West Grey Digital Newspapers

Durham Review (1897), 29 Jul 1909, p. 5

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will clan I8 tt to 5 It. try I h: I an. [ Ratrhee in kind. for a, " them. I. rout ay. try d L75 pr " 3.00 n trr Blan- l.25 pair Nan moor tho it's u will gin plenum. ut tion . th Block. mny be We all ' at low. aids it doll" , - it? tl rules handy ists "es RI . 'euers now in Goon. ht NE $2.” 1.1005 ' 75. .1 'Ahra " ea I 50 mn- " Small WEDDING CAKES A SPECIALTY E. A, Rowe HEADQUARTERS FOR h. Shoop’s Rheumatic Remedy House Furnishing Depart- __ --"- -"P'e..-9.. .uu-u nun-“nu [MEN um lound In buxom-ac mood seem codiuolvo ad was any and" the action of this remedy u holyudou IW, what: Miami to pun, water. te then. when mind. these poisonoul vista ly pun from the "stem. and tho an” of Rheumatism In [one louver. There is now no In] need-no mun] excuse to gtttter longer with. - " Ion. “Id In cxtntititstter, mum City Bakery In 9irger2t!ttt.aem_utitstt- cl s/ir'd,'l'a",l?-"2 found the In: bundle": with whim Ipr. Shoop'n almanac Remedy m and. . tatt,',".: ',t'ittt'tt2, 'J,ra'/,"ig',,url',tt! that " Inland an neonatal F he- may. 'ey,fete1?.trtamt?tyrmitkiiFGiiGUiGii. lomly cum-n enable an. of this nonunion nurh dying!“ fleet. Those andJike will" unn- Mn .. ---..e-- " - 7 -__i- w - All H. mm! Non my that will “than“. l'l'l'b2,'/, limbs of chronic mum not mm but, mum back to fhstrtt min. t In havoc-Ibis. En an? no; 5:313:11] the ”In: and m od on. p on a . In German --with n Chmnut In the Cttr at Dnnnsfldt-I found the In: ingredient with Ihlph In chm-u. "u--, --- .. . A dwelling lmuse and Ith acres o land in the Town of Durban. (late the Miqhton property). south of Lambton Nt., a short diwtonce well: 010. T. R. Station. Apply to [Mum-tried And Med with lyntimL _Noo remedy that cm “In!“ The public are hereby ttotnUd that tiahmg is strictly Inhibited on Lot 34, (Jun. 2, 8.6. 't (opposite Glen- nmdvn). All trespass": will he prose- cuted. Rheumatism A good,"careat Inn driving and handling t work and mill taming. prctcrred. Free house-. Any ode hung-hm will lead to the reconty ably awarded. From my premise Sullivan Tp.. July " Mitch cow. damn-nod C . andallrefreshiug ce ream drinks. Try us. This department is composed of Rugs, Carpets, attains and Wall paper all after the newest desig cheapest. Those about to commence housekeq this ddpartmeut. =, lint arrived a fine stock of the celebrated Danda A Corsets, the newest in the market, all, et made in Canada." , The. question is often asked how we sell our boots and shoes at such low prices. Our answer is that we buy at low prices and sell on a small margin, loo profit on a pair of shoes is better to us than to have Shoes on our shelves marked at a profit of 60c but not sold. In Prints, Ginghams, Muslims, Lnstres and Panamas in th e newest designs and the menu-st patterns', in boots and shoes from the working boot to the finest patent, in men's clothing from the working clothes to the finest serge. in men's hats from the working hat to the tir,est felt, in men's shirts from the common shirt to the finest chambtuy, in ladies waists from the every day waist to the finest, all bought at right prices so that they maybe sold at JULY M, 19091 JACK Bcraavas, Donnell P. o., Sullivan To Confectionery Cooked Meats Cured Meats Groceries Choice Pickles, 15c qt All Fruits in Season . Teamster Wanted Sold try MacFarlane and Co Proms We supply the best For Sale or Rent S pedal July Bargains Fishing Notice J A M as WATsox. Yyper Tuna. COOK. Markdale. Free house“? ARE-£3" "" AARON WENGER, Anon, Ont , premises last 30, th 51521826» vow-a !ceutiinjFa' Taf; givxnz iinlormation that h ----, -- ___ - swayed: )ood service G. d: J, tddKE0fftil1fil , accustqmed to G. & J. MoKEGHNIE McConxncx Ladies' Summer Corsets will he" Gi, :Im ior, farm Married man The Highest Prices for Butter and Eggs. ' Con. 3. T. It. any med of Rugs, Carpets, Linoleum, Floor Oilcloth, Window l after the newest designs and ranging from the best to the to commence housekeeping are cordially invited to examine C'oMPeytmiTott P. o. ADDREsH Towxsum CON. Ln'r thtoP,-0hrts Wm Surf Durham Bentinck W.G.R.3 46 Scottish Chief T. W. Sr 111' Ruckv Sauna-n (Henelg E.G.R. 15 Rocky Sangeen W. W. It mrageThistle Egremont 21 ll Tartar King unlit. Edge Edge Hill Glenelg E.G.R.2 42 Shel. Standard Wut Weir Durham " E.G.R.3 52 White Siberian Geo, Binnie blinessim " N.D.H.2 18, 20 White Jewel I w. li. Firth Edge Hill .. E.0.R..3 m Imp. American A. H. Hunter Durham " E.G.R.l Siberian A..1. (iron-"wood Edge Hill bt 3 47 Banner Jun. J. Hunter Durham .. E.(‘v.R.l Thousand Dollar D ink-l Frige Edge Hill " E.G.R.2 48 Shef. Standarl Win ttitchie .. .. E.U.R.3 w, Mam, Cluster The Junior football team jointly Dromore and Sackem Corner played a big game at Swinton Park, even if they were all small boys and beat Mr and Mrs Wm. Sackett tatt in the picnic at [lopeviile and report a. good time, The races being of we unusual kind were taken part in by mung and old and were enjoyed by every one present. Mr Wm." Stern, from Iowa, and his sister Mrs Leslie, of Mt Forest, called at the corner lately. Rev. and Mrs Kendall, of Dromore, calied on Mr and Mrs Jae. Renwick lattTattday., Mrs Neil, oiGalt, is visiting with Mrs Geo. Sackett. --- Mrs H. Love, spent a day at Mr Geo i Saekett's with her father, Mr Hugh} Atcheson, who has been in verV) wot health lamlv. Mr and Mrtsl Tom Ateheson, of Dromore, iiid “(We him a call. Miss Mae Ernest has been visiting friends want ot Dromore, bat is home attain. Haying is the order of the dly nnd we hope the weatherman will favor as with fiue. weather. Mr and Mr; J. T. Tolchard Ind family, accumpanied by Muss Lizzie Weir have Ian for Chesloy whore they will rcsi le on the harm fora time. Mr and Mrs John Firth of God. ericb. are spending their holidays " the old homo. this 1: ~ek. TirU"tur., Banks is at present holidaying at the old home. Mr Ind Mrs D. D. McFeyden of Livingstone Co. Ill. and Mn E, Me. Clccklin of Durham, celled on friends on Avenue one day recently. _ Berry picking in the order of the day in the burg (with the ladies.) Mr Kinsman. Toronto, is It yisiting " Mrs D. Greenwood. Sackett's Corners. RIGHT PRICES y Standing Field Crop Competition, 1909 South Grey Agricultural Society, Grey County Edge Hill. mint on Second Floor ' is M present Cums. FIRTH. Durham, Secy. hit Geo. Harbotcle and Miss Maggie Young. of Durham. spent Sunday with their friends, Misses Lizzie and Kate McDougall. We we planned to see Hugh llc. Kinnon back on a viail to his mother Neil. - Misses Lizzie and KateBloDougiul, of Durham. are holidaying for a couple of weeks at the parental home. MISS Jessie and Lillian Dotson, of Toronto and Iheton. are visiting this grandmother, Mrs Brown, the former returning Saturdav to Toronto. Born-to Mr and Mrs Robb. Tmun. ley7.7: MP. 7 7 7 7 7 LINE Kate McDonald. of Durham, paid a Bring visit to her grandmoth- er's, Mrs Hobkirk, prior to her law ing for Zeulandm, Sask. We all wish Kate a safe journey and success in her school duties. 'Mr John McDonald, of Durham. Sundayed at Brown‘s and Hclrkirk'g. Dr Gray, of Toronto, preached m the Presbyterian church here, for the Mr Arch IIastie is laid up wtth a broken limb. He slipped and tell us be is crippled up with rheumatism, but he in getting along nicely, for a man advanced in years. George says there is nothing inch- in in his education for he knows a good thing when he sees it. Messrs Geo. Nichol and A. Seim took in the excursion to Owen Sound on Tuesday. I wonder where Malcolm and Nor- man were on Sunday night. Eh Beccie? The young gentleman who laid the nails on the road is well known and it it doem't stop he may be called on togive an account of hlmself. Mrs Lvonu of Toronto, visited her parents Mr and Mrs H. Byers over the week end. 1 Mr John Young of Owen Sound. Tent . few days " the parental home Mr Andrew Derby and family no spending the summer on the farm " present. Mrs Chas. Bailey and children of Elmwood, open: a few days with Mrs W. Sharp last week. Mr Allister and Miss Etta Andgrson sue a arty to s few of their friends on Honesty evening. Minuet J. and M. Londrnm of Toronto. Ire spending their holiday: with relatives here. The rainy weather of last week stopped the hgying tor n few days. Crawford Hampden Siberian Banner Thousand Dollar Shef. Standarl Mam, Cluster Large, Sales The lightning storm has done some damage hare as follows '. killed a col: ofDavud Dows, a cow of James Little and William Jack's barn burnt. We have some smart yonng men, iit to make a good showing if they would only practice the rules and go about their work in a bus‘neae form, They are eften kicking at the ball, but the way they do is get on the out- side of the store. then the kicklng commences. up goes the ball against some house barely missing the win. dow, next it goes into some garden, where two or three boys run for the fence, jump into the garden, break shrubs. tramp vegetables and if there is any inut ripe, all help themselves to it. Then at the finish they have not learned any more than when they started. The Espliu church is undergoing sopan‘s just now. The manse building for the Hope- ville church ls going on. A, H. Jackson is an Issuer of Mar rieuge Licenses, Durham, Ont. Pain can be easilv and quickly stop- ped. Pink Pain 'Ilubltsts-Dr Shoo p's- slop Headache womanly pains, my min. anywhere”. in 20 mimuzes sure. Formula on the Mo box. Ask your (lruggist or doctor about this fo rrm1lit-.. It's fine, Sold by MacFarlane & Co. The Presbyterian Sunday School here held a nice plcnic in the bash on Wednesday 20th. that was quite a success. After music, singing and recitations by the children, interrmx. ed with speeches by the student, Mr McLean, the Rev. Mr Gibson and others, a good tee was provided for all, then foot races for both children and men and they were keenly con. tested and in the evening a. football match between Swlnton Park and Hopeville and the result was two games for Swmton Park as was ex- pected. Mr and Mrs Barnett returned home from a long visit in the Bouthern counties of Ontario. Mrs John McKechnie, a former resident here. has come to Visit: her fnends. Crops are growing well since the rain came. A pamphlet containing an historical sketch of the congregation from its eurllst days, appreciations and por- traits of all the ministers of the con- gregation, some of the pioneere, the church, the mouse, ac. As the edition is limited orders should he placed at once at the Re- view omen or at the stores of Messrs R. MactiUrlane, Jun. R. Gan, o. L. Grant, Jae. Ireland, or J. S. McIlmith. Also pictures of the~session. the managers, the choir and other features. The funeral was on Tuesday after- noon the 19th, to Salem Methodist church 10th con. It was the largest funeral we mind of being here. There were 180 rige left the house. The Rev. W. Gibson, of Hopeville, the Rev. Mr Berry, of Priceville and Mr McLean, student oi Cedaryllle and Eephn, oftieiated at the house and at the church and grave. The family has the sympathy of all the people. New "-, Telephone Directory DURHAM It appeared that he had been "un. hitching the horses and that one of them had kicked him and knocked him on to the disc barrow and he fell on an iron bolt that stuck up In the barrow that left the hole in the side of his head and broke in his skull. for when he was met he was uncon- scious and could not speak. m had been seen from the house unhitohing the horse, " the house is on a hill and it was a three horse team and one a young horse sanding' oat round bat their heads close together. That, and the delay caused the other men to think something was wrong and two of them went for him, but met him about 40 rods from where he on- hitched. As they met he fell and could not go any farther and nev- er spoke again. He liyed about eight hours. He was 34 years of age and unmarried, He and his brother John and widowed mother lived with their two uncles, Samuel Mills and David Mills, both being unmarried and they owned and worked a three hundred acre farm and Thomas was the lead- ing man on the work part. while the uncles attended to the stock, They were an agreeable and prosperous family and highly respected people. This week we lend you A report of the den!) and burial of Mr Thomas Ferris, who we mentioned lust week received an Incident that ended his life on Saturday night, 17th inst. Missal Nell and Ethel Henderson suns homo from Detroit for their hol. lyn. . purpose of receiving help in aid of s new Knox College In the any. Orders for new mnnectionr. chan- son of street Midi-ene- or for dupli- cate entries mould be handed in THE BELL TELEPHONE COM PANY ot Canada is shout to issue a New Telephone Directory for the including h at once to District of Central Ontario Jubilee Sovenir ot Durham Presbyterian Church. THE DURHAM REVIEW WM. LAIDLAW, Iiopeville. For Sale. ONTARIO ARCHIVES _ TORONTO - u - vvrwl __-- _ . We are fully stocked and have a rm weather will soonbe . hereT::dw;e propose to throw open good supply of Red Mammoth Ahtike our parlors to the public and supply li',.',',',',',',',',",, S231 Alftlf, (itz", “d all kinds of cool and refreshing “no y l o one .Seeds drinks Ice Cream Sodas, etc. bonghtfrom beedmen of the highest ' reputation and stamped with the Fishing Tackle Government stamp. A good supply We have a splendid line of split of potato and Dutch Sets in Onions. Bamboo and Green heart fancy poles. A full line pt Garden and Flower All kinds of Lines, mshiugAaskets, Seeds Turnip. Mangold, Carrot, Beet Sinkers, Hooks, Swivels. The 1st and all kinda of field needs: These I May will soon be here-call early have been bought {"901 reliable den- Onnd get your choice,, and at prices ters and the prices wiitbeioqrer than awuy down. you can buy elsewhere. In conclusion we would intimate to the public that we are hereto as tablishn permanent business by selling " close prime, ttiving good pnr goods, attentiveness to your wants and sqnm dealing throughout. W mean exactly what 'we advertise and mt you to call and see our stock end get our prices before buying elsewhere. . Remember the place-Darling" old stand, Caldera Block. Durham The warm weather will soonbe here and we propose to throw open our parlors to the public and supply all kinds of cool and refreshing drinks, Ice Cream Sodas, etc. This Finn known under the above name is comprised of W. Calder of the Town of Durham and H. Carveth, now a resident of the Town of Dur- ham and are the parties who recently bought in the stock of J. A. Darling, at alow rate on the dollar. We have added hundreds of dollars of new stock in the different departments and are prepared to supply your wants in the line of Drugs, Patent Medicines, Druggists Sundries, School Supplies, and all kinds writing material, Clover, Timothy and Garden Seeds, Soaps, Perfumes, Groceries, Tobaccos, Cigars, Confectionery, etc. c WATCHMAKER JEWELER OPTICIAN new wouauwwu We have added a full line of the purest Teas, Coffees, Sugars, Spices, Raisins, Currants. etc, We will sur- prise you with low prices in this dept. This is also a new department We will have constantly on hand fruits in season such as Oranges, Ba- nanas. Pineapple, Strawberries, &c. A full line of Harry Webb's Confec- ionery both in bulk and boxes. _ Fruit and Confectionery Lenahan 5’ McIntosh. Haying Tools Paris Green & Bug Finish Hardware (lil/ Furniture et-qNeF,ANeFASe"swqT)ehsA'Setts4', In Furniture we have anything to meet your require- ments. Alarge and up-to-date stock to select from. Ostermoor Mattresses always on hand Furniture de- free of charge. Ice Cream Department The Central Drug Store different kinds to choose from. Pure English Paris Green and Church's Bug Finish always on hand. None better. We have a full supply of these, of all sizes, and at prices to suit the purchaser. Grocery Department We have a. full supply of all kinds of Builders Hard- ware, including nails, glass, locks, hinges, etc. Wedding Presents Highest Prices paid for Eggs P. G. A. WEBSTER Screen boots and Window Screens. Agents for National Portland Cement Builders' Hard- ware a Specialty Special Orders Promptly Attended to, Central Drug Store Furniture Durham, Ontario has Watches, CI ocks, Jewellery, Cut Glass Silverware, China, Ebony Goods All Watches, Clocks, hy Jewelery repaired same day as left in. such as forks, rakes, scythes ete., in abundance. Many Drugs Chemicals and Patent Medicines This department is entirely un- der the charge of H Carveth, licensed graduate of the College of Phennecy, who has had a large practical and varied experience in Toronto, 0rillia, Sudbury, and other Towns. Nothing only pure drugs kept in stock. Pe- scriptions filled on short notice at lowest prices. - Seed Department Barrister. Solicitor in Supreme Court Hoary Public Commissioner. Money to Low. nmcel over Gordon's Jewelry Store UNDERTAKER and Funeral Director Ott_lder'e Block, over Post once ARTHUR B. JACKSON Insurance Agent. Money to Loam Issuer of Inn-Inge Licenm. A gen an! Matted business bratwacted, D. McPHAIL...’ H052: GRADUATE Pgtt'f/ilf,'a,'f' GM Beam, in All In bunches. Banister. Solicitor. Norma Public. Conveyance: Ae. oney to Loan atyowest rates. like. McIntyre Block over the sum 0 dud Bunk. Durham, Ontario. HONOR GRADUATE of :roronw Univmit ' graduate of Ro ll College of 'lC?h% nu of Outage. Rooms Over J t J irv'h"afeill,'s1 New Store wig. PICKERING o. n s., L n s Term modentae. Amman.- tor all» u mama. to. man be en the Review or noe.Durhun. or Cerium-menu: manned there. or to Ceylon P. o., will be your“: “tended to, Tenn. on Appncnuon to J. G. BUTTON. M. D., C. . . son s bakery goods and you will always be satis- fied. We have', a. fresh supply of Buns, Dough- nuts, Cookies, Cakes, Be spre Er get Stin- or to C. KLIA‘GE, Du - Geylon In. . telephone oitice. HI a. I H p .. Tannin. “no“ I.- No. " McIntyre Bloek-Utnbton gt, Bucky and Bell 'g old and Licensed Auctioneer tor co. Grey J. F. GRANT D. tt.S., L. B. G. H. STINSON loam an"... and“ at I“; 333 N TAL MEDICAL Notary Public, Uommimrioner, MNVIYAICEI. kc. BUREAU. ONT. (Lower Town bud meat. maximum ”.meMNt 'gaol,','l,'l ot nu. We buy "our bread at Stinsoniand think it is thehery best too. That is what you hear the people say. l. B. McLellan. and Pastry of all kinds alwayson hand Cart mums My J. P. TELFORD D. $rttPirAIL, Ceylon P. 0 C. RLIAGE, Durban es W. P. DUNN A. BELL Model Bakery

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