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Durham Review (1897), 17 Jun 1909, p. 4

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~11. .. " " - l tiiia','etiihiigigKiiiggt tit I Pr Ce' unmJ-i (d, "/dii'G.ir" t .' . .' dun P', Inuit. lvt /., tsr" NO NA'. I I T ; THRIA J, Pt le mini /,. t T for 1 " and ' var) T 1 Wu T , whu ima t p me, _ 20 col t _ mm b ' " loose F gnarl " t W mud E: a“ re, . II'OII TIlA‘PIlNT bath T at tit. Humans I was Undue _ all hath iurlrrjrrs;, Lik" a A and II urttrsU my ”1-. The! ' 1hrouzh the navy»: I “as i patients and will continue t _ cunts " Wotan undea- VA! AND URINARY COMM. Din-on mrti.e to "on. t!'tf4atPN'6l'l m V ' c... “m T'--....- H Dns.KENNEDY& KENNEDY Cor. Michilan Ave.. and Griswold St. nohusit MM. We have all the proper regard for the latest way of conduct- ing the Men's Fumishing bus. ineu and a visit to our Store E 'd"Thht1hita'ht". ”bah "__ BIA-h for Hon. Tum. CURES GUARANTEED OR NO PAY w. mu Dada-o YARTOCELE. “new”. unvous DE AND URINARY COMPLAINTS. KIDNEY AND BLADDER D: Dut.eeeeity/ 16rr, __ Peter bl. Summers. of Kalamazoo, Mich, _ " relaten his cxrcrlvncr: Twa' cry, "Imus tron sled with Nervous [Yellility I a , for many yew. lluy it to ituilscretioh I g and Noumea in early youth. I lemme "' tt very ti','eptit u. d tliun't 1'ai'P \xhrthrr lwurk or Dot. I imagined vwnlmly . who looked at me gut-used my wart. Imaginative drvtuns at night weakened I lllt‘wllly back ni-hvd. had palm: in the back of my head, hands and feet unre u’ t cold. tired in the morning. poor “rum, ttrtattwg were shaky, eyes blurie' ' lmir know. memory poor. etc. Numbness in the lingers set in and the doctor told we he feared paralysis I took all klmls or cN medicines and tried man; mum-lass .. tlgtlitgt hwore ant 9:11.38: telt {or I We moat B. went o . Yemen: or "P!" "“7”" mm, but received little benefit. While at “to (lo-mom: l was induce" to consult Dru. Kennedy & Kennedy all faith in thn'tnr‘l. letImlrownimr man l commeneed the New um! it 9mm! my Me. The Improvement was like magic- I could f, Ihrouzh the "urn-9. l m" cured mentally and physically. I hav patient» and will continue to do no." 'or pi " We are showing a very large selections of Ladies and Children's Hose in both Cotton and Cashmere in plain, ribbed and fancy styles in black, white, tan and cardinal which are extra value. See our special line of ladies' Hose we're selling at d-Sc a pair. cry Ir, a.” tt summer wear. Jsl),igii.r31.rfttggi.r1him)aaornr We are showing a very large stock of Wash Goods in Ginghams, Muslims, Lawns, Vestings, Duck, Suitings and Prints which we are selling at very low prices. oyR_Nl:_w HFTHOD Imam-MEM- gf Smart Choice of 3tosiery " mm: w " "a f4ria"ri:.Hrcftrii'treftri:" "ith 'eiaritri'- * .fifififififififi‘:fi {ltytish Jummer Mil/(nary '. Michigan Ave., and drisaiisi.Durii, iii. We have a large display of fashionable Millim in all the leading shapes suitable for the If " luv METHOD TREATMENT “in! l ' its inttuemee the brain becomes “um. otehen and ulcers tsealmp: the new“ beo <. l-mhfulneu and '/,','e,"t"i','."r, disappvar: " eienr, enerky returns to the 'our “ml tlm -im iurrrratml; all drains cease -tro nmn- 1itttl mm Nu‘nnm natural and manly. You flu-I y, t he a Mllure. We invite all the nmictv-d to ",,"t. Don‘t let quacks null [akin rob you will convince you runaways!) my: PARALYSiS (a. Don‘t. let quack: and {milsh'tfyéii a. NO NAMES USED “'ITIIOUT WRIT Proofs of our Spring i,l,ti," ""aiiiir1 Tailoring 3;}; C.t,p"fj5 hnc. Each Spring season shows us to the front with an attractivc and distinctive stock of suitingl. Present stock is no exception. unless it is that it's better. “'0 invite you to come and sec it. You galw is an artistic wdl titting one if we arc your tgnlurs. Our customers are mag as to what's becoming and as to what wears well In the I. A. BURNETT to consult Dru. Kennedy & Kennedy, though I had lost. 'ovmlnzmnn l commenced the New Method Treatment movement wu like magic-VI could feel tho vigor going god mum", and physically. l have sent than my a In . Was/1 Soodo Tailored Clothes The Men's Man Any View [NT will rum you and when mm of nee active, the blood purithd no that Ill nerves become strange” steel. BO that diuppvar: the eyes coma bright, the ouy,od the moral. physical and mental , mun- 'ital Thaste from the Tlt',','; The You fel yourselfu mun um know mar- mum-d to consult us cttrttiderttially, and rs rob you of your hr rdeamed dollars. our WRITTEN CONSENT. lf unable to a" write for I Quentin- NERVOUS DEBILITY. BL ooo BLADDER DISEASES and all AFTER TREATMIN‘I' Fall when looks tairly ttood. “can: Arch Icon-la and Abram Hooper of Top a . have good looking iuhis which mam: head- lng on Mr Aldcorn shipped MO ban of pontoon from Priceviue Station here on Fridny last on tome tor Port Arthur. Each but was weighed Ieparateiy with 92 lbs in a bag. The people ot tn Arthttr will and that it is ttard beat the County ot Grey tor potatoes. _ Mr Colin McLean was cutting wood with his engine and mum. on the somhlinethe mos ot In: week. lmrector Campbell visited our schoo in this place and " Top Clitr one day no: long up and gave a good report on both. Mr Tilley, Toronto, Itve inspeaor of Model Schools gave an interesting lecture relating to treltctl matters in W.uon hall in this town one evening last week and was fairly welln- tended. Mrs W. H. Wright oi Owen Sound l and Mrs E, Millie m of Wiurwn. were the guests ct Mrs and Dr Dixon for a few days lately. of this place. I Next Sunday the 20th inst Anni. versary Sen 0 s will be held in Pres- byterian church here when the Rev. Mr Rogers ot Owen Sound will preach morning and evening and on the iollowing Monday evening a Hand entertainment will be held in the church. Good enables, good singing and speeches. The Rev Mr Mullin of Fergus, will speak on " Mitiflts tt or something to that etreet. A good time expected. Proceeds of entertain- ment to be applied to tixintr sheds. The Rev. Dr Prirutle, lately of Yu- kon but now at Sydney, Cape Breton, gave an interesting address ot the lile and character of the people ot thateuttntry, on Sunday last in the Presbyterian church It is 30 rear; since the Dr. preached in Prieeville, tor his uncle the late Rey. Don. Me. Leod being then a. young man of amut 24 years binge. Although a lowlander he said he remembered attending Gaelic service in the old St. Andrews church and was delight. ed to listen to the old highland style ct singing by chanting each line before being sung. These, remarks brought back to some of usthe years ot our activity and now that the sun is getting tar towards the west it reminds us that the days at our usefulness are last passing away. Last Sunday's rain which was ac- compamed by thunder and lightning, gave the crops a better looking ap- pearance as in some places they were beginning to suffer from the last tew weeks' droughtand where they were put in Wetseemed to be more affected. Hay crop in general looking good. Sowing and planting are over with the exception of roots and prob- ably some are patting in buckwheat this week. Priceville GRAN EXCURSION To T ronto and Niag ra Falls Those who go to the Falls will have delightful two hours' sail across Lake Ontario to Lewiston, the up the famous and ex- citing Great Gorge Route by electric carat the Falls. passing’within a few yards, many attractions, such as Qu ston HeVithts, Broek's Monument, the Devil's Hole, the Whirlpool M id a. the hirlpool, the great. Inteznaltional ‘Brigges‘, .Power pleats, Mil ary Review, etc. In Toronto there are many attrae Ions, such as the Queen's Park and Parliament buildings, Rive ale Park and Zoological Gar- dens. Scarboro Beach. and Iranlan's Islm , with all their attractions. the Normal School Museum, the City H l, the big Departmental Stores, etc., etc., all easily reached byth splendid street car service of tho city, 9nd many of them {recto visi rs. T The regular cost of a trip on the Great G rge Route is 75 cents and the usual rate on the boat trom Toronto Lewiston is about $1.50, making in all $2.25. The charge on this exc sion is only 30 cents extra to those who take in the whole trip to the ‘alls. This is a. most delightful trip nd everyone should take advantage of it, at a senor) of the year whe nature is clothed in its most beaut- ital garb. The new line from Wa erton to 1trg, Junction is an excellent roadbed, and the old Tor to Grey .3 Bruce division ot the C. P. R. has some romantic attr ians, more particularly the horse shoe curve, where the trains go vet, slowlx. in order that sight-see- era may have a good view. Friday, Junie 25th, 1909 A very (flamnt and profitable d%may be ape; those who o not wish to take the tr to the Ptuls, The Employees of the Dur m Furniture Company will Tn.. an excursion over the Canadian P ifie Runway, including all stations from Wa1kerton to Shelburne. WALicieivroN,.,, ..., MAPLE Hua....... HANOVER ...... .... ALLAN Paroc........ DURHAM........ .... MCWILLIAMS. . . . . . . murevute.... ..... q8xueuiatN J C'NC"rlo.N. Puorox........ ..... DUNDALK.... .....'. CoRuEnrros...... ... MttLsNc'rHos....... f3nEtBtmNe......... Arriving at Toronto at 10.30, a.m., and Niagara Falls at 2.25 p.m. Returning, will leave the Falls at 5.15 p. m. or 6.50 E. m., and Yonge Street wharf, Toronto, at 11 p. m., and the Tnion Station at 11.10 p. m. Excursion tickets will be good going only on Special Excursion Train and valid to return on any train not later than Saturday, June Mth, except Walkerton, Maple Hill and Hanover tickets, which will be good to return not later than Monday, June 28th. The following is the time of departure of trainsVmi the fares .. Canadian 'l'aetlftet Railway . THE DURHAM REVIEW _ $75!: Man-led on 9th of June " Liner Day Slims church. 15th can Proton, Mr Wm McMurdo Jr to Mus Minnie Wilson. daughter of Mr Hugh Wilson tdt of the township of Proton. Mrs John Clmpbell of Arthur, in up mans her mother Mrs Dingwsll. b. Mr I. W. McArdlo of Muidsle, Vinita! his father lat Sandi). Died, on Monday Jam 18, Mr Om. Barr of171hteu.T?ruetrt. Mr HIV wu Mrs Uingwsll, Sn. one of the firet settlers in Proton, who lives Waite. ing the Villsgs and who has been in poor health for some time put. met with a bad accident this last week. She went to go upstairs and when up two Ilepa she fell back on the floor breaking her hip bane. Dr Sue-uh is in attendance and on Sand-y had Dr Martin of Dundalk to consult. with him and tried to set. the bone but could not succeed. She now " con- finrd to her bed um! not "peetted to "cover. Mr rater MoArtLur took a business teippr Torgpzo. Mr Angus McDonald is at present enjoying himself amongst his numer- ous triends at Woodbridge and else- where for a week or two. Mr Rancid Monongall oi the States is at presenc visiting at the old home south line at. his brothers Neil and Donald and will be returning again this we.-k as he is strained nurse in one ot the hoapituls ot that country. The funeral of Mrs John McDonald of Dromore, took place to th “he- tery in this village on Wednesday of last week and was largely attended. Mrs McDonald was one of the pioneers of that part of Egremont and was a women who always endeared herself to all who formed her acquaintance. The bereaved husband like many who was similarly "iieted feels his lonelinessin this life in his declining years " he has to tramptheiew short years at the longest on the lone- ly path of life on hisjonrney to the tomb where ho expects to meet his departed partner in. the home that hits no separation. where the weary are at rest and troubles are no more. The Rev. Mr Mathewn oftieiated " the house and grave. Mr Neil McCannel and his mother of Durham, passed along the south line, coming trom Swinton Park and day last week, calling on some friends on the way. Mr: McCannel tit., was just coming home from Collingwood where she was attend- ing to her daughter Mrs F" ancls Me. Leod on the occasion of having a young son of which we are pleased to hear both are doing well. This Monday. the 14th June, feels somewhat chilly after the severe thunder storm of yesterday evening but we hope treat will keep away as heavy damages will be the result if frost comes at this season of the year. ONTARIO ARCHIVES TORONTO fiopeville. LEAVE 7 48 7 57‘ tt w, 8 15 a 1al " 47 7 101 7 22 7 as ADULTSCIIILD'N may: be_agent in Toronto, by " 'k3l TO TORONTO 2 05‘ 2 m 215 2a5) I " 81 I 10 I W, l 05 l W, I tO 105 Boots and Shoes. Groceries, Staple Dry Goods Men's soft and stiff hats " 50c. 750, $t, 1.50. 2.00. 2,25. in tan, ehoeoUtar, brown, dove, navy and black. It you need ngood hat at right price, see our Hats. Ladies, have your new gown fitted with the latest style of Corset. We haven complete stock of Corsets. are to be seen in our store. - The chief attractions here are '.- New Goods t Right Prices Cleanliness. and Common Sense Methods which commend themselves to all people, stand the test of time and are independent of inovation for their continuance, We have a complete stock ot V 19he 7/caflwrn Ul-ight, Ware Jun Queer 8isrhtil In Lusiness methods but none of thue {lights born in the Tp, of Hope, Co. of Dar. ham about M years ago Ind come to Proton with his father when he was nicely entering into hue teens. He has always been a hard working man and good farmer and leaves o wife and a large family to mourn his departute. Funeral on Tuesday afternoon to Swinlon Park. Ayrvrs CHILD‘x T0 MMI. FALLS Mrs. C. McArthur 215 215 l 10 Try a sack of the celebrated "Wyan- dotte Cleaner and Cleanser." 5 ibs for 25e. If not entirely satis. factory return the empty sack and get your money back. We will soon have extremely warm weather, Prepare for it, Buy a can of our “Flyjand Insect Destroy- er " so that you will be able to pro- tect your horses and cattle. Do not forget that we are still selling what the majority of people know to be superior quality of Paint. The Sherwin Williams suitable for every purpose. We are carrying a very large stock of Brushes, such as ; Floor Dan, nister, Cream Separator, shaving clothes, wall, boot, stove, scrub and hand brushes. Hammocks to suit every person. If you are in search of a "Wedding present Ft examine our stock of Silverware and you are sure to get satisfied. Everything new that is good will be found at the HARDW ARE STORE M tn an had-pun anywhere. bu “I can Pun Ileana-don tunablood tptg'ga',"2tlf, on. “My. A333 no In: r. Show. and m no" at be [In . little pink tablet. Thu! tg-lied Dr. Bhoon'l ammo Thum- grgtt,lt'g,1,i',',r,t1'p1 "dill.', '/autl,h ti',f,'it " n8. y a It. . ‘em. 3, that!“ Intel). It “1'er the blood cucu. u n . pun-nu pun-w. " .u. .vmPF-i'_'. _.__ W 7 - _ " you "a sleepleu. restless. uvrvnus. It's Mood etirtimttmtrtrrpod, 9mm. That nun-l y In a certainty for Dr. Show”: Heldnvho "trletar stop tt in an 'AiGiiii,' and the mum simply distribute the unmwnl blood pressure. Bruin loll! anger. Ind doesn't it got red, and mil.m win rout ot mum it does. It's mu. alum. blood pro-um. You'll nun] it 18 hero paw $77.20 'l,Gal";, Good going May an to Sept. so I Maerariane, mm, Durham Return limit Orlnher 31M. Liberal stopovers. Wide choice of "mum. Go by the direct Canadian line-see vour own eottntrr---the West, the Rocky Mountains. Woitthe Seattle Expositinn and other special nutme- tions. Tull; It over with Very Low Rate for Summer Trip to Pacific Coast 'iiiriitE2ii BEE Common Svnw. W. " 26 cum. Ind cheerfully recommend 'ii'iir, have . W. it‘s Mood mm. It " pump period! gulxnmen. Em," P,'.?.',',) OUN'S DRUG STORE " you get It at GUNS, It’s good The only proper thing to use on your Potatoes and Turnip. A sure thitttt-no water to carry .-etusily applied. No better preparation-- none as good. PARKER’S BOO KILLER Hardware l W. Black PAIN Dr. Shoop's He sdache Tuhtets Sold by Mutant” and Co FERTILIZER and INSECTICIDE Made only " keta , whiEJoE 3;? 7.112;; 31}: Lees Gamma. . .25c. tith', 75v. Lou ea Houseman) wool Shun In. an; 7.2. as! Black sateen Underueirt., 'l. 1.7.3 m 'Ieu'a Cudigamhcko-gs “In. Ia'.", m. no"! "1610111.. . . .25e n Nluul't‘ yd Tumble Oilclmh. " in wide. . . 2.K yd J,tew mor? iiiupinsm)uL, no“ Ill All-W00. Blnnkeu. 'li, t and 1.75 P Bed comforters from 1.35 to it!!! " Large " tr4 sun Purim-Noth- Hum BIG f Mall Grooerles New Fruits Choice Conlectlomm; Pure Spica & Vinegaru In. [Emily and Pure Fun-en Produce Wu " Ema Salt "our. feed, Seal & Groceries slight. medium, and stout fig. "In. These are the Corsets that please. C. L. GRANT in white, blue with white stripe linen color wh'te stripe, Indian head suiting dam txtttte. Indm Lawn, Persian Lawn. Victon 1 Lawn. Mull, Muslin, nil Suilabic ford-et, or Shirt Waists, and we have also the best selection of White Shirt Waists in town. \Vehavu {In-Lam Corsets filled Courts f, v1 We Will 80c for SI Lamps L60 for $2 Lamps $2 for 2.50 Lamps 2.40 for $3 Lamps Take and so on all throng]. the bnlsnoe of our stock of DRUGGISTS AND As the warm weather is mm ing, you “ill need lighten iotr, ing. We have . Dress Linens Hanging and Vase Lamps till June 30 MaCFARLANE & co. MATTHEWS a LATIMER our no and 500 DITA: tio W. B. BEAN P. It. Town Oilice Buy your Tickets hon, Produce as Cash Lynn!“ and I Manitoba ours Remember me now will go as far as $1 at any other time. 200 on every 'iii saved is that much made. We have only In hanging and 20 “we Lamps lur--all gum] values. Choose early LADIES ! Call and see Me Sena Cheap For Bo0KSELLliRh' w, ll: Calder 's Block. barium 0- 'th "Otil We hart acumen: Our htw i. Muslims and new. P, is f signs and KL. LADIES' in 1 teat Vici Kr In Oxfords I and l, so] is looting enables us able goods pnevmus t und we m Nady cuted house, 'ritreer Maul pr'upul The “HM." Small A dwa-l land in III Night-m I Mt., a Mr" dun Only A an s water h [INCH rt" quit-K um 2'10 tUN cal it M Ill WA farm dam 'is' a “my w and the will be mop. at" out on whit-h te , he Lua ed by new Witt rm farm in u Durham a man. of tite In In". of All)‘ "mu any in Au..- Innimba.) Certa' the Deoartusent lust have u... w." sell fur my; 13t tit Phone. lain m '" My, Son "tsd Cert [our Calf, I the eeietrrat his; Shoes. " Us Our bit Ion Id For fue " m- t Boot or hair '" boi" " MINE lor Sal: Profits tqt “shin "nun-I] ttriMt4 ’aslure th Atrh Mum. tite In he [m . Dow] “ho-m t'areti mom. l B " It (N '0 fl

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