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Durham Review (1897), 17 Jun 1909, p. 1

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ath ig Store LU.) 1 Wanted JUNE 10, TED I ldc ,Taken 99: 1.29 1-39 1.18 Mc 1.29 1-19 mam :ivcn in V Durham 50c to gait.,. "132 I910 :2 33 XMXDillMglXlgkil81il XXlglglriiggligllgMggllrillg1l8 VOL. XXXII, N0. 24 rrie REVIEW, DURHAM, ONT i R. B. KEELER & sou - -- -- - 7 - Sp,', yoyy,'y1yexxxxg5iMlyftlMf0il'tXl'lXllXlXlXlFllXlXllx ma Rtmth'.'s"h'oa, mi . I, 1910 Mama: 9 u: . E 50 cents. Take and- vnu“ this rem-"bulb odor oruee that your friend or neigh- bor does Bo. NOW itt the time. To - address in Butter and Eggs wattted,---highest prices paid 'l'hesozu'e something to enthuse over-smell lovely huh-s '. such good qualities 3 such dressy finishes ! _,I,.rvlur,, are browns, tan, linen, blues, green--eorreet might for dresses and coat suits-ilk to 500 a yd. New Ginghams and Ciuuntrrays--Plain, stripes mil checks in different colors, fine weaves 12355150 New Prints More Prints used this year _ than 6ver-...wty have new stripes ”mile for shirtwaists besides light and dark suit- a /os 1hr any other purpose-thams and best Cana- lli'ui "n tlos-IG: and 12le yd New Linen and Linen Suitings New Summer Goods New White Waists in the new styles Nineteen hundred Dollars worh Fine Solid Gold Rings, Tie P Cuff Links and Crosses bought by us at 50 cents on the Dollar. They are on display in our Jewelery window and will be sold NEW SUMMER WEIGHT HOSE AT LESS THAN REGULAR WHOLESALE PRICE Come and see the most wonderful Bargains in fine High-class Jewellery ever placed in a window in Canada. FOR TEN DAYS ONLY For Ladies, Men, Ulrls, Hundreds to choose from-cor choice is great. Every ring and this great Sale fully guaranteed. r y’czu'i we, have had a. reputatioa for fine laces & /rri.idvries at reasonable m-ices This season more ill sustains it. We never had such a. variety of mtilul law's & ciulrroideries--we can't desribe -m but we know you’ll like them. New Laces and Embroideries These are fresh new waists, trimmed .with handsome embroideries, tucks and lace, lung pointed sleeves, prettily trimmed, new Gibson Collars to match, $1.50 to $1.75 " James Ireland onderfu] Jewellery Opportunity Fat, hone for children lie-plain and lace . to 25c per pair Ankle hose, black line Hale thread, Ladies, Men, Girls, Boys and Babies. to choose from-come early while the great. Every ring and piece of Jewelery in Rings ae 13% 9° 9' RI ,u A SPECIALin Mack HOSE 2 PAIRS FOR 2.5c Good thread. fast hlack-- ahaprd ankle 2 or for 2.5c They're here In big vmi- "ty--lrtce. embroidered and checks-cotton and cashmere --2.5c. to CAh: a pr. MENS FANCY “USE and Babies. 1e t’lns, El m The REVIEW to New Subscribers, for the Balance of the Year, only S) cents. Prospective June Bridee'or their friends should order their wedding cards at (mm- from the REVIEW Office, Call and get samplvs. "artery in type and cards and price right. IMPROVED GrtouNms.-a few hours of voluntary work-chiefly by coun- try memlsern--vound the Presbyterian Church on Friday but, has put a tidier appear-amu- on the ground“. The re- moval of the fence was a good not and in tlteneat future a hmutv spot should he made of the land south n! the drive Way by the planting of shmhs. trees and flowers. - BARK VVANTED-JZW Cords of Hem. lock hark wanted tor which highest price will be paid. T. SMITH For wedding put nts go to Weh. sler’s he has every”) q up-to date in Jewellery, thlverwave, nd Cut Glass. Dr. Dei ~nn. Htraltord. will he at Dr. Gum's o Ice, Thursday. June 17th, for consullnt n, in eye, ear, nose and throat trnuhle Ttr, Standard Bank pays interest on Savings Bank de sits from dale of deposit to date withdrawal. Every dollar of the "posit earns interest fur ovary day i remains on deposit. WhLCUMF‘. RArs,--A dry and thirsty land und thouuands of farmers and other: welcomed the fine showers of Sunday last“ Anxiety was beginning who felt, but the hay mop at least should now be assured. _ Nevrtal of the young me who grad- uated Inn! May M Mount t, weal Bu~i mus College ttre receiving tt w dollars per month, while the lady taduates me doing accordingly well. Begin your course in Seplplnher. 4 Come and lmy one of anl‘s pretty shirt waiuts before they at all gone. Por3TPoNErtCHcho Sum cm-ow. inu lo rite Anniversary and Com. muniou tam-vices in the Prenhytmn (‘hurrh nn Sunday. June 27, the (I. o. F. society service announced but. Week for Sunday. June 20, will he held on Sunday, July IN. All brethren willkindly hear in mind the change And arrange to attend the service next month. Hutton Hill school will holtl their annual picnic in the grove behind the school next Tuesday, June 22 Mount Forht, Businest College has started hundreds of young men and women on the road to success. Will you be the next ? 2 S. G. RIFLE Assn . 1rtos--The Rifle Ranges ws.ll he opt-n o wombat-a for practice on Friday a termoon, June 18. {mm 'wo until six p.' In. and awry Friduyrstteruoon follow g unlilfur- uwr notice. G o to \Vehster's I' Your engage- ment and Wedding RI 3. All sizes and everything up-tu-da . Don CCT m Two.--, valued dog belonging to Mr John Kelly, Rot on the U, P. ll. bridge Tumulty morning just as a freight train mums along. and failing to got. off was caught and cut clean in two. Who is responsible fcr tid, throwing of one ball into the rivm' and allowing the other to lie on the bridge hall of the day? Do not fail to see our lake gmck of Bummer Millinerv. MISS DICK New Hosiery an Ladies' Vesu, Menu UndevwGr to a ive this week at Grant's. (13an Min. GOING.---) Direc. tots of the N, P. C. Company met in town last week and decided to begin operations at once. Consequently the marl cars are at work and the whevlu are turning to-day. More “an will be takrm on in ufew days. Lint Thursday saw Mouth-Ids shipped, about. the largest quantity ever sect out in mm (luv. The supply on hand is now getting low. Strictly Pure Paris Mt Guu'a Drug Store. Ladies‘ WWII“: and,' belts at Grant's. ' EvAsa'ttLItgTtc MtvETiNus.--The Re- i, vival services that have been success- 1 fully conducted forthe pant two weeks l under the leadership of Mr Chapman, 1 were brought to " close on Tuesday ‘. evening. They were favored with good uttendunee from the first and the (losing meeting necessitated the open- ' mg of the schoolrnom and chairs in _ the aisles. The speakers are all young. students of Wbodstr,ck College. are clear and earnest talkers and haven bright future in 'store, A fea‘ure " the services was the male quartetto of, the band who f/1iel!1 all with their, splendid singing t eir voices blending in fine rffeet, Mr. Ashmore was dir, ectnr of singing and knew how to ttet: volumeout ot the audience. Mr Wright was a. planning soloist, while Mr. Clark and Mr Tremhert are good speakers. The moral tone of the communitv can- not help hut. he henetltted by these meetings, and the heat wishes of Dur. n-nnitee follow them to Fleeherton where they are conducting like In- vices. An apprerlation was given to Rev Mr nnd Mrs Newton hy Mr Chap- man. eulogizmg their public spirited- ness in every good cause. THE STANDARD BANK E-blidted I873 in great convenience in handhuthefantilrfisnh. Itinepenedin thenimesottwomembegsofthefami1r,arsdbodtmarmauderodts ordrawaecksoveetheirown individualirutures. You can ovenatuvintrsNxountwithoneDdlar. Whynat do no at once ? TI DURHAM BRANCH a John ItoMr. "aasatltor m M " WI. Thisfortndaeeourtti-tkdHrumveniestthsethoae who 1ivesomeatancehmntawn. _ I873 OF CANADA 77 A Joint Account DURHAM, THURSDAY. JUNE 17, 1909. Mm. ilhaitttp. PROMENADE CONCERT. - Ever yone likes vul‘ir'ly and a cnncert of a some what ditferent, nature to the usual will be given in the new skating rink next Fraiay evening. A feature is a 2 mile Marathon ruce for boys underl0, for which the quires are, " silver watch 4nd a pair of running shoes. The race ('umnwm-es at. ll p, In. The 319st “Pat Band will render a tive musical program, and in addition, Mandolin club and piano solos will be given. Refreshments in the rink In charge ot mien-Ir Slim-en. Adrutrituon to all only We. The link will he well lighted and good annulus: flooring provided, Friday, 25th June, is the date of the only excursion this season to Toronto and the Falls from thin town and neighborhood. On page t Will be found a. tug ad with full pu-ticuhrs ms In time-s and rates. Durham people wishing the stay over privilege can do «i Ivy pavnm 30c more. in other words buy A Hanover ticket which tickets can he got in town. The excursion is under the auspices of the employees of the Durham Furs nilnre Go and furnishes a fine oppor- Lunilyfur 't health days' muting on land and lake andy amid scenes of beauty and historic interest. Ha! FOR GUELPtl.-.The ever peru- lur Farmers' InstituteExeurston ta es place on Monday next. As usual a great crowd 1% expected and the pleasures and the prvtits of the day will be full ' equal In former years. Full particulars of times, rules. &c., will be found on page 5. Po.sroNA PtcNic.--The second An" nual Picnic on tho old Scotchlowu pleasure grounds is to be held on the 17th inst. A full program of games and sports With a fouthall match he. Lern Dromore and Pomona are promised. Dancing. bag-pipes. racing ac. Admission 25e. Luncheon free " The annual meeting of the S. G. Women's Institute was held on Tues. day..lune 8, in Durham Town Hall. The "ttendance “Hui 20ml which show. ed a lively interest in Institute work. The Soar. report showed that there are seven hunches, with a membershlp of two hundred in all. The auditors report. showml receipts of8200, ex- penditure 8127. Mount Forest Business Colliga slu- dents are taught right at there own desks and may ploceed as fast as their ability mil warrant. Are you going to tttend this fall and get a Rood position? BOUGHT JEWELLERY BUtnNtetyig--Mr H. Catueron, jeweller at. Keeler's for the past. few months recently pur- clmsed a jewellery shire in his home town, Shelburne, and left Tuesday to take possession. He will return in a week or two to move his goods. Fon TEAcmrRs.--The county Pro. motion examinations wall he held on Nth and 25th inst. The papers Will be sent out Saturdiy from Inspector's offlce to all schools asking for some. OFFICERS i-- Vurney. Tive.Pree.--Mrs J. S'Jmell, Ayton. tsictettut-Mrm T. McGirr. Durham Auilitors.-Mrr, J. w. Blvlh, Var- nPy. Mrs D. Hamilton. Durham. Durham Presbyterian congregation have winced from time to time as they learned that no friend or relative had marked the “raven! the late Rev A. G, Jansen in Winnipeg. A feeling that their own self respect Wot involved led to n spontaneous movement this spring and a handsome granite monu- ment has been secured from Corbett a Son. Mt. Forest which Will he sent West in a week or two. It has been erected in front of the church here temporarily. that all subscribers may see it. The inscription reads t Park 's Bug Killer for the Potato lug an urnip Fly at, Gun'a Drug tore. Diveetors.--Mtrug G. Laurie, Elm- wood, Mus Dr Rogr't't, Harover, Mrs FilriinRer, Ayton. Mrs Wm Grout. Holstein. Miss Kate Stewart, Robb, Mrs U. McMillan, Uromore, Mrs It. Moriee, Durham. FocsD.-A Chain of Keys. This omce. -, Men's Authgbile waterproof coats. at Grant's. Mr J. L, Cornwall. B. A., Principal of Meaford High School. has resumed his position to accept a more tuerittve one in Winnipeg on insurance lines. He has been nine years in Meaford. Buy your tield and garden seeds from Matthews * Latimer. A. G. J ANSEN Presbyterian Minister at Durham, Ont 18P2--1809. Died in Winnipeg, Nth Nov., 1901 Erected by the Durham Congregation as a token of "ection and esteem for his faithful ministratinnn and Christ» like character. Pl "mdent -N rs R. PetrWryw A Good Soldier of Jesus Christ. Women's Institute. Ho t for Niagara A Memorial Stone. ONTARIO ARCHIVEE TORONTO it-.. Sunday awning. in s' ite of unfavor- able weather " goof congregation turned out to the Presbyterian Church to listen to Rev. Dr. Pringlmof Yukon fame. Not a few from other churches were among the number. and had It been possible to be more definite in last week's announcement the church would have been crowded. He Is a believer in wuiety : did not believe in bb making our sermons as like as four low of it table." Our Auvicur's teaching an reported by John and Luke showed gieut variety. The former reveals him preaching to one man: Luke shows him teaching by parables. bt Do you believe that 1*" after quoting '. Lo I am With you always," came with great force I not only in this church, (of course) but in every spot, saloon. or wherever vice reared its head. He had Valued this companionship when on hu, lonely Arctic vUtls: no book, Impennmgaztne, to read, bound to one luiok--the New Testament l figuratively he made room for Christ it table, tied and every- where. " Better than Missionaries; money, or influence, better even than vour Prayers is the equipment of your my with a. knowledge of and love for the companionship of Christ." On Sundsy sfternoon lost in the midst of the electticsl storm that passed over this district. A young man named Porter, about 21129:” of age. and residing near Allan ark, met his death. He and another young com- pimion. Spence Hopkins,were standing to th driving shed viewing the down- pour of nun and hail. Hopkins ven- tured out to ick up some of the hail stones and when in the act of handing them to his c'ompanion, a flash an crash came, and Porter, who was leaning against a post, was instantly killed, we presume with not a moment of agony. His companion was stunned by the shock but soon came to. and no doubt he will remember till his dying day, the Cattl storm. The family have the sincere sym- pathy of the community in their sore wreawmen‘. Mrs F. Staples. Edge Hill, and Mrs Alf. Noble, now of Tor- onto. are sisters of deceased, the latter with her hushand coming up for the funeral, which takes place this Wed. nesday afternoon Rev. Dr. Pringle and the Yukon. Dr. Prlngle is n stalwart physically, fine voice and pulpit presence. has the saving gift of humor, and a our-don- ahle modicum of com-(zit. He, took no text, but "talked" with vivid im. pressiveness on a. subject, he knows thoroughly--Life on the Yukon Trail some ten years ago. His audience goes with him through snow and slush, sleeps in his tent, listens to his saloon talkie. and becomes convinced. as he ie, that preaching sermons. however important Is only a small Dart ot ministration on the frontier. Dr. Pringle is " good tun-man, a. good snow sliver. it good cook, clever with dogs, &c., and he turned these and like qttrthiiest Into Int-"ma of arousing the vallousness of the indifferent, and strengthening the weak ones so gener- ally found in mining camps on the frontier. "The greatest lragedy a minister has to face. is a soul face to face with death and who does not know the way " wna one of his utterance.) and he proceeded graphically lo illustrate the statement, from his own experi. ence.. He made gran use of simple hymns, tscotch sound like " Annie Laurie." or any reference likely to bring bark to evil men memories of mother and a pine childhood. To reach them it was necessary to go Into saloons and every quealionnhle place, at the risk of givmg a chance to trahtmnitattttm to IGcken his character. He deplored the profanity so common, but men from Britain he said are " not in it" with the American in this re- trtttrt. .. . .. . . 'Speaking ot preaching in asalnon he had a fiine at. the Presbyterian church which " asks us to inculcate temperrtnee and allows us to be obliged for the use of saloons to preach in." Referring to unexpected meetings. he said " nothing ever happens, God is behind it. ., and he told a pathetic trtor of one Mike Reilly. whose whole life and been spent in mining camps but who uhnwed at the last that all nobility had not been crushed out. Dr. Pringle made Rood--he gave his audienreas be promised at the o en- ing a picture of the Yukon trail, WEN“? he labored many faithful days. and where we suspect his heart is yet, though he in now at Sydney. Nova Beotia, [The following verse: by a. Yukon miner were referred to on Sunday ov- eniug by Rev. Dr. Pringle. They are redolent of the mining camp and up- preciative of Dr. Pringle.] On Thanksgiving day down Telegraph way. In the winter of 'im, And the boys from the Junction md Summit Had come down to celebrate. For thoazh It won snowin‘ an' lllowin' And howlin'to beat the hand When Parson Pringle dealt. the card! All the boy: took a hand. For he wasn't one of them gospel sharks Or a. mllar on' necktie swell That tries to scare you into haven With visions of red hot hell. But a genuinp sky pilot he was Who knew though we leaked rough without There was good can“ gold imide the dump Thu just wanted wuhln‘ out. Bo he run his sluice boxes up the tide To Solution Creel: above And washed the dirt of our sordid soul: In the water of God's own love. So Ctsltt?ytsth'ts Ital-e Wu plump jun There was Death in the Storm. And the singing was good and strong Then the pal-son gave us his mac bit And didn't keep " too long. There an old Bruce on the corner in: Al rough sud cough n. toot An PvP8' hmko a Cmvusv hll'k Or skinned the riite of a mule. Young man. remember the great men of tany were ones like you. They succeeded; why “alga? Just. attend Mt For”: Business liege. OLD Bnucu‘s AWAKENING full ---_q_------ On Jane 27th and 28th. the Presby- terian church will celetunte the tiftieUs Anniversary of the induction of Rev. Wm. Park. Dr. Fletcher of Hamilton and Dr. Robertson of Toronto, will conduct the services on Sunday while a number of speakers will address the meeting on Monday evening. A dele. gation from the Preslnywry of San- Keen will he present including Rev. ts'. Yovng of Clitrord, who is the on]? minister who was contemporary wit 1 Rev. Mr Park. Poplar Grove, the home of Mr. and I M rs John Backus. town line, Bentinek was the scene of an auspicious event. but Wed nesday afternoon. wherein' two young hearts were united in hy- men's bonds. The contracting l' "ties I were their eldest daughter. Miss Ida M T; and Mr John Leit i of Not munhv. ' In ne fair weather. upwm-ds of two hundred guests had assembled to wit- ness this ever interestmgevenl, which was uolemnized on the lawn immed- iately in front of the vetsidenrce, After I the rendering of the bridal hymn. by l Knox. Norinunhy choir, of which holh I bride and groom un- valued "tem'stars. I the .. Wedding Hells Marci. ., “an; played by Mies Comte. the groom~~= man, gloom and bridesmaid in the l meantime taking their places. Tht. l latter, the Irride's younger sister, "Il~>l Viola Buvkus, “an: prrtuly attired Ill 1 rink silk. trimmed with valenriennw l ace and Insertion. while she carried it Iroqvet of pink and white emanation», Mr John Johnston of Atwood, consult: of the groom, acted as groonisumn. Attention was next centered on thel tiowee girl, little Marion Marshall. nil Dun-mun. who appeared very prvttily dressed in pale blue sik. trimmed with lace and insertion. with a lmquet of lillies of the valley in her sash and canned tl inohet otthswvrs, which wme I deftly strewn in the w""'"'-"-"'"") bride. ' Mr Wm Black last week shipped three titte uni-go horses to a. tit. Cathelines man at 3 good, thrute. The (“auction was bundled entirely by telephone, the buyer wanting to Mr Buck’s equine skull and fair darling. That the contidetute was jusulied IE moved by a. letter expretsing great suti~mction with "thegoodtc" The animals were picked up around the country and shows whatn tnatket there is tor {hr right kind of horses, Shortly after c, p m., the Wide. lean. ing on the arm of her father, issuid from the house under an arch of eyel- zreene, and on taking her position on the lawn, the nuptial knot was tied by their pastor, Rev. Mr. Kendall. The "ride, ever attractive, never uppem-ed more so than on this momentous oc- casion. wearing a bridal veil with orange blossoms and dressed in cream silk panama. trimmed with allover lace and net insertion. while she car- ried a white prayer book. The ceremony over, all present took opportunity to extend hearty good wishes, after which photographer Kel- sey arranged the company. with the pastor's assistance for a couple cigar-mp photos. Ott repairing to the inink room for supper. one found it very preltily decorated with evergreens and a profuse variety of t1owets while the parlor also was ornamented with ferns. The excellent culinary abilities of the bride and other members of the family were well proven when several tables of guests did ample justice to the sumptuous slipper served by wil- ling waiters. The evening was til ent in social intercoulse, names and in sic. in which latterthe choir were tt ch appreciated. Them ulnit ot the cum: co le was evidgm-ed {Isa by J/d Invinh (ne- play of beautiful and vnlual-le ifts they rm rived. The hride herself wan the recipient of a handsome silver lea set. the gift of the groan). and to the bridesmaid he. presented attold rum. to the flower girl a brooch, and to the groomsman a. neat stick pin. The Council last week had the old hoard underground drain from Mae. Fnrlnne'a corner to the liver which WAS quite rotten, taken up Inst week. and replaced by cement tiling. pro. vidmg much better damage facilities. The Durham Junior League pienick: ed in the Benn Meadow, west of town last Friday afternoon md spent I most enjoyable time. From far and near the guests mine. but ehiefly from the neighborhood and the town. From a inunnce there were present. Miss Gertrude Buckuw. sister of the hride. Dundnlk l Mr. and MrsMrKenzIe, Dundalk, Mr. Earnest Anderson, Atwood l MI and Mrs, Jas. Nelson and Mr. and Mrs. wm Leith, Dromore And Mr Ind Mrs W. Brown. Mr. and Mrs. E. Brown, Mr, Will and Miss Ethel Heugham Mr. Will Brown of unlock. propel ly titted up. \Vith his father the groom is one of Normunhy'u moat pmgreuivo farmers. and the happy muule will take up res- idence on the old homeuteud. In con. juuction with the warmeitcfood wish- es of numerous friend: an relatives, the REVIEW joins in wishing them a pmperoua and plenum life journey. Published kaly " t1.00 . you. $6,350,000 $54,000,000 Commercial and savings accounts solicited and best terms offered. A Pretty June Wedding - - 3.13." PRESTON. Manager BUICK" A]... " NOV" - All) AMI. THE BANK FOR THE PEOPLE DURHAangANCH TRhlEllits BANK Jubilee Services. of Canada INCORPORATED 1886 TNF: REVIEW, DURHAM ONT The Yellow Label loll- the an. to which your cub- 'ttrt',", Ins heeu paid. Our nni 331m. wan thin week not- rected up to date. " you" in not correct. kindly notify an at once. We thunk att who hue renewed the put few weeks but there are yet nuny other: we w‘nh to hear from ationts I Ort Honda? 2lst June. an ttttteNattt- ment will 'e held in St. (lulumlm Church. when Rev. J. B. Mullah " Elam will give his famous lecture on " Mums." " will he ioertstrertwd With l musical selections. Supper from tt to 8 ' m. I ttether, on Tuesday 22nd annIJ ‘M. Swintun Park, there will he an irfteretetott, and evening of enjoyment. ifoothnll in afternoon. numwr from " 'to tr p. m. and an PXCPHPIII program of luldn-sm by Revu Berry, McLean. l Kendall and Little and music. Mctttroctt--DAsnrrt.--At tho resident., of the bride's parents. Durham (In Wu-dnmduv June 16, try Rev. w, L. Newton, Mr Jno. Murdock, to Miss Mary Daniel. _ MtuaoAti.-LAwnrr.scE-At the mi. denceor the hride'n pun-mu. con. 2, E, G. It., Gleneltt, on Tuesday. Juno Ili, by Rev. MrJugplewnt my} Ayah Messrs Dan McDougall. Mulock. and Thou Greenwood, Edge Hill, left here Tuesday for the West, and will heat! each other mummy lo " itttiipetr. Mr. McDougall intends making a lulu ofthe West and mill nrulmluly guns at an the Coast before relurmngin August. Mr. Greenwood wilt visit hic- sister at Lylemn. Mnmwlm, and “kn In Dakuta. returned Thur-u] remain a couple mg to ttside yt'!' yum"; rity. We 1' m-purntiun of Mr an Durham umivit ivsulr Attttivetsa ducted in tit vilie til " a. Andrew's. ri, Sabbath nu of Owen Sol. View. Ree Mr. Dyan. Vumey, waited hit home in Kdoeef1eld [at week and. inciting the down trip on foot in fat Imp. Min Annie Levmo lelt for Chum“) Tumdnr morning of In! week, when she wil a nt the summer wttit her triendo an? relatives. The REVIEW extend. conttrntuta. tiom to Mr Jno. Mulduck and um Mary Daniel, who to-duy Wednesday. Are being nailed in the lmly bonds of mntrimony. Iheir neighbors and friend" here, who are legion. will wish for than health and pruuuerily in their new when. Mr. Edward Ron-, shiphuuldw. Toronto, with his m." Edwnnl. visited wlutivm here and In Earl-email! over the Week end. Though for " yum in Toronto. it was onlv two Ito-kn up. that enquiries hy him mulled in re- venling u reluliuuul‘ip that wan lost sight of many yum-s mu (m the dull: of his qtnudfrulter, who was a lanth- er of the write-1's fullu-I'. It was in. teresling to lwun that Mter tumulvl!’ years all the cousins un- Mill uhw. H. H, Miller. M. P.. was in Tomato on Fridnv lust Mteuding the function where his son Moore wan invaded with the B. A. degree. Cougntuln- tionl to the young mam. Mr Thou. Firth, who but been ut- tending University in Toronto, visited his mother and other relaliw-u at Edge Hill. before going West Mundny in chars» of u unrwwmg [ml ly. 'twie [wighlmrn and fl are legion, will wish and mun-verity in thil Mr. Edward Rama Toronto, With his my“ pehstiven here and I" the week end. Thong In McCoslsely of Toronto, is spand- ing some time here mun Iter mm. “in" Sophia; and lnuuse Burnet, due. ing the absence of their mother m Dauphin. Munitulm. Mt Wm Morrison been living in tot West, returned Tlu fumily_ um there W Pricevillc and Swinton Park Lsiwience to Mr Think of Beutinck, The 8ttst Best. Band, under the direction of Burial-meter G .J . Wrrqht will render the following program Thur-day eve-ninnJune 17 M ti 1.3 p. m. on Gurufrux- tit. BAND PROGRAM. JUNE” Mr w. It, Msllti, 0 MAqu 7 VALER- 8 MAM" l MAstcst--hUCatupo . . 2 ov-ttr-tgint-er'" y. , 3 MEDLEY \‘Alea-BlueI~ MARrar--Thandvr until: MEDLEY- Imd _....-.'. C. SAMMIE t SON. Pun-In an Pomona a. m. and '4' p. tu, Hwintnu lurk, M ert, wln-n lbw T. ouud wilt preach 1d Sure the King, MARRIED Love . Meloly.Joh1tstort ahe Midtatipimut..BeTee The (Jud. t $34,000,000 with his f We ware! . V th.( citt Mm Mill It 9tt unly “hat in WUls m Tiller SI. Clair Barnard 'e I‘PIINIV- tly in the mob the Iillo fr nu shin. lull. mm. who M iMiiin ulultm Beyer ll

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