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Durham Review (1897), 24 Jun 1909, p. 9

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titiUF. NH. 25. [909 mum MONIHS Kill lllllf 0mm Lose Its Hoops and . You Want Some. or.'t You? Then Ask Ttttts Made of EWARE OGDEN PAIL Eddy’s Match: AGENTS WANTED, " AVI YHIl' - 1.000(- qeq, but - but FATE " ELF? St alumni land man wrinrid, Pot-k ' no Jul In" II. can“. in dire 'm" Eyes - my nun d ttto inn than 80 he " The lost phasing want mu to deal with advanced mm. There was often nu "up" . u mend 'hem, and most people 'ati to die at bone, bat in ”In an. it; became ' t"gg to the ua-tV. be arm: of t about Sir William MPH-ml hi, plmhnn' with the exhibit, which outtairted qw- eral features absent from the one which had been in IN ttt Ireland, although tut yucca-d ill-m some points that night be introduced with mlvuntugr- into tho Ontario exhibit. In any on: the " fort m I mwulilt‘ one, inasmuch u it in» lend to a ntirring up of the reork an! educational develo nt. In Ink-d they hid found the mtkipal Ilthorltia very Inkewuvn " tirst, but “a tor-tine of loul -eintiow, who wt Milt [Dru-sure to he" had but“ Oh- to melt a degree tttntl mmkkniltheworkmnow "I! pup _ - A “in Honor the Lieutenant-Governor presided. and 'uttrodueed the speak", who is physician in ordinary to the Lord Lima-uni of Inland. " will spank till Lady Aberdeen was.” said Mir William Thumpton yaw today Inn-moon at the opening " the Ontario Government', tuln-n-ulmiu n- hibit at the phy~inn building. Lady Ale redrett M been unnonmw-ql to up”: the exhibit, but ttntortt"sately the [in-San"! ol Mai-an at the runnin- prevented be! atteodasnee. and sir William had to clone Mu with?“ on the campaign urinal. tho scourge of the race without carry- ing out his prmrstue-or threat. anus in ale-(H the all he 1 however, the the petition. I arrived n. th tit Friday. MIGHT MINI. YOI'NG': MEN, An Italian whim-aw nla-o ("wa win-char it might. nu! "mic-mine patriotism of “w puma 1mm of how and make them It": willinu c. .smri to the natior ma her neighbors th tria and Grrrna ther their Ilppnr mittht not be rem ~ia has as last rmm-ntml to the forma- tion of a National Council of Women." reported the (‘onntoss do Philosophot. PATRIU’I'ISM FIRST. A world's pence is a denirable thine, but patriotism COMM first in the opinion of some“)! the delegates who are members of the Peace and Arhi.. tration Committee of the Intertrttion. al Council. Mn. May Wright Suva" Of Maine. and Honorary President of the National Cottneil, is Convener of the committee. and WM respomUble for the exclusion of tho reporters from yesterday's meeting. However, in the corridors name whom of the morning'" prmdingn were heard, and it is pertain that the proceedings Were not altogether of the character which the idealist, desired. The main question “an the advisability of petitioning the Gtrvevrtment't, taking part in the "ryrye Eminence in favor of the sub- thr, the and I'll" From Finland 'tar- HI "rote, saying that the wow: pro-par“! to found a Comteil strife-riwn mumry. while tr modernized slit-(mum of ant-irr tlre «um- new: mum. Mrs, llnpkim. the Coutwil's eorreNrol that country. mid in her report mun-mun was lgainimfpowvr an mutin- women. "Thur native uln- prmw-dwl. "do not wane vdueation. Thn'y wnn' to Mum order their hmm'hohlx, and (t factor in the family life which, o at garment vino-i nut Hint." "The Minister of the Interior nits has as last t'otrqettted to the port of on» of ttwir ru-wurlu-n in thul land. Mrs. "owen. of !'"nuantinopl" who, by thr “any. i, a nisterr n" Ahmed Nita. tho I’m-debut ot tlw new Turkish Ihtrlianront, that has Imam-d rm large in the rpm of tho world of late. Mrs. Mom-n wrote. ma.ving that ~ho was hope. ful of forming tt Nutiunul ('nunoil for the women "f Turkey hetore very long, and the Ewrutiw- I-lm-tml .‘huhum' SH}! Humm an honorary view-president. with power to carry Mrs. "owen', clowirc- into c-HN-t. In the mano of hrr interesting beter Mrs. Bowen mid: "Th" lvrnml fnttmlutimt of the Cohlvn inm- antral-t! a number of mtr \rmm-n. and "on if tin-y cannot adopt all th" propaganda of the Covneit tho-y want to cmnnu-m-v on that basis." From those mllntriu in whieh there has been Patabliulml I National Council ior - voar- the "Torts spoke of nothing but program but of far more vital interest were the mama-n thnt mid of the u-xpansion ot the movement in wuntrivi where for so long one-half ot' the populaticm In“ for s'enturitm been In an mnditiml of almvlutc- sulvjm-tion. 0n tho previr"rs evening Lady Aher. ,lewn. in her presielerttiat mum». men- tlnll'tl scum-thing of the fuming of the wnnwn of Turkey, but youtvnlu)‘ the wwuutiw- haul the privilvgo- of hearing the ,-tory mun- "irol.x. throuteh tho rv- port at "W' ot' tlwir tur-workers in that land. Mrs. lhnwn. ot' !urtruarrtittoplv, “luv. hy tho may, i, " mimtcr of Ahmed Rim, tlw Prtsiuent of (In- "Mr Turkish Pttrlianront. that has lmnm-d w large in the Pyt". of tlw world of IMP. Mrs. " M. A . rifn to he comNrred. and a tledoion arrivwl " u to whether they should he um on to the Cemneit or not, but timid the pmum» of this bun-inn». of a nature nn whirl: ronuidonble differ. vm-e of opinion might urine as to policy, the nun rereired from the various renal-u formed a eheerlnit interlude. WOMEN AWAKENING. " Toronto dunk-h: Fuels-tin. to the ware-e nu the story that we» untoldod by Mm. Ogilvio Gordon, the honour, mrrupondlng urn-tun ot the Interna- lionul (“ounvil of Women, at the meet- intt water-la) of the h'xreutive Commit. tee of that body. The rommitte had I long and nrd"mm union. clearing the way for the luminous of the Council, whirh will meet for the lint time this manning at the university. A large number of trntative re-nlutiunu were whmittml by the varinm Nationnl Coun. _ "iN to he (-nn-iclerml. and a decision urriw-al at in to "rsethor they should he Will on to the (‘mmpil q... a.» l,..A It End-- at him. I... .. Ain i. the Tha. Cm'e ”Wait-Th Behates at the City Hall. 1.4, Aha... m. as.» Inland ( and Its Puple. l iot tp ms woman - IN COUNCIL. ATTM KIM: DISEASE " STRING-IX H N LAN " at mmmmls, nuns and Hod to serve their million. and when or may Pomp from trm "w delegates Gornmny wow douht support of the I all (mentions of inte/natiii. to arbitration. and the -f the sterner arbitrament a [mind a Connvil for that I "ouutry, while from the I ulcers-um of aneient Egypt "an munch Mrs. "eh-u he (hum-ii" mrnwpmklrnt in 'y, mid in her report that the was '.nainirrx/Tow'vr among the attitude tieken I); w from ”Mummy They know too u armed can“). rvmgn i u umlermirte the mm of her land ling to spring to . vunntry should wrully wanking. now in favor of my tletision WM 'n- adjourned III- hut ‘lw was hope- irnal ('mlnril for Getorv wry long, ‘tml Madame Nila PU by surm- of navy. Austria too well that ump. for have and brother, When danger from any of “to! of Aus, doubtful Who- 0 proposals disloyaltv. nat ive lmliv _ Hri'w mum-n PW“ inmul timm be We a 'ou fit, vnlrerg wer' r that I the Egypt Helvn ft n "t all" In Exporh of donw'stiv prcdum- for the month totalled $15,810,207. an increase of nearly two millions. For April and May the exports tnnlled '27.673.00t. an int-reuse of $2,471.7N. The total trail, hut month. im4uding min and ImHio’n. amount .d to 't4.9tt.P.'.u', an ittereane of $7.039”). For It", first two ttrotrtlt, of the tiseal you the imtcasc in the total Ind! ha been 'e'"" Imports for the "lamb tailalk'd $38. 060.076. an ineruuc- of "ls3,347 over May of but. 'ear. For the first two months of the fiscal year theOtt. ports totalled $30,303.34". an mom“ of '7.PJu'.tea over the rorremponding [r'riwd of last. your. Tle (-untums r-wnua- hr the mouth uhows an inc-reuse of #670,000, ltttaua. June 2l.~-Tradu figures for the muntll '0! Many shuw tuomt gluti- lylng ilwrt-usq‘ in both imports and exports, and indicate that the trade of the Dominion but practically re- run-ml from the depression which set in durina the fall of 1007, and G now Mun-t. equal in volume to the high mdrd set two years ago. The Figures For May Told: High- Water Mark Mun-h property nhrng the. mhore lim, ha“ Iwru “mum. and in the matt'rn u-c-tinn of North Hay and nnmng the suutntt'r mttugrn eoncdulerablv 'ltonage haw ln-o-n dour. while R number of building Iota love lrern mlmwrgml. Roprrwntntimu- maulr to tlw Govern. nwnt by the Town 1'ottrwil of North Bay "mum-(l in an oxumination, followed by the blaming up with dynamite of one of the chum yesterday tn allow the water to get away. New 'lane will be constructed 1m 1lifferent plum. as thone built were utterly molt-u in roping with spring Inn-hots. and should never have been put there. F North Ila}. (NIL, dvthmtch: Tl", " tict ot' [luv dillll‘ huill IIW'I' u yvar ag" "t Frowh Riwr tn Sump the waters of lukv ?iipisming at normal level the your round has hum mml didaulrum, 1-5pm" ially thi, 31-1", with ulnlurlmllly high water. Muvlt property alum: the shore lim, Inu- Iwru ”Maui. and in the mute-m wrliuu ot' North Hay and mnung the Property on Lake Nipiuing my! French River Flooded. TRADE EXPANDING. DAMS CAUSED LOSS. 5cw York, June Ttc-tme ot Hum- and. den nun-n of hy~teriu with h from time to time sweep the crowded tenements of the cut aide to-day temporarily closed three public schools, with an attendance in? more than 1,000 pupils, blocked all traftic on Grand street for an hour, and Bits not quit-ted until the police tWrrervos “er:- culled out. Beyond the tact that many .lu-\\i~h parents, have of latte been receiving threatening letters, demanding one dollar from Pitt'll fumily, on pain of having their ehilxlren "Murdered, there is no "xplunation. First, the rumbling of it fire engine on the gallop reached the ears of the pent- l ‘ up rhildro-n of u whool that houses 2.30!) pupils. The engine whimtlod shrill); a little girl ~hrieked in mum-r, und in a minute thr- hallway, were filled with a moi) of dirk-king, fighting boys and girls and angry. panic-mtricken motlNt, from nearby tettetttents Were ela wing and kick, ing at the outside of the street doors. A, if by pr1"arrangemertt, another priming engine vhut’ed the nerve.- of un- othvr set of children in a ~u-nwl wimul. l The rumor ~preml through I'm- ,r_vsierrtl, murgitt,ur ~trevis that the what-l mu on fire." Before the crowd, could get to it tltere Irttrr u -hout that a third school had been hlou'n up by the Black “and. Then there mu no holding the people. Parent, fought with the police for their' children. and many wer" torn and bruin- t'll in the scuttle, All traffic came to a "stop, and it. way lung before order was "stored. Swept Through New rim, East Side Causing Fania. WAVE 0F HYSTERIA weuttettood blue rajah silk "raped with lace of the htree “bite hat. Dr. Anna Dr. Ihune's right while Mr Ito-tom. salt next Dr. Guller oi "Ilia )hljmty the King' first. uith a Who of the tlrom. "ittW by all standing. Ullwr Nations," then ”The a urn-mun“ Imwlmm party yesterday to the medical women delegates attending the quinqm-nuiul mum-mu of women. Dr. Rowena Hume and Dr. Augusta Mum-4mm" received the tttttri. The Dr. Hmlgetu. Pr, “(with Officer, briefly manner in which the was utilize-d. and the pl ated with a vote of th liam Tlsomp-n. The Medit-al Women a alrlightful luncheon p: the medical women de the ullinmwnniul mun- The reawn for this difference I" Mfrilml to the crowding together ol the people in tom-manta, placing the Peo ple at 1 arm! disadvantage from a hy. gienie point of view. _ In company with the Countess Aber. dbert he had visited a number of cities on this continent, and had been foreed to the vortelaUon that More was being done on this side of the Atlantic than on the other. The death not: bore out that. opinion. In Inland the rate was mm in six, while in Toronto it won only about half that. “um.- III mm. tor the spend of nimble intonation. The hone truun'nt was largvly car. ried on in connection with dismiu. and be Wu glad to learn that there were two in Toronto. They would play , very important put in the campaign In givin‘ help to those whose MM were limited. m the important tum-lion I tariuu work, and they mum that mtek patient mu how came In Inn! for the spread intonation. The hone treatment was I rial on in cannon-tit... mm. A MIN will he ymhtruvtul cm plum. tts thone built won- "lens, in mpiny with wring and drunk] never have been AHEAD or' EUROPE remely pretty with a lat. Pale pink carnations, and of imityion rose leaves Women's Aulmnae an N gm} they aGLiua.iiii,7r F. Provincial Medical yriefly explqinod the Dr. Hume wore of cream lriwh lace, Dr. Gullen wore h silk with comma- ' .. - gen}. home cured be, 'lree at women. and Dr. Augusta l the gum... The he Una-rm exhibit Prllwdings tannin. thanks to Sir Wit. the va shade, hum Shaw sat on le Mrs. Gillian. her iullen. The toast. x” of the and The linguist otiiiteints whel- he it strrogeu. Pvterboro. Ont., dawn-h: Tire "tmber camp nf John Winters mar Tweed, Wu struvk by “gaming and that the men all-oping m the shanty escaped with their live, i, little ‘hurc of a miracle. One side of the building was torn out. Michael Cutout, "erreronto, had his eyebrows and the baek of his head burned; Jouph l'ulllfq-r, of L'elleville, had an arm and his fare burned; William Andrews had an ear singed, and Thom“ Hung“ and Charles Sedgewlek were badly scorch“. Not a particle of glass was left in any of the windows of the building. The Manila-ts in the lred oeeupied by the two Andrews were soon-lied brown. Occupants Were Scotclml by Light- {by London. Ont., dr~putcln A mu- “an ln-urul ln-forc- Mngiuirtltc Love this morn. ing. “hon tun local u-altnwn, both of whom ,,tarted busing-u thi,, 'spring, were charged with violating the med act'by having in their wmion and offering for nah ”Humming of nhrike elover need containing more lewred then the It" allows. The charge was laid by T. G. Raynor. urn] inmpector for the Dominion Hon-runu-ni. and both men pleaded guil- ty. Ime of the may who said he got th" wed when he took over the Duane“, in" fined n nominal sum. The other mid he secured his std out of town. This eye will by investigated. London Seedsmen Charged With Selling Inpure Seed. hut in South Africa he vowed that he would m-wr again out his hoard or hair. While Kruww uuvrts that he washed hi, fun- but m-vk the lmliu- my that tlu- Hu- of water was included in the thing» he drum} himwlf at the“ tinw. Hi- home Ivttri formerly in Ih'ttmsylvata, but for tln- hut few yuan he has been on the road. Buffalo, Jum- 21.--William Kruger, 52 ye'itt"i old, who think. he is a distant rvlatiw of tlw late oom Paul Kruger, who am Prvsideut of the Transvaal Ite. pulsliv. Itutm arr-mini by the police of the Luni~iana "trevt station this morning, and charged with Irving a tramp. Kruger Hllllc' in for tho attention of the police on tttvottttt of lain, bot-lung beard and hair that t'I-ll upon his oiuiders. He told tlw police that wlwn the can-(- was Relative of Kruger Hasn’t Cut His Hair Since Boer War. The report "t tlu, t'onrmittve on poli- liml “Minn. whos," final report was mloptml by the grand lodge. vxpreswd ¢IE~~uli~levtiun and regret at the On. tnrio Govcrtttuettt's derisinr, to retain Hm Huron-fifth ehtmis, and vxprtsseU Hu- how that in (“Stril'ti wlivre local option fnih-nl to carry by “In HINT-fifths major. ity, but whvro- n rn-zlwnnhlo majority vutnl in fannl‘ of u !oval option momurv tho Gotetumumt would allow the vote to Ire again ~uhmittml at tho noxt- elee. tion. l Tin following who (-100 live nffim'r": Punt Gram lur. John Hugh-on. (m ('hn-f Tt'mpiar. .lnwph ll. 1 “mud Counsellor. Janus Kiltgdtun; Grand Supwi Juvenile Work, Tom B. Hmniltou: Grand Sum-02a Pont. Toronto: Grand Tre Lyle. Hamill-on; Grand Minnil- G. Iltrss. lhtttxrlas 'l'lw tax mtr' wa, "sed u hva pvr quurh-r. Irving tlw he of SHANTY STRUCK. Junv. ll wan nlmo tl, umwixth of tlu, por I mm! in "xtausion wo to dintrivt loops mu ta-ttts to "m' m-ut pot ,... . .. . Nut yn-nr Kingdom on ludqu-udvut Unlrr of t which ha, been lw'dlng l n-mion at Doug-(h. New Tlu. official rcpnrh slit to ln- making ultiafm-l Tin-n- m-rv n numbt-r of w": from Ottawa, TUTUI Hamilton and inn-rnwdiu Hum am far wet a; Fort ENFORCING ACT. Toronto Man Chief Templar- of Extension. il00IyrlliTLuts a- -_t_9...-'. - Thaw; mother, Mrs. William Thaw, his sister, formerly the Countess of Yarmouth, and his two brothers were in the court room. When the justice ‘nnnounced his decision to delay the hearing, Harry's mother collapsed. She shook as though seized with a chill and her daughter called out .or a drink of water, saying that her mother was choking. The water re- vived Mrs. Thaw somewhat, but she was unable to walk without help and Harry Thaw assisted her to retire to an anhrootn and remained there with her for a short time. l Thaw's counsel, Charles Morsehau. her, wanted to go on with the hearing, but Mr. Clark, a representative of the Attorney-General, wanted to have the cane transferred to New York county and Distriee Attorney Jerome asked that the hearing be postponed in or- der to give him an opportunity to at- tend to other business. Justice Mills decided that. the hearing would be held in White Plains. I l'vmlrrok,. dvspulcll: TIN _ White Plains, NA"., June 2i.--Hasr. ry K. Thaw will have to wait in the Mattemvau Asylum until July 6 for a hearing to determine whether he is now sane and in a connmon to De released from the asylum. The case came up before Justice Mills here to. day on a writ of habeas corpus " tuined by Thaw. ning But None Killed. Till July 6th. His Mother Collapml When She "all the Order. Sent Back to My“ HARRY THAW A TRAMP. ot' llu- (Grand Lodgt wn‘ mm (loath-d to wt asidv of the per calm" tax to he xtI-miun work. and tho rebate t loops mu reduced from two rm- vent lwr head [NT quartor. lowing worn- draw] and Moon- 'r<: Punt Grand Chief Temp. Eughwon. (Mann: Grand "patch.. The Mill! annual Grand Lodge of Ontario. Duh-r of Good 'rvurplarm, 'II lw'dlng a two-day cun- "guts, ce'o,sed toulay. rvports showed the nrtlvr g mttiuaetory progress. numbt-r of tlevlgates pro- ....r.. 'h' ,7 . ... lowlnh ll. Day, Toronto: Jr. Janus ArnrMrotig, and "mptsrintvnslvnt of Tom It. Alt-Nnughtun. nu] S1'cretary, G, L. w., Grand Treasurer, A. ll. ; tiramt \icv-Tt-Inplnr, Dnnglzh. Cas fixed at 12 win“ m-r laid lee got the btsitiemm, The other mum- Eh last '---Work Wnlkerv'tlre,ont., June 21.--The Grand Trunk has made Walkvrvilk a distribut- ing point for uhipmvms of wthrn grain dhiined to Ontario and Quebec. The grain will be handled by the Wrtikervitk (min Company. Hui» not yc_t__known am}. "ca/pair.") i: Gi sVi"riiiiii' V/iris/ii, how extensive the Ihipmcnjs will be. . his coat. Mr. Ciark i, a huge "arelrolder in tho Gow Hulda Yative Silwr Mines and has the utmmt eontidence tin} the can“) will add uuny‘nillions at dollar.» per year to “and“ output of lilver.’ Toronto, June 21.-eul that Inc» tseen ~Iid of the pouibilitiu of Gow (hunch "tm a great silver producing camp id borne out lry the results that have lm-n wot-um! wink the disappearance of th- amm," said John E, Clark, whd ha, jun returned from the north. Ingersoll Police Looking for Lad Charged With "Theft. Ingvr-oll, Ont.. Junv 21.--TI" police urn I-IHII'1le'ing to hrtuty Jami-i Hunk. alias ('muilh. a" Hugh-h lad, who div nppenrvl hut night frmn ' home of " employ-r. “Nil-rt (‘ulrer of 1kutner. A warrant luau been ioued charging him with the thvft of te.", from Mr. Calvert. The lml in also wanted at London on a tharge of stealing a gold watch from a farnivr near Belmont. At that time lc, went under the name of Cousins. When the two buildings are completed le'h’s University will bought ot four- teen buildings. Thu extra rumpm urolmd “ill Iso bought alongside the pronoun uni. n-mity athletic ground-s and u Hub hottne erected. Kingdom June 2l.--9t"vul, 1'niver. rity 1rustvis haw ulnm'u the lhion Arvvt l'ulll'lll! grounds in a site tor the two m-w n-ivun- buildings to M i-rwwd, our for "lwotistry and the ntlwr for min- ing and metallurgy. The former will he i-rm-tml with the Ontario Legir,lature gran-L at $20.!!!) a your fur five you“. which is oqmll to a lump nun of $921!”. The mining and metallurgy building will be constructed with a “with gift, of Prof. William Nicol, oi lltteen's Queen's Will Have Fourteen Build. ings-Campus Grounds Enhrged. l A London. ont.. dupuu-h: Ott" of the _ "nut lrntlwlir raw. ”or known in Lon. dun llmpilul can»? to light when Jam:u, ('nrrull. a blind tramp. claiming Winni- |Ivg " his hulnv, was ln'nnght in ~uffl-r- ing trout [lawful burn, about "wk and lu'ml. Carroll 'itatis, he make, a living by goinrr ab nu m-lling eollar ltuttitn,, and hoot luau. and yvdu-nlny wa, lighting hi, pie whr-n the match ignitrd the eel. lnlonl collar Ire mu wearing. He claims to harv runmml nlmut all night, and when found “an brought t , the hospital. Hi,, wounds Wt't't' in u tc-rriblo Mate. It is feared that blow! poisoning will “Null. Celluloid Collar Took Fire * Disastrous Result. Weed was to have has" pjaixiiiiruia, to-day, but owing to illnms his, case was not titoved -Hotheias, with Jarret W. Weed, cash- ier in the county llvasllrcr's office, was arrested recently with an alleged short, age in the acbountn of the county trea- tureru office amounting to 836.000. Pmfialo, Juno 2!.wHunIu1-l w. llof, hcinn, a back tax clerk in the i,trux, of the county trcusurcr, was Io-day ac . tcnced to not less than two years ltr six months, nor more than five you: in Auburn prison. on an indictment. charging him with the theft of $30 on hey1,.20, last, He ltad pltedcd guilty. Buffalo Back Tax Clerk Sentenced For Theft. Further details of the (recurrence show that the Woodburn steamed during the night within the prohibited Bone of navigation in vicinity of Pitikapag Bay. Her captain evidently was unfamiliar with the published wgulationn. The Rus- sian torpedo boat fired first three blank shots which were followed up by four projectile, - V _ '_... ..._ '".P_or, ill the crow sustained slight injuries from the Russian fire, Stockholm. .lunz- 21. -Coytu'. the “to. man on board the British steamer Wood- burn, of Newcastle, that wan fired upon iv. l'iliknpus Bay on Wednesday night M n worm-l of the Runiun squadron put- rulling the rcndezvnu of Empcrur {Help olas and Emperor William,' nusluincd only 'dhtht injuries and pmbably will be able to leave the hospital, to where he Was removed, in a few days. He declares that thtm, HUNT memlrcrt, of n, . . - ONTARIO ARCHIVES TORONTO Russian Torpedo But Filed Four Projectiles ht British Malian Went Too Near tun Vessel. mutation of the Honorable the Attor ney-Genenl, the Committee of Council advise that the York Riding & Driving Club, Limited, inning failed Mr two consecutive year» to use its corporate powers within the meaning of section 21 of the Ont-tic mmtpanitm not. as shown by the ,evotupanying report of the Provineiat Seen-tuy, and under the 'special eiretumsttutceis applying in this the letters-patent of the club, dated Dec. 20. Itt94, be declared to be for. feited. revoked and mule void. but that no such forfeiture aim" affect prejudi~ vitally the rights of ereditor,, in they (winged at the date of ~In-h forfeiture." The foregoing " the text of the order-in-round. Aignml by Hi, Honor the Lieutvont-toGrrncr. under which the elmrter of the cluh operating at Dufferin Purk wane-Ii to exist yesterday. l Any furtlwr operations carried on it)" the 1lirvvtor,. or nther- anueiutml with the defum-t Hub are at their perv-until ri.k and re-ponsihility. TRAMP BURNED. BOY AND 825 MISSING NEW SCIENCE BUILDING GIMN MnntEt5rs. Tommto despatcll: "Upon the mendntion of the Hononblc the SENT' TO PRISON. mutuavuma HIT FIREMAN. Rich Mining Camp CHARTER GONE. ly) rtreymut how much td, iil"pitui"Lr h'o We" in the 4epavtmettt. ln-mming known. wording to tttin Wilma. tbat boys in the and Fopltl wk l lugs- _ pe _"- ___ --r-""'.'. Fireman Mchrelu-r Ilium unified to having been asked for 3300 for 1 [Mi- tion. "He Wu a stranger," ti" wit. llebl aimed, “and I put him out on the Morttreal. June '5."le Roy-l (on minim: this morning again Grought um Minimum in ward to pos/ttions in tin Gre brigade that, it my: claimrd, had Im-n paid fur. Captain Maxine. Bresmu (tn-land that he had given Dr. De (hurt “-10 for the plaee ot foreman. This with“: “and that he syllllll of paying for promotions laud brwn going on for some filter: wears. He declared :le that Capt, Puncher was said to have p.112 m "tfry' (or Yt uptaigcy. Even Street Urchin Tamed the Montreal Fire-cl. V - V -'e V_‘.. .v. """"""""h'", I‘l'. Pelog Rowland. ex-Preridont of ethe Toronto Hard of Trade, and Mr. F. G. Morley, Secretary of the board; Mr. A E. Kemp, ex-l'. P., Joseph RUM", M. P., W. E. TimhA, of the Canadian Manufacturers' Asmcmlion: J, B. Mil. ler, Yiec-Pnmident of the Toronto Board of Trade; Controller “atrium, Alder. men IcGltie Ind Adams. ine Anwciatinn. and Chairman of the Marine mtion; Mi. J. N. R. Md‘ann, Chairman Ltdttstrict, 1'ommittec, King- ston; Kingston Bond of Trade; Menu-rm R. A. Robeatrtrm, A. B. Markay and H. H. Champ, Hamilton Board of Trade; es-Controller Kpenee, Chairman of the Toronto Harbor Commim-ion; Mr. lt wan stated that the marine inter. ests had not been lurked after by the Government ah well as the rail- way interests had been. and that if the St. Lawrence system were enlarg- ed, the deepening of the Welland Canal being involved in this, of course, Canada would then be in in good paid» tion to compete with the United States in the carrying trade. One of the Hamil- ton representatives stated that if the Georgian Bay Canal were built Hamil. ton might as well be 150 miles inland, and Toronto would be similarly affect- Fnllowiug were ilu, "'ptvseniativo pronoun: Mayor 1'ttrnplwll, Ald. W. M. Merl-in. St. Cathariues; Mrs. Thus. Conlon and Mr. s. W. R-mui. St. Catharines Board of Trade: Mr. H. W. Richardwn. President of the Kingston Board of Trade: Mr. Franck King, K. C., coulmol for the Dominion Mnr. AN OPEN SCANDAL. rt! It wan agreed that the various, bodies in question should select llllt‘ t'op"'rwnta- tive each. and these "'prrsoutativc, should "we! and organiu- and formulate a plan of procedm'e. . The mun-mun of opinion as ex- pressed at the meeting was strongly in favor of deepening the Welland Canal. and opposed to the projected ‘Georgian Bay Canal. It was claimed that the improvement of the Wel- land Canal would mean much greater facilities for transporting grain from the west to the emu. and instead of the (out of carrying grain from Du. luth to Montreal being six cents per bushed,mn at present, it could be car- ried for three and a half cents by means l of large vessels and barges. It was prophesied that in ten years the pro- duct» of the went would be double what they are now. ,.....°~-. I...“ nu. '"mep" f Thom son, Commissioner of Indus- itries, Toronto, be appointed Secretary in! the organization, Mid that the or- ‘ganizution be known as the Great Lakes and St. Lawrence Navigation Improvement Association." This in the text o" a resolution pan-ed at a meeting held in the City Hall yester- day, with Md. T. L. Church of this city in me chair, and t'epretwntative, of Boards of Trade of Toronto, Hamil. ton, Kingston and hit. Catharines, and of the Dominion Marine Amn-iation, Toronto Harbor Cotntnisriionoh, and Cauadian Meutufacturcrt,' Atmociatiou' as well as memben of the Toronto a") Council. present. Toronto dvspulvh an organization of Board of Tunic and be {armed T, urge on crnmcm the deoponi; Canal at once, and r, tion from the perm wait un the Uoverun time to be arranonrl Permanent Organization Will Be Formed to Press the Matter on Dominion Government - lnitiat Meeting Held in Toronto. MUNICIPALITIES AND OF TRADE WANT IT D gran-n. At the same time were given lthem a diamond studded medal hearing the official gal of the State of Ohio, rum] another from Dayton. their home I city. The State medal was presented by Governor Harmon. of Ohio: the local medal by Mayor Burkhart, of Dayton. Aftcr the prewntation coronmny the crowds wimp-led a parade of floats, de. picting tire development of locomotion in America. This “an headed by " Indian "Inner. nnd. aftcr the various \tllgl‘h from tho ox curt to the automo- Ilill' had ' shown. was concluded by no u-roplanv. with the suggestion that the nut route for spot-ding would In” among the clouds. l I Dayton, Oreo, June 2i.--sGtiom the state and the rity in which they live tu-day paid tribute to Wilbur Ind Orville Wright, the aviators. 'guttsdirtg on a pUtform not far from their unpre- tentious little uropllne teetory and ailment within light of a field where they first struggled with the problem of aerial navigation. Gen. James Allen, chief .iguul officer of the amiy. assigned by Secretary of War Diukiunun for the Purpose. pmrntml lo the Wrightn the gold ""1lau uutlmrin-d by Act of Con. "Whitetail“ by a.. mdSuufOBo. PMJMMW dun-din. WELLANBHNAL. GOLD MEALS. mum drawn-h; “That n lx-mlsm u'ganizutnm of the municipalities, ' of Tunic and other public bodies rmcd t, urge on the Dominion Gov. ent the deepening of the Welland I at once, and that a joint deputa- from the permanent ortputization on the Government at a suitable to be arranged; that Mr. Jim-uh ine: Mrs. Thus. 1'. Socmd. SI. rude: Mr. H. W. of the Kingnton m. was mmrludod by the nun-(Minn that spa-ding would lx, D BOARDS DEEPENED joint deputa. ortputization a suitable Mr. Joseph I Sfates Hamil- if the Hamil- inland, affect. Mme. 'm'ttrerr1tf. Posidettt of the .~'Il~ll.l "lulu. mud pilot of tlw Corntrow,rr. its- eended first. Thin vu- Iu-r thirlil'llu a» eent. Mme. Ainutlt. Secretary "t tiw rluln, and Mllr. Ti-ot nrmmpunit-d her. Their lune hat. taught In the r0901 w the rising wind 'Toyed the balloon. amusing the crowd of mlloukrh. until In etrtra um! mt the lullmm in Maui Links, rusting time among thy huh of the qretators me aft .r umber. all the balloon. 4mm, Urowtn"mg but: a a. ”hint. time. and waning Pam today ut. tended In inauguration tete of the Stella Club. the women‘s aero Huh. ot the Aero Half: park. at St. Ctoud, Fire balloons INN]. Tiny um wily dammed with flowers. Inauguration Fete " Women's Club in Paris. At I public Int-ting thi, owning the gist of the spam-how wmv llmi tlu. Do. miniun Government wltosid appoint a Trade 1'omminniou. on Iimm nimilur to tle orpniuiion of the Railway Com. minim]. 1ieereury bl M. Trowern, Tur- onto. wan-d the Unurio tiovormuent for aiding an organised body of peddle“ with ttttT,":? at Humllum on the la-( day " Ge wait-n, giving than light. and while-f" that were denied the Canadian nun merchants. Brockville xlespurln: The 1mm nmma] coitttiott of tlu. Itctail .\lc~rvhunh' Ar,- soeiation opened here Urdu}: During the nth-mum: tle viUtorn mug-nod in unnmittw work, and In!” were given a drive nboul the town. Tenth Ann! Conventio- Opened at Mekville. RETAIL MERCHANTS. In tre kmwkul un-nwlmu Only the lornw-ry un pline of tltr fin-mm and a hulm'nll-l. Ten pun-r Imrmvd. No mm In fat building Wu: deMroyod Finvrn nu-n "tid women wort- un-r- mme try smoke Geiore they would "mp“ their way throusrh the dark lullwn's. Cinvittuati. June it More than lot Hung-rims. "It'll. mum-n and children, living in an old five-sito) river from tettettttrttt. fought in mud panic for their lives today win": a gwsolitw vsplosion on the would flour wt the woken on Paris. Juue 21 tin tube Hurled From Fourth Storey Window-Nether Leaps. Won-en Knocked Sunless to Save Them From Fire. Hz-rlin. Jum- lm- not yr! luv l'rum the pulili mot-ling in thot lu-lwI-vu 1‘2"an Nivlnlsh. '1 In nudmlvlmlly we "lctractvr. In” " t.h,, slllljd'l'! will rvmrn how of Nell and "Hamming wish the traditional "elation" ship and mutual INN main-d cur mu Itrrtrses, tion at whirh I drungly ly ttm It plt-dm- of Ute I uur two eounttirs bu [wax-v." In I'l-ply l-Inqn-rur l mu n-jum-d to ,"r't'. in I lion. u m-w nlul «law of our "iucero P" vital in it aim Irv-sh mntirln "itiouat oltti m-lcip of and mufnlvnw. whit-h. llu- nmnifultl Winn-d- Roul. June 2t.-The (Mala exchanged betwvon Emperor Nichols:- and limp-NI" William at (ho lmnqlr'l on board tlr llm-siau Imperial yacht Mandult Int Iliphl mm. cordial i- lhvir "xprtssiott, Lu good relation. [rim-0n (luv tuo coun- xi.., an, For m. on... Foreign Sea-elm Will Tell What , Result Will be. Cur atd Kain: Express Friend. WW. Jun :1.“ we. and“ may: “Netti“ the imposition of n two per out. tax on the net im ot mthw. and row-:- IK'IIh'ng the adoption of I joint Irwin. tion submitting to the [mph of a... Slante- the qumtion of unending ltte votsertt'tutiott to permit a his to be levied on the int-amen of individual» in; mm to the Seance uni-y. Mr. Tm make-s the point that beside, providing nddiliunal rm’olluu amounting to not lean Hum ”Minoan. the tax on corporation income-1 will humid: the nit-am of a elmser unpc-rvi-inn of the fin. "will and Inosine,w. trauma-[inns of 0 tr- purutiunu. The mow-agn- wu- referred to the Finance Committee. and immedi- nlrly thou-after Mr. lhilvy "erred mrtic" thntkwhen the mmmiltw reported Inn-k a joint resolution to amend the con-mu- lion no an to ertalrle ("mum-mus t" on" " an income law he would offer a ~ulul2» tute rc-Aululiuu for a urmllminl incotwr (in, to bi, levied immediately. WOMEN IN BALLOON‘ FIRE PANIC. he... Talt MW 5.. ttadults-aa-ua.. THE INCH " ROYAL GUSH. :mnnl .ld illll‘l ful uI-nliun-M , . bum-eon ulll‘ o. S. INCOME TAX. “u cullllll’l'w, n '.'TI.v l'lmlu-rur jtriced to ~00. i; u m-w and ‘n I' hillm'h‘ l"" "l MIMI trish "onfi al thi m-hin ml "oumelvn.. lnrnwry and alu-ulutc- din-i~ fin-mm and poiivr prim-MM! Ten l'"""'" were Nightly mm was fatally injured. The hoe IN. Thu Foreign " ' olvis,rut of th" " political standpoint. oi Ih-- Gulf of Finland "I'll nun-rul- William and En 'Ilu- "xaaturrs of gm ly WW» of the mml " In" no "(finial infurnmli I will Ire pixen out HIV 1- of Forvivut Stu-I'vlauy “our Maj-HI) wrur WEN-m raid: "0. in thi,, baarty HT 1 "ttlouis, wmfmmli .. mnl hivu-lmip. l, x~-nfirmMinu of llu- " "hip of radial t'vitmi,.l which. rurrn'qumdinu Mi tuition-hie. It :1.” l choNt,, Ilu- mum-r:- wish ('u'l’ io maintsin haliunn of lllzll'i} tritus,l INN tlot “hump Inn.- Ivmw‘. and tho culliLt tlee t"im of llddvrn they “mild have to dank had they Even “mum land o of umlial frivuluhii HI. ""rrisitottdittg In v-l- "ml lll'n'mmhly of "tu' two mulch-hm Got vrnmvul-.' NUT KNOWN. Thu Foreign “Him rim-cl of th" wall!» standpoint. of the DI Finland yin-hid!) HI." dwin'. um "' pod olat'r but of the u slid the Ru. Emu"! mlial m an "It-H Im- Inlliu W.- we do meet a no. who. Ninth-tuned 53m” -h'6stHthea-th-uatetet-. wind-trihuuw' Hg. Bone "culinary but. in. M my ntidndnrg. A sh" which will hit two nth will be laud during the racing II.- '-.The.o1idoueluadotthe-t contain- . dung: of bag! ttt Viki in drtootad on ',tttl, d this io we nil-Tool ch- . an.“ ' WW“. . ehyee t' “at 0-- plain. The shrapnel Banjo-:- in ti.“ to aphids above . body a! the... leaving the, no!“ - d the bl! b st. Pout-4mm, .Iunl- 21.4%.- Iuvk of tour llttlhhipo of thr ttevaker w- nought typo wen- laid thin Inning in St. [Mt-ulnar; in (In M o! the Vim-Minku-r at Marine. the loud.- nunl alt-din and Wum ot the Buuinn Naval lacuna My Will In of - um. min, has“ can (out. and In... " feet. They will km a speed of "may knot-t, and the unl- buttI-riu will conduit ot MI twelve-inch gu- of a wail nickel Meet. eolonien. with tle Mar-ct of M'Pil; tottt tutform.tioet vault] Ire "udmttgted between the rzbtlrtg immigration or fires and labor new of the eo1mtiee and the luau U't2li','i' to be Maul-II- ed here. There wu no "non why a eomplete [cur-rill was” of Idiot on than" sltou d not be cot-blinked. Landon, Mum t [hr "me of Cor, labor 'srl-ttre ('|mn'hill valid ke thv math-r with Miami-m. with tl Mr. Wimton Churchill to Discus; the Question tetth the 000005... "our to lhe roof of u mound blurry building. but nu mu- was '-riouUy hurl. ms. Nichol-n mm nut lo a third Murry win-law mw-rlcmking u run-1:1, And holding lu-r Why poUml for all huh-ml, hum-II and Lima-cl it and tkent drum-9d Ute dailul (mun! the lumdrwl.» of up Ilia-d hunk. “an"! "d hw-lrr, a eaMtirt drown caught the hair. The noun-r. swing her lotto 'safe, mih-d and the: loam] lo the sidewalk. sustaining only Might NIH“. Cincinnati. o., Jam Sl.---" .1 fire In a {in-Morey tenement hon-m [Inlay "ttt patkqstriekeat ou-upnnh- Mon- and through more or lee mun-law!“ Non-um by “m. may jumped from tue Hun] floor to the roof of u son-0nd Hurt-y building. but no nu.- 'ot, -tiouUv han But Child Lands hfeiy in I “‘0': 'quv Cincinnati. o., June ttl.----" tt fire In u five-utgu'g-y lent-mom hon-w mu.) I00 IMPERIAL LABOR EXCHANGES m. Mis. White hum"... 35156.. in the tulliaiuu. 'l'ul'muu dispatch: “roan su",,..),-, forttwrly clunuffu-ur fur D. M. Hanan. was tretttvttel to the Ceqttral Prism for m month (0-day for running grievous bodily lum- to Fanny White. About I mouth .30 Song". after taking Mr. Mann to the house, picked up .ome Mounds and was travelling Along the su"'tn.whttt ke mllidui with a slut-1 Du Man's For-er Chauffeur Goes "'le Willa Was blowing, at ‘1'“th rapidly thruughmu and to a numbvr of woode nml slink By tte limo Ihr, rim-d seven losidvnch hold A hummu- lull in the “ind fin-l cotttittgent ot' [ire-mm: Harm until th" whole brim it, "lulu-r “maul Wu cheel fire “Ila put out, uni-r Unw- 1he ”unlit-(l 'stables \u-w d, lhe punk, Ila" hllnu in slsstroreul.. l M DROPS BAtt YTHREE SIOREYS uh " Ml manna.“ dearth-h: Ulla“. In hte u-nm- tbi. morning. and though duonagu done will not (WWI-d len ttt and dollars, it looked ttt our time leugh [lu- city wa- dumuvd to 'suffer ilu'ot arm tir.. dituortrr. At Mt ("ch a fire slab-d in the swim-:- of l'luuk A Co., on mush». mum-L, in the non “em-m put ot the 'city, in a dim “'th tho ldeinu- nu- trtl ul maul (“In Seven Ham “on or In. Dan. aged by the Bum. H11 (Mata. (ML. Jum- 't.--aue Railway (OI-k“- haa - I.” a Ch glauc- of in yeetetdirthr. la the nth: ol compelling railway cit-panic. can-r in; on iatuaauoaal traffic to tile "th the tem-i-kat through [We with .toA'rfeotmdh.atruo. Th5.“ hold- that under ttte and“ to the Railway Art pan-ad Int malo- it has thr right to coatml ram claw-l a. “It'll traffic. The ruling will all”! the intemtional railroad. ran-lax - (intariu. The qunntlun am la "0'V tion with the application of the Dawn- Board of Trade tor an oeder of the ‘hoard mmpolling a red-aim at late. mt the White Plat! & Yukon Railway. owr “hit-h practically all the Yukon traffic munt pan. The mmpaay held that the board had no jurisdietioet over freight tatriit' nlllaldo- actual t'anadian territory. Ity the juilgmon- handed out thi. morning tln- Goard unit-r- 'subsidiary mrmpaetio_ in vo-operation with thi- White Pa.. & Yukon Railway in carry- ing thrunuh trall'ir lo fyle ram with tlte cotttt"im.im and Ire- a party to mm'wratiun of the "than! of Trude for a mun-lion of rate-n. The board will-111i later " ith tho qIM'Iliotl of reducing rum, hut it in proholc that a umaidvrahlo rvdturtion will Ire otxurreu. i canon. FOU R DREADNOUGHTI Shell to Hit Two Mark; Mali-Ulla. 'e"f"reefrtur ing-u-ti-tmate. OTTAWA FIRE. "vtattwr',,. on I: Ralph’s and Mr Iraeka wiuu SIX MONTHS. Great Fire om. "g Waldo-mm. W. It. "atawtt "radleru. W. F St.--" th ‘omumm [lo-q _ hill. " he [mm 1rvet 4 on Irveton nt r Wu knum' th

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