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Durham Review (1897), 12 Aug 1909, p. 1

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WON "Mons be- I Ride, cu. mam CXXX= SS coo-0‘ am " in: Em I " cu 1909 J 5533-::-::-::-::-:;c:-::<:c:-::c:¢:xxm:-G§QEEEEEE§ tir "'"';"'"ie'1"dl""'x'th"d"xx'Tmlxxxti iff, _ _ X :; Let us Help 2il iii Wash Goods R. B. KEELER & SUN no? Ladies, Men, Girls, Boys and Babies. Hundreds to choose from-come early while the choice is great. Every ring and piece of Jewelery in this great Sale fully guaranteed. Come and see the most wonderful Bargains in tine High-class Jewellery ever placed in a window in Canada. Il' lfAiii, THAN REGULAR WHOLESALE PRICE VOL. XXXII, N0. 32 bought by us at irf) cents on the Dollar. They are on display in our Jewelery window and will be sold Ttth REVIEW, DURHAM, ONT FOR TEN DAYS ONLY 25c to Jar, 1 I910 Nineteen hundred Dollars worfh of Fine Solid Gold Rings, Tie Pins, Cuff Links and Crosses Wonderful Jewellery Opportunity t bit Summer Shoes “(313103" Ladies' Victoria Oxiords. the hrs" in the world -thars why thc-y "renamed alterlhe best illU"'ll thc world ever any. Hwy White lawn waists, Nicely trimmed Emb'dery Front Waist Lengths Corset Cover Emts'dery lrosierr---Speeiai, fine n w to Jan. I, 1910 o1tmat , months} for 50 cents. Take nd, vantage of this rewarknhle of" or s e that your friend or (nigh. bur does m. NOW is the time. Hauumnts in the Shoe Depanmwt that mus: ty cleared out quickly, the prices are more hr ken than anything else about them. '0 any add will and! We " won 's maps In I-‘mv: Persian lawn. enough for waist, withfront pretlily em- hrnidrrcd --insertion to match for collar and ettffa, reg. $2and 'l 4’. L.“ I ill Highest Price paid for Butter and Eggs p Inly any oly wiUth,-dainty patterns I Fast dye, good shape. black to we yd, special 2he. and tan,-erpeeial 2 pr tor 25c. Je white waists. regular 60.: mud 75c tor.... white waists, regular 1.00 a Id l.25for.... white waisu, regular 1.50, :.'.OO& 2,50 for Ye cleaning :nrarcck of all broken lines uneragood selling. lt Kives you an opportunity to pick up some the: midst ol the midsummet. season. tor la, ayd Ire., ;n anada, war THE REVIEW from Jas. Ireland To make you comfortable today ---At small cost to you Rings DURHAM 5hi!! a?) “do" re. 9° Men's Straw Sailors and Outing Mats The REVIEW to New Subscribers, for the Balance Ji the Year, only 25 cents iliiihtttrtttit AGAIN A 8trccr:3is,--The Young I People of Knox. Nurmnnhy, Presby- terian Church. were favored with n l splendid evening and a record crowd ) at their annual garden party on Mon day eyening. The usual socml enjoy- l went. an attractive program, and the ( Durham hand, whose selections were I highly appreciated, were magnets that drew numbers trom town, Hamp- den and elsewhere, as well as. the en- tire home Ieclion. Beating accommo- dation wtufprovided for the majority: present directly in front of the school i where after partaking of lunch, they I enjoyed it program, wittily presidedi over by Rev. Mr Kendall. The num- bers consisted of several well-rendered choir selections, addresses. solos, du- etts, etc., a specitlly pleasing feature being the two thtiduetts by Misses Mead and Birre. The refreshment, booth was liberally patronized while) the gate receipts were over $35. ' iwork, hadn't, been to thetheatreot. out, riding since she was married. Another, whose husband was a prom. isiug young man at the time the married him. was supporting him. A third didn't dare any her life was her own when her husband was a- round and a fourth was divorced. After visiting them all and hearing their woes the hercine of the tale went home, got pen, ink and paper-and wrote. an answer to the young man. Ynumuy think it was refusing him, but it wastft, She said she would he ready in a month. 1115 SWDARD BANK A cumin girl h‘ad " proposal of man iage, and asked a week to think it over. She went to all her married sisters. One, who used to he a belle, had three children, did all her own See our um look (I the Central Drug are f“ H. MILLER is A miiu,En.--r2 t e last issue of .' Busy Man's " mugg- zine is an article by Geo. Bryant on " What our Public men read." After dealing with the numbers of the gov- ermuent present and past he says: " Among the private members of the Home. Martin Burrell, of Yale-Cari- boo ; H. ll. Milkr, of South Grey; Dr. Michael Clan k. of Red Deer, and ot here, who might be mentioned. are familiar fiRures In the big vending room.) There are perhaps half a hundred or more M. P.s who never enter the (taken doors exwpt to show " visitor or conduct a. constituent around t l building." - l Dr. Wm. McLaren, D. D., L. L. D., for many years Principal of Knox College, and one of the prominent men of the Presbyterian Church, died at his home in Toronto, bust week, at the age of82. He looked fmwnrd eagerly to buing present at the Pres- lllel ian Jubilee here recently, but as, the day came near he had reluctantly l to give it up owing to his health. He was a great. friend and admirer of Dr. quuharson and at the funeral on Friday but Dr. F. was one of the Pl" bsarets. MORE OWEN 80mm Frsurs.--Three Provincial detectives with the assist- ance of Inslwctor Beckett, were busy In the County town last week and laid information re illegal selling of liquor against three hotels or rather bartend- ers or proprietors. and a druggist. The result was a series of fines totul, ling $1150, and casts will add another-4 fifty to the amount. Commenc July oth during July and August th C. P. ll. wul have ttve saillngs per we each way between Owen Suundund on William. Tiff] fleet comprises the lberta, Keowatin, Athabasca, Manitoh and Assiniboim' If you want a (leligh HI and health.. ful trip, try this. Mrs hBeggs & Sons. The Btanda Bank pays interest on Savings Bank eposits from date of deposit to date' of withdrawal. Every dollar of the eposit earns interest for every day l remains on deposit. " Try a bag of satisfattmn. A. H. Jackson is a! Issuer of Mar riage Licenses, Durham, Ont. Highest paces aid for butter and eggs at Mrs A. Be 8 (I: Sons. Get y new readers at the Central Drug Star ' ty.tYtttPrrit.ewuthertheiraeeoatuseume-i, lbenodcmuteommice. 7 'v!.Aseltt.irjnr,itecerithaDepataotteDar,. from woetrcivant---debt--humiaioa. A comfortable BunkAccomt . gives one An easy mind, self-cm/ce, and the power to his udmhgeofcveryopponunitythucomutobeuerone'spodion. iiiii'lliiiiiiisi8lhPtil! 'Money You Save Saves You look of Cut Glass at DURHAM, THURSDAY. AUGUST 12; 1909 OF CANADA -:1 Flour. It gives BRANCH On tothe pre‘m s of Geo. Hendry Lot 25, Con. 7, B tinek,abottt Aug. Ist, a Tamworth so Owner please call, pay expenses 3 take animal away as soon as possible. Lend. All good to turn until 30le November. Return re, as usual, $18.00. For particulars pply to s $10 to any po tis, far as Moose Jaw. including B neh lines. One cent (1c) per mile t points beyond as far as Calgary, E nonlon and Me. The U. P. R. l ian two harvesters' excursions this ear on Aug. 19th and Sept. 7, from higlocallty. Two Harv - t iixGGiGs to the’ 1t,/i','d',') Reports from those who are canvnas- ing for this petition show in one case as high as 701, who are willing to sign the petition. - - i per 100 contests ate now assurN I for next January in This province in- t eluding cities, towns, villages and w' townships,and the enthusiasm with k which many of these are going into . the contest, smacks of victory. is 3 I v , e following aceottttrhhi been Sk' of doium, near home. F E litor Review: 1 Dear Sir ..--The Bentiuck town. ship Local Option Astsoetation held its sixth meeting at Dornoch, on Thurs- day evening, Aug, tith. As the -ptesi. dent, Mr Thomson Boyd, could not; attend, the secretary, J. N. Start, act- ed as chairman. A synopsis of the previous meetings was given for the benefit of those not acquainted with the cause. The audience was then eated to some good temperance singinz by Messrs Allan. McRae, Glass and McNally, of Durham, These Were followed by pointed plac- ttcal addresses by Mayor laidlaw and Rev. Mr Newton, of Durham. The former dealt with the economies and practical benefits of treal option, while the latter appealed to our sense " justitezmd right. The remainder of the meeting was given up lo ex- presaions ot opinion by local citizens and to further enjoy the. conscience stirring and reason stunulating sing- ing of the temperance singers. Can. [ vasseis were then appointed to solicit l smatures fot the petition to the coun- 1 cil. The busy season unfortunately I prevented several who otherwise would have come out, from attending. b I YAW't V , l HARD Lvcti.--liir Rubi. Ewen is having an unlucky time of it this summer. A few months ago he was laud up with a sore leg came by a log rolling on it and had just recently re- sumed work when on Saturday he sprmned his wrist which will lay him up for a month or more. a new McGowan Oatmeal Mi” w taking shape. The enormous amount of concreting required for wheel-pit, foundations, &c., is com- uleted and the brick work is in pro- gress. It will form when tinuhed one of the chief landmarks of Durh r', and the dam, when full, will give IXH [like of our own. , The fine new ottiee built by Mr J. a 'elford, behind the J, & J, Hunter lsLore is now nearing completion and has a very tine appearance outside a in, It is n decidely tine 'l2i"v'ilCiol [that part of Lambton St. . Severalo he youn} men who ttrad. uated last M atMount Forest Busi. ness Colleges weaving tttty dollars per month, whil the lady gudunnea iare doing accord ly well. Begin your course in Sept, her. 4 The St dard Bank pays interest on Sayings ank deposits from date of deposit t date of Withdrawal. Every dollar f the deposit earn: interest for eve day it remains on deposit. l Pli Paris Green 2tklt, at Central "hug ore. Fon ALE.' A serviceable horse. Apply to Thoi. . Reid, Queen St. Durham. Dr Brown, ' ear none and throat, wnllbeat Hahn tel. Durtuuu, Aug. It. Home 12105 m, Eyes tested and Glasses suppli Local Option Activity. ll, MACFAQLANE. Agent Sincerely yours. J. N. START. Secy. .yed. w :'.‘..1 ONTARIO ARCHIVE§ TORONTO 1 C. P. and G. T. R. skim. on Toronto:| D U R H A M B RA _ bat-nil: line nod soul: thereof (go Unu- A. a PRESTON ', uda) and nil station in Onurio on q , m. 1-. C" P. M, and T. B, C B. a". . .wau m A, "em" ”m August 19th an Bept. hh, from all atatiOns in the te story between To. ronto-Budbury lin and Toronto-Bar. his line of the (in d Trunk. August 23rd and pt hh, from all C. P. and G. T. R. I Ion. on Toronto- bu-nin litter and mat thereof (in Can- To Geet he demand for farm labor. ers in M itoba. saskatchewan and Alberta. ' cial second pm excur. aiona will be run by the' thimuiian Pa- title Itsilwa mm all Ontario stations. Coat. of one. y,ticket to Winnipeg is $10.00,and f m Winttiiseg to points nehereiattorer contract to work they will be carried without charge. After at least one m th'n work in the har- vest. tleld, I ti et bank to Ontario sun-ting point ill be issueg at 818.00 Tickets are onl ood on Farm Labor: " special trai 9. Tickets will also be issued to wo en, but no half-rate for children. ying dado! excul- sionl ore u folio a ', 20, '91: Wanted for Western Harvesting. ll Mis C MrArthur. left this ( Wedne; day) afternoon for Manitoba, on an' extended visit to her paren La and other friends. Mrs. McArthur of recent years had unusual cares placed upon her and that she bore up so well and conducted the business so skilfully was greatly to her credit. Her many friends here will wish for her perfect- ly restored health and success in all he: future undertakings. Before going she disposed of her stock to the McKechnie ttrm on a. valuation.,-.. " Mr Fred Hamel, who has lately been on the Paciiie coast, has been spending a week or more at hie early home " The Hedges." He ltaves this week fot New York, from whence he goes to Minneapolis where his broth. er Jae. A. is located. , - Mr Don McKinnon, of the Simpson firm, Toronto, is at present holidaying round his old home here at Rocky Baugeen,and is initiating his young son, who accompanies him. into camp life. His brother John is uleo ex- pected. 1tijiitt Miss Boyce. dunghtvr of Mr Wm Boyce. new Ihrrnorh, arrival from Winnipeg on Monday last. She is on the stuff of the great Eaton establish ment and will enjoy a holiday round the old home after four years’ahsence. Mr w. H. Bean is leaving to-day for Preston Springs to take further treatment for his rheumatic troubles. We sincerely hope our townamnn will return greatly benefitled. Mrs Stewart and daughter returned to their home In Lawrence, Mass" after visiting their reladves, the Mars shall family in town and vicinity. Mr and Mrs Neil Livingstone, Glas- cott. were in town Monday, guesis of their old neighbor and friend. Mu Scott. Me Gibson, of Preston spent a few days at Mr J. P. Huntes's fraternizing with Will Hunter who also was at his home. Mr Ernest Noble of Toronto, is spending a week visiting his grand- mother and other old friends here. Mrs Joe. A. Graham left Wednes- day on a holiday visit to friends in Narnia and Port Huron. Mrs A. Marshall left Tuesday for a visit to friends in Toronto, Niagara Falls, Boston and other points. Mrs Sontag. who has been a guest of Mrs E. Limin. returned to her home in Buffalo last week. q holidays tr/town. Conductor Lavelle, wife are visiting their sons at Misses Anna and Marjorie Gibson of Toronto, are visitors at their aunt’s. Mrs Jae. Ireland. Mr R. H. McWilliums. President of the N. P. C). Co., is in Montreal this week on business. Mr Roht. Hughes of Owen Bound, visited his brother and sisters here last Thursday. Mr J, Levine. accompanied by Mrs Levine, went to Toronto on business Wednesday. Miss Edith Willis, Allan Park, was visiting for a few days with Miss Zeus, P""". Mrs n. Coleridge. Dromore, is visit. ing her daughter, Mrs C. Ramage, this week. . Mr Jas. McAuley left on Monday for his new home In Woodstock. Mr and Miss May Shows" of Wel- beck, left Wednesday for Toronto. Mr W. C. Livingstone, of Tnvlstoek, visited old friends in town last week. Mrs Boyd, of Btratford, is at present visiting her mother, Mrs SuthPrlnud. The Misses Jameson of Toledo. Ohio, are guests at. present at Mayor IAM. laws’s. Mics Derby returned Tuesday to school duties in Alberta. Dr Metnurin has- retuLefii,ii, Muskokn, Laborers' Excursions. ------- Fi----- re and family and spending When the races were over there was a movement to the arena from the Wings, caterer Stineon and his helpers I being kept busy supplying the tempt ins; fruit, candy, ice cream, Me. There followed a. very pleasant program of classical and other music by the Han. over hand engaged for the occasion, and they received heat ty applause for “he excellence and variety of their selections. There we: humor in the " Barn Dance” that caught the crowd, while in the .. Grand Selection," " Bohemnin Girl," there was exquis- itely modulated expression lean also in the Oven tore "Grand Notional." During the race and before it Dur- ham bu nd under leader Wright gave selections of a. high order and the comparisons umde between their per- formance now and a year ago is greml- ly to Mr Wright’s credit. WTRADERS BANK Ted Vsckets. Roy Vii-kers, Vernon Elvidge. -- and“ uni Walter Mc Donald entered, llu' the latter soon dropped out. At the Marl Sachs. a tall young fellow from Hanover, took the lead and gained at one time nearly three fourths of a lap, but he could not, at least did not, gain more. Gradually "Ted " drew up on him and about one-third of,the distance had been tun overtook him And pus-ed him amid cheering. The other two soon followed. and attention was thted upon the leader who seemed to get) better M the race_tuivanced. Mayor Laidluw called the hips out as they passed a point, easy when near to- ( gether but Ted was now gaining Inst and atlustlapped Sachs, amid - cheering and the calling had to be carefully done. Sachs made several spurts, and some thought there might heareserve, but when he was lapped by them all and a second time and third time the race was Won, Ted be. ing first, Roy second followed by El. vidge. Elvidge made an excellent showing considering his age. $6,350,000 $34,000,000 Start: SavlrtgttAeeount breach child-the younger thebetter. Addniittietoitme-r. Whenthechild I: oldenough there%ittte tttttndttt my for a college education,“ fora Mart halite. $t otrenraaaeatttnt, THE BANK FOR THE PEOPLE . The 5-mile race was the event of the night. There were tiye entries for this. and four of them actually stood to the end. 70 lap: wen necessary for the five mi'es. a founidable under- taking, giving une an idea of the en- durnnce necessary for a Marathon which wculd mean 367 tum-s round the rink and a few yards more. The time of the Winner was 29.15 minutes. 1 There was a 2-mile race tm boys which to sk them 28 times round the borders of the rink and of course at every point under the ere of the spectator. There were four entries l Harold Aljoe, Sam Levine, Geo. Kress and Edwin Search. Before the race was through, the two last named drew out, but. the other two showed wonderlul slaying power, and though Alioe. was at all times in the lead. young Levine made a good second and would have done even better hind he not been bothered continuously hitch- ing up his braces on his shoulder. Put this rig lit next time Sammy and you may win. Harold finished quite fresh and is a tiue supple sample ot the; Canadian boy. i Friday hurt a goodly number of the citizen: ot the town and others near by turned out to the new link on the occasion of the second Band Concert of the season. As our heading shows there was something for ear and ere, for these who delight in the 66 concord of sweet sounds" and for those who " take pleasure in the leg. of I man,” a very large number m these (ljvaxof Marathons, even though there is high nuthcrily for saying that the Lord takes no pleasure in them. For-the th excursion: in Auguut special tram- will be run from All points of the . P. R. It you are in any doubt as to " ot excunion from your district a ly to local 0. P. B, agent. who will so furnish time: of special trains, or w ite to R. L. Thomp- son, District Pass get Agent, To. route. DURHAMHBRANCH Augus' ih and Sept. 10th. from all atauons ea of Toronto-North " line, to and nyluding King-ton. also stations on C. O. and B. of . Ryl. 3nd stations K. & P. south of Ren. frew. The Band Concert and Racing Carnival. c. “no: t SON. Publinhul Wald: st 01.00 . you. Purl-nu an Puma! of Canada MOORPOMTED I” Showrooms: Lambton street, Durham at rock bottom price EvervGing must no Only a few left Final Clearance of Trimmed Millinery The Yellow v Label l The due- are Sept. 21tst and and. Tuesday Ind Wedneodny. and any needing further information than the Prim Lists ttive should apply to Beer. Firth. Above all those mnwmplstlnx making entries should make up their mindmdo so in time and save. for the ottieens, all the distraction Lint come- from belated exhibitors. onetolove mr....ocid 7 MAMH~Comedy 'all,'. . . .Brook. I Martcrr-Nortt, American..Beyer 2 WAL'rz-Morry Widow. . . . Jab: 3 I.hevtrrtur--veiu,urr. . . Latter-Ly 4 tdteLrtcaaor-Pastime' on the Ini. k1rrt-..............Poton 5 y.artcrr-Arthrhtpmius. . . . . .Beyer 6 VArmc-mn't it nice to have name . We are clearing out the balance of our trimmed Milliuety It tidi- culously low prices. A great deal of voluntu-y workis Ming done on the track this year under the direction 'hiettr of Director- Wm Black And Hugh McDonnld. The ravages of the river " one ortw0 point. have been remedied end in gent-rel the improvements are such " In" give what horsemen cell a " fut " track. The 31st iAetrt. Band. under the dimtlon of Baiidmaater' G.J. WrqrU will render the following program Friday evening Aug It at 8.15 p. m. on Gamfrnxw Ht. Enquiries for the Prize List.' re- cently innued from this once are more numerous than usual and this and other indicnliom point. to I record yen tor South Grey Fall Show. We hue no doubt farmer- nre well ”are of the importance of getting the mung people of both sexes iutevested in the work of the form and household as represented at the Show. and will direct their attention m this direction. BAND PROGRAM, AUG. 12th Great Prospects for tttoo.- Truck be- lng put in Fine Shape. Call and see our grand display Bum-day‘s dailies contained the Faculty of Educ-don relulu. A still higher step. In Urey Co. Int. Appear the names of line- Jury Edge and Loni-e Wet-on fur Part l, both of whom attended Owen Sound Collegi- we the put yea. but were formerly pupile on Durham High School Dept. We otter our congratulations to all. We and Rut week [hut there were fourteen recommended student. for the Entrance to Normal examinction. We have since been infuuned that there were only eleven which makes the record of ten petting look still better We Ire determined not to carry any old stock om the mean. 'tn'foT0rFr" lustywe‘m and to no the name of D. L. McKinnon, mu of Postmaster McKinnon. Priceville. who "tended n o. Sound. Pridar's [upon had than“ of J unnot- Humiliation mum and amongst tho number we a: glad to no In from Durham. They Are: J. G. Banks. W. B. Binnie, tr, M. Ector. E. A. Benton. Q J. If. SmithJ Miss Dick More Successful Candidates. South Grey Fall Show. God Save the King. si------ tX

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