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Durham Review (1897), 10 Jun 1909, p. 8

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C. A. FLEMING. Principal, Owen Sound Get a Thorough Business Training At m J,r,-tlieTnE!tyt, 1 l J' (41/07/7111“ "c/l/ft itil; Dress Goods atF 6Tt 'jryrriyy?p,'re mwflfimmww%¥ Absolutely the Highest Prices for Butter and E Large Tin Salmon.... ....lOc Extracts.... .... .... ... . Se Best Baking Molasses. can. 9c 30c Black Tea. .21c 30c Jar Grocery Specials for Satqrday llécl‘Whitle Cotton, Saturday at 9lc yd Special sale Muslins Silt. gt 8; 37:1 " alkerlon Business College Black Voille Fall Term Opens August 30 " '1 #3 Mrsy P-'." 'e" - $155 99Nt Sample Pairs Shoes goinglike tioitakes l20 pairs 200 pairs l00 pairs l boll t While the extensive purchase of The Burton Spence stuck male by us holds out there are many {haunting bargains on sale. Each week brings its shipment and Something New. The End Our THE PE0PLE'S STORE Often the Cheapest My Hats and Caps New SHOES “EU. HI’U'J'I'UN. Prim ipal Clothing H. H. MOCKLER s of Young People are needed to supply the demand. 'tN cost Mule. " will double 3mm " but )0“. Maine. Hunk-mu tut. uy tinte. Penmml ittstruetion gin-II. y lk-pnrtmult tor those who-w v-nrly we; we: Stt2W6:tk. ass-{ME This is a beautiful fine cotton, fine aishUt no filling, use- ful for almost any purpose, good "yie value, 250 yds at9He . mg. price use yard. on sale ck Voille Saturdayat .....r ...... .... 47c yd Also Brown Voille and brown, navy gram and black pan- ama at this prim. u graduates are assisted to NI pnuitlmw. WHIP. for mu. Prepare now In em- lwuinuingnf term. Nail u tor those who wnshln n Imllw. simmer sizes A fine stock of Patents, Imperial Shoes Tans and Dongola Blue. tn: men. Good hm: of Chocolate, tan & Oxblood for Women Highest Prices for Butter and Eggs. Suit, whTiher you want ready-tttades or made to order. These Clothes are cut and sewed perfectly, the style is permanent, due to the honest methods of making and the excellence of materials used. 's No cloth made to equal these for Panama, wearing and dust-shedding qualities. . New check ginghams, fine"even mnghams weave and soft finish. Nice stock of Prints,] Muslins, Lawns and Organdies “Regent Brand ryt ROBT. BURNETT " tine rihhqd Cotton Hose for girls and boys, reg- s ularpricestic..sizcts S}; to yri for HN IZIC Trnller 5.1an per pair.,.... ..... .... ..... 2 ,. Ltdits,' tine plain cotton hose, full fash- IO s innul and seamless feet, re :00 r, on sale C g p . Cllildrsn's llosc, splcndid value at double the s money. Sizes br,. "f. 7 IA tor no net vain E' _ airs left Three Special Hosiery Bargains (XVI DRESS GOODS ‘...l02 Can BakiutrPowder....,....tie ,. . Sc \‘eastCake.................4c ean.N Best4oc BlackTea.........25c 3oc Japan Tea..23c 25c Japan Tea..l9c . Sizes6yi -,., a I t . pmr.... ".".'.".' if]??? 9c per pair, There's one for you at Wholesale price IS No cloth made to equal these for wearing and dust-shedding qualities. r New check ginghams, fine"evmt ' weave and soft finish. Nice stock of \‘I I) of the Bargains A large assortment of Spring Hats and Caps now on hand. 100 acres near Allan Park.- splendid budding-I. rm'ing tine hm). (-honp. " 7.01; 7.” 7.2N 3.52 7191 Mrs 7m LIT em; mu Corue to m fur tickets and info tion. tVe are also mum's for Alla, Dunnimnn line ulvumships and C'.l “w III liners. Money to be Made “I? ntllowinxr timetable will etteret until tttrttttwrunice . Read The Hanover Conveyancer. offers: mp Not Yet nth-m” m Ill down MacFARlANE & co. \ValkeI-ton leave Haunver ar've Allan Park Durham {\le'illiums PNceviue o'ce S..uu.Jt'l. leave a. B. MILLER, " Here is the place to - buy yogr Spring TH FIRES to this mlverhielm m Always the Best ggs 5c pan. mu. 9 $012.57) , 0.1!! 12.31 9.11 12clt; inform" 3.37 A, I? ‘4 w, read up be in 12.le H.511 ”.10 2.t Valuable farm in the Tp. of Glenda compmod of lots 22 and 23. Con. 3, N I). R . 100 acres. _ Pmsesninn given forthwith. Title perfect, For parti- culsr; apply to J. P. T gum“), For .8103. Lots 6 and T, Con. 2. N. D. R ' Glen- elz. 100 acres. Rood frame home. and other buildings. cull watered. Owner gomg west. A hatgnin. d " Lord a Little Band and Lowly." We could not rely from keeping one ear to Mr Ledinghams sweet song while the other WIS paying attention to iniprmatton received from the younger Ledingham. While at Dornoch we had the p.iasure of calling on the Rev. Mr McDonald and aSMrs McDmald is a niece or the. late Rev. Donald Fraser who served faithfully as pastor oi old a". Andrews church. Prieeville, for 9 years from 1866 to1875, it brought back the memories oi gone by years as Mrs McDonald is s connecting link from the past to the present. Dr. Smith M. D. is aiarmer as Well as a Doctor for he runs a fifty acre lot on Glenelg side. Wm O'Mara, the only hotel in Glenelg, keeps good whiskey it is said and good tv3eomodation as well. Up on the hill is the ll, C. church commanding a v.ew of the country round about. Alongside is the Separate School House. Down} further south is Dargavel's suw mill 1 and by the quantity of logs visible a good business is done. Mr Dirgavel Is an extensive farmer as well, Go- ing back east is the residence of Mr George Ledingham one ot the oldest of the pltee, Although Mr Ledintp ham is ll! his 8ith year he can sing a good lullaby while putting some ot his grandchildren to sleep We ad mired the sweetness at " volee n tile singing that old song or hymnl There urn not many of the old residents to be ioand at Doruoch now. There were the Smiths, Ledinghams: Shane's. tee. Ot the Smiths there re- mains onlv Mrs WmSmith, mother or Rev. Dr. Jas. Fraser Smith, al- though at one tune the Smiths were more plentilal and only one yet re- mnius in the [and of the living, Mrs Alex Black Oak River, Manitoba, who is yet hearty at the age of 86 years. partly English. There are the Mc- Keehnies, Torries and a whole lot we would like to mention but time and space won't permit. Away up is John Wilson, Leaches, McCormicks and a host ot old residenters. Here was the residence ol our late council- lor Wm Kearney at lot 5 con. I, now the prt perty of Win Benton of Glenelg Centre. Over on the 13th eon is Townsend lake. Mr Townsend was one ofUlenelg council some 35 yeals ago and moved away about 30 years ago to some tar " country. Ills plane is the property of Mr Joseph Young. Now among the residents in this locality are the Brodies, " ryles and Neil Livingstone one ol our old Durham rotd residents where we al. w I) s r. ccive a cheerlul reception from il r and Mrs Livingstone. On the op- pane side is George Lamb's. late resident, who served the township as cinncillnr. auditor and munv other ol't'tr,uut during his stay in Glenelg. Ttking a view trom Mr Duub's old in me there one can see the I" icevillc and Artvmesia hills plainly ina clear tlay. Ta king the route by the cross path it will be about 15 miles tothe big hill near McMillan's south line. Back at the town line between Glenclg and Holland is Glascot P. o, kept by Mr English. In this locality are the Morrans, Gays, Pricls, all old settlers bat We must harry up to] llornoch. This place in olden times l went by the name of Grillin's Cornersl as Mr Grittin X,' one of the tirst tol, _ do business at t to corner boil hotel keeper and store keeper Ir some time till he moved to Durham some 5-0 years ago. Ila-mg an uneducated man it was said the way he kept his books Was by patting down a black stroke tor every pound often and as tea was a dollar a pound the stroke counted adollar and a hallstroke a hall a pound which meant hall a dollar and so on but we are not going to certify as to the truthfulness ot these sayings. I We do not intend to go far towards the east this time so we will eonfine ourselves towards the west. Down a little is the McNallys, Jacks. Pears and the old Glencross place. Mr Glencross was one oi the township councillors over 20 years ago but has passed from the scenes of time nearly that time also. Over on the 10th con. is Waudby P o. kept by Mr Baker. Down a little West is Joseph 1Ieh'slly's who captured one of our Prieeville girls in the person ot Miss Livingston and a happy lite is the result There is Colin McArthur on the other side/a good type ot the Highland Scotchman l. Ellison. a half breed being partly highland and By the Assessor. Continued from last mack. On the 9th con is Trsverston. a small hamlet. The nsme was taken Irom the late John Travers. who served the township " councillor for a number of years in the latter part of the sixties and the Bret part at the 70's. We do not know Whether Mr Travers isliying or not or what part ot the world he is in it he is living. There is a grist and saw mill, the proprietor being Mr Rose who is a a good busioess man. There l also a blacksmith shop run by Mr Hestie who is also a good tradesman. The post oftiee was moved away down about half a mile west the postmaster being Mr Wright. On the corner is the residence ot our worthy Reeve, Mr Hunt, who served the township " a number oi years as councillor but got promoted this year to the honorable (Alice of Reeve and by his experience as councillor in the past he tinds it no dW1et1lty to discharge the responsible duties in connection with the 1'weveship. ARTHI‘R H. JAcsmos, Durham, Continued neat week. AMBLESw Lands For Sale THROUGH GLENELG. L up: unu. Durham: ONTARIO ARCHIVES TORONTO 4 h-l’earl Wilson. MUM Smilh. May “demon. Ruhr. Puthel-houg. Matiorie Clark. Philip McDonald. SI lied-Gladys, McDonald. Clara Hotness. " 3rd-Howard Menougall, Dmmlm Redford, Roy L-uuh. John Clatk, John Smith. Sr 2url- Jessie Clark. John Grierson. Celia lioness. Be: tha Hones: Perry Caswell, Cora LunnPy. Jr and ta Mekeehnir, Earl Veosio. Tom Orally. Jr Pt 2nd-aNttter Idem. Br "i-Winnie Mitchell, Campbell Mitchell, Reba Vania. Jr 1trt--Merron MeArthur, Teddy Middleton. Jr A-- May Mitchell, Andrew Veuie. Luann B. WALKER. Teacher. 8. a. tm. 3, Bunsen " ith-R Alexnnder, A Wise. E Conn! and B Wim, eq. Jr 4th-1s Derby, J Hopkins, J Derby. kirerrg M,',,'.'"',)"?) Sr 8rd-M Park, (i an. tr Corbett, A Builoy. E Me. \Lenn. B Living-Lone, M Mather. E ‘Park. Jr 3M-.. M Hopkins', B Park, M MeRomud, A Turnhull, R Lawrence, G' Turnhull. A Reay. w Mather, C Remy. Jr 9nd 7N Murdirk, J Hopkins E Millikan, M J Adlum, M Adlam. R Miller, E Hear. Sr Pt 'nd-tl John- ston, M Turnhull, S Adlnm. E McLean Jr 2nd-G Hopkins, M Charleton, F, Reay,G H Torry, RMlghton, B lirier. aun. Sr Iitt--V Remy, V Rwy. M Built-E. Jr Isl A-T Corbett, J Milli. Run. Mather, A McRunsld. Jr [all tr-g Part, H Juhnslon, H 80 kins. c, Rear, M Alexander. M Rwy, glam. Du‘rk. May Duck, M Mighton, a Grierson. ‘ Average attendance GG. Axxnr. C. MCKENZIE, Teacher. 1 lznsu LAKE. 1 Gt,h---Retn Patterson. Sr 'th-Joel U'Henrn, Alim- O'Hearn, Coverdale' Patterson. Jr tth-Eulalia U’anrn. l 1ViWed Butler, Patrick Sweeney. Sr 3rd-Genevieve Bullet: Jr 3rd-\\'il- fred Campln-ll, Gladys Patterson,'; Grace Lymes. 2trd--Nrtlla Patterson, I Stan Butler, Alfred Butler, br Pt 2nd ---Katharine McDonald, Willie hymn. " Jr Pt 2nd--Tho, Hughes. Lu-lllun Me.: Taggrwt, Sadie Melhmnld. tir Ist--" Frank O'Hearn. Magdalene Butlev.t Kathalim- Mc’l‘uggnrl. " lst A-Lily l iyey+ell, Jr lr-Eddie Wells, Iraisl 1IvDimald Jr 8rd--Harold McKechnie. Jr 3rd --Scewart MeArthur. Sr 2nd---Arnet. B. a. NO. t, BHNTINCK & manna THE DURHAM REVIEW School Reports a. 3. Nu. lo, RtrNTtNt'K . The Big Shoe Store EOME Peet's 01d siting, Next the Bridge P, Ilurles. Teacher: Pg gross Laces. black. reg. be, now perdozon ...... 12 pair ladies' box calf Blueber, reg. 2.50 for. ' . . 20 pair oil can Oxfords. regular 1.25 for,, .... ... 60 pair ladies' whole-stuck working Shoes, 1.75 for.. 20 piir ladies' patent colt Blaeher, worth 3.50 for.. 24 pair ladieg' vici kid pa- tent tip, 3.25 for ...'. .... 24 pair ladies' vici kid pa- tent tip, 2.50 for. .... .... 12 pair ladies' patent Orr. fords. ree. 3.25 for.,.. ... 24 pair ladies' vici kid pa- teat tip, reg. 1.5.0 for.... 24 pair ladies' chocolate Blucher, 3.25 fur.... .... 24 pair ladies' chocolate Oxfords, 3.00 tor.... .... 12 pair ladies' chocolate Blucher. reg. 2.25tur. .. C6tms when sizes are complete. for cash and we challenge anyone 1 Without doubt the Greatest Shoe Sale Durham has ever seen purchased two different Job Lots of Boots and Shoes at 50 cents on the d offer these goods at prices never before seen in town. " The following many bargains to be had at this Big Sale, Commencing Saturday, June 12, 1909 and Ending Saturday, June 26, I909 Shoe Ladies' Shoes at Thbs. McGrath's Shoe Store, Durham BIG SLAUGHTER SALE of Boots and Shoes Ireg. ... ttk First-class Showi prove their rim-rim in m‘lunl and long service. (Mil and pxamme Hur gunds whelber you purchase or not. Shoe Dressings Galore. Trunks, Suitcases, Telescopes, Etc. Eggs tutu-n in eseharute for Goods at the down lawn Shoe Store. In their superiority owr the ordin- ary kind. That's the kind we depend on lo capture the nude of Shoes that Shine Sr 4th-Maggie Hartford, Ada Me. Lean. Jr tth-Chris, McKmnon. Ir 3rd--moasie Hooper, Roy MeDermid, Bernie Hartford. Jr 3rd--1sria, Me. Cuaig. Br 'dad-Maggie McEacheru. Minnie McEachern, Alrcar Hooper, Pt 3nd-Eva Hooper, Nell Shortreed. Archie McUuuig. Jrlst--dtsnoie Me. Dougall, Mnlhurne Hartford, Albert Hartford. Those- present eve»? day --hda McLean, Isl.ay hit-(Junk, name McEachein. Minnie Mcibwhtttat, Elm: McEru-bern. Average attendance lo. LIT/.13 ansuc, Teacher. s. s. No. (l, BENTINCK. Ith-katie Phillips Pearl Hopkins, Ilene Button. Sr 3rd -Maggie Clark. Hugh Hendry. Willie Britton. Jr 3rd --uotrdon Reid, Eva i edford, Harry Cox, Willie Ho Ikillii. dr end, Jennie Brittany Alvin tlit-id. NinnNohle. Nell Mvt9ouKttll, Jr '2ud---Erta Twnmley. gin-vii Herylry, Dannie Null", Gilbert ' --thu'rie Grier-son. (kyle McDonnld. ' Sterling Lamb. Belle equarrier. Br 1 Pt 2mr-Gecrge Wilson, John (unwell i Jr Pt 2rui--Hary Lamb, Alchle Wit. zsnn. Br lat-Wet-r McQuu-rle. John I A Redford. Jr ist-Hoy Unveil. Nulvle. Pt 'drrd-Rthrrtr Bo ce, John hicihruitall. tit. Ist-Merle I',',',",. Jr Isl-Jammy Britton, Walter Boyce. Edna Cox, 8mm McCallum Jr lit A --Myvtle, Bailey. Willie Adhuu. Nor. man McDougall. Average attendance F, _ 4rh-0anet Sharp. Caroline nut, ‘Butley Thompson. bur: Schilling. _tir8ryr--Aitert Thompson, Margaret Blasing. Jr 3rd- Wilfred Anderson. George Ball, Elmer Ynndt, Melindl Horst, Archie Anderson. Clarence Young, Clarence Thompson. Aaron Diehel. Br 2nd-Chms Miller. Lovmn Beim, Arthur Robinson, [whens Mar. shall. Jr 2nd-Elsie Subs. Lydi- Fritz. Br Pt 2nd-Ohnrlie Pfelfer, David Widmerer, Dora Pletrer, Milton Schenk.0lga Metzger, Alma Miller. Seaman Yandt. Jr Pt 2nd-CGrenee Robinson. Clara Schenk. Johnnr Pretter. Sr Pt lst-Hugo, Ball, Arthur Diehel. Conrad Eydt, Henry Yandt. Jr Pt lat A-Nellie Anderson Roy Thompson, Adeline Pfetfer. Willie Frill. Laiwtta Seim. Jr Pt lr-M" Byers, Reuben Fritz, Hazel Young, Ervm Miller, Henry Horst. Albert Ptetter, Average attendance, ik5. MILDRED LKESOS, Teacher. 54. a. so. lo, ULENELG a: EHREMONT. Your Entire Family 1.29 1.98 ; 2.48 g 1.49 i 1-58 Mk ' 2.50 2.48 1.89 2.59 1.19 '. S. McILRAITH amplete. Don't make a. mistake in the day, J mm 12. anyone to say that we do not live up to what we advertise. M. E. Mon'mx, Teacher NO, 8, NonuAsm'. M . M ortzim, Teacher. 24 goodyear weir; i.iiirirT. 15 pair men's patent colt goodyear welt, 4.50 for.. su pair men's vici kid good year welt, 3.75 for . . . . . . l2 Iuir men's patent Oxfords regular 4..'iofor.. . . . . .... l2 nir men 's tent button gunmen 'ilfht1t.t.y. .... 24 pair whole stock working Shoes, 2.75 tor.... ...... 20 pair men's Harvesters. regular 1.50 for.... ..... 24 tmir men's heavy split working Shoes. 2.60 for.. 36 pair box calf goodyenr welt, reg. 4.25 for. ...... 2 pair youth's box calf Blueben, l.25for....... Men's Goodyear welt Shoes 18 pair men’a_ pa_ce_qt_colt Carlyle Mommy}. ' pair Vic! kid Blunher. retrttlerl.2liror....' .... ' pair oil an Butcher; regular 1.75for.........' 2 pair youtbs' vici kid Bliteheri, regal" 1.50 for Youths’ Shoes Thus. McGrath TO THE I".".?.? 1.00 ALEX. RUSSELL, The Big Store. Durham Butter and Eggs Taken 25,000 lbs. Wool Wanted 1.59 2-98 " 2.50 2-49 " 2.89 1 .89 Mk ALEX. RUSSELL, Durham at the Highest Prices or goods given i ' exchange at Removal Sale Prices. " ever seen. We have just :ents on the dollar and will How The following are some of the We will give you the highest price Cash or Trade so dozen home. of mum 10e per bottle tor.... .. 36 pair boa' box ell! Blacher, 2.25 form. .... 36 palm vici kid Blueber. regular 2.25for..........' 12 pair trrys' gran. leather Working Shoes. 1.75 for.. 24 pair boys' bull Bill reg. 2.00tor.... .... ..,. ..... 36_. pqir boys' box (ml! 24 pair nys' gran. leather, regular 1.35 tor ... . .... 30 piir misses” Viei Kid pr tent tip, 1.651'or. ... .r.. 20 pair chocoluu blueher, regular 1.75 for..... .r. 21 pair chocuinie Osfords, regain 1.75 for. .... _... 20 pair vici kid Oxfords. patent tip, 1.25 for. . . . . .. 12 pair an Oxfords, regain l.25for..... .... .... wt-- WANTED Shoe Polish Misses' Shoes Boys' Shoes COME Us reg. 1 29 . .‘Z‘f'f 1.39 We sell '., 1.18 _ 98c . 1.29 , " JUNE 10 ' 1909 ' i?"""'""" CF: I ti Neys 506 to " Ttth REVIEW. DI VOL. XX and ' g “In: w" t! nag-mm mace tl-, t borduw _ (ill FOR

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