " 'o 84mm Al M cittdicist “out of the man-Io! am I).. out!" in Ali". 'uottotrac) Ce (h. Depou‘um-l In have n Wnll sell fur Kit waiter Phone. M farm Durl 3m Fresh Groccrl nu Tl Id mark A dw Will In“: e my les have: der. We Int-km m tum tuilo (I Eur he! h- or Men' JUNE l W il bert' Sal: Profits "III! In! " "ous, M 'ttstute ishin Dr HHS un W

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