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Durham Review (1897), 1 Jul 1909, p. 4

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f1l __.".",,'. maxi-mums: KENNEDY ro ESTABLISHED 20 YEARS-CURB GUARANTEED. No Truman: an: C. O. D. No an.“ on bose. or troll»... Everrthine confidondnl. Que-lion hut and to“ of Home Tran-on FREE. Millrfl Are you n victim? Have you lost hope? Are you intending to marry? Mas your blood been diseased? "am you any weakness? Our New Method Treatment will cure you. What it has d, ma tor hundreds of 0mm. it wilt do for you. CONSULTATION FREE. No matter who has treated you. write for an hon-est opinion he: of Charge. cGwLGGoGiierisii6iisi "REE--"Thq Golden Bonner“ 1ittmteatodh on Dina-es of Men. DllSGOURAGED MEN We are showing a very attractive line of Men's Tweed and worsted Trousers that we are selling at special prices. We are clearing the balance of our stock of stylish trimmed Millinery at sweeping reductions. Here is the chance for you to secure an extra Hat at a very low price. You will find a wide choice of styles in the very latest models suitable for summer wear. After a big season's selling in Men’s and Boys' Clothing, it leaves us with many broken lines. Seme have only one or two sizes of a kind left. So if your size is here, you get a snap. We do not claim to sell every suit in our store at cost, but a great many will be cleared at less than cost of manufacture. Cor. Michigan Ave., and Griswold St., Detroit, Mich. Sole Agents for Progress Brand Clothing V ‘I‘I ‘I‘C"! v'a-‘c”I-“m‘r‘c-"Iulb 0,, ‘14: a ‘24. a: 'trs-tc-i/oi" , Fr' 8peciat Clearing 0/ (hothing IS LIFE WORTH LIVING '. 37. Warlock Proofs of our Spring "raiiiiiiit Tailoring You pam- 13 an artistic well fitting. one if we are your tailors. Our customers are wise. as to what's becoming and as to what wears well In the line. Each Spring season shows us to the front with an attractive and distinctive stock of suitings. Present stock is no exception, unless it is that it's better. Wc invite you to come and see it. J??arsrarhs ,3, ftWhrs my Tailored Clothes Any View hull-m (you. ttred mornings, prefer to be Alone, distrustful. variable appetite, loom-nos: of hair, poor chu cttlatioa--rotr have Nervous nobility. Our New Method Treatment is your refuge. lt " ill atrenglhrn all weak organs, vitallza thu nervous system, purify the blood and restore you to a man. ly condition. Pay When Cured. MEN.'you become disheartened when you feel tho lymphoma of Nervous Debnity and decline stalling upon Fou. You haven't the nor"- or ambitlon you used to hare. Ynu feet you In not the mun you ought to he. You feel like giving up in despair. You ttet nervous and wrak. have little, ambition. pain In the hack owr kidneys. drains " night, 5’1? :34 The school children surprised their teacher. Min Mildred Leeson, on Wedneaday afternoon by presenting her with a handsomely bound Bible and Hymnal and a Methodist Hymn Book, accompanied by on oddreu rend by hum Show. Mr Tucs. Derby spent several days oi last. week oleanmg up the little cemetery here and a decided improve- ment is noted In It: appearance, Mr Andrew Fulton is "trefuse from a sprained ankle, the result of a bali. prgqtice. -- -- A 7 Mr Allister Anderson. IS assisting Mr John Whiteford with the bummlg of his silo this week. The masons are back at the church and the brickwork is fast nearing completion. - Misses M,Leeson and Etta Ander- son and Mr A. Anderson spent. Sun- day evemng " Mr Hugh Fulton's. The boys are busy practicing for a baseball game for the picnic on July Mr Wm. Legntelms improved the exterior of his house last week by a. coat of paint, Sullnug in thé way of a Cough IB quite so annoying as a tickling, teasing wheezing, bronchial Cough. The quick- est relief comes perhaps from tt pre. scription known to Druggtsts everywhere as Dr Sheep‘s Cough Remedy” And besides, it is so thoroughly harmless that mothers give it with perfect safety eve}: to the youngest babes. The tender leaves of a simple mountain shrub, give to Dr Shoop‘s Cough Remedy its re- markable curative effect. It is truly a most certain an! trustworthr prescrip- tiou. Sold by Moanlaue & Co. Mr W. Snider and his daughter, Mrs T. Bremigam attended a tamlly re-umou at the old Sunder homestead m Waterloo lass week. Captain u. M. Snider and Austin Derby are m camp at the County Town. Miss Alice Bart, of Toronto, is at present waitmg her relatives at Mr J. Muir's, The garden party on Tueedey the 22nd proyed a grand success. Tee was served in the large dining room in Mr Knox“: lawn. The footbell mateh between Swamp college and Swinton Park boys wee very interest- ing. followed by on excellent progrlm in the church, which consisted of music, mutations. and addressee by Rev'de Berry, of Pricevxlle, Little, of Holstein. and Kendall, olDromore. tlee Matheeon occupied the chair. Mrs Buchanan. of Clifton Springs. N. Y., who haa been visiting the past spring at her father's, Mr John Vessie returned home last week. A number from our neighborhood took In the excursion to Guelph on the let, among them being Mr and Mrs Ali, Fritz, Mrs Landels Marshall, Joe George, Mlsses Barbara and Hat. ue Byers, Jas. Byers, Mr and Mrs Andrew Fulton and MISS Graze Hen. dersuu. Mr and Mrs David Marshall spent. Sunday with the farmer’s brother, Landau Marshall. Mr Walter Middleton raised a fine barn last weak, Mr and Mrs Mulholland. of llam- ilmu. were visiting their aunt, Mrs Arch. McKe-chnie and uncln, Mr Nathan Dunsmoor. Mr and Mrs Will Henderson took a trip to Niagara on Ftiday. The, Sacrament of the Lord's Sap per is to be dispensed next Sabbath, the firia in July. Preparatory ser- vices on Friday and Suburday after- noon at 2.30 p. m, Rev Mr Mutbemn of Chateworth. will oilieiate on Fri- day. . Another June wedding on the 28rd inst., when Miss, Ellen McCormick was united in marriage to Mr George I’arslow. The young couple are both well and favorably known around Swinton Park, Their many friends join in wishing them hearty congratu- lations. A Hiding or dry cough can be quick- ly loosened with Dr Shoop‘s Cough Remedy. No oplum. no chloroform. nothing unsale or harsh. Sold by “no Fen-lane & Co. While engaged edging lumber last week Joe Stevenson met With a pain. ful and what might have been a ser- ious accident. by a piece of edging flying from the saw and am king him in the check. cutting it almost through. Mr Wm. Sharp spent. the week end WIN.) friends in Toronto. The social on Thursdny evening was interesting und much enjoyed as all joined in and took part in such a sociable manner as is btrfittimt to the celebration of a church annivers- ary. - Mlss Haw, of Toronto, is the guest of her friend, Muss Florence Watson, at present. MrJolm Campbell. of Toronto, is spending a few days will: his father. venerable John Campbell and other relatives. ii"ti2"i, "u i.iilt" m Miss Jennie and Mr Walter Knox took advantage of the Centre Grey 1'arrnora'Irsstitute annual excursion on the 24th inst,, to visitthe Agri- cultvral College, also their uncle, Thos. Knox, at Guelph. They were accompanied home by their cousins, Miss Alma and Mr Arthur, who in- tend remaining for some tune, renew- ing old acquaintance and 4rien& around here. Quite a number of the yonng peo- ple took in the excursion to Niagara Falls on Friday. All returned on Saturday night, except. Neil. who is still missing. Rocky Saugeen Swinton Park liampden TORONTO There is considerable sickness here now ; MN. Dmpmll keeps about the same way. very poorly ', Joseph xe- Ardle has an mack of cold and rheum- “ism Mr. when. the student here bu been visiting his hearers. m hid bis horse tied at th house down the 12th aideroed wnen Melons came Bil. ton'g entomobile end frightened the home no he Jumped the fence elthongh hitched to e bum. Missionary meetings have been held in the church here every evening for over a week past and will be for some ume yet. The first to come was a. lady from Toronto who had been in China and then two men, The men have left but we hear that more are coming. " ' One of our men here went to Corbet. ton last Wednesday to an Orange Garden Party. Something very im. portant to draw him so far. . The Rev. Mr. Smith of Conn was here at the Esplin church on Friday the Mth and. on Sunday 27th holding Communion services. ms. Ilockridge of Cedaryille has been visiting her friends here. Mr E E floekridge, one of our store keepers here has been In Toronto on business. l failing tiny nerve --no larger thrn the fiuest silken tbrmul-ttsktss lion] lhs Heart its impulse, its power, its regu- lunly. The Stomach also has its hid- den, or inside nerve. It was Dr Shoop who first told us it was wrong to drug aweak or failing Stomach. Heart or Kidneys. His preseriotion-Or Sheep's "tSturt/o-Ass directed straight tur the cau~e of those itlmeutr--t'oeso weak and faltering inside nerves. This, no doubt clearly explains why the Restor- ative has of late grown so rapidly in popularity. Drugglsta any that those who test the Restorative even for a few days soon become fully convinced of its wonderlnl merit. Anyway, don't drug the organ. Treating the cause of sickness Is the only sensible and successful way. Sold by MacFarlane & Co. Nichol-Neuman - That McNaily and Weir be a annmiuuu Wm: the Reeve to insidet and nerve the Innld. ing of bt'ilge.u in wards l * 4 and that Mr McNully be appointed to “verses the making of roads on deviation at Glen. roadnn,--Csrtted. Mcaillau--k'elGlly - That cheques is=ue for $130.30 tor work done on Lnlubum Strect.-.1arriml. McNally-Nil-That James I'vit. chio be [mid 810 on for attending J. Me. Nully hunily during the tune they had suytllpyechrrred. Mr Thus. Moffat of O. tr, cum. down hat. Wednesday to visit bin father who is very ill at present. Weir - Mchdly --'rltat McMillan. Nichol and the Rowe be a committee to inspect. and m'rrree the bunliim: ol a bridge at Lot 13. Con tr.-Catzicd, MehIillatv--MeNtdly--TGt the clerk be paid 82.00 for uuvnding special meeting at Travetuton,-carried. Niea-srestmy--Tuu Dr Hutton be puid 93.00 for attending McNully case of amull pox,-irtrrustl. Weir--MeMillan--Titat the Canadian Express Co. be paid 60 cents charges on bit for 'eruder---Carried, Cheque was issued in favor of Sawyer k Massey ior bit for grader. $8.oo, The Council adjourned to July low at. 10 a. m. ot 9100.00 ~Cdrrled Mrs Thos. Banks Ina Miss Clara Greenwood took in tho excursion to Guelph hurt Monday. . MeMiliun---,1leNallr---TGt Mr Nichol be npmnuted to cm the bill at Lot 20, Con.6, and trot to exceed expenditure Mrs J olm sutheihnd and little son ot.8trattori1 is at present visiting at Mr Thos. Banks. Mr Wm Weir and daughter Mm Margaret and Miss Eva Atkinson went to Guelph hurt Monday and re- port'a very good time. ' Nuehol-MeMillan--Tliet this Coun- cil instruct the Commissioners for ward 1 & 4 along with the “ewe re repair the bridge M. 1'raverstott, in such manner a: they think best.-Carrus0. Mr and Mrs Hugh Moffat, from Tame, is visiting the formet'g uncle and other friends around. We understand our teacher. Mr Reynolds. has resigned and will be leaving at the beginning of holidays. Mr George Aljoe lost a valuable cow last week which means quite 3 loss at this time oi the year. Mr Matthew Davis, of Manitoulin Island. is waiting at his father‘s, Mr Jim. Davis. Mtruiltan---MeNtuly- -That the report of engineer Traynor ramming Traver. ntou bridge be adopted, ho l'npurtluu thet on account of the expenses cf a new bridge it would not be advisable to build this tall.--Gtzietl Mr Thos. Greenwood arrived gate. ly in North Dakota and is delighted with the country. The Couneil met June 12th, pursuant to adjo "lament. All the members prea- eut, we reevo in the chair. Minutes of last meeting read and eoutirmed, Communications read as follows '. from NS. Dunlap re asses>meut on C. P, Railway, property; from the Wilkinson Plow Company. circulars; from I Tray- uor description cf donation on Lot 28, Cou 3, E. a. It,, tow-report on Traver- ts'tort bridge ; from Jenks and Dreascr. no 'i'ravertrtots bridge ; from James Ritchie account for attending small pox family ; from Sawyer & Massey, account for bi; for grader; from Commissioner for ward l, report on special grant for Lambton Sweet. Messrs Frank Beard and W. W. Kimqu and son Donald spent. from Saturday until Monday, the guests cf the Greenwood families, Donald re- maining for the holidays. Edge Hsli S. S. are holding their annual picnic in Mr Wm. Edgo's woods on Wednesday. June 80th. Glenelg Council Edge Hill. H0peville. .q- . J, S. BLACK, Clerk. REVIEW Potatoes per bag...... 50 to 60 Ii'lottrpefewt.r...... 325m340 0atmedlpeoaek, .... 3 00to 3 00 S!Jir,'gir, er"........ 125to150 Live om, per cm... 6 25 to 6 " Hidosperlb.......... 3to 5 i5lseepakims.. ...... .... " to 47 Wqol-..-.... 23to 23 Tallow............... Mo 5 A good comfortable house with hard water inside ', vent 86 per month. A dwel Ittoune and ut we: of 1.1;?dhin the n of 2ttt,'het,t,'i,e,',',' tr ton ”gen”. soul o m ton St.. a Sl,',',' hunch west of G. T. R. Station. Apply to DURHAM. June 30, FallWheat...........$l: SpringWheat........ Il f/ata.]...........,,... Peas................. Barley............... Hay.................. 8 Butter................ 1 SpringWheat........ 130to 130 Oats..............,... 50to 50 Peas.........,....'... 82to 85 Barley............... 55to 60 Hay.......... ........ 8 00to 9 oo Butter................ 18.to 18 1ilgga................. 18to 18 Potatoes perbag...... tiOto 60 Ii'lourpefewt.r...... 325to8t0 thstmeiipesrisaek..... 3 00to 3 00 The Council met my a Court of Re- vmouun May 29m. All the members present. Mr McMillan was voted to the their. Appeals were heard and the Ar. sesmnent roll was changed as follows : The U. P, It. Assessment was reduced to 328.31, Lots 10 and ll, Con. ll, H. G. R. assessei to Thus. Scarf as tenant, Flor- ence McLean Steele was entered for has 17 north ofEIgm St. and 17 eonth of Harvey St.. in the ‘illnge of Phae- ville, Thns. G. Lauderhs ansesement. re- duced 3200, 34 new names ware entered an the roll, Wm, Paylur wan assessed as owner for lot l, con 8. The Court of Revision was adjourned to meet again on June 12th at 1 p, m. Weir-McMillan-Tut this Council employ Mr Traynor to survey a devia- tron at b'lisnrutvden.-cimied.' MeNally--Nu3ltol-TUt this Council meet in a body on Thursday afternoon. June la, at Traverstou to inspect the bridge chew. as sag! bridge in reported to be in a dangerous eottdttiou.--thwried. Alter adjournment of Court of Revu- iouthe Council met for business. Ali the members present. The reeve in the chair. Minutes of last meeting read itndeoufirmed. Payments were nude as follows '. J, A. McDonald on salary as Aa. sessor. (Balaqqe)......:t.............03o oo Thav Council adjourned to meet " wow. m Alex Aljoe am! "sited m. and ms. Sunday. Messrs Wm. uchdden and Jar. Hopkins went to Owen Sound Tue:- duy last. Mr Jes. Brown has improved his homa by i new wire fence. Miss Maggie Morton was the guest. of mas Mary MONO“ on balm-day. m Alex Aljoe and susterMiss Annie T-uitrl Mr. and ms. Alfred Redford INV" Express Co. express charges Commissionerfor ward 1 was a ized to repair road " Lot 15.( N . D. ll. m John l‘Acken passed through our burg on Saturday last. Mr Meander McDohald and Ion Nell, of ham. waited Mr Jas, Hop- kins last. week, A number from this part took in the Farmer-3' Institute Excursion to I: Model Farm, Guelph on Month! at. _ Quite a number from this part spent Tuesday evening at the St. Paul's S. 8. garden party on It hm Tucker‘s horn, which was In ideal spot. for the occnion. There we: ubundence of refreshments and 3 grand program and the young and old enjoyed themselves. ms. Alex. Traynor visncd her brother George and other friends in Toronto bust week. m and we Jae. chirr took m the excursion to N isgara Falls uni To. lento. Mr and um W. J. Wilson, of Booth. ville, visited at: and ms Jae. Hopkins Wednesday last. miss Alice Lawrence Ind any Aljoe. of Queen City, returned home Batur. day to spend their summer holidays. ma James Heuglmn and son Wil made a business mp to Mount Forest but Wednesday. Miss Linda Edwards is at present visiting at the home of Mr. and ms. Wm Bailey. ms. Geo, Ilendry and Miss Clan. ymted Toronto friends a couple of days last week. miss Maggie ustthews. of Durhngn. wastbe guest of miss Maggie chm' last week. m Allan McDougall and sisters Mis- ses Lizzie and Catherine and "r. Will Heugbun and sister uisa Ethel were among the number from here who M. tended the barn raising at Mr. Duncan veLeen's, Aberdeen. A number from this burg took in the Bunessun pietue last Friday. ms. Reid visited Aberdeen friends one day last Week. ms. Wm. Fulton tmd Miss Morton, teacher, attended the anniyeraary Mr. vices in Durham Sunday. To Rent 2 good homes. Apply to A, 1FD_otsay,'equd'/r,iirt%' School Sections..................... , S. Hunter, sEpplius for grader.. (ilenelg Court of Revision Durham Markets. Popular Place For Sale or Rent House to Rent has Wamott, Vmey. Tues. Uoott, lax-Male. ------. _------ Mulock J. s. Bruce, Clerk. J. M. Lanna. te,ksTttte,s ...$l30108130 Wag. LAIDLAW. ... u on r.. 1 oo ea Io author- . Con. I, gm Hay wu cut " this farm but y and the balance putured. Prtvit will be given to cut this yeu’nl clap, store the tune in harm, to be out on the farm during period which "nu-d. the hm is well (ongd and in water,. ed by never-falling spring creek. Har van cut " thin (.m- I.» ---, Will rent for term of {arm in uleneln. one In - ,7, -____. - .uuua III I dl'lll and Town property. It you want. to In, 'tesen go to Miller No charge if no busineu done. Runny and Stun-hip Tickets to all points. Money to Lead at lower rules than you can borrow elsewhere. new Collected. No chug: if noth. ing collected.. All kindh of tltmeteiat business carefully and quietly Atten- ded to. “Always Prompt, Never Negligent." The Innova- Convcynncer; otrera.. 200 Acres G|enelg Alcoa frame dwel- ling and one of pine very best and largest frame hank by an in the County of Grey-a gin, at 82700. IOO-Acres. Bentittek--mne brick ven- eered and frawe dwelling. frame bunk lmrn and all good buildin a. price smoo; hardly the value of 319 buildings. Owner bound to sell. 130 acres Bentlnck - 4; miles from Hanover, clone to schoolnnd Post onlce with daily mail. Brick house, _ frame bank bun. grub snap. and [any tPtt 1ityy1lummitts in Farm Money to be Made We are well stocked Will] seythes Snaths. theliles, Spuds. Hoes, Rakes Grain Cradles, Scythe stones undll ay Rakes. W. Black In Clothes Wrnigers we can suit every person. both in quality and pr‘ce. , Have you seen our charcoal irons They will make every wcmen happy. Anv woman that makes Bresd should try one of our Bread Mixers, and prolong her hie, _ our store. Call 3nd enmine our Wtyshing Machines of the latest. design, noth. mg to equal. . We do not keep a Burgnin store but you will find bargains nllover What about a Gasoline Stove and an oven to match. No woman should be without one. by Intending In this advertisement Don’t wait until the Lug- getnourtln your Potato Clap before you kill them. An in- jured crop is never in productive no one that is carefully watched for Bugs. Apply Parker's Bug Killer just as quickly a they l Timely Warning appear and knbck them out. You only h we to do it once per 100, GUN’S DRUG STORE If you get it " GUNS, it's good of STOVES. RANGES TIN and ENAMELWARE. FLEURY'S FLOWS. SHARES. ROOT POL. PERS and TURN"? DRILLS. We have just passed into stock the following new and up- to-date goods, which we cordial- ly invite the ladies of Durham and surrounding country to call and examine : We also carry a ttne assortment New Fancy Goods Stock Hardware l K. Cochrane Opposite S. Sttotth store Linen Damask: Towels Fancy Linens Lace Curtains Embroideries Laces Flanneiloltes Drew, Goods Hosiery Ladies Whiteweur Fancy Goods Pasture to Rent n. n. MILLER, ', :, trl,' ea SIJO Dude and sold only " TH ERE'S earn. 100 acre W" between emu-mg; biiiiiiGii:Ci' an y:', a. Menu Caedistangackoce, 1.00. 1.2;» en Floor O'kioth . . . . .Siie a. square yd Tum. Oilcloth. 45 in wide. . . .'.,'..5r yd Str JIrittta tutd.qisttrtyvii, rl?w [n We Will Take lots. whiw or' j/A/j'.". J.iys pair Lace C'urtaiesa,..me. 50c. 732. 1.4!! an Elyermtmt, ttoo) Shawls. Inc. 79; N All-wool Blanketa, $3. t and LU, pr Bed comforter. from 1.35 to 3.4!! M Luge. tt x 4 size PUnnetlett" Bum- BIG f New Fruits Choice ©onteseuonttry Purastmtoes. & Vinegars No. l Milt and Pure mm a our: this But My” Produce Watt so “hulls tn be aold nu clear, All tho expensive (men aw sold out, Nothing lett over 82 5.0 etush and to get rid of the balan- re we will sell them at the ful. lowung prime . 8M0WUst tor. ..._. 2.” £1.75 mun for 13-”WIIII form”. MS Wnist for _ _ It you want a waist dotsi misstis chance as they wen- cheup before the reduction. Bora' Cotton Kietrers for HIV u pair, just, the thing ur the holidays. C. L. GRANT in Lawn and Muslin. Ladies' Waists DRUGGISTS AND 80c for $l Lamps L60 for $2 Lamps $2 for 2.50 Lamps 2.40 for $3 Lamps and so on all through the bnlanoe of our Mock of Hanging and Vase Lamps till June 30 MacFARLANE C. P. R. Town Ofiice Buy yur Tickets Lore MATTHEWS a LATIMER our m and hiywbgéss (Ponds “at! 't Peel, - & Groceries Remember 80c now will go as fer as S] at any other time. 200 on every 8 saved is that much made. We have only 10 hanging and 20 Vase Lamps 1stt-all good values. Choose early '. B. BEAN Cull and see us Me Sell: Cheap Groceries A Big Bale of For JULY l, 1909 300K815“. l ' Block. Durban MS " all milled for, I: “mulled and a out has already I Park's inital salary salary u "we an ship " yrs ago I an. caotributio, mom than doubled. ted to the Century and the total anou con‘le‘allon In I was “2.38. These tkrc all t congregation rctte pulpit and pew. the m ttcrial recent years not wanting In! was m l In! was I" I900 Cl otherwise improve were built soon at “1an was pure only a small part REV. DR. 1':,li?.).2,) Ot Hamilton, Ex.Modcrat all Anembly who prcached Ming .ervicc and Rave 1 uddrcu on Mondav cvcnine. Small House Fu qt'mtimt at the immdud' natal music into the (ha [allowed disunion f 'iematiem of a nu: can; build“ 0! the present chad 5m pastor. Four or M bodies ran ui-k by “a my being min-stem! to PM. At last in was. my" rumored. the flret the [calmed church. ,Rcv) MI: retired.; being Rev. manicured from was t he mined. Ru. A. G. called in I“! and contmuci "M, when he retugrtcd. und; year Rev. Wru. F'aruuharsoi the call and luv bus than Wh of hz‘rwu' all hag except Mr link. The prog hem cumin At no perio our: to me: This departmen Curtains and Wal cheapest. Th, this ddpartmeut (the Burbam In Prints, Gingll antes! patterns, men's clothing fra working hat to d chunbray, in India prices so tha t they THURSDAY, Jun Just arrived a hue all. " made in Can JULY I, 1909 The question is - is that we Ms is better to not sold. Jubilee Ser Profits Spe bulimic!!!“ Md san Th lhout om III Nea NOR h r, in I“ m Nun m 3t mug m orft Rcs to

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