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Durham Review (1897), 15 Jul 1909, p. 2

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M the Mb." The brethnn then i-I3bh1y "It Pall to Athens try but, but Silo and Timothy remained n In“. A1 soon ad 1farr1, mulled Athet" to gut he! word to Sila- and Tmy "to can. to hi- sHth all -d."utPsetdidmrtg-imhV t 12. Many of then believed --The no- tnnl malt of honest study of the ocriptlm. Honorable ,romett-.-The gon- pl wu paid-0d to nil, ind each irs, dividul was left to decide for himself. Thus Ouch were heathen, or pm "bu. to the Jewish nli'iol. The goo- pet had. no distinction be'twoen n- “on; than" an Christian and. u Dom - -.d. up of Jews sud Gen- ' Walk " cool as the Jew- " Thes. I-louie. land that Paul was pinch- - the [and with...- new“ " B.. son is between the Jews of the two plac- es, for the triumph of the goepel at Themlonica we: mostly among the Gen- tiles. They were not no bigoted and pre- "diced-mot no peevieh and ill-natured. They had 3 freer thought. lay more open to conviction; were willing to hear reason, and admit the force of it, and elbocribe to what appeared to be truth, though century to their former senti- ments. They neither prejndged the cause nor were moved with envy It the man- ager: of it, but give both it and the. a mir honing." Searched the scripture- dailr--'"3irtee Fell reasoned out of the Scriptures, and referred to the Old Tau-on, they had recourse to their Biblee. tuned to the pleeee to which he referred, reed the context. considered the nope and drift, tampered other pleeee, eta-ind whether Paw. explan- ation. were penile, end his erg-neut- Ioreihle. end the. determined according- Ir." tit. Sent "sy-They did not go " condemned disturtters, but bounce it ”and clear that any further efforts were useless " that tine. Unto Ikgea- Fifty or sixty miles sentiment of Theo. nlonicn. a town even mi" of consider- able rot"'latior' and inponanoe. 11. Then were more t.otue--flhe comp-ri- in thrgod with treason. 9. Salinity-- Whether by deositiT a sum " money is not quite clear. , 'hat they did was in accordance with the Roman magi-s. and gun- sufficirnt security fur the ttood ta,ndttet ot Paul Ind 'lil-ttarms. Thrry were donhtlvu rrquired to pledge them, wives that they Wlmid int attempt to any but any [dam of trot-mm and that they would (In. for the .harge was like. and they qrpr" not inn-lined to make it true. It is not likely that Jason kill-d himself to refuse his hospitality thrrrafter to Paul 'ttttt his companium. m. Founding the church in Bore. (u. 10-15). Mis tollowers did declare that Jesus was I king. but not an earthly king in oppo- ..ition to Clear. Ot all people it ill. hn-ame the Jews to make this charge, for they hated Caesar and his 'rovernment, and sought the ruin of both. But they were opposed to the Lord Jesus, and not being lnynl to either. they Were willing that one should destroy the other. They worked through deception. 8. Troubled the people-They had no ill opinion oi the apontles or their doctrine and could not see that there Wttft any danger to the state from them. and were, there. fore, willing to tolerate them; but when they were represented as enemies of Caesar. the rulers were vhliged to sun prey“ them, lest they thevnwlves should ll. Paul and Silaq meow-d (w. 5-.zy 5. Which believed not aThrsv words are omitted from the Revised Version. Th. within. as usual. begin with the Jews. Envy-Neal-y." maliee, h and, Ipite at seeing person; of rank becom- ing ('hriutians, by which the Jewish in mtenee was weakened. Lewd l'ellozn A Vagabond-o who hung around the mu- kets, serving for pay in main, an in tlc. prment instance-Whedon. 1"proat-- They began to riot with the mob they had gathered. The devil still minim out hin designs by setting souls an well an cities in an uproar. Jason-With whom Paul and Silas lodged. He any have. been one of Paul', kinsmen (Rom. 16, 2]), but of this we are not certain. The mob intended to seize Paul and Silas and brill! them out, to abundon them to the P'"""" of the excited people. 6. bugged Jason (R. V.r-The Jews were bent on carrying their one. Not ' its Pull Ind Mlas, they seized thoir host, with some other Christians, and dragged them before the magistr:ttvs oi the city. World upside dowrr-Atter hav. in; caused the disturbance they oluryd it on the missionaries. Come hithe" Ms.) --Froul Philippi. They desired to have it understood that these men wore cre- ating disorder wherever they went. It has been said that "the hmine-sa of the gospel is to turn the world upside dos n." he world is now wrong side up. 7. Jason hath reeeived--Thtts b harbr'sing these sedition; men it was 'lL','ldl that Jason had made himself an accomplice. Do eontrnry to. . .Cuesar--'rhey charge the Chink»: with being enemies of the existing government. Another king-- a. Opening and alleging-- Ue explained the scriptures Ind showed hwy they was 'ttltilud in Jesus Christ. J. Some.... were persuaded (R. Y.) -A kw of tb. Jews and I eat number of the Gen. liks became Jlrtll'tdll',"., m that this was mainly a Gentile church. Consumed" They joined themelves to Paul and sr la; Devout Greeks-tami, who had renounced idolatry and act-wad the Jewish faith. ('hiu-f womenr Women high in social ponition; they were a!” If; doubt proselytes to the Jewish reli. man. mum-l. Punching in - inia- (rs. 1-4). t. 'her-am" changes from "mi' to “they," which shows that be mat hon tuned " Phiiini. Arn- phipohio---Thirtrthrea miles southwest of Philippi, mt the northern nut ot the Aqu- Sea. There was no synt- goguc here and Paul delayed only a tiny. 2tt'i,t,"a..'thi".tre lik- southwest of . uphipoiizi; the exact site is not known. There being to synagogue here, Paul did not rennin long. 'i'Fumtica-About lorty piles wen at Apollonia. This was the capitol and principal city ot Mocc- donia. It is now ealed Saloniki and em- tnins shoot eighty thaw-d inhabitants, inducing thirty thousand Jews. A syn;- ttog-lb' Jews must have been strong " this city, In this synngogue oppenrs to have been the only one In north-mi “month. 2. As his manner was-- hill preached to the Jun first, so that they would hare no its" can-w for opp!» pition when he turned to the lL'ntilm. Three Sahhnth day's -This does not iln- ply that Paul kept the Jewish Siblni'h as . sum! day, but the Jews would ad- orable on that dn' in arm-tor number. This does not indicate the length of Pour» any in the oily. Rangoon!“ Here we see his method of Work. In no cordance with the Old Testament Scrip tutu. Paul discussed with them CONN“- ing the Messiah. . Poul u “nucleoli“ and Berea.-- M m l-IB. stir. "er Father-ct/Gnd you know that young mn’s intentions as yet'. Chm (quite a iokerr-No. papa. He’s keeping me completely in the dark.-"3rraisufe Herald. in Jubilee Park, which property goes from the city to the cmnptny at $6,000. The company is also compelled to pot in a subway at Gordon street and a foot subway at Hmkbson street. There will also be a submy at Neeve street, the ertofrftiehmaybebometty the city or the comptny, whichever "ttt prove the right of thst survey our the peoperty. Railway Commissioners Orders Grand Trunk to Improve Accommodation. (loeiph Map-atoll; The Donation ttair way Commission has issued In order compelling the “and Trunk to erect n new paroeo6ter station in Guelph before ?"teptrrttter, 1010. The station will be Has Himself Killed a Lion, Lion.“ and Four Rhinoceros”. Nuimivha. British East Africa, July H.--'1he Roma-Ht. w'xpediuon is erslor iux good hunting and ull tho members of hte party are well. This inhuma- tmn was brought into NaivaUra to-dnt' by courier from the Smile district. Mr. Rmxscvclt has killed a splcndiilly matted lion, onc liotws4 and tour rhi- llm-cromw. He brought down the lion while the beast mu in full eharwe, the hulk-t penetrating the middle of th, chn-st. Kermit, Rumcvelt has secured mic big bttll elami, uuc Hunt“ and,two rhinoeerru"s. In addition. both hunt. cr~i han- been suteeermtl in bringing down a large vttriety of other game. The party is coming into the farm of Captain Richard Atterttorough on tir, wilth shore of Naimshu Lake. where Mr. Roosevelt and his mu will make use of a launch in hippopotamus hunting. l "Any persim, or persons, captain, or mash-r. or owner of any craft or vessel offending herein shall be subject to I fine of $20 for each offence.” "The rate- of mum] of any craft or “Nae! shall at all timm be reasonable, and surl- a. not to endanger property or human life. "The mu- of spun: of any craft or vvs,el within five hundred feet of any wharf or landing place, or of the shore, shall not at any time exeeed the rate of ttt" mile, per hour. at any time exceed the rate of seven mils per hour: and the rate of speed of any craft or vessel having a water line length of fifty feet or under, shall not at any time exceed the rate of ten "tiles per hour. . "The rate of speed within the harbor of Toronto or tts, approaches of any craft or “who! having a greater length ot' water line than fifty feet, shall not Regulating Speed of Vesseli in Toronto Harbor. Toronto, July i2.-9taNor Commis- "ioners have approved of the following regulations applying to the speed of all craft, great and small, in Toronto har. bor: "whatsoever things were written afore- time were written for our learning" (Rum. 15.4), the genealogies as truly 09 the vpistlos. Man lives by "every word" of God (Matt. 4:4). There is not a line that is not profitable "for doctrine, for "proof. for correction, for instruction in righteousness” (2 Tim. 3:16). "Begin- ning at Moses," Jesus "expounded unto them in all the scriptures the things concerning himself" (Luke 24:27).' To now-pt only what We can comprehend, is not faith, but philosophy. Its Blooming discrepancies are but evidences of an in. u-lligr-m-e above our own. Those who have studiml the book for a lifetime in the original assure us that not a single tmt' of the alleged discrepancies has been ptoved. Men are ignorant and stupid. God alone is omniscient. His word is as perfect I“ it is pure (Psa. 12:6; 19:7). The Bible is absolutely eorrect.-A. C. M, pose your book. So I began to not! it, to pick (suits in it; but as I read I was drawn to it. My heart was etsptivnted, and now I cannot oppose you. I know God’s light is_in that book." ll. Searched. "They....searehed" (v, ll). Diligently, prayerfully. "daily," let us explore its depths for hidden treas- ure. We must take time for the study of the word. or the devil will cheat us out of it. If General Havelock had to march at six, he would rise at four, that he mifht have an uninternl ted hour with tin Bible. An able Bib}; student who him read the New Testament through every month for the last thirty- five years said, "it was far fresher the but time I read it than the first." A 'tirPaccttstomed to spend a certain time eaeh morning in reading mental philosr phy. decided to employ tho some amount of time eaeh day in reading the Bible. The first morning she was surprised to find that she had read through the book of Human» Another eomtantly reads it qnowtioning: “Now c'an I apply this to my life? Am l guilty of this wrong? is thi,, the prnyer of my heart ?" Ill. Believed. "Many of them boliev, ed" iv. Hn. We should net-opt every Bord of it (Arts 24:14). To challenge any part, from that marvelously com. prehen-iw statement. "In the beginning" itlvn. l:l), to that last tender benedic- tmn. "The grove of our Lord Jesus Christ be With you all" (Rev. 22.21), is to invalidate the whole. "The want of faith in ought is the wont of faith in all." "All scripture is given by inspira- tion of God" w, Tim. 3:16), the book of July, as surely as the gospel of John. (The WM) 1. Punched. "PnIl..reuoned with them out of the scriptures" (v. hltt. spontles were the fimt inventors Bible rendings. Psul showed from the Old Testament how the lowly servnnt (In. Ag. bl), had become the intending Snvionr (Heb. 7. 28), and would one day be the mighty Sovereign on the throne of David (Pu. 89. 3, 4). "Opening and nlleging that Christ must needs have suffered” (v. 3). Pnnl explained, un- folded, brought out the reel running of such prophecies as Pu. 22 and Isa. 53. "Some" believed when the word was preached (v. 4); "many" believed when the word was searched (v. 12). “Fnitll cometh by hearing, nnd hearing bg the word of God" (Rom. 10. 17). In Dingnrh, the mimicnnries were fiercely opposed by the Hindus. One of these opponents called upon a missionary. m expected a violent altercation, but the men pulled a Testament out of his pocket, and said: "Sahib, I have read this book, and I find it pure and holy. Up to ten days ago I was a bitter opponent of yours. I gave a public lecture against your work. Then I resolved that I would ex- Athens and before they reached him he had gone on to Corinth. PRACTICAL APPLICATIONS. NEW STATION AT GUELPH FOR MARINERS. R0o8EVELT'tt LUCK Two Men W3rk tho Sanitary Inspector Trick on Mr. Collins. Mammal, July 12.--a'wo men unmas- fully worked the fake sanitary inspector trick here on a grocer named Pierre Col. lins. One called at the store Ind re- quoted to see the yard and guinea n- ('Pptaclea. saying he was an inspector. The proprietor was alone, amlummen. partied the visitor to the yard, where sot-lo time was spent in examining the conditions. Later in the day Mr. Collins found that (500 had been than from the " during lit-White yard. The little victims. William and Alfred Kinsehner, twelve and nine years old re- g',fif,.titt,' dragged tvlrnmelves half a mile, eeding profusely, and MI ex- hausted at the feet of a pedestrian. At a hospital the boys said the shots were fired from a. clump of trees along the road. A shotgun apparent! was used. Several shots penetrated fall',',', neck, and be has little chum to recover. New Yurkalluly P2.-ivo ulna-ll boys returning home to 'WestHHoboken, N. J., after a. swine off the West shore of the Hudson River, were mysteriously fired npon as they "new the road at the foot of the Palisades. One of them was mortally wounded, the otrtr't left hand was torn away and the'sight of his left Pye "estmyml. Hoboken Boys Fired On by " Unknown Party. A Colombian gunboat was. Been Mon- day night approaching Cartagena, but no news oi what occurred at this city has reached Colon. Wlwn blue Median left the Colombian coast it was rumored “at an American warship was expected momentarily along the coast points. t Colon, July H.--A revolution "has broken out in the Rnpublic of Col- ombia, apparently against the Gov- ermnent of Ilafaei tteyes, the Presi- dent of the republic, “2.0 is now in London. This urns was brought into Colon by the British steamer Mc- dian, which haw just. arrived from Sn- vanilla, Barr4nquilU and its sen port 1ravamTla, thitteen miles away, art. in the hands of the revottttiote ist,. Private letters received here frmn Colombia report that the town of Santa Marta wlw has fallen to the rebels, but the Median brings no confir- mation of this itttelligenw. lhe trouble began Sunday morning at, "arranquilla, and ended in tlw spouly overthrow of the 1lovortsttterstisl nuthuritics at that point. There was little rmistzulcv, and the rebels were otrtirely suecttwhrl. Two hundred men armed with rifles then marched down' to Savanilln and took ttliwt port without firing a single shot. Only one prisoner was taken, the captain of the port, and he wns sent back to Barranquilla. Government is Overthrown With the Utmost Ease. FI. Pirrlnirg, July l2.~-l"uruwr (it'- tnrhnwnta of the Russian expedition from Baku landed at Etszeli, a Persian wupnrt on the Caspian Sm, last night, and thv remainder of the force will land this morning. The troops will leave im. mvdintuly for Kashin. a town 90 miles northwest of Tchumn. The expedition is commanded by General Dobvor Muss. nitsky, who has a distinguished record as cummandor of n division in the Russo, Japanese war, in which he was wounded several times while directing operations. General Mussnitaky has strict orders not to intervene in the fighting between General Liakhuff and the Bakhtiari trilrcsmen. In can-(- of the defmt of Linkhoff's brigtul'vneral Liakhoff and tho other Russian officers will be aftord. ml protection on the same terms as other Eurolwnm. 'rit1BEtiMEN'r; wWWKMENThl. COLOMBIA In REVOLT 'ldln-run. July P2,-Alone,ra4 uakhoii. the military Governor of 'l'eheran, has twain-d information to'the effect that Bakhtiuri trilw.senen are within ten miles oi Kerraj, and that they expect to et. fect a junction with the Nationalists to- Russian Expedition Into Persia Heading For Kubin. ln Xbrthwmtem Missouri, in the 'ieruity of Pattoosburg, where several thour,eutd people were driven from their homes, it in believed all have now been plnwd upon safe grounds. Many are without homes, however, and suffering grout tliseorntorts, but relief in the way ot fund and olothing, ruslml in from our- mumlin-g points is being distributed sys- TERRIBLE NIGHT Kansas City, 'Mo., July 1g.--oaytsrmte today revealed much We: (strongh- out the Marion-n diqtrioto of "ire wuri and Knows‘ mm of people along the Mi River, the Grind River in Missouri and the Maui: Rim in Kansas, who had been forced to take refuge in upper storeys from the mixing “aura. awoke after a night FtlkRI with terror lest the flood would wash any the foundations of their homes. Daddies great dssnrage to unharvested crops and the washing away of property, the flood is causing le'll suffering to many lam people, who are murmured in mmoteand imicmihle spou. Several rabid trains gent out from Kansas City and other points were unable to reach their des- tination and boats loaded with food and other supplies, which had put out to go to the rewue, were forced back by the swirling current. A call for relief sent out from Pattnnsburg any: conditions there are hourly growing worse. Main 413111 is eight feot deep in naming wa. ter. Thrvr-fourths of the people there haw [mt everything they owned. RELIEF' FOR SUFPEREM. Kansas City, M0,, July 2i.--l'ood com ditiorv, in Missouri and Kansas are anmmrhat abetting and all the stream in this part of the southwest continue to rreede this morning. MONTREAL GROOER ROBBED. T1umsatr& of People “and in by Eight Fee”! Water in One Street --threh Damage Done. temutica'lly TROOPS LAND. QUEERLY SHOT. Fuekinliti-ri. Bit-Empress Eugenie lane: a Public Statement. T Paris, July IE-UM. Henri, ex-Enpresa Eugenie's chief secretary, has written to the Figaro "regarding certain sovcalled memoirs of Eugenie, saying that she receives innumerable requests for the 'e,tli,,e.'"ityt,'f, translation of her me- moirs. orde'r to put " end to all and: requests. she wiaheu it to be known that she never has and never will write memoirs, and that any publication of this kind must be Ipocryphal. T Washington, July Ila!!! the police to-day Judge L G. Kimball announced that piano playing after 10 o'clock at' night In u disorderly us cursing and fighting, and he would fine the occup- ants of my house brought before him fg keeping ”music going until a late our. Washington Judge Says Music Must Stop at II) p. m. “amazon, July 12.411 the police The Haieouriiameiican liner Sauna, Capt. Museum, in to-day from the West lndkss, passed when within two days of Sandy Hook the halves of a big whale floating near each other. Capt. Masseu- er thinks he cut the whale in two him. no” when bound out. of Cape Henry and brought alongside UIIK' of the smallest twwmautod whaling schouuvm, the Margmvtt, hailing from Salem, Mass. The whale, measured um- servatively by Capt. Leslie, of the steam. ship Curityba, which arrived to-day from Cuba, mus not less than 100 feet. The capture of the whale was witnessed by the Curity‘bu's passengers. _ New York, July e..--' biggest whale ever seen on the Atlantic coast, if re- ports of its length are correct, was har- pooned on Tuesday 100 miles southeast Steamer’s Passenger: Witness Cap- ture of Leviathan 100 Feet Long. ma nded, 3lorrtre:tl. July 12.-vrhrve own naured Nathan Moot. Max Catsoii and Appi Shyropsky were arrested to-day on a chnrgc of conspiracy to defraud. The deieetive.q, who have worked to that end for months, declare they have rounded up the oleverest trio of "fake accidcnt claim” workers who ever figured in Montreal’s criminal annals. No has than a score of accident claims have been put through by the men, and in every case the amount of damages was large. According to the detectives the men have taken turns in the role of "injured through negligenee," and the other two acted as witnesses. Tthcomplainants in this case are the C. P. It.,' the Montreal Street Railway, and the Grand Trunk Railway. The n"'npltnied their guilt, but were re- Three Men Arrested on Charge of Conspiracy. son the Niagara Navigation Company was dealing with the fruit growers dir- ect. The Canadian Express Company ex- plained that all the express business from Niagara and Queenston belonged to the American Express Company. The Canadian Company had never handled anything except fruit. After paying the Michigan Central 10 cents for hauling the freight to Niagara Falls, they only received 20 cents per hundred pounds for carrying it from Niagara Falls to Toronto, although they received 40 cents for all shipments from St. Catharines and other points between Hamilton and Niagara Falls. “I hope your Lordship has no suis- picion of any joint action between the companies in regard to closing their offices at Oteentston," said Mr. P. H. Chrysler, who appeared for the Do. minion Express Company. "It is not a suspicion," retorted Judge Msbee, "it is a flat-footed opin- The Dominion Express Company ex- plained that heretofore it had carried the fruit offered at Niagara and Queenston by boat, and that this sea- "We have, no payer," said Judge Mabeo, "to compel there companies to accept freight, but an order will be is- sued disallowing the attempted cancel- ation of the 'do-cent rate. The fruit growers can then tender their shipment to these common carriers, and me for damage in the courts if they do not get the service they are entitled to." OOMMISSION AIDS QUEENSTON AND NIAGARA GROWERS. He said that the Canadian Express Company had refused to accept any shipments from Queenston unless the fruit growers guaranteed to ship only by rail. The company had also can- ccled its old rate of 30 cents per hun- dred pounds for fruit and vegetables, and made a new rate of 40 cents. Even at this advanced rate no ship- ments would be accepted except upon the understanding that they should receive all the business. ion J" Chairman's Severe thtmment-Ansther Oue of Express Companies Try- ing to Evade Their Undertaking, He Says. Ottawa Win; “This is a repeti- tion of what, we have seen before on the part of these companies; they are trying to get way from their under- ttkipgs,” “if Chief Commissioner Mabee, of the Railway Commission, In commenting to-day upon the com- plaint of the Mayan and Queenston fruit growers against the Canadian an}:L Deletion fxpree Companies. __ _,_--- "_"-""-". The whole matter of expresa rates is being considered by the comma- sion, and it was understood that while this matter was sub judice the exist- ing rates would be maintained. The companies raised the rates in some instances some months ago, and their recent action re charges on fruit ex- pressed' from Queenston to Toronto was characterized by Judge Mabee as a second breach of the agreement. The case of the fruit growers was presented by Mr. W. H. Bunting. He said that the express companies had closed their offices at Quoenston, and claimed that they were thus penaliz- ing the fruit growers for having com- plained to the Railway Commission. MONSTER WHALE. WILL WRITE NO MEMOIRS. FAKE ACCIDENTS. PUTS BAN ON PIANOS. FRUIT RATE. TORONTO Loaves of Various Weights Sold at the One Price. Galt, Juty 12.--The bakmu' bmdques- tion is setting this totm by the eBrtt, u 16, 20 and N oz. Ion , baked in differ- ent shop, are all as; the am plies, 5 cents. The police My nailed batches in shop of, D. Smith and T. 11.11. of A possible exhaustion of the gnu fields and increaaed cost of piping are given " reasons of the increase by the compuy. “is is the second intense mthin nine months, when the price was twenty-five cents. Niagara Falls Residents Must Pay Two Cents More. Niagara Falls, July i'2.-iAher me of two cents per thousand feet in the price of gas was made by the Provineitu Natural Gas Company to-dny, making the price 30 cent-I. Zurich, Ont., July ss-Last night, about one o'cloek, burglars entered the office of Edmund Zeller, convey- nncer, of this town, and succeeded in demolishing hi: large safe. nitro- glycerine being new. The store front of the Herald Printing and telephone offices, also owned by Mr. Zeller, were blown to atoms and part of the sale was driven through the telephone cabinet. The "cracks," however, got nothing for their wnrk. The loss will be considerable to Mr. Zeller. His fine gold watch and chain hung di- rectly behind the safe but was not taken. A number of citizens were awakened by the report of the ex- plosion, but by the time they sound- ed the alarm the night owls had flown. . Burglar: Blow Out Store Front in Zurich. Toronto report: Lt a st-atmmmt Ls sued yesterday, Hon. J. J. Foy said that the members who, according to a des. patch from New York, were involved in the charges against the mining promoter Mitt-he”, Were concerned, not as part- new, but an victims. Mr. Fay ,qaid.. "Some people have misinterpreted the (hm-patch from New York in t'eferene, to the pt'oeeedings for the extradition oi William s'. Mitchell. It is true that some lnmnbom of the Senate and Home of Commons are said to have been among those who are alleged tn have been swindled, but there is no inundation whatever for any statement that any members of the Senate or Parliament had anything to (in with the swittdling. (in the contrary, they were among- the victims," Conuttissloner Alexander (liwhargml Mitchell on big denial and the lack of proof to the contrary that in disposing of the option on the mining property he mh not noting M the agent of the Rom syndicate. but only disposing of the pro- perty at a legitimate profit. INi-w York Maw!” mm- .lu-aning in the apirlieation for th. extradition to Canada of William N. Mitchell, the mi - ing promoter, who is wanted in ["idl'S on the ohm-gs: of sveuring $5.1“) under False prvtunu-s from Alexander C. Russ, M. P., was continued to-day. Mitchell's Recount of the deal did notanatvriully dilfe-r from that of the other witnesses. ll" did not deny that hr paid 885,000 for the option which he sold to the syn- dieate for $30,000 and $30,000 in the stark of a $2.000,000 holding corporation. The di."vrence. he maintained, was in his legitimate Profit. . . ' BREAD PROBLEM AT GALT. mum, one, asp-tun: Hare pres- ence of mind and wonderful pluck was all that saved Mrs. Oscar Woonton and her two-year-pid baby from being ground to death beneath fhe wheels of a merryogo-round at Springbank Park. Mrs. Woonton was standing on the platform holding the baby on a horse when a section of the merry- go-round gave way and she was thrown between the wheels. With one hand she succeeded in grabbing a part of the flooring and with the other held on to the baby. When passing over the part where the cables run through, her clothes were almost all torn trom her body, and it was only by exerting all her strength that she was able to retain her hold. The machine went around nearly twiee.betore it could be stop- ped. Mrs. Wponton and the baby were extricated safely and she was cheered by members of picnic party for her pluck. She was terriblv bruis- ed. It is likely she will be present- ed with a medal for her bravery. Extradition Wu Refused in Case of Promoter Mitchell. Revolutio’n in Colombia Not Bother- ing President Reyes. ld Brad and Tan Sic Saved Herself and Baby. (Hm. Reyes say-s 'ho. Joie, not counsidpr the news from Colombia serious omntgh to alior his plans, which oortt4tmplate a tliivcmaorttlw,' 'sojourn in Europe before hG roturn tn the Colombian capital. Tho president appears to be in fairly Patis July 12:4lvn. Manual iteyos, the presided of the Republic of Colom- bia, who is stopping in this oity with his duughu-r, has been advised of the ttvolution which lrroke out on Sunday last against Iris government at Barnum quillu, a town on the Atlantic seaboard of Colombia. The gmm’ul told the As- srrciated I'tNsrrs [0-day that his advices from General llonguin, the president- dcuignato, with whom he is in constant touch, are to the eiieet that the trouble “m mnfimxl to Barranquilla only. _ good _ hm I th USED EXPLOSIVES. THEY WERE THE VICTIMS, GAS PRICES BOOSTED. HE WILL STAY. A SMALL ONE. Edmonton. July. 12.4}. m, the convict who murdered Deputy Warden Shaman net-3:111, qnd who in new under MONTREAL LIVE STOCK. Montreal.--About 075 head of butch. ers' tattle, 130 milch cows, t,0oo calves, 500 shoe and lambs and 000 fat hogs was attired fur male at we cut end ubwttoir to-dny. There was only one load of really prune heaven on the mar- ket and they sold at 6 to (ll-4c per lb. There were seven! loads of northwest ranch cattle. which aoid It 41-h to a. little. over lie per lb; the common stock sold at 21-4 to to 4c per lb. There was an over supply of mild: com, which caused 0. further decline in prion, which ranged from no to $50 each. Calves told at .250 wuo each, or 31-2 tode per ltr. Sheep sold " 81.2 to 88.4e per lb. Lambs at $850 to “.50 out. Bop are lowera good Iota telling at about use per . Brockville, 9rttr-Toivr 4,377 Iroow, Were registered, 1,522 white, balance eul. and; 245 boxes colored sold on board It ll Iae. Belleville, 9ttti--Te-day there were at fored 2,050 white chem. Nalerr--1.oon at ll 1-2c; 1,300 at 117-160; balunu refus- ed at 117-1112 Kingston, Ortt.--There were 351 white and 931 eolored cheese registered at 1' runtenac Board trday. The sales were at 11.3-it to ll lee. WINNIPrr, WHEAT MARKET. Wheat'--July $1.28 I-tt bid, theolter $1.08 3-4, Drepmber $1.05 5-8 hid. Oats-July 52 3-10. October 39 lt-te bid. THE CHEESE MARKETS'. Do., cooking ... ... Oranges, Val. .. . ... Immons, Verdei ... ... Pineapplea. crate . . . . . . Peaches. Cal., box . . r . Puma. CSI., box ... . Apricots, box ... ... . Watermelon, . . . . . . Calruge,erato ... ... . Tomatoru. Can., bkt. . Onions, Bermuda, crate Cucumbers, per hampvr Asparagus, hankvt ... Potatoes, new, blrl... . (funtulnmm, case ... . St. Lasvrenee sugars are quoted “Jar lows: Granulated, $4.70 per ch. in bar- rels, and No. I golden, M30 per cum, in barrels. These prices are for delivery here. Car Iota, a less. In loo-lb. bags. prices ”(use '.ess. Fruit reeeipts were only modemte to. day and prices were steady. Quotation-o as follows; _ Bananas. per bunch .. ..$l Go ' 2 00 strawberries ... ... ... " 07 " 08 Goosebetaa'es, bkt. ... ... l 00 l " Cherries, eating, bkl. ... l 00 l " Do., yearfings, lb. . Fowl, 1b.... ... ....... Celery, per dozen.. .. Potntoes, per bag. .. .. Onions, bag... ..... . Apples, barrel... ... . Beef, hindquarten.. .. m., forequarterts... . Do., choice, amuse Do., medium, cal-case Mutton, per cwt..... .. Lamb, per cart.... .... Lamb, per mm... ..... Spring limb ... ... . Oats, bush... Barley, bush. Rye, bush.. q Peas, bush... Hay, per ton Dressed hogs. Butter, dairy. Do.,%teriorl. _. l Eggs, dozen... ... . Chickens, syriugp lb, III‘IIILWI ll-‘III\C There were far too my cattle offer- ed, over 8,500 during the week, which caused a break in prices for all clue". Exporters-Few exporters were offer- ed, About three unloads. and there were of medium quality, selling at $5.30 to $5.65 per cut; bulls, $4.30 to $6 per cwt. 7' ’ . -. .. ,.,, A '.--L' I nun 00.00 per Ctt L; Dunn, "an: “I v- r" V Butehers'--Geo. Itiswettree bought 1,000 cattle for the Hurris Abattoir Co., u follows: Butchers' steer: and heifers, $4.00 to $6.00; cows, 83.15 to $4.15. , Veal L'yh'vrv Receipts of Goo sold at steady pHcets', ranging from $3 to $6 per ewt. for bulk, but u very few choice veal. aold at $6.50. , Sheep and lamb.» Prices were report: ed steady for sheep and lambs. Export cues, $3.50 to $4 per cwt.; nuts, " per owt.; lamins, $0.50 to $7.50 per cwt. _ Milken; and 'iprittgertr--Trtuie in milk. ers and springer» was the worst in many months, only good to choice quolity being saleable. and they sold at lower quotations. Prices ranged from 622 to $52 each. Common light cows are not wanted. , Hogh--The market for hogs died very strong at the highest quotat ms of the week. Selects, fed and watered, $8.20 and $7.85 to $7.95 f. o. b, can It country points. Scot-km and Feeders-Harry Murbi reports a light trade in stockers uni feeders. Mr. Murby bought 250 during the week at following priceist Steers, 900 to 1,000 lbs. each, at " to 64.2.5; steers, 800 to 900 lbs. each, at $3.50 to $4; fair to good smokers, $3 to $3.50; common Rockers, 82.50 to $3.75. . A T: HURT " FEELINGS. OTHER MARKETS. barium... ........1300 lamb ... ... ....1600 THE FilUIT MARKET. mums- MARKET. SUGAR MARKER " bush 114 ear1or1is of H26 8000 0 30 3 25 2 M 0 " 1100 1100 1100 1400 1700 3 75 " 00 2 00 0 35 0 0') 0 00 I 00 125 085 014 011 l " 50 Holy " Took Pmion of the Late Bishop Adam's Estate. Rome, July 1e.-umree means of ' Inte 'Bilhop Mum have taken prtr littartry steps toward I wit again-'1 thr. Pope and the Holy‘Soe for the read“: tim, of the estate of their ttttcle, m 'm the Holy Ree look posse-ion "trr “I death. The Tatiean officcrs Mn tut Bishop Adam: Mum-nth”! everything he pagan-(d to the Popr, m ”an in like], to be caution-I, It. a. luv-Int in lame. mania“ ot 2,000 troors, “new If iqmdron- ot cumin: Traiet. of unum union M Minn: 1m commmtly an firing and the Japanrae no. act-ind) grairhg and e'temtttitqr the {mum mu. tit. [Hamburg July ".--s dawn-n to the Red: to-dny texm Hutu]: mum that. the Jam are 'stroqty minion- ing the uni-on " Maiden. mm mm nonoy. A letter In found in h“! chatelnine bag lddreued to Mm Belle Wench No. 5 Just-tho-Rngln- Flux, Scranton, N. Y. It was sign ed by Edward Malinda. of 384 Mum stmet, can of the Boston Lunch. New Yyrk. She had also a numbrr Of may“ from the United Shh" Expre- Company. made out to Isa. ‘b’lh. erc..1.t it believed that the vic- an a. m... a}; led body of C young woman, a]: petty About twenty-five, lying at tho tide Of the G. T. R. tracks a short dv. tatme this aide of Prairie siding. Mm head 'u qttit open and the flue “ah tatarmd beyond wan. the V“ Welt dread. had hm“. hair .osd erm, Old Vin apparently an American. She had . and! sum of Yet. A _btter VII found in hm uutan, Oni.. dt-utit.. N'I‘IIIUIMII‘" " level this morning found tho mam:- UM Discovered Near Chadian on Ruilway Track, For virtually A quarter of u rvntnn Mr. Pumas has devoted the major luv: timg of hi. attention to lret,towing "mum on public institutions which he dwmvd worthy, Ind he has already given and} consider-Hy over “MIMI”. Ilv. gill to CNeago will mark his rt'lirvmvnl from the role of philanthropist, bu in will have only enough to insure himu-u n comfortable old Me. as. may» , m to ham. alt-tto O'qltdl: All” a clt,- mi tending over two yearn. duriny sslrirls he was hunted by the Nurllmnl 1lomu. ed Polka from our end of tlw “My,“ ”Vin!!! to the other, eluding [In-m time after time when they wvrv run- fideett they had him corncrrd. .I..|... “the, . middle-ml From-INmnmlmn. l former Magistrate in tlw Mulluury dietriet, ”I'd one of the original pl‘lan-w ton of tie Tomi-knitting & Ilu.|~un‘i Bay mine, wan run to rurth in Noe Like“ by Chief of Polio. (anm-L yetstrrda ynflt'rmcn. Pirlr. for Vrlitr,tt “nut I wanna! lul- lu'rll in urn-1w since April Ig. 12:11:. la W.llll‘\l m Tu. l’ollto on I charge of mum-Ilium " lull-r. He was brought down 10ml...“ l») ( hm Cttldbeek yesterday. and will lw luv-M there until the arrival or l):'ll~rll\" Mia, of the Toronto {vi-w. Thc .1. actin- left for Cob-h last niglli. and will bring the prisom r ba-k lo-nighL NeV [in-en. Conn, July P..'., '1 hut " ate'ttet OI thr life of President Tait m M " the Norwich t'clt'lmstioa. at that -thit'g wu- not m ‘1...” " m M. W. is the startling Halc- - a Wive June-h Ward, New Eva'- pol'loo reprewntétiw thou no “a, in describing Hu- math-uh “a. oetpf Monday at 1hr mm. " " tiiisteia_ in the crowd nun tbe ?l.tyett'. atad with me was Dru-rhu- M. of the were! mrvirv furco, In} vom- in the crowd Huh-m1 Wowt It that time it war for Inch of air, “no... It Ina not a Warm dar, We drove the cmwd buck, and as troin u I. new In: her we heard 1w “up " pinto! there," and teetrtrd by faint. After we had brought her to Im- MN", [.0 told II that . nun of mmhum Ma, tttae m stood let! the Prosidvvt with . m'of'er under his coat, and tLat m tright It. I“ pretended to {mm In up der to “net the anemia" or on“ of- ficers a, the luv." Chicago, July 1t.-iraruvt K. I'mumm. the “age of likable,” ahead) “mum for his muniflcent betwfaction, to H... In“ colleges of this country. unnuunuvul that he would tievote ihe rmmindm ol thh hil ninetieth year to Ali-tribulm; not; the various educational and phh tt"dtgil'.,', institutions of tlu', 'ut.' hr, Int lion dolkn. Thin will round out the sum Hm m had always intended Chicago to um, and have him relatively a your "mu when he celebrues his 90th hil'llulu} nu the 20th of ttest April. Mr. realism”- declined hot night to indicate ' In Itituaon will bemefit by tlw rummmhr of " - fortune. W” h '8. With a Revolve: . Sign“; "at President. ' After this the detective, lunkpd through the bowl, but flilt'd hr and the - described or Any ml. ”"an mid“). him, "oept that hr hnd I'm-n noon hurrying any. Prmdom Taft With John "the Run to Earth in Cobalt Yesterday. Aged Chicago Philanthropist Soon to be Poor. not dior) AFTER TAPE CAUGHT AT LAST. WOMAN’S BODY. GIVES FORTUNE. Gal-rim at Maiden. - TO CUE THE POPE. WHAT’S UP? f Poliee Caldbeek Piehe. for. whom- Im-u in vsi,terwe is want-d in To- accepting a Inrilr. to Cull." try Chief and will he held 'll of Detective to force. The dr- lt Int night. and Bo " hm Visit: the Sale All.“ Domestic Tram Al Awful Story of I I. Cruelty to Her Chill. u - burn maid “unity in the I “an an long r Hum-l mnmill W of the Lane Welded I tale of to her child which c ”and “my ofthusnd All-43' we Lsloie "auly In “a launder by the Imam-i lent deeds, She - u, A pad 90 an. cum _ impli- little “rm M lad.) "W who“ “not (nuke: When he: Wu mlled to Norm WI “our. Mu pun-1 to omniu "tar her the lad I“. For I whi! well. (rt-her “hilt: there was Ita-tpine Canadian home. The ehild in. too I the dial-pun, In a mu box, on "M" " III. washed u . dar. This nu anomaly aunt“ loot of her chi concerning the u - one became III the “jaw ban the dwedlit - “-qu l Mm homes - tho shod gloo- lud filth. mind Nu not u have cuppa]. lady resented tl wave not hack“ continued without eel-in had to qllt the wood. can and do Mt the drndprry W, - only reward ul In mother being - from an: to time. Four - Mo the I. ed to hru.er, New»: I who. die Ind been named In. “join has! with a ll u In. "den. IAjde had any atrottg in her (lemma like the mother wu lending tlt [m that "VP!" en. She would wreak u on her little and!“ Len. W! to mind mom 1 but of the by. and who In J “in dew aunt. WHEN CRUBUI‘Y BI Wheat the little girl wu I m the uMkr'u Mitre-u the do“ ”wit, wry um who: ch tion cum the Tm But - "can: Layne m I “ton. in her damn the mother was land a plume! tkat WW"! B. She would wreak - “(no mm It atgbt to min! way tr of the der. at! vim POOR LEN tar Bill”) ' - raw... m. r“. liter. Ma's-s " It to otbGo. " - a. My 3 , For t Iililu- ll Other children no lumino- in but home. mad " LEN A'ti "u Let Us Ill The lh Our tuivice---o mendatiuns-- estimates of the complete heating at given absolut charge. saply send ul lien, of your givietg dimensions at. We will put o to work. They the entire head ment-size of fu 1nd location of . tell you iust W cost for tlle comp We will also {you {an HH- Have 0::an REES E , " um " [WI It" maid that the LIFbl b"1 Mac-“4“ ontamatpord “him-ml! a-ut-tsei, “1 ll th 'lrWn'HEl new Won] Pro-n.) new. palm ttl outual " ll utr ig

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