West Grey Digital Newspapers

Durham Review (1897), 1 Jul 1909, p. 6

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y? Hardware S, Furniture We can help you make and keep it so. We have a. good, a:,woctinetit of L M of different sizes kinds and awn owers qualities, thir "Black Dnummd" Lawn Mower is a daisy. See it. We aim have Rubber Hose of different sizes, Lawn Sprinklers & Spr,0s and all kinds at" Lawn and Garden supplies. .2. The Central Drug Store Gasoline and Coal Oil Stoves In Poultry Netting 2:6'95621122936991 awafdo% . ""' "fl "__ K"-"- iyon can buy Elsewhere. In conclusxon we would intimate to the public that we ate hereto as tt',tisha Permanent business by selling " close prices, giving good pm- Tsoda, attetttivertes to G'.', wants and square dealing throughout. We mean exactly what we vertise and want you to call and see out stock and get on! price before buying elsewhere. , Remember the p1aee--Darlimr's old stand, Caldera Block, Durham Lenahan iS' McIntosh. Fruit 39d Ct.efetyyst.ty We have a splendid line of split lo! potato and Dutch Sets in Onions. uhmboo and Green heart fancy poles. " full line of Garden and Fiower All kinds of Lines, Fishing Baskets, $522118. Turnip, Mangold, Carrot. Beet Shakers, Hooks, Swivels. The , st {sandal} kinds of field seeds. These of May will soon be 11ere-ealt early ghave been bought from reliable dea. tad get your choice and " prices i. lers and the prices will be lower than any down. lynx: can buy elsewhere. teet your ui rem ems. se an no 1301‘1174304‘39 r W 1lCHMAKh+ JEWELER opTIClAN 3 " " J,‘.~IJ"‘VV\J““J".&/g. [ '1‘h'1'swis aiso a new department ll: wilt have constantly on hand unis in season such as Oranges, Ba- ums. Pineapple: Strawberries. &e. l full line of Harry Webb's Confec- mcry both in bulk and boxes. We have anything you may require. zupltte and up-to-(latc and as it is no (uh, We ask you to have a look around i re more of our numerous lines Spring and Summer goods. oline always on hand. n and lee Cream Department The Central Drug Store wriiTi7, Gddia a ra ii)“; of the st Tcas, Coffees, Sugars, Spices, ins, Currants. etc, We will sur- : you with low prices in this dept. l'his l-‘.nn known under the above name is comprised ot W. Calder oi I'own of Durham and H. Cmrveth. now a resident of the Town of Dur- "nd arc the parties who recently bought in the stock of J. A. Darling, lax rate on tltctlollar. We here added hundreds of dollars of new 4 in tho diticrent departments and are prepared to supply your wants in ch of Drugs, Patent Medicines, Druggists Sundries. School Supplies, in kinds writing material, Clover. Timothy and Garden Seeds, Soaps, mics, Groceries, Tobaccos, Cigars, Confectionery. etc. The warm weather Will soon be and we propose to throw open mints to the public and supply kinds of cool and refreshing ks, Ice Cream Sodas. etc. e are Agents for , line we I SIZES to four re- Fishing Tackle IS YOUR LAWN WELL - KEPT ? Wedding Presents P. G. A. WEBSTER ighest Prices paid for Eggs IN FURNITURE Special Orders Promptly Attended to, We are Agents for the well and favorably known Frost Wire, Front Fence and Gates. Call and see this fence or ask your neighbors about it. Frost coiled Spring Wire is in a class by itself. Once ak, always used. r NATIONAL PORTLAND CEMENT supply always kept on hand Durham, Ontario FENCING Watches, Clocks, Jewellery, Cut Glass Silverware , China, Ebony Goods All Watches. Clocks, ty Jewelery repaired same day as left in. Drugs Chemicals and Patent Medicines This department is entirely im- der the charge of H Carveth, licensed graduate of the College of Pharmacy, who has had a large practical and varied experience in Toronto Orillia, Sudbury, and other Towns. Nothing only pure drugs kept in stock. Pe-. scriptions filled on short notice at lowest prices. We an: fully stocked and have a good supply of Red Mammoth Alszkc Lucerene and Alfalfa Clovers and Timothy Seeds. All oi these Seeds bought from Seedmeu of the highest reputation and stamped with the Government stamp. A good supply of potato and Dutch Sets in Onions. A full line of Garden and Flower Seeds Turnip, Mangold, Carrot. Beet andall kinds of field seeds. These li you wish any, leave orders here. We handle all sizes but one grade only and that the best. - Coal for Spring Delivery require. Our stock .is it is no trouble to show around at anytime. Seed Department Screens Screen Doors& Window Screens are beginning to move and we have a good sup- ply of all sizes and qualities. Rocky Saugeen P. O. is kept by Mr Nathan Dummoor, one of the old Councilmen of Glenelg. Mr Duns- moor is now up to the highest decree promised to man. Many will re- member the red buildings in con- nection with the hotel " this place over 50 years ago. The paintis " laded away but traces of the red color is visttle yet. Up on the l middle of the long hill south of the river is one of the purest springs of ( water in Ontario coming down from the mountains on the McKinnon farm, where many a weary traveller quenches his thirst and is the delight ot all the lower animals coming that war, to be privileged toslake their thirst on a. scorching hot day. Down at the loot of the hill is the Rocky Seugeen with its deep fiowmg waters and a little way across the line is the old Rocky Mills, where many of the curly pioneers had their small grists ground in olden times. Back a little north is Burns church, the only Pres- byterian church in Glenelg, (not that Pres by tertans are noted as bad people in Glenelg,) but that there is a crurch in Durham, one at Priee. ville, one at, Dornoch and one at Mondale- so that. trom the centre oi the township, it they are laithlul to n,ipchurelr, they have to go to [lit-st: l’ um (it mph-1p l-ttt suxmtimeb it at -st.'t t, he much vl nu thittlere to kl"‘ll us at imlllt: on Sunday In this p'tio'S II! “NHL”! I'm, sometimes it \IM'SII'L tckc much \I (In (“use io km}; us an home on Sunday In [Ma m-ighbolhmd were McKe hnieS. Baas and many others whoare all gone the way of all living long ago. Down further south is ateArthat"th Tarnbnll's, Scart's. Vessic's and so on all old amid ems. There is some pccaliarities in the survey on the G :ratraxa Road and some old retft- dents [ind it hard to understand yet. 1'he lots are numbered as 1. 2, 'o (fl and so on. Each lot contains 150 originally but is put. down in three puts of titty acres gotltattst, first It causes a little more googiderauon to placing them. The iarms‘are badly laid out being, ii we mistake not, over a mile long and narrow so that the surveyors ot the old survey were not up to their' business as wellas those oi the new survey and in general along the 2nd I Con the, homes are away into the: middle oi the farms and makes it harder work for a trump to go item house to house, sometimes through ploughed iields in slash, water, snow and a whole lot ol combined obstacles to make a weary traveller tit tor a good night‘s rest. We must pass on across to the vicinity of Edge Hill and we icel that it would be only [ prcsumption on our part to give any - 1thing by way ofa historical sketch alter the Very interesting hi tory given of Edge Hill and vicinltva couple of months ago bat we must not iorgot some ot these good old people who fought the battles of Municipal matters in years long ago and we call on the venerable Chas. Mott'at Sr., Esq, one. oi' the men that held the highest honors in Connection mth Municipal matters in the town- ship being Reeve ior a number ot years and was honored by being Warden for one year. Mr Moifat has the three generations living and prob- ably may have the iourth in one house. We must go backs little to the residence oi the late Christopher Williams who also served as Coun- cillor tor a number of) cars as did his son John also. Up on the hill is the residence of Mr Ritchie one ofthe township auditors and aWay back is the old home ol Mr James Staples one ot the old Reeves oi Glenelg who made an esteellent liceVe and also Deputy and Councillor and Assessor but now he is a resident of Markdalc. Going army back on the side road is Dan Edge, I'reasurer, the man who takes care ot the peoples' money (Glenelg We mean) and a better man tor the, position would be hard to get On the other side is ltobt. Edge and T Banks, Now we come to Edge llill and call on the ionnder oi the name, Mr James Edge; who served the township trout its foundation as Reeve, Treasurer, Collector, Warden and so on. Mr Edge was postmaster also tor a long time bat old age inter-ten iog he resigned some years ago from all public ofliees and as he is now going on his 57th year his journeys I end cannot be very tar away. Mr _ Edge was a iaithiul ofticer in all the leipacities he served the townsh p. lJust across the road is Joseph birth 1 who is postmaster now. Mr Firth :served the township also fur a term ‘ as councillor and although deteated " g the last election he came pretty these ‘to being elected. Down south is the ':Mekayden's The late Hugh Me- l Fayden who served for a long time ias councillor, bezinning his term ol oiiiee in the early sixties. Now the place isson John‘s. Al.ng side is the well-known Donald and tamily and C. C. McFavden who is well. known not only in the township or county bat pretty well over Ontario, as Mr Metfayden to recognized a- mong all classes ot the people where- ever he goes. On the opposite side Eater's. Colliers, Allan's, Firth’s. all old residents. Down South we come tothe residence oi Councillor Weir who IS among the old residents of the place. Wm has served a num- ber oi years as councillor and makes avery good townslup oflitsiat. 0n the opposite side was the rendenee ot the late Mr Henry Farr who served the township as assessor " years alto. Now we come to U/tlg Corner and tor the iniormation of the scribe of that place we me my the name originated from " old. colored man who lived " the top of the bill by the name at Brown, over 50 you: ai u bat as he had u lame fi, he tut-753.151 n‘ontgijitlu: ',ri?)iiiiiiiilirii must win: by the name of lame Brow: so l 333:581'&?:,}”{§5g-fi?.2‘tl.?&i9it“h"és't.‘:'é‘;u§‘3 the placed ohm be called "Darkey , 1'l'rrtfJ:yat'rf,oei1'p,'thtoTtet 'lgi't'g',1'fJi',t Brown 's Corners. Jtttst a Step north I Dr. H1005: Cough ('unf. Comram awfully the Is the English Church Cemetery m. l mic-Em ii'd,',T'i',gi,i1u'r1"sr't'e/,',',l, {’33 & its tall and majestic monuments tells 5 unvar- be. on tho we side by demanding that there [can the remains cinema ' ol those that held high and honorable I Dr. snoop til positions in this world while near by F . s .. is the low and humble marble slabs , of some who. as. the can mitthtbe, ough . 'lire. had to lace the advermiu of this lite and now that six foot by three bu my, We“! n, made them all of one-bound the; AMBLESw . "mono" GLENELO. By me Assessor. grass growing green are ell alike it shows that there is no partinlity in the grove to which all are hastening. Overzncroes the river is Adam Weir, another at the old settlers and John Davis', John Bell and away back up the hill is Mr Allan McKinnon who is widely known in the township. At', the foot of the hill is the late Swinburne term Mr Swinburne was township clerk in the early 50's, The place is now Jan Atkinson’s. On the opposite side of the mad lived the late Peter Watson who served " Bailiff for a long time in the early history of the country and up farther was the residence ot Mr Chas. Wat- son in olden times, but now of Egremont. Mr Watson is yet quite smart for his age. The Watson iarm is the property of the well-known Arch. Hunter of Durham. Up a little north of Durham is the "old stone house built some fifty-tive years new. is of the ancient design and is get- tine somewhat delapidated but is in tairly good order Set. The Lauder farm is the last and next to the town. Now we go back to Lambton Street which was a great convenience to travellers and team- sters when opened some lorty yearn ago betridea'.koine up Watson's Hill on the upper road. On this street will he found a number of retired farmers who are yet farming on a small scale. Among them are Thos. McComh. late of the Durham Road. Adam William, J. G Wilson, drovor. and Mr John Wilson, who although getting up in years had his vottth peenntlv rem-wed hr lullillinu the conunnnd that it was not good lor man to be alone. by getting a lite partner, McNully’s and Neil Me- Cannel who served the townshiplor a number of years " Councillor and Commissioner and had the honor of being a candidate a year ago for Parliamentary honors. Mr McCul- nel was born and missed at Top Cliff, South line. In olden times the road to le-Jge Mills, now McGowan's, was down the hill from the Durham Rand. Away down at the tootut' the bill was the late John Kelly's residence, who was miller and tho mills went by the name of Kelly's Mills. Here prob- ably was where the manager of the Standard Bank, Durham. landed into the world it bareiooted boy. Across is the old orchard which was planted over sixty years ago. Up the hill is of a springy nature and the old log crosswuy or causewav is hardly visible now but our memorv goes back to our em dl boyhood days when accompanying our father to the mills uni in going upthe hill with the old Waggon. which Was built) about the year 1825 and the big; horned oxen called Buck and Berry. We fancy that traces oi the footprints oi our bareieet are yet visible in the lmud along side the corduroy mad i where the Waggon in going over on? big log would immediately come in contact with another and many a whoa, haw, get up would have to be used before the top ot the hill was reached which generally took one hour Limit] the mill to the Da ham Road. hardly " half a mile distance. Away down was the old suw mill. the snvyer bcirg the late (thus. Me. Kinnon for n time, with its upright saw and nothing left it all these old buildings but the placowhere they stood. The ruins oi the, old grist mill is vet visible and many a son of toil had to spend Weary days and nights in the long wintertime waiting to get a bag of wheat made into some kind of fl 'tlt' on account of scarcity of water caused by the severe irosts oi the winter season Theold tashioned grind stones are now substituted by roller progress and {I lew rods lrom the old stand is McGowan‘s tine roller mill now and the proprietor, Mr John bicCrrwan, isa good business l man. S) now our rambles are ended and we can go to bed in decent time as this kind ot thing could not be got up in a jiffy and we hope that some one from our neighboring townships will take the troubleIot giving a historical sketch in some form or another as there is alwns some one tar away from the old homes who would take delightin reading of olden times and other matters Asking forgiveness in all our mistakes end errors, we. remain. Yours residence ot the L'rayis Here Mrs Chas. Gray, Sr. still lives. The walls of the old stonehuuse are up , et which counted as the Iwst, in the ttlwn~ ship when erected but Was vacated by the family some years agn. Back again to Con 2, is the residence of the late John Ritchie one ufthe early pioneers. The McUilr's and resi- dence of the old Reeve, Ilrraum McGirr, who served " a lung time as assessor hut lelt the world long long ago. Here is Mr Thus McGirr. who is collector for Ward I, for 28 years. Along side is Mr Wm Smith an old resident of the old Durham Road, Glenelg. Near are Lawrence's, Nichols. Andrew‘s, Scott's. Lindsay ‘s and all the rest, all nld residents. 3141 r. r" mm " never poison yourhmn. lf trcmgtv--irit n irmn a sun 1e cold oulr-rou she“ always but]. i'mthr, unSvnse the irritated hm Min! mm. Thm't t/giudly suppress it with tb 9.1 upvirlng poison. Ith, strange tow some (may tirtttliy rome‘lxmt. For twenty years IrrTgtsG .ms ' :m-mntly tvarnPd w-nplu not to take cons: mixtvrvs a: prt'surlptiotis containing Opium. Chlmmorm. or simmr poisons. And now-31ml. PM: '_'sotnth-i.kotttrrt " says "Putit on the In if 1.n‘.v.r)s Ma in your couch Mixture." Good Very cued '. I {Fragifturfnr thisveryreasoetmpthV and (UNIS. mum ip.siet on giving Dr. Simon'- (fungi) Cum. No pawn” on Dr. Shoo , Ir.be!s-m:d noun In tho Mus. a!” it mung; law be on the lnbea. And it's not only one. but is mid to be by them thntknmrn belt. . ml to- mugmbla cough rum-(U. Tubs non-ham (Ln. mun-mm; with your children. Insliton hum Dr. Fhoop'l Cough Cure. comp-n: menu: (In pr, Sheep trye"re with wetland gob tho Passing through Durham wccnne to the residence of the late Thos. Brown on the up of the. hill and here Mrs. Brown 15 still living. We pass on in a hurry till we mach the town line at Egremont the residence ot the (inns Herc Mrs Cough Caution TORONTO The Assessor REVIEW This magrnifkent Exhibition prom-1‘ ises this you to eclipse all previous etfortv. The Attention: which are under contract. are the very highest order out! the best that money could procure. There will be several large Animal use. "0hen's Liane. Leopards. Bears, etc ." " Herbert's Dogs and Cats.” " Hemog’s Stallions," the but trained horses in the world, " The Three Saytons' in their great Illigotor not. .r The Borden’s Casting Act," "The Hens fumily." the wonderful acrobats, " The Hohnanhs." " Peder- son Bros" and " The Three De Monica" in their comedy acts, and many others. An extra ettort has been made to please all who appteeiate good music. In addition to the splendid hand ofthe 7th Fusiliers. who will Rive two peer formances daily, the 9th Highlanders of Hamilton, Ontario, 41 strong. have been engaged at great, exnense. The " Minnesota Times .. my cf them after a vieit to their Exhibition t "The Highlanders in their Kiltie suits ate the most popular hand boys who ever poured forth melody at the Minnesota Fair." A1ltheahovewiththeaddition of a grand (“spiny of Fireworks vach yawning will unki- litl- ~l-nuuwsl, [in-- g 'rtrtttt"-CIH [Him-thin! :.t ll": Wsrr.se tfr" to tlte t4 Out. A book on Rheumatism. by Dr Shoop. of llacinc. Wis., tells some plat!) truths. and in a plain and ptaetiettlway. Get this lwnklet. and n free trial ttentnleni oi I): Shoal-‘5 linenmnic Kennedy for "ure dishvarleuud sulfur In your liciui'y. Mai, a. grateful and tapped- attve friend oi some one who is dig. cuurngel became of the failmes of others to hem lnvn. Help me to make am to”, and I'll certainly help your quffutiug frivnl. Sold by Macl’nrlaue k Co, At u. recent session of the Ontario) Parliament some important amend- ments were made in connection With the Liquor Ipeenso Act. atuenthnents, l that it is to he hoped umnv a wife and family will have reason to feel gratvittl for. .. If during a neii sd of one your after the time a person is sewed with a notice ptoltttritimt him liquor that poison is found under the mituence of liquor. oi found with I tl" uor in hid pmknte. or it any way in his possession; if he is found in the our room or diinkmg loom of a hotel or in any place where liquor is dis- pmsed he. is liable to he lined from ten to twenty dollars and costs or imprisonment for one month." The liquor denlol who allows a person thus prohihileil to loiIer around his hotel or premises is equally guilty and will he siinilaily fined. It after the servite of such notice any person who gives to or procures liquor for another person so notified, will he liable to a.“ fine of not less than $25 and costs or imprisonment. Forth-e?- more. the person who is on the un- for unatt- Indian ilil, should he get under the iMluence of liquor or he found with liquor in his possession and will refuse to tell the name of the person who gsne. him the liquor or procured it for him. he only then he imp, ismied for a period not exceed- ing three months in [he county jail. The schuoltmv'ant is the guiding star of country. She Lukas the little hunting fresh from the hump nest. tull of his pets, his pmttu, his pdssinnc. un. governuble in many cases, a rampant, riotous little wretch whose own mother often admits she sends tum to school puposelv to get rid of him. The sehooituasUm takes a whole trarioad of these annrgpiuts, half of whom singly god alone cannot be handled by their own mothers and she pm- than in up n of becoming ttsefttleitiets, Blank nags with a nagzer, Shoot sings with A stagger, Nor pop the question With a popper. Picayune. Buy yoturfield and garden seed: from Matthews * Lttiuser. _ PM): can be eastle apt! quickly all p. ped. Pink Pain Tablets-Dr Shoop's-- stup Headache womanly pains. any pain, anywhere, in 20 mimnzu sure. Formula on the Me box, Ask your druggint or Ilurlnr abuu this formula-- ll'n fine. Sold by MucFur'ane & Co. Menu] socks with a mu Rut. Build dock with " dot ket. Nor x-ulhtr up clams wuh a clamor. You cau'c pick locks with u pickle, You Calcutta the sit k with a si, kle, Pluck flgts with a figment, Urive pun WEN] a piguwnl. N .r make ynur mulch tit k wittta tickle. You (“nit [nuke " malv ot " tttir, You will gel, a crate wuh u (Tale-r. Catch mules with a tuolp, B nlw nlls wirh a rcller, But you can get a wait from a waiter. Yqu can't. raise traps with a crapper. You can't shave your chops with a chopper, The tttttret." ttevat'liust mun-g h.oys in A III"'I my to C'itrspiaui y. A great” emm- " ‘u mun: ilrilny tut the put of lbw oldvt pvoi4e winged by those who ieel.it their duty to deal with this mum-r, There is one sure thine, if the children did not. hear this laugungv ttom the mouths ot their elders they would mat know en- ough tp use it. " is tnuzlnt to them by people who ought. to know better. You can, um.- a bun with at hammer. You can't weigh a grutut will) :1 gram- mm, What Indian List Means. Western Fair, London. September 10m to 18th. ,ii'c'ari% _ -- - You Can’t. MM. u lnl. Utrnlo, I‘l FR}: iiyiiieiikiit." Third -is A; limit elm farm tnth good_boildi|53 ut the moat list! of 85 Acres of rich cultivable hum free from clone. and rr, acres of bush. Price 845(1). 250 acres on the G trttrraxa Road, 300 clear. 50 acres ttaudwood bash, well watered. first class buildings. Will he sold cheap to wind up eetttle. 150 semi in Bentinck. buildings and sell good. everylhiug in first class shape. Price 35000. 100 acre! in Bentinck on Garafrnxa Road near Dornmh. good buildings. price reduced from 33000 to $23” fm quick ule. 250 acres in Boutinck. Five miles from Durham. [in- buildings, good land. with a. quantit ot timber. Must be sold at once. [XI-ice 80000. 118 news in Egremout. good lewd good buildings. W. 100 acres in Proton, near Swimon Park, fair windings. good land, well dramed. W9" watered and well fenced, Only swoon. Lots " and 7, Con. 2. N, D. " , Glen. FIR. [mat-res, Rood frame homo. nnd other buildings. well watered. Owner going west. A hangain. I'D-mm house, 7 lawn“. ts lml'll. 45x69. Town so! turtbets purticulars upply K'ilt1",', to Janus Hun-I. mham. 'u-uum outU a lt.4t PM Tho building ocrapied by P, G. Webster as a jewel!“ , More and J. Telford as a law “nice: with "h cnws, wall cam-s. clock and safe a! bargain. 7 A fine twu storey ttrisk dwelling huuse. large brick Maths. on Main Street, Durham. Will he mid at a lmrguin, and would m-(‘opl other property as part my. Apply to Come to us for tickets and informa. tion. We. me .100 agents fur Allan mud Dominion line tstetunships and C, P. R' ocun linen. MARI-ARE & co. A good cmnfurtuhle house with hard Water inside I rent 80 per ummh. For Sale or Rent A dwelling house and Ill, "Ites ot land in the Town of Dmhnm. Haw Ihe Mighton pr.vperlyb. mum of lxllnlmm th., a short (llhtnlu'P west of G, T. ll, Station. Apply In Cumming with truth: to and from Toronto. My one chunk" between Durham and Toronlo. apex-d. comfmt and and]. ihe fullnwinsil timetable will he in elfect until furt er notice . Read down read up mmp m mu. mm. 6 46 3.00 Walkerton v.40 12.53 7113 aa', leave Hanover " ve 9.19 12.34 7.14-3.33 Al an Park o.il I120 7.3 3.52 Durham 8.57 12.12 138,415 Mcwilliums 8.47 12.02 7.50 1.17, Priceville q w, ll lin 8M4.m;u’ve Bnucht. leave 8.231140 Splendid Residence Pvoperty {on Sale in Upper Town : the Well-Rum“ McLean manage. All corivvrtiences. Brick veneered. cotuforlle and cosy. Offers from intending purtlirtstts n- ceiwd nt Review Omve. the tarm is woll fstuced and is waters ed by never-failing spritnt (-rm k. Hay was cut ntf this farm last you: and the balance paslurvd, l’vIVIh-gr WI" be given lo cut this year's hay crop, storethe same in Inn Hi, to Ire fed out on the farm during period tot which leaned. For further particulars "pply lo JOHN A. GRAHAM. Box 100, Durham, m-lu DosAt.uGrtsuAsi, Pritccslle The highest pru-u " ir'. be paid for ull kinda of Log-It during next uiuler. A (not! lot ot t'sr.iyFles for sale clump tr. gnynm- who will (my [hum tttere. Will rent for term of yours. 1M) mu farm in tileneht, one lmlfwuv lewam Durham and Peiceville, T .luahlv farm in the Tn uf (Hem-lg (-mnpnwd of his 22 and 2.3, Can. 3, N. H. It. loo news. Poixtset,riiott given fuithwich. Tide perfect, For parti. culure apply to J. P. l ELPmm, Dulhum. The public are hereby notrtied that fishing is ulnctly prohibited on Lot 28, (Jon. 2, E. G. R. (nppmite Glen. rondvlv). All Irrepawers will he prose" cubed. As I have purchased the mill at Alveldeen from J, w. Crawford, I an: in a pituition to do all kinds of mummy “link _ .__ A A _ fthe undersigned alters fur riervice m Lot 9 and lo. Con 2, w G R ' lit-utiurk. a. Illmoughhred Dullmm hull. good pvdixree. and u. Thoroughhreui Tum. wot" In hog. For terms and "artivulam. apply to .. . Durham, May 'dl, PAJO Farms For Sale. no new. in the Third ancession To Rent 2 good houses. Apply to {we Eur Sale or Exchange. ARTHUR H. JACKan, Durham, Town Residence io Sale. IN in rnlr vuel'vd tty' ARTHUR H, Jstuoiisri, Durham 2 and If of 2t) of B. Hum-k f Ill" C-ro, In Aberdeen Saw Mil I. Stock for Service Fal’ln for Sale. Pasture to Rent. House to Ron! lands For Sale, Fishing Notice. JAMES waat4ox, Valnvy. Tums. Cook, Markdale. For tia le. Husuv A LtiXAN19Kit, Dmnoch. For Sale A. Gottccs. Solicitor. Durham. ()1) Town srlmul w. F. DUNN, C. Runny, weylsut n, Sneak upply ml the Burt. lhoprivtor, J. M. LA'rIMmc. WM. [41mm w in the t"irset one In.” i, n uf hurl N. Mr.rsrsrut. McCottsr:cs a! c hank HI (on! , " " M3131 CAL J. G. BUTTON. M. D., C. lit PIYIIOI " t Scum. OHIO. our d. Cu. Hus-tors But. t a to lo A.l. otttce--Calder's Block. over Poyt Otrire HONOR GRADUATE of Toronto Umversxty. graduate of Royal College if Dental Snrgmms of Ontario. Room. Oven J & J HUNTEK’S New Store W. C, PICKERING B. o s., L D S await? iaaiiiireiie" 16:31 aux-non Dentistry In I" in bunches. HONOR GRADUATE Toronto Culvert!” and unla Raul (mum Donn! nut-non Barrister, Solicitor in Supreme Court Notary Public Commissioner. Money w Mun. IPC". over Gondon's Jewelvy Stum- Insurance Agent. Nunu' In hum hum of Mmrmgu Liremm. A “an eral ”Mammal business (mum-(1H1. Barrister. solicitor. Notary Public. Cottveynttttttr Ac. Mum-y In Loan at lowest rates. )"'lpi; McIntyre Block over I he Slam C dard Bulk, Dun-hum. Uni-trio. D. McPHAIL- .' UNDERTAKER and Funeral Director OFFICE BOOBS ir--lt B. n H p a. reunion. Gan-loot can No.10 Picture Framing, Shortest Notice Cockshutt Plow Co. Ltd., Dunno“ Paris Flows. Sprudcrl. etc Bimll Rollers and Disc "rrowg mums Waggons um Sleigh; Barber. Armstrong, Tudhopc 3nd Bnyncs Buggies. Snow Roouir-Next to SWMIIU\\'H Bur her Shop. RESIDENCE - Firm ho- wouth tt IAwrcttceV Blnrkqmilh Slurp. Machines. ' National Cream Separators Robes, Blankets, Rugs. Whipsclc Daisy Chums. Washers, Wiugers Beatty's Hay Goods l’romptuess and fair dawning will contin ue to be my motto Yours tor Busing“. Liceutscd Auctioneer tor Co. Grey rerun moderate. Armament: to: “In " to Gates, Are., mud be e " the 'tevteqr ot. tite, Durham. u- C'omsspom1entw mare-Fed Lin-re. or to Ceylon P, o., will he [Ito-pug mended to, Terms on uppllmuon to Peter Hamilton Farm Implements Armstrong and Tudhope Gluten Bell & Thomas Organs and Pianos Rudd Harness. Toronto Raymond & New Williams Sewing I t rm- 0 “In" Bunion.- - Canon 01mm ,Ice n-l Radian». Ctr. Quin ' ll Mar; 58-. on block can trom toot at am. ARTHUR GUN. M. D., " to J. F.GRANT D. D.S., LO. s. - 85:9an attention fun to ”In!” 0! Women And Ch Mun. McIntyre Bloek-utntrton th, Barclay and Bell's old stand 33321721? DURHAI. ONT. (Lower Town son S bakery goods and you will always be satis- fied. We have afresh supply of Bum, Dough- nuts, Cookies Cakes, and Pastry of all kinds always an hand Cart Delivers Duly - Ceylon bu I wlepboue oll‘we. We buy our bread at Stinson's and think it is le very best too. That is what you hear the pcople say. HOURS Full line of Culrnlic Rulm and buck and white Caps for aged. people. Embalming a Specialty. J. P. TELFORD D. MOPHAIL. Ceylon i'. U C. RAIAGE. Hun-hm- C'OAVLYANLEB. syre E/ get Stin- es W. F. DUNN A. BELL . STINSON Model Bakery JULY I, 1909 . McLellan. JP. ski? (blue d, when " Ask cot Europe. Kiln am the min GUI I tabt" Tbis "into ' - I'm The nu In" am Antiorlt he pl‘c-un I I . Sta rti eled l Ciliriu I het, 'irist ( hum] “luv Jullll M an m I th markml .othitw ttwy M Sikh, n tioelt " wait " [tannins tteyed l had I [nun 1ipiou the u Paul's J lion lime hm that th, , pirit ttVN t it If“ 'a u trust in doe dolled reee0--itd, We'd like [ out Art til -4her I" just real I y eon! . th, may ttt can #e.. hh we send inn " min rtt The Pedl human. OTTIM l H“..'.233 8mm 3 Mull MI it ur' as “in Product in tl /<$9i$‘°3 x-f,; ftittr:i;iiTijii,) Il If T I h, A: LEMN i.-,rJLY 4 ot ill " Act H LES‘éMU ll _ M

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