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Durham Review (1897), 1 Jul 1909, p. 7

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Nor. OS ie " ts 'A n _ Mm our Nearest Warehouse: -q / "13m uoxmmt. OTTAWA TORONTO LONDON CHATHAM WINNIPEG VANCOUVER QUEBEC 'a-acruustw.ias-a" neonatal. Inna. 'tow-ttist. 131mm st. almanac. 121111"an I n. Jotm. N.B.. on rm mun-at. HALIFAX. u Phneq " ' t ' . WoMWhumudlom. Writ-brutal“. "ultimatum. tM went north til Kunming than: lleyod to Cyril! H. Paul in A Hun-ting from 'ted lhlwgh S liluiu and can “In-w he ha 1.1-1 missionary Pedlnr Products include every kind of sheet metal building "ttterin.--- many items to can mention here. You salt have 1 eatalogue--estiruate-- priers- odviee-ittst for the asking. We'd like ”luckily to interest y“ in war Art Steel Ceilings and Side Walls -they no a revelation to my peo- pie. More than 2,006t W: May we send you booklet No. " All air ing- of out. of tum, The Pedlar People of Oshawa P.ml's Journey from Antioch to Phil- ippi--Acts W. 334035. the doesn Jw trustiu Commentary. --t Paul’s and It- any journey in.- (n. 8-“). It. Ite It!" tUte Mltl I”. m m n 1ottneil Pun proposed to Bunk: " they uni-1i." the chute. which y had handed in Asia when These "who: "PM lposto’ie an M tmttF _v. Barnabas mu "gay to go, in Jud to take with him ma nephew. m Mark, who haut left the. on theh a, miuiunary jounoy. Paul refund, l the difl'rn-nre of opinion wu so rim! that they separated. There in him; In lwnr nut the supposition that l -rt.trute"t in mg". Paul chose t", ulw ot' the urletostrs an! to All- ,1, Horn the Jammie!!! council, MI a north through Ali: Ming; while ram" chose John Milk and join. .4 to I'_\_nnH, his iormor home. i in"! in Ania Minor (v9. 1-8). 1-5. Jul}; nun. Antioch Paul first trav- ', :hmuyh Syria. Ne tiwn outrnd ek and mum to lit-ril- and Lynn, 't he hm! planted Mum-hrs on his In:~~.un.lr)’ juurm-y. At Lynn he "t Inn-4h), who joined him and be. ' " “Ir lung mnxpuniun. Timothy in” taught the holy xeripttrres p, wood shingles last, he- um: the farmer is learning st how much wood shingles ally cost, and how little mine And we tl TI M} " it ti full n shingles an an] ersttrehe :nwy. All ' joined him umpunion. the holy a LU'tthtt ea8 it his m I m truivird to} " prepared through by the Light of Jul overhaulin hn pr. fast tty 1rm Mit'y an ll l The real Canadian girl, and bet: mother and l grandnvothcr trvo, know that Windsof Salt is un- ‘ equalled for purity, flavor and brilliant, sparkling appearance I 3 4 "5 , WINDS (f)Rwe"fihllr',', You can rest easy nights when you Oshawa-shingle wand save money, as well q 1‘th is the story in brief: Sun! for the free book that tells it " lengzh. and proves e-vory statrment as it goes along. With the book (‘07st a snmplc mingle, to show you what we mean by saying that the (hhzlwa Sun-i S'Ihigh's (Guaranteed) are made of 281mm he“! sheet ates-l. hemily gamma-d on both sides and all edges, and fitted with the Pull” fuur “any lock, that makes the whole root one seamless, ulbroken sheet of tough steel-tt roof that is not only guaranteed for twentyd‘lvo years. but good for a century. - _ Get the hook and learn about "Roofing Right." Send for it ttow-to. day. Ask for 1loormg Right Booklet, No. 18. Madras: our must place Anyls siting! six-Inn. and with the sit InTPIy Grantee? Mnin J aura if)? m n Act f 'he shingles . Anybody who has 11 building OKLY roofing that will root fr will never waste her money on imported table salt. She knows that right here in Canada, we have the best table salt in the world--. A new roof for noihi 0tirIAWA SEENGLES The Reall Canadian Girl GALVANIZED STEEL I cm! of less " nan] your bum ular Windsor Table Salt Fae? ccttrate at mt the ele 3.7m! farm th "ll ith Ugh oi. even _ than five cents a your per 100 square feet pm irnwuul Jour house for that "yuter-agaittst m)". of Irhawa Sim-l Shingles (Guaranteed). n you ",hawa shingle any building you in" My wriqruof; ubwlutely wind-tight; am 5 tiUAltANTHF.'D to be a good roof for twenty- patching, repairing, or bother or fuss of any lat m: r0 than forty pot cent. of all barn ling. "urns are peculiarly subject to the taust.tin hay and straw that constantly give The mm exltalatiuns from horses and cattle to yml tri bu “Inna S I the b :nq Jung.“ before can lay an Oshawa- 1 tools but a hammer and tinner's tusilydollowed directions that come uorth roofing right can afford the it right-and the only rooting that is Ming! in Canada and the 1 royal property valued at ve stock. (es, and injured 880, nearly um if ya" own harm. in during 1907, utplettr figures, it is at present possible Mud: mahtht- iaruwrs of this continent: Hing.” in Canada and the 1'nited States, royvd prupvrly valued at $4,123,000. if they leak by 1934 It. Iaydia-h woman of wealth and influonco'. Silk-r of porple--Lydian wo- men Wore celebrated for the art of pur- ple dyes and fabriei, the traffic in which was profitable, they being worn chiefly by the priimes and the rich (Judg. fl. 2tl: Luk" 115. 19).---Hinney. Tltyatira-- A city of Asia, on the borders of Lydia and Alysia. One of the seven churches addrqwsml in the Apocalypse. Lydia had came from the very province where Paul had been, by the Spirit, forbidden to speak. The first Asiatic convert on Eur- bes Shingim unwanted) is proof lightning rud system insulate. vholuer onlhm- and pron-w inmvnts. 4. Timothy, with hin- arnentnvsr" A river iich" probably no synagogue in th an: of prayer" sometimes in nun-tinn-i in the op'" air, an RP in thi, irratanee. “www- 1ial Naming; they were as miMo mm a riverside or on re.--M"am. Bib. ylitt--'rhy no» no]: We may learn for tliCaevount of the the-gospel at Phillippi Established 1861 Teat practical value t shows m tlu, im. together for "hitml have the ummrtmr all d wallets am for our. of the first . {our tttiq, m fervent Nil“. with 3. Luke, md 11min y, with hi“ toman in Who teach” often learn: himself.-- Italian. A . C Upon runny journeys along the Indian Northwest frontier, Dash has also been the mmradd of Itis master, and he has probably seen far more of the world than meet people. He has true British timer blood in his veins. although In. Jia. was his birth-place. The dog is now in quarantine after having come tram Ituruc-London Daily aiail. Though the aggregate of the marches amounted rnu hly to 10,000 miles in two yeah and rigit months, the actual dis. Lump coveted by Dosh, taking into ac- cmuut his eanine habits of progression, may be estimated at well over 20,000 miles. Dash made that journvy on foot practically the whole way, oxwpt when he went, "puny back" for short diatnnces at times of great heat. When in the Taklattrakan desert Dash, like the rest oi the party, had his water allowance strinly limited. It came from the sup- ply catried on camels in the form of ice. Dash went over mountain pus" as high as 18,000 feet above sea level. Throughout the journey the dog kept welt and his menu was made up of scraps from the camp larder. Each night he slept in Dr. Stein's tent, and on or. onions proved himself II very 030111] watchdog. On the high Tibetan uplands his chief reereation was chasing wild donkeys yaks and the'like. lie manag- ed to kill several hares and bring them in to supplement the store of food. Fox Terrier’s Travels Through Cen- tral Asia and China. A wonderful repurd as a traveller Inna bu-n achieved by Dash, the smooth-hair- ed fox terrwr whieh aeeompatiivd Dr. ll. A. Stein, the archaeological explorer, throughout his great Journey of 10,000 miles, undrrtakeu "" behalf of the In- Jian 1lovcrnrnent, through Central Asia into China and bark. friends in suffering hf Christ" ". ”malt-Ill. "She mu lmptizod" (v. Ir,). As won as she lu-lirwd she pub- [My professed her faith in Christ in the uppnintml way. "Paul was (orhidden to prmu-h in Asia, but his first mun-rt in Enriqu- W'rtm" a woman from Asia, and when xhn returned to Thyatira she may have been instriunental in planting the clmrvh there. which was mmmondwl for works of low. service. faith and pa- thmeo". tllrv. 2: lo, 20). ti. Inimitable. "Come" (v. IG). Paul. Luke, Timothy and Silni had lived in Itklginw and maintainvd tlwmsolw-a by lulmr. Lydia constrained them to abide with her. We show our love to Christ when we (-herish his friends whether (My Ire rich nr poor, learned on un: [rained l. livm-ptiw. "er “lwurt the Lord oIrertrd to give hot-d" (V. H. ll. V.) The natural heart dun by ignnrunno or sin run qnly lu. ope-nod hy the Lord. Hir, agvtwirs are the Spirit. the word. the prtutvlter, the holy "sample. the strangr vxprrirlu-v. and the hitta-r trial. G. Ulwdimll. "She Wm baptized" (v. tr,). As won as she lu-livwd she huh- trade ns a "svllt-J‘ of purple" iv. 14). The idle are nut in the way of having the heart opened by the Lord. ft. Attentive. Lydia "lurard" (v. 14). Having wine is a preparatinn fur more. If you li,vttaa to the truth. the truth will lay hold of you. "Unto you that hear ~‘hull more be given" (Mark 4:24). I. liveeptive. "er "lteurt the Lord “penal to give hot-d" (v. H. ll. V.) The natural heart shut by ignorunoe or sin van qnly lu. opened by the Lord. His iv. H 1'htist H. The ounvorte. "Lydia ....and ltor household" (vs, 14. 15). l. Devout. Liv. ing in u hvathen city where the Sabbath mm nut observed. Lydia wax in a plaee of "prayer" (v. Ill), worshipping God. iv. M), and an in the way to reveive. uluin him. a sacrifice to her god, before the missionaries came. She represents a multitude who my, "Oh, why did you Hui 0mm,- soonvrt" H. The vuln‘orh'. "Lydia ....and lint household" in. 14. 15). l. Devout. Liv. and prayiul him" (v. fl). The need of the hrnllu-n is their most hraart-reluling pry. A missionary from China told how she. with MIN-rs, stuppul at a little town on a river to have u Inna! repaired and she landed and gathered n few wo. mm together to tell them oout Jesus. As >lw talked. their longing to know WaR vvitwerl by thrir eaget' tiuoMions. When all? started for tho boat they mught ha-r hand-s and hrr 'lrstss and held her and Iwggul hrr to stay. (me .vmnnn l'ulluwml luT to the bout weeping and saying. "Haul go; please don't. go", llwrv won't lu, anybody to tell Us about .ivsuu." and receive the gospel. one Honing. a missionary returning from a preaching excu 'sion among the Hummus, found on cruel-mg his home a Saga chief seated like a child at his wife's feet earnestly imploring lusr to visit the Karena in the village. He said, "We have heard of Christianity and it seems Wonderful, the thing we want. Come to our jungle homes and preach to Us on our native streams. I have a wife, daughters, som- in-law. brothers and nephews, all of whom will become Christians; as well' as mysnll'. as soon as we really under- stand.” In a short time thr, rhiof be- vmno a inn-t, efficient native missionary. 2. Pititul. “'llwrn~ stood a mam .... and [tunnel him" (v. 9). The new] of PRACTICAL APPLICATIONS. Effective Missionary labors. I. The call. I. Personal, "There Mood a man" tv, 1|). The cry was from a’mau to 3 Min. As indivldaa'u "a must give gun soil, an there. mun {int uropeaa convert on Amati: soil.“ Th. two canes of Lydia and Cornelia. Ion the tVo span of the bridge which - ited Asia and Europe by the ttttrepel.- .Penteem. Wonhipped God-As ui','."; ‘elyte in the Jewish faith. Lydia tt her household. volshipiug God according to their light, were in the way of solu- tion. opted-Enlight-sed, impressed by his Spirit, and so prepared to receive the trttths-Baekett. To give heed (R. Y.)9hss received and obeyed the truths of the -pe1. "The evidences of Lydia’s conveyor: are (L) an open heart, (2) an open mind, (3) Den mouth, (4) an open hand, (5) on open house. No less than these are found in every truly converted heart. By using well the light she had, Lydia was prepared for great- " light adn larger himsings." 15. 1Iuusehold-All who may ho in.. r'lndod in this term joined with Lydia In her new faith. Faithful-It you have confidence in my profession, than do honor to me by coming into my house. AbidooVVc have here thy first t-xarnple of Christian hospitalily whivh was Ho commonly practised in the apostolic church. "The reality of Lydia's conver- sion was soon in its immediate fruits: 1. She attended unto the things which were spoken by Paul. If listloau before, if) curious only, if ripvolative, she i,. awake now. 2. Rho was baptized, and h.” Jrousehold.c,qhe took upon homo}! and upon her home the profession of tho 1'ltristian faith." True She WM , Industrious. Shy the hour of their twin Hui (v. 40). and tultilled "the law (Hal. 6 2). DOG EXPLORER. k. She wm following her Ilvr of purple" iv. 14). 'ailhful to her ONTARIO" ARCH TORONTO "H'm," said Sophie. " know a let. tor way than that." “Don you ?" "Yes, indeed. By my plan you take one particular man. plLie him on the sofa in the parlor. sit close to him Winn-"the light a. “Ale low, and look "Well, you take four or tive cheat- nuts. name them each after some man you know, and then put them on the stove, and the first one that pops in the one that loves you." It was the dreamy bout when the Christmas dinner, having been eaten, was doing its best to digest itnelt' and the girls were talking in the hushed tones appropriate to the occasion. "I've just heard of a new charm to tell whether any one loves you, and if so, who it is," whispered Elsie. "What is it?" otiried Sbbiiié. ab. sontly fingering her new diamond ring, _ "It was a shama to take the money," rejoined his pal. 'Sur first game was a chwh." "Well, what do you oxpwt?" was the oaallier‘u (-alm rejoinder. "The bank'" next door. This is the box office of the than t re."--..' York Times. out "Well,, I guess it's all right, gentle- tmm. You both have such open faces there's no now! of asking your names or business. Just indome the cheque. please." V This being quickly done. the amount Wrtm' counted out, and the [organs depart- («I in high Mlee. But a moment later both novices hur- pied back to the cashier. "Fay." blurted tho first forger, “this iq sump money." “('hoqm- for $200. Can't you read?" "Well." n-pliul the cashier, tuuilingly, 'wruiinizing tho Piero of paper, "you'll have to‘he identified, you know." The first forger pointed to his compan- ion. "This geatl"man'lt identify me." As the second man stepped forward the cashier looked him over. "What's this fort"' iriquired ille‘lnan bl hind the window, w, one oi the strang- ers deposited a. bogus cheque on the slals. The hm strangers boldly entered the ioirn's huprxsing bank building, to which Hwy had been directed, and approached the uusllivr's window. "Do you," he asked, "believe that a woman will 9Vl'l’ Iuave as many advan- lngnq as " man enjoys?" "I do not," she replied, and the ques- tioner prtuttaturely smiled as she paused for effect. "A woman must always, lack can 110er have a \\'il'u."-l£dinlmgh De. mun's greatwU udvanlagv; a woman spun-ll. _ The suffragette order at the street corner in East Edinburgh had much to "ontentl with on Saturday night. The Mock question, "Why don't you get mar. 11ml?" was answered in the usual war. "llm-unse I never met a man good enough.” She was an able young lady in the midst of too many ungallant men, and one of their number put a pager, as lie probably thought. "t presume yoa're a. bit of player .votuwl'r" said Sandy. “I am," was the proud rep!) "I tltocht no," said Sandy. .. grand drihbler, but youve no pasoiing."--Titutits. "Grand," said the xughUman, taking unuthor urait, but still not (muting it to his neighbor. An Engmhman and a F',coteltman clsaneed to meet at tt football match, the Englishman, Mntrary to tradition, pos- sessing the "bottle." A few minutes af. ter the gunu- had started a good run was made by one of the visiting for- wards. "Good run," said the Scotsman. _ "Fine." said the Englishman, and ap- plied his lips to the bottle, ignoring San- dy's thirsty glances. Later a goal was scored. “Fine goal," said Sandi. “Grand." said the Rupiah-mm mum. a; The same medicine that an wonder. fully restnrwl Mrg.Gomer, will also mm- you, 250. per box, or five boxes for ll.oo. "eiare of Fubstitutra. By mail from The Csttarrhor.one Company, kingston, Ont. "I am unions to and the mange rot hope for and wide to all who "t Mt 1 poor health, an I van a yen ago," write: Mrs. Ernest P. Gomez, from Meriden. "For years I have had a weak stomach and have experienced all the yiaress 0&1qu by indigestion. I may shy that the heart pains. watery risings, pressure of gas from ivriuentation at times " most drove me wild. For a time I could sTttreely eat a muuthful, without causing ntysvlf rmlluss misery; I could not sleep well, my color was fearful. dark circles undit my eyes. bad dreams, ole. "As a last hopi- lugs lwrsuadt-d to try Dr. liamilton's Pilriihrt Mandrake and Butternut. As I persevered WI this treatment my appetite frntlually re- turnul, and I began to relish my meals. My mtron,eth slowly returned, the head who and rho-9t pains grpw lees sum-re, and at lad l Lugmi to look my old self again: Dr. Hatuiltrm's Pills vurvtl me, and I luv 'thvm m-l-aaiunully still. be, , muse I find ai a sy~lom regulatur and 1tmltho,upprrrter no modicins- " "qttttl to tluun." The following letter is printed with the hope that it will show a clear road to health to those who suffer the pangs of indigestion and weak stomach. Indigestion. lad Color. -- gale, Fatlguod. Those oppressed by Palpitation and Heart his will find interesting Facts in this Article. tint and Stomach Wmng Ain'tle Flay?" piped one TIMI me yoa're a. bit ot a firba we?!" said Sandy. was the proud reply., on the wnv You’re a guid at Wlrett the "tl" were passed up those who did nnt rorittire any mt-n- were supposed to plaw the apcon in the cup. This writer rmm-mlwr-n a very ancient dame teaehing a mall boy to plare his spoon in his "T after the first (up bad been emptied. He wondered for the "no". Now he known that tea VII onoe very expend". and little boys won lot trtteeted to at Malts.-- London Practically all Canadian drug- gints, grocers and general dealers sell Wilson’s Ply Pads. If your storekeeper does not, ask him why. Tea Table Etiquette. Tea table etiauetto was somewhat eotttpiientmi in the an” oi that "hard. ened and shameless to: drinker," Dr. Johnson, when many pmph- thought nothing of drinking ten on twelre cups at a sitting. It was mnsidervd proper for the cups and sauceu of I party of ten drinkers to he all passed up to the hostess in one bahh when replenishment wo considered necessary. and in order that each pen-on might be um! of get- ting hack the right mp the. tarpon wrre numbered. . Save nut shells in an old paper bag until some tune when you want same- thing to brown very quickly in the oven. Then throw them on the tire and get the full benefit of the quick intense heat. A lost of bread will keep fresh much longer if placed in a revert-d stone crock, Wrap in a large cloth to exclrde air and keep the crock in I cool place. It is nicer than a tin vessel and much Iret. ter than keeping the bread in the re- frigerntor. Left-over non-ah need not he wash-i They Bre excellent fried like mm): and eaten with Ixrup or hqney. -. _ _ _ M Ammonia shouldvnol be used in the evening or near I fire, nor should the bottle be allowed to remain unmrkod. It is inflammable. and its human are not specially healthful. ' Fon, “ch in bottles. It save: open- ing mmy boxes to find a partieular kind. When cleaning house Une plenty of turpentine in the scrub water. It mum: certain death to moths. Covering the Fan when tid: in frying is apt to make the fish soft. A solid, firm meat, that is at the same time flaky, is what the good cook likes. There is a time in the life of every girl when the strain upon her blood becomes too great; when she grows weak; has headaches and backachr, when dizziness seizes her and Mlle te. comes extremely miserable. That i. the time of life she needs a tonic -a medicine that mll not fail to eurieh her blood and give her strength to withstand the changes through whi 'll she is passing. Such a tonic is Dr. Willianie Pink Pills tor Pale People. They have raised thousands of grow- ing girls out of the depths of misery and despair to a full enjoyment " good health and strength. Among those who have found good health thwulgh these Pills is Miss b'uddard of Haldi.mand, que., "'oucerniug whose Erase her mother writes as follows. "Dr. Williams' Pink Pill, have been a great benefit to my daughter who was weak and miserable. She War pale, easily tired and was hutheroil with indigestion. The use of the 1'15 has Itrought back her health, and um le her strong and active. I am 'ery grateful for what this wondeytlul medi Pine has done for her." .. . Dr. Williams' Pink Pills are the greatest blood builder known to medi. cal seience. That is why they t'ulP anaemia, 'themstatisan, heart palpi'r tion, indigestion. neuralgia. etc. That in why they are of such value to tsu- men'and girls during the changes through which they pass from girl. hood to maturity. The Pills are :old bv all medicine dealers or direct 'ty niail at " cents a box or six boxes for 82.50 from The Dr. Williams' Medi- cine Co., Brockville, Ont. Will Find Health and Strength Through Dr. William! Pink Pills. WEAK, TIRED GIRLS iodine they held, an to the sea from the want of moans they H" may Inn". \uucu “Hulda-l ot a, (“un- t-vntratal salt brine-is about to trerour menced. lt contain“ iodine and bromine, both of vduVh um be extracted and the remaining liquid "apotated tor salt. At. tontion ic, also called to the water in the lirmny Wells. particularly in the ”ag- heMan district. where, during the boring highly rmm-tnrntml brine was found - "tau"ause I 90411 a erossin' the [Human boy. "Any sailur'd k; stand up in a boat." A "tttttts School teaeher hall on- ,gount . a degree of ignorance Ltd" py newness on the part of one of her boy- that she became dis- heartened. So it W31 with consider-Me :H.'trt'asttt that she said to tlte youngsters "l wonder if you oould tell me whe- ther “verge Washington was an soldier or a tailor?" _ The kid grinned. "He WM a soldier, all right." was the reply. “How do you know?" aikul the weary tvnelwr. This was rathi . :1 staggeror for the latest crmtrilmxur to the prize funal. but he retained ourimily mango to impure whrOsui proved the happy winner. The guilt-Wan solicitor for subs'riptiottn was 'Nite undaunted, however. V "The winner i, he sail mny just "mam-1'." , gonnnt. A I‘m-hire eom-i.at traveller made a trip to South-d. and in Abor- dean was asked by a prospective buyer to subscribe to the prize fund for the local golf tournament. He parted with five shillings, and, as he “no interested in golf. he remarked that he would like to be kept informed of the progm of the tournament. so that he could look out for the result. f-, "0h," said the customer, as he pkked, tip the five shillings and plsu'ed it u- ohrely inrlm porket, "ye "Will the that. The tournament wan held last Saturday." . . into his eyes. And then. it he deem" pop, you'll know it's time to change the mtg on the 'tota."-Mo-. Home Com. panic!) Will Exploit Well Water, nuke I 'N'rl a [drum of him t' the "elaware," explained the "Any sailor'd know mmugh nut to up in a bout." Worth Knowing. r held, and which were rIInIII from glue Baku walls. But for had to be let. gd mi , III She is an expert with shotgun, ritie or revolver. and has a record ot . targets out of 100 thrown ttom un- known angles. She also trg-hed as out. of 500 turn-ts, but her but Sea was breaking 96t out of 1.000, e {on which required four hours end " minutes. Although barred Iron the grand American handicap. the will ptrrtieipstte in several men-hen when the line in not drawn nuimt women. during the tournament. "Love will find i iny." quoted b. Wine (My. "You. on. though it my t only a wny out," W the Simpl- tte. Chicago. June \9.--Mn. Adolph Topperwein, who will panicking in the grand American untrue}! in Chi. cago next month, is the most. noted woman shot in the world. 41.1"“, to enable- them to" keep tl"ur Army in thy tield and defend their own "?il. tim'umu Mum-inns claim that the v"'tory of Watertoo was owing to tic. imival of the Pruvan army ton-ands the eleme of the engagement. WheUcar that was so or nut. they mfrain from tttentiouiug the fact that that would have he": no much "my in the field at all if Great Britain had not undid .lw funds that Preserved in orttar0atiort Ind made lltNalllh' its prim-n99 on the field. It Great Britain but not. in. 10]]de huts urn! between Map-rte and l'nmia. .and opt'tted her pane to Prun- ‘ian needs. thste would he Ila German Filipin- in Midi-mm iouay.'rven though lluuapurtr w", 'usoddy ”It? taught love. ptohahly would havWewd away. and Grrmany would not I, be in a punition lo tueateu (twat Bnilain with rival-y either in induhtty m naval armament. 'lhp humanizing 'Ilugles‘s the world ha: made sinve the fate of Europe was " eided on the firld at Waterloo i, amour» nyinf. 'fhe 'lernoirtae.v, then crushed and Isope we. i-t turw trinmphing. nut by am“. but by imiivury. Though Germany In! taken the plan- of Fraum- " a military "Ilium-e to Kurope. militarUm la a tad, ing force in the mmlrul of national den. tinies. Iirumomies are of molly "ore importance than Imlilit'i in may!" the pulivim of guvm‘nnwntn. The at-hiow- would in wit-me and ittveution, with the sprmul of mlllmtiun, and the growth of intelligence, during the centnrv lim- the battle of Waterloo. have wonderttute changed tho wm'hl. Still minder tri "mph-t of human Grains over the lore-n nf nature and the 'utperstitiotts ot heredity may he rmsnm'oly Maw-ted. Another Waterolo is not inzpoull P. Int: industry and ammo-we. more than armies of soldiers. will daddy the deqtitty ot nation, in the fulurrn SMASHING TARGETS IS EASY FOR HER. Mrs. Pinkhsm, at Lynn. Mus. Invite. all sick women to write her for advice. Her advice Is free. and always helpful. This famous medicine tor women has for thirty years proved to be the most valuable tonic and renewer of the female organism. Woman resid- ing in almost every city and town in the United Staten bear willing will. 'IIN. to the wonderful virtue of Lydia E. iakuam'e Velgetable Compound. It cure: female ll B, and creates'mdl- Int, buoyant female health. "Iron are ill, for your own lake Hi we as thee ret.loyts, give it arGl. --- [315.1119 luttlv Jud the Empire artniltilatN. It No woman should 'submit to a 'leit: cal operation, which may mun dent until she has given L din E. Piakluuto Ve table Compound: made “antiw- ly E'ft pots and herbs, a fair trial. months' use Jraisiii.taii.' st."T. WILLIAIS, R. F'. D. No. M, Box a, Gggdlner, Me. ible almdine-u MW?,'?', A "ti; _ and il,RFie't, V gs _ “r Fi, 3 ‘ doc _rdr" haw " V " . hos ' .. - wa a’ ('uu . if . = thin Cid ki'ig'd th' ' I .. t'& _ ' Mh eta! . . .' " and .1 " $E __a - ' ' ' ' (‘llh Hairy Crttrdiner,Maiue--"r huve been a great sufferer trom organic troubleg " e LR52PY, , andab-Wt‘n'lcuulc _ _ y, lia Mt “rankings. '1' h V " = E') doctorsuidi would Ir, have to go to the , v v . hospital tor an - ;.<..\;;.>;.. operation, but 1 fl. could not bear to . {5" think of it. I der 'if' " Av cided to try l. dia "ml. M . - E. l'inkham'l 'Cl". 'C"s: It,,,- trii etalsle l'umpound By Lydia E. Pinkhant's Vegetable Compound ANOTHER WOMAN tte's Itcltet Iv (in-a} Britain gvcummuwd the hulk her national drhl in the urinal. aimst liullupallv. a Inge part of with): ls irumtted in s-uhsidirjng the Pun In“. In ertalrle them to keep their my in ' tield and defend their own il. tlertuau Ilium-inns claim that the elnry of Waterloo Wis owing to tic. lint] of the Prussian "my lowuda e ehme of the engagement. Wheat" at “an so or not, they mfuin from .‘nlicm'zng the tact that them would w bern no such “my in the field at 1 if Grout Britain had not nupplivd Nivwly- four I? BATTLE OF WATERLOO. tit MRS. TOPPERWEIN. _\'-fuur years ago, on Juno N, " luttle of Waterloo w“ fought, Empire of Nnpoleort Bonaparte In]. At Waterloo the invin- xnl-ines‘ of the British hunky. ing the rn-Irzm-d Marge» of No)": broke the strength of Bau- aimy and opened the my for N HM. which complain! the At llw beginning otrlmst een- (Mont teal Without.) and sanativisi, - and was anti rely eurtf after mm

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