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Durham Review (1897), 17 Jun 1909, p. 8

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ll Dress Goods 'iii, Clothing "V cm: 'i,iiiy"c,,',i"a,_,, New SHOES i,i'blysiirari.r; mamafifiamgflmmfi Q Get a 'horottttts Business Taming datis--stofrh'ffft', iv,' 7 gym/my _)iiii'jke/ hundreds ot Young People are needed to supply the demand. c. A. FLEMING. Principal, Owen Sound THE PEOPLE'S STORE My tin Walkerton Business College , GEO, sperms. Principal 'li. ' taar:ts:e:setts:esrtieaseeeeeaiem" Fall Term Opens August 30 Hats and Caps Often the Cheapest Our graduates Are insisted to u- twst positmns. Wtate for w reittiort. Prepare now to on- rrnl beginning"! term. Mail 'Illl‘dFQ tor thud? who wish to My The End While the extensive purchase of The Burton Spence stock mule by us holds out there are many fascinating 1otrgains on sale. Each week brings its shipment and Something New. lf) ai line ribbed Cotton Hose for girls and boys, reg- p lrs ular price 250. sizes S"; to 9yi for I5C I21 ptir, smmller sizes per pair...... ..... .... ..... kc . Ladies' tine plain cotton hose full iash, IN pairs ioucd and seamless lust, reg zoyc pr, on sale loc 200 . Children's 1iose, splendid value at double the pairs money. Sizes 6)i, 7, 7)i' tor 9c pér pair, 5 smaller sizes, per pair.... .... .... .... .... .... q.... C Sample Pairs Shoes goinglike H9t_Cz_1k¢s Black Voille I Special sale Muslins Sat. at -8irll! I include "uni-mu essential b " Large Tin Salmon.... ....10c Can Baking Powder.... . ....5c Extracts.... .... .... ... . Sc Yeast Cake.... ...... ...... .4c Best Baking Molasses, can. 9c Best 40c Black Tea. . . . .. .. .25c 30c Black Tea. .21c 30c Japan Tea. .23c 25c Japan Tea..l9c punt-v. root little. " wlll double 1 and but you I “human. students n any Hm. "maul Instruction cl lowI lwwtmm for those whose tl m u been neglected. (immune n 12lc White Cotton, Saturday at yg: yd Grocery Specials for Saturday Absolutely the Highest Prices for Butter and Eggs About 150 pairs left nt home ow KN SOI'ND, Um. Panama, i Gingham Prints, Muslin " Regent 'rlytf, _.v- - v, - Bait, whether you want ready-nudes These Clothes are cut and sewed per! permanent, due to the honest methods excellence ot materiais.used. Imperial 18yt,ts.. L; LS. Good line of Chocolate, H. H. MOCKLER Highest Prices for Butter and Eggs. This is a beautiful fine cotton, fine finish barrio filling, use- ful for almost any purpose; good "yin. value, 250 yds at9Ae . reg. rice we rard, on sale A value Saturday many“ ...... .... 4h: yd Also Brown Voille and brown, navy green and black pan- ama at this price. ROBT. BURNETT Three Special Hosiery Bargains DRESS GOODS Muslin, Lawns and Organdics No cloth made to equal these for wearing.'and dust-shedding qualities. ' New check ginghams, fine even , weave and soft finish. Nice stock of There'g one for you at Wholesale price tr Is Not Yet 'ii,d"iii7erpUrjecjrr, the style is honest methods of making and the A large assortment of Spring Hats and Caps now on hand. t §| mt \Vvhetwrusajr-w f1? TeKord m ulm ri: cases, wall (-499! -c. bargain. of the Bargains mum m yum. 5.: " 153.00 Walketton 9.40 12. 71:63:55 leave Hanover nr’ve 9.19 12. 7.113.'.rt Allan Park 9.11 12, 7.28 3.52 Durham 8.57 12 7.38 MB McVVilliums ti, l7 le, 7.50 1.17 Prit'eville 83511 kin L30 u-‘w- Sunchl. leave 8.25 11 C'onnreeting with trams to and frt Toronto, Only one change betwr Durham and Toronto. Speed, comic and safety. Phe following timetable will be effect until turtbernotice . Rad down read Co-mpcling with trams to and from Toronto, Only one change In-two 9n Durham and Toronto. Speed, comfort and safety. (‘mm- to Us tor tit-kph and innt In " tinn. We nu- ttlor 329:1” for Allan vul Dominion line swaxuships and (7. P. lt. o 1- In liners MacFARLANE & co. I'he A fine stock of Patents, Tans and Dongola Blue. tan & Oxblood for Women " Here is the place to buy your Spring tades or made to order. building oernpied by P, " us a jv-wellplv More and I m ulnw onine: with For Sale. “our: .N. Weyhul n, Sash. Always the Best iiiii& (I rend III. a " is! 12.1: 12.0: Ilia [LII h at up In. in tW 30 cg, 10 Br the Assessor. i _ Continued from last week. From Dornoeh we travel down the l second con. to the yorriyytp. The I old gentleman. Mr Peter Morrison. is l one at the pioneers of that part and I as he never got married he shares 1 his extensive property with his l nephew John Morrison. where we \aiWayI received the kindest recep- _ ltioutrom Mrnnd “renal-risen. Down on the hill south is Isaiah Meioeh and although Mr Meiosh is not quite us old as the old Prophet he is getting up in years all the same. Going back to the grayei, the old log house where the Latona Post Oftioet was kept sixty years ago. is yet quite fresh. The old postmaster was Mr Appleby, new the place is occupied f by Mr John Ray formerly of Price- ‘. ville. Near here isthe old grave i yard where many ot the old pioneers' '; ashes‘ are mixed with the sands Il 1 their narrow beds. Otthese many had i experienced the hardships ot the? a early days some probably carrying '.. their provisions from Fergus or some 2 other nearer points. Now as there is 5 nothing visible but the mounds that g cover their decayed bones and some 4 of the old tumble down marble slabs 2‘ that tell oithe testing place oi'those E brave men and women who braved a the iorests of the Garafraxa Road in e the early forties. Down the road was E the residence ot the late John Camer- a on who died some years ago at t. Bottinean. Dakota. Mi Cameron was I; Assessor in company With the late f.! llenry Farr about titty years ago. p, Thefarm is the property of Mr Dan 's. 11eDougall, Malock, now. As it was if. getting towards dinner time we de- cr, viated irom.our path and crossed into r lientinck side and landed in the com- : tunable home ot our iriend, Mr Dun- can McAthur and sisters, where we got craving appetite appeased and being exposed to the furenoon's storm. .vlr McAmmr's place was Mr Malcoln Cameron's who was well and favor- ably known in Bentinek and Glenelg bat now ot Dakota. Home back east again we come to Glenrouden where once a tlots/ing business was done by the o.d tirm at N, G. & J. McKechnie of Durham, in the saw mill business but at a stand still now; there are large piles oi lumber there yet and the mills are in good eonditlon and a line water privilege. The Messrs McKechnie will likely be starting business there again in this locality. They own a large tiact of land and their total assessment in the township is over $0000.00. A little northwest is the, 11eCormieks, residence once of the late John McCormick who served a number oi years as collector for the whole township away back in the sixties. Gillan Bot d, another old settler and the residenCe ol Peter Me. lnnes who served as councillor bat now oi b'arawak near Owen Sound. Kingston Heights commands a view of the country round about for a long distance and a person getting to the top would almost imagine he was hell nay up to the better country. dour lit-re Was the restdence of Mr l Kenneth McKenzie who letta number ut years ago. The old gentleman is yet quite smart at the age ol'llZ years. Dnen the second We come to the residence oi Wm Ritchie who serVed as councillor and assessor tor a lew were. Mr Ritchie hasa tine tarm/ ull the corner of his lot is the Srhool House ot Section No. 3, On the other, side ol the road was the restdence ot the late Wm Morrison one ot the well-known oilicials at the township tor longtime being councillor, deputy reeve and assessor for some 10 or 15 years away back in part ofthe tiities, sixties and seventies. Mr Morrison died over 20 vents ago. Now the place is owned by his son James Morrison. Going back again to the Garafraxa we strike on Tobermory. The name was taken from some place in Jhtll,ssotland bat the proprietor Mr McLean knows better as he came trom that partof the old land whether it was st; or nut. Now we will quit for this time for there is no use in crowding the Editor too much. Summer Millinery All thelatest styles in Leghorn, Neapolitan. Lirigerie and Lace Hats. Any amount. (if little Girls Hats at rumuk-nhly low wires in Leghorn, Lace Straw, chip and Still)“. Three dozen baby hot;- nets in all styles. Flowers in "bundanev. We have just purchased a law-ma slack of Milhnery at a price. All June we will sell our goods at. the most reagouable prices over heard at in Durham. Cockshutt Plow Co. Ltd., Stamford Paris flows, Sprudcu, etc Blmll Rollers and Diane narrow: Adams Waggon: 1nd Sleigh: Barber,_ Armattontt,. Tad on 3nd Peter Hamilton Farm Implements ___ ' 'Baynca Bttti'"iies. - Armstrong and "f udhope Cuttega Bell & Thomas Organs and Pianos Rudd Harness, Toronto Raymond , Ngw Williams Sewing AMBLESW . THROUMI GLENELO. - Machines. National Cream Separators Robes, Blankets, Rugs, Whips etc Daisy Chums, Washers, Wingers Beatty's Hay Goods Promptness and fair dealing will continue to be my motto Yours for Business, McIntyre Blotsk-Lambton St. Barclay nod Ben’s old mud Do not fail to see our Grand Display of Miss Dick . B. McLellan. ONTARIO ARCHIVES TORONTO To the Editor of the vamw: Dear Sir t-- In your report of the minutes of the Town Council contained in last week‘s Review you mention a communal between the “ego:- end Reeve in whic l the Reeve julti on himself for giving may cement blocks this your. belong- ing to the town, one reason being _ that Igove away blocks In: Fear. If l he too e the statement I beg leave to etnte that it is absolutely (else as I did not give away any blocks and as far at I know there was not nny h'ocks given "my by any other person. A report mus brought before the Council but year P'thet in the month of June or July in which the Ail Society offered to nemove the broker. cement blocks covering the sidewalk along side of the Cream Semi-slur Plant which was accepted hy the Council as it saved the town the expense of re- moving this debris At the sun-e tune strict) orders were issued that. all whole or sound blocks should be piled up along side of the building and I be lieve this was strictly adhered to. {Thanking you for space I am. Yours truly l W. CALDER. LATE FOR B.us.--Any quantity " the Hardware store. A, A BIG BUNDLE of old papers to law under carpets for 5 cents at the Re. view otrlde. \ l GASOLINE Emails you sSiALtg.--.J ust the thing tot Min :ater. Only $1.00. At REVIEW OFFICE. The Standard Bank pay: interest on Savings Bank deposits from date of deposit to date of withdrawal. Every dollar of the deposit earns interest for every day it remains on deposit. Let one more fact. in connection with the clamor for armaments. be clearly understood t The cost ofsuch outlay falls wholly on producers, and in this oountrv farmers are the chief producers. To the contrutcors such expenditures bring riches; to the politician the swelling expenditures and multiplication of omcea bring patronage, To the producer-the farmer-the end is toil without rc- ward. The interest ol the farm is peace. - The Sun. Farm for Sale. Lot: 2 and 'd of 29 in the first con. eetmion of Beutmck, one-half mile south of the Corporation of Durham. 100 acres in good state of cultivation '. well watered " running streams. A frame ban». 7 rooms, frame hunk tun-n. Hum}. Town school. For further prutivulars apply on the KG't',',",', to James Burt, Proprietor, urham. THE 003m REVIEW The Farm and War. - . 2O ptir ladies' patent colt Blaeher, worth 23.50 for.. 24 pair ladies“ vici kid pa- tent tip, 3.25 for .... .... 24 pair ladies' vici kid pa- tent tip, 2.50 for. .... .. . . 12 pair ladies' patent Ox- fords, reg. 3.25 for.... .., 24 pair ladies' vici kid pe. tent tip, reg. LU) for.... 21 pair ladies‘ chocolate Blucher, 3.25 fr... ".. 24 psir ladies' chocolate Oxfords, 3.al for.... .... 12 pair ladies' chocolate Blucher, reg. 2.25 for. . .. 12 pair ladies’ box calf Blueber, reg. 2.50 tor. . .. 20 pair oil tan Oxfords, regular 1.25 for., .... ... 60 pair ladies' whole-stuck working Shoes. 1.75 for. . 12 gross Laces. black. reg. 5txnowperdozen '..a.. 10C A. 8. HUNTER. The Big Shoe Store Peet's on sau, Next mum“ Without doubt the Greatest Shoe Sale Durham has purchased two different Job Lots of Boots and Shoes at 50 co offer these goods at prices never before seen in town. " T many bargains to be had at this Big Sale, Come when sizes are complete. Don't make a. mistake in the day, June 12. We sell for cash and we challenge anyone to say that we do not live up to what we advertise. Commencing Saturday, June 12, 1909 and Ending Saturday, June 26, 1909 Ladies' Shoes BIG SLAUGHTER SALE of Boots and Shoes Shoe Laces at Thos. McGrath's Shoe Store, Durham Mr J. Aldeom took . trip to Corbouon l on Mondny and brought home I fuse dei. ver which for style And weed in bud to '; excel. J. an tbat with . little staining ho will not he droid to put him on tin; met with mythic; tut our won bolt. I wool, (when or dinmonda. foe (an. 1 money or morbles. I J. T. Mcuurdo has “so Invented in sl, fine colt sud whole new driving outfit.! Jack never does things by Ink“. 1 Another football much urns pluyod bo- l, moon Swunp College nnd Bwintou Put ', on Tuesday of Int weekerdina up with. r out my not. being undo. The Cullen ', bors are in: owning to the front, furl which we think a large portion of 1hrl credit. in due to the aluminium tho-0' ty the young Indu- ‘ho swamp-mod! them from the College 3nd cheered than “to“: to yictory. ', The A. Ricbudlon Co. have moved‘ their mull from Dawn: to Beer St. to aw Dun McCormick: winter cut; of logs.! Mr J F McLeod of Collingwood visit ed over the week end with Mr. and Mrs, Nail McMillan. We are sorry to hear of Mrs McMil- lun's. Br, illness, and hope to but of her upeedy recovery. I Mr an! Yrs T'. Ryan of Noramaby, {Sundayed wuh Mr and Mrs It, J. l Hnuuum. l It is our and duty lo chronicle the deuh of Mr Charlie Haw who died I this morning (Monday! W. Kin-mun visited his uncle Wm, Wheeler. New Englmd Sunday evening This Week's Budget - Anuiversnry service will be held in the Presbyterian church Snudny the 20th. Ou the 22 the annual Garden Party will be held on Mr Kuox’l new. A high-classed entertainment Will be given in the church in the. evening. During the storm which puns! over thin section Sundly evening Mr D. Campbell had a cow :killed by light. nmg. We have not bzanl of any further damage. On Wednesday last Mr Wm Me. Murdo and Minn Minnie Wilson were joined in wedlock at. the Lancer Day Saint! Church. The young couple 1m thu evening to spend their honeymoon with Toronto busuO, On the same evening the home ol Mr and Mus James Knox Wis the menu of unolhex of those plussnl event- wheu in the presence at a few nest} relatives, their daughter Mabel was joined he”! and baud to Mr Willi McCormick. g Mr Neil McCauucl of Durham, call-l ed on (“ends here on Wednesday eve- ning and was accompanied home next morning by his mother who had been spending a. few days with her dauther Mrs N. McMillan. Are you satisfied with your position? Hare you stop 'ed to think how many have [rm-ed {trough Mount Forest Businesu College to the very positions ynn like ? Mr George and Mina Ethel Campbell Visited l’riceville friends on Sundly. Swinton Park 2-50 2.48 1.89 2.59 1.19 1-98 " 1.49 1.58 titk 119 24 pair whole amok working Shoes, 2.75 tor.... .... .. 20 pair men's Harvesters. regular 1.50 for.... ..... 24 pair men's heavv split working Shoes, 2.60 for.. 36 pair box calf zoodyear welt, rtt4.25 fur... Men's Goodyear welt Shoes géodyear weir."I 5.00 for.. 15 pair men ’s patent col: goodyear welt, 4.50 for,. 24 pair men's vici kid good year welt. 3.75 for . . . . .V . l?. pair men's patent OxfordtI regular 4.50tor...... .... 12 air men's Men: button MIL',',')', MB for.... .... ;2 pair youth‘s box calf Bluchen, l.25tor.. ..... 12 pair youtbs' vici kid Bluchero, regal” 1.50 for " pair oil tan Butchers. regular 1.75 for.... ...r. 24 pair viel kid Blueber. rejrrtlari.2lrtor-.. .... 18 ptir meu'ts.pttttt1t,.eolt Youths' Shoes TO THE Thos. McGrath ALEX. RUSSELL, The Big Store, Durham The Time is Short, THE Bll0 SALE Will Soon be Over .ucbers. 1 w Friday, Saturday & Monday Specials: ”lumwmmfor LCM“ Grocer-le- er Dry Goods “was: to it. 3 lbs best soc black Tea, Good flavor, for.... ...... ...... 4 Bottles IOC size, best extract for...... ...... ...... ..... 4 lbs soap chips for 25C ' 2 bottles polish toe size, for.. . . 5 iuJapart Tea worth 3oe tilb,for...... ...... ...... .... 500 yards new Roller Towelling. special at . . . . .. .. . . .. .. 200 yds unbleached Table Linen worth 50c, special at . . .. . 1000 yds Novelty check dress goods worth 50c to 6se, at. . 25 Bolts Ribbon to 450 yards worth 20c. special to clear.., 10 Men's Tweed Suits, well made worth M.oo, sale prices 15 Men's Tweed and Novelty check suits up to Lcti, for. . l 50 yards checked Gingham worth 15c for . . . . .. ...... .... 2lio pair Ladies' Oxfords worth up to $1.50. for. . . . . .. ... 50 pair Men's white canvas booty worth SI .50, for. . . . . ' . .r so pair Men 's Box Cal”; Dongola Boots worth to up 2 So, Hardware will be sold at a discount of 25,33 l=3, & 25 per cent off reg" ular prices. HARK YE To THE PLEASANT STRAIN ! People of- ten save money for themselves but we save money for others. It: all the result of our " Sale of Clothing, Hardware, Boots & Shoes, Dry Goods and Groceries. We open the door of economy. but you must do the walk. ing in. Such prices for such goods are seldom or never seen in Durham, Such goods at such prices are smeg- nificent discovery in cheapuess. No time like the pres- eat to do something handsome for yourself and pocket ALEX. RUSSELL, Durham 5 " 2.50 2.49 3.49 2.89 1.89 1.59 2-98 89c 89c has ever seen. W0 have just 0 cents on the dollar and will now C The following itl'H hOlllc of the 21 pair boys' gran. leather, regular 1.30 tor ... . .... Ne 12 pair boys' gran. leather a working Show, 1.7.5 for.. c 24 pair boys' 'oall Bus, reg. p..aJtur................. 1-” 30_ptir 1tryy', box calf 1 a. 36 pair boys' box calf Blacher, 2.25 for. ... .... 36 pair: vici kid Blueber. regullr‘l.25for.......... 20 dozen bottles of Polish, reg. 10ts per bottlefor.... . .. .... 36 pair misacy Viel Kid pn- tent tip, 1.65 for. ... .... 20 pair chocnlaw blucher, regular1.75t'or..... ... " pair chocnlate Oxfords, regular 1.75 for. .... .... 20 pair vici kid Oxford; patent tip, 1.25 fur. . . . . . . 12 pair tan Uxfords, rogulur 1.25for..... .... .... .... Misses' Shoes Shoe Polish SOME Boys’ Shoes JUNE IT, 1900 'i' 1.29 '.' 1-19 " " up " 39 39 35 IO IS 48 w 50c to VOL. "It REV“ m F0 m mc

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