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Durham Review (1897), 12 Aug 1909, p. 5

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easure RAN T t innary NEWS 3MER ving aids aks Cl mu I ours RLAN E d Et OCKS Cheap Waists about acatlon EAN 12 invmu’s Groceries $10 n we but " i an " I IO ist don" rev were Calder 's Block. Durin- t, 1.23 (a “my. " "re an will elm a " to 5 rt, try g nuw in "om" we or the I". u will gi" Plum". til then. we to»: mar I t.7S pr , 3.00 ea 1909 _ I tin. Rubber land. a for 5a handy. W "AOC MD on . Hum- 35 pair u-u an r " 50 Milan- Mh he 75. 8t " on " 'yd " L). be all its Jd .513 . .4 A 1 £4 I Good A dwrlling home and 14.} acres o Inul in the Town of Durham. (late the Ilighto" property), south of Lambton tit., a short (listanca west of U, T. It. Nation. Apply to Jun-2s \VATHUN. Varney. Tuna. (2mm. Mnrkdale. h ti Lots 2 and 3 of 29 in the first eon? i', min!) of lie-hunch, one-half mile moth of the Corporation of Durham. ll .u-rw in good state of cultivation l wr-ll watered by running are-mu. A frum- hon-m. 7 rooms, frame bank nun. mam. Town school.‘ For l‘unhvr particular" apply on the pro-"liars to James Burt. Proprietor Durham. A good comfortable house with hard Amer inside l rent 86 per month. U The building occupied hr P. G'. A. \VrhstI-r n5 " jewellely store and J. P. l'vlfurd as a law once; with anw nut-H, wall cases. clock and late " a bargain. an”. large brick Madden-I. on Main treet, Durhnm. Witt be sold at a “gain. and would acct-pt other mpvrly ttet port my. Apply to HS urn-u in Egremont. trdod laud pun! uuildmgs. m. .ltl) acres in Proton. near Bwiumn lurk. fair buildings. good land. we" h- uned. well watered and writ (weed. The public are hereby notttled that hing is strictly prohihited on Lot ' Coo. s, E.G, R, (opposite Glen- .ulen). All Irmpmsers will he promh l good, careful man, accustomed to mag and handling a team for farm wk and mill teaming. Married man 'l'crrcd. Free house. Apply to TIC? 250 acres To Rent 't ml hvuwa. Apply to Eur sale or Exchange. Farms For Sale. no acre-s in the Third Concusion u, R. Glvneig. “13“" 'sports' clas- ly tine tw AUGUST 12, r reduced from K sue. Buying Mid-summer Bargains b3000. ARTHUR H, JACKSON, Durham a”?! in Bentinrk. Five miles Durham. tins. buildinqu. Rood with a quantity ot timber. hr mid at mice. Price '0000. tor Salu or Rent t Teamster Wanted L was For Sale J, Fishing Notice. Fa I'm for Sale. House to Rent AARON WENGER Cor Sale. storey hrick rick a! ables. A. (505mg, Uentinck on Gurulrlxa "moch. 200d buildings. ., 7, ”mum A ----- - rsoiiciG,' 15Giiiii, Ont w. F. puss. Wertiur n, Base J. M. LA'ruu-m War, LAIDLAW. tuiijiiioTa"iiir"'t'l'; The Highest Prices Paid for Produce. G. d: J, MGKBCHNIE M chum an; (heir, Ayton, Ont dwttllityt The Montreal daily Star puts the case pun-linently t " An American tariff bombardment has no terrors lelt " Cmuada. If the Americans can stand it, We can. There was a Itilue when the booming of the big lguns at Wmhlngton sent a tremor down our spines. We lelt nut a little 'dependetr, upon the market of " the I Continent, to which we belong," and Ihad not met learned that the sen is no barrivr in the case of trade bat rather " carrier. Geography can only lull lento trade too limited ex. tent. The requirements ofa people have lar more magnetism. Two gro- eels may live side by side; but, they will not trade as much with each I other as a grocer and a druggist who may be at'parated by several blocks. Knowledge of Canada and Catt. adian Condition is gradually making way among men In high places in the L'nitrd States a great. impetus to its spread mining tram the 70000 or more of its citizens who year by year are findiiqt homes on Canadian soil These all help to dissipatethe en- grained Ideil that Canada is living on sait'erancte beside her big neighbor. lucross. Bridges, tunnels ferries, &c., built at a cost of millions, all to facilitate trade, yet what do we tind ? Legislators throwing up fiscal bar- new to prevent trade? A process comparable only to the occupation said lo be given the insanein nsylums oi digging holes and t1lling them up again. Many of the public men of the United States have yet a narrow and contracted view point where Canada is concur: ed, Too many of them look upon it as a Kind ot reserve from which to draw natural resources, a good and cool place for asummer‘ outing, a down-trodden :j,ii.iiiifii,i) of the British Empire bat never dream other having the audacity to look with contempt on their legislation when their indiirerenge allows them. to look at it rt all. l Across our boundary rivers are thrown great. and massive bridges, under these rivers tunnels are dr.ven at enormous expense. on these rivers monster ferries wovey whole trains certainly did injure Canads for a time, breed as to look elsewhere and where else could we look bat across the Atlantic and there our products have been going in increasing quant- ities. at British preterenee has caused a ilow of British goods tocotne this way, and thus a situation has been created that enables us to look on with indifference while our neighbors are laboriously forging chains that will shackle only themselves. w, ____--...., lest mes-sures should be taken that would crush them industrially ! l.t. Nothing could be further from the facts. Possibly one or two in in million Canadians may be frightened by .. American " tariff rates. but the ttt.iltyAtt, have lone since ceased to fear the Wadi that flow trom Yankee tttritTvinkerine. Past measures. that and as' they carried the country something had to be done. And 80 for monuns they h we been hummer- ing Iva) at itoowerine here, raising there, the latter operation predomin- ating, all the while, we belies e, many of them thinking that Canada over the way was t?reathleely Ire,"?.,'?. g the outcome and trembling “if Inn. 7......- _L»_I‘I I t . . cor months back our neighbor- acrou he line have been laboring ens new tarift. During the great campaign last year the Republican forces peed as tariff reductionist: and as thee carried tho mum-m Canada and the American Tariff FASHION Fresh Groceries contimmlly arriving, bought at right prices Everybody is cordially invited to examine our stock. TH URSoAY, AUGUST which for style, fit and durability cannot be excelled (£112 Barnum 'hyttitttt We have a largo stock of the celebrated D & A Corsets noted for being easy titters, stylish and (in/table. ti-ttlt Summer Corsets Men's Clothing . We have the celebrated brands Groceries tath, 1909, -King Edward and the Czar have been immunizing. the latter sur- rounded ior protectiun bv battleships, destroyers, detectives, $59.. while the King is a ireeman ank goes where he likes. Such is tbeditference between a truly constitutional monarch and ---kor a week or two back it has been a little amu~ing to see the crop of prophets ot the wheat crop in the West developing. Aitsr the first authoritative estimate-by the rail- ways, every Tom, Dick and Harry can add or subtract, a few millions and give a reason for it too! In a country 1000 miles long by 400 cr 500uiiles broad there are, bound to be variations in yield. and this year is no exception. The estimates ran from 100 to 140 million bushels ot wheat and our readers can take their choice. ---The cutting of wheat in the west has begun in early districts. and a tew weeks more will lift the big cloud of anxiety that settles o'er that land at ripening time. 20 bushels to the aura is reported in Manitoba while at Lethbridge, Aim. it is said to be 45 bushels. --The C. P. It.'s net earnings for the past year amount to over 22 millions of dollars. Of this about $4,000,000 is set aside as a dividend. Surely gilt-edged stock. Our attitude for the future should not be defieeted from that of the pre- sent byahair. It is nonsense to talk $s retaliation " or $t tariff wer." We should simply go ahead, levy such duties as our home industries and our national revenues require to take such steps to protect our natural I'eayartsearmotably our forests-as we ’believe to be in the beat interests ot (ii; people l and let our neighbors en- Joy the whole ot the smart of their new Payne-killer. It we keep our ’profective tariff at a safe and yet moderate height, where it will we ‘vent the kmling ot our local industries and yet will not allow the Canadian consumer to be mulcted as the Amer- ican consumer is, We will continue to attract settlers from the over-burden- ed American agricultural States ', and ‘we will build up our own groups of industries to supply these new settlers with the goodsthey will need. Where we lack the industry, our pre- terentiul tariff will give the British manufacturer the best chance to secure this trade" The old position was that Canada carried the rougher products and the cheaper wares to the Americans who were thus released from the necessity at providing them for themselves and were able to devote ailltheir time to catering to the more p_ofltable market ot Britain. But Messrs Me. Kinley. Dingley, et al, taught us a .. better way." They stopped our wood-hewing. water-earning activi- ties, and compelled as to compete with their tttt for the market ct Ionr kith an kin across the Atlantic. [And We have learned the lesson well. All our trade tentacles are now 'stretched out toward the Motherland. We have established a preference which we have no mind toabandon ; and we are expecting that before very long the people ot Britain will give as a return preference which will bring home to the tariff statesmen of the Republic some practical notion pt the mistako they have been making for years. Their chastenlng has not been pleasant bat it has been profitable. Canada and the United Scares are in many In“ much alike in the matter of production. Europe is quite dit, ferent. 8) is Asia. We are likely then to get: more permanent de. mand for our goods in either Europe and Asia than in the very similar country which is only separated from as by an imaginary line. Easy: Selling A. H, Jackson has a number of houses and yuant lots in Durham for sale. August time, tells on the nerves. But that spiritless. no ambition feeling can be easily and quickly altered by taking what. is known to druggieis everywhere as Dr Sheep's Restorative. Within 48 hours After beginning to use the Restorative, Improvement will be noticed. Of course. full health will not immediately return. The gain. however. will surely follow. And best of all. you will realize and feel your strength and unbiiion u it " return- ing. Onuiie inf1utstMte. depress flrst the " imude nerve. " then the “crunch. Heart and Kidney: will homily fail. Strengthen these [ailing nerve: with Dr Sheep's Restorative and lee how quickly been!) will be your! sgain. Bold by MneFarlnne a Co, Adjourned to meet on Sept 27th LU levy the rates and general businetsu. School trustees must have their esti. mates In to the Clerk by mid date. Lotliiau-watsoa-That the lollowhg new; be paid. Gravel accounts amount- ing to $3041. Com tax $13.00. Wm Aberdein operating grader 816.00, reps to grader 91.20, Clerk's railway h re to Durham. Board of Health MK, Reeve Com wmk B of H 93.00. expenses 60e Clerk regintrat-on and pontugo on Voters Inst $1.70. a E Hudson printtug Voters Luna, to" $45.00, . Lutltiau--Wusiou-TGt the follow. ing ratepayers who paid the): Ass't no card: before tho Deleulmres were issued on Drains 8 and 4 be now refunded their share of the surplln viz ..-D Me. Queen 92 M. G [Innis 800, In» [Mum b4,77, J Wagner 916 'J2 and the N- mamlug surplus be appliel mm mm to the Jourly levy for the Debentures nccurdiug to Iaw.--.0arried. an acres of land close to the Town of Heston. Man. All good rairie land suitable for agriculture. &9 are uttering this at a trattrihee. Price $8.50 per am, with a. cash pument of at!) and balance to-tmit pnrchuer with in- terest. at tt per cent. T Mehrtlntr-Lothiau--1iardinst the pentmn signed by T. Brown and 35 otliors asking for a snow fence to be luilt an Lot 6 Con 20, that we make a speeiul grant, of $20.00 to erect said 'ertee.---Carriod, The Reeve repur'ed that he had inter- t.icurtul the interested pamea re Ditch mi Watercourse Agreement at. Lou, 3-6 Cou 8 U and would recommend Gt the terms ofagruemenl be adhered tu. as such conditions am aetseptablo c, the mules. Mehrtlntr-Lotliian That By-hue No 235 to prevent the spread of contagious diseases and other matters pertaining to good gowrnmeut be ncw read a third time as amended. be signed, malt-d and iluall, puesed.-Orriad. MoArtlmr -- Lothian - That the Reeve's report be adopted and he re- ceive 51,50 com ftsee,---Uarried. Mehrthar--IIuuier--That Drainage "v-law No 6 to amend Dmtuuge By- laws Nos 2-3-4 he now read a thir, time. engine-l. sealed, &c.-Cumcd. Road reports-Con" Hunter expend. ed for his division $6400. Cum fees £6.00. Comr Watson 3171.10. Com Cees 85.90. Conn McArthur $88.80, Com feea M 00. Comr Lolluau $86.60, Hutu tee, $3.00. Lotlfutu--Megrthnr--Tuat the Clerk notify the Proton Councii to go on Buu spend on towuline to the amount due Egremont and then this Council will meet. them dollar tor Jullar but we renews the right to my where we will spend such mouer--Carried, Cumr Watson voting nav. Mehrthur-Hartter-iat we refer tbs whole of the small pox ttett'ts to the Board of Health and in the mean- time appoint the Reeve and Clerk to incerncw the To Solicitor regarding mad tuwts.-Csrrted. From Clerk Proton certifying that Proton Council had made a grant of 830.00 on lowuliua between the 6th and 7th am Prctou. provided Egre- mont supplement. Several accounts to small pox were read. Some ot these presented no diifieutty nu settlement, others not so easy. The outcome at the discussion was the following motion. From B, Edwards re broken plow at statute labor-No action. From Clerk Mt. Forest soliciting aid lo establish an electric bell It G. T. ll. crossing north of Mt. Foretst.--No action taken. From It MePhee nlleged damages to horse and buggy at slaughter house, Holstein-Filed. Frou Oat. Mani Asaocmtion ro'.ieitiug tmsobssrship.--ihled, From Co. Clerk ttotieeation of levy for Egnemout for Co. late " $8'26W65. --hhltui. the representative of an srbitary government. Whether this show of friendship between Czar and King is the cause of a certain coolness be tween Kaiser and King. we don't know. bat despatches say that again a chill has taken place in the rela- tives of Britain and Germany. Council met Aug. 2nd. Minutes sua- tuined. Communications received: Dr. Sheep’s Night Cure _ - - _-,, "__"-:". -""P"F nun-aur- shoop's Restorative}: wholly m [am] has ment. The Wave reache- thmpgttmst tho entire system. menu; the repair a All at". Bll than". and Bil blood allmenu. The "Night Cm". u in: name Manna. does “I work while you sleep. It soothe-mm irtitagts ed mucous surhwo. hmls local wane-u and dueling“. while the Restorative. use: nervous excitement. gives Renewed vigor sud unblu builds up wasted tissues, brinzlnx about 'll'/d%t wealth. vigor. and energy, This Dr. Shoop’o Itegttimtimchtrrdtd oryquId-ul. general tonic to the am. For poumve local help. use to wall - ,_,,V_'_. --9F --. W I. W” (501ml. but both an Important. both and. Dr. sheep's Night One ig the Incl. Dr. Sheep's Mucky. an Wham]. The iormee-Dr. Sheep ' Night Que-h. topic] mucous membrane suppository tamed]. vim: Dr. Bhoop's Restorativtsig wholly In imam] can. met. The Emotive reaches Wham tha To -. "tnud "tinqrprtelet.th--terrse “F " Wu JNt with MW”. New must halt Women [tit] . tp. But with than ' -ntiireitii WV _r).',.l'titit1lli'.7ileri'ilel'4t 909.1- con-ti.» A Prairie Snap. THE DURHAM REVIEW Sold by Mainline and Co Egremont Council. 0--.. D. ALLAN ' Clerk ONTARIO ARCHIVES TORONTO ””0...“ qt-q-et...- fi'; Central Drug Store 'ill .b. M Lenahan ify McIntosh. U . . . . m 3; For School Opening g Oils, Etc Gloves, Mitts, Etc. Headquarters for Hardware (il,' Furditure Model Camp-Victoria Craig and Wrestling on Horseback Competitions be- tween tenms from Dragoons and Artillery-- rtillery Drive-Musical Ride, etc. (liggw NATIONAL EXHIBITION AugusI 28th f'"lllflNl"t"rri"riri; I3III Hardware 8, Fi1rniti1re httid!oitlit' m Naval Battle You must have shoes and the only question is where you will buy them. Look at the many styles in our Show window and inspect the hundred others just as snappy or in just " good taste in the store. 31133;? - - 3333;! i Remember the repitation we have for quality and your decis- ion wiil be quickly and: with comfort to your feet Indira!“ to your pocket. . urmture Greatest Live Stock Exhibit on the Continent. in act!" operation. Thos will otticiate It opening ceremonlel on Tawny, August am. IiArurlkltCYEAR AT THE FAIR Custom work and repairing as usual WATCH POR REDUCED RATES AND EXCURSIOIB. For " information writ. m. I. o. ORB. City Hall. forum The Big Shoe Store neat the Bridge ADhl_tiRAVLORD CHARLES BERESFORD Highest prices given for Eggs. Our stock is complete of new and up-to-date Furniture. It costs you nothing to examine goods for yourself. In Oils we have all kinds in abundance, includ- ing machine oil, Cylinder Oil, Separator Oil, Black Oil, Castor Oil, etc. . Wallave alsoa fall line of Threshers Gloves and mitts of all qualities and prices. We have the Agency for the celebrated McCor- mick Binder Twine. ln quality it 18 unsurpassed and prices are right. Call and examine the Twine for yourself. THE SIEGE OF KANDAHAR BATTLE OF THE NORTH SEA GEE" DOIIBLE BILL OF FIREWORKS w- _i:'si/'th'riCkiit'si,fsrL"ttgti 'i')fi-C'?y': 'P". Jug: We have a very fine display of Cut Glass at prices to suit everybody. We carry a full line of School Books and School Supplies. The New Read- ers will be in am week. Cut Glass Call and see us. Forty indultriu 1000 In in Uniform Machines. W V --- National Cream Separators Robes, Blankets, Rugs, Whips etc,- Daisy Chums, Washers, Wingers . Beatty's Hay Goods {um}; Promptttess and fair dealingzwill. continue to be my motto (A: Yours for Business, "Bariiiki - "C"""'" - Armstrong and Tudhope Caucus ir', Bell & Thomas Organs tutd.Pianos I I Rudd Harness, Toronto ., ' Raymond & Now Williams Sewing UNDERTAKER and Funeral Director i%iiii miatGir, iii iid IrGra 37.31%" ' ar manly ttrm of Gill-nu [uh-n bthe XXIII!- Qunuunuu‘m m bun-n out“ lusunnce Agent. lonev to L Issuer of Marriage Licenm. A oral tiuaaeut huninm ”mauled Erna A te.".? Torour mutual WA? “MOI'O Ff.. PM! ," Whu ”rough P. tnrer1t."au4 ”Wilson Pttunta'Uiivitso (no. MARION a M‘RION, “mul- [luildmm " HI. .r.n"a _ ,_‘__..-.. “nun-u maven“: GM a= Col Dean! autt llt't/g 'ttdet “m- otrioe-tutder'otoek, our Post one. Be spre ty get Stin- ARTHUR H. JACKSON ttms,.-, - "oriiuaifeasi"Ta7siLiG w- them. or m Ceylon P.0., will be manly amended to, Terms on Amuse-don to D. 'EttPttAit., Ceylon tf. 0 n- o- .. ‘ - - _ - _ - -- - -" - - - HONOR GRADUATE of Toronto University. granule of Royd College of Dental 8n n: of Ontario. Rooms Over J t J HUNTERS New more ONOBG _ . Cr,'..,-..:".:', H .... flentePiete, 9.1.122!» w Licensed Auctioneer tor 00. Grey Term madame. nu for “In. M , Plete:: mm te'2ttttt the Rage} ot. (It, tor m - .w__4u" - W. QRIQKERING B. D s., L D S MEDICAL J. G. BUTTON. I. D., C. I! McIntyre Btoek-urnbton M, Barclay and Bell'ts old Mand Iaualdu- Cor. lt-ttAtt- 0 1'td%"fllrJtfllUA',tltN'tr" onus-noun H1... “9-. jitHiiithieu', PROMPTLY SECURED orto G. H. STINSON Model Bakery son s bakery goods and you will always be satis.. fied. We have] a fresh supply of Buns, Dough- nuts, Cookies, Cakes, and Pastry of all kinds always on hand Cart Delivers My l. B. McLellan. We buy :our bread at Stinson'shtsdfhittk it is theivery best too. That is what you hear the people say. J. EGMNT B. 0.8.. L. Mambo: Dollop Punish-a a! i-G; mar. Solicitor. Notary Public, Convoyueor to. Money to Loan at lowest rates. Rice. Helm. re Block over the Sum dud Bani. Durham, Ontario, DENTAL wr or nun-.312 Licenses. Agen' F tittameUl lmuinm transacted. BUREAU. ONT. (bowel Town Notary Public, Commissioner. WNVlYANQER. a. fol... on. c Junkie. No . " es J . P. TELFORD tnririhiiii." Barium Ceylon ha . wiephone once. A. BELL W. P, DUNN ". .Moner to Loan ‘Eam rrd

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