West Grey Digital Newspapers

Durham Review (1897), 24 Jun 1909, p. 7

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rt cIntyre Lou Street HI Cost m. JNE " Heady, we to be dis. " prices on one of the r interests commence i oiouses ttt prices hats If Pinh "lies' _, 22li "iris) ' 13¢ Sailors Ribbons llllet tt 1 going 2.98 2.258 1.98 .98 .98 .98 .49 98 ml'h ilk IN 29“ [NJ m a nd Ila lite ttt ly h :itrt , 17 .', =35§€ENNEDY8£KENNEDY i,i:msJtEiiiNE0Y& KENNEDY Hrs. Kennedy & Keréan mm R EADER mix: JUNE M, 1909 We are showing a very attractive line of Men's Tweed and worsted Trousers that we are selling at special prices. We are clearing the balance of our stock of stylish trimmed Millinery at sweeping reductions. Here is the chance for you to secure an extra Hat at a very low price. You will find a wide choice of styles in the very latest models suitable for summer wear. n .‘n'w-r " big season’s selling in Men's and Poys' Cindwm, it leaves us with many broken lines. Sum lw ve only one or two sizes of a kind left. So if your size is here, you get a snap. We do not claim to sell every suit in our store at cost, but a great many will be cleared at less than cost (if manufacture. OUR NEW M It? " Ba" a " ... " " .I 4r.'f WDW:" " ";".. , o 0-1 Nt ft "ri-i?" "ti'rNtv0i'vNt, xlgfi fn‘ a$5 A i,.'ls Guam.) Let lor Homo Truman! Sun on Roan-u. g 5’ Proofs of our Spring in "aiiiiil Tailoring sizagan Mt, and Griswold 8t. iNEDV 8peciat Clearing of Clot/ling ret '. Jr. War/oak ants for Progress Brand Clothing , T r1 o TR TM EN done can cure on. and make a IF.» ihu P,. the EN te,,'l'Ctle',','. the blood Je'kJI so that all wt Man a Utsuppear, the u: rvm become strong " not]. so that ner~ a mm damnulrnc vztslvirl. the eye b comes bright, the face full and R to the t ody, angthe moral, phyqiml, um! vital systems are invV. At"-- my more v . "I win!- front the uptown Dent let quack! and fakh’l ennui dulluxn. W. wltt “my“ or no pay. '9arsrazhs fn mwmery line. Each Spring scaNon shows. us to the front with an attractive and distinctive stock of auitings. Present stock is no exception, unicss it is that it's butter. We invite you to come and see it, You gain: is an artistic wcllfltting. one if we arc your tailors. Our customers are wnsc_ as to what's becoming and as to what “mus we}: m thy NERVOUS DEBILITY I Iv rivctrad9 of young: and middle Ry d men are annual! awe t t , u mum-tun: Brave through EARLY '/fdyh"Jll'Gi1'a,' I'N ', Lawns AND BLOOD DIM‘ASES. If you have Any of the f f Law-inc symptoms consult us baron-1H; too late, Are you t 1mm and weak. despondent Ind gloomg, "Inks before the ' c-. with dark circles undtr them, weak ack, kidneys irritti- , "a pulpltatioss of the hurt, his shfttl, drum; and losses, tedi- -:-,x ~11 m urine, pimp!“ on the large"! sunken. hollow cheeks r ~~wnn expression. poor memory. liking. 'ii-trsriul, lack ' 'v-IL'V and strength, tin-d mornings restless nights. flange- “.1- month. wrak mm‘amod, premature decay, bone pawl. bill: I (at. sore throat etc, Blood Poison. B LOQ D POI S N tire the ttttet 1 av dent am most serious disierssest. . 7he-y Esplhe‘very li.fe ET m tD H. "A. BURNETT aurr who has (rum! you. write for an hour“ opinion Free up. [200145 ttRtttr.-'"rhe Golden Ionizer" (Manned) SUCCESSO " To " )QD POISONS mood Poirot" are the man tun- mIM St", mus disruses. They up the very life the vuum, and "uh-w rulircly eradicated fromthe .mnn. Hrvmze of Mercury. It only suppresses the Ares them Tailored Clothe: Any View DETROIT, HIGH Muss helm-ecu Nichol has been turler tlr: weuthea tor tite last fortnight. Mr Andrew Derby ot Hanover. spent it few days the beginning of the week working fur the King on our road. Miss Alice Lendrum of Toronto, in at preseut visiting her relatives, the Sump family. Hamptlen nnnnal pienie will be held ou Friday, July y., in Derby’. (have. Statute labor was ermpletod last week and A good job made of the road. A meeting of Nurse interested in the' cemetury waa hell pn Tuesday night. and some necessary business attended Miss Marin Robinson of rlesherton, visited her brother David at. tho old homestead. over the week-cud. Small Mr. Wright and son of Durham. called on Mr. H. Burnett. Sunday. Miss Annie Lawrence. teacher of Wingham. attended her sister's wed. ding on Tuesday last. Mr, Geo. Smith and daughter Win- me of .Ut.Forest “sued friends in this pan. lately. Mr. and Mrs Robs ham were the quests Hopkins Sunday last, Pains of women, hem] paws, or any pain stopped in 20 minutes sure, with Dr. Shoup‘e Pink Pain Tablets. See full formula on 25c. Bos, sum by uNer'rrlaue & Co. Mr, Wm. Benton of \Vaudby c1130} on the Hopkins family Monday last. Mr. Wm, Smith is at present re- modelling hls front verandah by put- ting a new cement floor in it. Mr Henry Sealey. one of our lucky men of these parts has a fine span of young colts. A pretty June wedding In Elem!» ized " the home of Mr. and Mrs. Henry Lawrence. when their dough- ter Margaret Agnes. was united in marriage to Mr. Thee June: Milligan of Hutton Hill, Bentlnelt on June Li. At fire o'loek the groom took his plus followed by the bride leaning on the arm of her father, under an arch of evergreens and lilacs. to the strains of s wedding much phteil by Miss Olive Cook of Traverston. About ninety guests were on the lawn to witness this ever interesting event After hearty congratulations from the guests, they all assembled to the dining room where they did ample justice to the lovely spread before them. The rest of the evening was spent in music. games. singing, etc. The bride was becomingly dressed in a white silk dress trimmed With white soutache braiding and netting With bat to match and carried a boquet of pink and white esrnations and mud- en hair fern. Iler going away suit was of elephant's breath. The num- erous and costly presents showed the esteem in which the young couple were held, the gift to the bride from groom being I: handsome gold locket set in pearls The happy couple took up their abode in Mountinck. near llu'triii Hill where the wry best of wishes follow them for 't lung and happy life together. - ver in is ke 0N THE MOVE l a? Jim if lu/pls, 21:31? Good Bargains and b selling largely and giving good bargains. Everybody is boiling for snaps, and {be small profit, quick sale system enables us to give {be people what fbey want. New fashion- able goods at low prices. T Our Stock of Prints, Ginghams, Muslins and Dress Goods i:s large and new. It is composed of the newest de- sign 8 and the neatest patterns. Our Steak is large and new. . Bought previous to the advance in price of leather and we are still selling at the late prices LMNES'---in Queen Alexandra, Pa- tent Vici Kid, Chocolate, Oxblood, In Oxfords and High Shoes. MEN'S- in King Edward, Patent " lour Calf, Box Calf, Vlci Kid and the celebrated, Sterling Bros Wor- king $1199: We have a complete stock of Carpets, Linoleums in all widths, Rags and a very large assortment of Lace thrrisinis--the newest patterns and newest iletsigtis-6n the second flat Popular Place Boots & Shoes Profits Hampden Dry Goods G. & J, MOKBCHNIE Unrneu of Dur. of Mr. and Mrs., House Furnishing Dept. Gr. d J, _ McKBGHNIE THE DURHAM REVIEW The Highest Pelee: for Produce. Buy your held and garden seeds from Matthews a Latimer. Pam anywhere stopped iu2tt minutes sure mill ouu of Dr. Sheep‘s Pink Pain Tablets. The formula is on the 25 cent. box. Ask Vot3r Doctor or Drug. gi-t about :helormula! Stops womun~ ly pains, lumlmche. [mm anywhere. Write Dr. Slump. Racine. Wm, for free trial to prove value. Ball] by Mae. Farlaue & Co. The manly art performance which was about to take place on the football mound Friday evening between Wm Hamilton of Cemetery aide and Robby Burns ol Salem side, was decided in favor of the former, owing to the norraeeeptanee oi his challenge by the latter. The stork visited the 15th Concession several weeks ttgo and left I tiny girl with Mr tend Mrs Jas. Young. Anniversary servic: on Sunday was conducted by Rev. T, A. ltogens of Knox Church. Owen Sound. a very impressive sermon was preach. ed from John 3 and 16. Mu"): interest. is being taken by the young people in the convention. which is being held in Hopeville church this Week. Mr -and Mrs Fred [{unciman and family Sundayed with Swinton Park irtends. Miss Maggie Knox spent Sunday an her home here. Wedding bells are ringing still Will tell you mum some other day Mr and Mrs N. Metzger spent Pn. day at the home ot Mr Metzger'a father. Inspector Campbell visited the school on Wednesday morning and expressed his pleasure at. the program; of the children. Mrs Wm Marshall is under the weath at again. Mr Jan. Byers and his Sisters spent an evening lost week with Mr A. Ander- son and family. Last week We reported briefly the death of lip Charlie [law on the 14th inst. The funeral took place on Tuesday to St. Andrews church. where a very impressive service was held. Conducted by Rev. J. A. Math. cson. The large crowd that follow. ed the remains to their lam resting place testily in no small measure tutho esteem in which he was held by all who were saflieienti.y fortunate us to make his acquaintance. Mr Leslie Watson who saffered with a very sudden attack of malaria fever last week is, we are pleased to nytiee able to be abuitt again. Mr George Campbell, in good com- pany, enjoyed a very pleasant drive Friday evening. MrJoo George has been helping Mr Joe Ford lately. Mrs H. Byers bu been quite ill dunog the past week. We hope to see her In her nan-l health Iglin be. fore many dare, Mr T, Heller was busy the beginning of the week cutting wood. On Tuesday, Jhne 15, Miss Linus Geddes. was muried " the mun-o u Hanover. to Mr John Ludllw ot Pitts burg Only I few pf the unto“ rel. anves of the btide nod groom were present. Hearty congratulations of I Lost of friends are extended to them. Min Maggie Gilmour 1nd Miss Mary Hooper visited our the mask am] at the home of the latter near Dromore. ONTARIO ARCHIVES TORONTO Swinton Park We have an excellent stock of the celebrated makes, Broadway and Fas- Mon. The newest in the market and made in the most workmanlike manner, which we are selling at very low prices. Gents' Furnishings We have an exceilent stock of MATS, in hard and soft felt. In Men's Shirts we have all the new- est stripes and cheeks in the chumbray goods. . Complete stock of Men's Balisrittitan Underwem See our Men's foe Belts. Men's Clothing The Standard Bank pays interest on Savings Bunk deposits from date of deposit to date of withdrawal. Every dollar of the deposit earns interest for every day it remains on deposit. It you would have a safe yet cnrlain Cough Remedv in the harm, try Dr. ShoopV-at ieast once. It islhorough- Iv unliue any other Cough preparation. Its mate will be entirely new to you -t1nleo it is alréady your favorite Cough Remedy. No opium, chloroform. or any other stupifying ingredients one used. The tendor leaves of nix-rmlesa. lune-healing mountainous shrub. give to Dr._Shoop'a Cough Remedy its won- deriul curative properties. It is truly a most certain an! trustworthy pre- scription. Sold by MacFitrlane & Co. Well Mr Editor how nre the mos- qmtusour. there? If they are any worse out west than they are here, well I guess we'll stay here. Quite a number from around here attended St. Audrews church last Sabbath ttt d report having a good sermon and a large crowd. Mr tiid Mrs Jake Smith spent Sun- day afternoon with Mr and Mrs Wm Sackett. Some oi our young people are at- tending the Wyywille.Convention and report splendid meetings. LAT“ mm tiAcrs.---Atty quantity at the Hardware store. _ Mrs Thos. Haw and her daughter Mrs McKenny and two children ot Toronto, are visiting at Mr Goo. Sscketc's at present. Mr Kriss Wheeler and sister Mosaic attended Dromnre Endeavor Sunday evening. We are all looking forward to the biz Garden Party at Swinton Park Tuesday evening. We expect a big time. Particulars next week. Mr B. McFayden whb has been laid up with la grippo, IS able to be around again. Say Sandy you'll be gettinginto trouble, isn't one girl enough ? If you get " at GUN’S. it’s good OUN'S DRUG STORE Sackett's Corners. The only proper thing to use on your Potatoes and Turnips. A sure thing--no water to carry -easily applied. No better preparation-- none as good. PARKER’S BOO KILLER FERTILIZER Ind INSECTICIDE Made only at A. S. Irr.wrtitt L arge Sales Ire more of our numerous lines of Sfring and Summer goods. Gaso ine always on hand. Gasoline and , Coal Oil Stoves This Firm known under the above name is comprised of W. Calder of the Town of Durham and H, Carveth, now a resident of the Town of Dur- ham and are the parties who recently bought in the stock of J. A. Darling, at alow rate on the dollar. We have added hundreds of dollars of new stock in the different departments and are prepared to supply your wants in the line of Drugs, Patent Medicines. Druggists Sundries. School Supplies, and all kinds writing material, Clover, Timothy and Garden Seeds, Soaps, Perfumes, Groceries, Tobaccos, Cigars. Confectionery, etc. In this line we have all Sizes, to meet your re- quirements. We have added a full line of the purest Teas, Coffees, Sugars, Spices, Raisins, Currants, etc, We will sur- prise you with low prices in this dept. Fruit and Confectionery We can help,you make and keep it so. We have a good assortment of L M of different sizes kinds and awn owers qualities. Our "Black Dlamond" Lawn Mower is a daisy. See it. We aiso have Rubber Hose of different sizes, Lawn Sprinklers & Sprays and all kinds of Lawn and Garden supplies. We have anything you may require. Our stock .is complete and up-to-date and as it is no trouble to show goods, we ask you to have a look around at any time. This is also a new department We will have constantly on hand fruits in season such as Oranges. Ba- nanas. Pineapple, Strawberries, &c, A full line of Harry Webb's Confec. iouery both in bulk and boxes. The warm weather will soonbe here and we propose to throwopen our parlors to the public and supply all kinds of cool and refreshing drinks, Ice Cream Sodas, etc. Poultry Netting Gi, - - - V'w- Trr" [ We are fully stocked and have a here aridwgempgggefo {Siomm I good supply of Red Mammoth Alsike ourpartors to the public and supply l hueerene and Alfalfa Clovers and all kinds of cool and refreshing (Timothy Seeds. All of these frdt drinks Ice Cream Sodas etc bought from beedmen of the highest ' ' . reputation and stamped with the ”shin Tackle Government stamp, A good su ply . P We have a splendid line of split lot potato-and Dutch Sets in Onions. Bamboo and Green heart fancy poles. A full line of Garden and Flower All kinds of Lines, Fishing Baskets, (Seeds Ty.ray, Mtutttold, Carrot, Bed Sinkers. Hooks Swivels. The tttt and all kinds of field seeds. These of May will 500.; be here-call early have been bought tr?P:-re)iable dea. and get your choice and at prices lers and the prices will be lower than away down, . you can buy elsewhere. _In conclusion we would intimate to the public that we, me here to es tablisha permanent business by selling at close prices, giving good pur goods, attentiveness to your wants and square dealing throughout. We mean exactly what we advertise and want you to call and see our stock and get our prices before buying elsewhere. Remember the piaee-Dariing's old stand, Caldera Block, Durham Lenahan iS' McIntosh. Firm Name Hardware & Furniture Tell than deserving lilleuuullc ml (em. that there is yet one simple w" to comb relief. Get Dr Shoop'n book an Rheumatism um! n {we will tmst. This book will make it ontlrelv clear how Rheum-tic [min- us quickly killed " Dr. Sheep's IttMramatie Iau"sdy-- liquid or touta. Send no money. Tl» “at is tree, Sunni-o tome dithetsrt. out! um 1», Int (will. foe him wo_hok_t_rom_ ltr. “an. Racine. Will iiiiiiFiiiis% in. t Co. Ice Cream Department The Central Drug Store Grocery Department Drugs ct!yr,tietitttd., We are Agents tor The Central Drug Store IS YOUR LAWN WELL - KEPT ? W. CALDER Highest Prices paid for Eggs ', Mel/rail}! IN FURNITURE We are Agents for the well and favorably known Frost Wire, Frost Fence and Gates. Call and see this fence or ask your neighbors about it. Frost coiled Spring Wire is in I class by we". Once used, always used. A supply always kept on hand Durham, Ontario NATIONAL PORTLAND CEMENT FENCING DURHAM. ONT Ir. "fri'é'iiighm price will he paid for " mn- kinds of hog: during taettt winter. A him good lot of Shingles for one chap to Wig. “you who will buy them than. ' N. loll-I'm. This department is entirely tMt- der the charge of II Carveth, licensed graduate oi the College of Pharmacy. who has had a large practical and varied experience in Toronto, Orillia, Sudbury, and other Towns. Nothing only pure drugs kept in stock. Pee scriptions filled on short notice " lowest prices. Are the ideal you have in mind. arenliutmu rum-en when exnmiuu out shoes. Tayapuirof our 's'l.l'll'lt ler shoe- in Dongoln. Box on". Velourr‘nlf or Pateut colt ll. " It and ammo. men and the Royal PurPIe Truth or Peer-lees for lama. 82.2», " 75. 53.00 and .4 oo Have a look as: our "not of Kain] when in and no ("may and prices. . _ The hgih'itg",,tent, of hunks. etc in town a chmwe (mm. Canton: work te',', repairing a un- u . . m.- " an in ex tor goods at the down town ttttag,'.': " I have purcbtuml the mill at Ahetdeeat from J. W. Guided. In. in a position to do all kinds of cm “Sing' - - ... I A. n " If you wish any. leave ordeu here. We handle all sizes but one grade only and that the best. Coal for Spring Delivery Durham ' by 31. I“ While Carma: Oxford: tor Judas ”in" & CAl'ldnn &uses to Jul? Seed Department Aberdeen Saw Mill. Patent Medicines ll. CAIVETII Screens Semen Donut Window Semen: are beginning to move and we have a good sup- ply of all size. and qualities. at

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