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Durham Review (1897), 22 Jul 1909, p. 7

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of it. rm, men In". '0! In o. men or xi..- an lasti o my new! havo ink- land who mlly. OUT. ms. male had 'otgg. e foe rrotet time Mm Ie Mtt - " " ia MI w. all prm-timlly within the _ Bathing parades take place _ Jay fur an ample supply of 'l" ,'s generally to be "neural, 3nd , lm a givut rivalry to show the ' WM! and maul. sanitary camp irt H(rid. Only two or three pom .. 2m- permitted out of each camp, ' :1me and visits to the mines rl '5” the main part of the day. The _ 'ttt duty at the (-olliories have a .' «I "hance to go into the depths, , 1' tm-ir comrade" at hmdquarten I «wry day parties ol them t" l . H Huang]: the workings. This is I',', 'tl-solute/v new experience to them, ' _,'. trreir trips to the dark under-world ')r' an "ver-fruitful mum of plenum. Hu- engineer have been kept - “an: any of the other corps in pull. “Mrr 'supplies laid into some of m l -n=p~. and preparing a Mum and 0-0 lt 'ids', the suppers have been km by Mun-rm. but now there in mu. " thor to do. The with of the tmor. 1w been very good so In. Two one. of typhoid have been mroet?d Iro- tH '--:ulquarters (one, but M ll “In. " trr. sickness in "a.“ rt. 1.\\'ADIAN FEDERATION mm Ottawa and»: Th MV- " the Cumin. Pedant!!! d 14). I“ nanny the low-n. 2t=t to ll- headquarters at tho WatrF tnett's Association " - hi "Ah? (India- I” d _ , greeting tour.'.h._ _ 905'! 0" "q'A9tst..c r'_.__ after dark. and as much zeal has been thrown into the work aw it a hostile forms Were “sailing “law Buy. The foree in split up into a numlwr of small garrison. At headquarters on Table "end, the main body, about 250 in mm» her, no emmpell. At Dominion No. g, the most isolated of " the mines, the" r, a strong detnehrm-ut of infantry. The My engineers garrison Dominion No. 3; at l'uledonia there is n detachment of 'iity artillerymen. and another detach- ment of twenty-five men is stationed at liridgvpurt. At Dominion No. I there is an infantry garrison, and all the rest an infantry gnrrimn, and all the rent of the troops are at the hendqtmrters, from which the guards for Dominion No. 2 and Dominion No. 7 are supplied. llrtnw-ll 5 and 7 o'eloek strong guards "r" placed on all the roads lending to tlo. variotrq pits. For two hours they mun-h up and down the streets, during which time the men who are working nuuw to the various mines, and min in m- aiterrtoon they are turned out in 1,tnt' of any demorutratim, IS the ml l .no- tlw pits. Although everything has 4.....n ulmuluto-ly quiet sim they arrived nu tlie Nh'enp, there his been '0 tell!!- hull in the vigilant-e of the ofrteers in .iurgw. and they are taking the oppor- [11"le to put the men through 0 atiff Iiic"e of training. Mace Bay, N. h'., despntch: One good result of the calling of the troops to “have Bay has been that the five hun- drvd men of the Halifax garrison now doing duty here are receiving a training that they would not get under other cir- c-umntancea apart from actual war. It has been 3 sm-wwiun of night patrol duty. At the different collie-ties strung detachment, arr continuously on duty after dark, and as much zeal has been thrown into the work an if a houtile form, were 'tmsailing Man- Bay. The lone in split up into a number of small garrison. At hemlquartvrs on Table been called a, at the request of iiit eivil authorities. they have nothing more to do with the latter, which is about tantamount to an invitation to his wor. “nip to please ring off and not mine any more departmeutit expenditure for tele- graphic tolls. It is likely, however, that his worship will have some more eon:- munication on the matter yet. Shipments " the International piers in Sydney were very good to-day, so the company report, they stating that .m-r six thou-land tons were sent through ttre There were for new during the day. Some were made during the day tion, and Mayor Dough answer from the Militia I rouponse to his but telegl who should anvoint the m larger irtere- in the all up in the next few duys. nation u to the temper is correct. they any tin certain that there will l number- than hithnto a a very short time now. The United Mine We still claim that the corn Inning one-ha" of th they claim. and members deelare, Among other thir are heir-g brought to the in sow of the rortierr runny the impression to Inc I united Mine Workers' omeers still claim that the company are not Inning one-hall of the tonnage that they claim. and members of that union deelare, Among other things. that tuba are hoing brought to the surface empty in sow of the rortierien in order to runny the impression to than. outside the term that things are‘booming inside. There Were few new development: during the day. Some more arrests were made during the day for intimidn- tion, and Mayor Douglas received on ansWer from the Militia Department, in rewponse to his but telegram regarding who should appoint the magistrates to m-ntrol the movement» of the troop. The Militia Department politely inform. rd his wunhip that the troops having b-.. ....II._.I _,; A ‘l V V probably six or never: hundred to” may to-day than yettterdny. Ther duo nnticipned an int-mu- of sown] bur-Ind ton» from the palliation. They rlnim that about 100 more men came to work to-day " the various mines, and "ate that there will like” ho n rum-i ti lilacs Bay, N. B., deny-tell; Another lane”. in the output from the banks and eollierun In chilled by tin cod _eorr'party to-day, An at" steam shovel i now at work, digging the coal out of the big tap of n quarter ot a million to” lying at Dominion No. 2, and with this augmentation: of Hair Ion-u the company Itnted to-night that the toil lune mural from the banks would be at F (NIH-IR Watt CONDITIONS. t has ' Impressed on the men n they are living under I!" coir mm and all enter into the spitit the thing heartily. 0n the first two three nights several of the pit- va. practically all, in tart, were mul out two or three times. but caclt cane it was a false alum. . wily complaint is that there is hing hut, guard duty to do, and ', the time is beginning to get very nutunous to the lien. At Pme" My all the "forts" canteens ot a t haxe been fitted up. Here the u an supplied with the Bali!“ I-r~. soft drinks and when). but y of course. are unable to obtain lill' various little thing that the 1.1.” mntoenn supply. In the " r six thousand (on were sent tii, chutes. TRAINING FOR THE TROOPS In. “on! high; Gal Out of "up at No. Two. “in Depart-es Reply to Mayor Douglas. w various little things that the .r canteen: supply. In the " n-i fully-equipped canteens, mny he men are able to supply their . at tho different col-pony: *. all prtwtirtrlly within the Moe F, ARR FF,TN, IIS AT THE RS’ STRIKE. " the various mines, and 're will likely he a much . in the number who turn few days. If their inior' the temper of the meat r any they no almou here will be much larger hitherto at work within in the Several Militia Clips. the requz-st of "I: . new: _tlothirtg more It is announced that the c. P. R. has completed plans for an elevator at Vic- toria Harbor having a storage capacity of twelve million bushels, which would make it the largest elevator in the world. Claude Miner. who three week, ago drunk Marry Thompson. of Montreal. Qua. on the head with n dirk. causing death, was convicted of second degree murder " Roanoke, Tts., yesterday, and sentenced to six years in the pri""- tiary. Glen B. Curtis, the aeronaut, made a night of thirty-one minutes' duration in his taltt, at maeqrte4 Ptairtq, Loag' lala today. He alight“! with- out .335“th that he could ban renal-d in the " lot an igtdogtrt5t. w... W..-“ It is understood that Scotland Yard authorities are searching London for a. Chinese who in said to have been recog- nized as Leon Ling, the supposed mur- deter of Elsie Rigel, by an American who knew him in New York. Special despetches received h " tro r France say that the propa-ml mun flight of Herbert Latham. the French aviator. has ended in a fiasco, and that M. Latlmrn’s return to Paris this moriv ing marks the definite abandonment of the enterprise. period. ml and several Jured. A invert) earth Hhmk Wag t-xpcl'icm-ml hut night at thasavente, a seaport ..'7 miies northeast of Lisbon. The popula- tion wan thrown into a panic. but the damage was slight. Reports twain-d at Madrid from Mel. illa to-day my that the K-Ihyli' tribes. Im-n. 1.300 strong, are preparing to " taek the Spanish positions, and that great exeitement prevails. In n head-on collision between two Ila-anger trains on the Chicago & East. o-ru lllinnivz Railroad. near Royal, Ill., thi, morning. three pauwngers were kill .d and several others reported badly in- The Muft- of the Aqhland, N. IL, Siv- ings Hank was blown open by three rub bers early to-day and $500 stul-u. The robbers escaped under cover of revol. wrs, residents having been amused by the explosions. . 'the eight Anarchish who were urn-at ed rm-entlv in Stovkhnlm on tlv, chars: of having- c-nmpirvd to numssimlw thu Emperor of Rut-tin were aunt into exile Chau. Man! ot by Pred ed Ntate The Provincial Government warns captains of excursion steamers that they must not so" intcxicatiutr liquors on their boats. A son was born on Thursday to the Princess de Sagan, who was Miss Anna Gould, of New York. Bill Brown. Buffalo Bill‘s valued as- sistant, was sent to jail for nine months. at St. Thomas for a npectacular horse- theft. The dirigiblo balloon Ville do Nancy. piloted by M. Knpn-frvr. leit y4artruville. hum-v. at 4 o'clock this morning. lnuml for Nancy. FLASH ES FROM WIRE. Parry Sound 1ierTateh: An Italian, who gives his name as Nicole Alene, fur whom the police have been watch. ing ior some time, was to-day cap- tured at Depot llarlnr by Cottstait.e Wm. Madigan and lodged in jail haw. Tlu) erime frr which Nirelo is urn-sun} is said to tc, u (ll-liberati- attempt at murder and robbery. The victim " a Bulgarian named Dino”. who was work- ing in a PM on the I'. P. R. near Shaw. nmuga. Aielle, who cluiuu-d tho Bldg.”- inn owed him some “valley, went to where Dinoii was at wank, and, aiter mun» worth. Dinotf tunmd to leave. Thu Italian earchd a shotgun. and he viz-liber- ntely shot the Bulgarian in the lurk. The wounded man tell. and Aielle Marted towunla him, but the Bulgarian mu able to jump up and run tuwunh a gang of men who were wnrkin; at .iottbk' distaste", shouting at the tap of llli voice. The Italian. swing that lr., \'ll'llll| mu rwapiug and spa-int; the otlrer un-u. turned and tled, and Inn Irom at Iarw' ulmul two weskw. Din!" “an mupprrs:'d to have $3.50 in n hull. urnuml hid waist, and it ic. “Hugh: it wai to <',rCttrta this Ilium-y that the at- terupt wan- Italian Charged With Shooting At- other Foreigner Named Dinoff. ATTEMPTED MURDER in hand, however, and an investigation mu mad". with the nltimate urn-1: of the vietim'r, um in hid humu- on v'ni.) uho whee-t, St. Sauveur. The man nrrmtml at first denied that he had any port in the tumult, but later admitted he fought with his father Immun- he Wan” hinting his mother. The tather and Aon live in the qartte huihling in Colombo Mrvet. the victim and his wife duwmmiiw and the qon and wit» upstairi. When Arthur Drhnin WAN arrested this Minimum ho bore evidence at having hen-n drinking. ASSAULTED BY SON. Alfred Drain, in Quebec Hospital May Die. The following reply no received this afternoon: "Many kind thanks for approval of the policy. P. W. A. will, in spite of threats, intimidation, or vio- lence, adhere rigidly to agreements con- trarted voluntarily; will keep honor ‘of our Canadian Association " inviolate. Look forward to all Canadian miners ln-mming affiliated with your honorable body at an early date. S. B. McNeil, Gram! Master P. W. A." culty we no in am. use“. Tho Cn- ulun Pedant!» ot Labor look lomnl to the than when the P. w. A. wlll con- trol the coal mines of In Canada. as they now do the mines of Nova Beotia. Yuma in the muttre--Canadn for the Vanadium w J. W. Putteraon. Presi- m-nt; George G. Mercure, Secretary." _ ' r re., R. Crane. of 1hioago, vieepvs. the Crane 1'o., ha,, lreen chm-m Jent Taft for the punt of Unit. H 1tinrir to 1'hina. hospital authorities feared he pire an any "lament, so they the anthorities of [in law tat tutn's deposition. 'fiw Victim hat he au walking along tit. vet last nignt, win-n he w.” m behind by an ttttknown hand. iee authorities took tIr- matu-r however, and an investigation l with the ultinmtr urn-s; o.' made man Im- column The vic- LII early nun so MANI'I‘UWANING ......... MURILLO ...... ...... ... MT. FOREST ...... MATTAWA ..' ... ...... [ MiLLmtooK.... ...... ... MABERLEY ... ... ...... MUNCEY.... .'. ..... . .... MEHitiC'KViLLE.... ... . MIULAND.... ..... ... . MITCHELL” ... ..... _.. MHuiLEvILLK.h.. ..... .. ytKTCALIPK.... . ........ MAUNETAWAN .. .. .... MADOC.... ... ... ... .. MoriEFiRLD .. ... ....... MILVERTON.. ... ..... .. MERLIN.... ... .. .._.... MI'. BRIDGES” ..... .... NFiWMARKhrr.. ..... ...: NORWICH ...... .... NEW LISKEARI)..... ... . NEWBORO .... ...... .... Nmvi.NGT0N.... .. ... .. NEW HAMBURG ..... . . NORWO0D.. ..... ........ NKUSTADT.... ...... ..... NAPANEE ..... ... ... .. NIAGARA.. ... ..... ... NEWMARKET .. ... ... .l tHtANUKvuaLK.. ... .... oitb.'WEKtfrN..., ... ..... . ()AKWUOD.... . .... ..... USIIAWA.... ... ... ...... ()DESSA.... ..... ... ... Br trr"rAWA.. . . . . .. ..... UNONDAGA.. ..... ..... . URU.... ... ... ..... ... OWEN SOUND . . . ... . oTTERViLLK.. ... ... .... oito.NO...... ... ... ..... ORILLIA.... . . . . . ... PRICEVILLE.. ... ... ..., PT. CARLING.... ... ... POWASSAN.... ... ..... Bt PANEL... ..... . . . . . PALMERSTON.... ..... . PERTH”. ..... ... . .... PARRY SOUND.. ... .....S “UPON” ..... ... ... .... 'Pifdhhft:y. ... .. ... I PINKERTON.. ... ..... .., ROCKWOOD.. . . . . .... ROSSEAU.... ..... ... ... RAINHAM.. ... ... ..... I ROELIN’S MILLS.... ..... RAINHAM.. ... ..... ... . RAMONA.... ... ....... ROI)NEY.... ... ... . . . ROSENEA'I‘H .. ..... ... RENFRillW.... .. ......... RGCK'r0N.... ..... ..... . RICHMOND. ...... ..... ROCKLYN.... .. .. ....' . RICHARD‘S LANDING.. KIWI... ... ..... ... . 'rrAPPORDtMLLE.. .... SARNIA.... ..... ...... . SPDKCDRVILLE ..... ... STRATFORD ... ... ..... SPRINGFIELD” ..... ..... itUNDRrDoW... ... ..... ' STURGEON PALM.. ..... irrIRLiNG.... ... . . ... . :TRATHROYU ..... ... ... SHELBURNE.. ..... ... .. SAUL? S1". IARIE . ..., SPRUCIDALE ........ ... SOUTH IOUNTAIN.. .. . trMtT%Vt1AM.. ... ..... _ swoon. ..... ... ..... . ST. MARY'tt.. ..... ... ... ttHAttNoNWLLR.. ... ... MATNRD.. ..... ... .. tmtATHRor.... .. .. .... monuno.... ... ..... gamut... . ..... TARA.... ..... .. . . . .. WEBB" ... ... .... TAM" .... ..... .. mm. .... . .. .. ., Tam” ... ... .. nuggmm" ..... .... ""_ ___ _.. .__.. w.. ... ..... --.. " - f BOI'IIWELL'S CORNERS ... Sept. :0. Oct. 1 BRUCE 1"an ... ... ... ... ... ... Sept. tt aunt's FALLS ... ... ... ... ... Sept. = N BRUSSELS... ... .. ..... . Sept. Mt, Oct.1 BEAISVILLE.. ... ... ..... . Sept. 9. so . SOWMANVILLE ... ... ... ... Sept. M, a BRIGDEN ... ... ... ..... ... ... ... Oct. 5 BEACHBUItG ... ... ... ... Sept. W, Oct. I BOSCAYGEON .... ... .. ... .Sept. 3. so BAItRIE ... ... ... ... ... ... Sept. 27. a. " BLACKS'rocK ... ... ." ... Sept. M, a ll,'f2tlii5ii, ... ... ... ... ... ... Oct. 5. c BRACEBRIDGE ... ... ... ... Sept. tt, gt, N BEIthcx ... ... ... ... ... ... Sept. tl, to BOLTON... ... ... ..... ..... ... Oct. 4, 6 BROCKVILLE ... ... ... ... ... Sept. T, a. 9 SLENHEIN ... ... ... ... ... ... Oct. 6, T BRAMPTON ... ... ... ... ... Sept. n, tt BURLINGTON ... .. .... ... ... ... Sept. 30 BAYSVILLE.... ... ....... ... . .. Sept. 29 BRUSSELS. ..... ... .... . Sept. 30, Oct. 1 BELWOOD ... ... ... ... ... ... Oct. IS, 6 BEAVERTON ... ... ... ... ...'. Oet. 5, 6 BRIGHTON ... ... ... ... ... ..... Sept. 22 BRADFORD ... ... ... ..... Oct. 19, :0 BLYTH.... ... ..... . . ' .. ... .Oct. 5. 6 BINDROOK ... ... ..... ... ..... Oct. 4, 6 CARP...... ...... .... ....... Sept. 30, Oct. 1 CLARKSBURG ..... ...... .... Sept. so. Oct. 1 COL-gSTOWN ...... ...... ...... Oct. tr, ' cor; EN ...... ...... ...... ...... Sept.'zs. " COBOURG _.... ...... .... ....... Sept. 22, 28 CASTLETON.... ... ..... ....... Se t. 27. as CUMBER ..._.... ........ ........ 8st. 5. a COLBORNE.. ..... ... ... ... .. Oct. 5 end 6 CAII'GA . . ....... ..... ... ... . Sept. 28, 20 I CULUNGWOD.. ... ... ..Sept. 21, 22, 23, M CALEDONIA ..... ..... ....... Sept. 30, Oct. 1 CIIA'ISWORTII ........ ........ Sept. 16, 17 CAMPBh'LLViLLtg ...... ...... .... Oct. 12. DRESDEN ...... ...... ...... Sept. 30, Oct. 1; DUNDALK ...... ...... ...... ... Oct. 'l, 8 DRUMBO ...... ...... ...... ... Sept. 23. 29 DELTA ...... ...... ......... Sept. 27, 28. 29 DUNNVILLE ...... ...... ...... Sept. n, " DUNCHRUCH .. .. .. .... .... .. .. Oct. 5 DURHAM ...... ...... ...... ... Sept. n, 12 DESIIOttO.. . ... ... ..... ... Sept. M, 25 DELAWARE ...... ...... ...... .. Oct. 20 DOtiCHEtiTEit .... ...... ..... .... Oct. 6 ELMIRA ...... ...... ...... ..... Sept. 28, 29 EMBRO ...... ...... .... .... ...... Oct. , ERIN ...... ...... ...... ...... Oct. 14,15 EMSDALE .... .... .'... ...... ... Sept. 30 ESSEX ...... ...... ...... .'..'. Sept. at. so ELMVALE ...... ...... ...... Oct. 4, a. 6 mm .... ... ..... ... ... ... ...Sept. 16, 17 ELOItENCE ...p.. ...... ...... ... Oct. T, s FORT ERIE ...... ...... ..... Sept. 28, 29 Fl-IVERSHAM .... ...... ......... Oct. 5. 6 FLESHERTON .... ...... ..... Sept. N, M :I'ENWICK ...... ...... ........ Oct. It, 13 t‘ItEEL'rON ...... ........ ........ Oct. 6. 1 ‘FERGUS ...... ....... ........ Sept. 30, Oct.1 I‘ENELON FALLS ........ ........ Oct. 6, 1 FRANKVILLE ...... .... ... Sept. 30.0ct.1 L'ALETTA.. ... . . . ........ . .... Oct. 5, 6 FOREST ...... ...... ...... ..... Sept. a), 30 110iuuIll ...... ........ ........ ....... Oct. 2 GRAND VALLEY ...... F.......... Oct. 19. 20 GORE BAY ...... ...... ........ Sept. 27, 28 GALT ...... .......... ..... ..... Sept. 21, 22 GLENCOE ....... ...... ...... Sept. as. a GODERICH ...... ..... .... Sept. 28, at. so OUELPH.. ...r. ..... ..... Sept. 14, 15, 16 GLANFORD .'.... ...... ...... ..... Oct. 6 HALtBURT0N ...... ...... ...... .. Sept. so HUNTSVILLE ........ ......... Sept. a, 29 IIIOHGATE ...... ...... ...... ... Oct. 8, 9 HOIIGHTUN.... .. . . . ' ..... ... .. Oct. 6 HARROW ...... ...... ....'. .... Oct. 5, S HANOVER .... ..... ........ .... Oct. 5. e INGERSOLL ...... ...... ..... Sept. 20, 21 ILDERTON ...... '..... ...... ... Sept. 21 JARVIS ...... ...... ....... Oct. Cr, 6 KAGAWONG ........ ........ ..... Sept. $9 KEENE ...... ...... ...... ...... Oct. 5, 6 KILSYTHE ...... ...... ...... ...... Oct. q, s KINCARDINE ...... .....r. ...... Sept. 22, 23 KEMPTVILLE ...... ...... ... Sept. tll, N KEMBLE.......... ... ...... . Sept. 28, 29 KINGSTON.. ... ..... ... ..... .. Sept. M, 83 KIRKTON .... .r.... ...... Sept. 30, Oct. 1 KINM0UN"r ...... ...... ...... Oct. 10, 11 LAMBETH ...... ...... ........ ..... Oct. 5 LAKEF'ie,LD ...... ...... ...F.. Sept. 28, 29 LIONS III-:AD ........ .. ... .. Sept. 28, 30 LORING p..... ...... ... ..r..... ... Oct.1 LANSDOWNE c..... ...... ....._ Sept. 22. 23 LINDSAY .......... .... ... ... Sept. 23, " ar LUCKNOW ..... ...... ......... Sept. n .24 LOMBARDY.... ..... . . . ... .. .... Sept. 4 LISTOWEL ...... ...... ...... Sept. 21, n LANARK ...... ...... ...... ....... Sept. 10 LITTLE CURRENT...... ...... .... Oct. T LANGTON ...... ...... .... .... ..... Oct. ' LYNOHURBT ...... ...... ...... Sept. 21. a LONDON ... ...... ..... ....... Sept. 10-18 McDONALD'S CORNERS ... ... Sept. 23. 21 MASSEY ... ... ... ... ... ...... ...... Oct. 5 mom .. ... ALEXANDRIA ... ALMONTE ... ... ALVINRTON ... . ALLISTON ... ... 'ALMOMrB.... .... AYLKER ... ... . ATWOOD ... ... . ABERI‘OYLE ... ASHWORTH ... .. AMTHUR ... ... . AtrrORViLLE.. .. QMHERSTBURG . Acton Dates [and by Agricultural Socie- ties Bunch, Ontario Depart- ment of Agriculture. FALL FAIRS AND EXHIBITIONS. ..... ...... ... Oct. q, 8 ' ... ...... ... Sept. 23, " t _ ......... Sept. 27, 28, 29 i ...... ...... Sept. u, " I ... .... .... .. .. Oct. 5 ... ...... ... Sept. n, 12 t '.. ..... '.. Sept. M, 25 c ...... ..... .... Oct. 6 .. ...... ..... Sept. 28, 29 t . .... .... ...... Oct. , i ...... ...... Oct. li, 15 .'... ...... ... Sept. 30 ...... ...... Sept. 29. M) t ..... ...... Oct. 4, a. 6 t ... ... ... ...Sept. 16, 17 '..... ...... ... Oct. c, a t ...... ..... Sept. 28, 29 o ...... ......... Oct. 5, 6 ...... ..... Sept. 23, 24 " ..... ........ Oct. It, 13 r ........ ........ Oct. 6. 7 t' .. ........ Sept. 30, Oct. 1 d ........ ........ Oct. 6, 1 . .... ... Sept. 30, Oct. t ft ......... . .... Oct. 5, 6 s. . ...... .'... Sept. ar, 30 i ... ........ ....... Oct. 2 s .... ........... Oct. 19, 20 It ..... ........ Sept. 27, 28 .. ..... ..... Sept. 21, 22 ..... ...... Sept. as. a f, .... .... Sept. 28, N, 30 fi ... ..... Sept. 14, 15, 16 81 '..... ...... ..... Oct. 6 . ...... ...... .. Sept. 30 p _.. ......... Sept. a, 29 t] ..... ...... ... Oct. 8, 9 c. . . ' ..... ... .. Oct. 6 ' ... ....'. .... Oct. 5, a ti . ........ .... Oct. 5. 6 ...... ..... Sept. ar, 21 t ..... ...... ... Sept. 24 l . ...... ....... Oct. 5, 6 tr, . ........ ..... saw. as p . ...... ...... Oct. 5, 6 '... ...... ...... Oct, q, s & .....r. ...... Sept. 22, 23 ttl . ...... ... Sept. 22, 23 .. ...... . Sept. 28, 29 h .. ... ..... ..Sept.22.zt l . ...... Sept. 30, Oct. 1 F ...... ...... Oct. 10, n w .... ........ ..... Oct. 5 P ...... ...F.. Sept. 28, 29 ... .. ... .. Sept. 28, so " . ... ....r... ... Oct. 1 pi ...... ....., Sept. 22. 23 _... ......Bept.t3,84,S6 " ... ......... Sept. 23 .24 ll .. . . ... .. .... Sept. 4 o, ..... ...... Sept. 21. 22 .. ...... ....... Sept. 10 af ...... ...... .... Oct. T ... .... .... ..... Oct. il ...... ...... Sept. 21. 22 Sept. 29, 20, .. . Sept. .Sept. 29, 30, .... . Sept. .. ... Sept. Sept. '29r_30, Sept. 21, 22, 23. N .... Sept. 30, Oct. 1 ...... Sept. 16, 17 ...... .... Oct. 12 . Sept . .' Sept. Sept. 30, ... Sept . . Sept. .. .Sept. Sept: 30, ... Sept. 21, 22 ... Sept. M, 24 Sept. 30, Oct. 1 ... Sept. N, 29 .. Oct. 7 and 8 .. Sept. M, 17 " Ilepk 2,2. m Sept. 30, Oct, ... Sept. T, 8, 9 .. ... Oct. 6, 7 ... Sept. 21. 22 ... ... Sept. 30 . . .. Sept. 29 Sept. 30, et. l Sept." Sept. Sept, Sept sein, Sept. M, Sept. 16. ' ... Sept. 30 . .. Sept. 29 pt. w, Oct. 1 ... Oct. ir, 6 ... Oct. 5, ' .... Sept. 22 . Oct. IS, 20 .. .Oct. ii, 6 .. Oct. 4, tr pt. 30. Oct. 1 am. 30, Oct. 1 .. Oct. Ir, 6 . Sept.'23. " . Jgl.. 22, i' e t. 27. .. get. 5, 6 Oct. 5 and 6 . Sept. 28. 29 21, 22. 23. M ot. 21, apt. 16, bet. e, mt. IT, ml. 14, .__Sept. Sept; it, Sit . .- isepi. a: 5095- A? Sept. '22 gent: " shot. t. 21, 15; Oct 20, Out. " ll et 21 16 I? " 18 15 21 " 17 ll 16 At his request his companions puiled the fork outtaml, with blood gushing from his nostrils, he died withodt utm- in. "other *ord. The unfortunate young man, along with his nephew, Arthur Anger, and Harry Dickson, were drawing in a load of hay. Part of the load slid off, and Anger and a fork went with it. The handle of the fork struck the ground first, and before it could turn Anger ulighted on the upturned tines with his full weight. Entering over the heart and under the left arm, the tines pene- tlated the lungs and heart five inane. You: Farmer in Dunn Township Killed in a Painful Manet. Dunnville despatch: An acicdent oc- curred on a. farm in Dunn Township, four miles west of Dunnville, on the ttiv. er road, when Aaron Anger, about 25 years old, wus impaled on n three-tine Imyfork, and died almost instaqtly, about 6 o'eloek. Word was received here at 2.30 p. m. that a team of horses valued at 8500, the property of Mr. J. Klien. hJoneea. sion 2, Downie Township. had been instantly killed during the storm by a bolt Young Klien, who was driving at the time, was rendered unconscious by the shock, and the escape of father and son was miraculous. The fine new Roman C'atholie Church at Dublin, one of the most commodiona and of the finest architectural design in the inland counties, was struck by lightning during the storm and burned to the ground. The building had only been recently opened and was erected at It cost of $30,000. The house: of Mr. k. ri."oiton, “mun street, and Mr. D. A. Mae. Jmelllnn. principal of the Ventral Busi- ness ('nllege, were ignited by lightning bolts during the storm, but the flames were extinguished. Chimneys on three other dwelling houses were demolished and the power plant of the Strutford Electric Light Company coins pletely disabled. - Dmhage to the crops can hardly be estimated, but it will be considered ow. ing to the lmilutones, which were as large as marbles. SEVERAL HOUSES STRUCK BY LIGHTNING AT STRATFORD. Catholic Church Burned-Team of Horses Killed in Downie and Driver Stunned-Great -..mage to Crops. "rm still on the job, boys." Another physician kept a negro alive by the same manna. He was dying. however, and asked for a priest. who administered extreme junction. The negro died scan Fltratiord, Ont., despatch: A h-rrifio ell-uric storm passed over here at noon toulay. accompanied by a tremen- (mus downpour of rain and hail. For the space of an ham the air was filled uith vivid flashes of lightning bolts, which eaused thousands of dollars of drainage in tlu. (-ity‘und 1"teir1ity. Bv ihis means a phisician kept a mun held down by a beam alive for an hour. Finally the beam that held him down was sawed in two and he was released. Painfullv standing up, the man said: after. At 1.20 o'clock, owing to the cour- age at Mrs. Simon, tt Red Cross nurse. five men had been carried to the street and rushed to a rearby hos- pital in ambulances. Again and again the plucky nurse was cheered by the crowd. She did not cease her labors un- til the work of rescue was over. A patrol was hurried to a hospital to obtain apparatus for administering oxygen. Upon the arrival of the ap- paratus the surgeons climbed as near as possible to the bodies in view and attempted to administer oxygen. When the men first began to dig in the ruins, a little Woman crawled through a hole in the wall and entered the cellar of the building at the. risk of her life. She groped beneath the tons of wreckage that was held by the, first floor of tho building, until she reached the side of one of the workmen. He was dead. Crauling along still further, she found a man, still living, though uncon- Minus. Climbing back the way she came, she called for aid, and was lifted to the street. A huge girdei‘ that was being slowly hauled into the building struck one of thee timbers, knocking it from its pos- ition. The rest of the supports were not strong enough to carry the weight, and the sides and front of the building fell, carrying everything away with it. Humfredn h, cfiizems'secured ropes tied to timbers, and helped drag them into the street. All the lower portion of the building, which was being remodelled for the Un- ited Gas Improvement Company, had been cut away, the weight of the upper stories being supported by heavy beams. Philadelphia, July 1'9.-The five-storey building at the northeast corner of Elev- enth and Market sheets collapsed at I... 15 this afternoon, burying workmen who were employed in the construction Works in the ruins. and injuring many men and women who were passing along the sidewalks. The entire Market street end of the building fell, nnl became a mass of timper, brick and twisted steel. 19t the workmen, seven were killed, one is missing, one is mortally hurt, and twen- ty-four are more or less seriously injur- ed. In all thirty-three were buried for a. time in the ruins. Five-Storey Structure in Process Erection Becomes a Mass Ruins, Burying Laborers and juring Pedestrians. DISASTROUS COLLAPSE OF BUILDING IN PHILADELPHIA BUILDING FALLS; SEVEN KILLED. 0N HAYFORK. BIG STORM. ONTARIO ARCHIVES, TORONTO of of In- Lucien Abraham. Dreyfus, a distant relative of Capt. Dreyfus, of the French army. fell dead in a Chicago poliee su- tion here last night just as he was being ’surrendered to the police by an unknown companion. who fled. It was {and that “talus had taken poiioll. Washington, July 19.---An appropria- tion of $25,000 for the truwlling Pht penses of the President was votv:l by the House to-day. When the salary oi the President was inereased last year from $50,000 to $75,000 the annual allowattue of 825,io) which Mr. Roosevelt had re- eeived to defray the out of his iourney- ingm was provided for Mr. Ttsft',s he": fir, Twin)": action of the House w.“ intynd. ed as a pm'uianvnt provision for the Presidential allowance. President Taft', (Icy-ire to visit the Pacific coast and other sections of the cnmtry to whieh he has been invited was made the suth-t of bitter discussion in the House by 1hrtnoeratie orntnrs while the travel " lowances were under eonuideration. . "Wanderlust," "show Irerforruanees" and other terms of ridicule were applied to the President’s peregrittations. h Greek Fisherman Killed Off Westlun Island. Vancouver, July 19.-shortly. after 1 o'clock this morning, while fishing hone were setting for salmon, two Greek fish- ermen engaged in a unguinury duel with knives, ott Westhtua island, two miles above Steveston. As a remit. Tony Jordan is dead, with a murderous wound in his thigh. B. Satarious, his mate, was picked up in the river, utter a desperate attempt to escape. Another Greek fisherman “W the struggle and Irioked up b'atariome and delivered him to the Steveston police. Jordan bled to death. It appears that the three were drink. ing for mum time, and that they went to the cutting" on Lippineott Htreet yes- tn-rduy. Tlwy apparently all Went to sleep in a drunken stupor, and when Mrs. Rocks awoke she tried to rouse the other woman, but could not. The police then came in, and the two people were placed under arrest. The doetor's ermin- ination rowulod the fart that death was due to alcoholic poisoning. Taft So Called But House Vote: Him $25,000 Exposes. It is understood that while nut mm- ing to a definite agrevttu'nt, the w'mrlu. sale men gave the tnanufaetinuus a gum] assurance that prices would to maintained in future. " Aged Woman Found Dead in a Toronto Cottage. Toronto dosputch: As the result of a dvhuuch lusting two days, Mrs. (‘uther- ine Bravo was found dead yesterday af- ternoon at the home of Mrs. Mary Rocks, 300 Lippineott street. The dead woman lived at 218 Albany avenue, and Mrs. Rocks, as well as her husband, are umlvr arrest on n charge of drunken- urns, but principally to be held us wit. mam-s. Montreal, July 19.--vrhere was a con. t'ctwnee here to-day between the what-- sale hardware people and the shovel lme, in which an over stocking has. it is ullvgml, brought about a deal of ttW' cutting. So much so, in fact, that the manufacturers threaten that tlwy will do tlw retailing tlseurielves, in. stead of selling to the wholesalers and julylwl'. DRUNKEN DEBAUCH. DUEL WITH KNIVES. Manufacturers Object to Whole- salers Cutting Rates. Father Tyrrell's intimate friend, Abbe liremond, was present at the end and had the opportunity in a moment of very clear cotmeiourmerm the evening he- forc his death of speaking to Father Tyrtell an to hid accepting such confes- sion as he could make by sign and giv- inp him the last absolution. London cable: Father George 'l'yrrell, whose sympathies for the modernist movement in the Catholic Church caused him to withdraw from the Society ot Jesus and brought him into eontttct with the Vatican, died this morning,. after an illness which began on July 6th. M. D. Metre, in whose house he died, states that the priest of the Diocese, of Sonthwurk Mtt.s called in, because both M. Petre and Baron Friedrich Von llngel, one of his friends. \vrro convinced that Futher Tyrrell wouid wish to receive all the rites, of the. Catholie Church. He apparently made a confession to this priest. and received a conditional absolution, the extreme unction usually administered in communion being out of the question owing to the absence of the powers of swallowing. A “W ANDERLUST.” He Was Famous For His Modernisl Sympathiu. Mohammed Ali in a. minor and will be under a regent. It is possible that the uncle of the dethroned Shah. Zines Sul- ton, who its at present in Europe, will loo given this post. Teheran, July 19.-The fact that the Shah of Persia this morning took refuge in the Russian legation here is accepted an tantamount to his abdication of the throne, and arrangements already are on foot to organize a provisional Gov- ernment and administer the affairs of the Empire pending the appointment of n regent. It is probable that the successful rero- lutimuirim will choose Mohammed Ali, the ex-ruler's son, to rule the State. Provincial Coven-eat For-int Mohammad Ali to Snead. SHAH . QUITS. l WOMEN'S CLAIM. Pam Ruler-11k w... in Hm the mfg.» to See the SHOVEL PRICES. TYRRELL DEAD- I JACK JOHNSON. 65%;“: Jnneu 24ml. . Carleton, N. B., fish, emn, and the life of Willie Dnley, a lad who fell from . boat while Playing on the hrboylmt todny. his nuke: upvngh of - tinu bold in pn- yuted I drowning accident in the in- AEROPLANE’S RIVAL New York Infant Drops Safely to Pave-ell Fu- Fifth Stony. London, July "h-In a Melbourne des. patch ot July " Minister of Detenee Cook states: "I am thoroughly in favor of a local squadron provided it treearnios the Australian section of the Imperial nary. The offer of MILMIUJMMD is unmu- ditional, but should the home tnttltoritiei prefer to employ the money in building swift cruisers for the protection of Aus. tralian trade routes, BO much the but ter, Tltene could train Australian "ilors ttnd work in eoniunetion with loul de. stroyers." New York, July 19.- Possibly it was because little Rose Zuckerman Is the seventh daughter of I uveuth daughter that she was able to ail. up and giggle after she hid fallen from a fifth floor fire escape last evening and hit the pavement in front of her home. What made Rose giggle wan the hut that she hit alnntwiu- on the side of a wicker baby “Huge. The baby was taking an guardian" up, sad wheat Ron. dropped in to see him so unexpect- edly, the spring: toned him in the air and he Awake/with a bump in the gut- ten Autulia Wants Fleet to Ply in Hole Waters, Sault Ste. Mare, Ont, Despatch - While utnnding on n trentle leading to the open-hearth furnace at the plant of the Album: Steel Company this morning, D. J. Williams and Archie Hngbill were struck by " our shunted from the furnace and marimmly injured. Ruth men Were taken to the. houpitnl, mid it is feared Williams, will not reem'- el. Mr. Williams in 'utperinu'ndent of the open-hearth furnace, and Mr. Hugh- ill in chief chemist for the company. They were engaged in conversing and did not see the car npprotu'hirtg, and new pinned againut the girders. Mr. "uphill sustained very serious injuries to the left side, and Mr. Williams was injured about the chm-it. Messrs. llughill and Williamn are among the nun-1t popu- lar business men in the Canadian Koo. Accident in the Yards of the Alan Steel Company. London, July 19.--The Miners' Confed- eration of Great Britain, after a pro- longed meeting, has decided in favor of balloting its million members as to whether or not a national strike shall be declared in support of the Scottish miners, who are. resisting a wage reduc- tion of sixpcnce a day. The ballot will not be completed before July 27, and the executive committee of the confed- eration will meet July 28 to take action on the result. The present feeling seems to be in furor of the stoppage of all mines. a condition which would entail practically the complete parslyzation of British industry. In view of the con. “orient expected shortage in the coal supply, many factories already have served notice to their employees of the termination of contracts. Million British Miner: Voting " Proposed Strike. i A farmér along the route reported that Juhnsnn was bleeding, and that the "them also had injuries. Johnson’s our led the pare near the grudn stand, with Moriarity close be. hind. The pugiliut stopped suddenly, and the other our smashed into John, sun's machine, making a wreck of both. A wrecking crew from a garage was ru-nt to the scene early to-day, and the wrecked machines were dragged into town, but Johnson and Murinrity and tlie girls had disappeared in the dark- ness. It in thought they hurried to the pugilist‘u quarter» at Hrdar Lake. The wreck occurred on the east leg of the Cole t'aee course, jun below the grand ntund in the Hip of Death ravine. It i5 mid Johnson was raring his forty horse power our against a machine ownr ed by E. Moriurity, whieh it in reported carried several Chicago girl: who un- staying at Cedar Lake. Crown Point, Ind., July 19.-Jnck Johnson, champion heavyweight pugil- ist, in reported inlured in a mysterious automobile collision lust mgllt. Women (Krllpants of the our also reported badly hurt. Collided in Race With Another Iiuelae--ciru Hurt. NO IMih0y00aff. Heavyweight Pagilist Injured in an Automobile Accident. Mrs. Despnrd replied that the hi en- titled petitioners to a perOJnel audience of the King, although custom had trans- forred the duty of receiving from the King to the Prime Minister. As the lat- ter refused to receive them, and In Mr. Gladstone used his own official position to shield the Prime Miniuter, there want no way out of the difficulty but to in. sist upon their legal right of seeing the King. dom ungu- informing than that he sub. mitted to the King their petition Add»; for a personal audience, but that he could not advise his Majesty to gait it. If, however, the league would present a petition netting forth their grievance and plea for redress he would submit tt to_the lynx. A -- - - London, July Mh--ts'oeretary atone hu written to the Women's TO HELP SCOTCH. CRUSHED BY CAR. - I, .' 3,! London, July 19.--At a “a; of the representative»! of [elm-pl admin. itstratiom, hammitting telrgmrr" via the eastern extension and via Tel-nun to India, Auntnluin Ind South Aldon. it wan reinlvod that providnd With ta. dinn and Colonial Guveraments we" p". pared to talu- their mm. than at th- rcductio- i. the pro.- nu hat-om the centric. national, the rate would he reduced to line - to“ In. An. I an. N Action to be 1“»qu a kw Are wanna; Willing is very tall and slightly built, an! during the only thy: of " "silence here was I member of one of the Toronto mqrimenu, "on which city in cane " or new“ you" Mo. He Inn-rid . very Wc' girl lien. [in Meryl Butt“. no (in children compo-e ter hail} Admitting his notions u domribed by the deluded girl, he tried to lay the blame on her by saying the know of Mn first marriage. But this does not coincide with letters which wile number two pod-annex. Wife number one stood by him to the lust, and he even urged her to go and one nit-hot two and plead for him. _ In some way her faith in his pro- fessionu became weakened, and fituUly Willing on her urgent toque-t for the truth admitted lining another wife, but offered to have her nod Co to the western States with his new one. Pinnlly locating him he". she ruched town Int night, otayitsg quietly It the Royal Hotel, and this morning told her tale to Police Infin- trnte Ihrper. No word got to Witt. ing of her pie-once. nnd, advising with County Attorney Col. Farewell. nn a, formation vns kid, and Chief Joni.- Ion made the grunt shortly after 1 o'clock. while In.“ no dining at home in the Log-n cottage on Block Itreet. A couple of doors north of the (notary. _ He In; at“ to jail and the Pee- liminnry hearing will be held m- row afternoon. lint -watA. in flowing moi] In. many of the springs in the stricken die. trict, while the water in the. in" did brook-1 In» turaed . reddish valor. London, July Mh--4ipeeiat dieheo from Athens say that soo pano- were killed or injured by the archaic that natured yesterduy in the Pt-inte a! lilyu, in ”when Gmco. The - ttproperty tuo 'P" yer, M Whitby Deqateh - Biguny of a peculiarly aggravated nature was un- earthed to-usy by a pretty young English girl, Gertrude din-ax by name, who came from New York. She charges Henry B. Willing. an Eng- lishman, prominently engaged in insur- ance and latterly as manufacturers' agent for a large concern in Chathain. with marrying her last May in New York while having a wife and family here in Whitby. her story is a mu- tic but said one of knowing Willing from childhood in Manchester, England. where his father is a leading cotton manufacturer. Last October Willing. while visiting his parents there, renew- ed his acquaintance with her, telling glowing stories of how well he was do- ing in this country. Finally he persuad- ed her in letters to come to America and meet him in New York and they would get married. This plan was carried out on May 5th hot, Willing telling her as a reason for his visit to Gotha- that it was to meet a brother who was coming to the United States. After spending a fortnight with her, he explained that his business as a commercial traveller con- lled lengthened absences. Benittanoes hiwever, were regularly sent up from Toronto. Gutrudo Lemur, a Young English Girl, Tell: I “cry of Cruel Ba. trnyal Against H. B. Willing, Who Hll a Wife and Family it Whitby. DEFENDANT WAS FORMERLY TORONTO MILITARY MAN. wa, Buck was a daughulr of tho lb- minion Ctm. ranger at 'l‘imherluul, and Min PouUen n dmnghtor of the 'ttFe. Innd postmttuta'r. PK'l'F.iltttNto GIRL DROWNED IN LAKE. Peterbor, Despntch --Ust night In: Martin, nix your: old, in Human, wit other children of the unu- Me, while bathing in It little lake, got beyond her depth and Wu drowned. Messengers wer) aeiit to Port M6011]. and word tolephoned to New Went-nin- uufrpolriw.’ Four bodies have been rmvered. Mill Gertrude Ankern wau a tux-liar at "rowntsviile, on the oppouito side of the Fraser. The picnic to Aliceville VI: or gnniwd by her for the pupiln. The .munger children were marzipan“ by their older brother-x and uiuiteri. At low tide four children waded in, hand in hand. The fifth, Annie Murphy, sitting on the shore, rushed in to uni-t. All were drowned in night of their young relatives. Boys put out in a boat. Mia Ankeru’ body came to the writer. Ni. was wearing swimming wings. It in thought the other: held her down, or shi- died in attempting to are them. Vancouver lie-patch --Pive (isle. Gee. trude Ankara, aged " yearn; And. all May Murphy, " And N; Sign Buck. lb, and Althild Paul-en, It, a New Wallin- stor picnic party, Wen- drowned It Aliceville, Burma Ink-t, below Moody- ville, yesterday after-non. The girl- he- longed to a large [arty of your. people and went to lathe "Tarate Iron their mmpanioms. Sign. Buck got tryout] her depth at a sudden dip in the dashing sand. Minn Ankara huh-nod to her " tuitance. Both were won angling helpleuly. The three girl-t ramming um? heroic efforts to nave their com- mniom. Another of the Murphy lint"! {rarely escaped. Two bodies were room‘- ered. Fire Gil. In! "C’ a." lath-cant. "rKil1edandhiuedbrturtb TO REDUCE PREM RAT“. SIX DROWNH); we Idling was an... 300 VICTIMS. BIGAMY CASE. quake in Gum.

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