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Durham Review (1897), 29 Jul 1909, p. 1

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run attire .39 & .59 Nenllu " Ion 's 'ttV Mire Rock In! con MRI T.60tot9 .. $3.” highest : Eggs. do. all an; ard elm " US Fi COM 30. . far. Dru: HON 31st PM!!!“ sttt at and 360 'LAW, Manager RU Ride, a " out to issue 'lol'y forthe um“ I " Ontario . chm r dopti. ded in (3 y.tr 15 19 IO 5-i:-::-::-::-::-::-:;-::-::-::-::c:€:-:83:-::-::-::-¢EE:~:EEEB€ i:i Emb'dery Front Waist Lengths .'M 'h'd4 mmmxgmm‘amméizmg c, m :5 Let us Help a THE REVIEW, DURHAM, ONT VOL. XXXII, N0. 30 25c to Jar For Ladies, Men, Girls, Boys and Babies. Hundreds to choose from-come early while the choice is great. Ever) ring and piece of Jewelery in this great Sale fully guaranteed. ll. B. KEELER & SUN Come and see the most wonderful Bargains in tine High-class Jewellery ever placed in a window in Canada. bought by us at .31! cents on the Dollar. They are on display in our Jewelery window and will be sold Broken lots of Shoes to clear AT LESS THAN REGULAR WHOLESALE PRICE Ladies' Victoria Oxfords, the beat in the world -thatt why they are named alter the best queen the world ever saw. they give value in wear. style & com- tort, prices 2 75 and 3.50. FOR TEN DAYS ONLY Nineteen hundred Dollars worfh of Fine Solid Gold Rings, Tie Pins, Cull Links and Crosses Summer Shoes ' Wonderful Jewellery Opportunity White lawn waists, Nicely trimmed c, an allees, in much. we will read THE REVIEW has. n w to Jan. I, 1910 (almost. 3 months) tor mcents. Take ad- Vontage of thin remarkable otter or see that your friend or neigh- bor does :0. NOW is the time. Full mdth.-daimy patterns reg 30c to 50c yd, special 25e. Corset Cover Emb'dery Hosiery----Special, tine New white vestintts tedaced--tine, even weave in dainty patterns, make lovely shmwaist tsuits-or tor blouses you can wear a: any season, reg. 2Oe for 15e a yd. COLORED MU3LINS-Fine organdies and batistos, primed in the new colors and designs, including black and navy, rear 200 for lie a yd. Muslim and Uinghams. light and dark colors, reg 15e tor 100 a yd. Wash Goods We're cleaning our Meek of all broken lines aftersgood season's selling. It gives you an cppormnity to pick up some snaps in the midstot the midsummer soason. lielnnants in the Shoe Department that must be cleared out quickly, the prick are more broken than anything else about them. 8 only white waists, regular! 1 only white waists, regular 1 4 only white waists, regular 1 rune Persian lawn. " bruidered--insertion to 2.25 tor 1.49 Highest Price paid for Butter and Eggs 'ersian lawn. enough tor waist, withfront prettily em; _-,Al :._;»_.2 _ _ A . n .. - -- _ Jas. Ireland To make you comfortable to-day --At small cost to you sis. regular We and 75e for Rings “on! match for calla} and cum. 'reg. Q and 5ili? Wf '?rsg PS fort I910 J) and 1.25 tor.... 50, 2.008: 2,50 tor.. lfmlerpriced for quick sellink try one, full range of styles and sizes --fasbiotiable shapes. Nen's Straw Sailors and Outing Mats Fast dye, good shapé, black and tam-special 2 pr tur 25e, The REVIEW to New Subscribers, for El ttttttttit' 132mm. PALMERSTON OLD Hum: WFiEic.-, 'l‘he Greatest Home Coming Event in Palmerston's History will be held in the ARricutltarxl Park, Palmerston on Aug, 2, 3 & 4. Great preparations are being made and the program of events will be varied and extensive and wilt include Reception and Welcome, Par- ades, Deccrations, Lacrosse, Baseball and League Matches, Irish Dancing, Sword and Bayonet Exercises, High Wire feats, Balloon Ascensions, the 48th Highlanders' Band, Cheney and other Bands. Grand Concert, etc.. etc. On Wednesday the 4th four horse races are billed, the purses being 8200, $150. 8100, and 850 respectively. On H. B. COLEMAN. Beer.. Old chs ic-) aociation. SEVERE ACCIDENT. - Wednesday last, Geo. Hazen, a boy of 12 years " age at work at Mr Charler Smith's. in mine way came in contact with the shingle saw and before he could be freed came near having leg and arm amputated. The injuries are very severe and he was at once taken to Fergus Hospital, accompanied by Messrs F. Irwin and -- Catou. A subscription list WM taken up round town and a. sum of about $00 was secured. Mr Smith being especially generous though in no way to blame for the accident. ( Miss Eleonore Wright sung a. very pleasing solo in the Methodist Church last tsunday evening, Miss Wright has a well controlled voice which along With " nwlodious tone makes her singing very effective. An attrac- tive feature of next Sunday evening's servnce will he a. song service given by 25 of the male members ot the church. A Ihr'rw.itescr: or orusros,--A well-known cattle-buyer travelling through Bentinck township last week condemned the crops as the worst he has seen for several vents. No doubt In this talk he was hoping to help his busmess but since then we have heard a different report from a Well-lo-do farmerneer town who Went over the same ground. From him we learn that the crops, During hay, are Well developed and should yield very good harvest. PRESBYTERIAN GARDEN PARTY,-- This annual outdoor Social will be held on the beautiful Manse grounds. next Thursday evening, July 29. A good musical program will be provided. with the band also in attendance. Ice cream, raspberries. etc., served. Ad- mission lOcts. A good time assured all. THE STANDARD BANK Comm' cirg July 6m during July and Augu the C. P. n, mil have flve sailings per eek each way between Owen Sound. d Fort William, The fleet comprises e Alberta. Keew» tin, Athabasca, Mam ha and Assinihoia. If you want a de htful and health- ful trip, try this. Bowsa:m,--The new bowling club have got to work and on Monday eve- ning last held their first meeting. “om-Pres. David McClocklin, being honored with the tint shot. Presi. dent is Mr Jus. Ireland from whom all information can be obtained. The regular Quarterly Meeting will be held in the Methodist Church next Sunday ""rrmnk commencing With the lc ve-feast at 10.1.3. Instead of the regular service In the evening there will be a service of song conducted by R choir of male voices. ham as follows ' Monday 2nd August 11 p In. uesdny 3rd August 11 p m, The S dard Bank pays interest on Savings Bank deposits from date of deposit t date of withdrawal. Every dollar f the deposit earns interest for eve day it remains on deposit. In his flno new residen?‘ on the hill, Me A. H. Jackson has had placed a Kelsey furnace, secured through L. C. Kantedt. Mr Karatedt. also has the contract for all plumbing required. . PALMERSTON OLD nova ASSOCIATION [ -tiinttie fare to Palmerston by (l '1' nl on August Sad, 3rd and 4th. Special trains will leave Palmerston for Uur- I ham as follows I Monday 2nd August Try a bag of satisfaction. Losr.-A short gold chain and a plain gold cross. Finder will bcrc' warded by leaving at this office, E-hligted 1673 'ntu.iortnotemmti-tuuriruLiiLats," wk. bemdishncefmnm . You can <tesotuvi-Aeaaatt,eithateDae. Whynot denounce? 'Pt . enienc i hun' thetimilrhma, hiscpened'n ae.$:fmtv:omw:b;ofdimfgnfly,udbodlmymhdepofi 1srdr.teleetheirow'uindividiiLjaiiiU, ',--The new bowling club work and on Monday eve- held their first meeting. David McClocklin, being ltV3 OF CANADA 77 A Joint Account Mrs A\§eggs & Sons. otNk Flour. It gives DURHAM, THURSDAY. JULY M, 1909 do as they please,' The Mavor has declared. Monday Aug. S, Civi: Holiday for the Town of Dunham. Country friends will please tttke notice for business places wilt be closed all day, employers and employ- ed being " free niggers " by statute to I W.us AGAIN PnosrmrrsT.--In last Saturday‘s lacrosse match between Ithe Nationals of Montreal and the Ot. tawa Capitals in Ottawa, Harry La. vello. who has the reputation of being 'ithe smallest player in the N. A. L. U., l, was again in the limelight for his team. On being ruled " with Gannon, an opponent, the latter commenced a scrap, and Harry, ever aggressive. re- taliated with blows. This drew three or four players and some of the specta- tors into a general melee, and the no. lice interfering, marched Gagnon and Levelle to the station. They were re- leased on bail. but it was subsequently returned and no further action ta ken, The Montreal Star terms Harry " the Find of the season. " TRADE Unows LAttorm.--huvor. able reports are received fl om all the trade centres of Canada. The trade for June is $9,628. 858 greater than it was in June of last year. For the hrs) three months of the current fiscal year, there has been an increase in trade of 820 086,834 over the corres- p Hiding period of Inst year. The pub- lie revenues are increasing in propor- tron to the growing trade, and the commercial conditions for the future are very favorable. PRIZE Lurrs.--Thit, week the Prize Lists foe Durham Fall Show are being issued from this otfrus, and farmers, their sons, wives and daughters, poultrytpem, “mists. qardenets, ac., should all get busy in preparing to win the prizes offered by the Society and advance the interests of this big County Institution. Even now there's u colt being trained and a pumpkin coddled to make them the best of their kind. Get busy. was being dumped and some one a- bove picked a. stick of some kind out at the marl and flung it carelessly away. It fell on Donnelty's head eut. ting it severely. requiring a number of stitches to close the wound and will itivrs him some days of enforced idle- ness. 1909. A splendid progra e will be given, bright entertainers h ving been secured. Supper served fr t7.30 to 8.30. Admission 23c.,Childr IN. Accumx'r AT CEMENT , oRKtg..-. Monday last Jas. Donnelly was under- neath the trestle work as the mall The Annual Garden arty of Zion Epworth League Will h held at the residence of Mr Geo. Br. r near Zion, on the evening ofMoudny 2nd August 1000 A splendid progra e will be GIVE OLD AND New.-Win sub- scribers giving change of address kind" ly remember to give old address as well as new, Sometimes. amongst hundreds of names, it takes a long search just to know where it‘was go. ing, and ins impossible to keep all in mind. For Civic Holiday c. P, R, will sell tickets to all point east of Port Arthur at Single fare. f round trip. rickets good on all trai July 31st, Aug. lst and 2nd. Goo returning until August3rd. bee R. M cFarlane, town agent, On July 24 Mr Hugh Hoog oquelph ‘and his companions were up before Mr Telford and paid $5.25 for allowing their .horses to run at large on the school lawn after being notitied by caretaker to keep them off. 49t . med hats to sold on Batar. day aaeach. Wise DICK, Fon BiLE.-A se 'iceahle horse, Apply to Then. M. R 'd, Queen St. Durham. Civic Holiday. the Balance of the Year, only 25 cents ONTARIO ARCHIVES T TORONTO Bleriot started immedi Univ after sunrise and owing to morning miittt, had an experience he didn't reckon on, ot being completely out of sight. of both chores for a time and he had no compass. As liken not there will be tome ghastly tragedy before long, just. u there hue been by boat tsud mil, but that won't Imp the conquest of the Other French aviators were all Pug- erly getting ready for the coveted prize and honor, and one tried a week before, but his motor gave out when but way and he was picked up, wet but not discouraged. He has tried agnm since Bleriot won but an“: fell short. However, far above money value will he reckon the honor and the fame the feat will bring him, It marks an epoch in transportation and it will given stimulus to aviation that will ultimstely lead to general use in com- merce and travel. The abovs was the message sent on Sunday last by the French Aviation Society to M. Bieriot when it was an. nounced that he had landed on the cliffs of Dover after a sensation-d tlight across phe channel in his mono. plane. The time taken was less than 39 minutes and he win! a prize of moo offered to the first man who crossed in a heavier-ttttut-air machine. Mr and Miss Chalmers, of Owen Bound, intimate friends in student days, were at the funeral. “Hosanna! For the Peace of the World." The pall-bearers were Messrs Peter Hay, Wm. McFadden, Jr., Pahirer Patterson, Sam Patterson, Jr,, Uttar, Reid, __ Chahnels. Loving hearts prompted loving hands to soften even the turpisriues of the yawning grave, tor, unplanned for, several neighbors met at Maplewood Cemetery in the forenoon, to line the grave with cloth and flowers The funeral on Monday was very '13.”;er attended, away over 100 ve. [ hicles beingin procession, all testify. ing to the depth of sincere sorrow felt over her death. Rev. Mr Kendall con- ducted the services. and was assisted by Rev. Mr Bice. Mr Kendall remind- ed all, especially the yonng of the un- certainties surrounding this lite. cum. pelling the attitude of preparedness under all conditions. He made fitting reference to the lovable character and demeanor ot deceased. bt Rook of Ages" was sung. a favorite hymn of deceased which she repeated the morn- ing of her death, other hymns being " Lead Kindly Light " and bb Nearer My God to Thee. " 'i Gone to the grave is our loved one " was tendered as a solo by Mr Wnt. Haulage, at the close of the address. Wreaths were given by Mr and Mrs Stimson, Mr and Jae. M. Allan, and Miss Nellie Allan ; bequets by Mr and Mrs Wu, Brown, Mrs Wm, Ritchie; a spray by Mrs Joseph Lawrence, sheaf by Mr and Mrs w. J. McFayden, a cross from Dr and Mrs Jamieson. Painfully startling was the news that got around on Saturday hat that the above young lady was dying and later that she was dead, A week be- fore only she was at her duties at Mr Stiuson‘s and was taken ill, The trouble proved to he appendicitis. Dr Gloves. of Fergus was called in in con- sultation and an operation was decided upon but this dld not save her and the young gill, budding into woman. hood, the pride of her home, is num- bered with the dead. Deceased was the second daughter: of Mr and Mrs David Hamilton of; '. the Lake," and in her nineteenth year. She was a clever girl, and her ability as a. student. trained and tested at the Northern Business College, Owen Bound, was of a high mder. The promise of a life of usefulness thus cut short has brought sorrow Dot only to the home but to a wide Circle of friends among whom her personality was great'y admired. Two sistets and a. brother as well us the bereaved parents have the sympathy of the whole community. twice married. the issue by the first marriage being a daughter. His widow is a sister of Mr John McGilli. vray: to them were born three sons and one daughter, and all will mourn deeply the loss of husband and father, while a large circle of friends will long keep his memory green. He was an ardent Liberal in politics, and a mem- her of the Priceville Pres. Chmch. lie was burned in Priceville on Wednes- day last. a large number paying the last tribute. l GODFREY MCTAGGART Monday of last week, 19th inst" the summons came to one of the moat genial and kindly ot the lesidenta of Glenelg, Mr Godfrey McTaggart, the cause of death being pneumonia. He was in his 78th year and for over Jo years has been a resitfeut of the town- ship, where he was widely known and respected. He was a. native of the Island of Mull. Scotland. He was‘ Muss MAGGIE HAMILTOV. Obituary . Durham mill is null running though from the Insane pressure mentioned above, it unv have to curtatt its operations also in the nut future. The only local mill to be running after Saturday night will be the Sun Cement Works. A meeting of the company was held yesterday after- noon to consider the situation and it was deemed to continue running the works. A large contract covering a greater part of the output of the mill was olfeied at a close figure and " acceptance by the (mummy will likely mean that the mill will be in operation for the. balance. of the sea- son. The company is in first-ciao flnatteial condition and while. the pre- sent course of keeping the mill run- ning will not likely be a monuy mak- et, it is claimed that their pudmt will not he sold below cost, Their manager. Mr T. L. Dates, told us of some 0CeurerMeeR which show how keen, and in many cases unfair. has (been the tmupetition of late. One Iextreme instance was the action eta company which sent out its repre- sentative to get business at any lig- ure. He was not. furnished with any price list l his instructions were enu- ply to get the business. Which meant that he was to tind out what-the other concerns were Asking, and make " price just enough below them to tut them out. It Is such conduct as thin. that has brought the cement in. dustry to its present. critical state. How long it will last depends entire. ly on how long thit cut-throat. eon- oern can stand the loss which it must he coloring daily." I “TRADERS BANK The Owen Sound Portland (2111an Uo's plant at Shallow Lake closes down to-morrow night after running for only a short tune. The Laketield plant, wluch is owned by the saline interests, has been' closed for some time, while their Montreal mill is running about half time. " The condltion of the cement mar- ket " says the o. s', Sun, " was never more sorious than at the present timc. The keen competition which comes from the Lehigh cement intetests operating at Belleville hascaused neur- ly all the cement. fnclories in the country to shut down. The disastrous mice was brought on lay the Leblgh people, has mwde it impossible for. any except those with the most ceonomieal [ plants and strongcct iinaneial In ck. init tc continue. I Cement Situation Very Serious. Keen Competition of American Cement causes Hills to shutdown all over the country. iiymenatl Crtomwretas-JAcx. On Monday evening, July 19, a very pretty wedding took place in the tut. vation Army Barrack No 1, Toronto, when Miss Sophia Elizabeth Jack. eld. est: daughter of the late John Jack, , formerly of Durham, was married to Alfred James (Zrcsswell. of Toronto. The ceremony was conducted by Brig. adier Taylor of the salvation Army College. Miss Barbara Corbett. assist- ed the bride while Mr Richard Penford acted as best man. About tony guests partook of a sumptuous wed. ding luncheon. The bride received many handsome and useful gifts. At. [ ter an enjoyable evening the guests‘ departed in the early hours of the morning. The Review extends con- gratulations. and sum!“ "I V “sluts“ -- I m $6,350,000 $34,000,000 Commercial and savings accounts solicited and best terms offered. l I Every trimmedhat in toek will be sold Saturday for we h, some beautiful hats worth 84.75. ale luau only one day. Mus DICK. A Garden Party will be held At the home of Mrs Thus, Brown, south of town, under the auspices of the Wo- men's Institute, on Tuesday, August, 3rd. A good prcgmm ls being pre- pared, Free admittance to grounds. usual charge for refreshments Mem. bers are requested to be present at 7 o'clock. Garden party at eight o‘ciock. THE BANK FOR THE PEOPLE DURHAM BRANCH BARK WANTED-NO Cord. of Hem. lock bark wanted tor which highest price will be paid. T. SMITH noun crest Businesc College has started I) reds of young men and women on t road to success. Will you be the nex 9 A ii Publiahod Weekly " 01.00 . you. cmxtmn'mmam tki' of Canada INCORPORATED "e Showrooms: Lambton street. Durham THE REVIEW. DURHAM ONT Saturday next of Summer Millinery 98c Sale The Yellow Label For U. B. H. No 2, B. a G. Duties lo begin after holiduyc. Applv at once stating qualibrations experience. and salary te, .. _ " B'roRrure.--0n Friday July 15, to Mr and Mrs Wes. Btorrey, a daughter: FhR'rH.--in Durham on Friday. 23rd July, to Mr and In Chris. Firth, In, a daughter, Twatgtart-rtt Bentinck. on the nu: inat, to Mr and Mn R. Twmley. n son. McDosALu,--At Dornoch. on July 15th. to Rev. and Mn McDonald. 1: The whole north country in mid to be greatly excibod, Incl further de. velopmenu eagerly looked for. the bail game. . . . Miller 3 Quantum Birth of Lwe.Latrerty 4 vAustr.--Midsummer. . . . Mnrignld r, MAHCH-0ur BYecinl . . . . ..Keefer o VALeE-Bluebe I........ ...Beye: Twice he has been honored with the Mayornlty of New Liskeud, and in other way: his fellow citizens hive honored him. especinlly on delegation- lo represent but town and district. At the hurt Provincial election he was the Libetatetutdidate for hi: district. hut was defeated. The 31st Rem. Band. under the direction of Bundmnsoer G.J.Wruzht Will render the following program Friday evening July 30 at 8.15 p. m. on Gnral‘ruxa tit. 1 IttArttur--Romt Etutort,...keefer 2 VALtstr---Thdetate out to - - 6 irrGiiuiiG,bett . . . . . ......Beyex 7 MARCH-West Pt. Cadets. .Beyer 8 God Save the King. ENGAGEIENTS Presbyterian Garden PutyJuly ar Women'n Inst. " August 3 Mr McKelvie but been nunccemful man but it has never been unsuecled that he was I Beltltstt one. Somewhere we think it will be found, envy has got the better of some oneU 'rpirit, with the result we see. BAND PROGRAM. JULY 30 The arrest was duly made Ind bail for 34000 Accepted and the trial come. " Thursday of this week. The pio- ceodings m taken by the Attorney. General‘s Depnrunent, which, we venture to say. will be found to have been wrongly informed or hugely im- posed upon. Those who know Angue McKelwe eince boyhood, u the writer does, cannot believe him to be guillv of this serious chume. and we look with coutidence for his acquittal end vindication. Monday‘s paper- couielned the trettqatiomtl intelligence that Ir Amp" McKelvle. well-known here, had been arrested on . change made by one Piche that (do yen-I ego he(Piche) had been bribed to leave the oonnny. the alleged reuon being that he poems-ed itttortnatitm um would have helped the government in e dispute it had with the Tennislnmimz and Hud. son Bay Mining Co., of which Mr Mc- Kelvie is 1 Director. (for one day only. Some hats are worth 4.75. 49 trimmed hats all on ule Saturday for 98c each. The colon are I I buck. 9 white. 18 tune-n. u brown, may and odd colon. Every trimmed hat in stock will be sold at 98e on Miss Dick Teacher Wanted. C. SAMMIE * SON. Pun-nu an Palm-“I'- Anglia McKelvie m the Limelight DAN Hula-mun. Beer, Durham P. o.

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