West Grey Digital Newspapers

Durham Review (1897), 29 Jul 1909, p. 4

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22m dr " " acres in the Third Concession F. 1-. It. Glenelg. This is; a flmt class Li. I. Will] Rood buildings in the most at. , 'hle 1oeation. The farm mn- sis- " ot 85 acres of rirh cultivable land In "mm stones and 15 acres of hush. p, _ _ 5:500. _ l , acres on the (hmfmxa Road. 3w : Mir. {10 um hardwuod hush. well my u-wd. first class buildings. Will he so: ,'lteitp to wind up estate. v." “we in Bentinck. buildings and lel {301. everything in tirset class Oh ttt '. Price $5111}. I”: .ncres in Sentinel: on Gunman Ian" i new Dornoch. good b 'ldmgs. pr 'rr retlnced from $3000 to "eSlg for fo bo _i'r,i,, Nervous, Diseased Men. :n Durban to choose from. Prices and qualitl, Hosiery in whlw‘un or black for Men, Ladies, 1 from 150 to 500. F HARVEST MlTl'S NOW IN A special 1 TM with " $1.00 tt pr. Cuto- wurk and repairing as usual " the dove '1. Bunnie-Io can " Gamble can ttt Sirloin", Vorlcocolo, . lama: ”Chilly. Blood Poisons, VIM Weaknesses, Kidney. " dor and RN alums, and " Biseasas Peculiar to on and Woman. lmn‘t “new r . "'.r' anl (mun-y nu rhonp. datrcero-xpt'ripintal treatrmmt. vvr I‘M'v'vnw .u l I r rt . tt rust your \uchrmss by hour; cxptu'ituty.ted nu uith rv-vm‘xiics I' II In: V ('lilll'|' I.'uL-“ lust ale-mun " ifur LNgltlt" to LH HI cunthlenuc. We u Ill (Amt, >1' ”Mm-m...“ .. Ill-v. ‘IIV and sklliullyl aud rrstore you to ln-altl: In the shurn-s! pm. .~ l.‘n~\ with i .. Ir “I “wan-mo. unu-umfurl and vqwnx'v pi',',:,"):?)"),; Each r:l~‘v ist , ' ', is' the m: yawn , indium". Uur New Method is origiua and hccsstood llw list for my yum Ifgo ir will be to vour in styles ot mks all can" a; to size and style. T, Dont forget We have The largest stock, of B_oot§ and Shoes ARE YOU GOING AWAY? A NERVOUS WRECK wry: in Beutinrk. Five miles Durham. tIrvs buildings. good with a quantity ot timber. he sold at once. Price all». We have only a few hats left and you can have them at your own price. arm in Entremout. good land mildmgs. 8mm, 1cm in Proton. near Swinton lair buildings. good land, well d. wall wetered and welllenced. Mia We are selling all our Men's and Boy's straw Hats at one half price. We have a large showing of Wash Goods, in Muslins, Dimities, Lawns, Ginghams, Vestings, Linen and Duck suitings that we are selling at very special prices. We are clearing the balance of our stock of Ladies' White waists at Half Price. Farms For Sale. Cor. Michigan Ave.. and Griswold si., Detroit, Mich. Sole Agents for Millinery at less {ban Cost Bargains in White Waists WASH GOODS en's (iy Boy's Straw Hats. w. F. DUNN. Solicitor, Durham, Um. 200 yards of Black Muslin, regular 18e a yd. clearing at Ilka yd. DRS. K. & K. ESTABLISHED 20 YEARS m interest to call und examine our different can“. covered in prices from $2 to $6 moon!- a. Tole-copes and suit cases at all pl ices. Consu ltation FREE. Question Blank MclLRAl'N lot FREE. Fees for Prices and quality second to none. _ for Men. Ladies, Misses or Children Progress Brand Clothing (' A good comfortable house with hard twater inside l rent 80 per month. i, WM. LAIDLAW. The building ucmpied by P. G. A, \Vehster as a jewellery store and J. P. Telford as a law ottieet with sh ow cases. wall cuses. clock and safe at a bargain. Lots 2 and 3 of 29 in the first core cession of Hemlock. one-half mile south of the Corporation of Durham, 100 acres in good state of cultivation l well watered by running streams. A frame house. 7 rooms. frame hank barn. Hum. Town school. For further particulars apply on the premises to James Bait, Proprietor Durham, To Rent good houses. Apply to upecml line of horse hand 'ortoek Fan-m for Sale. House, to Rent ROBUST MANHOOD For Bale. rm town shoe More A. GORDON. Woyhut n, Snsk. ‘TIMEB. Mr Joseph Brown accompanied by his sister Mae and cousin Miss Morton of Toronto, visited, Tuesday evening, at Mt Jas. Tucker's. Miss Emma Aljoe of Durham, is at present. spending a few days at her home here. 1 see George Hopkins is nursing some bruised fingers these days from crush of a stone. Mr and Mrs Wm Porter of Proton, called on their parents Mr and Mrs A, Lawrence one day recently. Miss Annie Davie, Saugeen Valley, was the guest of her friend MISS Mr II. Traiford and family com template leaving the village shortly to take up their residence on Mr Hunt’s farm in Glenelg township. Not only as an estimable citlzen will Herb be missed around the burg. but the loss ot his ability as a tonsorial artist will be a great inconvenience to the general community. The party given by Mrs James NUse.y on the Thursday receding last, in honor of her sister, iiss Etta Quirk, who left recently for the Queen City, was one of the msst pleasant social functions of the season. A Large number of lads and lassies were present and the, acme of social glee was reached in the various danc- es, games and amusements. until Friday began to unfold its auroral beaenns. Mr Alex. Aljoe accompanied by his two sisters spent Monday evening at Mr Jas. Brown's. bayou notice the long tracks last week ' 3 The community was shocked with lgriet on Sunday morning when it «was learned that Mrs Wm. Davey had passed to the Greater Beyond. iThe gentle summons whiehtsalled ‘her spzrit home came in the early hour of the peaceful Sabbath morn, and her departure Was as calm and serene as the ushering in of the dawn. Deceased was a lady char- acterized by hospitality, piety and exemplary Christian vlrtues and pos- sessed in no mtsana'degree those traits which made the home life ideal and are a source of inspiration to those who are left behind; She leaves a husband and a family of two sons‘ and four daughters to mourn for her', .. who was true to the, kindred points'; of heaven and home. tt The respect! in which the deceased was held was shown by the unusually large con-L course ot Borrowing lriends who tol-l lowed the remains to the English Church cemetery at \Villiamsl'ord,’ where the interment took place on Tuesday afternoon. We tender our‘ sincere condolence to these 't who in I the grave have sown the seed, that, they had garnered in their hearts, their bread ot lite. alas! no more, their own, t? Buying is general this week throughout the community. Al. though the crop is not to be compar- ed with the bumper yield of '08, yet the ample showers of the past tort- night have produced tons olextrn fodder m the meadows, and as the weather conditions for Spring crops are ideal, the outlook ls exceedingly more hopeful than once anticipated. Miss Sadie Duncan, of the Queen City, is visiting her aunt, Mrs Thou. McKnight. of the village. Miss Dun- can possesses a sweet modulated voice and her solo at Christian En- deavor, on the Sunday preceding last, was full of pathos and greatly appreciated by all. We had a pleasant chat with Mr Mack Jones, of Toronto, who spent Saturday and Sunday very pleasant- ly in the village. During the tew years that Mac: catered to the wants oi Mr Hunt's customers he gained a mercantile experience which to-day stands him in good turn as he is now representing one ot'Toronto's leading wholesale houses, a position which insures a substantial salary, with opportunities for advancement. Mr Robt. Campbell, otChesley, ac- companied by his friend Mr Becker. spent Sunday in the burg and by his genial disposition won a host of friends, all of whom were pleased to renew his acquaintance. In all likelihood he retired so late Sunday night that he met himself getting up in the mormng. Miss Mary McArthnr left on Tues- day of this week for the Canadian West, her destination being Calgary, Alta. Mr Edward Coleman, ot the County Town, is visxting his nephew, R. J, Corleit of BentiniA. Mr Coleman's conversation is rich with original ideas and round logic which being coupled with a. rare gift of Irish wit and "humor, makes him one of the most pleasant ot entertainers. Prize Lists, Entry Forms, ‘Programmes ‘and all information in"; W. J. REID, President. A. M. HUNT, Secretary, London FIREWORKS i TAKE A HOLIDAY SPECIAL RATES Each Evening 1 and visit London's Fair Over all railroads Athletic Popular Speed lg, day [iiiiiiiiii] Eng; Sept. 10-18 Dog Show Cat Show The Great Live Stock Exhibition Popular Place music - st Highlanders Western Fair Open to the World -----m--.. Dornoch 7th Fusiliers Fr , "es',' V Ontario's Popular Exhibition Sept. 10-18 London Nothing in the way of a Cough Is quite so annoying as a tickling. teasing “honing, bronchial Cough, The quick- est relief comes perhaps from is pre- scviutiun known to Drngulsts everywhere as Dr b'ltooIo Cough Remedy. And besides, it is so thoroughly harmless that mothers give it with perfectsafety even tothe youngest babes. The tender leaves of a simple mountain shrub, give to Dr Shoop's Cough Remedy its ttV markuhle curative efteet. It is truly a most certain an! trmstworthr preaerip- tion. Sold by MacFarlane & Co. A reterehee to the lamented death at Miss Maggie Hammon, appears elsewhere. , Rev. John Smith, cousin of Mr J no. Scott is on a visit to him here and " Mr Findlny's. , _ Mr W. L. Dixon came home last week from Saskatchewan. THE DURHAM: REVIEW . Miss Georgina Long, Toronto, is on a visit to her grandparents, Mr and Mrs Chas. Watson. Mr Wm IIornsby of Penman; is down on a visit to his brother John and is looking hale and hearty though feeling yet the eCeets of the recent accident which he had. Misses Bella Weirand Mary Tuck- er left this Monday morning for Toronto. A [oiling tiny uorve»no larger than the finest silken tlsreati-tttlau, from the Heart its impulse. its power, its regu- larity. The Stomach also has its bid. den, or inside nerve. It was Dr Shoop who first told us it was wrong to drug aweak or failing Stomach, Heart or Kidneys, His ptvseription---0r Slioop's 1lcstoratirts--is directed straight for the cause of these Lltmsuts.-tuese weak and faltering inside nerves. This, no doubt clearly explains why tho Restor- ative has of late grown so rapidly in popularity. Drugglsts say that those who test the Restorative even for a few days soon become fully convinced of its wonderful merit. Anyway. don't drug the organ. Treating the cause of sickness Is the only sensible and successful way, Sold by MacFarlane & Co. Mr and Mrs T. Keith, of Egremont. spent one evening recently with Mr and Mrs D. Leith. Mrs WillOlarke, of virney, spent 9ne day last week with Mrs J Mor- Mrs T. Stones? and family is visit- ing Mas W. Caldwell at present. ice. Mrs Dickleman intends havfng her sale of house and household effects on August 3rd at 2 p. m. MEG. A. Anear, of Mount Forest. Visited over Sunday with iriendg lere. Little Ruby Carson, of Durham, is staving a few days with Marjorie Caldwell. Mr Bert Carson, of London. spent Sunday with his uncle. Mr W. Our son. Me and Mrs J. Morice and family visited over the week and with the tormer's sister Mrs T. Moore, of Teen- water. Quite a number from around this part attended the funeral oi Miss Maggi}: Hamilton. Mrs Keith, of Toronto, is spending a few days with Mrs Dickleman. She intends to accompany the latter to the west. Annie Whitmore n few days Int week. Mr Otto Bauer of Poplnr Bill, called on this burg on Sunday last. Muss Olive cU of Trivereton, spouts few days with Mr and Mrs Henry Lawrence recently. Mr Those. Allan, teacher of No. 9, Glenelg, visited at. Thou. McGirr’s on Su_n_day_!nat. Mr tpd Mrs W. Black. of Durham, spent Sunday with Mr W. Carson. Mrs M. Donnelly. of Allan Park, Visited a few days with her mother, M P. J as: Fqgusgn. Miss Iarfiil"iiG, of Dauphin, i, visiting her cousins, the Fee family Mr Henry Sealey disposed of I handsome young horse for which he received a similar price. He dehrer. ed tt to Walkerton on Monday. on, on Friday by Fergus Doctors. The funeral was largely attended on Monday to Maplewood cemetery. We wish to express the sympathy of this burg to her grieved parents. sisters. brother and friends in their loss of one very bright and young and one who has always won many warm friends wherever she went. North-East Normanby It is a great task to us to mention the death of one in the bloom of hte Miss Maggie Hamilton who died on Saturday last at 11 p. m. Maggie died " Safe in the Arms of Jesus." A week before the by of her death she came home from Durham, very ill with appendicitis. She was operated rogram Twice prilt North Egremont. Attraction- TORONTO Speed Events Daily Cat Show / The-Best Ever Increased Prize List s - . "'"m ”M, --_-- -vv- unrulllui In farm tn lat 47"on ooh 2.__north iiii7irlll 'tnd Town property. ' Road in the year 1857. . lie moved '"?tTei,u"i'pnroo,,e.ey godlo Miner about forty-five ‘yearsjgo to the l oc arse: no usmesa one. place where he l"fi Hefwg: mar- mullmgttnl Stet-ship Tickets to med three times is rstme inga . Miss McDonald. .mocher qr Mr. D. 'ttttit Jif.eced','ittuiatear than MeLean of Prleevule who died forty- but; 6hrneetea. No charge if "nom. Ott 3'eaN "tt It. the "if ot we“? ine collected. _ All kinds of financial one years. tru, sewn. w t T" , business carefully and quietly atten- . Mrs Campbell feign!“ survlvmg dedto. wife was a Mile i ivny, smel- " T . " of Captain McGillivray ot the Salvn- Alwars Prompt, Never Neelieent. . v M 39313;?) .mbg'r A'il?fttat,pgiiil A book on Rheumetiun. by Dr Shoop. bl h md . staunch Reformer .10! Regine. Wis., tell- somo plum truths, o are an bli . _ f d -'h_vnnd in e pllio and pruotieelwny. Get ttood trnd o 1f1ll,r "mar m Jl'lrl 'this booklet. and A tree tun] autumn: bar who I'l Tt f,. 'dl hfl/ii Dr Shoop'l Ebennntio Remedy for thet lmnw where e N . l iuomo disheartened .uihrerr to your ttttteral on ednesdly. the 23111.11: y , yieinil ' Huh . (natal end appreci- tlt',,',?,',',',',',';." /i','tl'N, l'lGltp2,t Mire giant! of some one who in du. . . My“ bounce of the ailme- of annulment). men! Mule- oum a het him, 11.1.. a. to ash in the att-tnoe, otde-et mt. an. nu, 'll'htl mainly be]. you Rev. iii “have. who II 'i"a"lilli?Qnt'itd. annular“... hung hi holidays A tht. Died.-At his residence con. 4th, Glenelg, on Monday the 21ttt July, 1909, Mr Godfrey McTaggart at the age of 78 years. Mr McTaggart was one'ot tt, pioneers of Glenelg coming in at Ms-. A.--. " __-. h . The Rev, Dr Mullin preached an eloqnem sermon ohiefiy for the young ople but suitable rorall classes on ganday last. He took his text from the 19th Luke at the 4th verse. Union Service will be held next Sunday in the Methodist church and in the evemng a Mr Burningham, Imdent of Knox College, Toronto, wilt prench. Mr Duncan Livmgscone of Beptipek, visited with his cousin Alex Living- ston near here and attended church on Sunday last. Oar saw mill is at a standstill at present for want of water. It isquite a loss to the locality as well as the proprietor as there is some chopping required as well as sawing. We notice that All the fénces, gates and even stone piles along the C. P. R. are whitewashed lately/ Mr Alex Walker ot Toronto, is visiting with triends "Prieeville. Priceville is to have Granulithie sidewalks in the near future so we are not to be behind the times as every other little town or village in the county are having them now so assoon as possible alter completing the sidewalks electric lights,will be discussed. Whether their brilliancy will illuminate our streets in the near future or will be a matter ot thought toran Indefinite time we cannot tell but we will have to be tsatisfied with the old iashioned lamps and by keep- ing them trimmed and burning we can get along for some time yet. The Misses Kate ati Bella Camp- bell ot Rochester, are tor a while at home on the North line, Ammonia. Many will remember E. B. Me. Millan who kept hotel in Prietsville over 50 years ago. We noticed his death some weeks ago in some of the laeding papers " the are of 95 years. Mr McMillan kept hotel here tor about 20 years and was a good smunch hotel keeper who never meddled with anyone's business bat hrs own. Mr John L. McKinnon secured a school near Bradford atasalary at 5500 commencing after holldavs. John is well recommended by his teachers at the Normal, 8tratford, where he spent last. year. We did nut hear whether all the boys secured schools set or not but probably they will " there are lots of schools vacant even in the county ot Grey. We forgot to mention that Dr Me. Leod and young bride visited at Mr McLeod 'it mother for a few days week before last. The Dr. is a son of the late Rev. D. McLeod of Priceville. Nothing very" special tofre-port this wee); consequently our letter will be smal . The grain crops are stretching on account of the late showers and a good crop may be expecced if favor- able weather continues. Last week was bad haying weather but good for the growing grain. The most of runners are commencing hay- ing this Monday the 26th July. Dromore toot-lull team played a fine game of ball " the picnic at 1lttimell'is. Our boys came home vic- tomna bringing with them a flne foot-ball. A Inkling or dry cough can be quick- ly loosened with Dr Shoop'a Cough Remedy. No opmm. no chloroform. nothing unsute or harsh. Sold by Mao. Farlaue l Co, - Mrs Byland and Eddie from Toron- to are visiting her parents here. Mry IP" is nursing her mother who 15 1 . Miss Jean Baird, Markdule. is the guest of her cousin. Mrs Jno. Eccles. Very sorry indeed, were we, when on Saturday we heard of the death of Miss Maggie Hamilton. She had only been ill a week. Much sym- pathy is telt for the narrowing parents, sisters and brother. On Friday morning Mrs Lester had the misfortune to fall and cut a deep gash in one of her hands. Mr and Mrs Sun Kennell, Dun- Salk, visited " Renwick‘s over Sun- ly_. -- - Miss Sconand her two nieces from London, are spending a. few weeks holidays with her cousin Mrs Lothian. Rev. John Smith, his two children and sister tron London are visiting at Findlay‘s. Mr William Sterne. Stanton, and Mrs Wm Leslie, Mt Forest. are visit- ing their brother Mr Plumer Sterne. Mr Calder and Mrs McMillan from below Mt Forest, spent over Sunday at Mrs Neil Clark's home, Miss Elim Wilson is visiting Mark. dale friends Miss Mary Dixon 'spent Saturday and Sunday with her iiszer Mrs Robt Renwick Jr. Mr and Miss Smith. Conn, attended Amos church. Sunday and visited at hkelea'. Effie and Colletm McMillan visited Priceville friends last week. M-..r ..-,. Priceville Dromoreh - . . - gnd in . phin and .trGirliiiiiy', Uri! _ mug fax-melt “d IPitr.h this booklet, and A free tall autumn; , Il be great T. mined m mt Dr Shoop'l Bbenmntio Remedy fort where he lived. Theimme disheartened Inmate: In your, , 'daeasUy, the 23NJatr I yicinit ' Nuke I grateful lbd nprroci- l cemetery W" ltutrrsry ( “in giant! of some one who in dim Buds It Mullen 1eliriaia bean-o of the Minus ot F “the when] 9t.e1eltyli'i'ii2' to help him, Help me to unit. we of am yum. this ms. and ru minty help iii; am, who is any “an; friend. Sold by Hutch... by; b Gr, I A book on Rheumntiun. by Dr Shoop. of Engine. Wits., all. some plum truths, and in a pluio and pnotiulwny. Get this booklet. Ind . I... ”an “-4, . an“, aiig Stet-JIM. Tickets to all points. Money to L133! at. loafer rates than The Ramon: Conveyancer. otrerat 200 Acres Gléneln _ Hood frame dwel. ling and one of the very IDEAL and longest frame hunk harm in the County of Grey-a gift at $2700. too Acres. Bentinek--Fine hrfil. Ven. eered and frawe dwelling. [mum bank barn and all good buildings price 8211) ,' hardly the value ofthe buildings. Owner bound to sell. 180 acres Bentlnck - 45 miles from Hanover. close to school and Post Otttee with daily mail. Brick house, fume hunk bun. great. snap. and Many othur Good Bantu: in Farm and Town property. It you want to Ilittrttrgett solo Miller. No charge ttrio busineu done. Money to be Made We have a variety of Machine Oilers at different prices. Remember we" are selling the Plymouth Binder Twine. Morning to equalit. Have you seen our bargains in Harvest Mine and Gloves. Every man should have a pair. . Bay one ot oar Hand Sprayers and some Paris Green, when you will be able to kill all the potato bags by attending to this advertisement We have just sorted up in Screen Doors and Window Screens. We can suit you in this line, We are Adding something onto our stock every day, that is tsettetie. inl to our customers. The latest is Duatbsne. Life its)tort. Enjoy it while you can by buying one of our hammocks. We are selling them cheap. What is Dustbaue? It is a green colored powder and for SWeep. ing curfew, rugs. straw mattings and bare oors. Why you should use Dustbnne. It saves labor in sweep- ing. It saves one-halt'your dusting. Itsavcs your carpets and rugs. It saves damage by moths. It saves taking up your carpets. It saves your money. Try tl 35e can. of STOVBS. RANGES. Mtl and ENAIELWARE. FLEURY'S FLOWS. SHARES. ROOT PUL- PERS and TURNIP DRILLS. We also can; a tine assortment We have just passed into stock the following new and up- to-date goods, which we cordial- ly invite the ladies of Durham and surrounding country to call and examine : is used. A guaranteed remedy ft sore, tender, tired or sweaty eet. Don't hobble around if you have a new pair of boots on or your reet are sweating and sore. Get a box of "Foot Comfort"--- use it and if not satisfactory. bring the box in and get your money back. 'FOOT COMFORT' POWDER GUN’S DRUG STORE If you get it at GU KS, It's good New Fancy Goods Stock GUMFURT Hardware l W. Black K. Cochrane That 'tt what you Opposite S. Scott's store Linen Damasks Towels Fancy Linens Lace Curtains Embroideries Laces Flannellettos Dress Goods Hosiery Ludies’ Whitewear Fancy Goods a. n3 MILLER, Sold only at THERE'S get when Fresh Groceries New hails Choice Contectionary 'Ware Spices ' Vinegars No. t am" and Pure Iii-ninja ours Rem whitV in? GF. f1 .si )5}; Lace Curtains.. .25c. ac, 750. W) , lioneycomb wool Shluls. my. 73. 8 Black sateen Underskirtn. " l,7Crt Menu Cudigan Judas 1.00. 1.2:. " Flooa o'ieioth.. ..250 asqunn-y Tulle Uilcloth. " in wide. . . .250 3" New Print- And Gingham; nnw II gee our Stie and 50c Dress (mm: Fat-mgr; Produce Wan Fine Salt All-wool Blankets. $3. 4 and 1.7.3 pr Bed comforters from 1.35 to 3m t"t Large 11 xi size Flannellellv' "lan. BIG f Puer, reed, Seed & Groceries csTEiw' fair, just the thing m 11:. holidays. C L ‘RANT . .(J Boys' Cotton Niches-s . It you want a. waist dun" misthis chtutce as they were cheap before the reduction. 50 William to be sold to tslear, All tho expensive ones an sold out, Nothing leit aver 82 .‘u each and to get rid of the Milan re we will sell them nt llu- ful- lowmg prices . $2.50 Waist for. . _ . _ _ 2.00 k 1.75 Tltrust for 1.50 WnISt for. .. in Lawn and Muslin Ladies' Waists 1.25 Waist for MATTHEWS & LATIMER '. Til. BEAN Cali nnd see us Me Sells Cheap A Big Sale of JULY :29, 1909 For for In cum 's Block. Durham $2.00 yd yd $1 'gl " _ Small W F. I) fl. A, Ro HICAI lee Crea City B h. Shoop’s Rheumatic Per; House Fur which In s.' . pt-rfuvt-ui “All last my IX,', “ht-3| III ("dhv Inch an ad hum. tum. te. pun a w lr up slo, And then I - t'rol--rv,, “MD. M Eiain (In: In t In" t, 'ttBtisttt ' Cinnna‘d I A dw" land in tl Uightuu Bt., u nh'I Stalin". Nude cuted Rheumati Tht Gillan prcfcr drivilig work a: Any 1 will lead ably rrw qun my Sullivan IT Hitch cow. I attain cheap pric Thi all The unswer shoes i not so JULY 29, 1909 1C Confectionery Cooked Meats Cured Meats Groceries Choice Pickles. 1 All Fruits in Se MT Sold tr Profibs ll S pec 1'0] Pants Mum tle ftlre an ted

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