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Durham Review (1897), 17 Jun 1909, p. 7

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AGENTS WANTED RKE m EWARE E so, Eddy’s Match» an FOR SAL] You? Then Ash s Made of toops and ant Some. N PM. an! I. 1909 ('HUCH th :1 M " REV JAMES T. DALEY HEAD OF CONGREGATIONAL UNION. u tyarpetititnt All“; Church N. noninatioas a Goad Thing. “drum Congress of RESIDENT TAFT stern Canadian Cities Advocaled hy Rev. J. L. Gordon, of Winni- pea. as Field for Missionary " fort-Report of Work Being Done in West Africa. NEW CHAIRMAN. , Indian. Acquitted of Murder, Swore Faluly at have“. GUILTY OF PERJURY " (Vvrlle doapatvh: Tommy Smart, 2 Indian. was convicted of per- day. He was acquitted of nut- his stepfather. James Soto, n i Indian. on Sept. 16 last. Th thnimod that he '"rore likely at mer'n inrptemt. Tummy Smart ttd. shortirtsr Nero. In" said be ortty d to Wound him. Be will be ul- emulau morrow dc " nd mlf .\l dist inet ion religious r! the Mid! Catb thin l nt tNAily (bl-TH Ef rt M f Dir uld in lit f inn " "iroetoe “an" elected an Black. (harks Gurd Thomas Maudie. T. B .A. Murphy. W. W. o' R. W. Robertson, 11rttr ilori. A. K. Hanna, C, tt mud to ienefieiaries aI an beliefs," were the Midterm made In! nigh! dt before the congress lu- minuiuuarku, now in xt w eight Jvhoois in with five mission- l the fund" and the tmediately Ntablis'h tlw Canadian (' Missionary Soeie “on! It. - Thut complete a good thing Ind in this country "no , in election» he- beliefs," were the ompletc nepatation have strengthened runntry." He said question to be get. PN concerning the .d government. He 1,od thing for the 1-h that there are in the Philippine», church emulation. "w that term, is 't Jinn-d um- of $7.967. which w the previous otrilmtionrs are l by Father the President, r "Great Ilan I greeted with He upoke prin- settling in the -n canned by the -ch and govern- opinion that in l he ntrengthen- i" freedom and nleto separation '0 "reuethened My." He said stion to be net- well 4swtvd for PreMdent , elee t ed o-nvelopc " tn " Northern half-vast " Phtwtvr an gim-ers, Wt' Huichon 1r tho wreck Man and Woman Held Pending In- vestigation Into Death. A sackvil1e. N. B.. (Irv-patch: As the result of a coroner's inquest last night at ('nnkville. twelve mile" from here, Wm. lioyien. aged 33. and Mrs. Neshetta. a widow who lived at the house of Boyles, and his wife are. detained pending further inventigatiott of the death of an infant found buried in tho orllar of a hottn" vat-Mad hy the family a couple of Wet-kn ago. A li-hing line WI: drawn around the child‘s throat and it: mouth united with cotton wool. In Four Ton Stolen From Government ---thte Man Anen'ed. ote, collided head-on with the Unit-hon .ilnilwl, south-hound, “our Burnaby Atlii'. five "tiles from Vancouver, at miHmit I thir, afternoon. Ralph Me. nuwtvr and Ruin-rt Nichol, two mi- gim-ors, were kilh-d. Tiw fireman on the ink-hon train. a Human, mu buried in hr wreck and " dead. C. C. Cornwall, I pns'"'nwt was badly injured in the 'ttvk and taken to the hospital ttneon- .ciuu‘. Twelve passengers were injured. \ relief train was dvspatehed from Van- mun-r to the scone of the wreck. e - MP“... ....n voting supplies. The Governor's 'peeett com-hula! with the expression of " hope that the con- ln-n-nu- would Iva-Mt in a great and permanent scheme of imperial defence. the poliry of the covernmhi. r Hut owing to the important imam-s to lw tlett.tt with " the fortheiming Port. frrr-m-o on imperial tletenee, in London, it mu rim-med 'mqerttial that the Domin- ion uhmllcl be represented in the confer wm- hy the Prime Minister. Parlia- nu-nt. therefore, Would adjourn after the policy of lint owing lw than. wit ference on ir it Wm deems, Wellington, X. 2., June 1t.--Ies the speech from the throne at the reopening ot Parliament to-day, the Governor, Baron Plunkett, said that in View of thé-gmvity of the international situn. tion, iii, Majesty's advisers had offered a battle-hip to the imperial navy on be. half of New Zmlaml. Parlianu-nt was to be asked to ratify the offer: and as this was the first session of the new Parliament in “an .......V:.l--.rJ u . _. New Zulu! Randal-lurid N. fence Main lune. hank-ship to the imperial navy on be. alf of New Zmlaml. Ptrlinment wax u be askml to ratify the offer; and as his was the first session of the new 'arliament is was ornsidered that the 'rernier xhould. from his place, explain " "sm.... .1 u. 1- - M. Catharin INFANT'S BODY TO SEND PREMIX " \'uumuwr Hillidml head ,c-d. south-bu THEFT OF WB. SITES ABANDONED l this afternoon. Ma ml “when Nichol, Irv killml. Tiw iirtuna ain. n strtutgl'r, mu I and h dmul. C. C. k 'r. was badly injures taken to the huspita liquy rxprc u. that the lkpnrlIm-m new uart next wow-k in oitalsle Iomttion. Hm at IN CELLAR lmlrh: trffi III runniu Hm n nd enjoyed "At Ranelslgh yesterday the delegates witneswtl a polo mateh. and afterwards were entertained at dinner at the club- house. Sir Hugh Graham expressed for the delegates their regret at the absence of their hmt. C Arthur Pearson, through ilhwss. Luncheon,, dinners. at-homes and reeeptions keep the delegate.» en~ gaged. The lluehen of Wellington l5 at home to-day, and the Duchess of Sutherland gives a inception to-night. Tho delegate 1Tcrc entertained at. luncheon at Sutton Place as the guests of Lord Nurtheliffe, proprietor of the Times and Daily Mail. This War, follow- ed by a reeeption lsy Sir Melville Beadl- erot't. Chairman of the London County t‘ouneil. Both functions Were greatly Briliant Function in Convocation Hall -Memorable Class Reunions-- Lieutenant-Governor Elected Pres. ident of Alumni Association-- Other Otticers Elected. Irmivs which made for pr Ml't'll DEFENDER) UN Mr. Birrrll kept the t great humor with a che witty speech. He could Mand why the fourth oda sumo the shackles of part other erdatv, of the real" up. and remindcd them t tunes not only of one on tho world, might largely [ future upon the fitness tl of the writers, wlmtlwr hunks, or day by day. Sir ri. Ilussell. of the I and Meveury; Momrs. 'l llnr. Bauer. ($1120me augural address. ll" gun- ot' the prim-m (:morunu-n mulls tlw university. and r: own undergraduate days in ago, when the uuiwr-ity l tellrvtunlly and financially The tour Alumnae .\~iu l'nin-rdty. Victoria and ('ullvgt-s and the Wottw Al,unuac A-soviatiott, tv: graduating claws of tru, L' Toronto at complimentary the university gymnasium TI" annual meeting of Association was 1seld in Collegt' in the afternoon. mvmlwn wer" present. in: oifievrs tverv elm-ted l Hurdml. I34 anunt. " Supreme C Sanka s'. J It.. Im‘mlwr miaioll: J. reroute. Young heroraut Circles Over New York's West Side. the young ‘ncrnmtut in his dirigible balloon, made a =ucces:ful flight over the upper west ride of the city to- day. Coming across the Hudson River from Palisadese Park, N. J., he circled Grant's tomb at Riverside drive several times and then steered the big air craft to directly above 72nd shed and Broadway, whence he again crossed the river to New Jersey. The dirigihlo travelled at a height of several hundred feet nimvv the city buildings. Thousands of the people witnessed the tlight from the streets and the roots ot apartment houses. were nrgani tional arm" “mics whicl about the IY He thought it "rflecied, they llllh'N between les,, Irv war il, CoNr'l BENCH BEG ETS Cl tNr'l “EXCI- zollmrg. of and n moti "than the auprcme dominance of the English tongue over the millions in the new worlds IP. the east." There mu: a vast improvement apparent in journalism and criticism, but he won- dered how far the press had its share in the large general forces which were bringing about the present European sit. uation. Was it systematically and perse- voringly preaching peace amongst the nations? Lord Morley delivered a suggestive and provocative address, tinged with dry humor. He asked the editors to strive for two moderate aims-tsum" city and direetneroe-and said it wan the presence of the literary elements in an editor which differentiated him from the newaboy shouting scare- heads. "I know of no more utupend- 0115 and ovorrwhelrniryr fact," he said, an London, June i4.-At the Imperial Press Conference today Lord Morley presided. Mr. Augustine Birrcll, Lord Milner, and Mr, Winston Churchill were present. The subject was “Litera- ture and the Press." Morley Ask; The. to Strive For Simplicity. Lord Miller Says Citizen Armies Make For Peace. RESIDENT FALCONER'S AD. DRESS TO GRADUATES. THE UNIVERSITY. THE EDITORS. SUM! powerful _ organized ON THE WAY. York, June H 'e A.. LL.j, Ju-tim- " hurt. tiaskatvlwwan. I I. “damn. H. A., LL.l . of Dominiun Railway C. McLonnan. B. A.. 1 Irv; Messrs. T. I r". Gee, of Bengal Pretoria, alno Utl um of thanks lo tlr '(l by Mr. J. A. Mal SHCIAL FUNCTIONS mnuc Amsociations toria and st. Hi the Womvu', Mo iuliun, h-nderml s of tru, Uuivvrsity of the [fin-”mo! Post as thv 'strong and vi- .idan Fallcnnur‘s stir. n- graduating Clilssl‘i Ctnisocation Hall last whet luu. they could not under- llt odate should an, of party which the v realm must take them that the fun one empire, but u! , and Prcsidrmtwlvct iatirm. mals his in- l' garv his approval .rumimt pnlicy ltr- . and tvierred to hi, Jays half a Tommy unity was "ttall in- rout" har T. li. ("Cu engal, and E an voutributc to Hm sprakr t. Maedonald r: Hon. Ju<tiey of 110mm. Po Flank Mondale significance eriu- in quire, but u! lopond in the Ir their task W " [Tl-INS his dirigible Merence in avterirt ically not under- ntvnunl 1lihla's Ilcdieal l the lminw and vi "s stir Clilssl‘ Ph. " wrot C dov made by the "eaetionarie,s tn kidnap Abdul Hamid, the deposed Sultan of Turkey, from the hcuse whore he i, rc- siding in Salolliki. Sowrnl offices, the dispatch continues, are mid to have been killvd in the struggle. Parts of Bishops and Kings Taken by English Clergymen. ' (‘IH'_\' publishes a despaUh .-tautinnplo to-day sawing sttccetodttl attempt' is said made by the Reactionari t Several Killed in " Attempt to Kidnap the Ex-Sultan. A vahtnlrle diamond ring Molen from a Slullmry jeweller nu, mold to a cab- nmu at Belleville for twenty-five centc. The owner will get his ring back. Iter. Canon Wi,ieh. reetor of St. James’ Cathedral, 'lmonto, who leaves for England ion". mu on Thursday evening the recipient of a handsome Leil- Cer entree dish from the clergy of tht Rural Drama of Toronto. Greufell, San. mom has been: the mysterious l Young lenhon, fell Investmant L day, June (3, lh and buggy to 1lrl liter, a farmer li Mystery Shrouds Fate of Saskatch- wan Bank Man. CHURCH PAGEANT. MANAGER MISSING. ondon. Jun ABDUL HAMID. ll t' ' ut min, tho church . Sulzlwrg. president of the Inn-w s'oeietien nf New York, with Mr. Gates. He said it 'nited States that had pried , Japan. and that Amerieans the resources of that country qtsideration for the eeonomie of the natives. The Japanese been caused in tl (ioits disappearanr v vliureh [vagrant at aitcritoou. Twot fuel-d the elotuvtit, ONTARIO ArtcHivkii TORONTO mauagvr of the mummy, bankers “mun "tteau" a H June ILA-Excite " pit JOIN) have been of Juncs l a"\’t'l' nr n ulham Uszlll ,'ittn l, trur. Hm. Wm. Walk Clutplaiu. Hm. w. " Ime-uli‘o Conuuittm tem. Gananynl"'; J. A Rain Alone Can Check Devastation Says Crown Land: Department; flight was a inaction less than 387 miles; the New York a fraction un- der 355 miles. The New York gets the duration trophy on its flight of 35 hours l0 minutes, No records were broken in the races. Another big balloon race and races oi Dirigibles and aeroplane, is being arranged by September or October when the Wrights, or tt Wright acro- plane may be available. um; ”I'u t Imirmun Stank-y. W. L. Po Alta.: W. l Wi,umore, $1 The High in Montreal. Bush Fires in New Brunswick Be- yond Con'rol. Imt,ianapolis. June I4.-'rhoutrh the hero Club of America has not yet made official Bttouttcetttent of the National balloon race, which started from Indianapolis Inst Saturday, the Indianapolis News to-day declares there remains no doubt that the Uni. versity City of St. Louis, Jan. Boyer, pilot, won over the New York by approximately twelve miles. Press reports from Corinth. Mint, and Fort Payne. Ala., that the New York landed three miles north of Corinth and the University City land- ed six miles south of Fort Payne have been verified. Scaled on two sets of Government maps it is, shown, according "cth.e News. that the University City's flight Wltt. a fraction less than 367 Miler; the New York a fraction un- Mr. J. A. Stewart Defeats Mr. T. W. Gibson For Office. Mrs. Peter Lana, in Fit of Despair dency, Cuts Her Throat. H. C It, RE-ELECTED. Berlin despatch: Mrs. Lana, the wife of Peter Luna. " Braum 'street, coin. mittvd ~uividv about 13.30 o'cloek to- night while in a fit of dewondeney by putting lwr throat With I razor, and talu- inflicted uluu' wounds about the Wltrus found ~ln- wu- lying on tin- fiuor face downwards. and HIV midi-MU only lived a fe wutinutes, as she had in: considerable blood. The family. which consist-1 of husband om'. four children, formerly lived in Ilespeler, but hate lived bere for four .u-zm, Mr. Lam; being an employee of the Kaufman pinning mill. and had in" returned from work when to his great osrprime lu- found his wito dead. Ctsrotter Dr. HouUrerger was immediate- ly sent tor and found life extinct. He decided In inquest not Beee"err.v. University City of St. Louis Said to Have Won the Prize. Balloon, Dirigihle and Aeroplane Races Next October. BALLOON RACE. '. Allan, of Grimsby, Elected High Vice Chief Ranger. n. al FIGHTING FLAMES. {I'm “Mn-r1 Elliot nu Alt-dim“ lhmrd. r'. "rantfo"rd; High Huber“. llmnlfnnl: m. Wm. Walker. Il USED RAZOR. .jan Sow-rum. M. Coupvr. Mun” ll. John. N. It. I Court will nun-l w, Mun! n-al lh-mh-ur. Mont lll'll. .‘ldClt'Itd Auditor. Bro. High llogix- mlrml: High t. Bhwvnlv. " 1'. E. Bri- wt, who for I the office, of Toronto, . Allan, of . Tillvy, oi Inujnrity in Rangvr. The rx-lur)‘. Bro. High Trears- Ih'unlfnnl: Hr". u. M, High Chivf nut h' Finn of yttctt IN of of in " Thin morning the Conterenr.x, l the following rvrarltttioa nn C union: "That this Canton-two n its satinfaciion with tho magmas l negotiation» for Church Fain. awaits with sympathcliv intern-it helium; of the General Cotttorentx 'lhir, was aed'pttNt Mter two or other: had been rcjectvd an pr factory, cithet. in» showing I; l "Nrt'l'ttct+ m- the part of tlw odtrsts for “w union or else In 3 1g vague; Conference concluded at noon today. Contrary to expectations, Dr. Won-l: man's case did not come bcfom the Con. ference in any way. The next hearing will probably be the civil action for damages, which has been instituted by Dr. Workman against the Governors of Wetdey College for wrongful Jin- mmol. Passenger Train Blown From Track and Mn Ki‘led. A Quebec do-pnlvli: Lady AIM-“loo" visited, this morning, the principal Pointe of interest in the city after which she lunchod at the Chateau Frontenac with the delegates of the International Council of Women. who arrived this morning by the Lauren. tie. She was met at the luncheon by many distinguished qtrebecers. Lady Aberdeen will leave by I.C.R. at 5.30 for Montreal with the members. of the International Council of Women. Mt, W. E. Sanford. oi Hamilton. is in the English Tongue the Strongest im. perial Bond. Mililia in Camp Unable to Live on Their Davy Allbwuce. Meets Delegates to International Council of Women at Quebec. mgmamwup party John killer Played Trial! and Fell In. I found. A Stratford I‘m-patch: While plu_unu (mum from neluml. enjoying an after- noon'" firming. John Killvy. and sight yearn. fell into the Slrutfurd mill build- ing "rmpatty's pond and was drowned. The body I'M in the pond all night, Incl may: ream-nu! this. morning. The pur- etttr, of the Duly are rum-m arriuls from EngI-nd, and have struggled under ud- vem cirdunuhncu for mine time. No inquest w“ deemed musty. l' "antral Conference Takes Sympa- thetic Attitude. burg; Grand Audit, and Alexander Hall tlt LADY ABERDEEN. TIE THAT BINDS. YOUNG BRITONS. half all th train wer mlsr BOY DROWNED. TEXAS STORM. -m, Meet in III-ma. the mall I}: 0N UNION. " ur ll l In- Montrval ll tt Ir Hum totutt i, mulm Met h I: to: paxn- ' l Ch u rvh rerun-d , (h G. T. It. omaus thmouiTi""u.a,- Question of Scoring in Bridge Whiat. It is the duty of every player to kevp the amn- for both aidee. end to keep it correctly. If he knows that " Oppon- ents have three acea II a "no trump" game, he is bound to more the. llurly points above the lino, whether Hwy claim it or not, or whether they amm- it or not. At the end of the rubber the scores are added up, and the winner- generally annoum-e how much they nu ke it. " one of the opponl'uu nah-a IL more or leer, he should lay " once, "I do not agree," and the score. will then be compared and put right. For a play- er to accept " opponenta' also" with. out ".rimr anything. when he him" nukes it more, in perilously akin to cheating. The question haa once more Irina an to whether a player " bridg- ia bound to correct his opponent.‘ score, it they do not claim all much at they are ea- titled to, either for honor: or for with. It, in grnerall.v in the "no [NI-p" - that the point more. Perhapa the deal- er and his partner ha" three anal he- tween them, but they do not clai- any- thing for honora. o. the dealer 'iII tour by card: but only clai-a three; are hia opponenta bound to put hi. right? There can he only one anawer to thia queation. Uertalply they an hound to do win ordinary fair-cu, if lot Be. cordiag to the atrict letter of the " There in no nation of the can in the Ian. heoauoe it wa- Iot em no t'eir.Y to atate anything an Ohio.”- w. Dalton in the JIIC Strand ”in. Hunt-ville. On!” "tte ' Grand Trunk offk'iulu. i1 "Fl mgr dyer; E. W. Smith. 'itsperiettettdea" ”in Eng Ind l'all'lor Car Hon-rice; M .s. Blaik. lock. Ettgimwr Muintennuu- of Way: J. (uh-mun. 'ittperirtteudent ("our Swat-v; W. G. umwnlec. Traffic Chief; H. G. Kn-lly. 1'hiet Engineer Grand Trunk mm mg and “rand Trunk Pacific: H. It. ('Imrllun, Getteral Ader-siug Arm. and G. E. Quick. General Ihtgtraire Agent ', J. D. Mollonmd. Iii-trim Pawnun-I‘ Agent. and the sttperitttettdeuo of I" dividun- nf lln- Grand Trunk Railway ."ynlvm in 1'attadtt, rM-vpt Mr. "onal4 Formor Cowma- of than; Falls an Env Prey u I “up". John P. St. John, former Governor ot Hanna, Mott the brand of the “my mark" yulerdny when he "fell" for tho gum of confidence man on the Rock I. land train between Wichita and Topeka. As a result he in '6tt poorer in all pet fectly good money, and much rieber in actual upcrionco. Mr. fit. John mm stated in the rhttit our “Itching the llndM'ape when I much perturbed out but.“ mu: entered. Mystic Order of Yeiled Prophet: of Enchanted Realm mu. ot the Uluwn div yesterday by IAIN“ took the hummer Alsw Hay- point.. “pump“ .1. Ill and Mon-tau of Lake of Bs.ss Na, Locheo" m.- "erred I new Huh-l Watuo, mu “(.m- viluty, ul Dom lmny retttrttittg to I "uvzuifivent mil amm- llny~’ pnrly left in tl 7.50 o'cloek In! nigh iror, after vxpresrustar ing marl. imer-od w ot the oiiou timited “mud Trunk official-L including Chan. M. Hays Vice-President “d Central Manager: W. E. Davis, Traffic Panca- gor Manna-r; G. T. Bell, Amman“ Mats. ngt-I‘: George W. Vauu. (SHIN-l Punt-1|- gc-n Agni“: Juhu W. Loud. Ttatfftu. Muir I" ”urging them with having violated thr Nreed "Min-non- imd muting urn-I runamiym night "11th ml! in human- trila. were Iu-ltl w: Imu- tttenltetm an Thursday and compelled to put up a “00 hand a. I guarantee of their “(are appearance. "You have made a milmkr." he “M. "There in not msough money bore." Tho strnnzor. who in the Inn-Mil!" had plum-d the two lwentin in In at velope and sealed it. Wu all Ipolo‘in. "Tutu . joke on my wife." he " pluinod. "Nhe pvo me that roll Ind told me that there wag M0 in it. Herr, yum just hold this analogu- white I my lurk and got the ront, of the mom-y." The "ovrrnor [ml tho envolopv- m his poeket and "sumo-d his "ttdy of tbr lnndsupo. Finally he brthought, him Hm ti,' strum-w Ind never mm. luck Then . r. St. John operated the raw-lope. " mnlninod only two pirees of tinm rapt-r, "it. Louis (:IoheD'mcu-t. Swing that “ranger Mr, the content: it contained bill. Dr. B. E. Ferrtow. Dan of the Uetiver, nily “why of Fore-"y. will Mart upon the Work of preparing " "ti-ale of the forest rers6tttrh9 of Nova Moti- for the Govertttttettt of that Province on June "ttr. - _ - The lntlnu man dropped irtto I ”at beside the Governor. "I was told," he said. "that, I could buy a money order on the train. Now I find that I cunnot. I don't know win I am going to do. I mutt and this money to my mum And I have only a big bunch of small hills. " wott't do to put them in an envelope." Ho“, St, John row to the bait just In if he had never brand the Pttt ot such great cities u Topeka or 15 ieitita. “I can kt you hum two twentin." he said The ofh-r was accepted. Mr. St. John [Induced the two twenties and the stunner handed over I roll in return. Swing that he was dealing with a 'tranger Mr. St. John carefully counted the contents of the mil. He found that it contained sewn (I bill. and one .5 "m. of the "ttawa divisibn, urinal he roundly by "tst-tul train. The par with the denim-r Algammiu fur Lake “my. point.. m-num'mniwl by ttto Prv h Ill and Summary of the HuulM'illt- n Lake ot "an Naniunliun (‘onmal M YOU KNOW IT? Ill and N-cuvlury of the Hunks-ilk and Ge of Bay" .Naritratimt Comtoy. :nuhoon “a. noun] all the tttarttifivetti 'W Huh-l Wawo, null tin-II tir, trieute- Ilm- villugr ot lime-I mu visited, tlt" My rMurning to "tttttaviile nit-w a nmlifim-nl until around the liken Mr. my! party left in their prium- mar tl m o'elork [all night for 091ml Mm- rr, after upturn-inn llwmwlum l~ luv- I.' mud» imtrr-od wills tlu, pmihililiv~~ the veviou visited an a muridl di, ll ST. JOHN OF KANSAS BLED M A pu'ly of

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