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Durham Review (1897), 22 Jul 1909, p. 8

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" ”All"! a "MKBILKI'J." “whammy: and “mi” town, making it I no“ d place toe Mulder)“. Ills: " per month In Minn“ J. P.7d“ IQ, ., 7 C. m TAe about is thoroughly equg'pped in [@313 “in”, in chemical and elect mu Inn-dies- mum ae.. tor In" Junior Lenin; 3nd num- uhmon wk. The lollowing competent no! nu In clam ' runs. ALLAN. 2f.tttl: m Clan Certitieat.., aw: '. Beienee, ‘urlm. English Grammar I -kecplngmd Writing. AHS." DONALDA Meyr't'srrttulr:tt, B. A., (mo, um ot Queen'- University. Sunken Latin, French. Alpha-n, Arithmetic. “his AMY EDGE. unduote of the Faculty otf Educ-lion. sunken: Literature, Compo- union. Gmphy, History 3nd An. Intending Student: would enter " the - uiyxg 'ee ttehtpoetitrle. -- [loud can be ob. Durham, May Am I have purchased the mill at A Madam from J. w. Crawford, I an) in a Pl silion Io do all kinds 0! custom ~.uving. The highest price will he paid for all bulls of Logs during next winter. A [and lot of Shingle-s for sale cheap to ‘mynme who will buy them there. ETHE PEOPLE'S STORE E Dress Goods Durham School Highest Prices for Produce Best Groceries always on hand Clearance of Summer Veststhis week New Neckwear for Ladies This week we have displayed the results of a very successful buying trip to Toronto. New SHOES Bats and Caps THE HOUSE OF QUALITY Clothing Aberdeen Saw Mill H. H. MOCKLER Sn" and Equlpmont. Lines worth 25c. on sale. . .19c '. Lines worth 20c, tor...rse Just the daiv.tiest and coolest Tub Neckwear for ladies and girls : Dutch Collars and jabots. Also some new ideas in Wash Belts with pearl buckle. all at the special price M.. . 25c each brown, blue and gram coin spots. The same line with several widths of colored stripes. White Grounds with black, navy and brown stripes. Navy and Copenhagen Btu ground with stripes and coin . spot of white. Printed Taffeite cloth: in the ngw Shantung grounds with Wash Suitings Hiking" w .55.. 25;! K _ . s" ,- Y"', ". "‘1"; is:ti,9i,e,liic' if & 'k r WC. " ' gupgadtN " i T Arsg2r,' T ' _, Tr _ > " m iggg‘anggnm "N .v. _ '.iiM . 1mkSTgi' y r ' q Mrk . V y N'h"d = “V BW_9eI- n’L-J ~AALI‘ic -‘ "ent ntr.t% iafiisfifiéfi Make your shopping pleasant by doing it at out more. Our stock is in splendid shape; well assarted in every department. Highest Prices for Batter and Eggs. . , o 0 Mor I th "Gt. istt it ? agile“ 'l, :owne. nupcnau 011065 Tans and iuliola mac: f, 'r 1mm. Good line of Chocolate, tan & Oxblood for Women Imperial Shoes New Arrivals 0f Seasonable Goods u " Here is the lace to Regent Brand buy your pSpring Suit, whether you want ready-mades or made to order. These Clothes are cut and sewed perfectly, the style is pcmmncnt. due to the honest methods of making and the urcllcncc of materials used. Prints, Mnslins, Lawn: and Organdies Panamas i', Ginghams ROBT. BURNETT 1mm “mm iiiiniTitiGir, , it n mo" dent-bl- Mrlxrvm C. 'f-to Rut n tiny No cloth made to equal these for wearing and dusbsheddifig qualities. I New check ginghams, fine even I weave and soft finish. Nice stock of A large assortment of Spring Hats and Caps now on hand. DURHAM.14 July. 1909. Fall Wheat...........$130to$! 30 SpringWheat........ 130to 130 Oats...-............... 50to 50 Peas................. 82to 85 'illarlev............... 55to (30 illay......... ........ 800to ooo IBatter................ 18.to 18 iliise,ssci:c::.c::.--. 18to 18 (Potatoea per bag...... 50 to (30 i.'Flourpefewt./...... 325to340 iOatmeal per sack. .... 3 00 to 3 co rChopper cwt........ 125 to150 zLive Hogs per cwt... 6 25 to 6 75 ‘Hidesperlb.......... 3 to 5 if1heepskins.. ...... .... 45 to 45 (i,iii,i,'irr.'.T.ryr..rr. 23to 23 ITallow............... 5to 7 c. A. FLEMING. Principal, Owen Sound If you want a thorough, practical, bushes: education, attend Twenty-eight succmlul your: under: mange-mam. Business. Hhonhnnd. i preparatory Courses, Information tree. (7pr-mmrttgtttb, ff (fifl/l/ZdJWI/ Durham Markets. A Practical School. ..'.......-....... HUI ................ 8'2: v............... 55 r...............18.1 Des perbag...... 50 'perewt........ 325 ealpersaek,.... 300 per cwt........ 125 Hogs per cwt... 6 25 'perlb.......... 3 'skins............ 45 A tine stock of. Patents, OWEN sown, OH Always the Beat 55 to (30 8 00to 0 00 18.to 18 18 to 18 50 to (10 :5 25 to 3 40 3 00 to l 25 to " 25 to 3 to CT" H's! EFF: Come to us for tickets and informa- tion. We are also "can for Allan and Domiqiort line Itealnnhipo and C. P. R. the following timetable will be in effect until further notice . Read down read up mmp m p.m. mm. " 45 3.00 Walkerton 9.401255 7.06 3.23 leave Hanover ar've_9.MM',MR, 7.143.315. Allan Park 9.1112” 7.28 3.52 Durham smug 7.38413 McWilllnms 8.47:12. 7.50 t.17 Priceville £591.50 8.00 t.30 the Saucht. leave‘8.26;ll.40 Connecting with (runs to and from Toronto, Only one change between Durham and Toronto. Speed. eomfott and safety. Showrooms: Lambton étreet, Durham coarse straw. --ro tuscan color, ood quality. --6 brown, all he styles. -.', navy, 4 green b autifully trimmed --to black hats. go quality chiffpn and silk to be 5 Id very cheaply. --2 elderly ladies' nnets. --2 elderly ladies' d 8 caps. ---rt baby bonnets al at a big bargain We are bound o clear out our stock of trimmed illinery. The prices have been mar d at the very lowest possible cost. Ve still have a nice assortment and ave added eight new black hats, fresh trimmed. The fol. lowing are what e have left t -7 white hats i mohair braid and (World for it tnod,)' _ H _ m" Other combinations made known on application. Combinations of tty'etor [pore_paper Big Yillinery Red ction Sale 32!) acres of l d close to the Town of Restnn. Man. All good prairie 'und suitable for ag itutlture. We are otter ing this at a sac ice. Price $8.50 per new. with a cash p; men! of 8500 and balance to suit pun- it’l' with in. terest at " per cent. ALLEN e. Co,, 206-208 Somerset IN ing, Winnipeg. Lord Charles. who is the second son of the Marquis of Waterford, tirat be- came known to fame at the bombard- ment of Alexandria when he sailed the little Condor into water too shallow toe the big battleships and silenced a battery that was domg great damage to the British iloets. th Well done, Condor , was the signal that floated flow the tlag-ship after the battle, and the young Lord was known as " Con- dor Charlie, " till more dignified titles crowded the mime into comparative obscurity. Admiral Beresford can do cther things besides tighr. He has three medals for lit'v-s-wmg has written a Life of Nelson and several treatises on naval matters, is an all-round sport- ing man, and is known all over Britain as a warm-hearted Irishman. Miss Alice Collier returned tothe city after spending a month at the parental home. Mr Arthur Weir and Misses Maggie and Emma Ritchie visited their uncle Mr John Moffat at Greenock last week. Mr. C C McFayden returned home Friday last after a three week’s visit with friends in Pt. Elgin, Paisley, Tara and Wiarton. Admiral Lord Charles Beresford, who has accepted an invitation to visit Canada to open the Canadian National Iixpositiott at Toronto, is known to fame as the great leader in the nation- al defence movement now agitating the whole empire Rev Dr Farqnharson held a wafer meeting in the Grange Ball at Tuesday evening and was largely attended. Mr Thos Greenwood returned from his trip tome WeathtstThtmr day. Hero of Alexandria will open Cana- dian National Exhibition of Toronto. Mr and Mrs A Crumbs? of Popu- lar Place visited with Mr hoe Ritch- ie on Sunday last, Mr Donald McFayden, Livingstone Co., Illinois, U. B., was visiting at Mr D. McFayden's Saturday last. A number from here took in the excursion to Walkerton on the 12th and reportu splendid day, Miss Bella Weir at Esrlernont visi- telat Mr D. Edges One day lately. Mr Walter _ Ball oe---," visitid " er John Staples tor a Tew days recenb y. Miss Ada Staples and brother Club euce of Markdale spent a week with {Peg brother Fred of this neighbor- 00 , Mr T. D. Mankind of the Bank of Hamilton staff Owen Sound. visited at Mr D McFavden's of the avenue tor a few days last week. HEW Review and Weakly Globe. . .. .$l.55 Review and Fan mels' Sun .. . . . . .1.75 Review and w. Mail & Empire..1.55 Review and Montreal w. Wit. ..l.80 Review and Family Her. & Star.l.80 Review and Daily Globe. . . . . . . ..4.40 Review "ctd piiiiy World .. . . . . . .2130 can also be made at reduced'rates Yearly Clubbing Offers. MAW & CO. Miss Dick Admiral Beresford. A Psairie Snap. Edge Hill. ---mir. I I would like to correct the Bwnnton Park correspondent to the Review by pointing out that tho man In white transom (not pantleta) wu appointed Manager at the Priceville Football team by the members of the club pad that he Ins only fuiMintt " duties lwhcn he corrected the Referee. Bet. ‘dently the correspondent never out A man warm. white trousers before. ‘Never mind. it mtl soon In thou fair time again. {mulching opportunity to) - may things of interest to snap And see if punctuation will make the following poetry any lost- absurd .. I saw a plgeon making bread ; I new a girl composed of thread ; 1 saw a towel one mile square ; I saw a meadow In the air ; I saw a rocket walk a mile; I saw apony make a filo ' I saw a blacksmith in a box ' I saw an orange kill an ox; I saw a butcher made of steel ', I sawa penknil'e dance a reel ; I saw a aailor twelve feel: high ; 1 saw a ladder in a pie; I new an apple By away; i I saw a sparrow making hay ; l I saw a farmer like a dog: l I saw a puppy mixing grog ; I saw two men who saw the“ too abd ml! eonfirat what I tell you. l’uuctuut-u the following so as to make it true . Every lady in this law] Hath twenty nails upon each hand. Five and twenty on hands and feet, And this is true without deceit. Make sense out of this ; Lord Palmerston then entered on his bend. a white hat upon his brow, I duh cloud in his hand. his faithful walking stick in his eye, I menacing glue saying nothing. he us down. Those who follow out this plan use those who say that advertising pays, It pays than), pays the publisher. the town and the district. because all pros- per by the money put into circulation. This should be the aim of nave-blurs. If a merchant announces 't Dry goods, grocenea, hats. cups, boots and shoes. a full hue of hardware. Prices right," as so many advertisers, do in the rpnce they wulo in the advertising columns. it IS just about as interesting as the reading column of the paper would be it the editor proceeded to record the fact. that each at the 900 people were going on as usual. It the Advertiser would pick out some particular article: in his stock that are particularly good or cheap or timely. these are the ones thut he should advertise. Do not tell the peo- ple all the articles you have in Itock. but tell them of something that they ere likely to wtu:t-aomethiug unusual. and then show them that you can supply them with it, Do not any that advertising does not par One of the reasons why it has hil- od With some peopie in that their ad. vertising is not good reading' it is not interesting, It does not tell the public enythinglhnt they want to know. For inetance, compare the news items which appear in a newspaper with the adver. tised articles. The elitor endeavors to give his readers something new each week. In a town of 1,600 population there are prububly 900 people who are doing very much as they have been for the past week. But there are some who have been brought into prominence. It may be a. fight, or a. wedding. or a christening or on accident bat there is a certain proportion of the eyory-dly citi- zens of the town who have since last publication ilay been brought into prom- Inenee in some particular way. It is those who do something out of the ordin- ary who get their mines in the reading columns of the paper. Do not. any that advertising is not read. That Ins been disproven so long ago and so often that it is unnecessary to repeat the proofs. " The advantage of Idreriising in the local paper is one which is lost sight of sometimes by retailers though the mar- vellous successes in busineel by men who nltribete their achievements hugely to advertising. have to a great extent corrected this impression. No merchant would continue in busineeeif he did not have hie signboards out. m rightly concludes that the purchasing public would not, know that he was in business if he did not let them know ot it. II his tadvertisement does no: appear in the local pager the same argument ap- plies. but wit edded force. In the let. The following rename no the but of any we have seen on the ulna of ttil. vertiamg. They are from the Wenern Canada Trade Gazette. ier instance he is not only noglocdng his own opportunities, bat putting his own town in a bad light. THE Imam REVIEW A Lesson in Punctuation. TORONTO By Helping your Town. Help Yourselves. Correction. My 'N - ‘ 'F t MIN, 'NLE ' ‘1.,,-'.¢"‘,Hl§. ml]. ml. EE , a " FQ - MI - m, 'i,'.'-".')') -,‘~ ts Ccm T te' 41“ A ....‘ ', s,“"" u J J _ Ee.. ”in _ ct-.- ”an The furniture he dmsta.-- Thon not: a stick " two shout. The "rift and the trash. Hie papu- cheer. as everv week- It does what tfer tt mu, To keep (In slush of Freotlom'l peak And ate the rights of man 30 come yo [realm-n of this Inn], And let's be thtnkful tor Thin bulwark ot the nation. The country editor. 1 He is the hardest worked of men, A busy chip Is he ; He wields the butcher or the pen With great facility. He chronicle. tlut tr Bessie Brown Has married War Goode, tt Then to the woodpile hustlee down And splits a lot of wood, He write. two columns of advice To cure the people's ills, Then dons his Apron m a tries And print' a. hundred bulls I And If some tallers then there are, His inky [nude he'll wesh. And trade 3 yctr‘u subscription for A " punkin " or a squnsh. m states" m Higgins is in town Upon a load at rye "-. Then tl._kel the upper eases down And fires up tii" ri, ." And when the " pi. " l8, strtightened It is expected that invitations will be receised from dilferenlcentres, and the Council will make selections With the best interests of the entire work in mind. The first few meetings will probably be held in Qutariu in Sep- tember. and those in the western Pro- vinces in October and Novemher. An earnest call in prayer for wis- dom in locating and planning these meetings has been issued to co-operut- ing clergy and laymen throughout the Dominion. The Policy was drafted and then suhmitted lo the different Denomina- Iionol Committee, and heartily en- dorsed by them. The Denominational ‘lecrelaries each agreed that the best results come to their work through the larger intev.denoruinatiorml meet- ings, and will therefore all co-operate in the campaign of the fall and win- ter. This will include district meet. ings covering two days each, in every Province of the Dominion, so located that every church may be able to send one or more delegates without weal. outlay of time or money. The Canadian Council of the Lav- men's Missionary Movement. which has the direction of the work throu h- out the Dominion, has fflcf!l.'lld4 a statement as to its Policy and plans tot the mmediate future. National Missionary Campaign. In the Machinery 11ail will he found all the latest up-to-date machinery in full swing, which is always an interest- ing sight. The Transportation Build. ing, which is always a place of interest will again he f1lled with Iplendid ex- hibits and all the Live Stock Buildings of course will be filled to overflowing, If space is required write at once to the Secretary. A. M, Hunt, Londun. who will promptly furnish prize lists, entry forms and all information. On Ssturdsy sfternoon hut at Mrs Wm. Calder’e residence, so slfectlon- ate porting took place, which inex- plsined below. Miss Morton Calder rend the address and Miss Marguerite Hutton presented the gifts. To Mas. Roses“, DURHAM: l Dear "lend,-- . l V We your Sunday School pupil! of the Durham Presbyterian Uharet; learning that you are uhout to remove from the town, desire to express our gratitude and appreciation for the kind and wise instructions which you have compacted to us " our Sunday School teacher during the years since you cametc town. While you have taught us the scriptures and ex. pluined our lessons to us you have " wnvs given us kind advice, which we will not soon forget and we hope on ‘your part that you may forget any little acts of forgetfulness on our part. iWe trust that our Heavenly Father may long spare you to continue in Sunday School work and that you may sometimes think of your Durham Sunday School pupils. We would ask you to accept these little tokens of our respect and kindly feelings for you. We hope that you may somctimes in ‘the future, visit Durham and meet ‘ your Sunday School class composed of Marguerite Hutton, Marion. Calder. Georgina Lawson, Mary McKechnie. Janet Marshall, Helen Ireland,, Jennie Kelsey. A - A Special tftorts ate being put forth this year by the management of the \Vestern Fair to make everything in the way of exhibits as attractive and pleasant for the visitors as possible. in Ihe Main Building there will be many new and very interesting ex- hibits. In the Dairy Hall the butter. making competition will take place each morning and afternoon, when in addition to the large cash puzes offer- ed by the Association, a beautiful Silver Cup kindly donated by the Canadian Halt Co. of Windsor, mil be given to the winner of the first prize In section two. Western Fair, London, Ont. Sept. l0-18 Pupils Say Good-bye. The Country Editor. ”-7. ------ 3W Sr3rd to Jr 4th~Juhnntou Allen. John Be", May Patterson. Willie Weir, Albert Alioe, Lorne Aljne. Jr 8rd to Sr iird--iluby Mama, John liiruiiCwC,' Chrissie Mdiirr. Irene "titchie. Emma Aiklnson, thvhe Bell. IitemmenttiadLiaJih, Nevwll. Willie McGirr. b'r 2nd to Jr 'dvd-- (imrge Whitmore, (Marge Nohln. Errsi Patterson. Eddie Lindsay. Si- 'th-Nut/te Bell, Margaret Matthews, nggie McGirr. Jr 2nd-Evevel Maenn, Maggie Bell, \Villie Matlhews. Una Aljoe. Lem: Ritchio, Maggie Lindsay, Martha Lawrence. Pr 2ud-- Jennie Meena, Jessie Bell, Willie Styles. Edna. Ritchie. tir 1yt--Arutur Lindsay. George. Belt, John News. Maggie Atkinson. Jr bit-Vida Rit. chip. Margaret Newell, \Vesley Noble, Alma Ritihie. Many Whitmora, Harry Styles, May Davis. Average unend- ance w. Mano-000000000000...” M53» V - - v . v.- I "I" . V a Model Cam Victoria Cm and Wrenling on Hort-buck Competition h- tween dt'l'hav2 Dragoon/ and "titieirch"rtiiieTr" Detm--aaiiai no. on. r""'"""'""---, _____ _ __, Sr 3rd to Jr August 28th " [909 " S PROM. EXAM. s. a GANADIAN NATIONAL Exmsmou Duly-mt: coo-00000000000000.0009”: x l vll' Itmlllettk Gluten Live Stock Exhibit iuoc RUSSELL, The Big Store, Durham Thus. McGrath You must have shoes and the will buy them, I.o sk at the mm and inspect the hundred others h st taste in the store, ion will be quickly aivie with comfort to your law your pocket. WNW Shoes! Shoes! July ';1tt_lilri1tf, f?" 't Opportunities come and 10 bat your opportunity to [yum]; such good: " such prices are are. Your opportunity is mm; 4 10e pkgs J Powder for 3 10e pkgs corn starch 10e washing ammonia. 10c bottles machine oil. 4 bottles best extract. .. 15e pkgs pure paraffine Bibs puresoda.... .... Sweet Clover Catsup. .. Seal, chicken and beef loaf, worth 15e for... 3 lbs tatt, blk, Ceylon worth 50e a m..-. 3 ems golden beans Will be cleared out at our July Car. Price Sale. 15 white quilts Inge size at 1.50tor.... .... ..... .79 1 pee white checked muslin. worth 100 for...... .. .8 l piece. fancy black muslin. worth Simian. .... .5 .19 1 piece fancy black muslin. worth30ctor,....... .23 50 yds pink lustre, worth Mk tor.... .... .... ..... .39 1 piece Sheppard ck Dress Goods worth 50e, tor.. .35 50 yards navy batiste worth Me tor ...... ....... .27 I50 yards ttttbleached Table Linen worth 50c lor.. .39 50 yds unbleached table lin- . on worth35c for..... .21 500 yds 36 in white cotton, worth 10efor.... .... .7k 5 PM Factnrv cotton, 40 inch worth12yitstor- .10 l pee faney Drapery muslin. worth No for.... '.. .8 50 pairs tape girdle corsets. worth 35e for ... .... .24 150 Towels worth 10e each for.... .. ...... .. ..., A; will 015ch I; om Friday and Groceries Crockery & Glassware Remember the reputation Dry Goods _ -- - ' Wartat POI REDUCED RATE All) "etrrtatartttr. For "irtfttrautio. It“. It": J. o. on. at,“ It... ----- ustom work and repairing as usual ADMIRAL ALEX. RUSSELL, Durham The Big Shoe Store nsun. Jr bit-Vida Rit. et Newell, \Vesley Nubia. L Mary Whitmora, “any Davis. Average attend- '. A. Asasav, Teacher. Highest prices given for - '" opening ceremonies on MILITARY YEAR " T -""'""-"ia'aGA-=."i'".hr'V THE SIEGE OF KANDAHAI BATTLE OF THE NORTH SEA can! mum an or mind: -l-=-LLrcL.=u4hep_. No. 9, GLENELG mm LORD CHARLES BEREBFOID """"'"t'-'"acuuf-'=1"-eS,'iiCqrN Cook at the tinny Itvles in our Show window on the Continent. tim ammo... 10 25 21 ll Saturday Specials Ill Hardware of. c, we have for quality and your duds _:" New {Telephone () Directory DURHAM at as snappy or in just as Simon'- Iain worth 7.50m 3:. for.... .... .... ...... s 3,95 50 pm men's blnck Sateen shirts wmhweasl at. .30 x Crit Men's Linen callus all sizes, worth 15e each tor . . .. .1( l5 men‘s salts in $14 tor ...' .. 150 boyI’ Iain. our entire 8'sock to heels”. d " noun! Cost In“ Pattte and Overalls at on prices. 10 pr men 's our. Mia worth 75e tor..... .71. Men's 3nd boys raineoate, tr for .... .... ...... .... I; New: Ties worth 25 m We pay the price for Batter 10 men's an: we 11 made, worth 611 for............. TU) 25cper pr...... .... Improved rat traps 15c, Small tee Kettles worth Whips worth 50c, sale Paints and varnishes an this month. 6e whetsoues. 2 tor.... Sharp chthes worth 1.2: Cheaper Scythe: at .. .... Pare pine tar worth we. Me can: axle grease " Screen Doom worth 1.3M Wood Taps worth we: .r Leather half soles Worth near the Bridge cute entdei REE" iihiiiirii, At once to WM. LAIDLAW, Local Manager Orders for new 'tonnectionr, chem E”! ttttnet Mdrteey or. form)“ including THE BELL TELEPHONE um PQNY_OI_Cnnsda is Mun" to IN“ Pistrict ig Central ointarr, only question is when. 301 ttt My. Aw m. THE ma New; iitGiiiririYiiiiG'ifs' /, .1 {iii Sept-min lath Clothing JULY 22, 1909 Eggs. Poetr hm: t and profit ed effect- f.".'.'.".".'. O,i)8 highest 50 98 "i itt I9 10 iii-C XY.': VOL. XXXII. Tttti RENE“ . DUE 25c to Jai Can fine ll thi H m M u FOR TEI R. B. lil they qnw Broken lots Summer Shoes White lawn Corset Cover Em Emb'dery F: ll Wash Good Let us me N me Highest P u " onae Jas I] rot ICC ttt

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