West Grey Digital Newspapers

Durham Review (1897), 24 Jun 1909, p. 6

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ll. McIntyre J IO ton street), {Titan Cost I; already, we mu: to be dis. “MC" prices on \er one of the tm. JUNE " 5 -/ Ladies' ttte ts ' zmr interests .IH commerN8 ard of prices l n ce Ribbons ' 1 Sailors HES . & Pink s hats Blouses NM. ttow-e ..1 F .98 tr' .49 h with ring. , 2.25 '168 tor ack mum s with 'tet mu worth ' 1.29 white no! hind" nnd 25mm: I ties ", .98 I ribbon "te "RV! and neat nd Mark trom me we bunch oed “It mm not. . . is" , .98 .98 m . Iran tripe n! 1.68 1.75 1.49 ly trim 0 With 1.98 prett " u! tulle. 2.98 "out?! troiott 2.08 h "aw L98 L98 and fo my: wind liie ak lite has DI " my man ' “and III rip-r. um" W. in m tb tt 1k JUNE " 1900 We have all the proper regard for the latest way of conduct- ing the Men's Furnishing bus- iness and a visit to out ep" more a are is.",i'j,'iiA'iti'rg& will cdnvince 'tttt. $rturgahts L 'mittiuerg M. goo-r 0.9. " - 33ml? rm“ y, ,l,i1tiii'i-lc3,5i'l',rtt', F: , CNN Fe"s51'5, 'aTMIr, Wat-nah” 'i,rr,irit'ii't "dr, ','fR' gt'i?i5i,' at and“. Y; ."rt , T ‘1 1'?1riiit,i18, u. r :'it', ftriss"1qPt'ittt?,teir, Fi ot Button Hill, Berttiuek on Juno 15. GG og friend: if GTG-ia to thou. At fire o'lock the groom took " Mrs H. Byers hu boon quit. ilk plus. followed by the bride Inning during tho pull Ink. W. hope to on the arm of her father, under an '06 Iter In her ”all heath ttsites be. nob of avergreens and lilacs. to the fore on" due. . . l strains of a wedding march phyed by Me T, Pieifer T" bu” tit. DOWN"! ( Miss Olive Cook of Traverston. About!0f tht, week cutmig Tee..?:,....,..,--,, A of 'ninntv "IIDJIB sun-n -- "-- b. . ua- W---rp-a _ -. Hay was cut " this farm last year and the balance pastured, Privilege will he given to cut, thls year’s hay “up, storethe amm- in Inn-us, to be fed out on the farm during period tor which rented. Fur furlhor particulars upply to JOHN A. GRAHAM. Box 100, Durlmn-. " to DONALD GRAHAM. Priceville '1 he farm is well fenced and is water- ed by never-railing swing creek, Will rpm for term of Years. 100 new I'm-m in Ulenelq. one ha twav between Durham and Pviceville. _ Machines. National Cream Separators Robes, Blankets, Rugs, Whips etc Daisy Chums. Washers, Wingers Beatty's Hay Goods Promptness and fair dealing will continue to be my motto Yours for Business. Cockshutt Plow Co. Ltd., Brantford Paris Flows, Spreaders, etc Blue]! Rollers 3nd Disc Ell-rows Adams Waggon: and Sleigh: Barber, Armstrong, Tudhope and Barnes Buggies. Armstrong and Tudhope Cuttus Bell & Thomas Organs and Pianos Rudd Harness, Toronto Raymond & New Williams Sewing Peter Hamilton Farm Implements all poGtil." ----. --M.-.... WWF Money toAend at lower rates than yuu'can borrow elsewhere. - ‘ Debt: Collected. No charge it' unth- mg collected. All kinds of fiunncial huniness cure-fully and quietly unen- ded to. "Always Prompt. Never Negligent.' The Hanover comreraneer', otrerat 200 Acres GlsrneW--uood frame dwel. ling and one ot the very best and largest, frame bank harm in the County of Grey-a gift at 827(1). 100 Acres, Bentinek--Fine brick. Ten. eered and {have dwelling, frame hunk “an: And all good buildings. price 8'2600 J hardly the value of the huhdiugs. Owner bound to sell. 180 acres Bentlnck - " miles from Hmmver, clone to school and Poht Office with daily mail. Brick home. frame lmnk burn. great map, and Many other Good Bargains in Farm and Town propel ly. If you want ("Buy orSe1t gum Miller No charge if no business done, Railway and Steamship Tickets lo l by attending to this advertisement McIntyre Bloek--Lambton Sc Barclay and Bell's old stand l t We have a. complete stock of Carpets, Linoleums in all widths, Bugs and a. very large assortment of Lace Curtain-Aho newest patterns and newest dairigas--da the mom! flat Money to be Made A pretty June ridding us Iolemh- G ized at the home of Mr. nu! My. n A. B. McLellan. xour ya“, .01 tan T?.E' luv“ tAt eelettrated. Stalking Bros or- Pasture to Rent. B. H. MILLER, THERE'S [ ' '-'wu'l.;-;"“"d _ M, ').ts"'i:"f5hid'a"it (Ctfy"i,W, House Furnishing Dept. a; m " tikLti tt.nderU?ypets lur c, teni, it. the Ite, View otttce. were, made. a continued Improvement In most cute-a being notice-able. Follow- ing 15 the score (“300 yds. at those Ink» ing go per cent. or our , John McKenzie taking the 1so.notrx on his rte-cowl series of Ion shots with n score of M. W. [human 42 James Coleridge N ti Patterson 38 " 'l‘uylnr m) 'd ishudlay 28 Dou't forget the Furcsler'u plClllC to be held in Drawers, July lac. Good sports. splendid program. Come and meet all your friends. Alunssiun 10 and " eta. At the Dromoro 1litle ques on Fri- day evening In“ notwithstanding the high mud prevailing. fiou" “nod scores was may Taylor has been under the weather the past few days. We hope soon to see her able to be oat scum. Imam Gonlou Findlug and John Reuwick took in the nxcursion to Guelph on uouday. Thuy report a fiue time. Kiss Bettina Reuwick. Toronto, ar- rived [mine Saturday on hpelld a couple weeks' vacation with her pure-Mn. Come to the Women's Institute meet mg to beheld in Russell Hall, nondav. Jane 23.h. In the utternow Mrs Conn Campbell will speak on " The House keeper and her importance to "In state .. Mist, Hyland will weak on .. T-bhle setting and 'servttut," In the evening Hrs Campbell will speak on " The farm- er’s fruit and vegetable garden," Miss Wlaud on " Household Conveniences." Good program is being prepared for eve. ving meeting. Admission for adults 10e. Be spre Er get Stin- ONTARIO ARCHIVES TORONTO A BIG BUNDLE of old p"pertrfo yv G. H. STINSON Model Bakery son S bakery goods and you will always be satis- tied. We have afresh supply of Buns, Dough. nuts, Cookies, Cakes, and Pastry of all kinds always on hand Cart Delivers Ddily We buy our bread at Stinson's and think it is the very best too. That is what you hear the people say. es Dromore. My; for Produce. See our Men's foe Belts. The Milan] is thoroughly qupt-d in ten-hing ability. in chemial and elec cal supplies am ttttlugs, ac. for full Junie: Leaving and Munr- ulntion work. The following competent mm “a m chute r TECH. ALLAN. Principal. mun»: Certititaste, Eunice“ I tichuee, Euclid. English ’irmnumr Boo -keeplua and Willing. Miss DONALDA MeKERRACHER, B. A., man unte of Queen'l University. Eulijw'z- Latin. French. Algebra, Arithmetic. Miss AMY EDGE, Graduate ot the "eulty m Edtttttiott. Subjecu: Literature. than". sition. Gear-play. History nnd Art. Intending Students would out” A! the num- nine of the term" pus-me. Bond cm he ob- umod n mnable moo. Dummy: in n healthy mid “tr-dive town, Ill-kin. it I most desirable place iogo,r,ttiATPt A . _ w'"'" V midis] iliir month in “1"an J. P.Tollorg_.J__h e. a; i ' PARKER’S BOO KILLER Lots o and 7.01m. 2. N. D. lt . Gleo. elu. “liner”. [and ham? bouse, and othe, buildings, well watered. Owner Romtt west. A “martin. It!) acres in Prulon. near Swinlun Park, fair building”. gum! land, well dramed, well Wulmed and well tenced. Only $360". Us urn-s in Eur-mum”. ttood land good buildings. Wdt8n. tro acres in the Third Concession F. G. u. Glenda. This u n fitst class taran With “nod buildings in the mm! dean-able location. The farm can» tsitsttsoOG were: of rich cult ivnhlc- land free from nutmeg and rr, acres of hum. Price 8rmo. 2at arm“ um the G' "ttir-ttus “mud, 'dull Llesu'. 5” ttct't'S hal'dWoud bush, well watered. first class quldings. Will he sold cheap to wind up anal». 150 new» in Bentinck. huildings and soil grind. everything in first clato. shape. Price saw. 100 acres in Henlinck on GnrafraXu Road m-nr Dornoch. [mud huildmgr. price reduced from $3000 to $2300 fu; quick tsale. 250 acres in Beutinck. Five miles from Durham). fin" buildinan. gund lund. with at quantity of timber. Must he sold at once. l”ricv $6000. SI; n Aha}! itistGi'era" west 017131 Station. Apply to A dwelling house and 145 new: at land in the Town or Durham. tlate lhr \lightnn pr xm-rly). south of Lamlllml :3an U1 It‘ll 3 DMDII“III A good comfortable house with hard water inside l rent 86 per month. The public are hereb "otrtied tltrtt t)ahing is strictly proflihiled on Lot 28, Uott,2, E. G. R, (opposite Glen- roadgn). All ll'cspassel's will be prose- t'ttte . Durham School To Rent 2 good hvuses. Apply h ARTHUR H. .Mcxnnx. Dunhum Sutff and Equip-noon. Farms For Ba 1e. For Sale or Rent House to Rent JAMES WATSON. Varney THos. COOK. Max-mule. CGtrtnsu Fishing Notice. For Sale. ts'oiiciior, buridi. ttut w. F. DUNN how Rheum-tic pair" m quickly killed by Dr. Shoop‘n Rheumatic Iarr"dr-- ' liquid or tabla“. Sud no my. TMLMEIru. !hne1tey,et.1if'ttit J. M. LATIMEK WM. LAIDLA w A. MrCanvK Tell some deserving Rheumulc an! (era. that more in wt one simple I!" to attain Relief. Get Dr Shoou'l' book "eedeett Saw It1ln. on Rhona-Liam uni n the kit but. Vii- book .le nuke it “gm" elm Atgd2Te,g'"Pttrriiu,l,'tA1U', 1roqr_rthetrt"it? ey up ,,rittl.rAll", I E urn-Mon to do all kinds of can ed)", -. A? oil/MI: Canal: Oxford: tor /- N . J Ill/u Wino: & Clildnn mu, - The hgghtt"g,1,',','ee'rf,, of aunts. etc in town 0 choose from. IS YOUR LAWN WELL - KEPT ? '. 'nledtretth "iitiiiU for him .9, Mac. was. #15 "itUurtG'GNo' choose from. _ Canton work turd 'i,1"tl'2f, " 'tt u ' . m. ta ‘en n ex good: " the down town tttali,', Mar an» We have a good 1; different aim qualities. Our ar. See it. We Jinn Sprinklers & applies. oal for g Delivery sh any, leave order: male all size- but one td that the beat. ID CEMENT Oar stock vii trouble to show 3 any time. intosh. and of W. Calder of i the Town of Dur- ft of J. A. Darling, of dollars of new lpply your wants in a. School Supplies, arden Seeds, Soups. not Medicines lent, is entirely un- u Carveth, Iicenoed tliege of Pharmacy, large practical and in Toronto, 0mm. 2r Towns. Nothing apt in stock. Pe- on short notice a stocked and have I .d Mammoth Allike Malta Cloveni and All of these Seeds men of the highest stamped with the p, A good supply it Sets Ill Omani. Irden and Flower agold, Carrot. Beet Ield needs. That . fro-tinMe dee- I will be lower than 'here. we at: betcha ' giving good pur- throughc It. We 1 see our stock and it Store Block, Durban Eggs m bum in mind. when “union: mirofour Trn' - @015. Box on", mt colt " a ‘4 t tad the Royal eerlean for Man. sud II tto at our lines at to Jail Screens are beginning to move and we have a good sup- ply of all sizes and qualities. Store and no quality Screen Door) N. loll-nu

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