West Grey Digital Newspapers

Durham Review (1897), 15 Jul 1909, p. 5

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xover fails Mo Bug. icks to will not ilizes the compare to dear. one: an or $250 . h..."- the lol- __ t don‘t l'.", were E... Mice 3 here 3(- 1.00 on 'A'v, " .1 u, t.73ea “an d .I..'.’£uc;d nd L75 pr to 3.tl0 on it! Bun- . 1.ab pair ANE hale Oil insecti- NT r the k 1.25 n to ists ' een 'to. Ill)! ‘1 '.'3, hi This department is composed of Rugs, Carpets, Linoleum, Floor Oilcloth, Window Curtains and Wall paper all after the newest designs and ranging from the best to the cheapest. Those about to commence housekeeping are cordially invited to examine this ddpartmeut. House Furnishing Depart- Small ity there wasjust part of the shoddy web which stretches from ocean to ocean. My “natives have been inn- pugned. I had political ambitions which were nipped and therefore I am hirsule. I never joined a political association, was neVer on it political committee or attended a puljiical con- vention. The ntatement that diam» ruintnwnt hm. made me resentful is it ie utteredto min: the heeler's turn, llmve been content to he a humble minister of the Presbyterian Church in Canada. and have tried to pot con- science and coinage into the discharge of iny din y. My text was Judge Camellia tute- ment in hin report on the Marine and Ftrheries Department. It is an [allows page 77 of the government blue book: BP The chief reumlv for nmeliunuiun nf the conditions I have sought to pal- Bul acme say. "He should have stuck to the Yukon and Mi I nothing shout the condition in the East. " l have wine to the conclusion that the Yukon was at Fair IIIL'rlK‘UslIJ of our nation’s life, that the rydtuitristrative humor“- public omce, nnd the vile things done by them or in their name. It has been said that lhaveexamrer. ated. One p0rer any: that if you re- izvuve my exaggerations there is noth- INK left. I exaggerated nothing, stat- m plain coldlrulh in.my illustrations of the mot-ail conditions of our political life. It would doubtless have henna 1mm zit-nous ottence had I illustrated out of tutcuent history. gone back to the period between 1870 and1875. or hawren 1880 and new But I Illus- trated by means of conditions existent now Mid of incidents which belong to the present m to the very recent past. I My fault is that I did not draw the) bow at a venture, but was Well on to the target. But mine any. 'le should have stuck Now a great many things have been Mud about. me and my speech on that 4n union. .. The. preacher has no busi- nrss to meddle in politics. " My ans- Wt't' is that I shay meddle in politics aw lung as the devil meddles in politics. It is the business of Chrial'a ministers to destroy the works “I the devil where- ryer they may appear. Isaiah, Jere- miah and Amos meddled in politics, de- nounced lumen-y. lust, drunkenness. the" ot tue public domain. "might. enuuwm in high places. The psalmisl mum! a truth Illustmted in Uanada to my wm-u he send. .. The wicked w tlk "In-mu] nu ".yerttsidr while Lhel The question is often asked how we sell our boots and shoes at such low prices. Our answer is that we buy at low prices and sell on a small margin, loo profit on a pair of shoes is better to us than to have Shoes on our shelves marked at a profit of 60c but not sold. . - Just arrived a fine stock of the celebrated Danda A Corsets, the newest in the marke't, all, " made in Canada." It was curried unanimously wilhuut a dissenting voice or Tote and tteeame an integral part of the Assembll’s de. tiveranee upon the moral con itionu of our puhht hie. " The Asuvmhlr deplore, and con- demns the owls prevalent in political hh- to-day, which are rapidly lower, ing the moral segue of our people. urges are" ministers not! people the duty " earnestly combating these evils by vows and you wherever they "ppm". andof proclaiming the truth of Crod's Wold. that righteousness ex- ululh a nation. but am in a reproach to any people. " In Films, Ginghams, Muslins, Imstres and Panamas in the newest designs and the menu-st patterns, in boots and shoes from the working boot to the finest patent, in men's clothing from the working clothes to the finest serge. in atea's hats from the working hat to the finest felt, in men's shirts from the common shirt to the finest chamhmy. in ladies waists from the every day waist to the fluest, all bought asright prices so that they may be sold at ,VV._- -w-vu... vvuuvluee no reference was nude to the wide- spread corruption of oar public lite. I had lherefure the errontdrr--ror " fwntery the profusion“ politicians think it, to judge by their Much up- on me--to move the following resolu- tions : .. looted that in a, Morarand Satin] Meto - fl 7..."... .u5tlwl, awn though one may not mice with all he says. "or admire a certain egot- ism which he has developed nines be. ing .. in the limelight, " We believe his denunciauons of wickedness in the Yukon has done good. We have had brought to our notice a envy of the Srdo Post. (onhiuing an abstract. of 'lf'f% Ie’l View. on moral refoun given Int' congress- tinn lately. Having been recently hrreand so much in the public eye. his (",teyfe have a public inure-y, l'\.bl| lhnnn . n...- ---- w--- ,l',"t'.,,rei',',5 to the position he took in the 9.99";th he an :- (tlp, Barham 1121mm THURSDAY, jciT 'sth JULY Ili, Profits Dr Pringle’s Position. Special July Bargains Refqrixi ' Cam; i a; G. d; J, McK'BCHNIE G. d; J, MOKBCHNIE Ladies' Summer Corsets repgrt of the The Highest Prices for Butter and Eggs. I l RIGHT PRICES I An accidenc.~- While Mrs Wm. Scott. was driving home from the tits. 'uic in a buggy with some children. l Her horse took fright at some large drain tile awkwardly piled up at both sides of she road. She got out of the I boggy and took the horse by the hand to lead him along and the horse lisp- 1'l'di'/l to step on her dress, she fell fund the buggy Went. over her. She is not dangerously hurt. Since than ! Mrs Ferris was coming to our village ! driven by her son John, an able lyouiig man, their horse was unman- ,ageahle in passmg these ttle, Hove I'we ttota very wise Council to place such obstructions on the road en- dangering people's lives;? Some of our Loyalists went. to Mukdale on Monday 1211). We ex- pect to near of 3 ha: day there. The flee, Mr Gibson has teen ex- changing pnlpns mth Rev. Mr Little, of Holstein, last Sunday. Mr Gibson being in Egremont and Mr Little in Hopewlllu church. A BIG BUNDLE "fold papers to lay undercevpets for 5 tents at the Re v ew Otrtrir. William Dezell. who We hand. was going to travel Nor Ontario on busi- ness. has now purchased a stone crusher and is crushing near Dan. dale for Proton Council mud Ihtndsle Council. . The Baplin church people are go. mg to have a Sunday School pumio m the near future. The Ladies' Branch of the Farm. ers' institute held a piema in Or tranderu bush on Thursday 8th and was Well attended by over aeyenty ladies and children, but wry few men. They bad a very pleasant tune. Be sun- of this, that I shall go my way p"rme no heed to the protest of the pair :1, ttt devil in either political camp, wan as my Master went his way undusmayed by the protest of the devils of his dag. who cried (and the voice is me same now) " what hast us to do who thee? Let us alone. Has' thou come to torment us before the time?" i, not a w6 dumb don " to use the Tlet l t's vxpressions. tyou are son-v t at I am diwoeed to light. evil, dissatisfied beams.- your minister is not neutral skulkink mnongsr. the baggage white the fight ugnlnsr. wrong goes on, there isa simple way out of the situation. I shall go from Sydney as willingly as I mum. Canada " wide and I am still at rung c-uuugh to make a place for my. self, and in do scum-thing for God and fellow" en. " you call me to be your minister expecting we to wall amid manifest public evils. too insensitive. too convon- liuiml. or too cowardly to denounce them, IO do battle with them and their (lefrndu'i. you have been disappointed. Are you worry that you have been dis- appointed)? Sorry that Four. minister I [shall in the future " in the past feel myself bound an a minister of _ Christ und of the Presbyterian: Church, to take a deep interest in all that con- cernn the public welfare. civic, pro- vincul and federal. No consideration of personal interest or comfort, or of personal or political hostility shall1 avail to keep me silent m presence oil the evils which "trect the public life of my city. prnvuucr. or nation. I know hum parties are "preheated in [his pulpst. I am not, ashamed of my pol-t Iticnl need. To me it represents mm, are” and purity. Mat I um, I think,I a patriot not a parlizan. I tray lies in the awakening of the public conscience. If the public general” could Ge brought to View with abhorr. ence and! and abuse of Hum on the part of those administermg the J",,',',',','),' moneys nod property. the and 0 such abuses as hive occurred in the past would be in sight. " Hopeville. ment on Second Floor Ione. Hay I Nothing doing we betook ourselves below the ;on Tuesday evening to atrip north --- :through the rocky lands of Enamel. ‘tho rocks showing up in him reds 3. land hundreds of acres all worn smooth and rounded on their corners , plainly showing the eifccts of glacial the rarin- j action in long ages past. The pas- Ar. Camp, preparations for the sham battle eoauueneed. The Blue tomes Nos 3 and 4 Us. under command of Capt Snitlerm 'rehed nut Wednesday evening and bivouaeked near Mar- phy's in the open air for the night, many saying afterwards that it was the beat night's sleep they had had. At 5 a m, Thursday morning. the de. fenders No's l and 2 Co's. under com- mand of Cmpt Rixon. Mtmford, were on the move. and by six o'clock had taken M their po ttion in II natural entrenchment just north ol Benullen station. Here they were protected on three sides by a. high gravel ridge and on the fourth by the railway {tore on these parts, as may be well l‘imagined, were burnt and bare with "he drying inflaenee of the sun and [grasshoppers that are therein myr. I iads. Crops in general are suffering itor want it rain. Being favored with " dries by Alick Adair in whose large and comfortable mansion we gpassed the night, we reached the i hospitable home of Mr. and Mrs Jas. iGardiner, near Kemblo. both of whom ', take an active interest in Institute as {well as other public spirited work. Enjoying a drive at the hands of Mr. ‘Gardiner we reach the summit of the hills, where we obtained a mngnifi. cent view of Griffiths, White Cloud and Hay Islands on the Georgian Bay as well as the surrounding coun- try. After feasting our eyes on the beautiful scenery we called on our way home upon Mr. and Mrs. Jas. Litster, brother ot Mrs. Lothian near Dromore where another fine view was obtained from a different angle of the same scenery, we found them both Well. sociable and talkative to a. de-, gree. Returning to Kemble a very pleasant evening was spent in music and song, Miss Gardner being an ac- complished musician of no mean order. Monday passed 'tpsventfully, Tues- day brought Capt Butchart lrom Tor. onto in lieu of CaptShanly. indisposed who had muster roll call asper the pay shee's. every man being requir- ed to answer with his " here Sir" to his name called. Pay sheets were afterwards taken to Toronto for Capt. Shanlv's Inspeetion along with the target practice returns tor the effi- ciency pay. Ihvine service was held on the field at 8.30 a m., Sunday by the Rev J Ardill, Chaplain of the Regt , the utmost decorum and attention teing shown throughout. The service was printed, including the hymns, previ ousto the meeting and distributed nmonz the men who joined in very heartily. After service many betook themselves to town and elsewhere for the remainder of the day. The usual camp routine obtains the men graduaily gaining protieMnssy in the various movements and drills The musketry prsctice under Major Rorke who was acting musketryin- structor proved to be very bettefitsial, the results as per personal statement tomyselfoi the Sergeant in charge from Toronto exceeding those ot Ni- agara and other places where he had been ; he was a little dubious as to the honest marking at first. out a per ttoual visit to the pit lulled in find a solitary dishonest patch. This good scoring will place the hove out on easy street as tar as eitieieney Ill' is concerned. The county grant 0 $250 has already been distributed to the men here. _ In Camp at 0. Sound Large Sales A. H. Jack-on is an Lira of In tinge Mm. Durham. Ont. A dwelline house and 14; acres o land in the Town of Durham,' tlate the Mighton progeny). south of Lamhmu Sn, " short instance west of u, T. R. Stamp. Apply to For Sale. i Lots 6 and 7, Con. 2, N. D. It ' elg. I00acres, good frame house other buildings. welt watered. 0 gems west. A hnlgain. The public ure Pie,, notttipd that flrhind is strictly pro ihited on Lot 28, Come, E, G. R, (opposite Glen. rnnden). All Ila-spawns will he proite- cubed. A, McConuscx. Valuable farm in the Tp. of Glenda composed of lots 22 and 23, Con, 3, N. D. R., 100 acres. Possession given forthwith. Title perfect. For parli- culars apply to J. P. lELFORD, Durham. A failing tiny nerve --no larger than the finest silken thread --tidrtss from the Heart its impulse, its power, its regu- larity. The Stumnch also has its hid- den, or maiJe nerve. It was Dr Shoop who first told us it was wrong to drug uweak or failing Stem-ch. Heart or Kidneys. Illa premuimion--Or Sheep's Restorative-is directed straight; for the cause of those ailtmsnur--thtuie weak and faltering inside nerves. This, no doubt clearly explains why the Boston ative has of Int» grown so rapidly in popularity. Draggasts any that those who test the Restorative even for a few days soon become fully convinced ot its wonderful merit. Anyway. don't drug the organ. Treating the cause of sickness is the only sensible and zicceaal'ul way. Sold by Moanrlaue Co. A detachment was left on the grounds to strike tents on Sunday or as soon as (by enough t n tiotso. We were surprised to learn at the June- tion that scarcely a drop had fallen there, though the storm was general. The long weary “an at the Junction was uneventful during the four hour» May. There are three in the Regt.. who were here in Camp 31 years ago, viz. Sergt. Torry, Durham, and Ptes Jack Brice and John Govatt, Mea- iord. the latter being a Sergt. some 18 years ago, and yetiecalled by the old boys tor his steel trap move- ment. They had their photo taken together. The rev1ew held on Friday or rath- er inspection, was somewhat disa - pointing to the many visitors wile had come expecting something grand- er. Maj-Gen. Cotton and Major Car. penter arriving in a cab they were duly saluted by the guard turning out at "attention "and " presenting" arms, the band playing meanwhile the grand salute while the common people (no disparagement intended ) gazed on with true democratic in-; difference. After partaking ot lunch ( the liegt. was marched in CV lumn oi companies to the parade ground utter which each compunv separately went forward by sections in skirmishing order, lying down and waiting rein- forcements, again extending, advan cing. closmg in all done by signals. This constituted the whole review , 'Twas at first intended that the Dur. , ham detachment should break Onlilp 'ior the writ morning train on Sat, urdny but the cheques and transpoit I requisitions not uriivnig in time kept us till later and ran us into one ol the greatest rainstornis oi the season or rather two ot them, the last coming when the Segt's Were at mess and brought lorth the remark from Sonn- one that the people in town Would be saying we would be catching it now, when we were just as comfortable as they were. Bat .. luckiess speech and btotless troast/u-sears) Were. the words uttered when u sedoen gust of wind began to play havac with our tent. A rash was made for the poles, by the men who ironically strove to hold her up. bat in vain ; the increasing gale together with the rain now gathering in the p ickets of the hopping lent proved too much tor them and she finally went over pal- ling oat the stakes as it by heise power, oat of the now softened ground and breaking in the fall many dish- es of the Segt’s mess and cutting short the dinner of those who had just nicely commenced. To-day, Friday. the elation conse- quent upon it being the last, show- itself, and just awaiting the coming ot Maj, Gen. Cotton to put. on the fin.. ishing touches of inspection. many visitors are on the 'trounds the white dresses of the ladies contrast ing vividly with the all prevailing scarlet unilorms. A most pleasant time has been spent equal itnot su- perior. to any yet had in old Niag- ara, though perhaps lacking in his- torical interest. fence end a number of tie piles. The tirgt shots of the battle f,tny..t,t were fired about 7 s m and the turn- 1 ing point in the tight was whenoma of the attacking cnptains and his men exposed themselves to two ttrag while attempting to storm a couple of freight cars, and were out to piecrs the nine Hires declaring them oititfum y dead. he detence gained the declsion by a narrow margin on;the outcome of the whole battle which was ell over " 10.30, Atter the march home in time tor dinner the afternoon was given over tor rest, which was taken 1 "tivantle of in various games of _ base and football. A Surgenmh Mess Concert was held in the even- ing in the lame Marquee, at which We were again honored by tho com- mittee in charge with the Chairman- ship ot the meeting. The concert proved to be a good one, contributed to as it was from different parts of the Co., the band giving some fine selections, the Messrs McClocklin Bros. on Mandolin and Bones, Messrs Dobie, Fleming and Smith a trio Major Rorko and Capts. Snider, Rixon and MeLaehlan, Sergt. Major Corrie contributing speeches and many others in song and recitation. A very pleasant time was spent and I being voted better than many 25e Concerts attended. I ARTHUR B. JACKSON. Durham, '% For Sale or Rent Lands For Sale Jamm WATSON. Vomn-y. T806 Uoox, Markdnle. Fishing Notice. THE DURHAM REVIEW ONTARIO Am TORONTO 32%" 5,j,t,51'f-i't'i's,'i 'lriit'e5i,h's'ir ' Glen. e, and Owner In conclusion (Fe would intimate to1 tablisha permanent business by selli " troodh, attentiveness to your yants and I mean exactly what we advertise and wan get our prices before buying elsewhere. Remember the p1aee-Dar1itea old a We have a splendid line of split Bamboo and Green heart fancy poles. All kinds of Lines, Fishing Baskets, Sinkers. Hooks, Swivels. The Hat f May wiil soon be here-call early oandget your choice and at prices away down. The warm weather will soonbe here and we propose to throw open our Parlors to the public and supply all kinds of cool and refreshing drinks, Ice Cream Sodas. etc. This " also a new deiGrtmeit We will have constantly on hand fruits in season such as Oranges. Ba- nanas, Pineapple, Strawberries. &c. A full line of Harry Webb's Confec- ionery both in bulk and boxes. We have added a full line oi the purest Teas, Coffees, Sugars, Spices, Raisins, Currants. etc, We will sur- prise you with low prices in this dept. rrtlt. and conteetistnei, This Firm known under the above name is comprised of W. Calder oi the Town of Durham and H. Carveth, now a resident of the Town of Dur- ham and are the parties who recently bought in the stock of J. A. Darling, at alow rate on the dollar. We have added hundreds of dollars of new stock in the different departments and are prepared to supply your wants in the line of Drugs, Patent Medicines, Druggists Sundries, School Supplies, and all kinds writing material, Clover, Timothy and Garden Seeds Soars and all kinds writing material, Clover, TiEothy and GiariiG%ui,""is'iiiiis' Perfumes, Groceries, Tobaccos, Cigars, Confectionery. etc. c WATCHMAKER JEWELER OEIZICIAN 5 guy SC5..e.etieotseots,aoo" Lenahan Haying Tools $35.13;: lee Cream Department Paris Green & Bug Finish The Central Drug Store Grocery Department In Furniture we have anything to meet your require- ments. A large and up-to-date stock to select from. Ostermoor Mattresses always on he nd Furniture de. free of charge. different; kings to choose from. Pure English Paris Green and Church's Bug Finish always on hand. None better. We have a, full supply of all kinds of Builders Hard- ware, including nails, glass, locks, hinges, etc. Agents for National Portland Cement We have a full supplv of these, of all sizes prices to suit this purchaser. Fishing Tackle Iardware & Furniture Highest Prices paid for Eggs Screen Doors and Window Screens. Builders' Hard- ware a Specialty edding Presents Special Orders Promptly Attended to, - . We are fully stocked and have a gh, Yak??? b: good supply of Red Mammoth Alsnke public and “piggy Lucerene and Alfalfa Clovers and a and refreshing Timothy Seeds. All of these Seeds Sodas etc bought from Seedmen of the highest ' . . reputation and stamped with the Tackle Government stamp. A good supply ndid line of split of rotato and Dutch Sets in Onions. heart fancy poles. A ull line of Garden and Flower Fishing Baskets, Seeds. Turnip, Maugold, Carrot, Beet Fivela. The wt and all kinds of field needs. These here-call early have been bought from reliable den. ice and at prices tera and the price- will be lower than you can buy elsewhere. e wouldintimate to the public that we are here to.“ business by selli " " close prices giving good put to your youta and square dealing throughout. We We advertise and want you to call and see our Mock and .l.....:__ -I-_AL - - Central Drug Store Durham, Ontario Furniture . WEBSTER All Watches. Clocks, tr Jewelery repaired same day as left in. Watches, Clocks, Jewellery, Cut Glass Silverware, China, Ebony Goods This department is entirely an. der the charge of H Carveth. licensed graduate of the College of Pharmacy, who has had a large practical and varied experience in Toronto, Orillia, Sudbury, and other Towns. Nothing only pure drugs kept in stock. Pe- scriptions filled on short notice at lowest prices. Drugs Chemicals and Patent Medicines stand, Caldera Block, Durham such as forks, rakes, scythes etc., in abundance. Many Seed Department cIntosh. , and it . - llr U til m 3 F one: a Full l and Crips limbs Picture Fl SHOW “(ml "er Shop. j) RESIDEM‘E a L I n " MM , Pete: Farm 3 Cockshutt Paris Plow , Biaaett In! Adam: Wa Cockshutt Plow Co. Ltd., Brnntford Paris Hours. Spreaders. etc Blue“ Rollers 1nd Disc [arrows Me" nggons cud Sleigh: lune; -iiiiFiteE-" - Armstrong and Tudhope Cuttess Bell & Thomas Organs and Pianos Rudd Harness, Toronto Raymond & New Williams Sewing Machines. W -- National Cream Setmrators Robes, Blankets, Rugs. Whips etc Daisy Churn. Washers, Wingers Beatty's Hay Goods Promptuess and fair dealing will "outinue to be my motto Yours for Business, Picture Framing, Shortest Notice Snow Rooms-Non to dw-allow'a B her Shut). RESIDENCE - First hnuvu- noun: UswrcuceT Blacksmith shop. UNDERTAKER and Funeral Director Barrister. Sollcltor in Supreme Court Notary Public Conunlssloner. Money to mm. omce. over Gordon’s Jewelry titota. Barrister, Solicitor. Roma Public. Convoynncer Ae. oney lo Loan aLlowest rates. Mee. Mclnt re Block over the Stun O dud Bani. Durham, Ontario. Insurance Agent. Moner to Loam lunar of Manage Licenses. A gen end tiuamfuU business transacted. Peter Hamilton Farm Implements Licenued Auctioneer tor tht. Grey Tern: modemte. Armament; tor when as tomato" must be on the Revivw of. itmt,Durtmi. It (mu-pondean man-ma than. or to Ceylon P.0., will be promptly “waded to, 'umaouapisitmstioi, to ARTHUR H. JACKSON McIntyre Block --Umbton St Bunny and Bell 'I old stand 0ttice-C'atderu mock, G. H. STINSON --_---_ V..." .quW l Ill'el’lll u “In Boys] Collar Dena! Humon Dentin, In all In Winches. - _..r.--- v. -.u-. ... U. .. HONOR GRADUATE Toronto l‘ulverlm Gnu In: an": on"... no".-. bl...--,, Univenuty. trraduL,-of Royal Colle of Deuml Snr was of Ontario. Rum Owen J a J ifi'h'lh"ti#t'sl New more W. C. PICKERING il. It s, L D s ttoNoituRanvarE at ’l‘munlu University. graduate at Royal Collette of Deut'ul b‘nrqmma of Oman-Io. [mums “an. A. l I .TFr..r,.m.s. _ -- orto MEDICAL J. G. BUTTON. M. D.. C Km...“ J may forum-nu and Immu- Mo In and Mama, tar. noon ml not o BIL. one block In: {~131qu ot kill. ' son ti bakery goods and you will always be satis- fied. We have afresh supply of Buns, Dough- nuts, Cookies, Cakes, and Pastry of all kinds alwaysan hand Cut Delivers Duly ' We buy our bread at Stinson', and think it is the very best too. That is what you hear the people say. OFFICE HOURS '-" I. I H p II. feloniouo Con-u! Ion No . " ’. McPHAIL- A ARTHUR (you. J. F. GRANT D. D.S., L DENIAL DURHAI. ounnmwe. iii; - WI “In Lu, on... u .00“ 1'lrMlll'tc Notary Public, Lht"truitmioner, CONVEYANCER. M. Full line of Catholic Robes and Mark and when- Uupa for "tted people. Embalmlnc a Specialty . B. McLellan. syre & get Stin- es J . P. TELFORD D. [ennui 1:9wa ii. u _ C. RAIAGE. Durham: not!” Ceylon bu . telephone Grim, A. BELL W, P. DUNN PIVIIIO‘nha may..." - _ " J.h.4. Hutu-'0 a... _ t ow w A... Model Bakery _. over Post OtBce Ar. Wk: of

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