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Durham Review (1897), 24 Jun 1909, p. 1

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rt. THE BIO n be Over ttr onday Specials : tam rath JUNE 17, 1909 Store, Durham mam m1 ID aunt Mr Yi :-::-::-::-::-::-:;-::-::¢3:e3xxxxxmm333335:9: Ttie REVIEW, DURHAM, ONT ,rifjRerlly>,','xt'ire'x VOL. XXXII, N0. 25 50c to Jan. I l9l0 To my address in (Mada. .6 will lend THE REVIEW from now to Jam. l, 1910 (almost i months) for 50 cents. Take " vantage of this remuk‘mle otrer or see that ynur friend or neigh- bor does In. NOW ie the time. Nineteen hundred Dollars worth of Fine Solid Gold Rings, Tie Pins, Cuff Links and Crosses bought by us at 59 cents on the Dollar. They are on display in our Jewelery window and will be sold when Me superiority of 0tias Corsets will de demonstrated to you and you will have Me opportunity of being properly filled with stylish and com- forum/e Corsets. your: truly, AT LESS THAN Raw,“ WHOLESALE PRICE FOR TEN DAYS ONLY Come and see the most wonderful Bargains in fine High-class Jewellery ever placed in a window in Canada. For Ladies, Men, Gitls, Boys and Babies, Hundreds to choose from-come early while the choice is great. Every ring and piece of Jewelery in this great Sale tally guaranteed. R. L KEELER & SUN on mommy, jam: gg' lo Jalurday, Jay 3 'IIliss fo/mson expert camel fitter of 0tias Corsets onderful Jewellery Opportunity you are invited to meet r (12720.: ire/and Rings 5hil Ge °<. Si' ip.rh'l 3333mm fri; ,Ea5529‘11‘IQi The REVIEW to New Subscribers, for the Balance of the Year, only 50 cents The first ofJuly prnmiees to be a quiet day in town thin year. in con- uust to the big ts. of S. detnotrstva. tion held that day in previous years. Those in town desiring ammvxuent will attend Inca! picnics to favorite re- sort-x the Foresters' picnic at Dromore ul’ lake in line Flasher-tun celebration. ' CROWDED otrr.-owiugtoihe largo :mmunl of mlvvrlisiug the REVIEW ILis week mm” with " supplement, is lmldly up to ite, usual standard in news "mm-r. Glrmelg Council the aseerccop'g "ltiunhles through Glen- elg," and othvr mutter have been crowded out. but wilt appear next week. A PROMENAUE Costtsurr,--ru the new rink last Friday was held the llrat ot A. series of rink commits Mr Jus. Brown intends holding this summer. There Wm a fair vrowdpresent who etrjoyerl excellent music by the 3Ist New. Band, besides the rut-es. In the ad b"te1 tised boys" 2 mile marathon men. l ermm Elvidgu won first prize. a ril- ver watch, in the good Lime of 10 min., 20 sec. Harold Alioe look second~a pair of running shoes. while Arthur Hutton and F. Summit-rs remu- next "I order. A number of impromp‘u boy's races weie also pullrd off. PASTOR Lesvrstr.--s'nuday next Rm; Mr Jammy)»: will be with his cou- ptreqarionu in Durham and at Zion for the last time, at Zion at 230. Durham 11 and 7 o'clock. Desirable that all should he present to any mind-bye to the popular and public spirited pastor. Mr Jamieson'a work in Durham has been of an earnest. devoted kind that will not tail at fruit. Outside of " regular work, the Public Library. the Alliance and every good cause found in him a friend. We congratalare the people of Palmerston while regretting the itinerant system that pranks up friendship sometimes abre- WILL REMAIN Hppr..--Many m town um] vicinity will bu pleased lc learn that Alt-551‘s it, H, Keeler & Sun havedvcided to continue their jewelry mu} fancy qumls lgusiness hero and on Scotclmm'n picnic, owing to threat- vniug weather in the em ly part of the day. was not so well attended as usual, Irutall the sumo an enjuyable day was spam. 1iectovMcDoGhi's pipes fur. nished ugreunhle music, and iuaddi- lion to othet sports the big event, was a football match bemoan Dromore and the home team which the latter won by 2 goals to l, A rvtum match is tolepluyed at Drmnure on Domin- ion Day. . ty, IMPosusu-The ~w>w red brick resi- dence of Mr. A, H. Jack,on, tising on the hill top on the site of the old Orangv “an. is assuming almost state- ly proportions as it, nears completion. Home surperlalive with " view ,, in it should he chosen as a. name. a Largur scale than Phat'. Mr It, B, Ken-Im- recently sssld out his Welland business. and coming here last week, they will cementum their energies on the Durham store. HEALTHY IN RAVEN LAKE-Mr Allan McFarlane in remitting for. the Rim le from Victoria Road sends an interesting letter from which we take " paragraph: "There are quite :1 number of Durham pimple here an do not, notice being away much. This country is considemhlv tliiterent to that around Durham. There is little or no farming but” great lot of graz- ing: Thescenere around is tine and game plentiful. There is also good lack bass and nmektlounae tMtintt within a few miles, the places re. ported exceptionally healthy and so tar we have proved this mint far everyone is quite well. The Standard nk pays interest on Sayings Bank d osits from date of deposit to date f Withdrawal. Every dollar of the posit rams interest for every day 1 remains on deposit. Mr Hugh McDonald, mnlraclor fot the new Aruwry. um. trout St. Marys. 3 few days ngn the rut. stone for steps, facings. inn, mine of it of massive di. mensions. The Work is now begun on the new site near the {Sinking rink. Tin-U. P. H. wil iisue tickets for Dominion Day at sin le fares, good going \Vedm-sdny or Thursday and return Friday. July-2nd. H. MACFARLASE. wn Agent, Prospective June Brides' or their friends should order their wedding cards at once from the REVIEW Omcti, Gill and get samples, Variety in type and cards “V priw right. BARK WANTED-331.0 Co tr of Hem- lock hark wanted tor whiv highest price will be paid. b' [Tu For wedding presents " n Wels slel'n he has everything up-l date in Jewellery, tiilverware, and Cut “use. Rim”; Go to Wetmter's f your engage- ment and Wedding Ri a. All sizés and everything up-to-da . A mat-ting of the Women',, Inamne wnll he he” at the home of Mrs Sum- nul Patterson on July 2nd. Every- Imdy welcome. Banzai“! tylishsummermillinery at S. F. Morlo , . Do not fail to see ur large studio! Summer Millinery. Miss DICK THESTANDARD BANK Wham. Build Up A Reserve Now EaahliA.d 1873 "t.lyitherrtki' Now, while your earning werk tresl,whrnotc-rtpertegit inblCuhRaaVelhatwflLmamyieldacanpetenceforoHuel . ToyeaneulrdoitbrretmurdeeitiiiGiitUGiUr" _,)ii'.jiiirhid"ii' DURHAM, THURSDAY. JUNE " 1909. DURHAM BRANCH OF CANADA Mr McLean's appomtment as post. muler antedaten Cottrederatiotf, he haying [men appoint-HI in the early b'U's of last century Governments have have come and gone. young lut'll have grown old, but the veteran stuck to his post to the last and died in a good old age. beloved and respected. “unis being humid to-day. 1veunes. Jay, in Rocky Sungevn Cemetvry, vhere his kindred lie. ltli years "W', three brothers named Snider decided to leave their home in Pennsylvania, and seek once more a new home under the British fiag. They had the "dual difficulties of trttrwpovtrttion at the time. but ulti. mately reached what is now Waterloo lh unty and there fixed their stakes. Three years after coming they built a house " Doon when is still standing after 103 years. Here on Tuesday last, forgathered descendants of the three brothers for a family reunion. 4000 invitations were sent out and amongst. the number present was Mr Snider. Sr., of Ham den, father of Capt. O. M. Snider. Ilitre great. tane. tmn secured cheap rates from the m il. ways . D. Company 3lst Re' t. will lehve on Tuesday, 29th, tor u r. Sound, 'or their annual training. "cRectuttt' mil he taken on Saturday . l and Mon- day With, after 4 p. m, our 3y. All members are requested report. Armory at the Midday!) Ho Block, The rrmpauy goes: " on Tuesday next to Pump in Owen Sound, and only half slrenglh in accordance with recent regulations. There are 15 privates, 5 nonwom's and the 2 ofticers, Capt, Snider and Lieut. Dr, McLam-in. With than of course goes the Regi- mental Band which Mr Wrntht has brought to a high state of etticieney, “'th CELEBRATE IN \VALKERTON. -Tneteits every promise of being a butttperutenduncieiu Walkerton for the Orange celebration on the 12th. The local lodge and those in this " cmity, with many others, expect to ttetheve and utilize the c, P, It tor the fipst. lime for transportatiort west. [Lisnmny years since the 12”) was eolebrated in town, but. every effort will be made to have the parade with fireand drum in Durham next yen. On Monday last there pasud away in \anlwrum Mr Malcolm McLean, the oldest postmaster and amongst the cldegt 1mm in Canada, having rearhed the age of 91 years. Mr Neil McLean, Itentinck is a lumber of de. t'eam‘d. as was the late Juhu McLean. Sisters of deceased um MIG Hall, of King, Mrs McCormick, Bunessan. Mrs McKinnon. Buntinrk. Mm Mc- Phail m the West. Deceased Wu never married. one ot his nieces or other rtl:ttiy.e, keeping house for him. Capt. Sunder of No. 4, Con puny, will: u [unduhlo desire to improve the shooting of his boys, is this Year dumb titlgashield to be competed for an- nually by members of the compzm while in can] p. The trophy is of handy: Home bronze. 10 inches bt. 12 inches, etwiv.ed in qunrlercul 0a . and is on exhibition in Keeler‘u window this week. The Entrance examination is m progress thin week, with the usual large grist of candidates. Mien Kate McDonald, Dornoch and Mr Jar, Coleridge. Drometre, have each eight writing, Durham has M, Miss Hal. penny, Boothville, 4, Miss Christie, Swiutun Park 3, and others may have asmany. Itsspectos Utuupbett is pre- Hiding. and in \Valkértun' G' wurileidhriiri, highest esteem. Sunny t'itsatvtctgrs'.-The Orange- nn-n will attend Society Serviceniu the Church of England on Sunday, July ll, und lne Uanndian Forester- In Ihe Presbyterian Church. Bunting July 18. Band in attendance at bot services. The foundation is ulmut completed of the new "nice being erected by Mr. J. P. Telford un the Hunter properly on anhtun Street, which he pur- chased lately. The Nct9onaht's me doing the work. " Furniture Co. excursion tickets for ule at MucFarhtne's. Hanover tick. els for Stopover privileges up till 28 h also on sale. Secure tickets Thursday and avoid rush of last day. Monday last. was the longest day. As the nights lengthen the heat strengthen». Only 80 or00degreo tttrove zero. Lotrr.--Between Ha wald'u Falls and Durham. :1 steel MINI-0d. Re. ward at Rmiew OMve, Special h nins in Men's and Boys' Clmhmg at b. Morlock's. Parker's Bug h' ler for the Potato he, and Turnip Fly at Gum's Drug tore. No. 4 Company, 3lst Regiment. The Oldest Postmaster Na d. ONTARIO ARCHIVES TORONTO A Monster Reunion. By truler, Miiitaryltiotice. Cii. ssuutssi, CAR. ”Bu-chi} 1LFOR 19, Jus. Ireland. J. S.Mcllmilh, Jaw. " Gun, u. L, Grant, m at. this ottice The price is 25 as. ----+ o v----- The exact date of the hue Rev. Wm Park's induction was 't few weeks earlier, 18111 of May 18.30. but June presented muny advantagvs for a w- union. So on Sunday and Monday next. the past will he recalled, the present. viewed “in: more or le-c, lhankfulnvss and the tttture iaced with courage. A commemorative pamphlet, has been printed containing ugh-at deal utiniercsiiitit mutter relating Lu Cue congregation. A historical skulch. giving incidents of the "urly days, apprecitxuoms of the past tninisters, statistics of the congregation. pot- tralls ct lhe present and all past ministers, portraits of a fcw of the pioneers, also of the present session. the managing bound. the chair. the church, the "muse. &e. As the edition is linnled. orders almuld he placed gurlyfit Lhepttn-ea of R. MacFarlane, Luv. Sunday “us the auuiwlsmy of Ilia 1'resbyteruus church in this place and services were eoudaeted by the Rev. Mr Rogers of Owen Sound. morn- ing and evening and the church was wetltilied on both occasions. Mr Rog- ers in a true burn preacher and those that did not avail themselves of the privilege of hearing him missed good services tor by his impressive manner of deiivery he commanded the “tendon of his nudieuce wholly. 1115 text in the morning was from 6th chip. gad Cor. 17 verse " Wherefore come oat from nnong them and he ye repulse, to." His discourse in the evening was on the sun of unbolief. Sunday and Monday next will he red-letter days in the annals of the Presbyterian Cluuh here for on these days will be comtuemorttted the camb- llshment of u soltled pastoral" and regular ordinances. lately wltich I):'e\'vnlu him {mm com- ing, greatly to his regret. Sanger" Presbytery will he n-pn-wnlrd by Rev. tstephen Young. Lhirord, Itev J McNanmm. Drvlylou. lim'd‘u Little, ofHolstein and Kendall of Drontote and possibly others, There will he morning, lib-moon and ekung services Sunday. Un Monday evening there will be suppel in the .basemeur from " to 7.m, to he followed Ly an Interesting evening. An ad. Inissiun fee of25cis is to he charged. On Sunday morning a column-mun» tion of a much older event wilt lake p.lace.-approaching 1000 years nuw - the Institution of the Lords' supper. handed down all these ages frum mm R?,',,",',,',',",,),", tounother bb till He come." l‘Ppille‘y sex vices at 2.30am] S p. m. on Friday by Hey. Mr McCullough. of Harriston. Of Hamilton, who, with Prof. J, D. prertson of Knox College, Toronto, will preach at the Jubilee Serviccsm Durham Presbyterian Church, on Sun. day next. Prof. J. U. Mulwrlmn I Gallo-g9 and Rev. Dr. Flilier tun are to he present. The v Dr. Mchu-er. met with an lately wltich prevvnlu him fru, ing, greatly to his regret. fleshytery will be “mm-w: The entertainment of Monday eye. ning was very largely attended by young people. though one mined thts.tiue mir. ture of young and old that used to menil. A busy season and other causes no doubt prevented, The loo-.1 choir. assisted by Ir Wm mange, furnuhel good muse and fine eoloe were rendered by Miss Emma ucLe-n and If. H. ucLeau. The feature of the eVeniug was of (:0qu the lecture by Rev. Mr )ulleu. Fergm, who Is now on the retired lint. but who can you warm up when the gospel .3. tugltpeme. {in topus, " tsiiditts," ullowod him nope tot u rIn ' of " and Immcr of the genuine f'2l bond thus kept the audicneu unused to the end, but not on. amused for among“ it " was a good deal of sound Ida» that all could profit by. It was his firtit fmit to Pricevilu. and he had got a warm teenpaiuu " very hot. duy.) Sun he loud known of them for many years, knew Muir In. pater: Fri-or. Cameron and le- Leod, and respected them all. Beltr- ring to his subject he. raid he tried to speak to the Glory OI God, Itciurmg II well " punching. " was ton-mm. to do this um] still In" a “mull huh, " I would num- lee you hush thin sloop, man u the only wind that laugh-5' Then were minim: in garments. be. otin- too lugs. seldom too mud. Ian " well " women camp mammal. " not the bud became that's too small nnywny," but neck um] um uud feet III sufUred. The fig have; of out first ”new we tridkta, but God counted sum “you now of dim. REP, D. H. FLETCHER. D. D, After R) Years. Priceville of Knox um unu- tiaugeen 'nted by ml, Rev u.uull~ umrahlv ucidoul ll A reception mrty had been prepar- ed and over r"d guests were present at the bride's home to give them a royal welcome. Durhlm hand rendered a fine illusion] program to add to the evening'a festivities while the guests enjoyed Iliemselvee until Inm-nin hours in games, etc. during winter: dainty refreshments were served. Many sincere good wishes were ten- dered the young ".couple, who we are uleused to my. will renmnn and take up, residence of_ their mm in. wrn in it few tr visit with relatives in Ham. ilton an Toronto. but on returning Monday evening of this week ahig surprise awaited them. The tessidettce of Mr. and Moi. Thos. Daniel. Lainliwn at. was the scene of a quiet and pletty wedding, lust Wed. neudny. June IO, when at l i. m. their daughter Miss M try. joined hand mid heart with Mr. John Murdock. The ceremony was performed lay their [ms- tor Rev. Mr. Newton, the bride and groom being unattended ; and took place. in the presence of only a few relatives and invited guests. The bride was ver attractively nt- tired in blue nilk 2lrd,1"i1f M lmquet of Carnations. while her travelling wit was of navy blue ladies' cloth, with hat to match. A numerous and bean- tiful army of [lilx'esents testMied to . he popularity of t e young couple “mung their tinny friends in town and out. side. Guests present. from u distant-e were Mrs Welsh and Miss Lottie Unn- iel. Hamilton. hintels of the bride and Mrs Hays and Mrs Muidork. Min kdnle, the latter. the mother of the gluon). For their wedding trip the happy copple)eft on the afternoon train on u'few days. The REVIEW adds hear tr congratulations. Apretty June Wedding took place at the home of Mr. John Pettigrew, Wtwvana, nu the mi- itvst. when Miss Elizabeth Pettigrew, youngest daugh- ter of the late Quintin Petligrew of Durham, Ont., and sister. of MI. John Pt-ttinrew. was united in nmrringe to Mr. James Irving of Rocky Lake by Rev. Wm. Puttcison of St. Andrew's church. Lun-sden. The bride “in given away by bet brother Mr John Pettigrew to the 51mins of Mendel- eohn'u Weddingynarctt. The hand. some bride was artistically “owned in white “incline satin with trimmings of white silk allow-I lace. carrying a 'ngt,1 of roses and lilies of the valley. hose present included the rela- tions and intimate friends of the run- trturting parties. After the usual con- gntulutious and best wishes all pur- took of a. bountiful wedding tepast, responding bentin to the toasts of the occosion. Many beautiful gifts were received by Mr. and Mrs. Irving, including lgold bracelet, the bride- moom‘l (in to his bade. Their many friends join in wishing themnlong and happy h'fe.--Lumsdem Husk. News Record. Young man. remember the ttrent men of today were once like you. They succeeded: why can't you ? Just nttehd Mt Forest Business College. Before the lecture able, in the bows" men: laden wnh Priesville's best, we" surrounded by the happy wrong and at the close them w" still I do. mind for the excellent provision of I'ricewllelndlea. We did not Ion-n the length of doorkeeper mKJoriuiekhs purse, but it ulna: have been eottaderubo. Sometime before the close of the century they will III") to do without Dngnld. but may it be puny years yet. -----_------ Itev. Mr Barry in some well-chosen to. mlrkl moved a Vote of thinks to the wanker. seconded by Mr D. uclnnu Ind lie-rm y carried. Rev. If nathesnn had much] thanks to the congregau m for their recent “in of a bone to replace one he had lost, the imndeut rewnlinu the kindly feel. mga_zha.t exiu between pastor Ind IMropur. The young women who excelled on the pinno. in in, &c..ht oould not cook n potato or make a bed w“ n miuit. In some! life there were tnirtita between would) and knowledge, shown often by the oping trfter lag words, as by one Iariv who hid " a catholic in both eyes and I population in tbe heart " null mother who, tar illneu got I shock from I " Calvinistio Battery." Fr Not a bad thing " he added hu3etiously, " for Bro. Berry here." Then there were nolnioel mums, tttoaths ministers, pro. hemioueu. and in may other prolesnlona I. td busineeul. ' Above all he warnol them that the ludmduel who in this life mnkes no pruwsion for the next is nun-eat ttoistit and reminded his Audience impressively tl3dt there were no miAitq in heaven and no minim; In hell. tall woman wedded I the“ an. m old woman a young mm. to... but sometimes than; Wen only nppsront. A mudit in million Wu n urinal thing when were Wu full agreement to urea to disagree. Occniomlly more was found mtiouu misfit' where a cultured lady matted I. booribh man. be. -73“ M“ V. WWI-“vuw m 56,350,000 $34,000.000 One ofthegreateothelpsin accumulating moneyise Saw incaAecount. The desiietoincrease it, and the habitofet mating money -d---drawing it.out only a . -developethelnhltof saving, and brings you out tteut2it2,."tt 18mm sustiuhatvxcul WWII! diorama. xopensa vine count. outdo it y g u Published Weekly " t1.00 s nu. ”can A!” " mm TRhllEllt5; BANK DURHAM BEANC Two June Weddings. "tvtNo--PtitrurHEw Mnmm -----t.+ THE BANK FOR THE PEOPLE Ang. PRESTON. Prete6er We did not lent) the wt mKJoriuiekhs purse, 'e been eottaderubo, no close of the century K--aJAsatu of Canada 'estttied to the muple among 'mwn and out- mu n dislmu'e m Louie Unn- Lhe luide and ck, Mandala, INCORPOMYED was TIE REVIEW. DURHAM j [ONT fl: /t'/n,qr Mr Flint Hind left Chum!" to In A would with»: In Elan. Ir H. If. Nockler went to Toronto Wednesdny on I bu-ineu trip. In Alex. Nevin took In the Grand Excursion to Guelph cn Monday. Misc Jenn Ireland viuited Mr, Forest friends A couple days last week. "in Dniny Blackburn is spending I tere Iwevku at present with Toronto wintivoa. John from ‘lelh the tine to which rub- caution hu been Nt", Ocu- nnl out» use this vat ou- rected up to date. . If you. in not correct. kindly notify an st once. We thunk att who In"! renewed the put few weeks but there are yet mmy other: We w‘nh to hour from at.'.ottee. charge cf Varnvy u odist circuits, loft Mooretield Weduet 'ytttttepiataaly fun Mu he will henceforth h Mrs McGaum-l. Sr m morning Llpughirr Uuugnll w of the Witt In splendid Guelph excur Int and mm: fewer than Mrs.Tumbull In: returned to he own home north of town. after spend in: the winlerumntha with her-datum ter. Mr. Milligan. nouth line. Boutinct Mrs N. W. (Human-IL Miss Inlay Muslor tan and Miss Lillie Harm leave to-ny, Thursday for their Mu. [mint home at Brown‘s Brae. Lake " Durham. and Bunions down to put the mum far an their mm A small lhruug n Might crow: chiefly from Mn temurce tvt1ecti Mary plenaura Minn Manh, (Elan-lg. came but week from her far weswrn vitrit relatives in Vancouver. I ton and other points B Mica-n Clan Aljoe and Rita Irwin Were delegates hut Thundny lo the uun'uul Epwonh League Cottferenee in Arthur, H A pamphh sketch nf tl “was days [mils of all who In in very poor henlth " iGiGii". Min McCormick, of Rochester, was a guest, of Miss K. Md‘rurmlck has an: friends in Bentinck over the week en . Mine: Annie Alioe And Irene Luci mer left Ftiduy to spend some time visiting relatives and friend: in T'or. onto. Mr W.4. Adams went to Ir'ttit Pri, dny to visit his easier. In Philiie who in in w rv poor health at. ma..."- Mr: Adam Brnwn returned Tumdny to Parry Sound Imm- spending some hme with her father and Sister here. Mr I'. A. "1"“. ('uslnnw "Meer, re turned to Ruth " Saturday. where he will attend to Muskoka holiday tratfie 1 A: . . l _ t I l, in!) .'tU Y' A -1' I - __ --__ __ t, MAncrr--u'omedy Clu 6 Ovun'rvmc 'Sincella 7 1dAncrg-Aenericiut The ills! directiunol will rendel Thursday a m. on Gun 1 Hum" -Our Sprciul .....Jewcll 2 ovruvrctex-Cmsrittn, ,Iluhlmm ' MARCH --Our Glorioefnt. . . . .. BAND ' Value MI Mr T. A. H, The Farmers' Excursion. C. BAIAGE t sax. Pun-nu All) Pum- Gil her on Neil at and from M " Jubilee Bowen" or Durham Presbyterian Church. Girutar t St 'e who a ,theesdav w. (‘uldwol lutvrv. W. m, men We Pe It!!!“ School Days. ..1 --romedr Club PROGRAM. JUNE 24 NBA} Pr tht Dy, "t'tt M 1 Save the King. weather u, tsiott mum- l For Sale. '0: extended vi mm. Mes M "smtmttied h In: returned to her of town. after spend- )ntha win h her daugh- mouth line. Hendrick. 'tapex' " 'evnll». It R, Mr nununun for 1mm Li iiiiiniiin. .. ..........Brovm Mt this week lhménknns J'rg2't'.' I . . rook: 7 .. . gun-rd 24 ur, Ben Hm: if tic nder the LWtatrht prognuu at b' 15 p. I): Honda, to he: 'iterrott, ot1 notue trip to 'duion.

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