it H :szall Term Opens i) August 30 c. A. mama. Principal. Owen Sound sp/i-ttft'-,'-,'--,'---, Cpjeuttc))), 7--‘vugam)mamg Twenty-eight min) you: undertone â€amount. Bullion. BhonMnd. Ind â€elm Comp. lumen mo. If you Ina: t thorough, Emma. mum education, I and Ot EDress Goods (bums for ttt study at home. Um- gradmtel an unlisted to the beet positlons. Wale for the reason. Prepnre now to en- ter at Winning of term. Mail (bums or those who wish to Walkman Business College GEO. SPOTI'ON. Principal :swemwemm: 'fiiiii" PEOPLE'S _ STORE A Practical School. Though this business is advertised for sale, we have no intention of letting out well assorted stock run down and as long as we are in possession, will con- tinue to give Clothing Stocking Up Again Bats and Caps New SHOES THE HOUSE OF QUALITvg Mr H. H. Mockler is in Toronto this week buying the newest things in hot weather goods "WIN SOI‘ND. (DE New Muslins and Ginghams lew Lawn Waists and Suitings New Wash Belts and Collars New Shoes and Hosiery Gingham: ,ikelu'l,%u't'iilli"iiCkiiGiioiia hints: Muslims, Lam and Organics u " Here is the place, to Regent Brand buy your Spring Suit, whether you want readrmades or made to order. These Clothes are cut and sewed perfectly, the style is permanent, due to the honest methods of making and the excellence of materials used. A tine stock ofvPatents, Imperial. Shoes Tans and Dongola Blue. for men. Good line' of Chocolate, tan & Oxblood for Women Highest Prices for Butter and Eggs. the Highest Price: for Produce ROBT. BURNETT No cloth made to equal these for wearing and dust-shedding qualities. , New check gingham fine even , weave and soft finish. Nice stock of A large asaosttnent of Spring Hats and Caps now on hand. The highest price will be paid for all kinda of Logs during next winter. A good lot of Shingles for sale cheap to snyone who will buy them there. The school In thotoughly e u! pad In teach": 'trilitr,irt chemical And s'fe'l'lll'll1 suppliel Ins lamp, ae. for full Junior Lenin; Ind Intric- ulnlon mi. The following competent tstair m tn chute ' re.. ALLAN». I'rtruit,_1rt C)“: Pertifietste. J . P.Totro rt, As I have purchased the mill at Aheldeen from J, W. Crawford, I am in a position to do all kinds of custom saging._ _ -_- _ _ _ __ ttet', 2 Science. Euclld. English Grammar Boo -keeplng Ind Writing. MISS DONALDA McKEBRAClIER. B. A., Grad um ot Queen's Unlvenny. Subjecs Latin, French, Algebra, Arithinetic. £188 AMY EDGE. Grtdune ot the Faeulty of Education. bubjocuz “tenure. Compo- unlou. Geography, History and Art. Inundlng smdenu should enter n the begin tting ot the term " mum. Bond on be ob- ulnod a male rum. mix-bun is a balmy nnd "tmetiretowrt, main: it . mo" deslnble place {or maiden“. "38:81 per mm": in ndrantt Durham, May 31, 1909 Durham School Aberdeen Saw Mill. sun and Equipment. Enigma“! N. MCINTYBE. Always the Best c. 59.99.90 'riigifft' Nils Nellie Hepburn is ve-tttttt rel- “in: in the city. art" Bea ateOmrken is spendingbor mention in Hnmilton. Mm Agnes Rulings visited Onion remivn Dominion Dar, 'tif. Mn Cope left Monday morning on . month’s Visit to St Catharina. Mr 1nd Mrs R. Burnett took in the sport. at Pleshetrton Dominion Day. Mrs I. Kan-er of St. Thoma. u a goat. at her father-h. Mr L. Elvidgo. Mr Chan 0. Ramon. teacher It ll- sinon. come home Friday for the v» cation. Min Ida Wilson, nurse-tn-ttCuFt, Guelph Hospital, was home over Do. minion Day. Mrs Burgman left Tuesday morning on a two month viniuvith New Hum- burg relatives. Miss Fry, Mis- Dick‘l head trimmer. left Monday morning tor her home in Petet born. Mr and Mn Boynton And tatntir, Toronto, are guests of her mother In James Lauder. Mr and Mrs Donald-on and family of Toronto are guests of her brother Mr T. Swallow. Miss Allie Blackburn in home from teaching duties at Hespeler for we Iummer vacation. The exact. date was, then. last 31st of March but the reunion was put " till a summer day. All of their child. ren could Dot get there (us they did four year; anal but there we: Ieven of them present. with wine. hnebende, children and grand children, who 'spent a. very pleasant day, enjoyed two meals together. gave tout: end eotutratulntioru, eons. chetted end played together an in ye olden time and then with tender good byn and good wishes separated, carrying plea.. ant memories of: are eyent. Though both our tour econ. the Aged mu no in hit been!) and greatly enjoyed the occasion. Their My circle of 10 children has. never been broken and then with {sand end MM children me upon! all then Hand. The eldest mud-child, Mn Wick. tomgmnulom. Inn-Mina; has of 1 My otNahoeMgstM, gaatitramMttgattre, ' Mr Chas. Dowhng. Detroit, is vint- ing for some days m town, the aunt of his aunt, Mrs mad. Mr and Mrs Hugh Mount of Mar- shall, Texas, left for their mulbem home on Monday after spending: delightful week with their comics. Mr and Mrs J. H. Manyden near town. They return by way of Toronto and Niagar: Falls. Mr Mothtt in manager for the Singer Sewing Ma. chine Co. for East. Texas. Tuesday last the home of Mr and Mrs Daniel Coleridge. Egremont, wee the scene of one of the rarest of eventl in human experience, viz t a reunion of their family to celebrate the com- pletion of sixty years of married life. On the far gone. day of the 31-5 of March, 1810 the now aged couple were married in Devonshire, England. and a few weeks after not nail for Canada to face life under new conditions. They came to Hamilton and after a few years there and near it. moyed to Egremont where they ever since been. mTcauE.--on Thursday, July 1, to Mr and Mrs w. J. Ititchte, Edge Hill. a daughter. [Loyal young lady.) McrLRAt'rH.--rn Durham, on 27th June, to Mr and Mrs J. S. Mclhuith, a non. Ihxos--in Priceville on July -. to Dr and Mrs. Dixon a daughter. Mr and Mrs Wm. Black were in Fhssherton Dominion Day, the former judge of the horse racing. Diamond Wedding Celebration. hm. Wdtor‘u Idle. with husband and two chflfan 3,-onqu ugh!†Miss Bertha Gadd left Tuesday morning for Toronto, titer a plea-ant three weeks visit at home. Miss A. McMillan. who has been: guest of Mrs Kelsey for a few days re. turned to Toronto accompanied by Miss Marguerite Kelsey, who will spend a few weeks with Mrs Cameron. Misc: Oliver, who has been head trimmer in Morlock'u for the put "tV son. left Monday for Fergus. Mr Charles Bowling. of Detroit. in at, present spending his vacation visit. mg relatives in town and country. Miss A. Gun left Monday on her annual vacation trip to Manitoulin Island. She visit. friends in Burris on the “my. Mr and Mrs U. Itamage and family attended the Diamond Jubilee wed. ding celebration of Mrs It.'s parents on Tuesday. A load of Guild members attended the You " People’. Chrutiatt Enduw or Convention for thin Presbytery in Holstein on Tuesday. Prim Allan visited hls son Arthur in in Burma Falls over Dominion Day and Is at present in Toronto " an ex- nminer on entrance to Normal papers. Miss Margaret. Grant, who is leav- ing her school on the Old Durham Road, Artemeaia. was the recipient. of a handsome gold watch chain and Ad- dress by her pupils. Mr W. Wollwood, Model student of last fullhut now teacher " Blount, Dufferin Co., visited town friends over the holiday. Mr and Mrs Jesse McClure of Tot on-, to, were gneuu of Mrs Mob": parents Mr and Mrs Jun. Alkinmn over the Jubilee week end, BORN Atteran uneventful leave mutual from Dmhun 3nd arriving unc- Williams, when we'took on another‘ gamer. yo proceeded min; quip (on minute or two inutartiittry iittlda a Damn where the pump cube engine refused for the time being to work properly. The hand zero be†111:th tht the time Mt the train refusing to he ran on wind, the tie,"."', had to be reetifUd there and then. rieeville and the June- tion were duly nlntod and Fused. flying " the latter place or toy 1todrCitonte trump“); itse track for Fluhemn, other- going down the line toward: Proton Station. Arriving at o. Sound n weary and duty tramp wee taken to the camp grounds. some three miles oat north weetoi Brooke. military etiquette tor. bidding the use oi the eidewnlk. and the 'tretstalttadintt to the camp not having an acquaintance with the water wagon,“ may be imagined how 2 ln 1 and all other famous boot gollehee were soon tll in the shade. heir unliorm end unteuenoe even was such that their names might easily hove been written upon each Camp Sarawak, Owen Sound The general teeling towards the grounds so fur is one ot satisfaction, is Me level stretch owned by the Gov. ernment with e rifle range and firing points I? to 1000 yde. in length just elongel e. 1 fine spring about 100 yds, distant hll been piped and brings the water fresh and pure right into the grounds: a. telephone on the grounds is also a convenience for or- denng goods. bt, A fine, quiet. unobtrusive Camp. 1everythlntr in good going shape all items including large mess tent and tables are up. Fiesherton Cu., some 10 strong. were brought to the station by u Richardson and Sgt. Bellamy, the men from there being sent on under the care of Capt. Snider. Sgt. Bert Menin the two ormer mention. ed, returning to town. A service after tea on {side}! even- ing on the parade groan hy Chap- lain Ardill, who gave a short address on the 23rd psalm, was very favour. ably commented upon not only for its excellence but for the innovation, as being something new in camp on a week night. A visit to Mr and Mrs Alex Adair, late of lihremopt, found them com- fortably occupying I large and hand- eome woman not tar from O. S. with a fine View of the bay ; they enjoy it grentty as well they may. A corporal" guard is mounted daily 3 men and u Sgt. for our safe keeping through the silent watches The requirements for effieieney pr is looked upon as rather severe, in requiring a flrat year man to take an Henge of enemy. 2yi ppr m_aa Our Price an average ot Magpies 21, and a 3rd year man one dinners 28, in 7 shots nt a 6-inch bull's eye. It can’t be done by the beat old shots on the grounds with a. new and strange rifle. More dissatisfaction is felt every year " the way military matters are be- ing run. In addition to the above, is the messing allovnnee of 25 cents per dar gr' men. which is looked upon as be u too little, The Band is receiving high praise " their "ieiener and generosities in quantity. _ _ 7 We dnnot sell our CANned goods st lest, than whole-ale pricey. Canned Pea. Corn and Tomatoes, toe per can. This price in right. We invite all the people in town and country who no CiANdid enough to a? to hone“ equivalent for what , nu, to come to u: for canned We 0mm mom to sell armed good. at less that? their actual cost. sud throw in our tune and energy an Mrs C. McArthur Friday afternoon, no drill on M- connt of rain, proved a half holit‘ay lite the day preceeding on acco. ht our natal day. A lecture by Musk etry instructor Rorke was given in; stead. in the large Marquee, on the use of the rifle in bundling and aim- ing end other hots in connection with it. The instructor who is also Major though not on duty as such this year, thoroughly understands " business and makes it quite in- teresting. Come to m for mm Goods. ' Ottr ttttees no right. "11:. truth - he BLAHED. But an - In BHAMBD Passengers. freight And mail. The ood supplies are being contracted for by the officers of the Regt. this year, the Government allowing 25 cents per day per man for the pur- pose, another new item for the pay sheets added. The drawing inihtenee of historic Ningaru'o fine commons and Camp grounds intuit by all the Co's on this oecwon. The Band is giving good satisfaction. quite an improvement on last Year, I hear it shid. They have no on: march up the line before breakfast or at bedtime. A hall day's outing is held out to-morrow for town, when the men must be shaved nnd buys hair clipped and look spruce generail y. Football is the most fashionable sport here so far, a shooting match is s ken of with sideschosen by Col. (gland 3nd PIT, Chisholm on the limp! July. he_nfternoon drill tor that dav'is put off on account of holldav. Many are going to town, some are visiting triends in the coun- try. A carry-all sent up from town last nignt did not secure many passen- gers " 25 cent: for the round tri . Phe Grand Trunk running alongsicfe of the groundl 150 yd: distant affords, " interesting sight to those who care tor it in the Ranging of pany trains, THE BUREAU REVIEW Canned Goods TORONTO Nguyg A June30th, '09 Hummer wu stirred toits a?!» hat week over the death ot Min- lice Wright lag drowning. She was 1 niece ot___ r. .1th Wright) of_thil town. We copy the following from lost week's Post: “Shortly after 7 o'clock on Mom day 8th June . at y and light tsearted “Arty of four young Hanoveriono. iuee Alice Wright nod Loni-o Whit. taker. and Heart Luard Woodward nod Paul Bretz conned down the Son- geon river to bathe. They got onto! the canoes at the swimming ts','," " Mr. McGesgh’a property I re the [beach is fine and the water deep It is situated near the Ipot where local camping parties have hivouuked in recent years. The late Misc Wright possessed the feat of swimming which few gills delight in. and in company with Mr. Woodward attempted to , swim ntross the river. They had got I alittle be ond the centre of the river. l Lnard l,"e'iffl' n few strokes in Advance. when he heard a moon and on turning around saw that his comnnnion was in distress. He yew. "ram to her assistance, and Miss Wright now thor. oughly exhausted was unable to help herself further. Luard put 'lllt plucky tight to rescue her, and t e young couple went pitifully under the water and to the surface again some six times, In the meantime Mr. Bretz had come up in dis canoe and as Luord clutched the “out. with one hand, the young girlish form slipped from his grasp. sunk and never rose again. Luard was also exhausted as well, and was rescued by Mr. Bret; with meat. difficulty. It might very ensil have been u double or even a tliple grown- ing. All this time--it was only a few minutes actually but to the solitary flgure, Miss W hittnker, on shore it seemed an eternity. She could not swim " stroke and to stand there a helpless eye witness of the whole tragedy must have been awful. F5.“ _ . fir'? Mr. Bret: and Miss Wttittaker cem- oed to town and gave the alarm and very soon the river was full of craft and divers looking for the poor gitl‘s reumms. while a couple of hundred or more towns-men stood on the bank watching the gruesome proceeding. The accident took place about 7.45. and it was neatly 10 o'clock before the corpee was recovered in deep water tlurut 30 feet from the shore." Miss anht was in her 25th year. . professional nut ae of high standing and was engaged to be umlried tshort- ly. Her arents were Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Jf/ill Pain Catt be eaqllv and quickly mp- ped. Pink Pain Tablets-Dr 8hoop'ts-- stop Headache womanly pains, any pain. anywhere, in 20 uximnten sure. Formula on the Me box. Ask your druggist or doctor about this fo rmul- am fine. Sold by MacFurlaue * Co. Jr 4th to Sr 4th--E Derby J Hop. kins, J Derhv, L Torry. 1ttrc,--N Me- Ronnld. Br 3rd to Jr4th- M Park. E Park, M Adlam, F Corbett. A Bmley. E McLean. Jr 3rd to tir 3rd-M Ho - kim. B Park, 6 Turnbull, A ih'l'd'n','ll", M McBonald. Rec..-) lawrence. Jr 2nd to Br 2nd--N Mun-dick. E Millikan R Mills, l Hopkins. M J Adlam. il Adlam, E Rear. Sr Pt Md-M Turn. hull. G Johnston. S Adlnm, E McLean Jr Pt 'gnd--t1 Hopkins. M Chm-lawn. tr Rear, G H Torry, B Grier-son. B Mighton. Br "t--Vera My. Velvy 'lat, M Bailey. J r bt B--T Goth", B Miler. J Millgm. A Idiom-Id. Jr lat A-d Park. Hopkins. 0 Ray, fl John-ton, M Alexander. M Mirhton gpruc-k, Mar Duck, 0 I!" or. 0 A pamphlet containing an histmicnl 'sketch of the conprreeation from its earllst days, appreciations and por- traits of all the ministers of the con- gregation, some of the pioneers', the church. the "muse, kc. As the edition is limited orders should he placed at once at the Re. View "ttice or ntlho stores of Messrs ll, MacFarlane, Jae. R. Gun, C. L Grant, Jas, Ireland. or J. ti, MeIlraith. Jr My to by Jul-John Ruth McGillivray. Sr 3rd tr Jr Ith-- Florence McGiluvrny. Jr 3rd to far 3rd-Srtdie McGillivray. Tenn McGilll- vray, Gordon MrGillivrav. Mary Mc- Millan, Mabel Benton. Jr 2nd to Br 2nd-Norman McDonald. Allan Me. Lean, Viola Pilkev. Emmi: Amen. Neil McFarlane. Pt 2nd to Jr 2nd- Edmund Poole, Myrtle Pilkey, Matt McKeown, Wear Pennock, Flora. Mus Farlane, Tommy Edwardr, Arthur Pennock, Vina McNab. Pt Int to Pt 2nd--Elsie neuron. Clark Judson. Mar Edwards, Dan McAIthur, Leon. ard M"rTdll'/ Willie Pilkey, Angus McOillivra.r, Josephine Manh. u. D. FARQUHARSON, Teacher. PRICEVILLH PROMATION Enu. Names in order of merit. Br3rd to Jr 4vh-Myrm Mchan cm. Laura McKinnon tire, Emma Conkey 314. Jessie McDonald an, Tom Mathnr 315. Paws nmrk 287. Jr 3rd to Sr 3rd --dittt Muir 367, Evolvne Burnett 363. Jun. Nichol Sli, Victoria McMilIAn 810, Ray McLean 307, Vera Wuhan 300, Hector McLean ar, Annie Me, Donald 292, Rob Tryon 287. Mag ie Muir 238. PM! 238. Sr 2nd to 'llW.. Jim Carson, Annie Muir, Archie Me. Kechme. Irene McLean. Clara Worliag Bah McKinnon, Marjory McLean. Colin 't'rron, Pt 2nd to 2m1--Aettie Muir. [Jean Burnett, Mattie Conkey. Mattel McMullen. Elwin Moore. VitieV. _ _ - _ _ Average stbendsnco. M. A, C. MACKIMLII. Teacher. Also pictures of the seasmn. the managers, the choir and other features. 1'. s. a. NO 2, n. & Cr. Jr 4th to Sr 4th--Harold McKocbnie 61 per cent. Jr 3rd tosr3rd--stewtut McArthur (I) per cent. Sr 2nd toJr 3rd-‘Trm Gruehy 57 per cent, Armetta McKechnie Gl per cent, Earl Vesuie 53 per cent. Jr Pt 2nd ttr Br Pt Nd-- Mabel r'vvrusby 61 per cent, EMher Me. Lean 62 pee cent. Jr lst to St Ist-- Merron McArthur, Teddy Middleton. Jr A m Jr Ist-noble Grashy. May Mitchell, AndtytSeesie. -- _ Jr dth--Chatlie McKinnon, Sr 3rd -Roy McDermid. Floalie Hooper. Sr 2nd-Minnitt McEachern, Wilhu .VlcCuaIg. Muugie McEachern. Pt, 2nd Neil Shortreed. Eva Hooper, Those present every day In June-Mat, Me. C'oaig. Wilha Mdlumg. Neil Short- veed, Edward Hartford. John Short- reed. Archie McCuaig, Milburne, Hart. ford. Average-attendance N. - s. s. NO 10, GLENELG ' sum-mom. Promotion Exams. mun B, \VALKER, Teacher. Tragic Drowning. rig s. s. so. 3, nxsrlxcx. s. s. No. l, uLENEu; J OHN {Manama Prin. Emma BINNIE. Teacher For Sale. 12 pairs boys' (min leather working shoel. worth 1.75 tor . 24 E boys' buff bals. worth 1 'Mor..:..........,....... . 36 pro boys' box calf bluch- 1 era, good value " $2.25 for o 36 pr. boys' vici kid blnch- 1 enwonh2.25for.......... . 13pm youths'hox can blueb- tsri,regM5tor... ......... H 12 pr: youths vici kid bluch- l en. $1.5onluetor.......... . 24 oil tan blncbe ri - ilrdhl 1.75 for n. ett ' " pain vici kid bluebers. wonhl.25 for........ ...... o 36 pain what's shoes regain "lepr%st0stor.......r..C. . Fast selling makes fast buying, therefore we buy large}; and are always prepared to sell at lowest prices. We hm. now on hand the latest and most up to date lines of ladle and gent's shoes in town. Call in and see our stock. "The undersigned offers for service at Lot, 9 and lo, Con 2. w c, R,, Bentinck, u. tttotoughttred Durham hull, 'FOOd pedigree. and n Thoroughbred mn- worttt hog, For terms and particulars Valuable farm in the Tp. of Gleuelq composed of lots 22 and 23, Con. 3, N. D. R.. 100 acres. Possession given forthwith. Title perfect, For parti- culars apply to J. P. 'lELFORn, Durham. apply to The public are Pitt nonhed that fUhing is urictly pro ihited on Lot 28, Gun. 2, E.(i. R. (opposite Glen. ronden). All lrespassers will be prone- cubed. __ Lots 6 and 7, Can. 2. N. D. lt , Glen. elm 100aerea, Rood frame housrta, and other buildings. well watered. Owner gem; west. A bargain. Although our big Sale is over we have yaLa lar ge stock I . Boys', Misses†and Girls' Shoes to run off at greatly reduced prices as follows; The building occupied by P. li. A, Webster as a jeweliely store and J. P. Telford as slaw otBcet with sh nw cases, wall cases. clock and we at a bargain. 7 Left Over Bargains ALEX. RUSSELL, The Big Store, Durham ’ I‘M hing. given for Eggs. Under Muslims During the first two weeks of July we intend to clear out every Fs worth of these goods if price will sell them. Gowns worth 75c eachfor............. Gowns worth $1.00 each for.... . . ..... Gowns worth 8rsoeach for.. . . . . . .. .. Skirtsworth 75c each for............., Skirts worrh tr.oo each for. . . . ' . . . . .. Skirts worth 1.50 each for. . . . . . . . . . . .. Drawers worth 40c each for. . . . . . . . . . . . Drawers worth 5oe each for. . . . . . . . . . . . Drawers worth 75c each for ... . . .. . Extra Special Sale of Ladies and Men's Footwear. Come and see. ARTHUR H. JACKSON. Dunbam. Stock for Service Boys' Shoes Lands For Sale Fishing Notice. Thos. McOrath ALEX. RUSSELL, Durham HENRY ALEXANDER, Dornoeh, For Sale. For Sale. A. (iouucx. Weylnu n. Suck. Cuitamyork & rgpéiring as HRH. July Sale of Ladies White Undermuslins A. MCCORMICK. Under Priced 1-29 1-38 1.18 1-00 222:: J/ .98 2,222 'it'.".'??.'..?.?.".? 1.29 'l/rigy.1Titrtty.?t.iyy.t 1.19 'lfl/ al lii'l'yst'rr.? ar 12Npih,ttl".'.r..w.o.tiy. .79 20doz bottles polish. regular lik. kmd " per bottle.... ... 12 are“ black shoe laces " ways per pr, at per dog . . . . .. Lots 2 and 3 of 20 in the fivet run reunion of Bannock. (me-half unh- oouth of the Corporation of Durham, 100 acres in good suu- of cullivuliun : well watered Ivy running streams. A frame house. 7 rooms. frame hank barn. 4,hr00. Town tschool. For further particular. apply an the premises to James Burt, Proprietor Durham. no acres in the Third Concosail n P. G. R, Glenelg. This A: a first Cla-, fun. with good buildings in the Inn»; desirable Mention. The farm om - this of 85 acres of rich cullnvuhle hind free from clone- und ll' new: of hush. Pthre "i00. 250 acres on the Gan-fruit» Road, in clear. 50 more: bandwuod hush, we! wntered. first class lmildingu. will 'n- uold cheap to wind up ertate. 100 acres in Proton. near Swimmn Park, fair buildings. ttood land, well drained, well waleved and well fenctul. Only Wk 150 acres in Bentinck. buildings mu! Iml good, everything in tirrt Clum- shlpe. Price 'lkl0h um mm in Bentinck on (inrnl'rnxu ROM! near Dornoch. qood bttild"urs. price reduced from W3000 to can) fun» quiet ttale. 250 acres in Bontinck. Five milcs from Dun-hum. fltto huildinqs. gum! land. with I. quanUt at limlwr. Must be mid at once. grin “Iâ€. 118 acres in Emu-mom, good Inn .1 'toodGulldttttrr. WI). JULY 8, 1909 Misses' Shoes ......... I. q........... .... ...... ............ .a..o.o--.un g...-.----- ............ y........... a... ...... Farms Fo 1' Sale. Farm for Sale. W. F'. DUNN. Solicitor. Durham, ()ul 1.15 59c 80c 1.15 29c 39c 59c 59c .10 25c to Jan I l Ttth REVIEW, DURHAM, 01 VOL. iii Hose. Plain and tf, Ladies New Ne If, New Vestings To - aldres. in “all. we - and TEE REVIEW I sow to Jon. I, mo (almost Donna) for tto can“. Sake manage of this romnrk-hle or we that your friend or new bar dom w. NOW in the tim lt Sweater Coats 5-5 'ygxxy'.'y'l'h',h'l'h'lhe lf tylyyy,u,tytxxtytllglg fi New Laces Oxfords spell canton i hete-comfortaabie shoe i chiidreet--Buce, Tan and ( Men's New Shi MEN'S WORKING SHIRT Men's Straw ti NEW WASH BELTS All kinds of lace†heavy Torchons. from EtEBRtttDtiRIr:s--M-ti Corset Cover Elam Wonde Nineteen hu Fine Solid bought I on displ Ladies' Fanci Hone. bl Ladies plain lack a pair tot 25c. Meetht Fancy Books. at . fine, not! good waning The latest patterns in d tans, greens, mauve. bl FOR TE AT LESS THE Conte and see fine High-class Jen Canada- New Sailor and soft tl the height of hat count Du te For summer easy to laun For Lama. Hundreds to cho choice is great. E this great Sale M thte ll rt ll. " ll NEW lime av ll Jas. y us at .T Ill MS Ladies, m our " “I atom: ml qt's mod W h ff r even Ielaid ideril cto "