West Grey Digital Newspapers

Durham Review (1897), 12 Aug 1909, p. 4

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lr) . ttr HARVEST MITTS NOW IN A specml line of ham hm! ’T‘hreoher mitts at 31.00 a pr. "‘uszom wurk and reuniting an mun! n th- run-- .- 4-- __ ' moor: tGiyititiiiijiiiiii' 'o' at all latices. V __r--............ Don't target that we hurts the . zest stock ot Boot. and Show Durham to choose from. Prion " qpality mood to Bone. Ito-is: v in white an or bunk for In from 15° to Ah 'arham School ARE YOU DING AWAY? "9NALDA stnucErtrts?atzrt, r v: at Queen's l'nivcmly. Lin. French, Algebra, AHtttineti, A MY EDGE. Guiana at tho] 335.KENEEDY&KENNEDY " ' It will be: to your inuwtst to and examine our different "s ot trunks all canvas wavered lees from ch' to $6 locurding to and ttyt., T'eloaoopeiantt suit " Are you a victim: ll. . your blood been KL: 2:511!me " ill "ttrt. you. " hut r... No math-r “ho haw “Him , harges rvu’uahlu Boob Fuse award , m NAMES USED WITHOUT WRITTEN CONSENT, “anion list and coat a! Home Treatment FREE. .uug Students should mm It the m if possible. Bonn! .1 ream-Ne ates. Dunn 1: active sown, making it I most if residence kttEtV. it per month in advam Jam : smack} FaE EH1} rk-keeplng mu Wining. nus. rm. 'k.~ I cm: , In. ",' 't pun... would trunk out. i ' h My '39, again rmmn.: mm. lrlotches, cheum. ati" Pi',-; In» mr~- of tin-hair. ruvl-lliugs ot tlc.. I Huh. palms of tho 1"iy,'gg2,t., ' itchi:r- _ “1' thc sk.tr. Aw tie SKOIINM! t, "no“ "manna? "te, Ikilyiwu up if: C'l'llrt. when n A"!!! TREA- but! mlviu-rl rite' (n I‘nnsllll l :I. m ynn lmal vurwl him of a sin ilar disease tt years ago. u “I nu III-pr. nu: look In: a t.r t' In tluve weeks' time the sows eomruenced to heal up "l I ln-I'nlnN mmurugm, I --~:.:inuml ttts. Slaw Mwnmu 'rREAtue,tr for four monthaand tin-mu " that Hum C'"'? 4. ttrptour had dimppvaml. l wasvnred Truman and no 'vnu-(m-v dun-aw Milt“. Ily my Hurry years old,is sound and hen thy. I certainly ttt rw'vnlmnv-vnl your treatutettt uith all my heart. You can refer any person to me oatcly, intryourwtttsvti,, T t--~!imnnial as you wish." W. H. B. We treat NERVOUS DEZXUTY. VARICOCELE. 31'le VITAL “MS. 'hflee, 'Aid and PRIVATE Dine-nu. URINARY. BLADDER and KIDNEY emu ' it In mad om. In” and Equlumonm nool is thoroughly 'it/dey., in t m chemical and elect cal supp an. tor full Junior heaving and work. The following compete " EDGE. mum.“ or the Faculty ot Non. Subjects: Literature, Conn» l, Geog-pm, "Mon Ind Art. “mum“ u um nan-tn? etc. I h a "tettd this?!) me to consult you. had no hope, but took his Mum ml t hamme- t‘nmumged. I rm: F the end of that time 2f'l synl :Im Mnny dim-me since. . ty In on n-mmmml your Imminent nun-Ix. but you can me this to My? We have only a few hats left and you can have them at your own price. Cor. Michigan Ave., and Griswold St., Detroit, Mic]! We are selling all our Men's and Boy's straw Hats at one half price. We have a large showing of Wash Goods, in Mnslins, Dimities, Lawns, Ginghams, Vestings, Linen and Duck suitings that we are selling at very special prices. We are clearing the balance of our stock of Ladies' White waists at Half Price, ctusm Sole Agents Wurk and rennin-g " usual " the down town shoem- Millinery at less {ban Cost Men's 8/ Boy's Straw Hats WASH GOODS Bargains in White Waists rates. Durham isViiFiti'", making it . most desirable [an m on... 4 200 yards of Black Muslin, regular 18e a yd, clearing at 10ea yd. Dru. K. & K. Established 20 Years. I J, Warlock atie of tl itehi 'FNO NAMES USED wnn. our WRITTEN conszm’ of C. Ram-go '"'r"c"tr-r tsit;i Manic potent "It! tt "tiheate. Grammar ”1me- MclLltAmt tor will!” it s/yt.h.sst hope 'tt [mt hope? Are you intending to marry? Haa Hnw- )uu any weakness? Hut NEW Munoz) done fur others it will do for you. Consul“: t. write tor an honest opinion PM of chug. mum-n Monitor." 1illustrziteu l on Dlseasesof Men. Progress Brand Clothing For Sula. Lots 6and 7, (Joint: N. D. R . Glen- "lsr.100acres, Rood fr P house. and mixer buildings. well wa ed. Owner gums west. A bargain. hl r, Ladies, Misses or 3hlldren ARTHUR H. JACKSON Jubilee Sovenlr of Durham Presbyterian Church. For Sale. Everything eoofidoettiU, 5.3!: 'Fry,', a”: Y-," j] :3 ham r, -'-. ..-. . "an": IV null" after stating the ii'a,iiii7; mum-n2. you mil realize the gain. A to" will tell. Sold by landnno & Co, The footprints of Dyspepsia have ' directly traced to the Stomach KNIVES! When these " inside nerves " fail, indigestiou and stomach distress must surely Malt. For this, druggieie everywhere ere supplying e prescription known as Dr Shoop'e Restorative. ‘int the“; tiny inside Stem-ch. Hen". Ind Kidney nerves fail. Then gee belching. Heart pal izeiion. or failing Kidneye‘ fcllow.‘ 51?,“ drug the Swatch. or Stimulate t 0 Heart or Kidneys. That in wrong. Strengthen theee feilinlz nerve: with Dr Shoop'e Beetontive. It in the nerves. not the erg-n- that are ceiling for. help. Within 48 bean -n-_ "--a2- - A' - ' - Hopeville is getting to be quite a iu'eezy summer resort for Toronlo la 'ws and children come here in the hot summer to enjoy the fresh breez es. They can also see the boys kick footlull on the street and the propri- more of the houses sitting on the steps watching it the window get broken. ,fiu .. -.. u“... E-unulg "N". We hear of a report of a farmer bore sitting on the fence and could see the oats growing, bat we did not see it. Hopeville is getting to be quite a nreezy summer resort for Toronlo hs Hes and children come hers in the Mr Peter McArbimr is improved so much as to be able to drive out in a ouggy. The people were glad to see him able to go out. Our townspeople have got a crnzv ii: on about having long foot races were. A fire mile race is talked about and some practising is done here in the early mornings. Tom Longbcat and some others will be barred out. [laying is about done and there has been a very fair crop. Oats and barley with some other grain is looking well and growing hurt. IU,, L.,.... -r - -_- . " - Alfred Dezell, who has been away In South America as a missionary, was come here to visit his parents md other friends. m occupied the pulpit in the Hopeville church last Sunday. He mil stop some days here Ind there is talk of his brother Wil. Gm going with him and taking up he Missionary work. He would do good work. Wm. Dezell and some of the others took a holiday trip to Muskoka last week. They did not stop as long as Intended, as William had to be home co inspect the work of building the 1181130. It is reported that Mr Jae. Kerr has invested in Mr Z. Clark's saw- mill at. varney., Success Jim. Mrs liobt. Marshall, of ---- , VIS- ited relatives here for a. few days a few weeks ago. Mr and Mrs A. Fulton and Miss May Caisley spent Sunday evening with Mr Matthew Mourns. Mr Henry Fritz is erecting a fine new stone house at present. Mr and Mrs W. A. Sharp and Miss Janet. and Misses Jennie and Minnie Lendrumlspenn Saturday owning at Mr David Willis' Mr 'I'hos.Park and family of the Neustadt road, spent. Thursday with Mr ltobt. Nichol p'cking berries. Miss Lizzie Park, of Neustndt road, 18 visiting relatives here this week. - Mr Ebenezer andeaggie Geddes spent over the week end m Buffalo. Picking berries is the order of the day now and by the way people bring them home there muse be plenty of them. Don't drug the Stomach, or stimulate the Heart or Kidneys. That is wrong. It is the weak nerves that are crying out for Help. Vitalize these weak in. side controlling ne ves with Dr Shoop’s Restorative. and 35% how quickly good health will come to you main. Test it um] we ! Sold by MacFurlang& Co. Mr and Mrs D. Edge visited friends at Glenmont last week. Mr Chas. H. Moffat and Arthur Greenwood drove to Garrick last Pri. day on business. Mr and Mrs D. Edge gave a private garden party last Wednesday evening in their beautiful lawn at Maple Lodge to a large number of their friends and neighbors, when nyery enjoyable time was spent by old and young. with baseball, music, games and swinging until twelve o'clock when a most sumptous tee was served and also ice cream after which all dispersed to their homes alter an en. joyable evening, Wishing the genial host and Iiosteiiitii happiness and ex- pressing appreciation of their hospit- ality. Muss Ethel Gleeuwood has secured a school in Shelburne to begin duty after lzclldays. Mrs Anderson and s’ster Miss Duthie of Toronto, is spending , few days at M, John Weir's and other old neighbors in this burg. Mines Amy and Sarah Edge left Friday last to wait friends in Shel- burne and Erin. The Edge INI baseball teem end S. S. No. o, played a very interesting game last Thursday evenmg in Mr Joe. Atkinson's field. The score was 11 to 13 in favor of the home team. Miss Millie Hopkins of Popular Place, visited " Mr Joe. Atkiruron's for a few days recently. Mrs John Sutherland who spent. the hurt four weeks at Mr Thee. Banks returnei to her home in Stut- ford. Mics Audrey Mniliand, o, Sound. is the guest of her friend Mina K. Me. Fayden tins week. Miss Msrguet Derby, lately from the West, was the guest of her friend Mrs J. H. McFayden for a couple of days last week. Hopeville. TM." if“?! eds, liampden Edge Hill. .....4 -..--- at?“ a it: 'ee . a? td ill-e Stomach " inside nerves" ytomyytsh distress ;stdit't'g"gt 't I William McLeod, Jr, -------- Prire. Rhea-mum owe with Dr. Shoap'l mu . ' TAM-t m- fin-H n WEDDING CAKES A SPECIALTY "i. HEADQUARTERS FOR I C and all ce ream drinks City Bakery Mr and Mrs Wm. Hartgmve, ot Flesherton, were visiting the latter's mother, Mrs J. Brown, who " under Dr McLanrin'a care. Hope she will soon be around again. Misc Mae Hopkins left for Toronto this Monday morning. Mr Ilum. Weir, of Egremont, was the guest of the Mchrr family. Miss Mary Wright, of Durham. was the guest of Miss Ada. Aljoe Sun- day hurt. ' Millie Hopkins was visiting a few days at Edge Hill last week. A baseball match between No 9 and Edge Hill boys on Thursday evening last. was well played, Edge Hill Winning by two runs. Many farmers in this part have their wheat and barley In and have sinned to out their oats. -. V ,,__-.._, r-----' nuywuuu. Write Dr Simon. Racine. Wis. for free trial, to prove value of his Headache. or Pink Pain Tablets. Sold by Mae. Fnrlaue & Co, Pam am) where stopped in 20 minutes sure with one of Dr Shoop‘s Punk Pain Tat-lets. The formula is on the M.eent box. Ask your Doctor or Druggist B. bout this formula! Stops womanly pains, headache, pains anywhere. “5h- rt, on n ---. m Ilobt, Twamley lost a yalunble colt recently. ms Weir, of Toronto and alady friend visited the farmer‘s aunt, ma srekinnon, Mt and ms Dan LxcLean, ofhber. deem, visited friends on the 8tls can last week. Some from here took in Zion gar- den party and report a good tune. ms Firth, of Durham. visit cousin here, m Donald sreK last week, was Lillian Dobson returned to her home It) Picton, after a two weeke' visit with her grandmother, Mrs Brown. Miss Phoebe Livingstone, of Price- ville, was visiting her cousins here, the Liyit.gstone's of this place. Miss Annie Anderson returned to Southampton last. Week. after a stay of two months at her mother's. Mr Donald Benton, of Durham, is waning his sister, urn Brown, " pres- ent. m Dougald nchonald and his daughter Flora were waiting his daughter, ma bumpton in Bruce hurt week. Berrypioking la the order of the day now. Miss Ada McMIllnn. of Toronto, u " present visiting her parents here. ms J. A, manila!) has returned from Michigan, after yiaiting her mother who is smously tll, Hope to hear of her speedy recovery, As it 15 holiday season now many are wearing pleasant smiles. Among the number we notice Upcle Jerry, Why ? Confectionery Cooked Meats Cured Meats . Groceries Choice Pickles. 16e qt All Fruits in Season Mrs Graham vand “En Patrick, of the Queen City. waited recently " Donald MoMill-n'a. Mrs Burn and children. of Roch- ester. N. Y., are waiting the former', mother. Mrs McLellnn. of this place. Lass monday m and ma 0. until- Ian gave a very plenum evening to their daughters before they should return to the Queen City. The even- i.ng was spent in music, games and dancing. Muss Many McMIHm has returned to Toronto) after spending three weeks wztll parents and friends here, She was accompanied by het sister Flora. Messrs Angus Patterson and Don. ald McIntyre returned to Flint, Mich, last week. Miss Annie Morrison has returned to Toronto after holidaying with her Siam-mm P. J. Haley. hittm Mary Black has returned to her home a: Niagara Falls, N. Y., after spending n few weeks With friends and relatives here, Muse Mae and Florence Hendrick are spending the summer months with relatives of this place. Mrs J. J. Black took in the excur- sion to Erin last week. TORONTO Harvest is fast. coming in Popular Place We supply the best Scotchtown Crawford .o-.. and all refreshing drinks. Try us. Good service. Jrham. visited her Donald nrcKecbme, Tublet oeuai. Hm a Co. qtt j The funeral on Wednesday the 4th l Aug to Smellie'e Cemetery, D. Road, Glenelg, was largely attended. The I Rev. Mr Kendall ot Dromore. con- _,'daeted the fnneml services, (in the jabeence of Pastor Matheson' who is I ,'et swag.) at the house end grave. E Ken ell tank for his text .' Death" I end spoke teehngly of the chemo it) makes when it enters the home and I takes our dear ones uny but to the Christina death ilonly the beginning of literal",' [31:32" pone-don of t roe es w e e hoped for t in this world. i The pull beet-en were nix of the I deceued brother's Workmen: C. C. l fawn“ (d,f,tS,'e,ji,' Weir, i o n n. e " end' William McLeod. Jr. p l The heat during the last week was somewhat hard to bear although it iseusier twbear then when the ther. mometeris down to 20 or 30below zero, As was seen in last week's paper, the death of John McKmnon of Con 4, S. D. It., Glenelg. took place at 2o'clock Monday the 2nd Aug" at the age of sixty-eight years. Mr Me, Kinnon left the land of his birth, Scotland and the Isle of Tyree with his parents-and the rest of the family in the year 1850 and remained at Fergus for a year or sowben the family same to Glenelg tolot 11 con] 8. D. R. at the now Rob Roy from thence the family moved to Egrew mont to lot 20 con 22 and the subject of our sketch moved to lot 20006 4, M. D. R, Fenele, where he made a comfortable home for himself end family. being a hard worker and in. dustrious man. Mr McKinnon was a good member of the Presbyterian church and staunch reformer and while he was able to attend to mstters relating to church attendance his place was never meant but now a vacant seat will be found partly cc- cupied by s lonely life partner. Hector McKinnon, son of postmast- er McKinnon. we are informed. is engaged in the old Durham Road School, Artemesia, commencing next week. Dr McArchnr is busy attending to his business extracting teeth and re- placing them by new ones if required. Mrs Bernard trrithmuy are ing with her mother Mrs Alex Lean, south _l'ptx at present. Mr Arch McCuaig of Top Cliff had ofa ten acre field ot clover fifty tone ; forty-one loads and Arehie's loads in general averages from a ton and a halfto two {one when taking hay to the market. So if there is anything in Ontario that can beat that we would like to hear of it. These are facts and not exaggerated. A little rain this Monday morning the 9th Aug. cools the parching pasture ileldi to some extent. The Day crop was fairly good with some. straw on grain crop is general- ly short bat grain good. Two neices of Mrs John McArthur. Glen, visited for some time " Mr and Mrs MeArthtlr's and returned to their home again in the States. One of the ladies was on the late wreck on the C. P. R. and received quite a shaking up. Tue marriage at Miss Rachel Scothnrc. west of town to a Mr --7 whose name we did not learn, took place sometime ago and the happy couple are enjoying themselves on their marriage tour to the bride's old home near here. To them we extend congratulations also. The marriage of our late teacher Miss liosato Mr Donald McLschIan took place at Toronto over a. Week ago. The young couple in the mean- time is taking their abode in this place, To the young coup‘e we ex- tend onr hearty conttrMttltttims and wish them much happiness on life's joy'ney. Mr and Mrs Allan McKinnon of Durham, attended the funeral of Mr McKinnon‘s brother, the late Jno Me. Kinnon also Mr and Mrs Adam Weir, Mrs Weir a sister, and Councillor Weir were in attendance also. n our hurry we mlslud one of the pages of last week 's budget whnh maisde at blank when it sppesred in pr nt. Again the Rev. Mr Berry preached a good old Presbyterian sermon in the Presbyterian church lust Sunday to s crowded house ot Methodists sud Pretshrterians being unlon service. Mr Berry is s powerful preacher for sman of his years. The Rev. Mr Ottowell who some 20 veers alto I'." on the Priceville Clrcu‘t preached m the Presbyterian Church in the eve- ning. The Rev. Walter Nichol, one of our own boys, will preach next Sundav and e crowded chuch will be assured health and weather permit Hug, " Mr Nichol isn you! man who ls hard to surpass " a speaker and preacher. The Garden Party held at the Methodist parsonage on the evening of the 4th inst. was fairly well attend. ed considering the eyening as it threatened rain although very little ofit came. The harvest is comlng in Int on ae- counl: of the dry hot weather of htgt wee . Mrs White of Tomato, is spending a while with her father and mother, Mr and Mrs Jno. McArthnr,of the Gltn,Glenelg. A Some correspondents have trit.rtpt liking ot reporting Sunday Wilts. while we don't approve of Snudnv visiting. Some might call to see friends who do not make it a. special purpose " a. visit probably coming home from church or seeing amok perdpn. - A Rev. Wilkinson somewhere east of Fleaherton, will preach in the Methodist church next Sundny u the usual hour, Miss Christine Smellie of Tor.o.nto, is visiting friends in the neighbor- hood " present. Miss Rebeca Nichol is spending a while " the old home west of here with her father and mother, Mr and Mrs Nichol. Priceville " week was although it en the that. " 30 below visit- ' Me- “Aha,- Prompt, -.W- .. ..u "names! acne. Runny and Steamship rickets to all points. "they to be“ at lower rates tlnm you can borrow elsewhere. new Collected. No clause it ttoth. lng collected. All kinds of fimusrid, ggim Wally and quietly “ten: to. --""-"' l The Innova- Conveyuncer. ole": ( 200 Acres 11ltrtte1r--uood frame dwel- ling and one of the very best and largest, frame hunk hum in the County of Grey~u Rift at $2700. too Acres. B3sntinek-arine brick vert, eered and frawe dwelling, [mums bunk burn Ind all good buildings, price 3211') J hardly the value ofthe buildings. Owner bound to sell. 180 acres sentinel: - 45 miles from) Hummum pin-n M A" . ’ Money to be Made Kl by attending to this adVertIsemem Te have u vagety of Machine Oilers' at different prices. Remember we are selling the Plymouth Binder Twine. Nothing to equal it. 'Have you seen our bargains in Harvest Mina and Gloves. Every man should have a pair. Buy one of our Hand Sprayers and some Pals Green, when you will be able to kill all the potato bugs. We have just sorted up in Semen Doors and Window Screens. We can suit you in tins line, Lite is short. Enjoy it while you can by buying one ofour hammocks. We are selling them cheap. What is Dnstbaoe? It is a green colored powder and tor sweep. ing s'"'il'fe,1; rugs. straw rantings and bare oars. Why you should use Dustbsne. It saves labor in sweep- ing. It saves one-halt' your dusting, It saves your carpets and rugs. It saves damage by moths. It saVvs taking up your carpets. It saves your money. Try 9. 35e can. We also carry a tine assortment of STOVES. RANGES. TIN and ENAIELWARE. PLEURY'S FLOWS. SHARES. ROOT POL. PERS and TURNIP DRILLS. We are adding something onto our stock every day, that is tsenetie- ial wont customers. The west is Dustbsne. We have just passed into stock the following new and up- to-date goods, which we cordial- ly invite the ladies of Durham and surrounding country to call and examine : New Fancy Goods Stock GUN’S DRUG STORE It you get It " GUNS, it's good 'FOOT COMFORT' POWDER is used. A guaranteed remedy for sore, tender, tired or sweaty fed. Don't bobble around if you have a new pair of boots on or your rect are sweating and sore. Get a box of "Foot Comfort 'u- use it and if not satisfactory. bring the box in and get your money back. GUMFURT K. Cochrane Opposite s. Scott's store W. Black Hardware! - That 's what n. n: MILLER, Linen Damask, . Towels Fancy Linmm Lace Curtains Embroiderios Laces Flannellettes Dream Goods Hosiery Ludies’ Whitewear Fancy Goods THERE'S :. Never Neaiiaent,o tst at you get when Fresh Groceries New Fruits 0510100 Ih"'teettonars l..""8lm.9eu & Vim-mun am. 1 Fun" t and Pun- 6'lll'd',ild ours Luce (Jul-Lama. . 25- 50;, 7.1 Honeycomb wool SIM“ Is. .3" Buck sateen lTndm-akirx 'P, t.il Men's Cardigan Jacke, 5 I.trit “no: ttWish.. ...Wn. 71w] nu. Oilclolh. " in wide.., New Prints and (iinxlmun Bee our 2lk and 50.- INT“ All-wool Blankets, $13. I Bed comforters from Lit "T: 11:4 5129 Flannel eta. white or “new, BIG f Bore Cotton Kickers '; z :1 I pair, just tlie tiilrsg 1 _ 'r' holidays, C L " NT . . GRA If you want a ' "ti-tii:, citance an cheap before the ruin MATTHEWS a LATIMER DU All 1lso "xl"' sold out, Naming eat-h and to Itt't ri we we will M'” [h lowmg mi: N. so 38111.7. ': in Lawn and Mud Ladies' Waists Waist for. .._ _ Waist frr 1.50ng for. .. " Waist for MacFARLANE . AUGUST 12, 1909 What about your Vacation Hammocks, at cost Kodaks for Pleasure ' 'MSM & Grocerin Salt Dtuggisls and I 'rcserving aids Consult us : able to help yc tickets to nil p est antes. Sailing Wu 1 Pauline 20e a lb Binrs--the got Gmnmed Lulu Is Just the thinu~e 10 left, which w " cost. All pm Foe lolld com Barnum-u. Jatt and Try I 82 Brow, new No. 8 at $111 beauty. Nothing you more real Any child can “a Dont forget that Kodak- It 27m 3 d Me Sell: Cheap Produce Wan For A Big f. BEAN &C0. In. .3. 4 and 1.75 pr from 1.3.3 lo 31m). "rtatmeihrtt,, mun- Nutty. . . ' Le.", p ‘ir Me. Iioe, 7.1-. 1.11m ' Shawls. 50's. 7.3. 8] lmkirlujl. 147.3 eh ' Lat. 1.2:. m ...ttlk n "lore yd 5 in wide.. . V2.31- yd G‘nllllmsinuw in Ire Sal u w ll Calder ' Block. Durha- $2.00 " I give "ttte. them. ' rent r V run 'th, "t Good E1 ii Booas d; f if Dry Gam Gents’ Fm ' Wall Pal , Carpets, I . Linoleum a and Croc g, 'iil i: Inna i; Might "Mun ll tm M1 well w [runn- Inn-n. fue the, "'etttis" but hat Wehrt " Trll'uni 'u"eti, w bargain, good mlild loo non- Pak, fail (Insured. “ Only - it l dw Mi M UNI a dupe “IO; prin- Inm- m agesrNirl “It. ot t free fro, p, ive 1H 2.30 Slit cle, watet t Eur malc or I nth An 73251333..» Th lltt 130 250 "" 110 sell Buying Mi AUGUST K It In " " or Sal: M "(ma "g I am [Slim “(is Fo: ti 'arms Mal ms De: tl tl

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