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Durham Review (1897), 22 Jul 1909, p. 1

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crd 25c to Jar l I910 Ttth REVIEW, DURHAM, ONT 13:4 3'»:xxxwxmzxmx‘axxfisgxzmg if: g x Let us Help iii VOL. XXXII, NO. 29 $35:-::-::-::-::’::-:;-::-::-::-::-::-::-:x>::¢c-::4:-:333333R ' Hi " 1m: in 'nnnda. we will and THE REVIEW from n w to Jan. l. 1910 (almost. 3 months) for 50cm”. Take ad- v-nuqe of this remukahle otter or we that your friend or neigh- Bor does In. Now is the time. We'ro cleaning our steak of all l-roken lines theragood season's awning. It gives von an oppormnity to pick up some snaps in 'lw midst ut the midsummer Susan. Wash Goods Corset Cover Emb‘dery Hosiery -Spee1ai, fine to Emb'dery Front Waist Lengths White lawn waists, Nicely trimmed Summer Shoes Ladies' Victoria ()kal beat in the world -.thBrs they are named alter the queen the world ever saw give value in wear. style d tort. prices 2 75 and 3.50. Broken lots of Shoes to clear )LORED MlTSLlNS the new colors and I for 15c a yd. Mast; reg Full man. . 30e to 50 br Remnants in the Shoe Depal quickly, the prices are more them " only white waists, regular 609 and TN t only white waists, regular La, and 1.2 I only white waists, regular 1.50, 2.tXJ& bought by us at Gl) cents on the Dollar. They are on display in our Jewelery window and will he sold New whim Vustings reduced-tine, --ven weave in daimy uterus, make lovely shirtwaist tutittr-- ' tor blouses you can 'ear at any season, reg. 2Oe for lac a yd. FOR TEN DAYS ONLY AT LESS, Highest Pri fine [If For Ladies, Men, Girls, Boys and Babies. Hundreds to choose from-come early while' the choice is great. Every ring and piece of Jewelery in this great Sale fully guaranteed. ineteen hundred Dollars wdrfh ine Solid Gold Rings Tie f ll. B. KEELER & SUN an Come and see the most wonderful Bargains in J. High-class jewellery ever placed in a window in ada onderful Jewellery Opportunity yr ith Ic-dainty patterns Oe yd, special 25c. ian lawn. enough tor waist, with front premlv em- -inrn"dntt to match for collar and cuffs. reg. $2 and Jas. Ireland To make you comfortable to-day -- At small cord to you ANS-4mm nrgunules an” nausea. puma; m and slesigns, including black and navy, reg 20ts Muslim and Hingh'um. lughtand dark colors. By uff Links and Crosses THAN REGULAR WHOLESALE PRICE rice paid for Butter and Eggs ‘hu'lua .. .. , :wr the boss Underpriced tor quick selling er saw. they try me, fall lange of styles and style & com- sizes -fashionable shapes. was. the u why e Duptrzment that must. be cleared on: c awn- b- km than anything else about fort Rings w,gandies and ba:istea, printed in DURHAM .9 G. .135 at! r A 0;; WN co co (up one 26 rireg Fastdun good shape, black and tan,-spceial 2 pr tor 25e. Men's Straw Sailors and Outing Bats M.... Yor..., 50tor te eins, Elma iid' REVIEW to New Subscribers, for the Balance of the Year, only M cents.. .69 GI' Lotyr.-A short gold chain and a plain gold cross. Finder will be re" warded by leaving at this office. Tryabag of our Nut. It gives satisfactlon. _ Palker‘u Bug Killer kllla‘bbe potato bugs but not the plants. 81.10 per 100, at (lun’s Drug Store. The Stand rd Bank pays interest on Savings k deposits from date of deposit to ate of withdrawal. Every dollar of he deposit earns interest for every ay it remains on deposit. New OUTFIT. --. Rel'ently photo- grapher Kelsey purchased a fine little pony and last Friday was at Mt For. est carriage factory securing a suitable buggy. Mr Kelsey will find it service- able both tor business and pleasure. Commend July 6th during July and August th' U. P. R. Will have five sailings per we each way Iretween Owen Sound and ort William. The fleet comprises the Iberia. Keewotin, Athabasca, Manitohl and Assinihoitr. If you want a deligh “land health- ful trip, try; this. Ptur.tgnyTti. IAN GARDEN PARTY.-- This annual " door Social will be held on the heautifu lanse grounds. next Thursday evenin July 29. A good musical program will be provided. with the band also in ltmndnnce. Ice crwun. r"sptrerries, etc'. served. Ad- mission 10m. A good t e assured all. A CIA-IVER PLAvErt.-Sucit is the To. ronto Star's reference to little Harry Invelle. a Durham boy formerly on the loud lac-rouse line-up, but who has now tnude good in professional lacrosse with the Capitals of Ottawa. Playing at inside home against the Tecumsehs of Toronto, Saturday, he scored two of his team's goals. The Toronto News eulogizes hi» work as follows ' “The Capitals played three Juniors-- Yettnan, Marsh and Lavelle, or these only the latter at present gives prom- ise of developing stellar qualities. He is small hut fast; is always in the thick of the fray, ‘and is apparently fearless-qualities all that will stand him in good stead in his lacrosse ca!- eel." PALMERSTON Or.” Hour: WEEK.- The Greatest Home Owning Event in Palmerston', History will he held in the Agricultuml Pmk, Palmerston on Aug, 2, 3 & 4. Great pvevavationq are being made and the program of events will be varied and extensive and wilt include Reception and Weleome, Par- ades, Decorations, Lacrosse, Baseball and League Matches, Irish Dancing, Sword and Bayonet Exercises, High Wire feats, Balloon Ascensions, the. 48th Highlanders' Band, Uhesley and other Bands. Grand Concert. ete., etc. On Wednesday the 4th four horse races are billed, the purses being 8200, i 8150. 8100, and $50 respectively. On l, H. B. COLEMAN, Secy.. Old Boys Ag. I sociation. Ff.F'a' teir,r.,y.A9he_P..lji8l,yt l iiisilliiiiiii8lhktll ( TRINITY GARDEN PARtt--suceeur _ with a. big 8 must be written of the Garden Party at the Rectory grounds on Thursday evening last. The weath- er was ideal. though early in the even. ing a spiteful little cloud ‘forgot itself and sent a sprinkling of rain that caused a few noxrous moments. Hy") ever it dried up and there followed a fine starry evening for the crowds that gather ed on the beautiful grounds to listen to the Bacd's tine. music to sip luscious ice cream, with cake, eof. l fee and other condiments, and to en- i joy a unique program of song and mu-l sir. Mr Emery, of Toronto, was the': feature ot the evening. Ile 13 tt sing- er and reciter of ability and his num- 1 hers. grave or gay, were warmly re? ceived and encored. Besides, he was generous as to quantity, and the hearty way he entered into the spirit of theevening made him many friends Miss Rita Irwin accompanied him ant.l won his compliments for her ability. Her instrumental number, “Old Black Joe. with variations. " was delightful. ly rendered and stamps her a. musical artist. Miss Ada Limin favored the crmpnny with a solo which was warm- ly received. Attractive booths seem- ed to do a good business in bon bone, bouquets, are... andthe evening wore [ pleasantly away the treasurers we i understand having taken in over 8120. The Money You Save Saves THE STANDARD BANK WW7, ur LANAUA ‘77” isvessurmsDepmitor,wuthertheir-rttsbekrreeota themaatcomteouservice. __ .._' . .. -.. has! wottrcwant---drbtrhu.ryiliatioty A comfortable BankAccounl gives one a easy mind, 'elrcodidence, and the power to uh i'iiattiiliaGerfopp'oraitrthat-tobettereate'srutitm. -"ii'iiii"iiTiiiiiiiFit once with. 1 Deposit d On Don” C more. in” savintmDqyastment. . " Mrs A. Dams & Sons. DURHAM, THURSDAY. JULY 22, 1909. DURHAM BRANCH Jobs: 80117. "aasagtor tBgtagN= M " MI. OF CANADA Highest price: pai or butter and eggs " Mrs A, Beggs om. M isa J. , Allan, Eveoight Specialist. will be a Hahn House, Thursday. July 22nd. outs 2 to 8 p. m. The Standhd Bunk syn interest on Savings Bank deposn from date of deposit to date of Ithdmwal. Every dollar of the de sit earns interest for every day it sins on deposit. tJonkrrmxtion uervicos were held in Trinity Church last Friday evening. 16th July, when the pastor, Rev. A. A. Rice, presented thirteen candidates to Bishop Williams for the rite. 10 API’RENTIC WANTED. - To learn nullinery. We' nticipate a. big Iuillinery season this lt and would like to engage our work om shalt be. fore lat September, _ .. The \Valkerton Telescope his been purchased by a Mr McConnel, of Lon. don, the late proprietor Mr Robb, having been appointed to the post. mastership, salons: held by the late Malcolm McLean. OMITTED NAmr,--Another name omitted from the list. of successful En. trance candidates supplied the print- ers was that of Miss Margaret Kerr, of Union School, Varney. Mr Manlly, teacher. Congratulations to Maggie. M mm. WiyNERts.--The " Dr Jamie son Modal " presented to the County pupil taking highest mark at Entrance examination has been won by Miss Florence Bryon. of Durham. The trustees' medal to the highest town pupil goes to Miss Susie Kelsey. Con- gratulatiotts to both. These Medals and the Scholarships will be presented at, the annual Commencement Ester. cises held in the fall months. Mr and Mes Geo, Yirrs have the sympathv of their fellow Citizens in the severe trial they are called upon to undergo, by the death of their only son on Tuesday morning. The death was unexpected and it is thought. to he a case of poisoning by chewing or sucking matches that had come in his way. The child was ll months, old and a bright baby as those whc have seen him enjoying the automobile can testify. He is heing buried to-day, Wednesday. in Durham Cemetery. THAT Wtrttr,--.A letter from Mr John Hewitsnn. Winnipeg. p','.';.",,'!',') of Lumsden. formerly of Bentinck, speaks in rplimislic vein of western prospects: " Since you were here a year ago. Mr Rnnmge. everything is in a much more hopeful attitude, more money in circulation. people buying and exchanging more freely. The harvest promises well and is go- ing to be earlier than usual. There has been a great deal of rain through- ‘oul. Alberta. which makes it appear as if the west had no need of irrigation W heat promises 30 to 40 bushels, oats Mm 130 bushels per acre. Winnipeg you would notice stands first among Canadian cities in building this year. Toronto next." We are indebted to Mr A. u, Benton for hue Strathcona and Edmonton pa- pers which are throbbing with the new vigorous life of the West. New rtilways being built and plannedto the twin cities, try-laws for local im- provements carried, a certainty ofa good crop, and many other features in" betoken property. Accompanying Mlle papers is an attractive booklet, l, ‘giving information and views relat- ing to the " University City, " which, ‘having seen last. year, we are able to thoroughly enjoy. Sunthcona has ‘mw 6000 population‘ and requires a mew school building almost every i, year. The new and imposing Collegi- 'ate Institute opened this year cost (iiiee',i'ii? The University will cost. a trillion dollars and will adorn a splen- idid site. A street our system now iconnects the twin cities. "Al1uting 1 Alberta. " The Mavor has declared. Monday Aug. 9, Civi: Holiday for the Town of Duiham. Country friends will please take notice for business places will be closed all day. employers and employ. ed being " free nigger' " by statute to do as they please. At time of writing we hear of no concerted elicit to make a town day of it, by a united picnic or otherwise. m------------ Civic Holiday. ONTARIO ARCHIVES TORONTO il)biyjiiittt). DICK. Mr Uh“. Parrott was in Toronto this week, Mix; Lizzie Kinnee left Tuesday to Visit friends in London. Messls. B. E. and Levi Mutlock are camping " week or two at Oliphant. Mr. and Mrs. ll. H. Miller are holi- darinti in Nova Scotin. Miss Ada staples. of Mnrkdule. in the guest of friends m town. Mrs R. W. Wright wilt receive at the parsonage every Friday. Mr Frank Rolph. of the Standard Bank, Is holidaying In Markham. Mina Madill. of Toronto. is a guest " the home of Mrs A. B, McLellan, MKS. (Rem) McLeod of Priceyille is a guest this week at Mr, C. L. Grant's. Miss Farquharson left Inst week to visit Toronto friends in! a few days, Mr Cousins. of Trowbridge. is visit- ing at. his son-ln-law's. Mr Hugh Me. One. Mrs E. A. Howe and children left Tuesday to visit friends in Owen Bound. Mrs Geo. Meikle has returned after a. two weeks' visit with Paisley rela- tives. Miss Maricn McKenzie, of Montreal, is waiting her cousin, Miss A. L. Mc- Kenzie, Miss Agnes Ramnge is holidaying this week with reiatives in North Eg- remont. Miss Ada Limin spent a day or two with Guelph f: iends the beginning of the week. Miss Mabel Allan, of Dundalk, is visiting at. her parents. Mr and Mrs David Allan. Mrs Warner and Miss Pearl have returned from me Bound to again reside in town. Rev. Than. Farr and Miss Parrot Gorrie, holidayed with relatives here but. week and this. Mrs Alex Russell left Tuesday to visit her sister in Fergus, helore leav. ing for her new home. Miss Edith Allan left Wednesday fora week or two's holidays at her brother Ed's, in Toronto. ' Mr Geo. Blacxhurn, engineer, left Tuesday on a fortnight holiday "unt to Drvden, New 0 undo. M, Hugh McKmnoo,%tpt. athridge building in Alberta, is visiting at, the home of his mother at Mulock. Mr Hugh McCormick, Pittsburg, came home last week to spend his holidays with mother and sister here. Miss Jenn McFarlane and her friend Mrs Curran. of Toronto, visited at Mr John McQueen’s on Wednesday of last week. Dr Macinurin left last week for To. ronto, from where accompanied by his sister. he will go to Muskoka for the holidays. Mr and Mrs Sdlltag. of Bulfalo, ar- rived Saturday to spend a few days at Mr Ed Limin'e. Mrs S. will remain for some time, Miss Eleonora Wright, of the On. tario Ladies’ College, Whitby, will singa solo at the Methodist Church next Sunday evening. Mr Don. Mckechnio, of Taunton, Mass., formerly of Rocky saugeen, is visiting his brother George and other relatives in town and vicinlty. Messrs w. J, Ector and Saul Mc- Cracken left for Port tiaMe1d. Mum knka. Wednesday. where they will build a lulu'in. Inspector Campbell left Tuesday afternoon to spend a month or so with his family at their summer residence At Lake of Bays. Muskoka. His son Will wheeled over Saturday. Mrs. Arrowamnb. Hamilton. and her daughter, Mrs. Grieve, Spokane. are visiting many old friends and neighbors in town this week. Mrs A. returns on Tueadny, Mrs. Grieve ex- tending her stay for a. week or two. Mr. D. W. Campbell. son of Duncan Camphe‘lot Hanover and brother of Mrs. John McKechnie of town,has been promoted to he General Supt. of the Oregon and Wash. Railroad. a position and to be worth 850411] 1 year. MrT. H. Binnie. son of Mr George Mr T. H. Binnie. sun of Mr George Binnie. ot Bunnsan. ex-wnrden of Grey county. Ont., has burn appointed editor of the nurxcultuml department of the Centml Canada UiIizer. Mr Binnie is n graduate of the Ontario Agricultural College In the dairy op- tion and until recentlv was hacteliol- exist for a large dairy firm of Ottawa. Mr Geo. Sinclair. who for the past three years ham been a valued assist- ant in the store of Htterrarutrr, & Co.. left for Woodstock on Friday but. 1 L He is taking a position in the Traders [ Bank there. Mr Sinclair is the kind of young man we regret to lose from town. Since coming here he bu made men! friend: by his nth-any and public spirit. nod mtl be mined in many circles. especially by the Pru- hyterim choir. of which he was . val- ued member. at: friend. here will will Immi- " new sphere. summer cottage for Dr Mac- Rf lis- Dorn Davudwn in holidlying with relatives in Owen Sound. Mrs J Roaming, Jr and two children of Artou, are holld.ying at herald home here, Master Willie Browning laws to- dos, for a few weeks visit at Armow, in Bruce Co. Mr. Herbert A. Cleave, Rochester N.Y,, visited his cousin. Mrs. ' Rulings for a few days. Mr Duncan McKenzie of Rochester, is spending his vacation with his fath- er had ulster here at present. Mrs Will Haring. of Hamilton. u- rlved Wednesday to holiday with her parents here, Mr and Mrs Chas Brown Miss Hamilton who has been env ployed at Baker Btittsott's left for her home at the Lake last Saturday quite " with appendicitis. Miss Edith Muldick of Harden Man. visited her cousins Mrs. Redford and and Mrs Ed. Burnett Jr,, in town last week and called also at the REVIEW office, Mrs. McIntyre Sr., near Priceville was at. Crawfold and in town Int. week bidding farewell to her may friends before leaving to make her home with her son David in Pt. Ar- thur. 7 - - BARK \VANTEDnm Cords of Hem. lock lmrk wanted tor which highest price will be paid, T. SMITH Noun meat, Business College Ins started h dreds of young men and women on t sroad to succese. Will you he the ne ? 5 Lotm-Between linywaud‘s Fails and Durham, 3. steel fishing rod. Ite. ward at Review 0Mce. - - - A Garden Party will he held at the ltotneof Mrs Thor, Brown, south " town, under the nuapxcea of the Wo- men's Institute. on Tuesday. August 3rd. A good pucgmm Is being pre- pared. Freetuimittnoce to grounds. usual charge for refreshments Mem- bers Ale requested to he present at 7 o'clock. Garden party at. eight o'ciock. ONE Tucvsm’n Potwrtostr--As a _ chum is no stronger than its weakest line, every link in Canals} Greatest Chsins of High-grade Business Schools has been kept In the highest state of prot1eietuT known to business science. While over one thousand mam; were enrolled but. year, Ile demand for graduates, was three titttes the supply. The \Vulkerton Business C'ol. lege, which reopens August 30th, in- vites the most critical inspection from prospective students. Owing to the l prestige of this chain. every graduate of neat appearance and good character is guaranteed a. stood situation. The new advertisement of this college ap- pears on page 8. Exccnstox o MCBKOKA LAtteB.- 1 " The Sun" ress Club. of Owen Bound, Is run In: a great four day ex- l cursion to the Muskoka Lakes, over the C, P. IL, o Saturday. July 3ist, at an exception lly low rule. While the. excursion is ot over the Saugeen branch it is poasi le tor the people of Durham to take vantage of the trip by taking the re aiar morning train to Proton, where excursion tickets may be procured. The return ule from Proton is 821'. No change of trains will be necesa y as part of the excursion goes by gulur morning train and connects wi oust through tram from Owen So ml at Bolton. Round trip of Muskok Lakes (includ- Publish“! Weekly n 61.00 . you. inh Lake Joseph, Lak Bowman and Lake Muskoka} $1.11) e In on steam- elaot Muskoka Navigat n Co. Cir- culala regarding the trip my he had at the REVIEW Oftiee. BORN Lavowros.--in South Riv . no Sun- day, July 18th, to Mr an Mrs J, F. Laughton. a daughter. Dcstotoom---At Hutton Hi , Ben. tinck. on Wednesday. July u, to Mr and Mrs U. Dunnmoor. tk son. lARRIED mraros--wiusos.--By the Rev. H. Berry, of Priceville, June m, I”. at the residence of the bride’s ou- ents, Mrs Wm. A. Benton, of Wand- hr, to Margaret Jane, daughter of Mr Noble Wilsun. of Boothvme, crRhfttllft) BANK Egremont . $6,350,000 One of the greatest helpsln animating mum Sav- ingsAceount. 'iiairiiiiUtir-irtd.tht an magma? 'rriGLriieeited-fetE itemt only” man: --d 'niiit.Eritrfi?ty:tgght,',','rgi'g',,'lht 1'iTl"C"rurirtTi'GiG.kt,numursunithat- m ort"tite"'iai;iii'ii"rG'rGrriiGuair with» would ttttter- haveAslip any. . $1 opens . Savings Account. Why not do ii - - iUTc initiates. Hut-I09 .mc‘u m " an" "m A.” DURHAM__§§A§_CH ------ioi-- THE BANK FOR THE PEOPLE J. P. TELFORD. of Canada MODEM?” 1- The Council " their meeting on Fri- day In", Arrived It the Above aton- lehingly tow rate for the coming your. There had been . general feelan that 23 or 24 mills would not hue been ex. cessive under the clmumltmcu. hence there will be geneul ".tautctiott to find Inch 1 “tor-hie 'howintt, If it an be clearly shown that no interest will antler. The town rate has been tized an! milk, 6.740.110 lest you; the school rate nt 4 milk. 5.84M. Int yen. This in e hereto reduction in view of the fact that even with the higher rule last yen finances are none too thtatt. We are not sure it (here is en increased assessment to levy upon- we hope there is, and that the tow rate will become a normal condition in our good town. _ Steps we belieye hue been taken in both Glenelx and Bentinck to Jusv" the question of ' Option voted ou at next anusry elections. The neces- sary petitions ere being cwculsted and it is thought It will be comparatively easy to secure the names of the sc, per cent of electors necessary to pre- sent to Council. There is at present one Incense in Glenelg and two If not three In Bentinck. The campaign in by no means limp- ly nu elfort to cut " these licensee, for municipdutiee without n single in- cenee have voted on the questlcn and curled it. There in u double object in this, to prevent possible encroach- menu and at the lune time hid the weight ot in example to the mplign elsewhere. The latter xenon mil commend iuelf to my in both town- ahips, who have no fear of additional licenses being minted. The trend of modern opinion is en. tirely with.“ the iegnliud liquor tru. fic; the great corporations have strettttthened this opinion by the re. guluion- they enforce on their pm. planes. not only compelling them to ninuin while on duty, not requiring them to be tom obsteinen st all times, Opinion against it it strengthened ul- eo by the ICUOIII of some who are en- gaged in it. It temple of which was seen lest week when Inspector Beck. ett of Owen Sound. discowled in on innocent looking baggy, 1 metal venue! fitted under the Beet containing whic- key being conveyed from Menard to Owen Bound. We shall from time to time give not" of the program being made. More Local Optwn Contests. Male prc rrcd--Ut or 2nd class, for S. s. No Glenelg. 8“er “50. Board eonve ient to school. vcruc attendance . Duties to commence after vacation' Applications received to July 24th. For U.B. S. No . B. k G. Duties to begin after h idnys. Apple at once outing quail! tiom. experience and ulnry (a -- Teacher for B. S. No Notmanby. Apply stating experienc and .altsrr expected. Pernod Ipp ion pre- ferred. Application: rece ed up to July as; -- .. .. c. BANG! t SON. Pun-nu All Pam-Inn'- BAND PROGRAM, JULV 22 The 3ist Rest. Band. under the direction ot Bundmnster GU. Wright. will render the following program Thursday evening July 22 at 8.15 p. m. on Quantum M. 1 MARCH-Our Glorious Flag . . . . l. .... .... .... ....Bo-krat" 2 vsuuru--tgeraph . . . . . . . ..Lll!erty 'd ov-rue-Meats' .. .Bnrnud 4 MAstca--The Soldim ' . . ..Bt. CUir 5 lunar VAIatr--Bo Iine..Beyet 0 'esram--'rhe lidshipmnn . Beyer 7 VAua-She'l my own Girl. Beyer ft God Save the King. Emuaulln Preshytarlnn Garden PmyJuly Mt Women's Inst. " August 8 Rate 20 Mills. Teachek Wanted. Teacher w, Tuos. WALLACE. Vulney P. 0. WM. meme, Sccy.~Trcas DAN '"Pggt Ber_ro, Durhnm P. 0. $34,000,000 er Wanted. 7am am.

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